NPC Mtg 20200605 CHAT – Relay for Life – Lyr Lobo

Second Life – Group notice: June 5 about Relay For Life of Second Life at Nonprofit Commons
At 8:30 AM SLT, Friday, June 5 at the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life Meeting, learn about the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life virtual community event on June 6-7, 2020. Since its inception in 2004, Relay For Life of Second Life has raised over $3.2 million for the fight against cancer.  See you at NPC at

[08:33] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Welcome everyone to this week’s Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting!
[08:33] Rhiannon Chatnoir: The mission of the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is to connect communities for social good through education, networking, and collaboration.
[08:33] Rhiannon Chatnoir: AGENDA (all times below PT) 
8:30 am  Introductions 
8:45 am  Mentors / Annnouncements / Open Mic
9:00 am  Tour of Relay for Life in Second Life
[08:33] Rhiannon Chatnoir: ————–
Some of Today’s featured presentation may be in voice and text chat. I will be typing up rough transcript as we go if so, please feel free to add to that, comment, or ask questions in chat during
[08:34] Rhiannon Chatnoir: ———–
Here are the many ways to can get involved with the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life:
–  Nonprofit Commons Blog:
–  Twitter:
–  Google Calendar:
[08:34] Rhiannon Chatnoir: And as a reminder, we normally publish our meeting transcripts, so all public chat is recorded.
[08:35] Rhiannon Chatnoir: ————–
Hello everyone, let’s start off with Introductions!
[08:35] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Please type into chat what you are comfortable sharing with us – what project/orgs you might be part of in Second Life, your real name, geographic location, org, and any ways we can find you online or in social media.
And if you are new to Nonprofit Commons, how you found about today’s meeting.
[08:35] Buffy Beale: Buffy Bye, NonProfit Commons Member of the Nonprofit Commons Board and Mentor Team, 
Victoria BC Canada. 
Founder, JoinMeJoinUs.  Phase One ~ Five Word Call to Connect
Visit our kiosk here at: Aloft Nonprofit Commons (98,133,25)
[08:35] Sitearm (sitearm.madonna): Hello, Sitearm here. I’m a professional systems analyst active in virtual worlds since 2005. I compose poetry, music, and videos for fun. I explore events and builds in SL for inspiration. This year I’m exploring additional builds and events in additional platforms. If you are interested in exploring open worlds in addition to Second Life, with me, ping me. See you soon.
[08:35] Rhiannon Chatnoir is Joyce Bettencourt, designer and community organizer gal in Boston MA area, co-lead of &, find me online
[08:35] Wisdomseeker (lissena): is owner of Inspiration Island, CEO of Whole Brain Health – 501c3 Ageless Mind Project. FB: Virtual Inspiration Island; website: Board Member: Secretary – NonprofitCommons in SL
[08:35] Gentle Heron: Virtual Ability, Inc.
[08:35] Siri Vezina: Siri Vezina, retired environmental science/biology/GIS professor, beekeeper, and ex-teacher of basic building in SL.
[08:35] Zinnia Zauber: Renne Emiko Brock, artist – instructor – superhero, Peninsula College, Sequim, Olympic Peninsula, Washington, United States of America. Co-Chair of the Nonprofit Commons Board @renneemiko
[08:35] ThinkererSelby Evans (thinkerer.melville): Selby Evans, DFW, Blogger
A web-based 3D view of the Virginia Museum of Natural History Visit 3DWebWorldz in your browser.
CybaLOUNGE introduces the multimedia presenter. If you have the link you can get the display. That is almost any link on the web: Web page, google docs page, video.
Digital teamwork. Real work in virtual environments. Project-based learning needs project reporting. Here are the videos.
A plan for a field trip to CybaLOUNGE. Getting in is too easy. It would also be quick if I didn’t talk so much.
Starting in CybaLOUNGE. A DTA content page designed for JIT
[08:35] ThinkererSelby Evans (thinkerer.melville):  learning
The merit of badges: Define a useful skill set, specify a goal, give public recognition of skills.
Gateway to Thinking”, an educational TelePortal for Education Monthly Tour #1. Library Land (CVL), Cookie, Tour Guide: Hajime Nishimura
CAG University (Turkey) has a virtual campus and teaches a course about virtual worlds there.
[08:36] Lyr Lobo grins
[08:36] Lyr Lobo: Cynthia Calongne, professor, author, & researcher, CTU Doctoral Studies, CCCS, & Parker Univ, Colorado, @lyrlobo on Twitter, Education Chair of NPC Board & Mars game simulation,
[08:36] Bob-e (bob.hensley): Doug Gadomski, University of New Mexico (Albuquerque), Distance and F2F educator and instructor of Paramedics and EMTs.
[08:36] Valibrarian Gregg: Valerie Hill, Director Main Branch SL (exploring others)
[08:39] Cooper Udimo: Hello everyone! My name is Cooper – Alex in RL – living near Washington, DC in the US. I operate a coffeehouse here in SL that welcomes any and all people for discussions and events, educational or otherwise. I was invited here to network and offer my coffeehouse to all of you for your organizations to use as meeting space or to host events/lectures/discussions, etc. If anyone is interested they can visit the coffeehouse at Lionheart Nala (45,174,22) or IM me directly ㋡
[08:39] Siri Vezina: and it’s a VERY nice coffeehouse – I visited yesterday!
[08:39] DeeDeeBeaker: Elena Trabaudo UNM Medical Laboratory Sciences program
[08:40] Cooper Udimo: ㋡ Thank you Siri!
[08:40] Shiloh Emmons: Shiloh Emmos, frmr Anthropology grad student at the University of New Mexico, avid museum volunteer and museum training at all the museums in Santa fe (Georgia OKeeffe, Museum of Indian Arts & Crats, the SAR:  School for Advanced Research, a 100 yr old Anthro institute, the History Museum of New Mexico, and the Wheelwright museum of the American Indian).
[08:40] Shiloh Emmons: cant even spell my own name.. hah
[08:40] Beth Ghostraven: I’m Beth Ghostraven, middle school teacher-librarian in RL and owner of the Book and Tankard Pub in Victoria City, Caledon in SL; owner of Ghostraven Professional Attire, classic clothing for educators in SL; Communications Chair for the VWBPE Conference ; Communications Chair and Focus Sessions Producer for the ISTE Virtual Environments Network; and unofficial liaison between education groups in SL. For information on events for the educational groups that I work with, see the ISTE VEN Massive Open Online Calendar at
[08:40] Valibrarian Gregg: Welcome Cooper!  I visited the coffee house, too…nice place!
[08:41] Dancers Yao: Kara Bennett, Elder Voices, Los Angeles, CA Human Rights and Health Care
[08:41] Cooper Udimo: Thank you Val!
[08:41] Coughran Mayo: Dick Dillon, consultant, Innovaision, LLC, St. Louis MO
[08:42] A TIGRESS SOUL (pet.karu): Pet Karu, Founder of Unity Productions (a theater guild), Fearless Lovers (sessions on wellness) and Genesthai Ministries Inc.  I was invited
[08:42] Rhiannon Chatnoir: If you joined us late, please still introduce yourself!
[08:43] Thief of Hrtz (thief50): hi all I’m a pathoogist doing disease reseach and stopped in at the invitation of shiloh here…
[08:43] Thief of Hrtz (thief50): smiles all aroudn…
[08:43] Inquisitive Loon: Jerome Joffe, charming, curious, insightful, witty.
[08:43] Sitearm (sitearm.madonna): oohh
[08:43] Jules (jules.mcwinnie): Hi, I’m Jules, I’ a graduate student in art education
[08:44] Shiloh Emmons: … Yes.. he is my Other half and partner
[08:44] Rhiannon Chatnoir: and welcome those new to Nonprofit Commons!
[08:44] – ̗̀ღMɪᴄᴋʏღ ̖́- (nemesis.exodus): everyone, I’m Nemesis Exodus, but can be called Micky, military veteran here
[08:44] – ̗̀ღMɪᴄᴋʏღ ̖́- (nemesis.exodus):  Hi
[08:44] DocNeuro Cyants (ecoli.gynoid): I run a cognitive neurology research lab and study decision making pathways.
[08:44] Marylou Goldrosen: Hi Everybody! Dr Mary Stokrocki, teaches at my Art Ark Plush Nonprofit Commons (127,16,27)
[08:45] Lyr Lobo: Great to see you *grins*
[08:45] Rhiannon Chatnoir: for those new to NPC..
[08:45] Rhiannon Chatnoir: The mission of the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is to connect communities for social good through education, networking, and collaboration.
[08:45] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Our community is peer governed and funded! If you would like to help support NPC, you can donate via paypal to or donate in world via the donation kiosks here behind me and around NPC or sending Lindens to the avatar: NonprofitCommons Actor
[08:46] Rhiannon Chatnoir: We also  offer free virtual office space for those doing nonprofit, and social-good, cause-based work.
[08:46] Rhiannon Chatnoir: here’s the form to start the process for requesting space here
[08:47] Thief of Hrtz (thief50): gawd I’m also a horrible speller it seems
[08:47] Rhiannon Chatnoir: now, I am going to let Zinnia update us with some NPC community/mentor updates
[08:47] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you!
[08:47] Second Life: 2020 Relay for Life 2020 Swag for NPC Tour by Lyr Lobo owned by Lyr Lobo gave you ‘2020 Relay for Life 2020 Swag for NPC Tour by Lyr Lobo’  ( Plush Nonprofit Commons (116,135,22) ).
[08:47] 2020 Relay for Life 2020 Swag for NPC Tour by Lyr Lobo: Look in your inventory for a folder called: 2020 Relay for Life 2020 Swag for NPC Tour by Lyr Lobo. This folder contains your items.
[08:47] Junie Mirabella: I am the creative director of the registered non-profit, Double Diamond Archaeology.
[08:48] Zinnia Zauber: Well, we are working toward our SLB17 NPC Exhibit and we need your help!
[08:48] Zinnia Zauber: The name of the exhibition is “Nonprofit Passport – Civic Leadership and Global Goals at the Nonprofit Commons”.
[08:48] Junie Mirabella: Jules, did my 2 messages go thru?
[08:48] Zinnia Zauber: And, you may remember that we requested full perms images from you.
[08:49] Lyr Lobo: Great name, Zinnia
[08:49] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you!
[08:49] Zinnia Zauber: We want to showcase those opportunities we have had meeting our virtual friends.
[08:49] Zinnia Zauber: Global trekking inworld and out inspires virtual good and worldwide causes. Discover big passports with stamps of the different nonprofits represented at the Nonprofit Commons, snapshot cameras, and a map of all the locations our community members live.
[08:50] Zinnia Zauber: . To foster fellowship, while at conferences, on vacations, and road trips, view slideshow stories of us traveling to meet our virtual friends in the physical world.
[08:50] Zinnia Zauber: . As well as, demonstrate the civic-minded connections, educational efforts, and strong bonds that are explored within Second Life that provides our imagination and leadership vehicle.
[08:50] Zinnia Zauber: Of course, we can have shots of us inworld as well.
[08:51] Zinnia Zauber: Our request from you is to provide photos of you and your fellow SL friends.
[08:51] Buffy Beale: Z can you give examples of what type of photos or textures
[08:51] Coughran Mayo: Real life meetings are always fun
[08:51] Buffy Beale: oops heh
[08:51] Zinnia Zauber: We need them full permissions so we can put them in the slide show.
[08:52] Zinnia Zauber: Well, fun ones at conferences.
[08:53] Coughran Mayo: I have a wall of photos over at the PFH location on Aloft
[08:53] Zinnia Zauber: I am sorry, I should have loaded some as examples.
[08:53] Zinnia Zauber: Yes, Coughran! All your photos would be lovely for this exhibition!
[08:53] Buffy Beale: yay C!
[08:54] Zinnia Zauber: Do you folks have such photos to share for the exhibition?
[08:54] Zinnia Zauber: Have you met your virtual friends?
[08:54] Coughran Mayo: I’ll give you my selfie with Anshe Chung – her 15 minutes of fame
[08:54] Buffy Beale: heh
[08:54] Buffy Beale: I don’t Z, no
[08:54] Zinnia Zauber: Well, see Buffy, then we get to use fun photos from inworld too.
[08:55] Valibrarian Gregg: yes- I love meeting avatars I know well in the physical world.  They are JUST the same 🙂  (Just realized I had met you Coughran)
[08:55] Buffy Beale: ok great
[08:55] Zinnia Zauber: Perfect, C!
[08:55] Coughran Mayo: 🙂
[08:55] Zinnia Zauber: I know I have several, not a lot.
[08:55] Inquisitive Loon: mett in the physical world and they might exterminate me. ugh.
[08:55] Zinnia Zauber: 🙁
[08:56] Zinnia Zauber: Well, if you have some, please share them with me or Buffy full perm please.
[08:57] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you for helping with that! I have an open mic item too, I have to leave early today, so wish to share now.
[08:57] Zinnia Zauber: You can see my image with my students in our Zoom Meeting.
[08:57] Zinnia Zauber: On Tuesday, June 9 from 12:00 to 1:30 PM via Zoom and Second Life, please drop in anytime during our Media 224 Digital Storytelling Final Presentation and Demonstration.
[08:58] Junie Mirabella: I’m working with Jules McWinnie on an exhibit at our Viridian Gallery about 2 seasons of of Art, Archaeology, & Climate Change research in Scotland. Happy to share images.
[08:58] Zinnia Zauber: Learn from Multimedia Communication student’s educational insight as you visit our virtual learning environment created for transformational expression, inclusive engagement, and student support.
[08:58] Zinnia Zauber: Experience our Superhero’s Journey Digital Storytelling New Student Orientation to discover your destiny along the Guided Pathways Areas of Study.
[08:58] Zinnia Zauber: The treasure you seek is within you. The Digital Storytelling Superhero’s Journey New Student Orientation with Guided Pathways Interactive Project is persistent virtual learning environment to engage, inform, and inspire new students and advance institutional understanding.
[08:58] Zinnia Zauber: Professor Brock developed and designed this immersive experience provides a 3D framework to discover treasured passion that unlocks an educational pathway. Digital Storytelling students explore learning outcomes, expound, assemble, and institute project degrees components with faculty, advisors, and staff stakeholders.
[08:59] Zinnia Zauber: The goal is to foster cross-disciplinary collaboration, inclusive experiences, and create an innovative introduction to college with helpful resources, stories, and keys for success.
[08:59] Zinnia Zauber: To receive a Zoom invite, please contact Professor Brock at 
Or, join us in Second Life at Etopia Peninsula (144,227,24)
[08:59] Zinnia Zauber: This presentation is when the students will be sharing their work.
[08:59] Second Life: Lyr Lobo gave you Cynthia Calongne Lyr Lobo for SL17B NPC.
[09:00] Zinnia Zauber: We had planned to present today to  prepare you for the journey.
[09:00] Zinnia Zauber: But, it will now have to be next week afterwards.
[09:00] Zinnia Zauber: Please email me if you want to join the Zoom meeting.
[09:00] Zinnia Zauber: And we look forward to presenting about it next week as well.
[09:01] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you very much!
[09:01] Buffy Beale: thanks Z!
[09:01] Marylou Goldrosen: I have a Powerful of Zinnia & I at Conference right at my Art Art
[09:01] Zinnia Zauber: YAY! Thank you! And, cool Junie! Looking forward to it!
[09:02] Lyr Lobo: Wonderful *grins*
[09:02] Junie Mirabella: Hi Mary ! It’s June
[09:03] Rhiannon Chatnoir: thank you Zinnia
[09:03] Rhiannon Chatnoir: if you have any other upcoming events, lets do a quick Open Mic before Lyr starts her presentation
[09:04] Beth Ghostraven: Sitearm and I have info about the ISTE Reunion coming up
[09:04] Beth Ghostraven: we’ll send the notecard asap
[09:04] Lyr Lobo cheers
[09:04] Valibrarian Gregg: Next Friday morning, 7am slt, Yan Lauria (Japan) shares a tour of his teleportal system,  Meet at CVL.
[09:04] Beth Ghostraven: it’ll be June 27-28
[09:04] Lyr Lobo: Is this the normal #NotatISTE dates?
[09:04] Lyr Lobo: playground, etc., Beth?
[09:04] Second Life: Valibrarian Gregg gave you Yan Lauria TelePortal tour #2 on June 12 (Fri) 7 am PDT.
[09:04] Beth Ghostraven: Lyr, I don’t know
[09:04] Lyr Lobo: ok *grins*
[09:05] Rhiannon Chatnoir: oh that is great Beth, is that a in person meetup or in SL
[09:05] Sitearm (sitearm.madonna): ..
[09:05] Beth Ghostraven: the RL ISTE conference is postponed to December
[09:05] Sitearm (sitearm.madonna): INVITATION 
International Society for Technology in Education – Virtual Environments Network
Please save June 27th and June 28th
We are having an ISTE VEN Island Reunion!  Socials, Presentations, Retrospectives.
Bring a guest, protégé, friend, anyone you’d like to introduce to ISTE!
Please follow the event schedule and registration information by going to:
info: Sitearm (Sitearm Madonna), Beth Ghostraven, OptoMystic (Scottmerrick Oh), or Spiff (Spiff Whitfield)
[09:05] Beth Ghostraven: in SL
[09:05] Sitearm (sitearm.madonna): ping Beth or Sitearm ni IM for the notecard if you would like it 🙂
[09:05] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great
[09:06] Siri Vezina: The beekeepers group “The Buzz about Bees” is sponsoring an exhibit at SL17B – if you want a direct LM to see it, IM me.
[09:06] Gentle Heron: “A Brilliant Madness: John Nash” film and discussion 
Monday, June 8, 11:30am SLT Virtual Ability (40,114,23)
   This documentary goes beyond the movie “A Beautiful Mind.”
[09:07] Cooper Udimo: At the coffeehouse we don’t have any upcoming events in particular to mention but thats why I’m here – to offer our space to all of you. It is totally free of charge and events can be privately held or publicly advertised on our online calendar – link is given to each visitor upon TP to the coffeehouse. Lionheart Nala (45,174,22) ㋡
[09:07] Rhiannon Chatnoir: thank you Cooper 🙂
[09:07] Rhiannon Chatnoir: any other announcements or things to share before I turn it over to Lyr
[09:08] Namaara MacMoragh: I’m doing a presentation-slash-discussion next Thursday, 11 June, at 3pm SLT on “Adapting To Changing Times.” It’s for nonprofits and small business but anyone can join. Here’s the summary; In RL Namaara MacMoragh has over 30 years working with nonprofits across the United States. Join Namaara as she discusses what today’s organizations should do to navigate the turbulent waters of change.
SLurl – Etopia Island (84,157,23)
[09:08] Lyr Lobo: sound just cut out again…thumping it
[09:08] Zinnia Zauber: Cool, Nam!
[09:09] Namaara MacMoragh: Thanks Z
[09:09] Gentle Heron: oh that sounds useful Namaara.
[09:09] Namaara MacMoragh: Everyone is invited. I’ll send out reminders Monday or Tuesday.
[09:09] Namaara MacMoragh: Thank you Gentle. I hope it so 🙂
[09:09] Lyr Lobo: ah, I will have to use text… sound will not stay active in SL *smiles*
[09:09] Rhiannon Chatnoir: sounds great
[09:10] Lyr Lobo: Welcome! *grins*
[09:10] Lyr Lobo: if you have problems seeing the slides or would like a copy as your guide, you can see or download them from this link. *smiles*
[09:11] Rhiannon Chatnoir: 🙂
[09:11] Lyr Lobo: The relay for life of secondlife has been held since 2004
[09:11] Lyr Lobo: and has raised over $3.5 million dollars US in Second Life
[09:11] Lyr Lobo: through the lindens and the ACS Convio website for credit card transactions and tax receipts
[09:12] Lyr Lobo: it is one of the Second Life’s largest fundraisers and the culmination of 4 months of events
[09:12] Lyr Lobo: the Relay is a 24 hour run
[09:12] Lyr Lobo: or walk
[09:12] Lyr Lobo: around a track that this year is at its largest
[09:12] Lyr Lobo: 45 regions of content!
[09:12] Lyr Lobo: the theme this year is GAme on, Cancer!
[09:12] Lyr Lobo: and all 45 regions are full of games
[09:12] Lyr Lobo: Z, there is REady Player One tributes, too *grins*
[09:13] Lyr Lobo: and lots of pop culture, education, and laughter as well as a memorial garden
[09:13] Lyr Lobo: and rememberances for those we loved and lost
[09:13] Lyr Lobo: the actual relay is tomorrow and Sunday
[09:13] Lyr Lobo: for 24 hours
[09:13] Zinnia Zauber: 🙂
[09:13] Lyr Lobo: I love the exhibits with the monster books, Val
[09:13] Lyr Lobo: and find them so compelling
[09:14] Lyr Lobo: and Z, the fanciful lovely colors and flowers as well as the cool crafts reminded me of you
[09:14] Siri Vezina: I love the memorial luminaries – I have quite a few people to remember.
[09:14] Lyr Lobo: to get there after this session
[09:14] Zinnia Zauber: Aww, thanks!
[09:14] Lyr Lobo: you can use the landmarks in the box to my left (your left) *grins*
[09:14] Lyr Lobo: click on it for a folder full of swag
[09:14] Lyr Lobo: I included sparklers
[09:14] Lyr Lobo: tambourines
[09:14] Lyr Lobo: fun toys
[09:15] Lyr Lobo: and many other things including the box that I unpacked from the Relay team to add them for you
[09:15] Lyr Lobo: everyone has left clicked this box?
[09:15] Lyr Lobo: if you were wanting to tour around
[09:15] Lyr Lobo: and didn’t want to use landmarks
[09:15] Lyr Lobo: just open your world map and type RFL
[09:16] Lyr Lobo: all 45 regions appear in your list
[09:16] Lyr Lobo: but only for the next 4-5 days
[09:16] Lyr Lobo: then like Brigadoon, they recede into the mists *grins*
[09:16] Lyr Lobo: on each region
[09:16] Lyr Lobo: you will seekiosks
[09:16] Lyr Lobo: grouped on both sides
[09:16] Rini Hathaway: Now you’ve got the musical running through my head….
[09:16] Lyr Lobo: they are full of freebies, instructions, pedometer
[09:16] Lyr Lobo: hehe yes
[09:16] Lyr Lobo: love that one
[09:17] Rini Hathaway: me too
[09:17] Lyr Lobo: I’ve been singing Oh What a Beautiful Morning
[09:17] Lyr Lobo: from Oklahoma *chuckles*
[09:17] Lyr Lobo: I could not give you the walk along
[09:17] Lyr Lobo: called a tag along
[09:17] Lyr Lobo: that auto walks you and allows you to link with friends
[09:17] Lyr Lobo: so you auto walk together
[09:17] Lyr Lobo: and can type and chat
[09:17] Buffy Beale: cool!
[09:17] Lyr Lobo: those are no transfer
[09:18] Lyr Lobo: and in the kiosks you see on screen (the boxes) for free
[09:18] Lyr Lobo: the war paint texture in your box
[09:18] Beth Ghostraven: oh, I don’t think I got a pedometer
[09:18] Lyr Lobo: is part of a skin applier for this year
[09:18] Lyr Lobo: i did not have one
[09:18] Lyr Lobo: they are released tomorrow, Beth
[09:18] Lyr Lobo: to keep folks from tracking early *grins*
[09:19] Lyr Lobo: the instructoin on the lower right
[09:19] Lyr Lobo: of this slide
[09:19] Lyr Lobo: gives a few hints
[09:19] Lyr Lobo: you click on the kiosk
[09:19] Lyr Lobo: open the folder
[09:19] Lyr Lobo: add the pedometer and it appears in the lower right of your interface (or mine did the last 14 years)
[09:19] Beth Ghostraven: cool Lyr, thanks
[09:19] Lyr Lobo: you click Start
[09:19] Lyr Lobo: and stay on the track. As you pass the little street sign lap counters
[09:19] Lyr Lobo: it racks your progress
[09:19] Lyr Lobo: on this website, it will report every lap that 1200+ folks make
[09:20] Lyr Lobo:
[09:20] Lyr Lobo: which is fun to see tomorrow
[09:20] Lyr Lobo: today, it only has historical data *grins*
[09:20] Lyr Lobo: what is special about our run
[09:20] Lyr Lobo: is that it is filled with cancer survivors, patients and their caregivers
[09:21] Lyr Lobo: it reminds us that we all are susceptible and all of us care and love someone who has cancer at some point in our lives
[09:21] Lyr Lobo: this is SciFi Con
[09:21] Lyr Lobo: for the science fiction fans *grins*
[09:21] Lyr Lobo: Here is the Ready Player One tribute
[09:21] Lyr Lobo: with some of the content from the book and movie featured
[09:21] Lyr Lobo: through the trail
[09:21] Marylou Goldrosen: WoW! That’s a lot of Giftd/Guides!
[09:21] Lyr Lobo: love chess, like hedge mazes
[09:21] Lyr Lobo: hehe
[09:21] Lyr Lobo: like pac man
[09:21] Lyr Lobo: mario?
[09:22] Lyr Lobo: donkey kong?
[09:22] Lyr Lobo: they are all there
[09:22] Lyr Lobo: scrabble
[09:22] Lyr Lobo: chutes and ladders
[09:22] Buffy Beale: what fun!
[09:22] Lyr Lobo: even Grand Theft Auto
[09:22] Lyr Lobo: yes
[09:22] Lyr Lobo: you can see why I did not sleep last night *laughs*
[09:22] Buffy Beale: lol no wonder
[09:22] Elli Pinion: lol
[09:22] Lyr Lobo: it oepns with ceremonies followed by a survivor caregiver lap
[09:22] Lyr Lobo: folks register for it in advance
[09:22] Lyr Lobo: so if you want to walk in it, let them know
[09:23] Beth Ghostraven: Lyr, you never sleep at night, lol
[09:23] Lyr Lobo: in the volunteer group
[09:23] Lyr Lobo: hehe
[09:23] Lyr Lobo: first week of classes and i have 5 classes that opened
[09:23] Lyr Lobo: plus i’m at a doctoral symposium right now
[09:23] Lyr Lobo: love the scrabble and board games area
[09:23] Lyr Lobo: looks like they created one too as a trail
[09:23] Lyr Lobo: in the box
[09:23] Marylou Goldrosen: Where do you get the energy?
[09:23] Lyr Lobo: I gave you the schedule of 24 hours of laps
[09:23] Lyr Lobo: just wait until Sunday night
[09:24] Lyr Lobo: I’ll sleep then *grins*
[09:24] Lyr Lobo: Here it is online too.
[09:24] Second Life: Items successfully shared.
[09:24] Lyr Lobo: I created little versions
[09:24] Lyr Lobo: for you to enjoy on screen
[09:24] Lyr Lobo:
[09:24] Lyr Lobo: Here’s a quick look at the schedule
[09:25] Lyr Lobo: you can change clothes, wear props, or just have fun looking at all the finery
[09:25] Lyr Lobo: they often have a box with the gear in it for each lap
[09:25] Lyr Lobo: so y ou don’t have to go shopping *grins*
[09:25] Lyr Lobo: or dig for it
[09:25] Jules (jules.mcwinnie): this looks fabulous!
[09:25] Lyr Lobo: I love to skate through the track
[09:25] Lyr Lobo: which is over 10000 meters
[09:25] Lyr Lobo: with 45 grids
[09:26] Lyr Lobo: pull up your world map if you can
[09:26] Lyr Lobo: it is ctrl M on a windows system
[09:26] Lyr Lobo: for those who are new
[09:26] Lyr Lobo: possibly command M on a mac
[09:26] Siri Vezina: I couldn’t get the one to work
[09:26] Lyr Lobo: and type RFL
[09:26] Siri Vezina: The long one does
[09:26] Lyr Lobo: let me work on it, siri
[09:26] Siri Vezina: kk
[09:27] Lyr Lobo:
[09:27] Lyr Lobo: it works for me
[09:27] Second Life: Items successfully shared.
[09:27] Lyr Lobo: just laoded again
[09:27] Lyr Lobo: in your world map, if you see the RFL search
[09:27] Lyr Lobo: scroll around to see all 45 regions
[09:27] Siri Vezina: yep, the new one worked
[09:27] Lyr Lobo: unlike past years, it is not a square
[09:27] Rini Hathaway: Goodness, I’m going to need hiking shoes.
[09:27] Lyr Lobo: but more like a heart shape
[09:27] Lyr Lobo: hehe or skates
[09:27] Lyr Lobo: i suspect they have some for you
[09:27] Beth Ghostraven: hiking shoes and low lag clothing
[09:28] Rini Hathaway: Hoverboard
[09:28] Siri Vezina: skates!  I have several RFL pairs 🙂
[09:28] Lyr Lobo: it is such fun to skate, ride horses, and dance around the track
[09:28] Lyr Lobo: kickin’ Cancer in the backside all the way
[09:28] Lyr Lobo: for dances, activate one of your dances in your inventory to swirl around as you skate
[09:28] Lyr Lobo: it is such fun
[09:28] Lyr Lobo: they worked on lag last year
[09:28] Lyr Lobo: and optimized the track
[09:28] Lyr Lobo whispers: T1 radion created a HUD
[09:29] Beth Ghostraven: oh awesome!
[09:29] Lyr Lobo: T1 radion created a HUD
[09:29] Lyr Lobo: that you wear and don’t have ot use the radio station
[09:29] Beth Ghostraven: Lag was a lot better at Fantasy Faire this year too
[09:29] Lyr Lobo: as it lags you when you cross regions
[09:29] Lyr Lobo: and the radio shifts
[09:29] Lyr Lobo: this is a no /low lab tune fest
[09:29] Lyr Lobo whispers: any questions?
[09:30] Lyr Lobo: any questions? *grins*
[09:30] Lyr Lobo: The event is free and the goal is to take a stand. While fundraising is desired, we met our goal
[09:30] Lyr Lobo: for this year
[09:30] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great
[09:30] Lyr Lobo: we’ve raised 256,962.87  and the goal was 250,000.00
[09:30] Elli Pinion: Wow!
[09:30] Lyr Lobo: with one day left and the Relay yet to do
[09:31] Elli Pinion: That’s stunning!
[09:31] Lyr Lobo: plus, the auctions for boats, buildings, cool tech, and amazing creations are still coming
[09:31] Lyr Lobo: yes *grins*
[09:31] Lyr Lobo: I bought the next wave of linden bears
[09:31] Lyr Lobo: including the Ebbe one
[09:31] Lyr Lobo: and they have shoulder pets for 25 lindens
[09:31] Buffy Beale: that is incredible fundraising!
[09:31] Lyr Lobo: gachas by the track
[09:31] Lyr Lobo: yes
[09:31] Lyr Lobo: that’s the reason we feature it here
[09:31] Lyr Lobo: in addition to fighting cancer
[09:31] Lyr Lobo: RFL is a great rolemodel
[09:32] Lyr Lobo: for social good
[09:32] Lyr Lobo: in Second Life and how to manage over 1000 volunteers
[09:32] Buffy Beale: Lyr, are those real dollars or Lindens?
[09:32] Lyr Lobo: and pool the creative efforts
[09:32] Lyr Lobo whispers: good question, I suspect USD
[09:32] Buffy Beale: kk ty
[09:32] Lyr Lobo: I suspect usd
[09:32] Lyr Lobo: because we raised over 68,000 in Fantasy Faire in USD
[09:32] Lyr Lobo: and had 4 months of fundraising
[09:33] Buffy Beale: Amazing
[09:33] Lyr Lobo: many of the teams had $1,000 goals
[09:33] Lyr Lobo: yes it is
[09:33] Rhiannon Chatnoir crashed.. back now
[09:33] Lyr Lobo: the money is going to build a HOpe Lodge in Kenya
[09:33] Lyr Lobo: we’ve been working on it for two years now
[09:33] Beth Ghostraven: my team has raised over $4,000 USD so far
[09:33] Lyr Lobo: as it takes a million dollars
[09:33] Lyr Lobo: wonderful, Beth! Are you in Relay rockers?
[09:33] Lyr Lobo: *squints*
[09:34] Lyr Lobo: I’m in Circle of Life and we have a region called RFL Promise
[09:34] Beth Ghostraven: I’m in ACTS – Aether Chrononauts Tiny Steps
[09:34] Beth Ghostraven: Team Caledon joined them several years ago
[09:34] Lyr Lobo: Serina Juran is the designer. I saw the amusement park there
[09:34] Lyr Lobo: wonderful!  Great group *grins*
[09:34] Beth Ghostraven: yes!
[09:35] Lyr Lobo: I was team captain for many years, and I was Public Relations and Media Relations Area Chair in 2011-2012 when Rhiannon invited me to speak here for the first time *Grins*
[09:35] Lyr Lobo: Haven’t hushed up yet *winks*
[09:35] Gentle Heron: Relay involves so many people and is spread out over the whole year, really. Has anyone ever figured the funds raised per volunteer hour spent on fundraising?
[09:35] Lyr Lobo: I lost my entire family to cancer
[09:35] Lyr Lobo: including aunts, uncles, great-aunts, grandparents..
[09:35] Lyr Lobo: friends
[09:35] Rini Hathaway: Oh no
[09:36] Lyr Lobo: and I was born with it after excessive radiation prior to birth
[09:36] Lyr Lobo: so it is a labor of love to fight for a better future for our children
[09:36] Valibrarian Gregg: sorry to hear that Lyr – your work is inspiring
[09:37] Lyr Lobo: as many of you know, my sister of the heart, Delightful Doowangle fights non-hodgkins lymphoma for her third wave of Stage 4 cancer
[09:37] Lyr Lobo: and is still going strong, Val
[09:37] Lyr Lobo: as did my other research partner with his stage 4 cancer last year
[09:37] Lyr Lobo: so we struggle together
[09:37] Lyr Lobo: and stay strong together *smiles*
[09:37] Lyr Lobo: any questions on the relay for life?
[09:37] Lyr Lobo: once we go there, it is easy to get distracted, so my thoughts were to let you enjoy it free without listening to me *grins*
[09:38] Lyr Lobo: I have to watch the lu8minarias
[09:38] Lyr Lobo: the little bags on the side of the road
[09:38] Lyr Lobo: to figure out which way to walk or run *laugsh*
[09:38] Beth Ghostraven: I need to buy some luminarias
[09:38] Lyr Lobo: fewer arrows on the ground this year
[09:38] Lyr Lobo: yes, they are 50 and up
[09:38] Shiloh Emmons: yes .. or farilitos…. *smiles
[09:38] Lyr Lobo: 50 is yellow, a lovely color
[09:38] Lyr Lobo: 500 is greeen, 1000 is blue
[09:38] Elli Pinion: Love the luminarias.
[09:39] Lyr Lobo: the other colors are orange, pink,and purple
[09:39] Lyr Lobo: easi to use
[09:39] Lyr Lobo: pay it, a memory or honor request appears
[09:39] Lyr Lobo: and you type in your dedication
[09:39] Lyr Lobo: i even did a few poems one line at a time *laughs*
[09:39] Marylou Goldrosen: Lyr – You are Amazing!
[09:39] Lyr Lobo: hehe, well it is good to remember the ones we love
[09:39] Lyr Lobo: and to honor and cherish the living *Smiles*
[09:39] Beth Ghostraven: could do like Bromo-Seltzer signs
[09:39] Lyr Lobo: hehe
[09:40] Beth Ghostraven: :o)
[09:40] Lyr Lobo: I did Rose-lipt maidens and lightfood lads
[09:40] Lyr Lobo: (Housman)
[09:40] Lyr Lobo: hehe
[09:40] Rini Hathaway: oh my, perfect
[09:40] Lyr Lobo: anyway, if everyone has the gifts, I’ll pick them up
[09:40] Lyr Lobo: would you like to go see the relay for life?
[09:40] Lyr Lobo: if you look in your folder, created after clicking my box
[09:40] Buffy Beale: let’s get those bears!
[09:40] Buffy Beale: lol
[09:40] Lyr Lobo: you’ll see a dozen landmarks
[09:40] Lyr Lobo: sure
[09:41] Lyr Lobo: they are on every region, I think…in the center on the track where the kiosks are *chuckles*
[09:41] Lyr Lobo: I made my photo
[09:41] Lyr Lobo: for Buffy and Zinnia
[09:41] Lyr Lobo: and put it on a box
[09:41] Lyr Lobo: no need to get it
[09:41] Lyr Lobo: but i saw that someone asked what to do
[09:41] Lyr Lobo: and this is what occurred to me *Grins*
[09:42] Lyr Lobo: I’m not much for photos
[09:42] Lyr Lobo: ok picking up my mess and off we go..let’s see
[09:42] Buffy Beale: I’m not sure if Z wants to put them in a slideshow though Lyr
[09:42] Lyr Lobo: where would you like to go first?
[09:42] Lyr Lobo: well i can send them individu8ally
[09:42] Lyr Lobo: when i upload them in world
[09:42] Lyr Lobo: my face was as wide as my hips *alughs*
[09:42] Rhiannon Chatnoir: before we hop, I also want to mention Linden lab is hosting a show with some of the Relay organizers today at noon
[09:42] Lyr Lobo: which was disconcerting at best *winks*
[09:42] Rhiannon Chatnoir: you can watch it there
[09:43] Buffy Beale: heh Lyr and great Rhi
[09:43] Lyr Lobo: ah there is a memorial garden
[09:43] Lyr Lobo: see the image before you
[09:43] Lyr Lobo: that was lovely
[09:43] Lyr Lobo: wear your coffee and curlers is a fun run *grins*
[09:43] Lyr Lobo: if you neee leis or flowers for your hair
[09:43] Lyr Lobo: i made some
[09:44] Lyr Lobo: and i gave you sparklers
[09:44] Lyr Lobo: for more info, join the RFL groups noted here…the info only one is very helpful
[09:44] Buffy Beale: great presentation Lyr, thank you!
[09:44] Lyr Lobo: good idea, Rhi
[09:44] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes lots of swag goodies
[09:45] Cooper Udimo: ㋡ Thank you Lyr
[09:45] Lyr Lobo: plus, i[‘m not 100’% sure that they are open for tours, but they were open late last night sooo *grins*
[09:45] Shiloh Emmons: was excellent, thank you
[09:45] Elli Pinion: Such an amazing event!
[09:45] Lyr Lobo: i toured…and scarfed up goodies
[09:45] Lyr Lobo: I love it, Elli
[09:45] Elli Pinion: Thanks for the info
[09:45] Rhiannon Chatnoir: are we heading there?
[09:45] Lyr Lobo: it is like visting relatives long gone…to remember and celebrate
[09:45] Lyr Lobo: sure
[09:45] Jules (jules.mcwinnie): Thank you, its wonderful. So much work!
[09:45] Rhiannon Chatnoir: for those who want?
[09:45] Lyr Lobo: opening my folder
[09:45] Second Life: Items successfully shared.
[09:46] Rhiannon Chatnoir: `•** (☆) **•´RELAY FOR LIFE`•** (☆) **•´    
[09:46] Rhiannon Chatnoir: `•** (☆) **•´   CELEBRATE      `•** (☆) **•´   
[09:46] Rhiannon Chatnoir: `•** (☆) **•´   REMEMBER      `•** (☆) **•´   
[09:46] Rhiannon Chatnoir: `•** (☆) **•´   FIGHT BACK   `•** (☆) **•´      
[09:46] Rhiannon Chatnoir: `•** (☆) **•´        2019          `•** (☆) **•´
[09:46] Lyr Lobo: called 2020 Relay for Life 2020 Swag for NPC Tour by Lyr Lobo
[09:46] Rhiannon Chatnoir: oops, playing with a gesture in the goodies folder
[09:46] Marylou Goldrosen whispers: YEAH! Following  you all!
[09:46] Lyr Lobo: yes, Rhi is playing with the gesture
[09:46] Buffy Beale: heh Rhi
[09:46] Lyr Lobo: you all have one in your folder
[09:46] Elli Pinion: `•** (☆) **•´RELAY FOR LIFE`•** (☆) **•´    
[09:46] Elli Pinion: `•** (☆) **•´   CELEBRATE      `•** (☆) **•´   
[09:46] Elli Pinion: `•** (☆) **•´   REMEMBER      `•** (☆) **•´   
[09:46] Elli Pinion: `•** (☆) **•´   FIGHT BACK   `•** (☆) **•´      
[09:46] Elli Pinion: `•** (☆) **•´        2019          `•** (☆) **•´
[09:46] Lyr Lobo: we have remembrance cancles too
[09:46] Elli Pinion: lol
[09:47] Lyr Lobo: add the flag
[09:47] Lyr Lobo: to see it
[09:47] Lyr Lobo: da big this year
[09:47] Lyr Lobo: *laughs*
[09:47] Lyr Lobo: i have some that are smaller and animate
[09:47] DeeDeeBeaker: great work that you are doing
[09:48] Buffy Beale: No Mentors today but if anyone has any questions or needs help please IM me, and if you’re interested in having office space or a kiosk here at Nonprofit Commons, here’s the form to start the process and if you’d like to present at our meeting, here’s the form for that:
[09:48] Beth Ghostraven: Lyr, have you seen a Game On flag with this year’s logo anywhere?
[09:48] Second Life: Lyr Lobo gave you RFL Team ~ Circle of Life Flag (wear).
[09:49] Ludova (quippe.wylder): May I make an announcement?
[09:49] Lyr Lobo: sure
[09:49] Lyr Lobo: and then we’ll go to the chess one
[09:49] Lyr Lobo: please do, Ludova
[09:50] Ludova (quippe.wylder): Some of you have seen my Hubble Collages at Hero Walk and picked up the four free ones. I  have an art exhibit at Raglan Tree of all of my collages, and it will be up through June.
[09:50] Buffy Beale: that’s great Ludo!
[09:50] Shiloh Emmons: Ludo please post an LM  thanks
[09:50] Lyr Lobo: wonderful, Ludo!
[09:51] Ludova (quippe.wylder): Post it?
[09:51] Jules (jules.mcwinnie): Thanks again, Lyr. See you at the relay!
[09:51] Ludova (quippe.wylder): I can pass it to everyone nearby or I can post a slurl but not sure how to post a LM
[09:51] Ludova (quippe.wylder): Raglan Shire (148,28,59)
[09:51] Beth Ghostraven: share it with nearby please, Ludo
[09:52] Cooper Udimo: I think you can only do SLURL in chat
[09:52] Second Life: Lyr Lobo gave you 2020 Relay for Life 2020 Swag for NPC Tour by Lyr Lobo.
[09:52] Lyr Lobo: If you want to share these goodies with friends, I gave you the box container of goodies just now
[09:52] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great
[09:52] Shiloh Emmons: thank you Lyr
[09:52] Valibrarian Gregg: ty for all the great info (and items) Lyr 🙂
[09:52] DocNeuro Cyants (ecoli.gynoid): yes, got it too
[09:52] Ludova (quippe.wylder): Just  a sec.
[09:52] Rhiannon Chatnoir: love looking into the crowd at everyone wearing flags
[09:52] Stella Wyx (stellawixom): tyty
[09:53] Lyr Lobo: ready to tour?
[09:53] Valibrarian Gregg: I see the Luminaria Ceremony is 9pm slt tomorrow- that should be beautiful!
[09:53] Sitearm (sitearm.madonna): @Rhiannon ty for this recurring event for excellence @All ty for your company see you soon 🙂
[09:54] Second Life: Lyr Lobo gave you RFL Care Chess Hedge Maze -Designer Alia Baroque.
[09:54] Lyr Lobo: we’ll go see and get some goodies at RFL CARE (165,131,23)
[09:54] Beth Ghostraven: tc Sitearm!
[09:54] Rhiannon Chatnoir: take care those leaving
[09:54] Lyr Lobo: you have the landmark and the slurl
[09:54] Cooper Udimo: Take care everyone! Hope to see you all around!
[09:54] Lyr Lobo: goodbye and have a lovely weekend
[09:54] Rhiannon Chatnoir: For those leaving, see you next week
[09:54] Beth Ghostraven: see you on the track!
[09:54] Lyr Lobo: it is, Val
[09:54] Rhiannon Chatnoir: and, for those who want, we can hop to exploring Relay for Life
[09:54] Elli Pinion: See you there! TY so much for this great overview.
[09:54] Lyr Lobo: they read off the tributes over the radio
[09:54] Shiloh Emmons: stay well, eeryone.. and thank you for sharing… be safe.. and, as always, .. Namaste
[09:54] Lyr Lobo: thank you *grins* heading to RFL Care
[09:55] Lyr Lobo: for the chess and hedge maze and gifts
[09:55] Second Life: Quippe Wylder gave you RaglanTree Art Gallery, Cosmic Collages.
[09:55] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes head to the RFL Care landmark within the folder or explore as you wish
[09:55] Dancers Yao: Thank you Lyr….wonderful presentation as always!
[09:55] Buffy Beale: See you there!
[09:55] Second Life: Teleport completed from Plush Nonprofit Commons (112,128,22)
[09:55] Lyr Lobo: the signs line the road
[09:56] Lyr Lobo: and are nearby..probably near the bend in the road
[09:56] Valibrarian Gregg: what a beautiful place
[09:56] Lyr Lobo: yes
[09:56] Beth Ghostraven: ooh,, Alia’s Fantasy Faire region is here too!
[09:56] Lyr Lobo: just past the curve
[09:56] Lyr Lobo: but this is lovely
[09:56] Lyr Lobo: takes a moment to render, but simply elegant
[09:56] Lyr Lobo: by alia Baroque of Fallen Gods
[09:56] RFL Luminaria 2020: Thank you for your donation to the Relay For Life of Second Life.
[09:57] Lyr Lobo: yes
[09:57] Lyr Lobo: *grins*
[09:57] Second Life: RFL Luminaria 2020 owned by Luminaria AmericanCancer gave you ‘RFL Luminaria 2020 Souvenir 1’  ( RFL CARE (200,134,22) ).
[09:57] Lyr Lobo: you’ll see some familiar items, Beth
[09:57] Lyr Lobo: but with a little more content
[09:57] Lyr Lobo: the kiosks are there way
[09:57] Lyr Lobo: just a few steps
[09:58] Lyr Lobo: here they are
[09:58] Lyr Lobo: rs are in 2 collections
[09:58] Lyr Lobo: bears that is
[09:58] Valibrarian Gregg: I want to walk through the maze over there!  Will return to explore for sure
[09:58] Second Life: Object owned by Stingray (stingray9798.raymaker) gave you ‘Theme Hour Schedule – Relay Weekend 2020’  ( RFL CARE (134,145,24) ).
[09:59] Valibrarian Gregg: must head out for now….see you soon during these events
[09:59] Second Life: 2020 Tag Along & WarPaint owned by Stingray (stingray9798.raymaker) gave you ‘2020 Tag Along & WarPaint’  ( RFL CARE (135,149,24) ).
[09:59] Lyr Lobo: here is the item
[09:59] Lyr Lobo: i could not give you
[09:59] Lyr Lobo: the tag-along
[09:59] Lyr Lobo: and this T1 Radio station hud
[10:00] Lyr Lobo: which will work year round, I suspect
[10:00] Second Life: T1 Radio RIS Cube owned by Stingray (stingray9798.raymaker) gave you ‘T1 Radio RIS Cube’  ( RFL CARE (134,154,24) ).
[10:00] Lyr Lobo: T1 plays favorites from rock, country rock, pop, and one  hit wonders *grins*
[10:00] Buffy Beale: what a lot of work went in to this
[10:00] Lyr Lobo: sure, val
[10:00] Lyr Lobo: feel welcome to explore
[10:01] Lyr Lobo: i must leave soon and with 45 regions of connected track
[10:01] Lyr Lobo: there is a lot to do and see
[10:01] Siri Vezina: does the direction matter?
[10:01] Lyr Lobo: i missed some of oit last year because I ran the track non stop
[10:01] Siri Vezina: The luminaries seem to be set in one direction.
[10:01] Lyr Lobo: it does when you are in here tomorrow
[10:01] Lyr Lobo: and tracking laps
[10:01] Lyr Lobo: but right now, no
[10:01] Siri Vezina: ah, ok
[10:01] Lyr Lobo: later, they will add a pedometer or some way of tracking laps
[10:02] Lyr Lobo: don’t forget to click start when you waer it. Like a fitbit, it counts your steps *grins*
[10:02] Lyr Lobo: but they do not report until you pass a litle street sign marker
[10:02] Lyr Lobo: as we did near the waterfall
[10:02] Siri Vezina: too bad this AV doesn’t need to exercise
[10:02] Lyr Lobo: in related events, sometimes donors donate money for the laps we take
[10:02] Lyr Lobo: I’ve had folks offer to donate for bikeathons, and other races
[10:03] Lyr Lobo: feel welcome to explore *grins*  would you like to see anything else? Many games in each region
[10:03] Lyr Lobo: amusement parks
[10:03] Lyr Lobo: carnivals, boardwalk arcades
[10:03] Lyr Lobo: boating
[10:03] Second Life: ACS RFL Vendor – OFFICIAL v23 owned by Nikki Mathieson gave you ‘the 2020 Ebbe Linden Bear’  ( RFL AWARENESS (117,134,23) ).
[10:03] ACS RFL Vendor – OFFICIAL v23: Your item “the 2020 Ebbe Linden Bear” has been given. Thank you!
[10:03] ACS RFL Vendor – OFFICIAL v23: Thank you! Your donation makes it possible for us to provide support and services to cancer patients in Second Life at the American Cancer Society island.
[10:03] Siri Vezina: chessboard just off the road and up 😉
[10:03] Lyr Lobo: haha Siri
[10:04] Lyr Lobo: mine needs a little work
[10:04] Lyr Lobo: sure, Siri, let’s head that way
[10:04] Lyr Lobo: it is the right way to go
[10:04] Lyr Lobo: to answer the question
[10:04] Lyr Lobo: when you can read the luminarias
[10:04] Lyr Lobo: you are going the right way
[10:04] Lyr Lobo: see how they turn towards us?
[10:04] Lyr Lobo: this it eh direction
[10:04] Lyr Lobo: this is a lap counter tracker
[10:05] Lyr Lobo: see the checkpoint sign by my head?
[10:05] Siri Vezina shouts: Nice seats for the players!
[10:06] Siri Vezina shouts: cool, a maze!
[10:07] Lyr Lobo: yes, there is something magical about hedge mazes
[10:08] Lyr Lobo: we had wings for everyone at the center of one of our class mazes
[10:08] Siri Vezina: garden, really that’s great
[10:08] Lyr Lobo: but that also had the minotaur
[10:08] Siri Vezina: did they have to fight the minotaur?
[10:08] Lyr Lobo: who was not the prize *laughs*
[10:08] Lyr Lobo: no, they had to outwit
[10:08] Lyr Lobo: him in a test of skill *chuckles*
[10:08] Siri Vezina: cool
[10:08] Lyr Lobo: my students designed that one
[10:09] Lyr Lobo: yes, this is a lovely build
[10:09] Lyr Lobo: beth
[10:09] Lyr Lobo: di dyou want to show us your campsite?
[10:09] Siri Vezina: ooo, campsite, please
[10:09] Siri Vezina: I had to cancel our camping reservations this year
[10:10] Lyr Lobo: beth is out of range
[10:10] Lyr Lobo: checking with her
[10:10] Lyr Lobo: sorry to hear that, siri
[10:10] Siri Vezina: but our popup is set up in the side yard for sleepouts
[10:10] Siri Vezina: We may yet get out camping somewhere, but we both prefer places where the bathrooms are open and have showers.
[10:11] Lyr Lobo: yes
[10:11] Lyr Lobo: she must be away
[10:11] Lyr Lobo: i tossed a dollar at her
[10:11] Lyr Lobo: when my students accidentally put me on block or ignore
[10:11] Lyr Lobo: only money talks *grins*
[10:12] Siri Vezina: LOL
[10:12] Lyr Lobo: so if you ever see me pelt y ou with $1 bills, it just means that I am needy
[10:12] Lyr Lobo: and want attention *chuckles*
[10:12] Siri Vezina: good technique, that
[10:12] Lyr Lobo: i also used to pay them for answers
[10:12] Lyr Lobo: i’d ask a queston
[10:12] Lyr Lobo: and ask them to number their answers
[10:12] Lyr Lobo: and chat them…
[10:12] Lyr Lobo: i’d pay 10 lindens per answer
[10:12] Lyr Lobo: i had a hidden motive
[10:12] Lyr Lobo: i wanted them to upload slides and textures to present and create simulations
[10:13] Siri Vezina: wow, you must have had a grant
[10:13] Lyr Lobo: so they needed moola to do it *grins*
[10:13] Lyr Lobo: no
[10:13] Siri Vezina: ah, and they needed the lindens, I get that
[10:13] Lyr Lobo: i piad for it and 3 regions for a few years
[10:13] Lyr Lobo: out of pocket
[10:13] Stranger Nightfire: the default viewer setting no longer ping someone though unless you pay them 50 K
[10:13] Lyr Lobo: here we go
[10:13] Lyr Lobo: beth sent her landmar
[10:13] Siri Vezina: oh, wow, Lyr
[10:13] Lyr Lobo: i’ll share it with you
[10:13] Stranger Nightfire: sorry 50l
[10:13] Lyr Lobo: it was a proof of concept
[10:13] Lyr Lobo: yes
[10:13] Elli Pinion: Beth sent her LM?
[10:13] Siri Vezina: 50L is thinkable if you REALLY need to talk to someone
[10:14] Siri Vezina: but still….
[10:14] Lyr Lobo: RFL COMMITMENT (161,118,23)
[10:14] Siri Vezina: perfect, thanks!
[10:14] Lyr Lobo: hehe
[10:14] Elli Pinion: TY
[10:14] Second Life: Lyr Lobo gave you Team ACTS  vendors – start – between trees.
[10:17] Rhiannon Chatnoir: i am donating at luminaries just outside the exit of the maze here
[10:17] Buffy Beale: Heading over to see Beth’s
[10:17] Second Life: Teleport completed from RFL CARE (219,158,23)
[10:17] Lyr Lobo: these are just decorative..mostly
[10:17] Siri Vezina: that kilt is beautiful – do you roleplay in it?
[10:17] Lyr Lobo: hi buffy!
[10:18] Lyr Lobo: beth had to run
[10:18] Lyr Lobo: yes
[10:18] Buffy Beale: hi!
[10:18] Buffy Beale: aww ok
[10:18] Siri Vezina: Butty, where did you get your tiedye outfit?
[10:18] Lyr Lobo: any questions for me? *grins*
[10:18] Buffy Beale: Hi Siri, I made it, everyone has the Tiedyed texture in their Inventory Library
[10:18] Buffy Beale: 🙂
[10:19] Lyr Lobo: this is Beth’s area
[10:19] Siri Vezina: cool!  I’ve seen it but never thought to make clothes from it
[10:19] Lyr Lobo: yes, it is lovely
[10:19] Siri Vezina: 🙂  Where are the tents?
[10:19] Lyr Lobo: similar to Rhiannon’s pants
[10:19] Lyr Lobo: hmm
[10:19] Siri Vezina: maybe it’s SL camping, where you just sit around and chat
[10:20] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes I applied the painting to a pants clothing
[10:20] Siri Vezina: There’s a hot air balloon 😀
[10:20] Rhiannon Chatnoir: it came out neat so kept the look
[10:20] Lyr Lobo: not sure
[10:21] Lyr Lobo: this is Beth’s group’s build
[10:21] Siri Vezina: an exercise room!
[10:21] Siri Vezina: er, exercise square
[10:21] Buffy Beale: that’s great Rhi
[10:21] Lyr Lobo: lovely solarium *grins*
[10:21] Siri Vezina: it is, Lyr!
[10:21] Marylou Goldrosen: Does it work?
[10:21] Siri Vezina: hmmm, might be for tinies, this balance beam
[10:21] Elli Pinion: Yes!
[10:22] Lyr Lobo: ooh the flowers are pretty
[10:22] Siri Vezina: yep
[10:22] Siri Vezina: great job, Ludova
[10:22] Siri Vezina: but I think someone is biased in favor of the tinies – Starry owns this place
[10:23] Lyr Lobo shouts: the first time i went fishing in world was in 2006 at RFL
[10:23] SSP Tug of war M1 whispers: Say “/1hide” and “/1show” to hide/show the poseball
[10:23] Lyr Lobo: ok stranger
[10:23] Siri Vezina shouts: Did you catch anything?
[10:23] Lyr Lobo: help Buffy
[10:23] Buffy Beale: haha how do we tug?
[10:23] SSP Tug of war M2 pose ball whispers: Say “/1hide” and “/1show” to hide/show the poseball
[10:23] Lyr Lobo: ‘m not sure that this is helpful
[10:23] Rhiannon Chatnoir: it is more i think for a photo
[10:23] Rhiannon Chatnoir: sadly i dont think we can tug
[10:23] Lyr Lobo: i think i’m a handicap
[10:23] Lyr Lobo: hahaha
[10:24] Rhiannon Chatnoir: lol
[10:24] Rhiannon Chatnoir: not virtually Lyr
[10:24] Lyr Lobo: you are animated, rhi
[10:24] Buffy Beale: lol
[10:24] Lyr Lobo: doiesn’t look like you’re gonna pull anything, but a hamstring
[10:24] Buffy Beale: haha yes
[10:24] Rhiannon Chatnoir: lol.. am sure Stranger is jusst shaking his head at us
[10:24] SSP Tug of war M2 pose ball whispers: Say “/1hide” and “/1show” to hide/show the poseball
[10:24] Rhiannon Chatnoir: lol too true
[10:24] SSP Tug of war F1 whispers: Say “/1hide” and “/1show” to hide/show the poseball
[10:24] SSP Tug of war M1 whispers: Say “/1hide” and “/1show” to hide/show the poseball
[10:24] Lyr Lobo: rhi, you have an AO on
[10:25] Lyr Lobo: best take yer flag off ofr a moment
[10:25] Lyr Lobo: furl that puppy
[10:25] Siri Vezina shouts: need one more!
[10:25] Rhiannon Chatnoir: if folks on we can take a photo
[10:25] Lyr Lobo: hehe it is not easy
[10:25] Lyr Lobo: Rhi, i see you not sitting and waving
[10:26] Lyr Lobo: hehe that is right, Stranger
[10:26] SSP Tug of war M2 pose ball whispers: Say “/1hide” and “/1show” to hide/show the poseball
[10:26] Lyr Lobo: it is a bizarre little pose
[10:26] Sword (swordofdestiny666): What is going on here?
[10:26] Elli Pinion: lol
[10:26] Rini Hathaway: Tug of war
[10:26] Lyr Lobo: need 2 more
[10:26] Sword (swordofdestiny666): Oh ha
[10:26] Siri Vezina: sure is – I’ve never seen this one before
[10:26] Siri Vezina: Sword, in front of Lyr
[10:26] Buffy Beale: click the hanki Rini
[10:26] Lyr Lobo: yes
[10:26] Siri Vezina: There’s a weird pose ball
[10:26] Lyr Lobo: and in front of buffy
[10:26] SSP Tug of war M1 whispers: Say “/1hide” and “/1show” to hide/show the poseball
[10:26] SSP Tug of war M2 pose ball whispers: Say “/1hide” and “/1show” to hide/show the poseball
[10:27] Siri Vezina: ah, there’s another
[10:27] SSP Tug of war M2 pose ball whispers: Say “/1hide” and “/1show” to hide/show the poseball
[10:27] Lyr Lobo: but i do not see joyce on a ball
[10:27] Siri Vezina: the hankies are black
[10:27] Lyr Lobo shouts: hehe
[10:27] Stranger Nightfire: I got off because it looked like I was groping Rhi
[10:27] Lyr Lobo shouts: i like em
[10:27] Rhiannon Chatnoir: lol
[10:27] Siri Vezina: ooops
[10:27] Lyr Lobo: stuck shoounting
[10:27] Lyr Lobo: what a noise *grins*
[10:27] Marylou Goldrosen: Got a Photos of Group
[10:27] SSP Tug of war M1 whispers: Say “/1hide” and “/1show” to hide/show the poseball
[10:27] Elli Pinion: So fun!
[10:27] Siri Vezina: coool
[10:28] Rhiannon Chatnoir: lol
[10:28] Siri Vezina: can we get into the hot air balloons?
[10:28] Siri Vezina: I love those
[10:28] Rhiannon Chatnoir: lol
[10:28] Rini Hathaway: Balloons?
[10:28] Buffy Beale: we should set up some of these at NPC, fun pose things
[10:28] Rhiannon Chatnoir: i am giggling in RL
[10:28] Rhiannon Chatnoir: ha
[10:28] Lyr Lobo: i am not very helpful *grins*
[10:28] Lyr Lobo: looks like i took a nap on da job
[10:28] Elli Pinion: Really, that’s a great idea, B
[10:29] Buffy Beale: haha no doubt Lyr, up all night
[10:29] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes
[10:29] Lyr Lobo: hehe
[10:29] Siri Vezina: pool, the purple one won’t let me sit
[10:29] Lyr Lobo: i like the tambourine
[10:29] Rhiannon Chatnoir: would be great to find one that moved
[10:29] Siri Vezina: me, too
[10:29] Lyr Lobo: how do the sparklers look? *digs one out*
[10:29] Elli Pinion: lol Rhi
[10:29] Marylou Goldrosen: Where to send photos?
[10:29] Siri Vezina: was it Zinnia that needed them?
[10:30] Lyr Lobo: oh my
[10:30] Lyr Lobo: these are kinda big hehe
[10:30] Second Life: Items successfully shared.
[10:30] Twirly Fire Stick (left) whispers: Kabaka is da bomb!
[10:30] Twirly Fire Stick (right) whispers: Kabaka makes the craziest #$%@#&!!
[10:30] Rhiannon Chatnoir: you can send them to Buffy or myself or email to
[10:31] Twirly Fire Stick (right) whispers: Kabaka makes the craziest #$%@#&!!
[10:31] Siri Vezina: those aren’t the sparklers, are they, Lyr?
[10:31] Twirly Fire Stick (left) whispers: Kabaka is da bomb!
[10:31] Siri Vezina: That’s more than a sparkler.
[10:31] Lyr Lobo: no
[10:31] Elli Pinion: How fun!
[10:31] Lyr Lobo: these are fire sticks
[10:31] Siri Vezina: cool, got it!
[10:31] Lyr Lobo: sparklers are in the folder at the bottom
[10:31] Lyr Lobo: i gave you these too
[10:31] Second Life: Items successfully shared.
[10:31] Lyr Lobo: as they are run when you are dancing or moving
[10:31] Second Life: Lyr Lobo gave you Twirly Fire Stick (left).
[10:31] Twirly Fire Stick (left) whispers: Kabaka is da bomb!
[10:31] Twirly Fire Stick (left) whispers: Kabaka is da bomb!
[10:31] Twirly Fire Stick (right) whispers: Kabaka makes the craziest #$%@#&!!
[10:31] Twirly Fire Stick (right) whispers: Kabaka makes the craziest #$%@#&!!
[10:31] Shiloh Emmons: did I get the tamborine?
[10:31] Twirly Fire Stick (left) whispers: Kabaka is da bomb!
[10:31] Lyr Lobo: yes, in your folder
[10:32] Lyr Lobo: begins with 2020
[10:32] Twirly Fire Stick (left) whispers: Kabaka is da bomb!
[10:32] Rhiannon Chatnoir: I feel like this is an embodied avatar exercise class now 😉
[10:32] Twirly Fire Stick (right) whispers: Kabaka makes the craziest #$%@#&!!
[10:32] Twirly Fire Stick (right) whispers: Kabaka makes the craziest #$%@#&!!
[10:32] Marylou Goldrosen: 0000H – Love the sparklers- midnight
[10:32] Buffy Beale: haha yes Rhi
[10:32] Elli Pinion: lol….we are talking about how to organize inventories…that may be the way!  2020?
[10:32] Buffy Beale: I have to get going but this has been wonderful, thanks so much Lyr!
[10:32] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes.. organize inventory while dancing
[10:33] Elli Pinion: exactly!
[10:33] Elli Pinion: Where is the opening ceremony?
[10:33] Buffy Beale: see you all next week or on the track tomorrow haha
[10:33] Lyr Lobo: hmm they announce it
[10:33] Lyr Lobo: here’s the volunteer guide and the schedule links
[10:33] Buffy Beale: I was at the opening ceremony years ago and amazing how much it’s grown
[10:33] Elli Pinion: Ok…I suggest getting there early.
[10:34] Lyr Lobo: yes they get 100 or more there
[10:34] Lyr Lobo: on each region
[10:34] Lyr Lobo: esp for closing ceremony
[10:34] Buffy Beale: thanks Lyr and everyone have a great week
[10:34] Lyr Lobo: about 1200 run each year
[10:34] Lyr Lobo: you too, Buffy
[10:34] Elli Pinion: wow
[10:34] Buffy Beale: wow
[10:34] Lyr Lobo: i’ll be here tomorrow *grins*
[10:34] Lyr Lobo: yes
[10:34] Buffy Beale: kk see you soon
[10:34] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Lyr, are they ok with folks riding horses on the tracks
[10:34] Elli Pinion: I don’t see a “place” but I’ll figure it out.  TY!
[10:34] Lyr Lobo: it is a big deal..for some of us, our tribute to our families
[10:34] Lyr Lobo: yes
[10:34] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes
[10:34] Lyr Lobo: i did the last two years, Rhi
[10:35] Elli Pinion: a big deal for sure
[10:35] Rhiannon Chatnoir: ok

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