Take a Virtual Trip to Bali December 3-14

UN Virtual Bali Conference

Want to participate in the annual international conference of parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) without the virtual cost of flying? This year you can with OneWorld‘s OneClimate.net‘s Virtual Bali Conference.


OneClimate Island

OneClimate.net is a OneWorld’s social networking site dedicated to finding solutions for climate change. OneClimate.net links directly to the OneWorld’s OneClimate Island in Second Life. When this year’s UN Climate Summit (COP 13) meets in Bali December 3-14th, OneWorld Island will offer an alternative for people to participate virtually. Participants from around the world can attend through the OneWorld Island in Second Life from their own computers and interact with live video feeds from the Bali conference. There will be communications between real-world and in-world Second Life attendees via voice and text chat. A live videocast will be streamed from the OneClimate.net site to reach a larger Internet audience. The virtual conference will include a daily interactive press conference and interview, and culminate with virtual ceremony giving out a Climate Justice award.

OneClimate IslandThrough the virtual Bali conference, OneClimate Island hopes to increase global participation and awareness of climate change and engage individuals in the UNFCCC process. In addition, this conference will serve as a pilot for the potential of virtual worlds to provide low-carbon ways of working and meeting with others.

Find out more about the conference at OneClimate.net or teleport directly to OneClimate Island.

Written by: penguin kuhn