TechSoup’s 2013 Digital Storytelling Awards Gala

Are you a techie or do-gooder interested in digital storytelling, online community, emerging technologies, or all of the above? You definitely won’t want to miss TechSoup’s 4th annual Digital Storytelling Screening and Awards Party on Tuesday, May 28 at 7pm PDT / SLT.

The event will feature a screening of top story submissions with an awards ceremony for the winners! Digital Storytelling videos came in from all around the world and even some from NPC community members.

Join us virtually at NonProfit Commons in Second Life, where we will get together for a mixed reality drive-in event, complete with our own red carpet and pixel popcorn!

Bring your favorite virtual vehicle or grab a seat in one of our’s, dress red-carpet snazzy and come ready to chat storytelling, have fun and network!

We will be streaming live the event from San Francisco and our virtual event and avatars will be up on the screen at the real event. And, If you will be in San Francisco, you can register to attend in person the red carpet event at PARISOMA!  More info on the live event:

You can also watch the awards ceremony live streamed online ( and follow the action on Twitter, hashtag: #tsdigs

Come Celebrate Community Storytelling!

Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir

The Exploratorium’s Virtual Museum and Immersive Science for the May 24th NonProfit Commons Meeting

This Friday, May 24th, Nonprofit Commons is happy to feature Paul Doherty (Patio Plasma in SL), Senior Scientist at the Exploratorium Museum in San Francisco, CA, who will present about immersive science exhibits and learning projects, as well as the experience of the Exploratorium running the oldest Science Museum sims in Second Life.


About Paul Doherty:

Paul Doherty is a physicist, author, teacher, and the founding director of the Center for Teaching and Learning at the Exploratorium. He is the discoverer of the shape of Martian Snowflakes, was author of The Explorabook, and he loves teaching online courses. 


About The Exploratorium:

The Exploratorium uses the virtual world to prototype exhibits for the real world museum. For example, The new exhibit Twinkling Suppressor, which still works better in SL than RL, as well as the design for the human ride-able Newton’s cradle. (See images below.) They run mixed reality events streaming coverage of eclipses and planetary transits into Second Life while showing the virtual audience on screens in the real life museum. It allows them to build exhibits quickly following real life events, three days after the Tsunami in Japan, Emileigh Starbrook built a model of the type of reactor that was destroyed by the tsunami. A Japanese video producer then used this model in her program describing the failure of the reactor. When an asteroid threatened to collide with Mars in 2007 they made a model of the impact, and now in 2014 a comet threatens Mars again. They also host Virtually Speaking Science in their sim, and present occasional Saturday Science lectures. The experience gained by presenting science lectures virtually has helped the Exploratorium gain insight as they run their online workshops for teachers. Their sister sim in Second Life houses the Splo Museum; having the Splo allows them to experiment with exhibits that might be too edgy for the real life museum, for example they have a building that houses virtual exhibits that make fun of exhibits at the physical museum in San Francisco. The sims are supported by funders both inside Second Life, as well as grants from foundations and individuals.


Join us in Second Life!


Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting

Friday, May 24th, 8:30 AM PDT / SLT

Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater



  • 8:30 am Introductions
  • 8:40 am TechSoup Announcements
  • 8:45 am Mentors Central  
  • 9:00 am Featured Presentation: Paul Doherty (Patio Plasma in SL)
  • 9:30 am Open Mic / Announcements


The mission of the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is to create a community for nonprofits to explore and learn about virtual worlds, foster connections, and discover the many ways in which nonprofits might utilize the unique environment of Second Life to achieve their missions.

Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir

NPC 5/17/13 Featured Presentation: Virtual Occupational Therapy

Below is an edited transcript of the May 17th, 2013 NonProfit Commons in Second Life meeting, featuring Andrew Hughes of Designing Digitally, Inc.


You can view the full transcript at: and photos at:


Today for our featured presentation we are happy to feature Andrew Hughes of Designing Digitally who will present about the company’s recent project using Kinect motion tracking and immersive training simulation for stroke victims that they have been working on for the National Institute of Health.


About Andrew Hughes:

Andrew Hughes founded Designing Digitally, Inc. which specializes in E-Learning, Training Simulations, Serious Games, and Virtual Immersive Learning. Andrew has extensive experience in education as a professor at both the University of Cincinnati and at the Art Institute of Ohio – Cincinnati. Currently Andrew is the president of Designing Digitally, Inc. and also is a curriculum evaluator for ACICS the private college accreditation board. The majority of Andrew’s experience has been in the development of enterprise learning solutions for Government and Fortune 500 clients.


Andrew also was a consultant for the Ohio Board of Regents and the U.S. Department of Education for the Office of Innovation where he helped to develop ground-breaking learning spaces for the K-12 sector. Having successfully taken on responsibilities in instructional design, project management, sales, and leading his own team, Andrew has propelled Designing Digitally, Inc. to be an award winning virtual immersion and E-Learning company.

Let’s welcome Andrew up, please take a seat and start whenever you are ready.


Buffy Beale: Cheering madly!

Kali Pizzaro: Hey Andrew

Jen (jenelle.levenque): Welcome to NPC Andrew


Andrew Hughes: Hello everyone! nice to see you all! I am the President of Designing Digitally, Inc. We’re located between Cincinnati and Dayton Ohio We’ve been doing development work since 2001, and went INC’d in 2006. We do a very wide range of work. Mostly it’s for online learning, in forms of both 2d and 3d interactive learning.


What I am here to talk about today is our effort we created with a SBIR grant from the National Institute of Health. We partnered with a healthcare agency called Barron Associates to create a new product called VOTA, Virtual Occupation Therapy Assistant 


We are using the Microsoft Kinect and the Unity3D gaming engine to create dynamic AI bots that help you re-learn how to use your arms. It’s for stoke victims, and people that have MS, etc. What this software is doing is using AI technology to help guide you in learning how to do everyday things again. Such as putting the groceries away. We are tracking the six axis’s that you have with your arms. We are using 2 Kinects together to get very high detailed tracking and the system is built into kiosks that are now going to be deployed in hospitals, and PT locations throughout the nation.


Tarquin Evermore: Oh how cool alternative use of Kinect!

Buffy Beale: it really is fantastic


Andrew Hughes: This SBIR grant was for Phase 1, which was to build the system and now we’re awaiting to see if Phase 2 (full deployment) will be funded so we can roll this out throughout the USA. We have built a content management system that sends all data about your progress, and even records your movements for you to see online and also for the your therapist to review to see how your movement has improved throughout time of using this tool. The AI bots actually are not static, so they change the difficulty, and even change the scenarios based on how well you are doing so it learns from you while you are learning! And increases the difficulty based on your past performance. 🙂


Rhiannon Chatnoir: for those that might not know, SBIR is short for Small Business Innovation Research – a series of government grants to encourage small biz development/projects


Andrew Hughes: Thanks Rhiannon!

So with that said here is an overview (we can only show just this small video but take into consideration that the actual development is much more than this, it’s just a small teaser for people until w know if we get phase 2 of the SBIR


Tarquin Evermore: This sounds awesome and exciting. It probably has a nifty side effect, I am sure many stroke sufferers suffer from depression for thinking they are ‘less than’ an able bodied person, and having to rely on others. It sounds so liberating to get that freedom back ;3


Andrew Hughes: So this is one of many projects we’re working on. Yes, the biggest thing is we wanted them to feel accomplished by doing thing they did everyday with little effort. So our goal was to teach them to cook in a safe way and do things around their home they had no problem doing in the past. This is just one of the scenarios out of many by using 2 Kinects together we can get a better sense of the 3d space.


Sum Anachen (szemanzoltan): It is awesome!

Tarquin Evermore: And how else but virtually? if they make a mistake or slip, they don’t have to worry about burning the food, or worse, themselves!


Andrew Hughes: right Tarquin!  🙂

OK, In regards to our efforts, this is something we’ve been working on for awhile now. Unity3D obviously has become a very popular gaming engine. What we’re doing is trying to push it’s efforts far beyond what it can do to produce learning experiences that are engaging, educational, and yet entertaining so the learning is fun and it sticks


Rhiannon Chatnoir: to view the movie it will show on the big NPC screen behind us, just click play

Azwaldo Villota: Please, could you also post video URL here in chat?


Andrew Hughes:


Kali Pizzaro: engages

Rhiannon Chatnoir: you can also view it on youtube

Glitteractica Cookie: watching on YT now


Andrew Hughes: We used the Kinect to build a serious game called Air Marshaller serious game where we used the Kinect to teach you how to do the air marshal signals


Sister (sister.abeyante): May I make a constructive request? Can your company please caption the youTube video, as the “auto captioning” does not do a very good job and the content is important to the deaf /HOH as well as the hearing. thanks!


Andrew Hughes: sure!


Rhiannon Chatnoir: so the video mentions that your real world Occupational therapist, so do you anticipate this to be a facilitated experience with a OT and patient


Andrew Hughes: Yes there is a OT. It can be either on site with you or online where they can see your progress in real time.


Tarquin Evermore: might be a good idea. I often have trouble when trying to listen to some of the videos a bhuddist monk puts up, because I can’t hear it.


Andrew Hughes: Another good example of using the Kinect for fun purposes is that Kinect serious game we built in Unity3D


Tarquin Evermore: I love this idea, when you turn therapy into a game, it seems less like theropy and ‘boring’


Andrew Hughes: Glad you guys like it. We wanted to do activities that people take for granted each day, such as the daily chores we find annoying. They become very hard when you don’t have control over your limbs. So we wanted to focus on accomplishments of everyday activities.


Jen (jenelle.levenque): My dad was very frustrated after his stroke

Wisdomseeker (lissena): and playing adds to consistency of practice, I suspect–less frustrating?


Andrew Hughes: agreed!


Wisdomseeker (lissena): music is being used with stroke patients in Canada, I know

Tarquin Evermore: They put Wii Fits in old age homes and such to get older people to move. And since it was a game, they didn’t notice it was theropy so they wanted to do it instead of “aww gee…do I haveta?” and since WIi Fit was low impact, it was perfect for the elderly.

Sister (sister.abeyante): Question: Will the program accommodate individual differences in physical ability i.e. a person with no arms needs to learn to do these same tasks, but does not have limbs to do it. Can it adapt/be adapted to something like that?


Andrew Hughes: It’s funny. if we can change the learning culture from “I have to” to “I want to” then you will see excellent results.


Rhiannon Chatnoir: and pairing the motor movement of Kinect with the game-like process of going through the daily routine works on both a physical and cognitive level I would think

Tarquin Evermore: Maybe different “games” for different physical types? Like maybe a ‘tour de france‘ type game for those without arms to learn how to use their legs again?


Andrew Hughes: That’s a great idea


Tarquin Evermore: And didgital ‘rewards’ for completing the task? Heck we all know why folks play MMOs, thats part of why it is addicting. The whole ‘reward’ thing.

Sum Anachen (szemanzoltan): Well MMO gives you a community feeling thats why it works so well

Buffy Beale: Question: Are there any other countries interested in your program for their hospitals?

Rhiannon Chatnoir: so does that correlate in the VOTA with the points that get earned throughout .. they are earning them via activities and how accurately done? is this mainly to keep progress and work to improve their overall score?


Andrew Hughes: Yes digital rewards are for completing tasks. You are ranked based on people = to you rather than just seeing a top 10, that way you can strive to be a little better than the person above you


Buffy Beale: nice idea

Sister (sister.abeyante): Question: Is this system only going to be available in a hospital or clinic environment, or do you anticipate making it into a portable “kit” that could be set up on someone’s home?

Tarquin Evermore: I am betting Japan would be all over this awesome. Heck they have an adorible robitic baby sea lion. All white and fluff and awww <3! it reacts just like the real deal. They use them in nursing homes.


Andrew Hughes: from there we are not sure about other hospitals in countries because we’re doing this as a SBIR so it’s not otu to market yet. We are actually making Kiosks that can be portable.


Rhiannon Chatnoir: Ozma, the relative scoring reminds me some of the math learning game you led at Arizone State Univ

Tarquin Evermore: Speaking of math, I am remembering Number Munchers very fondly. Still LD as heck, but that is one of the few math games I remember fondly XD


Andrew Hughes: Did you guys have any other questions regarding what we’ve built?


Rhiannon Chatnoir: you have done development of projects both in virtual spaces like SL, etc and then these free standing experiences in Unity or otherwise, what wisdom or differences in process do you find

Azwaldo Villota: What are the main advantages to developing with Unity? Is it due to the connectivity with Kinect?

Sister (sister.abeyante): I do. Ever the advocate for equal access— will the product be accesible to the deaf.hard of hearing? Captions rather than just audio?


Andrew Hughes: The reason why we did it in Unity3d is:

1. Level of detail / fidelity

2. Flexibility of the platform

3. Ability to create dynamic experiences

4. Kinect integration (we ended up having to custom code this with DDL’s and so while we thought it would not be hard to use Unity3D with the Kinect we found that we had to do a ton of R&D to get it to work properly


It can be deployed as an app, and we have it autoboot that exe file when the computer boots up, so that way it’s acting as it’s own OS


Sister (sister.abeyante): and I also have a related question to the one on accessibility for the deaf/Hard of hearing… will it be available to people who do not speak/understand English?

Rhiannon Chatnoir: so being able to be freestanding experience if need be


Andrew Hughes: yep! It can be. Right now it was setup of English only based on the SBIR requirement. You are correct Rhiannon.


Sister (sister.abeyante): And the accessibility to the deaf/HOH? Was that also an SBIR requirement?

Azwaldo Villota: Wow. Great info, much appreciation for you sharing here today, Andrew.


Andrew Hughes: Sister – Right now it is not accessible but it will be for Phase 2 if we are awarded the grant for phase 2. The Phase 1 is the prototype effort, phase 2 is the funding to do revisions / additions / mass produce.


Sister (sister.abeyante) nods… so the prototype wasn’t, but the mass production will be- that’s great.

Rhiannon Chatnoir: the first phase grant is more of a proof of concept, working prototype. if you do not get phase two grant support, what will be next step if any for this project

Tarquin Evermore: with this current economy, how about are you going to get this funding?


Andrew Hughes: Rhiannon – Good question about funding. The partering company is still going to be working with us to deploy it if we get funded or not. The partnering company is known for getting Phase 2 passed, so we shall see. Tarquin – It’s in review now and we will find out in September if we got Phase 2.


Frans Charming: 🙂

Rhiannon Chatnoir: not sure how much this gets impacted Tarquin, for deeper info on the program

Sister (sister.abeyante) wonders if, from the user’s/consumer’s end of things, this will be covered by insurance? Or will the user have to pay out of pocket to use this?

Frans Charming: Hopefully the sequester has no impact on the phase 2 funding.


Andrew Hughes: Sister – This side of it has not been discussed yet


Wisdomseeker (lissena): perhaps I missed this? how did you measure results of your program?

Sister (sister.abeyante) nods and reflects that, without it being covered by insurance, many or most folks most needing it will not be able to use it due to cost to the consumer.


Andrew Hughes: Wisdomseeker – There are multiple analytical pieces


Dancers Yao: great Q Sister…this has been an ongoing problem for seniors…to afford any of the new tech services

Rhiannon Chatnoir: any other questions or comments for Andrew

Buffy Beale: Just to say well done, it looks like this will be part of the future Andrew 🙂


Andrew Hughes: Thanks Buffy


Dancers Yao: really great to see you appreciate using a dynamical approach to your work….thanks

Ozma Malibu: Wonderful. I want to spread the word.

Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes, and good luck on phase two funding.. I have been part of an SBIR grant process too .. know they are a lot of work and waiting


Andrew Hughes: Thanks everyone!


Gentle Heron: Very cool Andrew. I’ll be looking for the next Phase of development from you.

Azwaldo Villota claps while clapping

Jen (jenelle.levenque): Regarding the payment question, if they are in therapy, then the specific tools used shouldn’t be an issue

Wisdomseeker (lissena): yes…just wondered what you were look inspiring!

Tarquin Evermore: BRB reconnecting :3

Wisdomseeker (lissena): sorry for mashup

Wisdomseeker (lissena): Inspiring!

Rhiannon Chatnoir: let’s thank Andrew for being here today and you can find more at

Buffy Beale: cheering!!

Frans Charming applauds

Scarlett Sismondi: thanks!

MusE Starsmith: ♫♫ APPLAUSE APPLAUSE ♫♫

MusE Starsmith: Applauds!

Jen (jenelle.levenque): Yay Andrew and company

Jen (jenelle.levenque): ********APPPLLLAAAUUUSSSEEE********


Andrew Hughes: Thanks everyone!   🙂   We are working hard to be creative!


Zadark Xavorin applauds

Sum Anachen (szemanzoltan) applauds

Buffy Beale: thanks Andrew


Andrew Hughes: thanks everyone for the time today!

Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir

Virtual Occupational Therapy for the May 17th NonProfit Commons Meeting

This Friday, May 17th, Nonprofit Commons is happy to feature Andrew Hughes of Designing Digitally who will present about the company’s recent project using Kinect motion tracking and immersive training simulation for stroke victims that they have been working on for the National Institute of Health. 

Microsoft Kinect 3D Training Simulation – Virtual Occupational Therapy Assistant video:

About Andrew Hughes:

Andrew Hughes founded Designing Digitally, Inc. which specializes in E-Learning, Training Simulations, Serious Games, and Virtual Immersive Learning. Andrew has extensive experience in education as a professor at both the University of Cincinnati and at the Art Institute of Ohio – Cincinnati. Currently Andrew is the president of Designing Digitally, Inc. and also is a curriculum evaluator for ACICS the private college accreditation board. The majority of Andrew’s experience has been in the development of enterprise learning solutions for Government and Fortune 500 clients. Andrew also was a consultant for the Ohio Board of Regents and the U.S. Department of Education for the Office of Innovation where he helped to develop ground-breaking learning spaces for the K-12 sector. Having successfully taken on responsibilities in instructional design, project management, sales, and leading his own team, Andrew has propelled Designing Digitally, Inc. to be an award winning virtual immersion and E-Learning company.

About Designing Digitally:

Designing Digitally, Inc. takes learning to a whole new level with fully customized interactive 2D and 3D training solutions. As custom E-learning developers, they are excited to provide courses that fit your specific requirements and engage your target audience. They specialize in 3D training simulations that fully immerse the user into the learning experience. Whether you are trying to train, inform, educate or entertain, their solutions can transform your learners from passive viewers to fully engaged participants. 


Join us in Second Life!


Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting

Friday, May 17th, 8:30 AM PDT / SLT

Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater



  • 8:30 am Introductions
  • 8:40 am TechSoup Announcements
  • 8:45 am Mentors Central  
  • 9:00 am Featured Presentation: Andrew Hughes
  • 9:30 am Open Mic / Announcements

The mission of the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is to create a community for nonprofits to explore and learn about virtual worlds, foster connections, and discover the many ways in which nonprofits might utilize the unique environment of Second Life to achieve their missions.

Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir

NPC 5/10/13 Featured Presentation: Touching the Real World

Below is an edited transcript of the May 3rd, 2013 NonProfit Commons in Second Life meeting, featuring Kyle Gomboy of G23D studios.


You can view the full transcript at: and photos at:


Today for our featured presentation we are happy to feature Kyle Gomboy of G23D Studios who will present about his latest work involving virtual spaces, 3D printing, Unity3D, and the “No School or Good Cause Left Behind” initiative.


About Kyle Gomboy:

Kyle “G” of G23D Studios is a former aerospace test and measurement engineer for RF Microwave/Millimeter wave components that have been used on such platforms as the Cassini space probe, F22 Raptor Superfighter, Space Shuttle and geostationary satellites such as GPS to name a few.


For such projects as deep space probes, military applications such as phased array honeycomb radar systems and similar complex electrical and electronic systems he found 3D visualizations to be crucial and universal in understanding such information and educating users on assembly, purpose and functionality.


He is now CEO of G23D Studios, which currently has four major in-house projects underway including the Virtual Manufacturing Plant, Virtual Hospital, Virtual Engineering and The Telemetric Robot. These projects have caught the attention of other similar companies and individuals who have brought G23D their own ideas to produce and thus revolutionize the way we interpret and analyze data using 3D.






Let’s welcome Kyle / G2 Proto


          Buffy Beale: yay G2!!!

          Xon Emoto: Kyle hello!

          Zinnia Zauber: Rah Kyle!

          Andy Evans: I am already “wowed”!

          Gentle Heron: Welcome Kyle.

          Oronoque Westland: hi Kyle

          Bevan Whitfield: ya Kyle !


G2 Proto: hello friends!

G2 Proto: I’ll fix that wow!


          Andy Evans: LOL

          Frans Charming: Ji

          Hour Destiny: Data mining FTW.


G2 Proto: OK so I’ll start with 2Cube, 2Cube is a Unity3D/Photon Server/Kinect/Mobile application. As a former Aerospace engineer I was often confused by expensive and complicated CAD/Design software for 3D. Lately with the drop in 3D printers this problem is especially glaring. How do we get kids and adults to make their own models and structures easily and fun?


So using Kinect cameras from Microsoft I thought we could create a paradigm for modeling using your body. After all it is more natural, especially in terms of sculpting. 


The next slide shows our alpha of the app made in the last 4 days. What you see is a sphere which has had a dimple put in it by moving your hands forward towards Kinect


          Hour Destiny: “Make amazing things with Autodesk 123D apps”

          Dae Miami: I want to know more about Photon servers, just heard about them for unity


G2 Proto: yes Hour!


The next video will show it better but basically Kinect paints red anything too close to it in Unity3D, green pixels for the active zone and purple if just beyond the green paint zone. 


When you push your hands forward it begins to morph the mesh, in this case a sphere but any mesh works the shape of your hands and their distance apart effects the mesh in various ways


          Rhiannon Chatnoir: if you want to view it in youtube directly

          Buffy Beale: so cool!

          Hour Destiny: A Kinect simulator for Windows.


G2 Proto: also if you hold “tools” in your hand you begin to effect the shape based on what you hold, so it becomes very similar to sculpting in the real world, add sterescopic 3d glasses or Oculus and you really get a vibe of sculpting


The video is rushed and kinda horribly done. it was for a request from ABC’s SHarkTank show to have us on and needed by yesterday. They said to have fun with it so we did! A better one will be up in days but you will see how my body is purple in Unity3D


          Joel Savard: iron man cad is already here – way to go, kyle

          Buffy Beale: yay Joel!

          CarmenLittleFawn: hehehe


G2 Proto: lol ty


So my purple body read from Kinect indicates I am out of the modeling zone, I push my hands forward they turn green in Unity3D thus effecting the shape. The further I press my hands or shaping tools forward the more impact they have. Then I can rotate the model and change it more. When the model is done you can use Kinect to click the “Save” button and it exports currently to .obj mesh format, but soon to .stl for directt CNC/3D printer use


          Rhiannon Chatnoir: for those that aren’t as deep into virtual or 3D building, you can convert an .obj to use in Second Life or Open Sim

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: and 3D printers use the .stl file type to pritn from

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: tell us more about that, must have been interesting to get an invite from the TV show Shark Tank to be able to pitch this idea?


G2 Proto: it was very exciting to get the invite yes but also now I’m frightened. it isn’t called Minnow Tank! but ABC expressed a lot of excitement as has Unity3D for Unite 2013


          Joel Savard: how can we get notified when you’re on the show?

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: great, and yes the show can be intense…key seems to be convincing the sharks of the value of your project/service/tool

          Beth Ghostraven: haha Rhiannon

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: thats great


G2 Proto: my page Joel


Now what’s really cool is Photon networking, our next iteration will network the model changes so you can invite friends or peers in and you can both sculpt or engineer collaboratively.


For CAD stil functionality you can use voice commands with Kinect to make hard edge shapes, then fit that shape with others


Yes .stl creates a “toolpath“, which drives the CNC cutting head or 3D printer extrusion head. We have this done automatically for you. 3D Printers can be had for under $500 USD now. When networked all your changes are in real time and you can add images surrounding your model for reference


          JoJa Dhara

          Joel Savard: g2 – just heard that you’ll be able to get 3d printers at STAPLES in the next month!

          Buffy Beale: no kidding?

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: nods to JoJa, JoJa is working with a Fab lab in the Netherlands btw and Fab is just short for Fabrication

          Joel Savard: online at first, and then in “selected markets” by end of june was the announcement i saw


G2 Proto: of course you don’t have to 3D print you can use the models in any game engine. yes to Staples! You can also use to print it for you. This will initially act as a lite modelor/CAD app so kids and adults can use it but later it can become more sophisticated.


          Joel Savard: i think it’s one of the ~$1300 range models, but seems like once it hits staples… things are about to change in a big way

          Sarvana Haalan: 3D printing has been featured on the national news a lot lately

          JoJa Dhara: to do

          Andy Evans: What will consumers buy these 3D printers for first?

          Merry ChaseMerry Chase wonders how large is a ream of 3D printer paper…?

          Beth Ghostraven: and naturally, what the public sees on the news is 3D printers used to make weapons

          Joel Savard: from slashgear

          Sarvana Haalan: and medical devices


G2 Proto: its actually an ABS plastic spool, it is about $25 and comes in many colors, so it is the ultimate “rezz


          JoJa Dhara: or pla?


G2 Proto: yes pla too!


          Buffy Beale: ty Joel

          Joel Savard: i’m going to have to jump for meeting, but great stuff kyle – thanks!

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes or PLA

          JoJa Dhara: i notice more people in art or business are buying for prototyping but when they realize they can print out that missing part of kitchen thing… more will buy I guess


G2 Proto: cool Joel


in testing the app has been very well received expecially after you practice some. I am looking for beta testers when we do a limited release in a few weeks


          Rhiannon Chatnoir: btw ABS and PLA are types of plastic that is used in the 3D printers, it basically is low temp enough to melt and be extruded to print your objects

          Oronoque Westland: 3D printing sounds like RL rezzing


G2 Proto: imagine your kid breaks a part from his RC toy or you break your glasses, now you can use a micrometer to gauge it or Kinect can capture a reference model and you can fix it yourself. There are even RGBY color printers now for full color models and more expensive metal and porceline substrate models even huma biological models


          JoJa Dhara: and on is best for nature pla is made frm sugar thingy

          JoJa Dhara: wow

          JoJa Dhara: and and leap motion

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: Oronoque, it is in a way like real life rezzing

          JoJa Dhara: ?

          Thynka Little: Moms will be printing homemade party favors for their kids’ birthdays and posting the pictures on Pinterest 🙂

          Dae Miami: how does this differ from 3d scanners?


G2 Proto: Kinect is a sort of 3D scanner


          Beth Ghostraven: does anyone else remember the Plasti-goop toy for making shapes out of plastic?

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: and if we can get to a point where we could easily and collaboratively build something here in a virtual space and then print to make it real – and have that be a fluid / easy process …would be magic


G2 Proto: though not as precise as expensive ones it does work well, so we’re making modeling simpler and fun. any questions so far?


          Rhiannon thats exactly right!

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: no Beth? Though some people refer to it as almost like those Playdoh toys that would extrude to make things.. just a more permanent variant


G2 Proto: yes!


          Hour Destiny: Figurines for trading/collectible card games.

          Em Ellsmere: how do we get in the beta tester group?

          Beth Ghostraven: yes, that too, Rhiannon


G2 Proto: or do it yourself legos is another accurate analogy


          Stylianos Mystakidis: Read the Stevenson’s Diamond Age to see teh possible future of 3d printing

          Beth Ghostraven: Neal Stephenson, STylianos?


G2 Proto: the entire system will be under $1,000 including software, a printer and Kinect in a bundle with just the software being anywhere from $25 to $150 if you have your own printer and camera. It will also soon work on all mobile touch screen devices.


          Rhiannon Chatnoir: I have had that comment come up before in convos Sylianos!

          Stylianos Mystakidis: @Beth yes ->

          Hour Destiny: and

          Rebekah Cavan: How can we become part of your beta test group?

          Buffy Beale: amazing G2


G2 Proto: you can find it form, 


          Hour Destiny: G2 Pronto, ever thought of taking your idea to E3?

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: I know I have seen you take requests for beta testers on your Facebook group

          Beth Ghostraven: Hope, what’s E3?

          Jen: RL is dragging me back. Great info today. Thanks

          Hour Destiny: Electronics Entertainment Expo.

          Em Ellsmere: is the camera the same one as the kinect on xbox?

          Rebekah Cavan: thanks!

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: a big Entertainment focused convention Beth

          Andy Evans: Rhi, beta testers should be invited to report back here! With pics or video

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: indeed!


G2 Proto: Hour to nest it was just a cobbled together proof of concept 4 days ago, now it works and works far better than expected as I hired a genius programmer who used to write drivers for scanners/OCR because it was so well received I’m getting messages from Microsoft’s Kinect group and others and MS Kinect even had great ideas about using their new SDK which allows you to grab and twist and has finger recognition


          Rhiannon Chatnoir: You had also mentioned the “No School or Good Cause Left Behind” initiative.. can you chat some on that and your Open Source focus on some of this.


G2 Proto: yes, I am merging 2Cube with the G-Motion kit a Unity3D/Photon networked multi user project kit. It will be 100% free and open source under MIT license. I am down to coding the avatar selection system which will be done in days. This avatar selection system will allow you to customize your avatar in CMS or LMS systems so you can hop from world to world and look the same


          Pamala Clift: That is really quite awesome of you

          Hour Destiny: The Leap Motion Controller is $80 and is similar to the Kinect, but more for your hands and more precise.

          Beth Ghostraven: oh, that’s awesome!

          Sarvana Haalan: cool


G2 Proto: I was always bothered by the fact teachers had to pay for virtual worlds often out of their pocket and students couldn’t take their work with them so the G-Motion kit will be paid for by things like 2Cube and given for free to all


Andy Evans: We could make 3D statues of our avatar!


G2 Proto: yes! You could scan in your own body using Kinect and make your own avatar


          Sarvana Haalan: scan me!!!!!

          Sarvana Haalan: 🙂

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: lol

          Beth Ghostraven: yes, but could you find mesh clothes to fit?

          Buffy Beale: that is so fun


G2 Proto: Im too skinny so I’ll use 2Cube to add some more muscles 😉


          Merry Chase: you could modify once in-world, to fit your mesh outfits

          Rebekah Cavan: 🙂


G2 Proto: you could in fact 2Cube will later allow for clothing as we have a project underway now with a major clothing retailer. You can even use 2Cube to create custom items like belt buckles, jewelry etc, and pick them up at the store


          Beth Ghostraven: RL clothing retailer?


G2 Proto: I’m under NDA with the retailer but suffice to say you will be using 2Cube in a store near you this year


          Merry Chase: Could you potentially scan an entire endangered historic building for example and model it?


G2 Proto: yes!


          Andy Evans: I could envision a “Flash Print” mob where people create the same jewelry to get into an event within a specific time frame

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: architecture is sometimes easier if there are any plans still left to model from, but there are large scale scanners out there or using photo data to do such … Google has put thought into this with their Google earth that also had Sketchup data, etc

          Beth Ghostraven: cool idea, Andy!


G2 Proto: FInally a quick note on “G-Telemetric” work is underway to allow G-Motion to talk with Arduino, robots, SCADA, medical machines, industrial test and measurement to remotely controol and capture and visualize data in 3D


          Merry Chase: I remember that toy that created little plastic objects – plastiform or something? Anyhow one fear is that this becomes like that, a mere generator of soon-unwanted clutter for landfill.


G2 Proto: exactly 2Cube is a similar concept to Sketchup make it simple easy and most importanly fun so people think “I can do this”


          Sarvana Haalan: will be share this transcript with our Baltimore Tech group… great info G2Proto

          Thynka Little: Yep, that party favor notion…

          Sarvana Haalan: *sharing

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: PLA and ABS are recyclable

          Merry Chase: recyclable is good, biodegradable is better


G2 Proto: That’s it for me just friend me up or FB for beta testers


          Rhiannon Chatnoir: before you finish up, you might also want to mention the courses you have been leading

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: incase anyone is interested in learning some Unity3D skills


G2 Proto: G-Motion will be out in a couple of weeks 2Cube shortly after for beta a trials

G2 Proto: Ahh yes. each week I do free Unity3D course. Next week it will feature the Zigfu Kinect plugin/package, so you can play with Kinect too.


          Thynka Little: Printer ink is expensive, wondering how expensive is the “stuff” used by the consumer model 3D printers?

          Sarvana Haalan: Kudos to G2 Protos… great presentation. Thanks for sharing!

          Ux Hax: its great Unity

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: do you have the link to your schedule on your site?

          Dae Miami: where can we get information on your unity 3d classes?


G2 Proto: I do a beginner, intermediate and advanced course perpetually. I hosed up my recurrence on my site I’ll fix it today. But thats where you can find it along with


          Rhiannon Chatnoir: great, so if this is interesting, and you want to try to set up your own Unity virtual space or maybe work on a game.. they are good to check out. Any other last questions/thoughts for Kyele?

          Hour Destiny: G2 Proto is also on Twitter at @g23ds.

          Thynka Little: Will you be presenting at Unite in Vancouver?


G2 Proto: yes combining the free G-Motion Unity kit with the classes also free means we get everyone onvolved


          Thynka it looks like it I was late with entering but they seem to be going to squeeze me in  😉


G2 Proto: I’ll keep you posted on that and SharkTank on the FB and Twitter pages, if I missed any questions let me know


          Rhiannon Chatnoir: great, yes pass me any updates 🙂


G2 Proto: will do Rhiannon and thanks everyone for the time and excellent feedback. PS 2Cube will worth mouse and keyboard too just not as cool


          Rebekah Cavan: thank you! this is very exciting!

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: Let’s thank Kyle / G2 Proto for presenting today!

          Buffy Beale: cheering for you G2, it really is exciting!

          Merry Chase: …Kicking my slow connection and bad graphics card that barely allow me to use SL – wondering what tech requirements would be to do some dreams up educational dreams – looking for the grants info!

          CarmenLittleFawn: ty so much for sharing G2, sorry every body I need to leave, my time seclude has changed, I am trying to make as many of the meetings as I can right now and participate in the group as a whole, tc 🙂


G2 Proto: haha thanks my firneds looking forward to you trying these things out


          JoJa Dhara: yeh cool…

          Zinnia Zauber: Thank you G2! This is wonderful!

          JoJa Dhara: thkss

          Andy Evans: You had me at hello

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: that Andy

          Frans CharmingFrans Charming applauds

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: lol

          Xon Emoto: Thank you Kyle! Keep it coming:)

          Zinnia Zauber: lol Andy!

          Merry Chase: bravo

          Zotarah ShepherdZotarah Shepherd claps

          CarmenLittleFawn: mmhmm bye every body, peace

          Gentle Heron: Thanks G2. There are some interesting possibilities here.


G2 Proto: cheers Carmen

lol ty Andy/Xon, You guys made my day

Thanks Gentle and thank you for the project tips, I’ll use Herons advice for G-Motion and 2Cube projects.


If you took pictures today, please share them on our Facebook group: or G+ Community:, that would be great. Otherwise, tag them #NPSL


And tag your avatars in any photos posted!

Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir

Touching the Real World from the Virtual for the May 10th NonProfit Commons Meeting

This Friday, May 10th, Nonprofit Commons is happy to feature Kyle Gomboy of G23D Studios who will present about his latest work involving virtual spaces, 3D printing, Unity3D, and the “No School or Good Cause Left Behind” initiative underway to produce a set of 3D tools and cloud based web services to allow non-profits, teachers and students open source, free access to create and innovate their own ideas pertaining to the use of 3D as an educational and innovation tool. 

About Kyle Gomboy:

Kyle “G” of G23D Studios is a former aerospace test and measurement engineer for RF Microwave/Millimeter wave components that have been used on such platforms as the Cassini space probe, F22 Raptor Superfighter, Space Shuttle and geostationary satellites such as GPS to name a few.

For such projects as deep space probes, military applications such as phased array honeycomb radar systems and similar complex electrical and electronic systems he found 3D visualizations to be crucial and universal in understanding such information and educating users on assembly, purpose and functionality.

About G23D:

G2 was launch in early 2000 as the modern internet was forming in order to facilitate global access to such information by anyone needing remote (telemetric) control and data acquisition from all manner of sensor and control (SCADA) devices. Starting with a project that implemented ultrasonic, radar and mechanical bulk fuel monitoring devices integrated with ESRI GIS mapping and route planning software, Kyle found a distinct need to combine physical world data with centralized visual display software for efficiency and security of fuel distribution companies in Florida USA.

Today G23D pioneers and combines the same concepts of touching the real world from the virtual with 3D tools and platforms such as Unity3D and LabView. Hospitals, manufacturing plants and even moon and galaxy based rovers are on our virtual RADAR for merging with 3D worlds and ad hoc applications.

Currently G23D has four major in-house projects underway including the Virtual Manufacturing Plant, Virtual Hospital, Virtual Engineering and The Telemetric Robot. These projects have caught the attention of other similar companies and individuals who have brought G23D their own ideas to produce and thus revolutionize the way we interpret and analyze data using 3D.


Join us in Second Life!


Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting

Friday, May 10th, 8:30 AM PDT / SLT

Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater



  • 8:30 am Introductions
  • 8:40 am TechSoup Announcements
  • 8:45 am Mentors Central  
  • 9:00 am Featured Presentation: Kyle Gomboy
  • 9:30 am Open Mic / Announcements

The mission of the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is to create a community for nonprofits to explore and learn about virtual worlds, foster connections, and discover the many ways in which nonprofits might utilize the unique environment of Second Life to achieve their missions.

Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir

NPC 5/3/13 Featured Presentation: Game Development in Second Life

Below is an edited transcript of the May 3rd, 2013 NonProfit Commons in Second Life meeting, featuring 

the Israeli game development team SLGTeam who discussed using Second Life as a game development platform, and the process behind their recently released game Blow ‘Em Up.

You can view the full transcript at: and photos at:

Today for our featured presentation we are happy to feature an Israeli game design and marketing team SLGTeam: Sapir Chodorov (TallSap), Eran Zolotov (Eramos), Dudu Nissim (GreenDrake), Yoav Shoshani (Cerebi), Maor Nachmias (MaorBigM).

They are going to chat with us about using Second Life as a game development platform, and the process they did behind their recently released game Blow ‘Em Up. 

  • Google+ :

Let’s welcome them all up, please take a seat and start whenever you are ready, you are all welcome to come up and sit on the presenter chairs up here

          Buffy Beale: Cheering loudly!

          Zotarah ShepherdZotarah Shepherd applaudes

          Red: Welcome!

          Red: applause

          Gentle HeronGentle Heron waves to our student presenters.

          gganesha: welcome

          Lynne: We’re not going to be blown up are we?

          LynneLynne is worried.

          Andy Evans: Ma Neesh Ma?


Eran Zolotov: hurray

Sapir Chodorov: we have new website

Eran Zolotov: thank you very much

Yoav Shoshani: Sorry its a bit laggy


          Rhiannon Chatnoir: and yes, with all of the avatars here, it can get laggy

          Skylar SmytheSkylar Smythe smiles at Rhiannon

          Coughran Mayo: ooh a hovering spacecraft!

          Yesha Sivan: lag – not sure what it is I will have to look it up someday (Linden Lab)

          Beth Ghostraven: or something!


Eran Zolotov: no worries no one will be blown up today


          Zinnia Zauber: hehe

          Tori Landau: lol

          Coughran Mayo: Linden AND Lab AND Lag all start with the letter “L” Coincidence? I think not!

          Beth Ghostraven: except that we’ll put off telling them to you, Gentle! 

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: so I know you mentioned it during the main introductions, but it would also be good to have all of you reintroduce yourselves and your roles too

          Gentle Heron: I can tell I’m going to listen to procrastination jokes ALL DAY now!


Eran Zolotov: alrighty .we are all students in the academic college Tel Aviv Jaffo

Yoav Shoshani: Hello everyone, I am Yoav. I’m responsible for the Design of the product and all the finance.

Sapir Chodorov: Hey i’m Sapir CEO of Blow ‘Em Up

Dudu Nissim: i’m dudu nissim and i’m in charge of the marketing and sales of blow em up game


          Beth Ghostraven: Sapir, that’s the best job title ever


Yesha Sivan: Beth +1

Yoav Shoshani: Of course we all help each other 🙂 Team work is very important.

Maor Nahmias: hi iam maor and iam the technical support guy

Eran Zolotov: My name is Eran Zolotov ,25 from Tel aviv israel, im VP and product manager here at BlowEmUp

Maor Nahmias: and marketing assistant

Eran Zolotov: so lets start a bit about why did we create this fantastic game!

This course is within our bachelor degree for information technologies. We work on the project with the help of a professional moderator. The goal is to give the student tools for real life and to be able to do independent work, to simulate a real life project and managing it.

We created the game after research we did in world and found an idea that will have a wide target audience, will be slightly addictive and competitive. Our goals are to create a game that will work and will be attractive to people, interesting, easy to use and competitive. All this within our somewhat basic knowledge in programming. 

We were introduced to the world of SL last semester as part of an “Intro to virtual worlds” course by Professor Yesha Sivan. The SL world is a good simulator to the real world in this aspect. In SL as the real world it is required to work as a team, Managing projects, dealing with difficulties in project, working with people from around the world, marketing experience and outsourcing.

so how did we work as a team, how we planned it all together? 

We get together twice a week at college to work on the project and we have regular meeting with our moderator each week. At the start of the project we sat down and brain stormed on how to create the work process, creating a work plan and a schedule. Each person on the team works on his own part and of course we also share workloads with each other. 

Seeing as the SL world is new to us it took us a while to understand the ins and outs of the world, the way it works, the social manners. The other big thing we needed to learn was the technical part of the world: Objects and the way they work, the SL programming language and the whole and connecting it all to create a working product.

We’ve learned that team work is extremely important. Being able to accept and use constructive criticism while working under a tight schedule. Being prepared and researching information about the platform you will use. Knowing that selling a service or product will require work even after the sell itself as customer support and keeping in touch with costumers. Researching what will sell in the world, what it has or doesn’t have already.


          Oronoque Westland: important lessons…some students are resistant to group projects

          Yesha Sivan: resistance is futile


Eran Zolotov: as part of the marketing effort, We market the game in a number of different ways which include a verity of social platforms such as: Facebook, Twitter and Google plus. We also share videos of the game on Youtube. We try to use forums to promote the game (those who allow advertising). We make sure to keep all the social channels fully updated on the game.

We create different versions of the game to accommodate each game owner, be it a free to play game, or a pay per game style.

We advertise our sales on our website and social media in order to advertise the product and attract people to the places where it’s up and running where they can try the game themselves and have fun doing it.

Yoav Shoshani: That is true, some students are resistant, but the real world offers little choice in the matter. and that is what students need to learn.

Eran Zolotov: +1

Dudu Nissim: +1

Sapir Chodorov: +1

Eran Zolotov: We track our channels using Google analytics in order to see which channel is the best way to market. According to what we have seen so far, Youtube and Facebook are the leading channels right now. 

Our Facebook page has approximately 60 followers and our advertisements get about 160 views (as a result of shares and likes).

Maor Nahmias: i want to apologize to everyone but i have to leave. the Shabat is coming and i must go to kidush with my family


          Jen: shabbat Shalom Maor

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: good starting momentum

          Oronoque Westland: gut shabbos


Maor Nahmias: thank you all 🙂

Eran Zolotov: This is your chance to join us 🙂 now when the game is all done our main issue is currently, after completing the game, is to market this product. Our aim is to have in up and running in as many sims as possible. If you want to know more please contact us via our website:, Or follow us on Facebook/Twitter:,

Yoav Shoshani: We will do the demo and answer questions after if you guys have any 🙂

Yesha Sivan: wowowowow

Eran Zolotov: so lets get to the moment you’ve all been waiting for, everyone got a good view?

          Lynne: He he.

          Beth Ghostraven: Wow! I don’t think this game is going to fit in my pub

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: that works

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: lol Beth

          Frans Charming: put your pub in the game

          Yesha Sivan: +1

          Buffy Beale: lol Frans

          Beth Ghostraven: haha yes

          Beth Ghostraven: very Victorian, lol


Eran Zolotov: we can costumize it, well il explain what im doing in the game, actually better yet, Yoav will explain

Yoav Shoshani: The games size can be modified. You rez the game, click the crossbow and wear it after, you click the Start button and the game will start there are 8 different levels. Each level has more balloons then the one before

The players gets whispers about his progress and the points he has so far, the game comes with sounds and and is extremely fun


          Frans Charming: Is there a time that you need to shoot them before they disappear?


Yoav Shoshani: yes, you have 30 seconds each level and 3 misses each level, if you miss 3 times or 30 seconds have passed the game ends.


          ChingALing Bling: Is it a solo game or can you play against others?

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: you could have chosen many types of game play mechanics, what made you decide to make it a shooter?


Yoav Shoshani: currently it is a solo game. However anyone can play it

Yoav Shoshani: The scoreboard keeps track of the scores of everyone who plays it


          Gentle Heron: QUESTION- What physical skills are necessary to be successful at this game? Must you use a keyboard or a mouse, for example?

          Lynne: How easy would it be to modify it into a learning game?


Yoav Shoshani: We wanted something competitive. in addition, we wanted a game with levels. and the game does not exist in the world that we’ve seen so far. You play the game using the M mode of Second life. A little aim is required.


          Gentle HeronGentle Heron HATES Mouselook!

          Beth Ghostraven: M = mouselook?

          ChingALing Bling: Maybe Mouselook in the Oculus Rift will work for people bettter than the screen version

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: Lynne, how could you see the game mechanics of the balloon popping translated to a learning game?


Yoav Shoshani whispers: yes. mouselook. The game can be modified. we can turn the ballons into letters or numbers. you can have a math question on the board. 2+2 = ? and you will need to shoot the balloon with the 4 on it


          Lynne: Lots of ways.

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: maybe as a way to do a multiple choice or pick the correct words/topics?

          Moundsa Mayo: Or words that must be selected in correct order to form a sentence.

          ChingALing Bling: Or the baloons could have numbers that are parts of equations

          Moundsa Mayo: Or logical premises that lead to a valid conclusion

          Lynne: Maybe true or false. Students grab hold of the balloon T or F and only the correct ones don’t pop. 🙂

          Lynne: (I’m evil.)

          Gentle Heron: it could be a multiple choice quiz


Yoav Shoshani: Question and multiple answers is a great idea. whispers: There are many valid ways.


          Gentle HeronGentle Heron nods to Yoav


Yoav Shoshani: We finished the version which is the first version and are working hard on it

Moundsa Mayo: Key is to maintain engagement while leading through the learning experience.

Yoav Shoshani: our main issue right now is to market it. we want it to be available to people who likes to play 🙂 and learn 🙂 would you like to try the game out?


          Tori Landau: Yes, lots of potential for fun learning in this °͜°

          Gentle HeronGentle Heron agrees with Moundsa

          Lynne: Question – is it available on other VWs, like Open Sim?

          Zotarah Shepherd: This looks a bit like the Avilion target game.

          Lynne: I’d love to.

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: what happens after your college course is over? Will you still continue as a group to work on game development of this and others?

          Skylar Smythe: I think it has potential. Let’s say for instance it was used for education and every time you burst a balloon, you got a point… and a local message. Say… for health education? Smythe smiles gently.


Yoav Shoshani: If you do not own an island you can get the game anyway and use it on open sim areas. Second life is a great platform to learn.


          Gentle Heron: I know I harp about this, but one thing I wish game developers considered is accessibility. What physical (and mental and sensory) skills are necessary to be able to play this game? Can a person use it who can’t use a keyboard or mouse? I will warn you that a person using an onscreen keyboard who goes into Mouselook loses the ability to STOP being in Mouselook because the onscreen keyboard disappears! We plan to keep going as a team after the course is over.

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: great

          Skylar Smythe: Heron, it would be good if line of sight could be automated wouldn’t it? Zoom in at the point of action?

          Gentle Heron: It sounds like you learned more than game development in this class.

          Skylar Smythe: and of course closed captioning in local chat.


Yoav Shoshani: ah i understand the problem accessibility.


          Beth Ghostraven: How many prims does it take up? (or Land Impact)

          Gentle HeronGentle Heron smiles at Skylar. Yes, there are many modifications that could be made to make things more accessible.

          Skylar Smythe: 😉 agree

          Stahl Bertrand: I apologize if this was covered earlier, but why did you choose SL over other environments/platforms that would deliver a better gaming experience?


Eran Zolotov: Good job frans!

Yoav Shoshani: our current level of knowledge allowed us to do it this way. i do now know if a different way is possible

Dudu Nissim: beth , the game is 6 prims and the scoreboard is 39 prims

Sapir Chodorov: Gentle you are more than right the process is similar to the real world and learned to manage a project for everything


          Beth Ghostraven: oh yikes

          Beth Ghostraven: ok

         Eran Zolotov: we are looking for ways to reduce the prims, but of course the game works fine without the scoreboard aswell.


Yoav Shoshani: We chose SL because it is a great simulator to real life. We work like a real world company

Eran Zolotov: 280 points! really nice 🙂

Yoav Shoshani: Any feedback would be appreciated.


          Rhiannon Chatnoir: I know we have some other SL game developers in the audience, so am sure you can get useful feedback

          Skylar Smythe: While the technology compared to other games isn’t anything new, it is very refreshing to see new interest in building games in SL.

          Gentle Heron: Good job Frans!

          ChingALing Bling: Do you all expect to make $$$ with this game, or do you have other goals.

          Skylar Smythe: I think it has potential as an information delivery game.

          gganesha: ok bye sorry i have to go………………

          Buffy Beale: bye gganesha thanks for joining us!


Yoav Shoshani: We offer the game for L on the market, but we would like to give it free to any island owner who wants it. in addition, any one who wants the game can contact us and we will give it for free

Eran Zolotov: thanks for listening gganesha, have a nice day 🙂

Yoav Shoshani: as part of our studies. We are not here to make money that is not the point, we are here to learn

Sapir Chodorov: thnx gganesha bye 🙂


          Lynne: I noticed you said “don’t touch the game”, does it cause issues, and would there be a workaround to this, (for busy areas).

          ChingALing Bling: Maybe you can take this into making custom games for owners of sims

gganesha: bye everyone…………. In 2006 and 2007 I taught a game design class at UCLA where all the games had to be within SL

          Moundsa Mayo: Learning best marketing practices might result from actual selling though B^)

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: and, for those who have done game dev here in SL, what sorts of projects have you worked on – always good to hear/share

          Beth Ghostraven: I’ve been searching for low-prim games to put in my pub, and they’re really scarce


Yoav Shoshani: we are still working on bugs . but the game is working great and is stable.


          ChingALing Bling: There is a need for really engaging games in the virtual world

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: ahh ChingALing – you beat me to that 😉

          Buffy Beale: yes I agree ChingALing and this one seems engaging

          ChingALing Bling: esp for education and also do consider the accessibility that Gentle espouses

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes to both ChingALing

          ChingALing Bling: I would love a copy for my healing island

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: 🙂


Yoav Shoshani: The game can be modified to fit other places. like the pub.

Yoav Shoshani: the textures can be modified and the size as part of a learning experience it can be modified to be not balloons but letters, or numbers


          ChingALing Bling: or magical items

          Frans Charming: Answering Rhiannon question, I have worked on several games with Vesuvius. We made gameshow, race games and lately been working on small interactive objects that earn you points towards badges.


Dudu Nissim whispers: Don’t forget to follow us on Or follow us on Facebook/Twitter :,

Yoav Shoshani: the strength of the crossbow bolt can be modified as well you can add a prize if someone manages to get a high score


          Gentle HeronGentle Heron thinks points/badges are the next “in” thing for these games

          Frans Charming: Skylar, gentle we have been workings towards such things. Making small scavenger hunts and fishing games that work with a hud that keeps progress of your score and gives you badges and prizes.

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes to badges/points Gentle        Skylar Smythe: I think avatar creation is the barrier. I think if you could click on a link in Facebook that would automatically log in to SL as a standard alt… and allow you to play the game…

          Skylar Smythe: I would like to see more inworld games developed that would allow people to gain points and prizes or incentives to download (i.e., mp3’s ebooks). Come in. Learn. Get points. Have fun. Bring your friends back with you 😉

          ChingALing Bling: How so Skylar?

          Skylar Smythe: That fluidity… we’d have no problem.

          Beth Ghostraven: pre-made alts are used for some college classes

          Skylar Smythe: Click. Log in. Avatar. Drive. Engage. Log out.


Yoav Shoshani: We thank you for listening 🙂 if you know of a SIM that will want to have this game there, please tell us so that we can spread the fun around. they can contact us through our website or contact our official company avatar SLGteam


          Rhiannon Chatnoir: if anyone is interested in the game, who should they contact Yoav?

          Stahl Bertrand: if you’re only coming to SL for the game, why come? why not use a browser-based platform?

          ChingALing Bling: Good point Stahl

          Skylar Smythe: Because

          Skylar Smythe: Tell someone to try a new game that they have to spend 3-4 hours learning and setting up their “avatar”

          Skylar Smythe: or

          Skylar Smythe: let them try it with a preset avatar… LOVE IT then come back and make their own and engage with the platform and community.

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: I think collaborative games that are worked into a community or immersive learning experience work well

          Skylar Smythe: nods.

          Beth Ghostraven: could be a good way to get more people into SL

          Tori Landau: agree Beth


Yoav Shoshani: I agree, the issue of learning the platform before you can play is a problem. it took me a while to get a hang of SL


          Skylar Smythe: LL needs to develop a way to seamlessly log in alts… so that people can “try before they buy”. Ideally these avatars should be in a quality, populated sim so that they can begin speaking with and meeting people right away.

          Skylar Smythe: Not wandering the pixel wasteland looking for signs of life and giving up. 🙂

          Andy Evans: Maybe LL could make playing this game an option in the orientation

Items successfully shared.

          ChingALing Bling: Games in Orientation is a great idea! Get the engagement up front

          Stahl Bertrand: why would LL care about that when they’re not making money from people?

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: when I was working with Global Kids, we did a huge immersive game on here in SL where we created a complex serious game that focused on incarceration/prison environment and had people play through decision based game choices that raised issue awareness, etc

          Skylar Smythe: Or a game that auto logs avatars… play the game that is a Q&A … teaching them what they need to know to CONNECT. And then awarding these TRIAL players with some free lindens to spend to equip their avatar. Creates call to action.

          ChingALing Bling: Great ideas Skylar!

          Frans Charming: Yea I like that idea

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: so lots of options, to learn, orient, raise awareness, and have fun with game play

          Skylar Smythe: The Lindens can’t afford me 😉 I just want it to work.

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: lol

          Stahl Bertrand: I’d rather see LL work on the fundamentals; get the frame rate up and the lad down

          Stahl Bertrand: *lag


Eran Zolotov: first priority imo.

Eran Zolotov: some really nice advices and ideas everyone 🙂


          Skylar Smythe: It is indoctrination that needs work… try it (and make that easy)… connect them to social (and make it a positive thing)… and they will come back.

          Stahl Bertrand: right now, I can’t play your game because SL only gets about one frame persecond on this laptop

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: thanks to the whole team on presenting today

          Dancers Yao: @Rhiannon…is your work with Global Kids game still on SL anywhere?

          Skylar Smythe applauds. Very much enjoyed todays meeting.


Eran Zolotov: thank you everyone for listening.

Sapir Chodorov: thnx for listening


          Moundsa Mayo: Lag can be minimized by architecture, design, and coding techniques in your game design. It is not necessarily a game-stopper (no pun intended).

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: no Dancers, but I still think there is a copy in inventory somewhere

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: it is big!

          Dancers Yao: thank you

          Lynne: Was it a scripted game Rhiannon?

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: please reach out to them if you want to try their game or have any feedback

          Gentle Heron: Thank you students. Very interesting presentation.

          Skylar Smythe: You are the future Yoav. Keep creating and conceptualizing.

          Skylar Smythe: Good work.

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes 🙂

          Buffy Beale: Great presentation and love the game! thanks


Sapir Chodorov: don’t forget follow us :,, Google+

Yoav Shoshani: Thank you guys 🙂

Sapir Chodorov: thnx again! 🙂


          Frans CharmingFrans Charming applauds

          Gentle Heron: I think it’s way cool that your team worked so well together that you think you can stay together after the class has ended.

          Skylar SmytheSkylar Smythe applauds

          Lynne: Yes, thank you.

          Tori Landau: Applauds! °͜°

          ChingALing Bling: Thanks for presenting guys !

          Lynne: Is there anywhere inworld that people can try the game out?


Sapir ChodorovSapir Chodorov agrea Gentle

Yoav Shoshani: 🙂

Dudu Nissim: thnx for listening

Eran Zolotov: Lynne on our website there is a list of islands where the game is available


          Lynne: Cool. 🙂

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: your welcome and glad to have you

          Beth Ghostraven: .-‘`’-. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE .-‘`’-.

          Moundsa Mayo: Great results, and more to come, I’m sure!

          Zotarah Shepherd:      {`’•.¸{`’•.¸ ¸.•’´}¸.•’´} 

          Zotarah Shepherd:    ´•.¸¸.  A p p l a u se  .¸¸.•`

          Zotarah Shepherd:      {¸.•’´{¸.•’´ `’•.¸}`’•.¸}  

          Zotarah ShepherdZotarah Shepherd applauds

          Chayenn: bravo

          Skylar Smythe applauds

If you took pictures today, please share them on our Facebook group: or G+ Community:, that would be great. Otherwise, tag them #NPSL

And tag your avatars in any photos posted!

Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir

Game Development in Second Life for the May 3rd NonProfit Commons Meeting

This Friday, May 3rd, Nonprofit Commons is happy to welcome the Israeli game design and marketing team SLGTeam: Sapir Chodorov (TallSap), Eran Zolotov (Eramos), Dudu Nissim (GreenDrake), Yoav Shoshani (Cerebi), Maor Nachmias (MaorBigM), who will present about using Second Life as a game development platform, and the process behind their recently released game Blow ‘Em Up. 


About the Team & Game:

Blow Em’ Up, is an easy to play game, where you pop balloons in a fun and colorful arena located in the virtual world of Second Life.


The game was created by five students from the Tel-Aviv Yaffo Academic College, who as part of an independent marketing study course started a company to create and sell products in Second Life.


Team members include: Sapir Chodorov (TallSap), Eran Zolotov (Eramos), Dudu Nissim (GreenDrake), Yoav Shoshani (Cerebi), Maor Nachmias (MaorBigM)

Join us in Second Life!


Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting

Friday, May 3rd, 8:30 AM PDT / SLT

Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater



  • 8:30 am Introductions
  • 8:40 am TechSoup Announcements
  • 8:45 am Mentors Central  
  • 9:00 am Featured Presentation: Game Development in Second Life
  • 9:30 am Open Mic / Announcements


The mission of the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is to create a community for nonprofits to explore and learn about virtual worlds, foster connections, and discover the many ways in which nonprofits might utilize the unique environment of Second Life to achieve their missions.

Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir

NPC 4/26/13 Featured Presentation: The Drax Files: World Makers

Below is an edited transcript of the 4/26/13 NonProfit Commons in Second Life meeting, featuring Bernhard Drax (Draxter Despres in SL) who discussed the storytelling, process and making of latest machinima series The Drax Files: World Makers, that focuses on people who are creative in virtual worlds.

About Berhard Drax 

Bernhard Drax aka Draxtor Despres creates interactive audio/video content and devises new media concepts for corporate and academic clientele. In addition to producing music for film, television and the web Bernhard has a solid background in radio news production and print journalism.

The Drax Files World Makers will be a semi bi-weekly show who examines the creative people behind the avatars who make the virtual world of Second Life what it is & move it forward with their passion and persistence. Mixed reality interviews form the basis of a reportage that profiles designers, game-makers, role-players and fashion aficionados, musicians, artists and social-issue activists for whom the Second Life avatar is not a separate entity but a true extension of themselves with which they navigate the digital space. 

The show utilizes real-life footage as well as machinima from within Second Life and feature self-taught hobbyists to dedicated pros from all walks of life, from all over the world and cuts across gender, ethnic and generational divides. A world solely made by its residents – truly only their imagination can be the limit! 


          Rhiannon Chatnoir: ready when you are Drax – thanks for being here today!

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): hey guys, thanx for having me and now Rhi posted ALL what i had to say already hahahah…sooooo

          Glitteractica Cookie: hi drax!

          Zinnia Zauber: Rah Draxtor!

          Beth Ghostraven: YAY!!

          Zinnia Zauber: Thank you for joining us today!

          Buffy Beale: Cheering for Draxie!!

          Shaun Altman: well hello

          Adrianne Lexico: THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          Adrianne Lexico: Draxtor! Draxtor! Draxtor!

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): a few folks here might know me from the Flufee show, the narrative comedy and i LOVED doing that. But as 2012 came to an end I realized that NOBODY, nobody is doing documentary about SL creatives

like I had started doing crudely 6 years ago. If i watch my first machinima from that era I crinch!

          Jen (jenelle.levenque): Yay Flufee

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: are you saying Flufee was narrated :O

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): No no no FLufee of course WAS documentary!

          Harlequin Rhode: Flufleas!

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): what am I saying, it is ALL TRUE! He is a living being full of flesh. I mean MESH.

Anyhow…I talked to Kriss Lehmann from Botanical about how the mainstream media is ignoring SL and if they write something they pepper badly researched articles…with images from 2006.

          Shaun Altman: why should the mainstream media care about SL?

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): Shaun I address this later!

and I realized that I do have some skills that could benefit

          Shaun Altman: well i hope so if you’re going to bring it up now

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): burt briefly: they should because open ended virtual environments that enable users to monetize their creativity is a revolutionary thought IMO…anyways

          Shaun Altman: well but open ended virtual worlds are kinda 2008.

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): soooo, I did the first show about Kriss who is a marvelous example. He derives his entire income

from selling BEAUTIFUL digital trees and that first episode was really well received. Now to understand my GOAL with this series…. these are NOT ads for linden lab, these are ads for creativity! and passion. I focus SOLELY on individuals and groups….that day in day out [without whining]…color this 3D piece of blank paper that we are given! They push the world forward. They DO something. 

To me as an immigrant to the US, it is a very apt comparison – the can-do spirit of America and the can-do attitude of these creatives a few people have accused me of not focusing on the ISSUES of LL etc. That is not the goal of this series. I am not taking any sides other than that I am highlighting the best of SL. Many have pointed out LL should be doing these and i am very grateful that they promote it, however i am GLAD they are not playing me because I have total freedom!

          Shaun Altman: or maybe they only allow u to belive that

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): So anyhow, a little behind the scenes, these episodes are geared towards the OUTSIDE towards people who have never HEARD about SL/VW’s or dismiss it for whatever reason. These episodes are TOOLS, for us enthusiasts, to show our mom our dad..our friends who think we lost it!

So I usually do a 1-2 hour conversation with the interview partner to REALLY get behind what they do, why they do it, where they come from. From that 1.5 hours raw audio footage i distill the narrative. Then I think about how to sustain that narrative and enhance it with visuals, only THEN do i shoot in SL. i shoot about 1-2 hours of footage per episode. Now you get a sense of the workload hahahah 🙂

But it is NECESSARY – why?

Because i need to understand the story myself! I need to really get in there and although I am familiar with SL, i am NOT familiar with each and every individual. So these are just simple journalistic principles.

What is VERY IMPORTANT is the format. We start with a quick Skype video shot – ABSOLUTELY CRUCIAL! This ties in RL with SL We end with Skype video – this is the FRAME and it seems to work!

i got tons of feedback from RL friends that NOW they FINALLY understand SL a bit better 🙂

So this week is Fantasy Faire as some know and I did a piece about Relay for Life and how they use FF to fundraise the content sold there and the sims design are MIND BOGGLUING! This is the best of SL, but of course there is lag hahaha..anyways I did a piece on this

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: in the case of remote people you are interviewing, who is filming the footage sometimes seen of them in their RL places, homes, area where they live 

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): good question Rhi

So the interview subject films at their home. Sometimes if they do not know how to do it; i do screen sharing via Skype and polish the footage a bit. But in general they film it.

Upcoming is a piece about music in SL and these guys over in Spain sent me AWESOME footage! Sometimes it is a bit difficult managing this hahahaha, because u need to nag people all the time so they deliver on deadline~! But no different than any other job. And i used to work in public radio, so i am USED TO THE WORST )_))))

So questions?

Oh one more thing, i would LOVE to do one of these every three days…which i could…BUT i cant coz I have a LIFE hahahah :O)D

What is important to understand is that I have laid out 20 episodes, specifically showing the ENTIRE range of activities in SL

activism, animation, role play, games, politics etc. It is ALL COMING

          Alfonso Perfferle (alfonso.perfferle) raises his hand

          Adrianne Lexico: your final product is pure art

          Harlequin Rhode: How do you deal with folks who what to keep their RL private?

          Adrianne Lexico: big fan of yours since I heard of you

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes, production takes time

[09:11] Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): Adrianne: THANK YOU!!!!

Harlequin, good question. Now i am very mindful, mindful and respectful of privacy and I have had MANY people decline to be interviewed. BUT what i do say and that seems to work is to nominate a spokesperson, so they got Zander who was great.

          Glitteractica Cookie: i love the machinima Drax did for the NPC a few years ago

          Buffy Beale: me too Glitter

          Adrianne Lexico: THANKS YOU!

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: do you have already lined up those you will be interviewing for those episodes, or are you still actively looking for stories, and if so, what is that process like

          Adrianne Lexico: that’s a good question: how do you choose who you will interview?

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): Adrianne – i choose based on the long view, i want in the first 20 episodes to have an overview of SL

          Harlequin Rhode: Will you also feature adult related content?

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): i will NOT feature adult content. Why? Not because I have issues with it personally [i am from Germany mind you! BUT a side goal of the show is…to destroy STIGMA. There is a stigma attached to SL and i am circumventing it, i am avoiding it,  i am ignoring it. There is plenty of coverage of adult material – please watch Login2Life hihihihi

          Andy Evans: LOL

          Harlequin Rhode: There are many creative adult related folk in SL.

          Zinnia Zauber: This series has been wonderful to share with the general public and has made more people curious about what we do inworld. More people have asked me to bring them in world. I think showing the actual people made them feel like like they could be those people behind the screen then.

          Harlequin Rhode giggles. 

[09:14] Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): sooo, to what Glitter said about my old NPC video, what is so important to me as well is that SL has GROWN so much in terms of sophistication of content, with the right machine, SL can be displayed in a WONDERFUL way and so visually I am trying to be SUPER PERFECTIONIST, not so much with the Skype stuff – that is totally DIY and raw, and good that way. But when it comes to SL i tweak the windlight. i do TONS. 

          Alfonso Perfferle (alfonso.perfferle): what kind of software do you use to record in SL?

          Adrianne Lexico: will you have an episode about yourself?

          Harlequin Rhode: It’s pretty awesome when I can share your vids to my sons in RL. Makes me proud! Thanks, Drax

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): Alfonso, i use Fraps, then convert to edit on a Mac in Final Cut.

Adrianne – NO – there is enough out there about me! 

          Alfonso Perfferle (alfonso.perfferle): thanks 🙂

          Adrianne Lexico: come on! that would be fun! 

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): so it is so good to hear from folks, who tell me things like…i showed this to my dad, my kids, my co workers and all of a sudden they understand! THAT IS THE GOAL! This is GREAT when SL folks like them, BUT much more important to me is that stakeholders OUTSIDE, folks who could benefit.

          Beth Ghostraven: Yes, that’s what’s missing in trying to use SL for education; educating outside stakeholders about SL

          Alfonso Perfferle (alfonso.perfferle): could you share us what kind of hardware do you use to get that kind of quality, plase?

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): alfonso i can send the specs of the computer. it is a PC with Windows 7 OS on a solid state drive, 2 RAID drives for capture and the NVIDIA card i have to look that up – but it is PRICEY!!! This one came a 2.5k two years ago. 

          Alfonso Perfferle (alfonso.perfferle): Great! 🙂

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: I can even post that to the blog after this, any specs, settings tht you use

          Alfonso Perfferle (alfonso.perfferle): 😉

          Zinnia Zauber: You are worth it.

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): the big frustration for all of us of course is…that SL does NOT run on an average machine. BUT, good news is that it changes every other month. The new MacBook Air runs PERFECTLY!

More questions?

Again, the visuals = window dressing! i work hard on them, BUT the STORY, the authenticity of the story, that is what resonates!!!!!

          Frans Charming: really on a air, that’s awesome.

          Shaun Altman: im on the macbook pro and it won’t run things maxed

          Shaun Altman: which is sad for a 2004 game

          Shaun Altman: macbook PRO. quad core sandy bridge! 8 cores total

          Harlequin Rhode: *loves her Mac*

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): last year Macbook AWESOME, i actually shot some great footage. So sorry Shaun – you are missing out 🙂

So anwyay, i am in AWE of the creatives in here and like i said earlier, there is soooo much whining and complaining and the weird thing is??? The folks i profile…they DO NOT WHINE! Yes they are frustrated at times! But they soldier on!

          Shaun Altman: i do not whine! i just tell 😀

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): THAT IS THE SPIRIT!

          nɐıʌɐp ʎuʍɐp (dawny.daviau): Is there a type of story you would like to do but never had the change to?

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: do you do any pre-interview beforehand or send out questions you will be asking during the itnerviews, or is most of that the first time they are being asked those things by you

          Andy Evans: Anyway to make the machinima interactive, e.g. the user can personalize their experience by choosing which creative they want to see events from a menu withinin the machinima ?

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): Rhiannon GOOD question, so post that question again in case folks did not see?

I do NOT do pre interview, I do a conversation that i tape, sometimes 2 hours

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: I said – do you do any pre-interview beforehand or send out questions you will be asking during the itnerviews, or is most of that the first time they are being asked those things by you

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): sometimes the first hour is unusable because people need to warm up. That is TOTALLY NORMAL!

Once we get into the flow, i keep going until i KNOW that i have everything i need for the story!

Andy i do not understand the question?

          Andy Evans: the machinima might highlight at first some SL events or people and the user chooses which they want to see

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: your overall goal is to show their creativity in these spaces, do you have any standard questions you ask everyone, in your interview

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): Andy are u suggesting to open up who to profile?

Rhi – absolutely yes, but they change all the time, and it is like i said a conversation. A lot of it is dictated by where it goes and what personality the person has. But standard to warm up is how did u discover SL – what is your RL background, etc and also I always want to hear how people would explain what they do to their MOM 🙂

          Andy Evans: Not who only… the user could be seeing a SL mall or art gallery and choose which rooms are more intersting to them

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: Andy, are you meaning some kind of interactive ability to ‘choose your own story’ … not sure you have seen the web application Zeega, comes out of a MIT media project, but people are experimenting with it to tell interactive stories with photos/video

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): Zeega = dio from Linden Lab in a way.

Andy – I am sticking to the format. What you are suggesting sounds interesting. If someone pays me I might work on it..hihihihi. Like i said the luxury I have is FREEDOM and do it the way I feel works best

          Andy Evans: If I find someone to pay you do I get a commission?

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): If Linden Lab were to hire me for this, I would consider it, but keep it separate. I would not want them to “buy” my show!

          Andy Evans: LOL

          Andy – NO 🙂

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: so that brings up the question, how are you financing this project?

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): I finance this project by my day job, just like any other hobby. 

          Frans Charming: Andy Youtube itself allows you to make pages, and reels with videos that people can select from.

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: labor of love?

          Zinnia Zauber: You have more freedom of expression without the pay. 

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): the cool thing is = i HAVE NO HOBBIES – hahahahaha – no i do.

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: lol

          Buffy Beale: lol 

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): i play piano, i volunteer at school, i have a family, but i do not go to baseball games and I do not play golf [Zinnia knows what i am talking about!].

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: time is always the enemy for those with passion interests

          Tizzers (sassypantsu): Drax, would you rather fight a horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?

          Beth Ghostraven is cracking up laughing at Tizzer’s question

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: I am intrigues by tiny horses myself 😉

          Zinnia Zauber: lol Totally! 

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): yes time is the enemy. 🙂  Sassy I am a pacifist!. Ok more questions?

          Adrianne Lexico: I know there is a lot about you out there Drax, but I would like to see Draxtor interviewing Bernhard for the final episode of the Drax Files series. Would you give this a second thought?

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: does your ‘day job’ align with your media / documentor interests… curious

          lolli Sapphire: ok for a moment I read that question completely different

          Beth Ghostraven agrees with Adrienne

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): yes it does, sometimes

          Frans Charming: Adrianne, maybe you could interview him!

          Adrianne Lexico: I WOULD LOVE TO!!!! 

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): my day job is broadly speaking audio/video editing. I just finished another music video where i did the recording arrangement and sound design. Now, these things are FUN – BUT, there are MANY MANY COOKS and ENDLESS discussions and so my show is soooo different in terms of again FREEDOM to do what i feel is best [in a semi dictatorial way], also finished a 2 hour radio show for NPR about California History. Been doing that for years and same thing, yes – creative BUT too many cooks! 

          Shaun Altman: who’s music video is it?

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: I like that idea of almost this meta conversation between your avatar and self … who here remembers Drax’s days of going out in the real world with his Draxtor Despres mask on 😉

          Shaun Altman: i don’t remember that

          Tizzers (sassypantsu): Drax didn’t have the mask at the last SLCC :[

          Adrianne Lexico: yes, please help me convince him! meta conversation of avatar and self! That is my point!!!

          Shaun Altman: no such thing as too many cooks

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): The Drax mask was fun in 2007/2008 and i love the idea of the meta conversation. i could change perhaps and have an interviewer, interview me. in terms of the mask real quick, because u may have noticed that i upgraded with new skin and accessories. i was reluctant to do that but when i realized how SL had grown content wise with mesh and textures and now materials are here. 

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: so this and your other machinima work allows you to have that creative freedom

          Frans Charming laughs out loud

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: I think right now, we are all doing that to you 😉

          Adrianne Lexico: why not have one interviewing yourself for the final episode?

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes, love the animated shirt

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: you trademarked your avatar name, correct?

          Shaun Altman: Oo we can TM our av’s?

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): it would BE SAD and RIDICULOUS to look like 2007 🙂  …so there ya go!

          Frans Charming: Yea Drax, I updated myself recently as well for the same reason.

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): to each their own. Frans – it is hard to let go, but just like in RL, sometimes it is GOOD to get a hair cut and a new shirt!

          Frans Charming: Indeed!

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): yes I trademarked and updated the TM office as well with the new visuals. 

Adrianne, there IS NO FINAL EPISODES  🙂  if i keel over and am no more than the episode prior to me dying would be the final one 🙂 Other than that i shall continue hihihihi.

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: so your avatar is your brand and in that way.. even these comments about changing the look of that are big if you think of it that way

          Adrianne Lexico: ok but please consider having one with Drax and Bernhard!

          Adrianne Lexico: Please?

          Adrianne Lexico: LOL

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: by then, an AI bot can live on of you Drax

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): i will! good idea

         Adrianne Lexico: thanks and greetings from a fan in Argentina!

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): the band i profile for next week is from Argentina. They are REAL artists! Not only is the music awesome but they build a different stage every single show! They use SL to the fullest IMO

Ok i think i have to head out soon. i have to reshoot some stuff at 10am. i want to thank folks for showing up so often when i last minute ask for background actors really really appreciate it! i see quite a few here, hahahah – they have been in many movies and some on the cutting rooom floor sorry 🙁 

          Adrianne Lexico: cool!

          Adrianne Lexico: OMG! this has been awesome!

          Adrianne Lexico: Thanks Rhiannon! Thanks Drax!!!!

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): please share the Fantasy Faire video and visit the Faire!!! It goes on through this weekend, the sims are BEAUTIFUL! seriously magnificent –

          Lynne (yt.upsilon): Done – Done 🙂

          Beth Ghostraven: Thank you so much for speaking here, Drax

          Cadmus Tyrellium: Drax thanks for all that you are doing. its so great to see all that positive energy

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: thank you Drax!

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): Cadmus thanx! i did not take my downers this morn hahahahah  

          Buffy Beale: you’re a rocker Draxie I love what you’re doing for SL, bringing out the good news stories

          HazelDazel (hazeldazel.haystack): Thank you Drax

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): maybe u should!!!

HAZEL!!! thx for coming. Hazel -0 thank you for keeping the CRAZIES at bay on my FB page hahahah

          nɐıʌɐp ʎuʍɐp (dawny.daviau): It was very informative, thank you Drax!

          Andy Evans: any one have a link to the Fantasy Fair?

          Glitteractica Cookie: yes, thx

          Frans Charming applauds

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: any last thoughts before we move on to Open Mic

          Shaun Altman: let’s be SL friends drax

          Gentle Heron: Thank you Draxtor.

          Harlequin Rhode: Awesome interview!

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): Go to the Fantasy Faire guys!!! It is AWESOME. Link is in the YT description, very very uplifting story about battling cancer.

          Zinnia Zauber: Thank you so much, Drax! You are amazing!

          Andy Evans: Great, Drax

          Zotarah Shepherd applaudes frf

          Adrianne Lexico: THANK YOU

          Mercia Merlin: Thanks a lot Drax

          Alfonso Perfferle (alfonso.perfferle): it is indeed!

          Dancers Yao: Thank you…

          nɐıʌɐp ʎuʍɐp (dawny.daviau): 🙁 So many around me in SL have lost that battle… it is worrying!

          Stranger Nightfire: Fairelands Junction (128,128,23) 

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): u look good Frans!!!! 

          Frans Charming: Haha, Thanks,. so do you Drax! 🙂

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: this is all good food for thought too for anyone thinking of working on their org’s digital story for the TSdigs challenge

          Rhiannon Chatnoir: thanks for letting us peek into your process Drax and for sharing

          Adrianne Lexico: WOW! 

Draxtor™ (draxtor.despres): oh and if anyone has specific questions IM me directly, always glad to share the bug for making films in SL!

Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir

The Drax Files: World Makers for the April 26th NonProfit Commons Meeting

This Friday, April 26th, Nonprofit Commons is happy to welcome back Bernhard Drax (Draxtor Despres in SL) who will dive deeper into the storytelling, process and making of The Drax Files: World Makers, his new machinima series that focuses on people who are creative in virtual worlds and explore topics like animation, game design, activism, identity, roleplay and fashion.


About Berhard Drax 

Bernhard Drax aka Draxtor Despres creates interactive audio/video content and devises new media concepts for corporate and academic clientele. In addition to producing music for film, television and the web Bernhard has a solid background in radio news production and print journalism.

The Drax Files World Makers will be a semi bi-weekly show who examines the creative people behind the avatars who make the virtual world of Second Life what it is & move it forward with their passion and persistence. 

Mixed reality interviews form the basis of a reportage that profiles designers, game-makers, role-players and fashion aficionados, musicians, artists and social-issue activists for whom the Second Life avatar is not a separate entity but a true extension of themselves with which they navigate the digital space. 

The show will utilize real-life footage as well as machinima from within Second Life and feature self-taught hobbyists to dedicated pros from all walks of life, from all over the world and cuts across  gender, ethnic and generational divides. A world solely made by its residents – truly only their imagination can be the limit! 



Join us in Second Life!


Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting

Friday, April 26th, 8:30 AM PDT / SLT

Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater



  • 8:30 am Introductions
  • 8:40 am TechSoup Announcements
  • 8:45 am Mentors Central  
  • 8:55 am Featured Presentation: Bernhard Drax (Draxtor Despres in SL)
  • 9:30 am Open Mic / Announcements

The mission of the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is to create a community for nonprofits to explore and learn about virtual worlds, foster connections, and discover the many ways in which nonprofits might utilize the unique environment of Second Life to achieve their missions.

Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir