Summary of 5/20/2011 NPSL meeting.

Speaker – David Burden, developer with Daden Ltd, an innovative cross-platform virtual world development company.

*There is a lot of variety and choice between virtual worlds and their capabilities. There was a need for a centralized virtual world finder that makes it possible to see what you can do with each of them. Every world has its pros and cons (I.E. – Eve Online allows things that Gaia does not, and vice versa).

*A simple web app has been developed that allows people to weigh pros and cons, capabilities.

*Buffy can’t wear enough hats!

*Depending on whether you come from a marketing, scientific, or entertainment stance, the rankings from the web app would be very different.

*Most important function is that it flags what a world does NOT do. Far more important than what it can do as far as choosing the right platform.

*Discussion of capabilities of various worlds – holding a meeting in WoW is next to impossible, sl and opensim meeting abilities.

*Nonprofits congregate in opensim/SL because of interactivity and open feel.

*Best overall for nonprofits are sl, opensim, hypergrid for business

*Vastpark is a world for real business work and people want AVs to look lime themselves.

*SL is best for public visibility.

*Many account creation websites for VWs are confusing – people dont show up for events.

*Browser vs client based VW discussion.

*Possibility of ranking VWs according to assisted living or handicapped-accessibility.

*Work towards creating a completely neutral interface for finding proper VWs for projects.

Written by: HydraShaftoe