Virtual Ability, Inc. announces the 2012 Virtual Ability Mental Health Symposium, to be held Saturday, April 28, in Second Life. This symposium offers a variety of perspectives for thinking positively about mental health.
Alice Krueger, president of Virtual Ability, Inc., noted, “A symposium is a formal meeting where individual presentations are followed by discussion. We intend these sessions to encourage audience participation with the presenters and especially with the content the presenters share. Mental health is too important a topic to ignore.”
The symposium’s keynote presenter is Dick Dillon of Innovaision, LLC. Dillon’s topic is “Why Virtual Counseling Should Be Viewed as Advanced Telemedicine.” He will explain why using virtual worlds for counseling allows better service than “real life” counseling.
Among the interesting topics at the symposium, MermaidSue Bailey, a counselor from the United Kingdom who conducts an active Second Life support group for people with disabilities, will lead a discussion of the importance of peer support for mental health. Roberto Salubrius, a former medical student misdiagnosed with agoraphobia, will use the story of his life to explain why mental health issues aren’t all mental.
Presentations will take place at various locations in Second Life, including the Sojourner Auditorium on Virtual Ability Island (teleport link).
The full schedule of confirmed presenters is posted inworld and online. For the most up-to-date information, please see the Virtual Ability blog.
Written by: rikomatic