NPSL News Brief 4/13/09

Here are a few interesting news bits from the world of Second Life and NPSL. I hope that you enjoy them!

Written by: Beth J. Bates

Sim Design – Community Feedback From Anika Pastorelli

As you are aware, NPC as a community is in the process of reviewing its cross-sim community design and would like to solicit your feedback. (See for more information).

We currently have different themes and designs throughout our different islands, resulting in a need for better cross-sim visual transition and possibly integration. In addition, we need to consider enhancements for some of the sims due to a need/desire for brighter and/or more interesting 3D visual textures, better access, navigation, improved signage, interactive objects, lag reduction, and other factors. The main goal would be to enhance the community design for our own membership and visitors in such as way to further our community and individual nonprofit goals and objectives, ultimately improving the impact on our real-life causes. We have been fortunate to be receiving the recommendations and ideas of not only In Kenzo and other residents, but also the University of Auckland School of Architecture class led by JudyArx Scribe, which has made NPC its class project “Living Sketchbook”. Their NPC prototype and machinima — for those who have participated in world — have been wonderful and exciting! We have lots of great new ideas from them which we will post to the WIKI soon.

Since we would like to involve all the members we can on sim design as part of a collaborative community process, we would like to be sure to invite everyone to submit their ideas in some forum that meets their availability. We have already invited feedback as part of our initial Sim Design meetings, the WIKI and through the invitation to the in world NPC prototype/concepts that the University of Auckland class presented live recently.

Again, we hope to get as many of you to post your feedback and ideas so that we can be sure to let everyone have an opportunity to participate regardless of geographic location, work limitations, and time zones.

Many thanks and don’t hesitate to IM me inworld or contact Pengun, Glitter, or In Kenzo or others involved (Parhelion Palou, Zinnia Zauber and Mel Schaller)!

Written by: Beth J. Bates

Clarifying the Difference Between Earth Week and the EcoCommons Launch Party

*Earth Week is a week-long series of environmentally oriented events in SL. any1 Gynoid is spearheading the planning for this and more details are here:

*Earth Week is not being planned by EcoCommons or the Nonprofit Commons; it is a separate effort (though many from the Nonprofit Commons are involved in Earth Week plans and events).

*EcoCommons is having an official launch party on April 22nd. This will be in the middle of Earth Week & any1 is planning her events around this and highlighting this launch as one of the key Earth Week events.

*Our specific EcoCommons launch event will be very focused on environmental nonprofits and impact of this work in virtual worlds.

This will be approximately an hour of different speakers from orgs involved in environmental efforts. Other parts of the Earth Week events aren’t necessarily nonprofit-oriented, nor happening on EcoCommons.

Glitter and I hope to have final word on time and keynote speaker for the launch party. In the meantime, please point any environmental orgs. potentially interested in becoming a tenant and/or speaking to me:

Written by: Beth J. Bates

Let the NPSL Blog Help Your Organization

The NPC blog is for everyone and is a great tool for not only promoting NPC but for giving more exposure to your organization’s initiatives in Second Life. I would love to help you promote your events, programs and organizations through this blog.

Here are a few ways that the blog can help you get the word out about what you are doing:

  • More interviews for new organizations and anyone with program activity or upcoming events in Second Life
  • Informational posts about events and initiatives
  • Organizational profiles – your mission, what you are doing in SL, your success stories, etc.
  • News about how NPC is effecting SL and nonprofits in the virtual world overall
  • Any other ideas – I’m all ears!

I am happy to post information that you send, chat with you for more detailed information or to give residents rights to guest blog on your own.

If you are interested in an interview, that’s exciting too. Just let me know what you’d like to do.

I’d also like to promote other blogs that are covering NPC in SL, so please send me your information.

You can reach me at in-world – Cordelia Gothly or comment to this post.

The blog is here to help you, so please feel free to utilize it!

Have a great weekend!

Beth J. Bates (aka Cordelia Gothly)

Written by: Beth J. Bates

EcoCommons Launches on Earth Day in Second Life

With Earth Day right around the corner (April 22), we are busy preparing for the launch of EcoCommons in Second Life.

EcoCommons is a virtual location (sim) designed for environmental organizations in the 3D virtual world of Second Life. Developed by TechSoup’s Nonprofit Commons team in partnership with and OneClimate Island in Second Life, EcoCommons provides a network for environmentally-focused nonprofits to promote awareness, community-building and environmental education efforts in the virtual world and beyond.

The launch will consist of educational resources, keynote speakers and mixed media.

More information can be found at NetSquared.

Written by: Beth J. Bates

Featured Neighbor: The Exploratorium

Many thanks to Patio Plasma for taking the time to work with me on this great 5 minute interview! I checked out The Exploratorium yesterday and its really intriguing. The exhibits are really creative and its a great example of how education can be expanded in Second Life. I highly recommend that everyone take a trip there to check out the great exhibitions.

Q: What is the Exploratorium and why does it exist?
A: The Exploratorium in Second Life is an interactive science museum created and run by staff at the Exploratorium Science Museum in San Francisco. We created the Exploratorium to present webcasts in-world of total solar eclipses. In the sim we show live images of eclipses in our amphitheater. In addition we have an exhibition of exhibits that explains solar eclipses. We also have large exhibits that let you: ride a cannon ball in orbit around the earth as drawn by Newton in the Principia,ride a molecule in brownian motion, ride a galaxy cluster outward from the big bang, and to observe an asteroid impact on Mars. We are in second life because it provides an opportunity to create interactive three dimensional time varying exhibits that would be impossible to create in real life.

Q: What can you tell me about the Pi exhibits?
A: The Exploratorium started Pi day, March 14, twenty one years ago. So it seemed natural to bring Pi day into Second Life. We have exhibits that are for fun, like the leaning tower of Pi-za that collapses when approached, and exhibits that help people come to grips with pi, a telephone reads the digits of pi when answered, or a pi glass, a glass that is one circumference tall and which seems impossibly tall.

Q: Do you have any events/initiatives coming up that you would like to promote?
A: Pi day exhibits are up and running from March 14 through April 15. We usually have a couple of special shows each year. Later in 2009 we will have a science of baseball show. And in 2010 we will bring live to SL a total solar eclipse from French Polynesia.

Q: How can NPC and the nonprofit community help support the Exploratorium?
A: A group of nonprofits can support each other by sharing information. Together we can create new worlds in SL without re- inventing the wheel. There is a second museum run by staff from the Exploratorium, The Splo, in Sploland sim. It has Exploratorium-like interactive science exhibits it also pokes fun at real life science museums.

If you would like us to feature your organization, event or exhibit on the blog, please contact Beth J. Bates (aka Cordelia Gothly) in-world or through the blog! We’re here to support you!

Written by: Beth J. Bates

City Planning in Second Life

Second Life seems like such a dynamic platform for real-life city planning, and now that seems to be coming to fruition. The city of Birmingham in the UK has taken the lead in taking a look at this new platform for this practical purpose. The initiative has opened itself to mixed reviews, but I think that its a great test of how directly Second Life reflects real-life programs.

How can Second Life help planners in your community develop children’s centers, parks and other community hubs? Is this a worthwhile venture?

Written by: Beth J. Bates

Come talk about the future of SL’s Teen Grid & Main Grid this Wednesday March 25!

You are cordially invited to‘s first Seasonal Meetup this Wednesday, March 25 from 12-1pm PST in Second Life! For those that don’t know, is a social network of educators using a variety of virtual worlds and MMOs for learning from a variety of perspectives and institutions.

For our first virtual meetup, we are going to discuss a very hot topic: “Educational Implications of Mixed-age Versus Age-segregated Virtual Worlds.” As you probably know, Linden Lab is planning big changes to the Teen Grid and “adult content” on the main grid that is going to have far-reaching implications for all of our work as educators, organizers and activists. We have three excellent speakers who can address this subject from youth, teacher and librarian perspectives. Plus we’ll have lots of time for Q&A, discussion and socializing.

Here’s the details:’s Spring Virtual Meetup: “Educational Implications of Mixed-age Versus Age-segregated Virtual Worlds”

Second Life, Foundations Sim

Wednesday, March 25, 12-1pm PST / SLT

• Lucky Figtree: Teen Second Life Resident
• Peggy Sheehy: Teacher, Suffern Middle School
• Kelly Czarnecki: Librarian, Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County

It’s going to be a fun and thought-provoking event. Please invite your friends and colleagues interested in the changes going on in the Main Grid and Teen Grid of Second Life, how other virtual worlds and MMORPGs navigate mixed-age and age-segregated spaces, and the impacts upon education and youth development.

For more information see or contact See you there!

Written by: Beth J. Bates