Learn how National eXtension is Bringing Nonformal Education to Virtual Worlds This Friday at the NPC [UPDATED]

Continuing our education theme from last week, this Friday December 9 at the Nonprofit Commons we welcome LuAnn Phillips (SL:Thynka Little) Virtual Worlds Coordinator for the National eXtension Initiative.

Cooperative Extension is a nationwide non-formal educational program in the USA, primarily focused on agriculture and food, home and family, the environment, community economic development, and the 4-H youth program. The nonprofit “eXtension Initiative” aims to transform this century-old organization through the use of Internet technology such as a website, social media, and the use of virtual worlds. LuAnn will share her vision of how immersive 3D can play a part in the transformation of Cooperative Extension education, and some of the challenges and frustrations that she faces in bringing these ideas to life.

Join us this Friday, December 9, starting at 8:30am PT at the Plush Nonprofit Commons in Second Life.



Nonprofit Commons Meeting

December 9, 8:30am PST

Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater



8:30am Introductions

8:40am TechSoup Announcements

8:45am Mentors Corner

8:55am LuAnn Phillips, National eXtension Initiative

9:30am OpenMic/ Announcements


[2011/12/09 08:31] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): ok we should get started, although people are still rezzing in

[2011/12/09 08:32] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Welcome everyone to the December 9 edition of the Nonprofit Commons weekly

[2011/12/09 08:32] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I’m your community manager, Rik Panganiban

[2011/12/09 08:32] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Very happy to see everyone today!

[2011/12/09 08:32] Sarvana Haalan: Hello Rik…

[2011/12/09 08:32] Angelle Marquette: Hey, Rik ~ ^

[2011/12/09 08:32] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): We have a great guest speaker coming up later from National eXtension.

[2011/12/09 08:32] Sarvana Haalan: this has been busy week for NPSL

[2011/12/09 08:32] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): But as always we begin with introductions.

[2011/12/09 08:33] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Sravana: that’s so true!

[2011/12/09 08:33] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Please feel free to type into the text chat your RL name, organization, location, URL, and Twitter handle

[2011/12/09 08:33] Buffy Beale: /Buffy Bye, Bridges for Women, Victoria BC Canada, http://www.bridgesforwomen.ca @buffyb https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bridges-for-Women/181011348617531
[2011/12/09 08:33] Kali Idziak: Jessica Dally, Community Voice Mail, Seattle WA @jessicadally @cvmnational
[2011/12/09 08:33] Ronnie Rhode: Denise Harrison, The Garden for the Missing, http://www.gardenforthemissing.org/ and SLURL http://slurl.com/secondlife/Remora/203/148/21, Project Jason, assistance for families of the missing, http://www.projectjason.org.
[2011/12/09 08:33] Red (talkwithmarie): Marie C.-talkwithmarie, aka Red., Greater Boston, Girls project/Girl TV/Talk!withmarie, http://youtube.com/girltvlive, http://youtube.com/talkwithmarie, @talkwithmarie
[2011/12/09 08:33] Gentle Heron: Virtual Ability, Inc. http://www.virtualability.org
[2011/12/09 08:33] Lyssa AskJAN.org (janlyssa.serenity): Lyssa Rowan, Job Accommodation Network, Morgantown WV http://AskJAN.org @JANatJAN
[2011/12/09 08:34] Zinnia Zauber: Renne Emiko Brock-Richmond, Sequim Humanities and Arts Alliance, Sequim, Washington. http://www.sequimartsalliance.org http://www.facebook.com/sequimartsalliance @renneemiko
[2011/12/09 08:34] Amy SO (revslilsis): Amy- Special Olympics NY www.specialolympicsNY.org
[2011/12/09 08:34] Jadyn Firehawk: Pixel to Pixel Foundation, in SL
[2011/12/09 08:34] Thynka Little: LuAnn Phillips, Cooperative Extension extension.org
[2011/12/09 08:34] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Rik Panganiban, Nonprofit Commons/ TechSoup Global, Oakland CA, http://nonprofitcommons.org, @npsl @betterverse
[2011/12/09 08:34] Sarvana Haalan: Thanks to sharing bout the rl to vw meetup, potential tenant plns to ttend tody
[2011/12/09 08:34] CarynTopia Silvercloud: Caryn Heilman, Topia Arts Center, www.TopiaArts.org, today from Athens on slow connection, @topiarts, on Facebook Topia Arts Center
[2011/12/09 08:34] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): hurra for special olympics!
[2011/12/09 08:35] Ozma Malibu: Sandy Andrews, Floaters Org, Arizona, Mexico, and on the road, @ozma, still trying to get our website back up after the volunteer took us offline. must find another solution.
[2011/12/09 08:35] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): caryn: wow! I love greece.
[2011/12/09 08:35] CarynTopia Silvercloud: it is evening here ahead
[2011/12/09 08:36] Buffy Beale: yay CT glad you can still make it here 🙂
[2011/12/09 08:36] CarynTopia Silvercloud: glad also
[2011/12/09 08:36] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I once hosted a machinima festival from a hotel lobby in Greece at 1am
[2011/12/09 08:37] Ozma Malibu: Sandy Andrews, Floaters Org, Arizona and Mexico and on the road, @ozma, website still down
[2011/12/09 08:37] Buffy Beale: and welcome home Kali, from your amazing trip 🙂
[2011/12/09 08:37] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Kali, where were you?
[2011/12/09 08:37] Calliope Lexington: thank you all for tpp
[2011/12/09 08:37] Buffy Beale: oops she’s away, but was in Nicaragua
[2011/12/09 08:37] Adalace Jewell: @adalace RoSa Library, Brussels, Belgium. www.rosadoc.be
[2011/12/09 08:37] Kali Idziak: I’m here
[2011/12/09 08:37] Kali Idziak: right in front
[2011/12/09 08:37] Red (talkwithmarie): yay Kali!
[2011/12/09 08:38] Buffy Beale: oh lol
[2011/12/09 08:38] Kali Idziak: back from Nicaragua now, just this week!
[2011/12/09 08:38] Zinnia Zauber: Everyone has been traveling! Thank you for sharing photos and insight. It is awesome!
[2011/12/09 08:38] Buffy Beale: Jac hi!
[2011/12/09 08:38] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): any more introductions?
[2011/12/09 08:38] Dancers Yao: Kara Bennett, Elder Voices, Los Angeles, Health Care and Human Rights
[2011/12/09 08:39] Sarvana Haalan: Sally S. Cherry, Baltimore, MD, Consultant for Protect Yourself 1, http://protectyourself1.org (Email: sarvonne@gmail.com)
[2011/12/09 08:39] jacmacaire Humby: Jacques Macaire HUMANBE http://www.humanbe.com ACTION TANK and Council on Sustainable Development France and International @Humanbe
[2011/12/09 08:39] Zazoom Zimminy: Kyle Reis, Grants Managers Network, NYC
[2011/12/09 08:39] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): fantastic
[2011/12/09 08:39] Buffy Beale: yay Zazzy!


[2011/12/09 08:39] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): and before I forget….

[2011/12/09 08:39] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Here are the many ways to can get involved with the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life:

Nonprofit Commons blog: http://nonprofitcommons.org

Wiki: http://npsl.wikispaces.com

Google Group: http://groups.google.com/group/TechSoup-Second-Life

Google Calendar: http://bit.ly/2tMEYh

About TechSoup:




Weekly Networking Event: Wharf Ratz, Aloft, Tuesdays, 7-9pm SLT


Monthly Networking Event (1st Thursday):

Common Ground, Plush, 5PM-7PM SLT


NPC Promo Video http://bit.ly/draxtorNPCvid

[2011/12/09 08:40] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): ok the rest of my team is tied up with other events right now, so I think its up to me to report on TechSoup Global updates.

[2011/12/09 08:41] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): AS you know, the Nonprofit Commons is made possible by TechSoup, which started this space five years ago.
[2011/12/09 08:41] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): We wanted to make you aware of an opporuntity to brag about your group for a really cool mapping project that is launching soon.
[2011/12/09 08:42] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): You just have to write about how a particular technology has increased your impact of your group.
[2011/12/09 08:42] Sarvana Haalan: I must sy tht your Virtual Meetup at a local holiday gaathering last night. apparently other local technies were following our dicussion on Facebook.
[2011/12/09 08:42] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): If you could post a story to us in the next couple of days, it will get added to this database of hundreds of groups around the world.
[2011/12/09 08:43] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): see here for details : http://nonprofitcommons.org/content/we-want-your-nonprofit-technology-im…
[2011/12/09 08:43] Buffy Beale: nice opportunity, thanks Rik + TechSoup
[2011/12/09 08:43] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I think thats it from TechSoup.


[2011/12/09 08:43] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Is someone speaking on behalf of the Mentors today?
[2011/12/09 08:43] Buffy Beale: Hi, yes
[2011/12/09 08:43] Calliope Lexington: sorry it is not completely clear to me
[2011/12/09 08:44] Sarvana Haalan: * your Virtual Meetup w I must sy tht your Virtual Meetup at a local holiday gaathering last night.s a big discussion topic at a local holiday gaathering last night.
[2011/12/09 08:44] Calliope Lexington: what should we write about?
[2011/12/09 08:44] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): what part Calliope?
[2011/12/09 08:44] Buffy Beale: today we have our very own Zinnia talking about our upcoming exciting scathingly brilliant event
[2011/12/09 08:44] Calliope Lexington: our experience in sl?
[2011/12/09 08:44] Calliope Lexington: or rl?
[2011/12/09 08:44] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Calliope, how technology, any technology, has made a big impact on your group
[2011/12/09 08:44] Gentle Heron: “scathingly brilliant” sounds a little scary, Buffy
[2011/12/09 08:44] Calliope Lexington: ok
[2011/12/09 08:44] Buffy Beale: lol Gentle, it’s not
[2011/12/09 08:44] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): could be SL, but could be skype, or mobile, or whatever
[2011/12/09 08:44] Zinnia Zauber: I am on fire!
[2011/12/09 08:45] Calliope Lexington: ok it’s clear now
[2011/12/09 08:45] Calliope Lexington: thanks
[2011/12/09 08:45] Sarvana Haalan: looking forwrd to the looking forward to the panel discussion tomorrow
[2011/12/09 08:45] Buffy Beale: great question Calli, tahnks
[2011/12/09 08:45] Buffy Beale: er thanks even
[2011/12/09 08:45] Buffy Beale: just before Zinnia starts, I wanted to ask everyone
[2011/12/09 08:45] Buffy Beale: are you finding these sessions useful?
[2011/12/09 08:45] Buffy Beale: Do you have anything you’d like us to present on?
[2011/12/09 08:46] Buffy Beale: Do you have any comments for us?
[2011/12/09 08:46] Buffy Beale: jump in lol
[2011/12/09 08:46] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): (“us” being the mentors)
[2011/12/09 08:46] Zinnia Zauber: yes
[2011/12/09 08:46] Buffy Beale: oh, yes, the Mentor Corner
[2011/12/09 08:46] CarynTopia Silvercloud: I still need to learn so much that it is very helpful for me
[2011/12/09 08:47] Buffy Beale: ok tahnks CT
[2011/12/09 08:47] Buffy Beale: well if anyone has any suggestions please do let us know
[2011/12/09 08:47] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): would people be interewsted in a quick overview of the diff SL viewers?
[2011/12/09 08:47] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): and their strengths and weaknesses?
[2011/12/09 08:47] Gentle Heron: Rik, sorry, there is no such thing
[2011/12/09 08:47] Sarvana Haalan: learning is an ongoing process, CarynTopi
[2011/12/09 08:47] Zinnia Zauber: We are always excited to share with you and be helpful.
[2011/12/09 08:47] CarynTopia Silvercloud: yes, I have been wondering about that
[2011/12/09 08:47] Buffy Beale: and a reminder we meet following this meeting so anyone needing help or just want to hang out please do join us
[2011/12/09 08:48] Buffy Beale: great idea Rik, we could break down some of the advantages/disadvantages of the different viewers
[2011/12/09 08:48] Gentle Heron: Rik, we talked about that… it’s not a short topic, and the answer about “strengths and weaknesses” depends on your and your computer’s capabilities and needs
[2011/12/09 08:48] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): well maybe just one alternative browser?
[2011/12/09 08:48] Buffy Beale: yes, but there are some distinct advantages to some of the alternatives
[2011/12/09 08:49] Buffy Beale: we’ll talk about it at today’s mentor meeting, thanks
[2011/12/09 08:49] Sarvana Haalan: I use Imprudence
[2011/12/09 08:49] Buffy Beale: ok, so let’s have Zinnia talk about the upcoming NPC Winterfest event
[2011/12/09 08:49] Sarvana Haalan: It is in my comfort zone… lol, lol
[2011/12/09 08:49] Zinnia Zauber: THank you!
[2011/12/09 08:49] Zinnia Zauber: Please join us at the Nonprofit Commons for “Wishes Granted: Stories of Positive Impact” December 11 – 17.
[2011/12/09 08:49] Buffy Beale: and please do join us for the menotor meeting after take it away Z
[2011/12/09 08:49] Sarvana Haalan: Woot…. Zinnia
[2011/12/09 08:49] Zinnia Zauber: In a snow covered setting, visitors will discover huge books that tell real life fairy tales. Those stories are about how nonprofit organizations have had an encouraging and constructive influence on the lives of others.
[2011/12/09 08:50] Zinnia Zauber: Inside the “fairy tale” books will be insightful notecards, landmarks, and gifts from the unique nonprofits. Discover there is an opportunity, as individuals and as a community, to impact the lives of people who join us in the virtual world
[2011/12/09 08:50] Zinnia Zauber: and those we support in the physical world every day, many of whom do not even log in to Second Life. Grab a wand and make magic happen!
[2011/12/09 08:50] Zinnia Zauber: We have several events happening that week…
[2011/12/09 08:50] Zinnia Zauber: Sunday, December 11, 2011 2:00-4:00pm SLT Opening Social Party with music provided by Avantgarde Frequency at the Nonprofit Commons Community Area on Aloft
[2011/12/09 08:50] Zinnia Zauber: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 7:00-9:00 PM SLT Wharf Ratz Tuesday Night Extraordinary Dance Extravaganza at Wharf Ratz
[2011/12/09 08:50] Zinnia Zauber: Thursday, December 15, 2011 5:00-7:00 PM SLT “Magic Wings and Wands” CommonGround at the Nonprofit Commons Community Area on Aloft with DJ DyVerse Steele
[2011/12/09 08:51] Zinnia Zauber: Saturday, December 17, 2011 10 AM-1 PM SLT Snow Globe Building Contest, entries are limited so please be sure to arrive early at the Nonprofit Common Community Area on Aloft
[2011/12/09 08:51] Zinnia Zauber: Saturday, December 17, 2011 6:00-8:00 PM SLT Dance with Live Music at the NonProfit Commons Community Area on Aloft
[2011/12/09 08:51] Zinnia Zauber: In this winter wonderland, among the books, you will find ice skating and gifts.
[2011/12/09 08:51] Zinnia Zauber: Throughout the week we will be having random activities including snowball fights and dog sled races. Please watch for notices and IMs inworld, and join the Google Group to be kept aware of all events throughout the week.
[2011/12/09 08:51] Sarvana Haalan: woot, woot!!!!!
[2011/12/09 08:51] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): ( google group here: http://groups.google.com/group/TechSoup-Second-Life)
[2011/12/09 08:51] Zinnia Zauber: We hope that you will join us and share with visitors information about your orgs.
[2011/12/09 08:52] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): looks amazing!
[2011/12/09 08:52] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): thanks for all the work on this
[2011/12/09 08:52] Gentle Heron: Congrats Zinnia and team. That’s a lot of planning.
[2011/12/09 08:52] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you all for supporting our efforts and being part of this gridwide event.
[2011/12/09 08:52] Buffy Beale: cheering, great job Zinnia and Brena, and Par for the decorating of the sim
[2011/12/09 08:52] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you, thank you! It is a team effort and you are all on this team as well.
[2011/12/09 08:52] Zinnia Zauber: Okay, done being brilliant.
[2011/12/09 08:53] Red (talkwithmarie): Awesome work!
[2011/12/09 08:53] Sarvana Haalan: So excited!!!!
[2011/12/09 08:53] SLOODLE WebIntercom: Sorry soseono001 Resident. You do not have permission to control this object.
[2011/12/09 08:53] SLOODLE WebIntercom: Sorry soseono001 Resident. You do not have permission to control this object.
[2011/12/09 08:53] SLOODLE WebIntercom: Sorry soseono001 Resident. You do not have permission to control this object.
[2011/12/09 08:53] SLOODLE WebIntercom: Sorry soseono001 Resident. You do not have permission to control this object.
[2011/12/09 08:53] SLOODLE WebIntercom: Sorry Calliope Lexington. You do not have permission to control this object.
[2011/12/09 08:53] SLOODLE WebIntercom: Sorry Calliope Lexington. You do not have permission to control this object.
[2011/12/09 08:53] SLOODLE WebIntercom: Sorry Calliope Lexington. You do not have permission to control this object.
[2011/12/09 08:53] Zinnia Zauber: More info will be sent via Google Group and inworld for you to please help with spreading the word.
[2011/12/09 08:53] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): what is that device doing?
[2011/12/09 08:53] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you!
[2011/12/09 08:54] Buffy Beale: it’s trying to talk to us Rik 🙂
[2011/12/09 08:54] SLOODLE WebIntercom: Sorry soseono001 Resident. You do not have permission to control this object.
[2011/12/09 08:54] SLOODLE WebIntercom: Sorry soseono001 Resident. You do not have permission to control this object.
[2011/12/09 08:54] SLOODLE WebIntercom: Sorry soseono001 Resident. You do not have permission to control this object.
[2011/12/09 08:54] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I’m removing it
[2011/12/09 08:54] Sarvana Haalan: what is it?
[2011/12/09 08:54] Buffy Beale: it’s in the way of the sign
[2011/12/09 08:54] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): something from the sloodle talk I think?
[2011/12/09 08:54] Buffy Beale: yes
[2011/12/09 08:55] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): we’ll start the fulll court media blitz today
[2011/12/09 08:55] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): so we can get the public to come and participate in all of these great events
[2011/12/09 08:55] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): please amplify to your own networks and channels
[2011/12/09 08:56] Zinnia Zauber: There is a notecard in the poster…
[2011/12/09 08:56] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): great
[2011/12/09 08:56] Sarvana Haalan: Placing info on my FB pages, Linkedin, and Twitter
[2011/12/09 08:56] Buffy Beale: hmm, Z it’s not handing it out
[2011/12/09 08:56] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): please havea seat in the audience soseono001
[2011/12/09 08:56] Zinnia Zauber: let me change it to buy for L$0.
[2011/12/09 08:57] Zinnia Zauber: see if that works..
[2011/12/09 08:57] Gentle Heron: Yeah I think it’s missing the “giver script”
[2011/12/09 08:57] Sarvana Haalan: $10


[2011/12/09 08:57] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): ok lets get started with our main speaker while you fix that
[2011/12/09 08:57] Buffy Beale: lol Sar
[2011/12/09 08:57] Zinnia Zauber: yes I will shout out when it is ready
[2011/12/09 08:57] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Thynka come on down!
[2011/12/09 08:58] Zinnia Zauber: sorry about that, I’ll add a gift too
[2011/12/09 08:58] Buffy Beale: cheering for Thynka 🙂
[2011/12/09 08:58] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): sorry our stools are not very comfortable
[2011/12/09 08:58] Gentle Heron: YAY Thynka!
[2011/12/09 08:58] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): everyone please welcome LuAnn Phillips of National eXtension!
[2011/12/09 08:58] Thynka Little: I’m comfy
[2011/12/09 08:58] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Rik Panganiban smiles
[2011/12/09 08:58] Thynka Little: Thank you for inviting me here today.
[2011/12/09 08:59] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): she is going to brief us on how she has been working to bring a nonformal educational institution to the virtual world
[2011/12/09 08:59] Sarvana Haalan: Welcome LuAnn
[2011/12/09 08:59] Red (talkwithmarie): Welcome LuAnn!!
[2011/12/09 08:59] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): The floor is yours, Thynka
[2011/12/09 08:59] Thynka Little: I am currently working with the National eXtension Initiative to introduce the USA Cooperative Extension System to the use of virtual worlds for education, collaboration, and outreach.
[2011/12/09 08:59] Thynka Little: Working in this capacity has brought me both tremendous opportunity and also enormous challenges. Today I would like to tell you a little bit about what we do, and leave plenty of time to gather your thoughts on how we might be more successful.
[2011/12/09 09:00] Thynka Little: .
[2011/12/09 09:00] lyes (0376): salam
[2011/12/09 09:00] Thynka Little: How many people here are familiar with Cooperative Extension? Type yes or no in chat to respond.
[2011/12/09 09:00] Buffy Beale: no
[2011/12/09 09:00] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): not really
[2011/12/09 09:00] Gentle Heron: YES!!!!!
[2011/12/09 09:00] Kate B (captainflint006): no
[2011/12/09 09:00] Gentle Heron: Both in RL and in SL
[2011/12/09 09:00] Calliope Lexington: no
[2011/12/09 09:00] Amy SO (revslilsis): not really
[2011/12/09 09:00] Thynka Little: ok
[2011/12/09 09:00] Thynka Little: To understand the opportunities and challenges, you’ll need some background about both Cooperative Extension and eXtension.
[2011/12/09 09:01] Thynka Little: Cooperative Extension is a non-formal educational program implemented in the United States designed to help people use research-based knowledge to improve their lives. It is supported and administered in a partnership between the US Department of Agriculture and each state’s designated “land-grant” universities.
[2011/12/09 09:01] Thynka Little: .
[2011/12/09 09:01] Thynka Little: n most states the educational offerings are in the areas of agriculture and food, home and family, the environment, community economic development, and 4-H youth programs.
[2011/12/09 09:01] Thynka Little: I think 4-H is our most known brand
[2011/12/09 09:02] Thynka Little: The services are provided by the state’s land-grant universities, through a network of county offices and local educators, who teach educational programs developed by specialists located at the universities.
[2011/12/09 09:02] Thynka Little: The Cooperative Extension System will be 100 years old in 2014. In 1914, more than 50% of the population lived in rural areas and 30% worked in farming. Extension was established at a time when most people did not go to college, and scientific information was hard to come by.
[2011/12/09 09:02] masa Morani: hi
[2011/12/09 09:02] Thynka Little: It was designed to bring land-grant university expertise to the local level. In communities across the nation, extension agents went into the barns, crop fields, and homes of the nation’s farms, working one-on-one to teach practical application of research-based knowledge.
[2011/12/09 09:03] Thynka Little: Over time, Cooperative Extension programming has adapted to changing demographics. Today only 17% of Americans live in rural areas and 2% work in farming.
[2011/12/09 09:03] Thynka Little: Extension programming has broadened to include topics of interest to suburban and urban audiences as well. Cooperative Extension remains the largest community education program in the world, with over 3000 county and regional offices, and more than 10,000 educators and staff.
[2011/12/09 09:04] Thynka Little: really, it is HUGE
[2011/12/09 09:04] Thynka Little: 🙂
[2011/12/09 09:04] Thynka Little: But, of course, the way that people access information and create knowledge has also changed
[2011/12/09 09:04] Thynka Little: Extension’s educational methodology of
experts teaching in the field one-on one is no longer practical.
[2011/12/09 09:04] Thynka Little: Information is easy to come by, and learners want to construct their own knowledge from a plethora of resources.
[2011/12/09 09:05] Thynka Little: Sending educators out to teach one-on-one is not cost effective, and, indeed, staffing has been cut back in response to budgetary constraints.
[2011/12/09 09:05] Thynka Little: So , in 2007, the eXtension (pronounced E-extension) was launched, eXtension is a catalyst for transformation of the Cooperative Extension System of the Land Grant Universities nationwide using Internet technology.
[2011/12/09 09:05] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): (neat!)
[2011/12/09 09:05] Thynka Little: The initial focus of eXtension has been the creation of a public website (http://www.extension.org/) and the formation Communities of Practice around various topics of study. More recently, social media and virtual worlds have been added to the mix.
[2011/12/09 09:06] Second Life: Avatar ejected.
[2011/12/09 09:06] Thynka Little: go ahead and open that website in your external browser and take a look
[2011/12/09 09:06] Thynka Little: The initiative is a big huge deal
[2011/12/09 09:06] Thynka Little: and
[2011/12/09 09:06] Thynka Little: Virtual Worlds are a small bit of it
[2011/12/09 09:06] Thynka Little: I joined eXtension in 2007, when I was asked to create a Second Life mixed reality event for the formal launch of eXtension. We created the Virtual State Fair as the venue for the event, which was coordinated with the launch activities in Washington, DC.
[2011/12/09 09:07] Thynka Little: How many people have been to the Virtual State Fair?
[2011/12/09 09:07] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Rik Panganiban raises hand
[2011/12/09 09:07] Thynka Little: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Morrill/130/66/24
[2011/12/09 09:07] Thynka Little: that is the location
[2011/12/09 09:07] Thynka Little: and
[2011/12/09 09:07] Buffy Beale: I was there
[2011/12/09 09:07] Gentle Heron: oh yes, Virtual State Fair is lots of fun
[2011/12/09 09:07] Thynka Little: it remains the hub of all of our activities
[2011/12/09 09:08] Thynka Little: After that, the decision was made to have me continue to serve as the coordinator of eXtension’s Second Life activities, including professional development about virtual worlds, raising awareness and use of Second Life, exploration of virtual worlds for teaching, and facilitation of educator projects in Second Life.
[2011/12/09 09:08] Sarvana Haalan: great!
[2011/12/09 09:08] Thynka Little: Here is a poster that illustrates what the rationale and roadmap looked like.
[2011/12/09 09:09] Thynka Little: I made this for my poster session at the Federal Consortium of Virtual worlds
[2011/12/09 09:09] Thynka Little: 🙂
[2011/12/09 09:09] Zinnia Zauber: Wonderful!
[2011/12/09 09:09] Thynka Little: the concept was
[2011/12/09 09:09] Thynka Little: to have the various eXtension communities of practice create learning landscapes
[2011/12/09 09:09] Thynka Little: about their subject area
[2011/12/09 09:10] Thynka Little: and then
[2011/12/09 09:10] Thynka Little: share this virtual environment for use by educators everywhere
[2011/12/09 09:10] Thynka Little: and also to use SL as a place to meet and collaborate
[2011/12/09 09:10] Thynka Little: The opportunities as I see them are:
Enhancement, not replacement, of existing programs
Reaching new, even global, audiences
Saving money on travel
Staying true to the model of hands-on experiential learning
Sharing learning environments makes it a cost effective strategy
[2011/12/09 09:10] Sarvana Haalan: Is this on your website as well?
[2011/12/09 09:10] Thynka Little: hmm no
[2011/12/09 09:11] Thynka Little: good thought though
[2011/12/09 09:11] Thynka Little: This all began at the peak of the Second Life “hype-cycle” and the outlook seemed positive. And, over the past few years, we’ve had a steady stream of educators exploring Second Life.
[2011/12/09 09:11] Thynka Little: .
[2011/12/09 09:11] Thynka Little: Several projects were developed and launched, including the Virtual Health Inspector, The Life Cycle of the Japanese Beetle, and The LiveAbility House. The fair itself remains and attracts about 100 visitors a week unless we have a special event.
[2011/12/09 09:11] Thynka Little: then it is more
[2011/12/09 09:11] Thynka Little: but mostly people are there to ride and dance
[2011/12/09 09:11] Sarvana Haalan: great way to show folks the awesome work that you are doing in SL
[2011/12/09 09:12] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): nice combination of serious and fun!
[2011/12/09 09:12] Thynka Little: I hope that some incidental learning takes place while the explore there
[2011/12/09 09:12] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): just like a real state fair
[2011/12/09 09:12] Thynka Little: but as far as a teaching environment for the educators to use, not so much
[2011/12/09 09:12] Thynka Little: and
[2011/12/09 09:12] Thynka Little: really people in SL are not coming in here with the mindset of learning
[2011/12/09 09:12] Thynka Little: for the most part anyway
[2011/12/09 09:12] Sarvana Haalan: adding it to my Destination List
[2011/12/09 09:12] Zinnia Zauber: We are working on that!
[2011/12/09 09:13] Thynka Little: Meetings were held in SL each month, we put on an annual State Fair event, I travelled to conferences to speak about the potential for a new kind of “experiential learning.
[2011/12/09 09:13] Thynka Little: We held two mixed reality conferences with nationally prominent speakers such as Clay Shirky and Howard Rheingold. Our land has increased from one region to 5 in SL, and a 4 region mini grid being developed in Open Sim.
[2011/12/09 09:13] Thynka Little: I brought a video made recently, about Cooperative Extension Education in Second Life. You can watch it here in parcel media or in your browswer at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6bkQcgMV7M
[2011/12/09 09:14] Thynka Little: it is about 3 minutes long, and i will wait while you watch it.
[2011/12/09 09:14] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I just enabled it on the parcel
[2011/12/09 09:14] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): but youtube might load quicker
[2011/12/09 09:15] Buffy Beale: wow this is a great video, nice job!
[2011/12/09 09:16] Thynka Little: It all looks pretty exciting, yes? I’m a “glass half full” kind of a person. And yes, there have been some successes, but not enough.
[2011/12/09 09:17] Thynka Little: .
[2011/12/09 09:17] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): really well produced video
[2011/12/09 09:17] Thynka Little: thanks Buffy!
[2011/12/09 09:17] Thynka Little: Thanks Rik
[2011/12/09 09:17] Thynka Little: Second Life has remained a tiny bit of the overall eXtension Initiative.
[2011/12/09 09:18] Sarvana Haalan: Am awesome video… great job
[2011/12/09 09:18] Thynka Little: In contrast, the extension.org public website has millions of visitors. The communities of practice have grown in number to more than 50. There are
[2011/12/09 09:18] Thynka Little: several successful social media initiatives through Twitter, Facebook, and blogging. Mobile apps are being developed.
[2011/12/09 09:18] Thynka Little: But the number of educators interested in exploring the use of virtual worlds has dwindled.
[2011/12/09 09:18] Thynka Little: The early adopters lost interest
[2011/12/09 09:19] Thynka Little: and New people are slow to come on board
[2011/12/09 09:19] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): So what would be your vision for what a successful virtual world implementation of Extension would look like?
[2011/12/09 09:19] Thynka Little: The original idea was for each eXtension “Community of Practice” to create a learning environment in Second Life. So far 5 have, and they are not well utilized.
[2011/12/09 09:19] Thynka Little: There are over 50 CoPs now
[2011/12/09 09:19] Zinnia Zauber: How can we support you? As an educator in SL, I would love to help.
[2011/12/09 09:19] Thynka Little: ranging from blueberries to Child Care
[2011/12/09 09:19] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): what kind of scale would you like to reach?
[2011/12/09 09:19] Thynka Little: Feral Hogs to Wild Fires
[2011/12/09 09:19] Thynka Little: that is an interestting question
[2011/12/09 09:20] Thynka Little: SL is not a place to reach millions, like a website
[2011/12/09 09:20] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): clearly SL is better for small groups of people to go deep, not large broadbasts to thousands or millions
[2011/12/09 09:20] Thynka Little: exactly
[2011/12/09 09:20] Thynka Little: but
[2011/12/09 09:20] Sarvana Haalan: I am a multi-platform promoter, I could help to promote it in rl and sl
[2011/12/09 09:20] Thynka Little: how do we reach our audience?
[2011/12/09 09:20] Gentle Heron: Correct Thynka, it’s about depth of contact, not breadth…. that’s what makes it actually so GOOD for educators.
[2011/12/09 09:20] Thynka Little: I would say that our natural audience exists in the SL residents
[2011/12/09 09:20] Thynka Little: not bringing in new residents
[2011/12/09 09:21] Thynka Little: it is a lot different than a university classroom
[2011/12/09 09:21] Thynka Little: where the professor requires the students to come to SL
[2011/12/09 09:21] Zinnia Zauber: I teach a lot of people to get into SL for education, it is important that we can direct them to your resources.
[2011/12/09 09:21] Thynka Little: The problems as I see them are:
[2011/12/09 09:21] Thynka Little: Second Life is not low-hanging fruit. It takes a large investment of time to learn to teach here.
[2011/12/09 09:21] Thynka Little: The general public does not come into SL looking for educational experiences.
[2011/12/09 09:21] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Rik Panganiban nods
[2011/12/09 09:22] Thynka Little: Linden Lab shifted support away from education.
[2011/12/09 09:22] Thynka Little: Virtual Worlds remain a niche environment, and mainstream adoption is far in the future, if ever.
[2011/12/09 09:22] Sarvana Haalan: have you approach schools, local state fair folks, and 4-H groups,
[2011/12/09 09:22] Buffy Beale: that is a shame, they forget we bring in the students who stay…
[2011/12/09 09:22] Thynka Little: Cooperative Extension’s range of topics is so broad, that creating a “community of interest” in virtual worlds is difficult.
[2011/12/09 09:22] Thynka Little: I think that last one is my biggest obstacle
[2011/12/09 09:22] Thynka Little: it is hard to create one community around Cooperative Extension
[2011/12/09 09:22] Thynka Little: there is such a range of topics
[2011/12/09 09:23] Sarvana Haalan: mini-communities
[2011/12/09 09:23] Thynka Little: i think creating community here is essential
[2011/12/09 09:23] Thynka Little: you guys do a great job of it here at NPC
[2011/12/09 09:23] Gentle Heron: YES! Community and communication.
[2011/12/09 09:23] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): aww thanks
[2011/12/09 09:23] Thynka Little: So where do virtual worlds fit in at this point? Is community-based education viable in Second Life or other virtual worlds? Is there a way to do Extension work in SL? Is this technology too advanced for our organization? What are your thoughts?
[2011/12/09 09:23] Sarvana Haalan: the girl scouts have badge program… create your own incentive program
[2011/12/09 09:23] Zinnia Zauber: We love to support that and I would be very happy to talk more on the side about how we are connecting with the University of Washington.
[2011/12/09 09:23] Thynka Little: the individual educators are the Subject Matter Experts
[2011/12/09 09:23] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I would say you are definitely asking the right questions
[2011/12/09 09:24] Thynka Little: but
[2011/12/09 09:24] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): nd you have identified some of the key stumbling blocks
[2011/12/09 09:24] Sarvana Haalan: connected to something in rl…
[2011/12/09 09:24] Thynka Little: they are not engaged here
[2011/12/09 09:24] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): So that’s a good start
[2011/12/09 09:24] Zinnia Zauber: We want to build more connections and support community.
[2011/12/09 09:24] Thynka Little: just like if they use a blog or twitter as a strategy, they need an identity here
[2011/12/09 09:24] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): sounds like you need to build capacity with a cre group of educators to really be involved here
[2011/12/09 09:24] Thynka Little: a lot of the programs have to do with ag topics
[2011/12/09 09:24] Thynka Little: industry things
[2011/12/09 09:24] Thynka Little: like manure management
[2011/12/09 09:24] Thynka Little: lol
[2011/12/09 09:25] Thynka Little: I dont think we can do much with a topic like that here
[2011/12/09 09:25] Thynka Little: but parenting
[2011/12/09 09:25] Thynka Little: surely
[2011/12/09 09:25] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): and then narrow in on topics that will draw people: fashion, music, games creation, architecture, deisgn come to mind
[2011/12/09 09:25] Thynka Little: so what i would ask you guys is
[2011/12/09 09:25] Thynka Little: take a look sometime at extension.org
[2011/12/09 09:25] Thynka Little: at the topics that extension covers there
[2011/12/09 09:25] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): and make it easy for people to drop in
[2011/12/09 09:25] Sarvana Haalan: prefect… some many folks do not understand th enuts and bolts of things such as “where do tomatoes come from?”
[2011/12/09 09:25] Thynka Little: and see if any align with what you do
[2011/12/09 09:26] Thynka Little: if any of that subject matter resonates with you and your community
[2011/12/09 09:26] Zinnia Zauber: Knowing that these resources are out there, it is great because I live in a remote location that people ARE interested in manure.
[2011/12/09 09:26] Thynka Little: and let me know
[2011/12/09 09:26] Thynka Little: if I can convey to the organization that there is interest here
[2011/12/09 09:26] Thynka Little: in particular topics
[2011/12/09 09:26] Sarvana Haalan: I am between urban and rural communities in my work
[2011/12/09 09:26] Thynka Little: that might help me get some momentum going
[2011/12/09 09:27] Thynka Little: extension is really a resource for other organizations too
[2011/12/09 09:27] Thynka Little: so, let me know how I can connect you with experts in your field
[2011/12/09 09:27] Thynka Little: here in SL
[2011/12/09 09:27] Thynka Little: ok?
[2011/12/09 09:27] Thynka Little: I’ll bring them!
[2011/12/09 09:27] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): also partnering with successful education groups like Rockcliffe or NMC might be worht exploring
[2011/12/09 09:27] Zinnia Zauber: Yes!
[2011/12/09 09:27] Thynka Little: everyone is so busy
[2011/12/09 09:28] Sarvana Haalan: there are some horse groups here… I think
[2011/12/09 09:28] Thynka Little: they tend to think of SL as way low on the priority list
[2011/12/09 09:28] Thynka Little: yes!
[2011/12/09 09:28] Thynka Little: i would consider it a big success if we could convert virtual horse riders to real horse riders
[2011/12/09 09:28] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Thynka, great idea!
[2011/12/09 09:28] Thynka Little: 🙂
[2011/12/09 09:28] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): or virtual chicken farmers
[2011/12/09 09:28] Zinnia Zauber: SL is high for several of us. And, happy to support and be part of your community.
[2011/12/09 09:29] Thynka Little: ok, I will hope to hear from some of you as time goes on
[2011/12/09 09:29] Thynka Little: thank you so much for listening today
[2011/12/09 09:29] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Thynka, thanks for sharing the great work you are doing and the challenges you are facing
[2011/12/09 09:29] Thynka Little: my email is luann.phillips@extension.org
[2011/12/09 09:29] Thynka Little: Thanks Rik!
[2011/12/09 09:29] Gentle Heron: Thynka, thanks for coming to visit us today, and for sharing where to look up your excellent resources.
[2011/12/09 09:29] Buffy Beale: Cheering, great presentation Thynka, thanks!
[2011/12/09 09:29] Kate B (captainflint006): ty
[2011/12/09 09:30] CarynTopia Silvercloud: thanks
[2011/12/09 09:30] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you so much Thynka!
[2011/12/09 09:30] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): feel free to come back t ous to promote stuff and post to our google group
[2011/12/09 09:30] Angelle Marquette: Thanks, Thynka !
[2011/12/09 09:30] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I personally learned a lot
[2011/12/09 09:30] Sarvana Haalan: wooot…, Kudos to LuAnn
[2011/12/09 09:30] Thynka Little: great, Rik, I will


[2011/12/09 09:30] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): ok quick streatch as we close out our meeting

[2011/12/09 09:30] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): everyone jump up and down for a sec

[2011/12/09 09:31] Sarvana Haalan: lol, lol

[2011/12/09 09:31] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): serious that waas just me and saravana

[2011/12/09 09:31] Buffy Beale: lol Rik

[2011/12/09 09:31] Zazoom Zimminy: Zazoom Zimminy extends his arms to the sky
[2011/12/09 09:32] Buffy Beale: lol Zaz
[2011/12/09 09:32] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): next time I’m leading yoga posses
[2011/12/09 09:32] Sarvana Haalan: raised by military folks… I follow directions to well… lol, lol
[2011/12/09 09:32] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): ok who has an announcement for the open mic?
[2011/12/09 09:32] Buffy Beale: hand up
[2011/12/09 09:32] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): raise your paw
[2011/12/09 09:32] Zinnia Zauber: me
[2011/12/09 09:32] Sarvana Haalan: I Do yoga… it gets my vote
[2011/12/09 09:32] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Rik Panganiban raises claw
[2011/12/09 09:33] Sarvana Haalan: have no paw… smile
[2011/12/09 09:33] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): go ahead buffy
[2011/12/09 09:33] Buffy Beale: thanks Rk
[2011/12/09 09:33] Buffy Beale: er Rik
[2011/12/09 09:33] Buffy Beale: Bridges are creating job descriptions for the technical staff, supporting our web site and online programs
[2011/12/09 09:34] Buffy Beale: and I wondered if anyone had a resource for generic job descriptions?
[2011/12/09 09:34] Buffy Beale: and secondly, please do join us after a short break for our mentor gathering
[2011/12/09 09:34] Buffy Beale: if you need help or have any questions, we’re here for you
[2011/12/09 09:34] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): TechSoup forums has a place for job notices
[2011/12/09 09:35] Buffy Beale: that’s it, unless anyone has a recommendation for a job desctiption site
[2011/12/09 09:35] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): you can see a bunc hthere
[2011/12/09 09:35] Buffy Beale: not hiring, we’re writing up officially what they do, since most just evolved into the role
[2011/12/09 09:35] Buffy Beale: but I’ll post the question on TechSoup’s forum too, thanks Rik, no sense reinventing the wheel 🙂
[2011/12/09 09:36] Buffy Beale: back to you
[2011/12/09 09:36] Sarvana Haalan: gouing for my tea… brb
[2011/12/09 09:36] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): yeah that’s the best way to get a bunch of responses
[2011/12/09 09:36] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): ok zinna?
[2011/12/09 09:36] Buffy Beale: ok
[2011/12/09 09:36] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): or zinnia
[2011/12/09 09:36] Zazoom Zimminy: idealist?
[2011/12/09 09:36] Zinnia Zauber: A reminder about the Rockcliffe University Consortium celebration of 5 years in Second Life.
[2011/12/09 09:36] Zinnia Zauber: Dec 10, 9:30AM – 9PM SL/PST Rockcliffe Celebrates 5 Years in Second Life: Open House “Past, Present & Futures of Virtual Worlds”
[2011/12/09 09:36] Zinnia Zauber: http://www.urockcliffe.com/events/
[2011/12/09 09:37] Zinnia Zauber: Several of our NPC Peeps are going to be sharing tomorrow.
[2011/12/09 09:37] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): nice
[2011/12/09 09:37] Zinnia Zauber: Including Gentle, Draxtor, Pooky, and myself.
[2011/12/09 09:37] Gentle Heron: Coughran!!!!
[2011/12/09 09:37] Zinnia Zauber: Please check out the list of events!
[2011/12/09 09:37] Zinnia Zauber: oh yes
[2011/12/09 09:37] Buffy Beale: yay!
[2011/12/09 09:37] Zinnia Zauber: I am only on my first cup of coffee
[2011/12/09 09:37] Buffy Beale: wow hared to believe it’s been 5 years for Rockcliffe
[2011/12/09 09:37] Zinnia Zauber: how could I forget C!
[2011/12/09 09:38] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): btw I posted the transcript of Phelan’s talk about Rockcliffe to http://nonprofitcommons.org
[2011/12/09 09:38] Zinnia Zauber: I am so so sorry.
[2011/12/09 09:38] Sarvana Haalan: Thynka, hope that you can attend tomorrow… it should be an fascinating discussion
[2011/12/09 09:38] Zinnia Zauber: http://www.urockcliffe.com/events/
[2011/12/09 09:38] Thynka Little: I hope to!
[2011/12/09 09:38] Zinnia Zauber: Dig it and be part of the celebration!
[2011/12/09 09:38] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you!
[2011/12/09 09:38] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): my turn
[2011/12/09 09:39] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Also tomorrow, some nice kids at Rutgers U ( a land grant university), are holding a fundraiser for Project Jason
[2011/12/09 09:39] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): they are featuring acoustic music on he Aloft Nonprofit Commons starting at 7pm PT
[2011/12/09 09:39] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): http://nonprofitcommons.org/content/help-wanted-benefit-concert-project-…
[2011/12/09 09:39] Thynka Little: Rutgers has moved most of their virtual world activity to Open Sim
[2011/12/09 09:40] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): come out an support if you can
[2011/12/09 09:40] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): its their first foray into SL
[2011/12/09 09:40] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): or at least “like” their FB group
[2011/12/09 09:40] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): https://www.facebook.com/events/168916949873937/
[2011/12/09 09:41] Thynka Little: what is Project Jason?
[2011/12/09 09:41] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): They focus on missing children
[2011/12/09 09:41] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): raising awareness and support
[2011/12/09 09:41] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): very good group
[2011/12/09 09:41] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): also a member of the NPC
[2011/12/09 09:41] Ronnie Rhode: Missing adults too
[2011/12/09 09:41] Buffy Beale: Ronnie Rhodes can tell you more Thynka, and they have an office here at the NPC
[2011/12/09 09:42] Thynka Little: ok thanks
[2011/12/09 09:42] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): ah yes, missing persons
[2011/12/09 09:42] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): any other announcements before I let you go?
[2011/12/09 09:42] Ronnie Rhode: Thanks for the shoutout on the event 🙂
[2011/12/09 09:42] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): sure Ronnie!
[2011/12/09 09:42] Thynka Little: I should mention that we still have our Land Grant University Expo up at Morrill4, 15 universities showing what they do in Second Life with teleports to their home locations.
[2011/12/09 09:43] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): nice
[2011/12/09 09:43] Buffy Beale: oh, that’s interesting Thynka thanks
[2011/12/09 09:43] Thynka Little: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Morrill4/126/108/24
[2011/12/09 09:43] Thynka Little: It iwil be up for a few more weeks
[2011/12/09 09:43] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): we’ll inclde that in the transcxript
[2011/12/09 09:43] Thynka Little: it is a nice way to get to a lot of good edu content quickly
[2011/12/09 09:43] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): ok with that I’m closing the meeting for today.
[2011/12/09 09:43] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Thanks everyone for coming
[2011/12/09 09:43] Buffy Beale: thanks Rik, another great meeting
[2011/12/09 09:43] Thynka Little: Thanks again!
[2011/12/09 09:44] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): And special thanks to our guest Thnka Little of National eXtension
[2011/12/09 09:44] Buffy Beale: Mentors will meet in about 5 min
[2011/12/09 09:44] Calliope Lexington: thanks rik
[2011/12/09 09:44] Buffy Beale: cheering for Thynka 🙂
[2011/12/09 09:44] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): stick around for Mentors meeting if you need help with anything
[2011/12/09 09:44] Thynka Little: Thynka Little blushes
[2011/12/09 09:44] Thynka Little: bye all
[2011/12/09 09:44] Buffy Beale: have a delightful week all
[2011/12/09 09:44] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): otherwise have a great day and a restful weekend
[2011/12/09 09:44] LovePhillyChick: ty

[2011/12/09 09:44] LovePhillyChick: bye all
[2011/12/09 09:45] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): great stuff, Thynka

Written by: rikomatic