This Friday, October 18th, TechSoup’s Nonprofit Commons in Second Life meeting is happy to feature Sally S. Cherry (SarVana Haalan in SL), MT(ASCP) who will be discussing Baltimore GiveCamp (BGC
Baltimore GiveCamp is the largest volunteer technology event in the state of Maryland. The weekend-long charity hack-a-thon for local nonprofits is one of many annual “Coding for Charity” events held in the USA and various countries around the globe. It will be held from Friday, October 18th through Sunday, October 20th, 2013 at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) in Baltimore, Maryland (USA). This year, more than 230 technical and non-technical volunteers will be helping thirty (30) nonprofit organizations achieve their customized “wish list” technical projects.
In 2012, Baltimore GiveCamp was just another “nice” tech event for Sally until two real life colleagues extended an invitation to volunteer. In response, she volunteered as a project manager at Baltimore GiveCamp 2012 and immediately became a Baltimore GiveCamp advocate. As a Baltimore GiveCamp 2013 volunteer, Sally has been helping with the event’s social media awareness campaign. She will be one of nine speakers at the event’s annual ‘Seminar Saturday’, a series of one hour seminars pertaining to marketing, technology, capacity building, strategic planning, and the business of operating a nonprofit organization. ‘Seminar Saturday’ is free for any 501c3 nonprofit organization to attend on Saturday October 19, 2013.
In her Seminar Saturday presentation, Sally will be sharing information, case studies, and perspectives about various social media and virtual world platforms for building capacity within nonprofit organizations. The presentation is designed to provide a basic understanding of how social media and virtual world platforms can be used for community outreach, program promotion, cause awareness, networking, fundraising, and other activities.
More on Baltimore GiveCamp
Bio: Sally S. Cherry, MT(ASCP)
As a laboratory/social media health consultant, Sally S. Cherry, MT(ASCP) is interested in the integration of social media and 3D virtual world platforms within real life and virtual-based programs and projects especially for nonprofits and public health. Over the years, Ms. Cherry’s professional experience and interest in laboratory science has led to a diverse public health career as a laboratory coordinator (Baltimore City Health Department – Bureau of Disease Control), international medical consultant (JHPIEGO and Columbia University), national STI laboratory consultant/instructor (STI/HIV Prevention Training Center at Johns Hopkins sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – CDC), HIV/AIDS project manager, and health communications advocate. Her interest in technology and social media fuel her mission to integrate social media and 3D virtual worlds technology into nonprofit and public health projects as well as providing social media capacity building, training, and marketing. In addition, Sally’s mission fueled the development of an HIV/AIDS capacity building and awareness program, “Community HIV/AIDS Resource Exchange (CHARE) Project” as well as “Community Health Technology Awareness Resource Exchange (CHeTARE) Project”, a health technology capacity building, awareness and training program.
Recently, Sally presented on her virtual world-based CHARE Project community at the worldwide virtual OpenSimulator Community Conference (OSCC). She conducts “Real to Virtual; Virtual to Real” Workshops to provide a better understanding of 3D virtual worlds and to instruct how to integrate the technology into collaborative projects, outreach, marketing, networking, and other real life projects. She also runs capacity building program, training activities, and HIV/AIDS awareness project to various worlds created within Kitely.
Join us in Second Life!
Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting
Friday, October 18th, 8:30 AM PDT / SLT
Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater
AGENDA (all times below PDT)
- 8:30 am Introductions
- 8:40 am TechSoup Announcements
- 8:45 am Mentors Central
- 9:00 am Featured Presentation – Baltimore GiveCamp 2013 and ‘Seminar Saturday’
- 9:30 am Open Mic / Announcements
The mission of the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is to create a community for nonprofits to explore and learn about virtual worlds, foster connections, and discover the many ways in which nonprofits might utilize the unique environment of Second Life to achieve their missions.
Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir