Transcript for July 27 Nonprofit Commons Meeting – Educational Machinima with Pooky Amsterdam of PookyMedia

Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting
July 27, 2012, 8:30 AM SLT / PST
Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater

8:30 AM Introductions
8:40 AM TechSoup Announcements
8:45 AM Mentors Central
9:55 Educational Machinima with Pooky Amsterdam of PookyMedia
9:30 AM Open Mic / Announcements

– Unabridged Transcript –


[08:31] Zinnia Zauber: Welcome everyone to the Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting!

[08:31] Pooky Amsterdam: Woohoo Ahoy Russell! Ahoy Buffy DrFran et al & hugs for Gentle!

[08:31] bulaklak: Days like this I miss caffeine!

[08:31] Buffy Beale: me too

[08:31] alebez: hey Zinnia.

[08:31] Buffy Beale: hugs Gentle too 🙂

[08:31] Adalace Jewell: hi everyone

[08:32] Jen (jenelle.levenque): It’s 1130 here
[08:32] Jen (jenelle.levenque): almost lunch time

[08:32] Buffy Beale: hi Adalace 🙂

[08:32] Zinnia Zauber: We like to start out with introductions that
include your name, real name, org, and website, twitter handle and so

[08:32] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): hello Adalace

[08:32] Adalace Jewell: 17:32 here 😉

[08:32] Buffy Beale: Buffy Bye, Bridges for Women, Victoria BC Canada, @bridges4women

[08:32] bulaklak: Yes, I try to not say “good morning” because I know
it’s not morning for everyone!

[08:32] Zinnia Zauber: Our transcripts are made public.
[08:32] Zinnia Zauber: Please introduce yourself!

[08:32] Buffy Beale: oops a wee bit tooo soon sorry Z

[08:32] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Bruce Hestley, Transgender American
Veterans Association, Akron, OH,,!/TAVAUS

[08:32] bulaklak: It’s great how this convergence of different
timezones keeps me on my toes.

[08:33] Ronnie Rhode: Denise Harrison, The Garden for the Missing, and SLURL Remora (203,148,21),
Project Jason, assistance for families of the missing,

[08:33] Ozma Malibu: Sandra Andrews, Floaters Org, technology outreach
in Arizona, Mexico and On the Road. @ozma

[08:33] Gentle Heron: Virtual Ability, Inc.
Please check website this weekend for schedule announcement for

[08:33] Zinnia Zauber: Renne Emiko Brock-Richmond, Sequim Humanities
and Arts Alliance, Sequim, Olympic Peninsula, Washington. @renneemiko

[08:33] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Jerry Buchko | Counseling,
Coaching, & Tutoring in Personal Finances via Telepresence (Private
Practice) | Minneapolis-Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA | | @jerrybuchko

[08:33] Chad Mikado: Chad Gobert; National Service Inclusion Project
(NSIP), UMass Boston;

[08:33] alebez: ale bezdikian, Online Community Coordinator, TechSoup,
SF, CA @TechSoup, @alebez

[08:33] bulaklak: Michael DeLong, Senior Manager of Online Community
and Social Media at TechSoup Global. San Francisco, CA, USA. @TechSoup @MichaelDeLongSF

[08:33] BELOVEDROX: Roxy Rocker NSIP

[08:33] Adalace Jewell: Corine Van Hellemont, RoSa Library Brussels –
Belgium @adalace

[08:33] Dancers Yao: Kara Bennett, Elder Voices, Los Angeles, CA
Health Care and Human Rights

[08:33] Russell Boyd (rosco.teardrop): Russell Boyd, Resident Director
PookyMedia, Owner Wee Bit Studios

[08:34] Pooky Amsterdam: Pooky Amsterdam one name fits all – CEO @pookymedia

[08:34] Zinnia Zauber: Wonderful!

[08:35] Zinnia Zauber: If you ever come in a little late to our
meetings, please still introduce yourself.
[08:35] Zinnia Zauber: We want to get to know you!

[08:35] Gentle Heron: hint to Coughran!

[08:35] Zinnia Zauber: hehe

[08:35] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): 🙂

[08:35] DrFran Babcock: hehe

[08:35] Coughran Mayo: Dick Dillon, Innovaision, LLC, St. Louis MO.
@Coughran, @Innovaision
[08:35] Coughran Mayo: like that was so hard!

[08:35] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Teacher’s taking attendance

[08:35] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): 😉

[08:36] Pooky Amsterdam: S;-D

[08:36] Zinnia Zauber: good job C!

[08:36] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Give him detention for being late

[08:36] Zinnia Zauber: Let me share with you guys the Agenda for today.
[08:36] Zinnia Zauber: 8:30 AM Introductions

8:40 AM TechSoup Announcements

8:45 AM Mentors Central

8:55 Educational Machinima with Pooky Amsterdam
of PookyMedia
[08:36] Zinnia Zauber: 9:30 AM Open Mic / Announcements
[08:37] Zinnia Zauber: We discovered that it might be time for me to
get some new glasses as I had an error on the agenda earlier. lol

[08:37] bulaklak: Thanks, Zinnia. Thanks for running the show while
Glitter is at her yoga retreat getting Ohmed up!

[08:37] Zinnia Zauber: I also have all the lovely links to share with
you as well.
[08:37] Zinnia Zauber: Here are the many ways to can get involved with the
Nonprofit Commons in Second Life:

Nonprofit Commons Blog:




Google Group:

Google Calendar:
[08:37] Zinnia Zauber: About TechSoup the sponsors of the Nonprofit Commons:
[08:38] Zinnia Zauber: Join us inworld:

NPC Weekly Meeting on Fridays, 8:30 – 10 AM SLT Plush Amphitheater,
Plush Nonprofit Commons (91,127,26)

NPC Mentors Meeting: Fridays, 10:10 – 11 AM SLT Plush Amphitheater,
Plush Nonprofit Commons (91,127,26)

Wharf Ratz Tuesday Night Extraordinary Dance Extravaganza, Every
Tuesday 7 – 9 PM SLT Preferred Family Healthcare on Aloft, Aloft
Nonprofit Commons (168,223,22)

CommonGround – Color Themed Monthly Networking Event on 3rd Thursday,
5 – 7 PM SLT CommonGround on Aloft, Aloft Nonprofit Commons (59,68,25)

[08:38] Zinnia Zauber: A lot to take in, but worth the clicking!
[08:39] Zinnia Zauber: If you are just joining us, please feel free to
introduce yourself with your name, real name, org and web connections.

[08:39] Pooky Amsterdam: <3 them Wharf Ratz

[08:39] Zinnia Zauber: yes, Pooky!

Techsoup Announcements

[08:39] Zinnia Zauber: Okay it is time for Techsoup Announcement!

[08:40] bulaklak: Thanks, Zinnia!

[08:40] Zinnia Zauber: Go man go!

[08:40] Buffy Beale: yay bulaklak

[08:40] bulaklak: Wowzers. That was kind of cool.
[08:40] bulaklak: Anyway.

[08:41] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): … there can be only one.. 😉

[08:41] Coughran Mayo: lol
[08:41] Coughran Mayo: McCleod!

[08:41] Zinnia Zauber: hehe

[08:41] bulaklak: I want to touch briefly on the topic of
accessibility. It is certainly a topic I am not anything like an
expert in, but I, like my TechSoup colleagues, am invested in it.
[08:41] bulaklak: To that end, we have made some strides — albeit
perhaps slowly — lately in our approach to our online interactive
events like webinars.
[08:42] bulaklak: We are now offering all of our webinars with live
captioning upon request.

[08:42] Panny Bakerly: sorry I’m late… Jeanne Booth, Freeport
Historical Society, Freeport, NY;

[08:43] bulaklak: Here is some information about how we are doing that
with our ReadyTalk webinars, which is the tool we use for a majority
of our webinars.
[08:43] bulaklak:
[08:43] bulaklak: If we get a request within 72 hours of the event, we
can easily set up the live captioning
[08:44] bulaklak: And we always make sure to promote our webinars far
and wide well in advance
[08:44] bulaklak: And will make sure everyone knows they can request
the live captioning
[08:44] bulaklak: For any of our events not done on the ReadyTalk
platform, we are testing out other methods such as a live person to
transcribe on site by contract
[08:45] bulaklak: We will be testing this out for our upcoming
Nonprofits Live events if they are done on the Watchitoo tool or on
Adobe O
[08:45] bulaklak: Adobe Connect
[08:45] bulaklak: A special thank you and acknowledgment goes out to
Sister Patrice
[08:46] bulaklak: for brining this issue to our attention and working
so patiently and dillegently with us as we muddled through all of our
testing and research

[08:46] Zinnia Zauber: That is great she helped out!

[08:46] Ozma Malibu: Congratulations, bulaklak, Sister. That’s
wonderful. Yay for TechSoup.

[08:46] bulaklak: We are really happy to be offering this service and
hope we can be an example for other nonprofits to take the cue from us
[08:47] bulaklak: We will be sharing all of our learnings on a few
upcoming blog posts and hope those will help other orgs follow the
same practices
[08:47] bulaklak: That’s all I’ve got for today. Thanks, all! Enjoy
today’s meeting and your weekends!

[08:47] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you, bulaklak!

[08:47] Buffy Beale: yay bulaklak

[08:47] alebez: awesome.

[08:47] Gentle Heron: Thank you for the update Bulaklak, and congrats
to TechSoup for making their offerings more accessible to a larger

[08:48] Zinnia Zauber: This is really important stuff!
[08:48] Zinnia Zauber: Please follow @techsoup for news.
[08:48] Zinnia Zauber: alebez, do you have anything for us?
[08:48] Zinnia Zauber: Any late intros?

[08:49] alebez: mmm…nope. Bulaklak is amazing.

[08:49] XDarkBladeX (darkblade2) shouts: looking for a djs and hosts and dancer

[08:49] Zinnia Zauber: Indeed.

[08:49] bulaklak: Oh and here is the link where we post all of our events
[08:49] bulaklak:
[08:49] bulaklak: So you can stay abreast of what we have coming up

[08:49] Zinnia Zauber: DarkBlade, I don’t know if we can help you with that.

[08:50] XDarkBladeX (darkblade2): ok

Mentor Central

[08:50] Zinnia Zauber: Okay, now Mentor Central!

[08:50] XDarkBladeX (darkblade2): lol

[08:50] Pooky Amsterdam: <3 SL

[08:51] Zinnia Zauber: So we have been covering the Tools in a Box
that you can use for your office or other locations.
[08:51] Zinnia Zauber: And, I thought I would do a quick repeat on how
to prepare powerpoint slides to bring in SL.
[08:51] Zinnia Zauber: How many of you use slideshows in SL?

[08:52] Jen (jenelle.levenque) raises hand

[08:52] DrFran Babcock raises her hand

[08:52] Buffy Beale: raises hand

[08:52] Pooky Amsterdam: raises hand

[08:52] Gentle Heron nods affirmatively

[08:52] Dancers Yao: yes

[08:52] Panny Bakerly: I havent

[08:52] Zinnia Zauber: Great! We know it is an easy way to share info
in a small amount of space.
[08:52] Zinnia Zauber: And, for someone new to SL they “get it”.

[08:52] Russell Boyd (rosco.teardrop): no, but interested to find out how

[08:53] Zinnia Zauber: There are lots of slideshow viewers out there.

[08:53] Gentle Heron: pictures (or slides) often being worth a
thousand words, as they say

[08:53] Zinnia Zauber: so let me go through some steps for you.
[08:53] Zinnia Zauber: yes, Gentle!
[08:53] Zinnia Zauber: Making a slideshow with PowerPoint in Second Life.
[08:53] Zinnia Zauber: This is for creating textures that you will
bring into Second Life to load into some kind of slideshow object.
[08:54] Zinnia Zauber: 1. Create your PowerPoint slideshow as you
would normally. All the effects will not work once in Second Life.
[08:54] Zinnia Zauber: 2. Now go to File > Save as and save your files
as images.
[08:54] Zinnia Zauber: Choose a format that Second Life uses like PNG.
When it saves these files, it creates a new folder with them in it.
[08:55] Zinnia Zauber: At this point, if you are good with image
enhancement software, you might want to resize the files to a much
more rez friendly size.
[08:55] Zinnia Zauber: Depending on what size the screen is going to
be… an image that is 1024 pixels per inch is the largest you would
go. 512 pixels per inch is better.
[08:55] Zinnia Zauber: You know how it goes when you are watching
someone do a slideshow and they are whipping through the slides and
you haven’t been able to see any of them. Yeah, that is because they
are too big.
[08:55] Zinnia Zauber: So, if you can, reduce the size of the texture images.
[08:55] Zinnia Zauber: 3. Upload the Images
[08:56] Zinnia Zauber: The images will be numbered in that new folder.
Slide01 Slide02 Slide03 . . .
[08:56] Zinnia Zauber: When you are in Second Life, go to the Build
Menu > Upload > Bulk
[08:56] Zinnia Zauber: Upload the images… get a cup of tea…

Then you can place the images into a slideshow viewer.
[08:56] Zinnia Zauber: You select the slideshow viewer (right click)
and choose the Edit.
In the Edit window there are five tabs – General – Object – Features –
Texture – Content
[08:56] Zinnia Zauber: Choose Content and click and drag the slide
textures in there.

Some times you have to reset the script. So, just open it and hit the
reset button. Then close the Edit Window and show off!
[08:56] Zinnia Zauber: There you go!

[08:57] Buffy Beale: easy peasy

[08:57] Zinnia Zauber: That is how you can create textures from
PowerPoint to make a slideshow in SL.
[08:57] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you!

[08:57] Jen (jenelle.levenque): There is a viewer in the toolbox that
will allow you to associate a notecard with each slide

[08:57] Zinnia Zauber: Yes!

[08:57] Jen (jenelle.levenque): It will then say the nc in local chat
when the slide is viewed

[08:57] Russell Boyd (rosco.teardrop): do you recommend any good
slideshow viewers?

[08:58] Zinnia Zauber: Each is a little different, but about the same.
[08:58] Zinnia Zauber: My favorite the Preso-Matic Turbo by
DoctorPartridge Allen because it previews the slides for the viewers
before they try to see them on the screen.
[08:58] Zinnia Zauber: But, I am open to testing more.

[08:58] Russell Boyd (rosco.teardrop): thanks

[08:58] Zinnia Zauber: I’ll pass out the LM for that if needed.

Educational Machinima with Pooky Amsterdam of PookyMedia

[08:58] Zinnia Zauber: Okay!

[08:58] Zinnia Zauber: Now it is time for our guest!

[08:58] Adalace Jewell: u rock Zinnia

[08:59] CarynTopia Silvercloud: thanks

[08:59] Gentle Heron: Thanks Zinnia.

[08:59] Zinnia Zauber: Please come up here Pooky!

[08:59] Coughran Mayo whistles and claps

[08:59] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you guys!

[08:59] Zinnia Zauber: I don’t look good, unless you look good. lol

[08:59] Coughran Mayo: and you look marvelous

[08:59] Zinnia Zauber: Aww, thank you!
[08:59] Zinnia Zauber: Pooky Amsterdam will present about the
collaborative process of producing an award winning educational
machinima. Pooky Amsterdam who has been producing entertainment on the
virtual plane for about 10 years and her company PookyMedia provides
top quality real animation also known as machinima.
[09:00] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you Pooky for joining us today!

[09:00] Pooky Amsterdam: Thank you Zinnia!

[09:00] Pooky Amsterdam: or as I love to call you ZZ

[09:00] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Yes, thank you Zin!

[09:00] Zinnia Zauber: hehe

[09:00] Gentle Heron: YAY Pooky!

[09:01] Zinnia Zauber: How many of you have been on Pooky’s show?

[09:01] Pooky Amsterdam: I really appreciate being with you all today
– this is to a great extent my Second home and I along with all of you
know the value of being in a virtual environment
[09:01] Pooky Amsterdam: and in a group like this feel very much at
home and understood
[09:01] Pooky Amsterdam: If one picture = 1,000 words then one video =
100,000 – we are a visual species, after all. We are also ready to
welcome messages of import if they are presented in framework we want
to look at and understand. Animation fills that well for us & whether
it was Mickey Mouse or the Flintstones has been away to entertain for
generations – It is also a way to educate and the many Public Service
Announcements of my youth I recall the ones that were in fact cartoons

[09:02] Pooky Amsterdam: and we were asked recently his past March
about doing a public service announcement
[09:02] Pooky Amsterdam: Using the great game engine and platform that
is Second Life is indeed somewhat challenging
[09:02] Pooky Amsterdam: it is all about emphathising its strengths –
and minimizing its weaknesses – to the extent that the end results
does not in any way scream

[09:02] Buffy Beale: oh I’ve been on Pooky’s show it’s fun!

[09:02] Pooky Amsterdam: this was made on Second Life
[09:03] Pooky Amsterdam: yayay Buffy is amazing and this group is amazing

[09:03] Adalace Jewell: 🙂

[09:03] Pooky Amsterdam: on the edge for what is the future but as we
live it today

[09:03] Buffy Beale: 🙂

[09:03] Pooky Amsterdam: and it isnt everyone who can look past the
veil in a way that surrounds our Seocnd nation and see it for what it
can be and is
[09:04] Pooky Amsterdam: Buffy mentions the show The 1st Question
[09:04] Pooky Amsterdam: and I will tell a bit of a story if I might

[09:04] Coughran Mayo: not about me I hope

[09:04] Pooky Amsterdam: for all roads led to Machinima
[09:05] Pooky Amsterdam: When I was looking for panelist for the 1st
question which is pretty much as many of you know cause I bug you to be
on the show – all the time I found someone that I wanted to reach out
to –
[09:05] Pooky Amsterdam: Through Gizmag which is a kind of futuristic
up to the minute look into what is being developed technologically in
this world of ours –
[09:05] Pooky Amsterdam: lol Coughran!
[09:06] Pooky Amsterdam: and Dr james canton was invited on – I will
make along story short –
[09:06] Pooky Amsterdam: He is the executiuve producer of the Time
Trvelrs – which is a series we are doing here and I wanted him t
understand that this was a great place for filming
[09:07] Pooky Amsterdam: he woudlsay at first – how many people come
here how many of the targeed population for example teens he wanted to
[09:07] Pooky Amsterdam: and I said look – its not like you say how
many people wereat the Star Trek sound stage for filming

[09:07] jacmacaire Humby: oops I was so in late that I forget to give
my name., etc.. Jacques Macaire HUMANBE Action
Tank and Council on Sustainable Development France and International

[09:07] Pooky Amsterdam: its a platform – its a studio set and its our
sound stage – its where we film
[09:08] Pooky Amsterdam: and we do here because of th vast and
unprecedented amoutn of vitual assets adn the Ip rights toour films
[09:08] Pooky Amsterdam: I would love to show you now the film we are
here for today
[09:08] Pooky Amsterdam: and when I say WE Ido mean that
[09:08] Pooky Amsterdam: its the team tha tmakes these films all ofus
working to our strengths
[09:09] Pooky Amsterdam: Its Russell Boyd who does the great
Directionand editing and sound processing
[09:09] Gentle Heron applauds Pooky’s whole team
[09:09] Pooky Amsterdam: and robwag Soothsayerwhois incredibly gifted
with he builds and all sorts of magic honestly! and post production
[09:09] Pooky Amsterdam: with soudn effects people and the music and more

[09:09] Zinnia Zauber: Yay teamwork!

[09:10] Pooky Amsterdam: so I might be the most easily identified but
Please know that its team effort
[09:10] Pooky Amsterdam: I woudllove ery much toshow the film and then
asnwer any questions about it

[09:10] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): yes, let’s see it! 😀

[09:10] Zinnia Zauber: Yes! Please share the URL for everyone.

[09:10] Pooky Amsterdam: is that all right?
[09:10] Pooky Amsterdam: ok one sec

[09:10] Buffy Beale: sure is!

[09:11] Pooky Amsterdam:
[09:11] Pooky Amsterdam: everyone please go to your browser window and watch
[09:11] Pooky Amsterdam: Vector Inspectors – or How to catch a

[09:11] Zinnia Zauber: Okay, please watch and then we will back.

[09:11] Gentle Heron loves the name!

[09:11] DrFran Babcock is fascinated with the smooth movement

[09:13] Coughran Mayo: great camera work!

[09:13] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Yes, great camera work & editing…

[09:13] Buffy Beale: very smooth

[09:13] Pooky Amsterdam: Russell is amazing

[09:14] Russell Boyd (rosco.teardrop): thanks, it really has to look
good for the audience to pay attention

[09:14] Pooky Amsterdam: especially when theya re 12

[09:15] Coughran Mayo: will be interested to hear how much advance
planning goes into a project like this before the cameras roll

[09:15] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): yes, the focus is dyanamic
[09:15] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): *dynamic

[09:15] Pooky Amsterdam: okay if everyone has finished the film (dont
want to say how it ends )
[09:15] Pooky Amsterdam: lol I can take some questions

[09:15] DrFran Babcock: yes, the jerky movement of my educational
videos makes my viewers laugh 🙁

[09:15] Coughran Mayo: 30 seconds left

[09:15] Pooky Amsterdam: k

[09:15] Zinnia Zauber: Do you guys have questions for Pooky or her team?
[09:16] Zinnia Zauber: Ask away!

[09:16] Coughran Mayo: see mine above

[09:16] Buffy Beale: Question: Do you see this form of edu videos
getting more popular?

[09:16] Pooky Amsterdam: Coughrn asked a good q on pre producion
[09:16] Pooky Amsterdam: all right everyone done now?

[09:16] Catt (catt.gable): Beautiful work

[09:16] Pooky Amsterdam: ty

[09:16] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): yes, done

[09:16] Pooky Amsterdam: kudos to team
[09:17] Pooky Amsterdam: all right – Coughran my friend you hit on
something very important
[09:17] Pooky Amsterdam: and that is pre production – getting
everything and I mean everything ready before the cameras roll is
[09:17] Pooky Amsterdam: it took about a 6 weeks to a month to get this
set up actually and that also includes back & forth to the client for
the things which are of most import in terms of look and feel
[09:18] Pooky Amsterdam: the characters – did they register correctly
with them- remember alothough this goes before a different audience the
client is always the first place for approval of assets
[09:18] Pooky Amsterdam: so yes the pre production is key and the more
carefully and completely this is done the better
[09:19] Pooky Amsterdam: I have tos ay we all of us work very closely
and make adjustmensts we need to in the days that lead up to filming
[09:19] Pooky Amsterdam: coughran I hope that answers the question?

[09:19] Mιℒєﻜιιнσця  (miles.eleventhauer): But HOW…storyboards?..test shots?

[09:20] Pooky Amsterdam: Buffy had a good q – but I see Miles whose
work I respect – asking about the storyboards
[09:20] Pooky Amsterdam: and yes
[09:20] Pooky Amsterdam: its important to have this laid out afore
hand for so many reasons – so mny things that will save time and
energy and stress later on

[09:20] Ozma Malibu: wonderful! In my experience creating even a less
professional machinima is a quick, not too expensive way to really
catch imaginations and set minds on fire. in a machinima, you can
focus much better on what’s really important.
Suddenly the audience sees what you are trying to convey. But this is
SO professional and SO beautiful. 6 weeks is not really very long
[09:20] Pooky Amsterdam: we are all of us rather intense people -its
osmethign Ihave noticed inworld – our intensity of passionof purpse of
wanting the most out of time
[09:21] Pooky Amsterdam: and so to make thsi happen well for everyone
because the team is very important we try to do thing sthat build on
our abilities and what we have learned about not wasting time

[09:21] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko) nods.

[09:21] Pooky Amsterdam: yes to sotryboardsMiles –

[09:22] Ozma Malibu: if you did that in 6 weeks you definitely didn’t
waste any time 🙂

[09:22] Pooky Amsterdam: essential for also to see how the vision is
going tounfold see where the extrashot might be added or the
superflous removed
[09:22] Pooky Amsterdam: you are right
[09:22] Pooky Amsterdam: we are a tight and highly focused group and
approach our work wiht alaser like clarity fo porpose
[09:22] Pooky Amsterdam: now for Buffy’s question if I might
[09:23] Pooky Amsterdam: Buffy whose spirit always makes me smile so
[09:23] Buffy Beale: aww ty Pooky
[09:23] Pooky Amsterdam: and you knwo its also because I belive so
much in what we are all doing tha thelevel of excellence has to stand
[09:23] Pooky Amsterdam: okay well yes I sure do and Im going to tlak
about how effective this was with the target audience
[09:24] Pooky Amsterdam: in order toget a message across you need
tohave a beautiful message and lasoone tht will get in!
[09:24] Pooky Amsterdam: and this kind fo film makingis very rich in
color and character – its relly good for this purpose
[09:24] Pooky Amsterdam: This was for an audience of K – 8th grade

[09:24] Jen (jenelle.levenque): The animation is so much better than
the cartoons on TV any more

[09:24] Pooky Amsterdam: so you figure 5 – 15 aroudn ther a wide range of ages
[09:25] Pooky Amsterdam: they have already seen SO much youknwo
interms of animation and entertainment
[09:25] Pooky Amsterdam: but you knwo it struck home wiht them
[09:25] Pooky Amsterdam: they recoginzed a look in away from games
they play online from the ubiquitousness of this medium
[09:25] Pooky Amsterdam: it si really a great one for getting hrough
to them – as it registers in a HUGE way

[09:25] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): I’m thinking your team must have
built up quite an impressive library of gesture & animation scripts…

[09:25] Sonicity (sonicity.fitzroy): and those bugs were HUGE

[09:26] Pooky Amsterdam: I want to now show some responses that came
diectly from the education specialist at San gabriel mosquito vector
control district wht twill nwo and forever more beknown as SGMVCD
[09:26] Pooky Amsterdam: lol

[09:26] Zinnia Zauber: Any more questions?

[09:26] Pooky Amsterdam: San Gabriel Valley Mosquito & Vector Control
District helps keeps Southern California safe. There has been a recent
outbreak of the aggressive Asian Tiger Mosquitos and PookyMedia was
called upon to deliver a video that children, their families and
caregivers could relate to and understand. We delivered.
“I thought you’d like to know that today was the first Tiger Mosquito
Assemblies and the machinima was a great success with kids
Kindergarten through Eighth grade. The kids in all groups were quiet
and engaged (no fidgeting or talking) with eyes glued to the screen –
even at the very back of the room. They laughed out loud at several
points and really liked the mosquitoes getting squashed. When quizzed
afterward all age groups understood clearly what they needed to do and
how to do it. The only questions I got were about things we didn’t
cover. You got a round of applause from both groups at the end!”
[09:27] Pooky Amsterdam: another thing We were told was that of the
participants which was 30% a very big number for a PSA – that 96% sent
in samples
[09:27] Pooky Amsterdam: the lids were motivated to look for the
mossies and then to also send in the samples
[09:28] Pooky Amsterdam: I was told this was a direct result of the machinima
[09:28] Pooky Amsterdam: the KIDS***

[09:28] Adalace Jewell: awesome

[09:28] Sonicity (sonicity.fitzroy): there was tension built into the
storyline, as we feared for the children near the bugs, I am sure that
kept the attention of the kids

[09:28] Pooky Amsterdam: so this was a huge success for them and for us
and for anyone with relatives family friends or themselves in the area

[09:28] Mιℒєﻜιιнσця  (miles.eleventhauer): imitate what they see

[09:28] Pooky Amsterdam: thank you Soni ti did
[09:28] Pooky Amsterdam: are there any more questions?

[09:29] Adalace Jewell: what’s your next project?

[09:29] Pooky Amsterdam: SGMVCD made some great comments on the video
too you can read – it was a huge success

[09:29] Ozma Malibu: how could others use this? Contact you? Is it OK
to show to a small group?

[09:29] Pooky Amsterdam: well we are also doing Time travelrs
[09:29] Pooky Amsterdam: and tha is a futuristic webseries
[09:29] Pooky Amsterdam: i will paste out the link for the latest
episode we will be working on that too

[09:29] Zinnia Zauber: It is a great series!
[09:29] Zinnia Zauber: Please do!

[09:30] Adalace Jewell: great

[09:30] Buffy Beale: Do you send out a call for actors?

[09:30] Adalace Jewell: hehe, we have a volunteer

[09:30] Pooky Amsterdam:

[09:30] Buffy Beale: fluffs my hair
[09:30] Buffy Beale: lol

[09:30] Pooky Amsterdam: well tbh we do have our own troupe
[09:31] Pooky Amsterdam: the tinyspace players
[09:31] Pooky Amsterdam: heh

[09:31] Zinnia Zauber: hehe

[09:31] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): lol 😀

[09:31] Mιℒєﻜιιнσця  (miles.eleventhauer): does your team occupy the
same Real world is there a production studio where you’re
all togeter..or is everyone spread on in the virtual world?

[09:31] Zinnia Zauber: We have time for one more question and then open mic.

[09:31] Pooky Amsterdam: this is the latest in the series and please
feel free to go back in time with it to the previous episodes

[09:31] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Hate to run, but RL is dragging me out of here

[09:31] Buffy Beale: bye Jen 🙂

[09:31] Pooky Amsterdam: I really see this as expanding for
educational videos for so many reasons

[09:31] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Great presentation Pookie

[09:31] Pooky Amsterdam: 1) its very very cost effective in terms of
time and money
[09:31] Pooky Amsterdam: 2) it really resonates with the target audience
[09:32] Pooky Amsterdam: 3) it si possible to recreate just about
anything and anyone

[09:32] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): @Miles, Great question. Always
interesting to hear how people structure their collaboration

[09:32] Pooky Amsterdam: no they do not
[09:32] Pooky Amsterdam: we are all over the globe

[09:32] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): bye Jen

[09:32] Pooky Amsterdam: and communicate through Skype mostly and effectively
[09:33] Pooky Amsterdam:
[09:33] Pooky Amsterdam: dropbox
[09:33] Pooky Amsterdam: and of course second Life
[09:33] Pooky Amsterdam: thank you Jen!
[09:33] Pooky Amsterdam: Miles we are all over the world but it doesnt
amter we understand this like the back of our hands
[09:33] Pooky Amsterdam: thankyou all and if anyone has anything else
to feed back please dont hesitate to Im me
[09:34] Pooky Amsterdam: S;-D
[09:34] Pooky Amsterdam: Big heartfelt hugs to all

[09:34] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you Pooky!
[09:34] Zinnia Zauber: Please stay with us through the end of the meeting.

[09:34] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko) applauds!

[09:34] jacmacaire Humby: Bravo!!

[09:34] Zinnia Zauber: If you can, I mean.

[09:34] Ozma Malibu: I am going to go look for standing water after
this. .we have a lot of mosquitos in this Arizona monsoon weather.
even the bit about finding the standing water is so impressive.

[09:34] Ronnie Rhode: Great stuff, Pooky!

[09:34] Zinnia Zauber: This was great!!!!

[09:34] Sonicity (sonicity.fitzroy): applause

[09:34] Buffy Beale: hearty applause, thanks Pooky and my fav is still
your “I don’t want to date your avatar” 🙂

[09:34] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you, Pooky!

Open Mic / Announcements

[09:34] Zinnia Zauber: Does anyone have Open Mic Announcements?

[09:35] Chad Mikado: Yes

[09:35] Adalace Jewell: thx Pooky, love your work

[09:35] Chad Mikado: I have one about VAI and IDRAC on behalf of Gentle

[09:35] Zinnia Zauber: Chad go for it!

[09:35] Chad Mikado: Cheers

[09:35] Buffy Beale: slips in a comment that our own Coughran was a
grand winner on The First Question 🙂

[09:35] Chad Mikado: Virtual Ability, Inc. announces the second annual
International Disability Rights Affirmation Conference (IDRAC2012) to
be held Friday August 3rd and Saturday August 4th, in the fully
accessible Sojourner Auditorium. All presentations will be
simultaneously in text and Voice.

The theme of this year’s conference is “A Community of Communities”. A
number of exciting guests are presenting.
[09:36] Chad Mikado: Scheduled presenters include Tom Boellstorff (who
wrote Coming of Age in Second Life);

two social work professors who will lead a panel discussion about
different ways to facilitate communities in Second Life;
[09:36] Chad Mikado: and Chad Mikado (ME!), JANLyssa Serenity, and
Xomotron (all NPC members) who will be discussing how programs can
document and evaluate their impacts in the community.

[09:36] Buffy Beale: sounds fantastic Chad

[09:36] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): congrats Coughran! :S

[09:36] Chad Mikado: Please mark your calendars for Friday, August 3rd
(7 am to 6 pm SLT) and Saturday, August 4th (8 am to 1:30 pm SLT). The
full schedule and information on presenters and sessions for IDRAC2012
will be posted on Virtual Ability’s website this weekend:

[09:36] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): *:D

[09:36] Zinnia Zauber: Great lineup!

[09:36] Chad Mikado: Hope you can make it- that’s it from me

[09:37] Zinnia Zauber: That is wonderful! Thank you Chad!

[09:37] Chad Mikado: 🙂

[09:37] Pooky Amsterdam: ty!

[09:37] Zinnia Zauber: We can all learn so much from VAI.
[09:37] Zinnia Zauber: Does anyone else have Open Mic items?
[09:38] Zinnia Zauber: Hmm

[09:39] Pooky Amsterdam: There is a machinima-Expo 2012 that
is currently accepting submissions no entry fee and I urge those of you
who have films to submit them

[09:39] Zinnia Zauber: Well, then I will give you are links again and
then open the floor to a couple more questions for Pooky if she has
[09:39] Zinnia Zauber: Here are the many ways to can get involved with the
Nonprofit Commons in Second Life:

Nonprofit Commons Blog:




Google Group:

Google Calendar:
[09:39] Zinnia Zauber: About TechSoup the sponsors of the Nonprofit Commons:
[09:40] Zinnia Zauber: Join us inworld:

NPC Weekly Meeting on Fridays, 8:30 – 10 AM SLT Plush Amphitheater,
Plush Nonprofit Commons (91,127,26)

NPC Mentors Meeting: Fridays, 10:10 – 11 AM SLT Plush Amphitheater,
Plush Nonprofit Commons (91,127,26)

Wharf Ratz Tuesday Night Extraordinary Dance Extravaganza, Every
Tuesday 7 – 9 PM SLT Preferred Family Healthcare on Aloft, Aloft
Nonprofit Commons (168,223,22)

CommonGround – Color Themed Monthly Networking Event on 3rd Thursday,
5 – 7 PM SLT CommonGround on Aloft, Aloft Nonprofit Commons (59,68,25)

[09:40] Zinnia Zauber: Okay!

[09:40] Zinnia Zauber: More questions for Pooky?

[09:41] Mιℒєﻜιιнσця  (miles.eleventhauer): post the info re the expo please

[09:41] Pooky Amsterdam: okay
[09:41] Pooky Amsterdam: one sec didnt copy & paste correctly
[09:41] Pooky Amsterdam:
[09:41] Pooky Amsterdam: there we go

[09:41] Mιℒєﻜιιнσця  (miles.eleventhauer): ty

[09:41] Zinnia Zauber: I have one, how do you like to encourage
machinima to the non virtual world user?
[09:42] Zinnia Zauber: Is it a way to introduce VW to people?

[09:42] Pooky Amsterdam: well that is a great q
[09:42] Pooky Amsterdam: on one hand you want the machinima to be
appreciated as an animation
[09:42] Pooky Amsterdam: not where was that filmed or oh that was filmed in SL
[09:43] Pooky Amsterdam: yet for somethigns like the recording of
shows Im thinking of programs like Designing worlds for example or
even the 1st q- it si a way for folks to see VW

[09:43] Mιℒєﻜιιнσця  (miles.eleventhauer): that’s free promotion for linden labs

[09:43] Pooky Amsterdam: and in a way they can appreciate and
understand at first
[09:44] Pooky Amsterdam: I knwo ppl have said tome after being on the
1st Q -I was finally able toshow my family – my mom and dad or even
kids and hey understood thsi a bit more

[09:44] Zinnia Zauber: Seeing us in action!

[09:44] Pooky Amsterdam: well Miles – yes machinima is the best
ambassador that LL can have or any VW really itspeaks volumes
[09:44] Pooky Amsterdam: so I do think so yes
[09:45] Pooky Amsterdam: And ther eare films especialy A year in the
life – whcih we did about well a Yearin secondlife and what it can

[09:45] Mιℒєﻜιιнσця  (miles.eleventhauer): didnt linden object to
using ‘second life’ in it is a copywritten term?

[09:45] Zinnia Zauber: ah

[09:46] Pooky Amsterdam: they were the ones who contracted us for the video
[09:46] Pooky Amsterdam: all the videos with Second life from the
direct delivery fashion show to the sandboxian to virtual pets to well
A year and there are more films too – were contracted to us from
Linden Lab
[09:47] Pooky Amsterdam: so no t at all Miles not in this case we made
the films they asked us for

[09:47] Zinnia Zauber: Another question, how do nonprofits instill a
call to action in their videos? Through the story or something more

[09:47] Pooky Amsterdam: good q –
[09:48] Pooky Amsterdam: and I will say this – I hear my 80 year old
belved Aunt’s voice when she asked me this question
[09:48] Pooky Amsterdam: “Why should I care about these people?”
[09:48] Pooky Amsterdam: my aunt lee is direct!

[09:48] Zinnia Zauber: hehe

[09:48] Pooky Amsterdam: and that is the question we MUST ask
ourselves in the films that need to deliver both audience and message
and even more relvantly audeince to message and vice versa
[09:49] Pooky Amsterdam: I believe with a human interest story – tha
t really hits home
[09:49] Zinnia Zauber: ah, great!

[09:49] Pooky Amsterdam: so you make instantly a bridge for people to
hop onto the video

[09:49] Zinnia Zauber: so think more about those who will be viewing
than yourself.

[09:49] Pooky Amsterdam: so I thin the call to action means more when
the audicnece can relate
[09:49] Pooky Amsterdam: yes its that contract with that audiencewe must fulfill

[09:50] Ozma Malibu: this video certainly calls us to action regarding
mosquitos. so how to extend that..

[09:50] Pooky Amsterdam: it isnt about personal ego
[09:50] Pooky Amsterdam: its never about ego and in fact the I is
truly lessor to the we in any film

[09:50] Ozma Malibu: aagh mosquitos

[09:50] Zinnia Zauber: so as a team works together on these projects
we need some focus group folks to help us out too.

[09:50] Pooky Amsterdam: I oft say that to be in the film making
machinima and art business you have to have an ego to put your work out
there right
[09:50] Pooky Amsterdam: but you must also be egoless to make that work better

[09:50] Zinnia Zauber: right

[09:51] Pooky Amsterdam: yes well the kids wea all over it in that
they went to the yards
[09:51] Pooky Amsterdam: it got them to get up and go and collect samples!
[09:51] Pooky Amsterdam: hey got it they understood they were spoken
toin an intelligent way and entertained –

[09:51] Mιℒєﻜιιнσця  (miles.eleventhauer): heh..there’s definitely no
ego in the machinima biz

[09:51] Pooky Amsterdam: none Miles

[09:52] Zinnia Zauber: cool, did you guys see this?
[09:52] Zinnia Zauber:…

[09:52] Pooky Amsterdam: if you make a film for a targeted audience
you must respect them you make a contract with those watching and try
not to break it
[09:52] Pooky Amsterdam: I love legos

[09:52] Zinnia Zauber: Pixar’s golden rules of storytelling told in Legos.

[09:52] Pooky Amsterdam: SUPER!

[09:53] Zinnia Zauber: I think Pooky is right, you have to set aside
your ego or your org ego to tell a better story and connect.
[09:53] Zinnia Zauber: We all did cry in Toy Story 3, right?

[09:53] Buffy Beale: lol yesss

[09:53] Pooky Amsterdam: Im going to watch that tonight!

[09:53] Zinnia Zauber: Awesome!

[09:54] Pooky Amsterdam: You knwo working on a film like Time travelers
about the Singularity – and the range of machine invention we can not
fully comprehend makes me realize us humans with our emotions and
dreams are reachable through portraying things we care about
[09:54] Pooky Amsterdam: and as Jane Goddall said
[09:54] Pooky Amsterdam: we are meaning seeking creatures
[09:54] Pooky Amsterdam: and I know we find that in each other

[09:54] Zinnia Zauber: Yes!
[09:54] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you so much Pooky!
[09:55] Zinnia Zauber: This has been a wonderful meeting and we are
here every Friday at 8:30 AM SLT.
[09:55] Zinnia Zauber: Let’s give it up to Pooky and her team!

[09:55] Pooky Amsterdam: you are truly welcome and thank you thank you
all for being such good family and friends

[09:55] Buffy Beale: cheering!

[09:55] Zinnia Zauber: Rah!

[09:55] Coughran Mayo: Thanks Pooky, that was great!

[09:55] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Yes, thanks to all of you! 😀

[09:55] jacmacaire Humby: Great meeting… 🙂

[09:55] Zinnia Zauber: And, also a big cheer to our Nonprofit Commons team!
[09:55] Zinnia Zauber: Rah!!
[09:56] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you everyone for joining us!

[09:56] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Rah! 😀

[09:56] Pooky Amsterdam: Rah rah nonprofit works!

[09:56] Adalace Jewell: 🙂

[09:56] Zinnia Zauber: We have our Mentors Meeting at 10ish. So please
join us if you have questions or ideas for the Mentors.

[09:57] Zinnia Zauber: And, please join us again next week! Bring a friend!

[09:57] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): great, time for me to step away to
top off my coffee…

[09:57] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you again to our guest Pooky and her team!

[09:57] Zinnia Zauber: Get your coffee refuel and please take care everyone!

[09:57] alebez: goodbye everyone. see you next week.

[09:57] Pooky Amsterdam: I must go as well now too! again many thanks to ZZ

[09:57] Zinnia Zauber: You are more than welcome!

[09:57] Mιℒєﻜιιнσця  (miles.eleventhauer): Take care

[09:58] Pooky Amsterdam: S;-D

[09:58] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you dear friend!

[09:58] Buffy Beale: bye all have a delightful week, see the mentors in 10

[09:58] jacmacaire Humby: Goodbye everyone.. Have a nice week-end..

[09:58] Zinnia Zauber: Have a great weekend!

– End of Line –

Written by: Zinnia Zauber

Transcript for July 20 Nonprofit Commons Meeting- Universal Design for Learning Spaces in VW with Blu Heron

Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting
July 20, 2012, 8:30 AM SLT / PST
Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater

8:30 AM Introductions
8:40 AM TechSoup Announcements
8:45 AM Mentors Central
9:55 Universal Design for Learning Spaces in Virtual Worlds with Blu Heron / Wanda Hardy of the International Society for Technology (ISTE)
9:30 AM Open Mic / Announcements

Thank you Ozma for the chatlog!

– Unabridged Transcript –


[08:31] Glitteractica Cookie: Good morning all

[08:32] CarmenLittleFawn: GM everybody 🙂

[08:32] Zotarah Shepherd: Good morning

[08:32] Glitteractica Cookie: Zinnia is not here today, so we are going to lead the meeting

[08:32] Glitteractica Cookie: Let’s get started in the usual fashion.

[08:32] Glitteractica Cookie: Welcome to the nonprofit commons in Second Life meeting, brought to you by us, TechSoup Global!

[08:33] Glitteractica Cookie: Please say your real name, nonprofit affiliation, location that you are sitting in the physical world, URL, twitter handle (if ou tweet) and anything else you’d like to add

[08:33] Buffy Beale: Buffy Bye, Bridges for Women, Victoria BC Canada, @bridges4women

[08:33] HB Eternal: Harold W Becker, The Love Foundation, Florida, @lovefoundation

[08:33] Jen: Bruce Hestley, Transgender American Veterans Association, Akron, OH,

[08:33] Chad Mikado: Chad Mikado; National Service Inclusion Project (NSIP); UMass Boston;

[08:33] HB Eternal: Buffy Rocks!

[08:33] Buffy Beale: lol HB caught you napping 🙂

[08:33] Ethelred Weatherwax: Dave Dexter, Neenah Historical Society, Wisconsin USA

[08:33] Dancers Yao: Kara Bennett, Elder Voices, Los Angeles, CA Health Care and Human Rights

[08:33] Ronnie Rhode: Denise Harrison, The Garden for the Missing, and SLURL Remora (203,148,21), Project Jason, assistance for families of the missing,

[08:34] Gentle Heron: Virtual Ability, Inc. (Corporate offices in Aurora CO but all are safe today)

[08:34] bulaklak: Michael DeLong, San Francisco, CA, United States, Online Community Manager, TechSoup Global,, @MichaelDeLongSF @TechSoup

[08:34] Jerry Buchko: Jerry Buchko | Counseling, Coaching, & Tutoring in Personal Finances via Telepresence (Private Practice) | Minneapolis-Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA | | @jerrybuchko

[08:34] Glitteractica Cookie: Susan Tenby, Online Community and social media director, TechSoup Global, San Francisco, CA USA @suzboop @techsoup @npsl

[08:34] Zotarah Shepherd: BEACH College, Santa Rosa, CA

[08:34] Brena Benoir: Brenda Bryan, Preferred Family Healthcare, Kirksville, Missouri,, @brenabenoir

[08:34] Ozma Malibu: Sandy Andrews, Floaters Org, technology outreach to those without access. Arizona, Mexico and On the Road. @ozma

[08:35] Angelbell: University Professor in electronics.IUSF.Venezuela

[08:35] alebez: Ale Bezdikian, Online Community Coordinator, TechSoup, SF, CA @TechSoup, @alebez

[08:35] Gentle Heron: Ohhhhh Angelbell may win the prize for most distant participant today!

[08:35] Angelbell: yes I am 🙂

[08:35] CarmenLittleFawn: Lorna Hawkins, Los Angeles, CA Drive By Agony/keeping kids safe,, a work still in progress

[08:35] Jerry Buchko: yes 😀

[08:36] Jen: Jacque might show up

[08:36] Glitteractica Cookie: any more introductions?

[08:36] Glitteractica Cookie: If you haven’t already introduced yourself, please do so now

[08:36] Blu Heron: I’m here…Blu Heron from Sacramento, CA

[08:36] Blu Heron: I’m presenting UDL today for you

[08:36] Buffy Beale: yay Blu!

[08:37] Jerry Buchko: hi Blue 😀

[08:37] Gentle Heron: Yay BLU!

[08:37] Blu Heron: waves to all

[08:37] Angelbell: 🙂

[08:37] Glitteractica Cookie: If you haven’t already done so, last call to Please say your real name, nonprofit affiliation, location that you are sitting in the physical world, URL, twitter handle (if ou tweet) and anything else you’d like to add

TechSoup Announcements

[08:38] Glitteractica Cookie: ok, then it’s time to pass the mic to Bulaklak, our fearless Senior Manager of Online Community and Social Media

[08:38] Glitteractica Cookie: Bulaklak, can you share some updates with the group?

[08:38] bulaklak: Surely.

[08:38] bulaklak: I think I probably have a fear or two but thanks for the nice intro.

[08:38] Glitteractica Cookie: 😉

[08:38] Buffy Beale: you rock bulaklak

[08:39] bulaklak: First, here are the many ways you all can stay connected with the Nonprofit Commons

[08:39] Jerry Buchko: 😉

[08:39] bulaklak: Here are the many ways to can get involved with
Nonprofit Commons in Second Life:
Nonprofit Commons blog:

Google Group:

NPC Video


Weekly Networking Event: Wharf Ratz, Aloft,
Tuesdays, 7pm SLT
Aloft Nonprofit Commons (168,223,23)

Monthly Networking Event (3rd Thursday):
Common Ground, Plush, 5PM SLT
Plush Nonprofit Commons (128,229,26)


[08:39] Glitteractica Cookie: all of our chat logs and links and all this stuff is located on our wiki
[08:39] Glitteractica Cookie:

[08:40] bulaklak: Next, I want to talk about an upcoming webinar at TechSoup I think y’all will be particularly excited about.
[08:40] bulaklak: We talk a lot about virtual learning here so it’s my pleasure to announce a webinar on how to give excellent online tutorials
[08:40] bulaklak: And, this is with none other than a very good friend of TechSoup, Janet Fouts
[08:41] bulaklak: I’ve been to her webinars before and she is a VERY good trainer
[08:41] bulaklak: That is coming up on July 26 at 11am PT
[08:41] bulaklak: And you can register for that and learn more about it here
[08:41] bulaklak:

[08:41] Glitteractica Cookie: more on janet @jfouts on twitter or

[08:42] Jen: Just use it here

[08:42] Jerry Buchko: sounds intriguing 😀

[08:43] bulaklak: I also want to talk to you very briefly about our TechSoup discussion forums. We’re in the middle of a bit of a reorganization of our categories, and we’re on the lookout for smart, helpful folks who like to answer questions and share their tech expertise with the social benefit community
[08:43] bulaklak: We call these folks Stars, Gems, and Hosts on the forums
[08:43] bulaklak: And they are a bit like the Mentors are here
[08:44] bulaklak: I won’t say a ton about it today, but sometime in the next month or so, we will have our Forums Manager Jayne Cravens come and give a short talk about our forums and the path to Stardom there
[08:44] bulaklak: Jayne is a consummate volunteer manager and all around amazing person

[08:44] Jerry Buchko: when you say forums, do you mean your Google Group(s)?

[08:44] bulaklak: Oh good question Jerry
[08:44] bulaklak: These are our discussion boards on TEchSoup
[08:45] bulaklak: let me get you the link
[08:45] bulaklak:
[08:45] bulaklak: There you go!

[08:45] Jerry Buchko: thanks

[08:45] bulaklak: We’ll set a date and time for Jayne to come
[08:46] bulaklak: And in the meantime you can check out the forums and look for Jayne on Twitter at @jcravens42
[08:46] bulaklak: and online her blog is Coyote Communications
[08:46] bulaklak: She’s always on about something good
[08:46] bulaklak:
[08:46] bulaklak: Okie doke, folks! Those are my updates for today.
[08:47] bulaklak: Enjoy the talk and your weekends!

[08:47] Jen: Thanks bulaklak

[08:47] Glitteractica Cookie: any updates from u, Alebez?

[08:47] alebez: 🙂 bulaklak has it covered as usual

[08:47] Glitteractica Cookie: ok, good

Mentor Central

[08:48] Glitteractica Cookie: Now it’s time to give the stage over to our fabulous volunteer mentors! Mentors, welcome!

[08:48] JenJen waving to the crowd

[08:48] Buffy Beale: Yayyy Jen!

[08:48] Gentle Heron: YAY Jen! Your presentations are always excellent.

[08:48] CarmenLittleFawn: hey Jen

[08:48] Jen: Thank you

[08:48] Tiki4: wooohoooo go Jen

[08:48] Zotarah Shepherd: Yay Jen

[08:48] Jerry Buchko: woot! 😀

[08:49] Jen: Zinnia asked me to do something on the tools in the Techsoup toolbox

[08:49] Glitteractica Cookie: yes

[08:49] Jen: If you don’t have one, get on over to their office and pick one up

[08:49] Glitteractica Cookie: updating it is the goal

[08:49] Jen: So, today, I’m doing one on the Visitor Counter

[08:49] Jen: Something I use since our board sometimes asks what the impact of SL is for us

[08:50] Zotarah Shepherd: Good

[08:50] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: Created 120718
[08:50] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: Created for Nonprofit Commons Mentor’s Corner
[08:50] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: by Jenelle Levenque
[08:50] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: Transgender American Veterans Association (TAVA)
[08:50] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: A. Purpose
[08:50] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: To introduce you to a useful tool the “NPC – Visitor Counter with email function” The description states it “Detects avatars and keeps time.
[08:50] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: B. Functions of the Visitor Counter
[08:50] Jen: BTW, I’m using another tool to do the presentation so I don’t have to cut and paste
[08:51] Jen: But thats another time

[08:51] Gentle HeronGentle Heron smiles

[08:51] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: 1) Detect an avatar within a range set by the owner.
[08:51] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: 2) Check for avatar presence on a time interval set by owner.
[08:51] Jen: If you look between Oama and Zotarah you will see a little gizmo
[08:51] Jen: This is a visitor counter
[08:52] Jen: You set the range for detection and how often it checks
[08:52] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: 3) Record the name of the avatar and the time, SLT.
[08:52] Jen: It records the name of the visitor
[08:52] Jen: I use this to get back to them later if I’m not iin the office
[08:52] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: 4) Record the name only one time. If an avatar leaves and returns, the name is recorded one time.
[08:52] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: 5) Maintain the “name” of the location.
[08:52] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: 6) Send the list to an email address at an appropriate interval. When list is emailed, the list will be reset.
[08:53] Jen: If you have more than one location, you can name the counter
[08:53] Jen: You can arrange for an email with the current list of names
[08:53] Jen: This is optional
[08:53] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: C. Commands
[08:53] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: 1) “say list”
[08:54] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: a) If you are in chat range, the script will say the list to local chat. This will let you see who has been in your office.
[08:54] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: 2) “reset list”
[08:54] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: a) clears the list and starts over.
[08:54] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: 3) “email list”
[08:54] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: a) to send the list via email and clear the list.
[08:54] Jen: This forces an email otherwise the email is sent on a schedule that you set in the script
[08:54] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: b) The email address must be in the script.
[08:54] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: 4) “help”
[08:54] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: a) will give you a list of the commands.
[08:55] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: b) Only the owner may use the Counter commands.
[08:55] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: D. Notes
[08:55] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: 1) Remember it searches a radius
[08:55] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: a) The office may have “blind spots”.

[08:55] Gentle Heron: be sure you include the door

[08:55] Jen: since the offices are square and the search is a radius, you may not reach the corners
[08:55] Jen: Make sure it covers your doors
[08:55] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: b) may record avatars outside your office.
[08:56] Jen: if the radius is too large, you might get people who don’t actually walk in
[08:56] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: 2) There are other tools that may provide this functionality, but this one is first, free.
[08:56] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: 3) The script is full perms so you can modify it to suit yourself.
[08:56] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: a) You will have to edit the script to provide the necessary configuration information.
[08:56] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: b) Should you modify the script, please share with your neighbors at Nonprofit Commons.
[08:56] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: 4) I use it to record the names of people who come by the office.
[08:56] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: a) The owner’s name will not be recorded.
[08:56] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: 5) I look up the avatars
[08:57] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: a) I send them a personal IM thanking them for stopping by.
[08:57] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: b) I give them our business card.
[08:57] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: c) If the avatar is less than 60 days, I also offer to help them with their Second Life questions.
[08:57] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: E) Summary
[08:57] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: 1) Make a record of your visitors and contact those who come by while no one is in the office.
[08:57] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: 2) You will find other very useful tools in the tool box.
[08:57] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: a) Take a look and find those that are useful to you,
[08:57] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: b) Questions? Ask your local neighborhood mentor.
[08:57] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: c) Share your thoughts and ideas with us.
[08:57] Jenelle’s Presentation HUD: d) More on other tools later.
[08:57] Jen: Thank you

[08:58] Buffy Beale: cheering, great info Jen thanks!

[08:58] Jerry Buchko: Awesome! 😀

[08:58] Jen: Just be careful about going to Wharf Ratz on Tues

[08:58] Namaara MacMoragh: Yay! Thank you Jen!

[08:58] Gentle Heron: Thank YOU Jen. Very nice brief summary.

[08:58] Jen: That’s how I got this job

[08:58] Buffy Beale: lol

[08:58] Tiki4: you go girl

[08:58] Zotarah Shepherd: ♥(`’•.¸(`’•.¸ * ¸.•’´)¸.•’´)♥
[08:58] Zotarah Shepherd: Yayyyy!!! Well done!!!
[08:58] Zotarah Shepherd: ♥(¸.•’´(¸.•’´ * `’•.¸)`’•.¸)♥

[08:58] Gentle Heron: HAHAHAHA now we know…. but Jen you are good at this.

[08:58] Angelbell: Thanks for your information Jen

[08:58] Jerry Buchko: Yes very good 🙂

[08:58] Chad Mikado: I agree

[08:58] Jen: There are a lot of tools

[08:58] Zotarah Shepherd: Thanks Jen

[08:58] Ozma Malibu: thank you!!!

[08:59] CarmenLittleFawn: Thank you 🙂

[08:59] Glitteractica Cookie: Thanks

[08:59] Gentle HeronGentle Heron thinks Jen will be in this business a good long time

[08:59] JenJen stands up and bows
[09:00] Jen: Thank you, thank you, thank you

[09:00] Jerry Buchko: 😀

[09:00] Jen: No applause, just throw money

[09:00] bulaklak: lol

[09:00] Jerry Buchko: lol

Universal Design for Learning Spaces in Virtual Worlds with Blu Heron / Wanda Hardy of the International Society for Technology (ISTE)

[09:00] Glitteractica Cookie: And now, we have our featured guest!

[09:00] CarmenLittleFawn: hehehe

[09:00] Glitteractica Cookie: Blu Heron / Wanda Hardy will join us at the Nonprofit Commons to talk about Universal Design in Learning (UDL) and share the key points of a professional learning “package” that bundles Virtual World (VW) accessibility issues, resources, and workshop-style activities for engaging educators in collaborative solutions inworld.
It is impossible to create a virtual classroom that is usable by everyone, in all situations. It is possible to use an UDL process that results in products, environments, and experiences that are usable for the largest group of people in a VW and effects differentiated teaching and differentiated learning.

About Blu:
Blu Heron / Wanda Hardy earned her Masters of Education, Educational Technology, Sacramento State University, CA. Her involvement in education spans many years and includes: 16 years teaching high school sciences; 17 years as a community educator, web site developer, and software tester for an electrical utility; and volunteer mentor in Second Life (SL)
[09:01] Glitteractica Cookie: Give it up for Blu Heron!

[09:01] Zotarah Shepherd: Yay Blu!

[09:01] Buffy Beale: cheering!

[09:01] CarmenLittleFawn: yay

[09:01] Gentle HeronGentle Heron adds a note: Blu is my SL “cousin”, not my alt as was rumored recently at VWBPE.

[09:01] Glitteractica Cookie: Blu, please take the stage

[09:01] Jerry Buchko: lol

[09:01] Blu Heron: ty!..give me a sec to get my stuff rezzed out….

[09:01] Zotarah Shepherd: hehe

[09:01] CarmenLittleFawn: giggles

[09:01] Jen: ********APPPLLLAAAUUUSSSEEE********

[09:01] Zotarah Shepherd: 28 on the sim

[09:02] Blu Heron: Thank you, for inviting me.
And thanks to all of you for choosing to attend this session.
I hope you find something useful today.
[09:03] Blu Heron: I usually deliver this presentation in text chat, voice, and with graphics (to model my message of differentiated teaching and learning).

For this reason you will see descriptions for the slides in chat. For example,
[09:03] Blu Heron: SLIDE: Presentation date, time, location. Image of human finger touching virtual finger from laptop.
[09:03] Blu Heron: Often presenters will have others transcribe (either voice to text or text to voice) during the presentation. Voice is not activated on this sim, so that mode of content delivery is not available for this presentation today.

[09:03] Glitteractica Cookie: but are you doing this presentation in chat only

[09:03] Blu Heron: Presentation is available on Note Card today:

Click the box next to me to get a folder of information about today’s presentation.
Look in Recent Items for a folder named UDL Presentation.

[09:04] Glitteractica Cookie: today? We do this for accessibility reasons, and so we an keep a record of our meetings

[09:04] Gentle Heron: Thanks, Blu, for all the “stuff”

[09:04] UDL Presentation – Nonprofit Commons, July 20, 2012 owned by Blu Heron gave you ‘UDL Presentation – Nonprofit Commons, July 20, 2012’ ( Plush Nonprofit Commons (115,125,21) ).
[09:04] Blu Heron: I will try to keep my talking to 15 minutes, so there will be time at the end for your questions. Please keep questions out of chat until then. The reason I ask is because it can be confusing to sort out different threads of conversation in chat, especially for newcomers and for individuals with physical or cognitive disabilities.
[09:05] Blu Heron: I personally don’t like nc readers and don’t use them, so my chat will not be in green today.
[09:05] Blu Heron: ;D
[09:05] Blu Heron: A bit more about me.

SLIDE: Blu Heron image
January 28. 2007 – Blu Heron avatar created in SL.

I discovered virtual worlds and Second Life during coursework for my Masters in Educational Technology at California State University, Sacramento, California (CSUS).

[09:05] jacmacaire Humby: Hi everyone.. Sorry for the late.. Problem to connect from FranceHi everyone Sorrry for the late.. problem to connect from France

[09:05] Blu Heron: SLIDE: UDL cover screen
Wanda Hardy Masters project cover page: Universal Design Considerations for Learning Spaces in Virtual Worlds.
[09:06] Blu Heron: SLIDE: California map with California State University logo.
Today’s presentation is based on a project for my culminating experience that I completed in 2010, Universal Design Considerations for Learning Spaces in Virtual Worlds.
[09:06] Blu Heron: some here may be educators, and some not, but the information is of value to all who work in public and social spaces
[09:07] Blu Heron: My project was to create a professional learning “package” that bundles VW accessibility issues, key UDL principles, resources, and workshop-style activities for engaging educators in collaborative solutions in-world.
[09:07] Blu Heron: SLIDE: Illustration of Facilitator’s Guide and Workshop User’s Guide.

Two major documents evolved:
1. A workshop Facilitators Guide
2. A workshop User’s Guide
[09:07] Blu Heron: The Facilitator’s Guide suggests time frames and provides guidelines and checklists to help you plan, deliver, and follow up a professional learning experience for your staff.
[09:07] Blu Heron: SLIDE: Sample checklist from Facilitator’s Guide Checklist

I included resources specific to workshop leader roles, tips for trouble-shooting workshop problems, and assessment. Pre-workshop and post workshop materials are included.
[09:07] Blu Heron: SLIDE: Sample page from Facilitator’s Guide

Each section in the User’s Workshop Guide has a correlating section in the Facilitator’s guide:
Goals and objectives
Supplemental workshop content
Suggested time frame
Sample files and Worksheets
[09:08] jacmacaire Humby: Jacques Macaire HUMANBE Action Tank and Council on Sustainable Development France and International @Humanbe
[09:08] Blu Heron: these materials were designed for an education district to provide teacher training for virtual world teaching, but could be useful to train any staff who works with groups in Sl
[09:08] Blu Heron: or other virtual worlds
[09:09] Blu Heron: sorry I think some were advancing my slides..let me find the slide again!
[09:10] Blu Heron: SLIDE: Suggested agenda for a workshop section.

Experienced educators in SL have indicated short workshops in a series are more desirable that extended sessions.

Workshop is delivered in a series of 1.5 – 3 hour sessions.
[09:10] Blu Heron: Workshop agendas are offered as outlines for you to customize to meet your needs.

The Workshop User’s Guide content can be approached sequentially or examined by topics that meet your staff training needs.
[09:11] Blu Heron: SLIDE: Excerpt from VW Viewers activity

I focused on areas of the virtual world experience where Universal Design principles can be used to enhance the experience for all users. Thus, the Workshop User’s Guide is organized into five major sections:
[09:11] Blu Heron: Introduction
Virtual World Viewers
Communication in VWs
Navigating VWs
Building Design in VWs
[09:11] Blu Heron: Each section has similar organization:

Presentation of the content
Suggested reading
Key ideas summary
Group Activity
Reflection and/or self-assessment
[09:11] Blu Heron: SLIDE: Universal Design Playground layout

[09:12] Blu Heron: I presented this project at the VWBPE 2012 conference in SL, and created an informational and interactive UDL Playground for the conference.
[09:12] Blu Heron: And I invite you to experience the UDL Playground this week at its temporary location: SLURL: Tranquility Station (205,143,1046)
You have the SLURL and LM in the session folder.
[09:12] Blu Heron: Although my original project was directed to the educational community, the principles are applicable to any build in a virtual world where people meet to learn and socialize.
[09:12] Blu Heron: For this presentation (and the UDL Playground), I selected key ideas and a sampling of the interactive vignettes that I think you can easily apply in your own virtual classrooms, meeting places, and other venues right now.
[09:13] Blu Heron: SLIDE: What is UDL?

It all begins with an understanding that Universal Design in Learning (UDL) is a process that identifies and develops instruction (differentiated teaching) to meet diversity in student learning (differentiated learning).
[09:13] Blu Heron: learning is not restricted in Sl to formal universities…
[09:13] Blu Heron: any social meeting where people interact, learning is happening
[09:14] Blu Heron: SLIDE: Why Use UDL?

It’s good pedagogy!
It’s the law for many educational entitites and other public spaces.
It results in a better shared experience for everyone; it’s more than disability accommodation.
[09:15] Blu Heron: so Universal Design makes the virtual expereince more enjoyable for’s not just about disability acces.
[09:15] Blu Heron: I think designing spaces in virtual worlds is not unlike the considerations you would take for good web design.
[09:16] Blu Heron: you consider diability acces, certainly, but also the users connection speed and client software, whether they have color blindness, ormaybe even use a non-graphical device…
[09:16] Blu Heron: Smartphones!
[09:16] Blu Heron: one more thing about differentiated learning…
[09:17] Blu Heron: Another explanation details the UDL process as follows:

A) provides flexibility in the ways information is presented, in the ways students respond or demonstrate knowledge and skills, and in the ways students are engaged; and

(B) reduces barriers in instruction, provides appropriate accommodations, supports, and challenges, and maintains high achievement expectations for all students, including students with disabilities and students who are limited English proficient (Edyburn, 2010).

[09:17] Glitteractica Cookie: i wonder when they’re gonna make an app for mobile phones and tablets that works with SL

[09:17] Blu Heron: SLIDE: Sample activity

UDL principles are applicable to the virtual classroom (and other meeting spaces).

There is not time to go through an activity entirely in a short informational session.

So I have included the complete text for Activity #1 in the note card. I encourage you to get together and try the activity: read each scenario and discuss each presentation method.

[09:17] Glitteractica Cookie: Anshe Chung’s app doesn’t work

[09:18] Glitteractica Cookie: mobile design for virtual worlds seems far off

[09:18] Chad Mikado: @Glitteractica- I have a “Metaverse” app on my iphone that allows some access into SL

[09:18] Blu Heron: think about how the presentation of the contnet is different, how different users might use it or not be able to use it

[09:18] Glitteractica Cookie: really chad, i will check it out

[09:18] Blu Heron: the UDL playground has an exhibit on other connection devices…pleae visit and try it if you can

[09:19] Chad Mikado: cool. FYI, it’s just okay

[09:19] Blu Heron: it is hard to keep it all updated with the latest viewers and devices.
[09:19] Blu Heron: SLIDE: Excerpt from VW Viewers activity.

Another activity encourages workshop participants to log in with a text-based viewer and interact with various vignettes. You can experience for yourself at the UDL PLayground.
[09:19] Blu Heron: EXAMPLE:
View each scene in a graphical viewer. Then log in with a text-based viewer and revisit the mesh, media on a prim, and chairs in the vignette.
[09:20] Blu Heron: SLIDE: UDL Playground Example, Delivering Content

Voice, text, and graphics convey information in SL.
[09:20] Blu Heron: When graphics or text can’t be seen, then information needs to be given in descriptive audio recording or voice.

Presentations in voice need text (note card) alternatives or transcription to text chat. Plain text is best for non-graphical viewers.
[09:20] Blu Heron: That’s what I have attempted to do in this presentation!
[09:21] Blu Heron: Vocie is not available here and could be an issue for some.
[09:21] Blu Heron: I have thought about that.
[09:21] Blu Heron: Perhaps if some users in your virtual space nee dto have the content in voice, you could use Skype.
[09:21] Blu Heron: That would take some pre-planning for you nad your users.

[09:22] Carl Solutionary: Question: Is there a website where your UDL resources are posted? Thx

[09:22] Blu Heron: SLIDE: UDL Playground Example, Name Objects

Some non-graphical viewers allow additional functions such as taking objects into inventory or sitting on an object.
[09:22] Blu Heron: Default name of a prim is “Object.”
User actions can only be completed if objects have a useful name and can be distinguished from one another.

EASY FIX: Give your prim objects a descriptive name that can be understood by all users (in all viewers).
[09:22] Blu Heron: SLIDE: Avatar persona

For some people in Second Life the persona of their avatar is very significant.
The 3-d representation of the person helps define who they are.
For example some students choose to have their avatar in a wheelchair or blind students will use a virtual seeing-eye dog or cane to navigate.
[09:23] Blu Heron: Do you have seating for Tinies?
[09:23] Blu Heron: How will you accommodate diversity in the virtual space?

[09:23] Jerry Buchko: (Hmm.. but what about the language barrier?)

[09:23] Blu Heron: nods… that too.
[09:24] Blu Heron: the Translators available are not ideal for translating.
[09:24] Blu Heron: so this would be another time to consider transcribers if you know you will have a specific language need
[09:24] Jerry Buchko: Yes, was thinking also about naming of objects.
[09:25] Blu Heron: ahhh…yes!
[09:25] Blu Heron: that is something to think about a solution.

[09:25] Jerry BuchkoJerry Buchko nods.

[09:25] Blu Heron: think about that for a while and we can take some ideas at the end
[09:25] Blu Heron: SLIDE: Student perceptions and preferences for room design

Environmental surroundings, seating, floor and wall design, windows, and lighting contribute to suitability of learning spaces in VWs.
[09:25] Blu Heron: In one recent study both graduate and undergraduate students expressed a high satisfaction for rectangular room shape, circular seating, uncluttered walls and surroundings, and 50% window lighting (Saleeb & Dafoulas, 2010).
[09:26] Blu Heron: There are no design regulations for building a virtual classroom. It’s up to you!

Try out the model rooms in the UDL Playground.
You can click the ceilings, inside walls, and floors to change the textures.
[09:26] Blu Heron: I say classroom here, but it can refer to any social space
[09:26] Blu Heron: Notice the difference between doors. Phantom or non-phantom is a decision you need to consider for different areas of your building.
[09:27] Blu Heron: at teh UDL Playground room examples, you may have a copy of the chair rezzing tables in the rooms, but think about if there might be some drawback to using them.
[09:28] Blu Heron: another important thing to consider is motion or anything that causes a sense of motion to the users. Also, bright lights (glow) and flashing textures

[09:28] 01 Hifeng: you think about all details 🙂
[09:28] 01 Hifeng: so interesting

[09:28] Blu Heron: SLIDE: It is possible to follow a Universal Design (UD) process in your learning and social spaces in SL.

It‘s impossible to create a virtual classroom which is usable by everyone, in all situations.
[09:28] Blu Heron: However, it is possible to follow a Universal Design (UD) process that results in products, environments, and experiences that are usable for the largest group of people.
[09:28] Blu Heron: I hope this information is useful and encourages you to consider VW accessibility and usability issues when plan or redesign your social spaces in SL and other VWs.

I encourage you to take the responsibility for making your virtual world spaces accessible and usable for all – don’t leave it all to the users!
[09:29] Blu Heron: SLIDE: Sojourner Auditorium at VAI

Virtual Ability Island is an exemplar for UDL.

Kudos to Nonprofit Commons for your meeting space! It is uncluttered, open, and includes ramps in the building design.

[09:29] Jerry Buchko: Yes, very useful! 😀

[09:29] Chad Mikado: props to Sojourner and VAI!

[09:29] Blu Heron: That is enough from me! Any quick questions or comments?

[09:30] Ozma Malibu: Beautifully done, Blue. This is so exciting & I will visit & maybe sometime we can have a field trip to the playground
[09:30] Ozma Malibu: Is it still true that the cal state system cannot, by law, use any new technologies that are not accessible? I remember meeting the CTO in RL, at a conference in Florida. I had a very small presentation on accessibility (8 participants, mostly special ed teachers, who reviewed SL for accessibility issues and possible directions in which we might help drive the technology. (ha.) Then later I met him in SL as well! But that was years ago.

[09:30] Dallas Trefoil: Very good presentation. Thank you!

[09:30] Blu Heron: yes, please do! If you want me to be there I am happy to do so, or you are welcome to visit on your own

[09:30] Ozma Malibu: thanks!

[09:30] Gentle Heron: Thank you Blu for explaining what is “universal” about “univeral design.”

[09:31] CarmenLittleFawn: OM Goodness yes Blu this is most valuable information as I think at contemplate what has happen this morning in Aurora, Colorado this is very valuable information and I thank you so very much for taking the time to create and present this to us today 🙂

[09:31] Angelbell: good information…love it

[09:31] Blu Heron: this is a temporary location (probably for about three weeks)

[09:31] bulaklak: I had not heard of Universal Design but now I am very curious to know more!

[09:31] Blu Heron: you can always IM me and I can let you know the location

[09:31] CarmenLittleFawn: I see great possibilities in usage

[09:31] Blu Heron: great!

[09:31] Chad Mikado: do you have UD guidelines for all kinds of “virtual” presentations (conference call, webinar, etc.), more than just SL

[09:32] Ozma Malibu: Is it still true that the cal state system cannot, by law, use any new technologies that are not accessible?

[09:32] Chad Mikado: I really like these guidelines you spell out and would like to apply to this to other kinds of online intereaction

[09:32] Blu Heron: after researching…and I need to continue to research…I would say the best guideslines are to make your material avaialble in as many media modes as possible
[09:32] Blu Heron: what ever the type of event or space

[09:32] CarmenLittleFawn: yes 🙂

[09:33] Blu Heron: know your users.

[09:33] Ozma Malibu: Great, thorough guidelines.

[09:33] Dallas Trefoil: with clear directions to each mode (as you say, label objects).

[09:33] CarmenLittleFawn: you are awesome Blu 🙂 again ty

[09:33] Blu Heron: I teach building classes at Builders Brewery in Sl…some of my students have indicated to me they have problems reading and/or have dyslexia
[09:33] Blu Heron: when they request it, I teach using voice too

[09:34] Zotarah Shepherd: I have also heard that Qzma

[09:34] Blu Heron: ty for having me!

[09:34] CarmenLittleFawn: very nice

[09:34] Blu Heron: It was fun and I appreciate the opportunity to share my information

[09:34] Buffy Beale: that was fantastic thanks!

[09:34] Blu Heron: did everyone get a folder with the session materials?
[09:34] Blu Heron: in the yellow box bedise me

[09:34] Buffy Beale: yes thanks

[09:34] Namaara MacMoragh: thank you Blu… great presentation… and thank you for the materials.

[09:34] Glitteractica Cookie: maybe you could do some accessibility audits for spaces in the NPC

[09:34] Chad Mikado: yes

[09:35] Zotarah Shepherd: Yep

[09:35] CarmenLittleFawn: Yes

[09:35] Angelbell: yes

[09:35] Dancers Yao: yes thank you

[09:35] Blu Heron: lol….I think Gentle Heron and othe VAI residents could help youon htat

[09:35] Zotarah Shepherd: Great idea to do audits

[09:35] Glitteractica Cookie: OK, thanks for the presentation

[09:35] Ozma Malibu: seems like this work would go far in allowing people to show that SL can be accessible.

[09:35] Blu Heron: Gentel was helpful with suggestions when I built a conference sim a coupkle of years ago.
[09:36] Blu Heron: There is a lot to think about and so much can be assumed or overlooked

[09:36] Glitteractica Cookie: OK, any final questions for Blu?

[09:36] Chad Mikado: That’s why Gentle is the best 🙂

Open Mic / Announcements

[09:36] Glitteractica Cookie: if not, it’s time for open mic
[09:37] Glitteractica Cookie: Does anyone have any announcements for the larger group?
[09:37] Glitteractica Cookie: (thanks again Blu)

[09:37] Zotarah ShepherdZotarah Shepherd applaudes Blu. Great presentation!

[09:37] Glitteractica Cookie: indeed!

[09:37] Blu Heron: yw..ty for having me!
[09:38] Blu Heron: I must go now…another appointment in Rl. I will come agin to your meetings.

[09:38] Glitteractica Cookie: please do join us

[09:38] Brena Benoir: Thank you Blu!

[09:38] Buffy Beale: that’s great Blu you’re always welcome

[09:38] CarmenLittleFawn: bye have a great day

[09:38] Tiki4: waves biiii

[09:38] Zotarah Shepherd: Bye Blu

[09:38] Tiki4: byeeee even

[09:38] Glitteractica Cookie: Does anyone have anything to say to the larger group in open mic format?
[09:39] Glitteractica Cookie: anyone?

[09:39] HB Eternal: i do

[09:39] Glitteractica Cookie: OK, go for it/ HB

[09:39] Tiki4: I would like to invite any military persons to please contact me

[09:39] HB Eternal: We are collaborating with an org in Costa Rica the reforests
[09:40] HB Eternal: some of our volunteers recently built a small sim for them

[09:40] Glitteractica Cookie: HB…which nonprofit? URL?

[09:40] HB Eternal: La Reserva Foundation
[09:40] HB Eternal: let me get the LM
[09:40] HB Eternal: Gemini (138,134,801)
[09:41] HB Eternal: We welcome you to check it out – a great experience of two nonprofits working together in SL
[09:41] HB Eternal: And La Reserva had never heard of SL before

[09:41] Glitteractica Cookie: thanks for letting us know

[09:41] CarmenLittleFawn: 🙂

[09:41] Glitteractica Cookie: Next up Gentle heron has an announcement

[09:41] Brena Benoir: Yay for collaboration!

[09:42] Jerry Buchko: 😀

[09:42] Gentle Heron: Save the dates! International Disability Rights Affirmation Conference, August 3/4 at Virtual Ability Island.
[09:42] Gentle Heron: One of the presentations will be about how to evaluate the impact of your work in the community. Chad Mikado will be running that presentation, with assistance from our friends at JAN.
[09:42] Gentle Heron: Please put these two dates on your calendar and watch the Virtual Ability website for announcements. Thanks.

[09:43] CarmenLittleFawn: ty

[09:43] Glitteractica Cookie: thank u gentle
[09:43] Glitteractica Cookie: anyone else?

[09:43] HB Eternal: the new Google Nexus 7 rocks – got ours this week

[09:44] Glitteractica Cookie: any final announcements for the larger group?

[09:45] Jerry Buchko: @HB, Good to know 🙂 I’ve been following it.

[09:45] Glitteractica Cookie: OK, then I guess we are ending early today
[09:45] Glitteractica Cookie: thanks all and I guess that’s a wrap

[09:45] Namaara MacMoragh: Thanks for another great meeting.

[09:45] Chad Mikado: have a good weekend all

[09:45] Brique Topaz – Feed a Smile: It was very interesting.
[09:45] Brique Topaz – Feed a Smile: Thank you.

[09:45] CarmenLittleFawn: Thank you and everyone have a great day and week end 🙂

[09:45] Glitteractica Cookie: I won’t be here for the next two weeks b/c I will be on a vacation! in Mexico! but Bulaklak and Alebez will hold down the sim

[09:45] CarmenLittleFawn: yes it was and valuable information

[09:46] Buffy Beale: another great meeting thanks all
[09:46] Buffy Beale: ooo have fun Glitter

[09:46] CarmenLittleFawn: have fun Glitter

[09:46] fate Paule: take care and thanks for the information

[09:46] Glitteractica Cookie: thnaks

[09:46] alebez: thanks everyone!

[09:46] Angelbell: thanks for all the information 🙂

[09:46] Glitteractica Cookie: bye!!

[09:46] Ozma Malibu: wonderful, both parts of the meeting today.

[09:46] Jerry Buchko: excellent! take care all 😀

– End of Line –

Written by: Zinnia Zauber

“Ethnography and Virtual Worlds” with Tom Boellstorff / Tom Bukowski for August 24 Nonprofit Commons Meeting

Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting
August 24, 2012, 8:30 AM SLT / PST
Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater

On Friday August 24, University of California in Irvine Professor Tom Boellstorff / Tom Bukowski will discuss his book, “Ethnography and Virtual Worlds: a Handbook of Method“, that he coauthored with Bonnie Nardi, Celia Pearce and, T. L. Taylor. (Princeton University Press, 2012)

“Ethnography and Virtual Worlds” is the only book of its kind – a concise, comprehensive, and practical guide for students, teachers, designers, and scholars interested in using ethnographic methods to study online virtual worlds, including both game and nongame environments. Written by leading ethnographers of virtual worlds, and focusing on the key method of participant observation, the book provides invaluable advice, tips, guidelines, and principles to aid researchers through every stage of a project, from choosing an online fieldsite to writing and publishing the results.

Tom Boellstorff is Professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of California, Irvine; from 2007–2012 he was Editor-in-Chief of “American Anthropologist”, the flagship journal of the American Anthropological Association. His research projects have focused on questions of virtual worlds, sexuality, globalization, nationalism, language, and HIV/AIDS. He is the author of many articles and the books “The Gay Archipelago” (Princeton University Press, 2005); “A Coincidence of Desires” (Duke University Press, 2007); and “Coming of Age in Second Life” (Princeton University Press, 2008).


8:30 AM Introductions

8:40 AM TechSoup Announcements

8:45 AM “Ethnography and Virtual Worlds” with Tom Boellstorff / Tom Bukowski

9:35 AM Mentors Central

9:45 AM Open Mic / Announcements

Written by: Zinnia Zauber

“Virtual Vision 2020 – a community plan for Second Life” with Pam Broviak / Pam Renoir for August 17 Meeting

Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting
August 17, 2012, 8:30 AM SLT / PST
Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater

On Friday August 17, Pam Broviak / Pam Renoir is going to discuss Virtual Vision 2020, an initiative to develop a plan for the Second Life community. Pam is a licensed professional engineer with 30 years of experience in public works, most of which was spent working in local government. Since joining Second Life in late 2006, she has been exploring how to leverage virtual world technology in delivering engineering and government services. Recently she has been facilitating plans for virtual communities by applying planning concepts traditionally used for physical spaces.


8:30 AM Introductions

8:40 AM TechSoup Announcements

8:45 AM Mentors Central

9:55 “Virtual Vision 2020 – a community plan for Second Life” with Pam Broviak / Pam Renoir

9:30 AM Open Mic / Announcements

Written by: Zinnia Zauber

“Behind the Scenes at IDRAC2012” with Gentle Heron and iSkye Silverweb Bond of Virtual Ability, Inc. for August 10 Meeting

Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting
August 10, 2012, 8:30 AM SLT / PST
Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater

On Friday August 10, Gentle Heron and iSkye Silverweb Bond of Virtual Ability, Inc. will share the successful techniques, special event teamwork, and insight of the talented speakers from the Second Annual International Disability Rights Affirmation Conference at Virtual Ability Island on August 3. Nonprofit Commons partner Virtual Ability, Inc. produced an amazing event that examined different perspectives about communities and group facilitation that are of interest to persons with disabilities including presentations with Chad Gobert, Melissa Rowan, Kimberly O’Haver, Nola Nash, Tom Boellstorff, Philip Rosedale, Gentle Heron, Kathryn Irving, Preethy Samuel, Caren Levine, Carla Broek, Cindy Tandy, Scott Anstadt, Treacle Darlandes, Richard Gilbert, and Jamie Jordan.


8:30 AM Introductions

8:40 AM TechSoup Announcements

8:45 AM Mentors Central

9:55 “Behind the Scenes at IDRAC2012” with Gentle Heron and iSkye Silverweb Bond of Virtual Ability, Inc.

9:30 AM Open Mic / Announcements

Written by: Zinnia Zauber

Field Trip to International Disability Rights Affirmation Conference at Virtual Ability for August 3 Nonprofit Commons Meeting

Field Trip to the 2012 International Disability Rights Affirmation Conference at Virtual Ability, Inc. Island for August 3 Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting

Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting – Field Trip to VAI
August 3, 2012, Presentations Start at 7:00 AM SLT / PST
The Sojourner Auditorium on Virtual Ability Island

On Friday August 3, we are going on a special field trip to attend the Second Annual International Disability Rights Affirmation Conference at The Sojourner Auditorium on Virtual Ability Island. Please join our Nonprofit Commons partner Virtual Ability, Inc. for this event and receive valuable information about accessibility and building community from their many IDRAC presentations. Meet us any time during the scheduled IDRAC Presentations – Virtual Ability, Inc. is a US non-profit corporation with a mission to enable people with a wide range of disabilities by providing a supporting environment for them to enter and thrive in online virtual worlds. The 2012 International Disability Rights Affirmation Conference will examine different perspectives about communities that are of interest to persons with disabilities. Presentations drawing from the history of the disability movement will provide background to an exploration of philosophical and technical considerations related to community formation.

Schedule of Presentations for August 3, 2012
The Sojourner Auditorium on Virtual Ability Island

7:00-8:00 AM SLT Documenting and Evaluating Impacts of Community Programs with Chad Gobert, and Melissa Rowan

8:00-9:00 AM SLT Interpreting Disability Rights Across Cultures: A Study of International Reporting on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities with Kimberly O’Haver

9:30-10:30 AM SLT The Atlantis Community with Nola Nash

11:00-12:00 AM SLT A Discussion about Virtual Communities of Persons with Disabilities with Tom Boellstorff

12:30-1:30 PM SLT A Conversation about Virtual Communities with Philip Rosedale and Gentle Heron

2:00-3:00 PM SLT Useful and Happy: Politics, Experts, and Special Education at the Massachusetts School for Idiotic Children with Kathryn Irving

3:30-4:30 PM SLT Community Interaction of Families of Children with Developmental Disabilities with Preethy Samuel

5:00-6:00 PM SLT Welcoming New Members into a Community of Practice with Caren Levine

Written by: Zinnia Zauber

Educational Machinima with Pooky Amsterdam of PookyMedia for July 27 Nonprofit Commons Meeting

Educational Machinima with Pooky Amsterdam of PookyMedia for July 27 Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting

Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting
July 27, 2012, 8:30 AM SLT / PST
Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater

On Friday July 27, Pooky Amsterdam will present about the collaborative process of producing an award winning educational machinima. Pooky Amsterdam who has been producing entertainment on the virtual plane for about 10 years and her company PookyMedia provides top quality real animation also known as machinima. She will present on the educational machinima “Vector Inspectors” which was done for the San Gabriel Vector Control District to help with a study on the spread of the Asian tiger mosquitoes into this area. “Vector Inspectors” won several EduMachinima 2012 awards sponsored by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Special Interest Group Virtual Environment (SIGVE).


8:30 AM Introductions

8:40 AM TechSoup Announcements

8:45 AM Mentors Central

9:55 Educational Machinima with Pooky Amsterdam of PookyMedia

9:30 AM Open Mic / Announcements

Written by: Zinnia Zauber

Educational Machinima with Pooky Amsterdam of PookyMedia for July 27 Nonprofit Commons Meeting

Educational Machinima with Pooky Amsterdam of PookyMedia for July 27 Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting

Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting
July 27, 2012, 8:30 AM SLT / PST
Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater

On Friday July 27, Pooky Amsterdam will present about the collaborative process of producing an award winning educational machinima. Pooky Amsterdam who has been producing entertainment on the virtual plane for about 10 years and her company PookyMedia provides top quality real animation also known as machinima. She will present on the educational machinima “Vector Inspectors” which was done for the San Gabriel Vector Control District to help with a study on the spread of the Asian tiger mosquitoes into this area. “Vector Inspectors” won several EduMachinima 2012 awards sponsored by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Special Interest Group Virtual Environment (SIGVE).


8:30 AM Introductions

8:40 AM TechSoup Announcements

8:45 AM Mentors Central

9:55 Educational Machinima with Pooky Amsterdam of PookyMedia

9:30 AM Open Mic / Announcements

Written by: Zinnia Zauber

Universal Design for Learning Spaces in VW with Blu Heron / Wanda Hardy of ISTE for July 20 Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting

Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting
July 20, 2012, 8:30 AM SLT / PST
Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater

This Friday, July 20, Blu Heron / Wanda Hardy will join us at the Nonprofit Commons to talk about Universal Design in Learning (UDL) and share the key points of a professional learning “package” that bundles Virtual World (VW) accessibility issues, resources, and workshop-style activities for engaging educators in collaborative solutions inworld. It is impossible to create a virtual classroom that is usable by everyone, in all situations. It is possible to use an UDL process that results in products, environments, and experiences that are usable for the largest group of people in a VW and effects differentiated teaching and differentiated learning.

About Blu:

Blu Heron / Wanda Hardy earned her Masters of Education, Educational Technology, Sacramento State University, CA. Her involvement in education spans many years and includes: 16 years teaching high school sciences; 17 years as a community educator, web site developer, and software tester for an electrical utility; and volunteer mentor in Second Life (SL) for the International Society for Technology (ISTE). Currently is teaching building classes for the Builders Brewery in SL.

Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting

July 20, 2012, 8:30 AM SLT / PST

Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater


8:30 AM Introductions

8:40 AM TechSoup Announcements

8:45 AM Mentors Central

9:55 Universal Design for Learning Spaces in Virtual Worlds with Blu Heron / Wanda Hardy of the International Society for Technology (ISTE)

9:30 AM Open Mic / Announcements

Written by: Zinnia Zauber

Transcript of the Nonprofit Commons Meeting July 13, 2012

Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting
July 13, 2012, 8:30 AM SLT / PST
Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater

8:30 AM Introductions
8:40 AM TechSoup Announcements
8:45 AM Mentors Central
9:55 Virtual World Law with JD Jayaram / Jim Gatto of the Pillsbury law firm

(( Sadly Jim couldn’t get inworld today because of Second Life issues, but we had a great lesson that extended into community collaboration.))

9:30 AM Open Mic / Announcements

– Unabridged Transcript –
8:30 AM Introductions
08:30] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Hi Gentle

[08:30] Gentle Heron: Took me 15 minutes just now

[08:30] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Who’s familiar is that flying around?

[08:30] Zinnia Zauber: Good morning everyone!

[08:30] Buffy Beale: good morning all 🙂

[08:30] Par (parhelion.palou): It’s mostly harmless 😉

[08:30] Zinnia Zauber: Let’s give ourselves a few minutes before we start.

[08:30] Zotarah Shepherd: Good Morning

[08:31] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Very cool 🙂

[08:31] Par (parhelion.palou): People who log in at the last minute
may be late today

[08:31] Buffy Beale: yes I had troubles myself
[08:31] Buffy Beale: hi Par 🙂

[08:31] Par (parhelion.palou): Hi Buffy

[08:31] CarynTopia Silvercloud: Caryn Heilman, Topia Arts Center,, in the Berkshires of NW, MCaryn Heilman, Topia Arts
Center,, in the Berkshires of NW, MA,

[08:32] Par (parhelion.palou): Are you a slideshow today, Gentle?

[08:32] CarynTopia Silvercloud: It took me several attempts to sign in as well

[08:32] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Good morning Zo

[08:32] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Hi Buffy

[08:32] Buffy Beale: hi Jerry 🙂

[08:32] Gentle Heron: I will be if we don’t get rez rights, Par!

[08:33] Zotarah Shepherd: It took a long time before I finally logged in

[08:33] Zinnia Zauber: Welcome

[08:33] Par (parhelion.palou): OK, public build on, autoreturn in 90 minutes
[08:33] Par (parhelion.palou): is that OK?

[08:33] Gentle Heron: Thanks Par, that should work

[08:34] Zinnia Zauber: Good morning everyone!
[08:34] Zinnia Zauber: Looks like some people are having SL issues.

[08:34] Tom Bukowski waves hello, rezzing

[08:34] Zinnia Zauber: I am getting Google IMs, Skype messages, and phone calls.
[08:35] Zinnia Zauber: So we should expect people popping in.

[08:35] Buffy Beale: Hi Tom welcome!

[08:35] Zinnia Zauber: If you see some of our peeps, please offer them a TP.
[08:35] Zinnia Zauber: Welcome to the Nonprofit Commons sponsored by TechSoup!

[08:35] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Hello Tom

[08:35] Tom Bukowski: Hello

[08:36] Zinnia Zauber: I am Zinnia Zauber your Community Manager here
and I want you to introduce yourself!

[08:36] HB Eternal: Harold W Becker, The Love Foundation, Florida, @lovefoundation

[08:36] Buffy Beale: Buffy Bye, Bridges for Women, Victoria BC Canada, @bridges4women

[08:36] Glitteractica Cookie: Welcome to the Nonprofit Commons. A
project of TechSoup Global

[08:36] Gentle Heron: Virtual Ability, Inc.

[08:36] HB Eternal: Yay Buffy!

[08:36] Gentle Heron: YAY Lotta made it!

[08:36] Zinnia Zauber: Please give us your name, real name if you
wish, your org, website, Facebook page, and twitter handle

[08:36] Dancers Yao: Kara Bennett Elder Voices, Los Angeles, CA Health
Care and Human Rights

[08:36] Buffy Beale: lol HB caught me snoozing 🙂

[08:36] Ethelred Weatherwax: Dave Dexter, Neenah Historical Society,
Wisconsin USA

[08:36] bulaklak: Michael DeLong, Online Community Manger, TechSoup
Global,, @MichaelDeLongSF @TechSoup

[08:36] alebez: Ale Bezdikian, Online Community Coordinator, TechSoup,
SF, CA @TechSoup, @alebez
[08:36] Tom Bukowski: Anthropologist (Tom Boellstorff), old-timer(?),

[08:36] Glitteractica Cookie: Susan Tenby, Online Community Director ,
Nonprofit Commons and TechSOup, San Francisco, CA USA @suzboop
@techsoup @npsl

[08:37] Zinnia Zauber: Renne Emiko Brock-Richmond, Sequim Humanities
and Arts Alliance, Sequim, Olympic Peninsula, Washington. @renneemiko

[08:37] Ozma Malibu: Sandy Andrews, Floaters Technology Outreach and
Gallery, Arizona, Mexico and On the Road @ozma

[08:37] Par (parhelion.palou): Bartholomew Cubbins, TechSoup
contractor & generic volunteer, north of Baltimore MD, no website or

[08:37] Zinnia Zauber: Welcome everyone, please keep on with the introductions

[08:37] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Jerry Buchko | Counseling,
Coaching, & Tutoring in Personal Finances via Telepresence (Private
Practice) | Minneapolis-Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA | | @jerrybuchko

[08:38] Zinnia Zauber: looks like SL has unscheduled maintenance
issues, so that is a bummer

[08:38] Glitteractica Cookie: when?
[08:38] Glitteractica Cookie: now?

[08:38] Zinnia Zauber: Right now

[08:38] bulaklak: Is that why the ground looks like pea soup?

[08:39] Glitteractica Cookie: oh i see

[08:39] Par (parhelion.palou): Many people are having problems logging in

[08:39] Coughran Mayo: Dick Dillon, Innovaision, LLC, St. Louis MO
@innovaision, @coughran

[08:40] Dancers Yao: had problems also…found retyping my password
and trying several times to log on helped

[08:40] BELOVEDROX: Roxy Rocker NSIP

[08:40] Zinnia Zauber: Let me share our links as you continue to do intros…
[08:40] Zinnia Zauber: Here are the many ways to can get involved with the
Nonprofit Commons in Second Life:

Nonprofit Commons Blog:




Google Group:

Google Calendar:

About TechSoup the sponsors of the Nonprofit Commons:

[08:40] Zinnia Zauber: Join us inworld:

NPC Weekly Meeting on Fridays, 8:30 – 10 AM SLT Plush Amphitheater,
Plush Nonprofit Commons (91,127,26)

NPC Mentors Meeting: Fridays, 10:10 – 11 AM SLT Plush Amphitheater,
Plush Nonprofit Commons (91,127,26)

Wharf Ratz Tuesday Night Extraordinary Dance Extravaganza, Every
Tuesday 7 – 9 PM SLT Preferred Family Healthcare on Aloft, Aloft
Nonprofit Commons (168,223,22)

CommonGround – Color Themed Monthly Networking Event on 3rd Thursday,
5 – 7 PM SLT CommonGround on Aloft, Aloft Nonprofit Commons (59,68,25)

TechSoup Announcements

[08:40] Zinnia Zauber: Okay! Let’s have TechSoup Announcements!

[08:41] Zinnia Zauber: bulaklak, please take it away!

[08:41] Zinnia Zauber: (you can keep doing introductions, btw)

[08:41] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Bruce Hestley, Transgender American
Veterans Association, Akron, OH,

[08:41] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Hi Jac

[08:41] Zotarah Shepherd: BEACH College, Santa Rosa, CA

[08:41] Magic Pathfinder (any1.gynoid): Magic Pathfinder
(any1.gynoid), Faculty at New Citizens Inc (NCI), Teaching hands-on
Artificial Intelligence and Pathfinding in Second Life – More Info:

[08:42] bulaklak: Hi!
[08:42] bulaklak: Sorry, was also having some issues with SL.

[08:42] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Morning everyone

[08:42] jacmacaire Humby: Jacques Macaire Humanbe Action Tank and Council on Sustainable
Development France and International @Humanbe

[08:42] Zinnia Zauber: It is okay, we all are…

[08:42] bulaklak: Anyway, good morning, if it’s morning in your area.

[08:42] CarmenLittleFawn: Hello 🙂

[08:42] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Traffic was murder on the interstate
this morning

[08:42] CarmenLittleFawn: Hi everybody

[08:42] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Hey Coughran 🙂

[08:42] Coughran Mayo: Hi everyone

[08:42] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Hi Carmen

[08:43] bulaklak: It’s always interesting to know how many countries
are represented at these meetings.
[08:43] bulaklak: Can everyone shout out real quick where you are
logging in from today?

[08:43] Buffy Beale: Victoria BC Canada

[08:43] Glitteractica Cookie: did they not do that in their intros?

[08:43] Tom Bukowski: Long Beach, California

[08:43] Zinnia Zauber: Sequim Washington

[08:43] Gentle Heron: Rocky Mountains

[08:43] Jen (jenelle.levenque) shouts: Akron Ohio

[08:43] bulaklak: Oh, I guess so but I don’t know that everyone puts
locations in the intros.

[08:43] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, USA

[08:43] Ethelred Weatherwax: Wisconsin (USA last I looked)

[08:44] HB Eternal: Tampa, Florida

[08:44] Zotarah Shepherd: Santa Rosa, CA

[08:44] Namaara MacMoragh: Tacoma WA

[08:44] bulaklak: People ask us how many countries come to these
meetings and I just thought it would be interesting to do a
temperature check.

[08:44] Glitteractica Cookie: it should be that ppl post their name,
location in the world and links, twitter handles

[08:44] Ozma Malibu: Arizona (org is active in Mexico, AZ and on the
road so I could have been logging in from any of these places, or from
Cali, where I spend a lot of time)

[08:44] bulaklak: Anyway! Sorry about that. Too curious for my own
good sometimes.
[08:44] bulaklak: So . . .

[08:45] CarmenLittleFawn: Lorna Hawkins, Executive Director, Drive By
Agony, Keeping Kids Safe campaign, web site in progress,, Los Angeles California

[08:45] bulaklak: Also, please bear with me I have been sick and my
head is fuzzy.
[08:45] bulaklak: Just a quick announcement about a tweet chat we have
coming up next week.

[08:45] CarmenLittleFawn: hope u feel better soon bulaklak

[08:45] bulaklak: We’ve partnered with the folks at NTEN (Nonprofite
Technology Network) on their #CommBuild tweet chat

[08:46] CarynTopia Silvercloud: [08:31] CarynTopia Silvercloud: Caryn
Heilman, Topia Arts Center,, in the Berkshires of
NW, MCaryn Heilman, Topia Arts Center,, in the
Berkshires of NW, MA, @topiaartscenter

[08:46] Ozma Malibu: ah well bulaklak I could easily have been logging
in from Mexico so for me, the question was relevant

[08:46] bulaklak: It meets every Tuesday at 10am PT at the hashtag
#commbuild to discuss community building techniques and issues
[08:46] bulaklak: This Tuesday we will have a special guest from
Spiceworks, their community manager Nic Tolstoshev
[08:47] bulaklak: He will be talking about best practices and
successes for running community challenges and contests
[08:47] bulaklak: Here is a link with more info:
[08:47] bulaklak: It includes how to participate in a tweet chat and
how to use the room to make it even easier to
[08:48] bulaklak: Thanks, all. And have a great weekend!

[08:48] CarmenLittleFawn: 🙂 ty

[08:48] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you bulaklak!

[08:48] Zinnia Zauber: Do we have any more from TechSoup today?

[08:49] bulaklak: A short one today!

[08:49] Zinnia Zauber: very good

[08:49] Brena Benoir: Brenda Bryan, Preferred Family Healthcare,
Kirksville, Missouri;, @brenabenoir

[08:49] Buffy Beale: thanks bulaklak 🙂

Mentors Central

[08:49] Zinnia Zauber: Today, I am wearing one of my frocks I donated
for fundraising for Relay for Life in 2009 as a reminder for you to
support them in 2012 this weekend!
[08:49] Zinnia Zauber: Relay for Life’s big annual Second Life event
is Saturday, July 14 through Sunday, July 15, 2012. For more details
please visit –
[08:50] Zinnia Zauber: Now it is time for Mentors Central!
[08:50] Zinnia Zauber: Gentle please take it away!

[08:50] Adalace Jewell: sorry, I’m late, Adalace Jewell, RoSa library
Brussels Belgium – @adalace

[08:50] Zinnia Zauber: no worries, keep up the intros as we go.
[08:51] Zinnia Zauber: Gentle you want to come up front please
[08:51] Zinnia Zauber: thank you!

[08:51] Gentle Heron: Sure

[08:52] Gentle Heron: Today I want to speak briefly about a simple
tool that is available I believe from NPC
[08:52] Gentle Heron: Good morning. This mini lesson will teach you
how to use a simple tool called a “Changing Picture Display.” It’s a
display, in a frame, that…. changes pictures….. randomly.

[08:52] Adalace Jewell: 🙂

[08:52] Gentle Heron: hence the name!
[08:52] Gentle Heron: It shouldn’t matter which viewer you are using.
[08:53] Gentle Heron: First, everyone needs to click on this package.
You will get a folder that contains:
[08:53] Gentle Heron: an empty Changing Picture Display
a SL Snapshot
several SL textures

[08:53] Buffy Beale: nice packaging Gentle

[08:53] CarmenLittleFawn: Thank you Gentle

[08:53] Gentle Heron: yeah kind of noticeable
[08:53] Gentle Heron: The snapshot and textures are samples, but you
can use your own if you prefer.
[08:54] Gentle Heron: If you spread out a little, you can rez your
copy of the tool right in front of you. Par has enabled rezzing, so
please rez out your Picture Changer now.

[08:54] Coughran Mayo: Has anyone ever noticed how organized Gentle always is?

[08:54] Gentle Heron: Thanks C!
[08:54] Gentle Heron used to be a teacher…. maybe still is.
[08:55] Gentle Heron: OK!
[08:55] Gentle Heron: I see a few folks have rezzed their picture changer.
[08:55] Gentle Heron: Keep an eye on your own, please.
[08:56] Gentle Heron: I’m going to give directions on how to use it.
[08:56] Gentle Heron: Let’s wait a few more seconds for more of us to
rez the Picture Changer.

[08:57] Zinnia Zauber: Go ahead and rez your changers please.

[08:57] Gentle Heron: Caryn, I checked, and it’s certainly OK to do
this while wearing the item.
[08:57] Gentle Heron: I do that sometimes when I’m in a NO REZ area.

[08:57] CarynTopia Silvercloud: sorry I don’t know what I am doing

[08:57] Gentle Heron: You’re fine

[08:57] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Gentle, I’m clicking but not
recieving anything… ;(

[08:57] Gentle Heron: If you want, you can click on it and DETACH it,
Caryn. Then find it in your inventory and drag it onto the ground.
[08:58] Gentle Heron: Jerry, what are you clicking on? The pink box?

[08:58] Zinnia Zauber: It is called Simple Changing Picture Display
and find it under your Recent tab.
[08:58] Zinnia Zauber: This is a great lesson for all of us!

[08:59] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Oops, sorry I had tried clicking
on someone’s rezzed frame… my bad

[08:59] Zotarah Shepherd: I got one of these from Lyr Lobo years ago
and used it different places even on the teen grid for a display. It
is a prim saving way to show many pictures, al though hers goes in a
certain order I can change in the script.

[08:59] Magic Pathfinder (any1.gynoid): very cool script… so simple!

[08:59] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Got it, thanks Gentle

[08:59] Gentle Heron: OK
[08:59] Gentle Heron: Now let’s begin learning how to use it. Do NOT
panic! It is easy.
[08:59] Gentle Heron: **To use the tool:
1. Rez the “Simple Changing Picture Display” and EDIT it.
2. In the CONTENT tab of the EDIT menu, notice there is a
“Cycle_Texture” script. Leave this alone!
[09:00] Gentle Heron wants to see lots of folks with dots shooting out
of their arms in EDIT mode.

[09:00] Coughran Mayo: I see dot people!

[09:00] CarmenLittleFawn: hahaha

[09:01] Gentle Heron: OK is anyone having trouble EDITing their tool,
or finding the CONTENT tab?

[09:01] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Nope, I’m with ya 😉

[09:01] Gentle Heron: Ready for the next step?

[09:01] CarmenLittleFawn: yes

[09:01] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): yep

[09:01] Gentle Heron: 3. Drag textures or snapshots into the CONTENTS
folder of the EDIT menu.
You may want to add two items (a snapshot and a texture) at this time,
just to test out the tool.

[09:02] Dancers Yao: yes

[09:02] Magic Pathfinder (any1.gynoid): slide 0
[09:02] Magic Pathfinder (any1.gynoid): next

[09:02] Gentle Heron: You can add snapshots or textures or both. It
doesn’t matter.

[09:02] Namaara MacMoragh: love it… works great

[09:02] Gentle Heron: And since this is a sample, just put in
anything. I gave you a couple to try.
[09:02] Gentle Heron: 4. Close the EDIT menu, and the pictures will
begin to cycle through.
NOTE: The pictures will cycle randomly.

[09:02] Magic Pathfinder (any1.gynoid): <– rezzed the poster from my
class covering these skills….

[09:03] Gentle Heron: Thanks Any1

[09:03] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Wow, that’s sweet!

[09:03] Gentle Heron: You should be seeing the images you put into the tool.
[09:03] Gentle Heron: They cycle randomly

[09:03] Coughran Mayo: I changed my timer setting to 1, it’s psychedelic!

[09:03] Gentle Heron: 5. Rename the tool (“My Friends” or “Art Photos
Collection” or whatever) before you TAKE it into your inventory.

[09:03] Zinnia Zauber: Look at you guys!!!

[09:03] CarmenLittleFawn: Thank you I needed one of these gentle since
I no longer have one 🙂

[09:03] Gentle Heron: #5 is such an important step

[09:03] Magic Pathfinder (any1.gynoid): back

[09:04] Magic Pathfinder (any1.gynoid): Rename on the General Tab.. this poster

[09:04] Gentle Heron: If you don’t rename it, you’ll likely lose it in
your inventory
[09:04] Gentle Heron: So go back to the GENERAL tab in EDIT mode
(thanks Any1) and change the name
[09:04] Gentle Heron: Everybody got it so far?

[09:05] CarmenLittleFawn: yeap

[09:05] Gentle Heron: This is a simple but effective tool. It has many
uses. In your home, or in your office.

[09:05] Coughran Mayo: In the bathroom!

[09:05] Gentle Heron: yes C in case you get bored

[09:05] CarmenLittleFawn: giggles

[09:05] Magic Pathfinder (any1.gynoid): If you right click TAKE.. it
should go back to the same folder you rezzed the original from…
otherwise with Take Copy it goes into Objects folder

[09:05] CarmenLittleFawn: hahahah

[09:05] Gentle Heron: Very good point, Any1. Thanks.
[09:06] Gentle Heron: While we wait for our guest to be able to log
in, let me show you one more little skill.
[09:06] Gentle Heron: We can use the same Changing Picture Display.

[09:06] Zinnia Zauber: Wonderful!

[09:06] Gentle Heron: If you put yours into your inventory, please
take it back out.

[09:06] Zinnia Zauber: Yes, our guest Jim is having issues logging in.

[09:06] Gentle Heron: I would like to show you how to change the
appearance of its frame.
[09:07] Gentle Heron: This way you can make the frame match your decor!
[09:07] Gentle Heron: Are we ready to try that?

[09:07] Tom Bukowski: Very important, trust me lol

[09:07] Gentle Heron: Thanks Tom.

[09:07] CarmenLittleFawn: mmhmm

[09:07] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Yes

[09:07] Coughran Mayo: This is like having a really smart Martha Stewart at NPC

[09:07] Gentle Heron: So please once again set out your own Picture Display

[09:07] Tom Bukowski: ROFL

[09:07] Zinnia Zauber: 🙂

[09:07] CarmenLittleFawn: giggles

[09:07] Tom Bukowski: if your frame texture clashes with the curtains,
*no one* will come to your parties

[09:07] Gentle Heron: **To change the appearance of the frame:
1. Rez the “Simple Changing Picture Display” and EDIT it.
[09:08] Gentle Heron: OK now you guys……
[09:08] Gentle Heron: 2. Click the radio button “Edit Linked” (bottom
of left list of buttons, above the GENERAL tab).
[09:08] Gentle Heron: (Does everyone see the EDIT LINKED little button?)

[09:08] CarmenLittleFawn: yes

[09:08] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): found it

[09:08] Gentle Heron: Does anyone NOT find that button?

[09:08] Zinnia Zauber: yup

[09:09] Gentle Heron: You may never have used it before.
[09:09] Gentle Heron: 3. Click on the frame, NOT the central picture
portion. This selects just the frame, not the whole tool.

[09:09] Magic Pathfinder (any1.gynoid): next

[09:09] Gentle Heron: That is important
[09:09] Gentle Heron: You want only to edit the FRAME, not the whole thing
[09:09] Gentle Heron: 4. Click on the TEXTURE tab in the EDIT menu.

[09:09] CarmenLittleFawn: yes it is

[09:10] Gentle Heron: 5. Click on the TEXTURE thumbnail, then use the
TEXTURE PICKER to choose what you’d like the frame to look like
(perhaps a wood texture?)
[09:10] Gentle Heron: (That is why I gave you some nice wood textures to try.)
[09:10] Gentle Heron: 6. When you’ve selected the texture you want for
the frame, press OK on the Texture Picker.

[09:11] Zinnia Zauber: I made mine to match my dress!

[09:11] Zotarah Shepherd: There are also wood textures in the Library
of most viewers.

[09:11] Gentle Heron: 7. Rename the tool, if desired, before you TAKE
it into your inventory.
[09:11] Gentle Heron: Good job Zinnia.

[09:11] Zinnia Zauber: 🙂

[09:11] Gentle Heron: I like fabric textures too.

[09:11] Coughran Mayo: why do I have 32,000 textures in my inventory?

[09:12] Zinnia Zauber: hehe

[09:12] Tom Bukowski: Another trick-if you open your inventory folder
separately and go to your textures, you can drag them onto an
individual face of a prim, like the frame

[09:12] Gentle Heron: Because some images are saved as textures, Coughran

[09:12] CarmenLittleFawn: (Rolling on Floor Laughing) u love textures

[09:12] Par (parhelion.palou): There’s a lot of texture to you?

[09:12] Tom Bukowski: so if you do it within the edit window, it
changes all the sides

[09:12] Namaara MacMoragh: good point Coughran… how many textures
can the display hold Gentle?

[09:12] Gentle Heron: And that’s it, really.
You can delete the sample pictures and add in the ones you really want later.

[09:12] Tom Bukowski: but you can do faces differently if you want,
like I’ve done on mine right now

[09:12] Gentle Heron: Namaara, I don’t know. I’ve put 20 into this
viewer and it worked fine

[09:12] Magic Pathfinder (any1.gynoid): It will change all sides
UNLESS you click the Select Texture Radio button… see on top left of
edit window

[09:12] Namaara MacMoragh: great thanks 🙂

[09:13] Gentle Heron: Correct Tom and Any1

[09:13] Tom Bukowski: oh right Thank you

[09:13] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Learned something new about
buiding today. That Edit linked function is really handy! 😀

[09:13] Magic Pathfinder (any1.gynoid): Easy way is to drag the
texture from inventory to the prim face you want

[09:13] Gentle Heron: Edit Linked is great for texturing just ONE SIDE
of something
[09:13] Gentle Heron: but
[09:13] Gentle Heron: it also allows you to separate and move apart
the prims of a complex object
[09:13] Gentle Heron: so beware
[09:13] Gentle Heron: you may destroy your item

[09:13] Tom Bukowski: lol

[09:13] Gentle Heron: but then, you can just throw it away, and start over!

[09:13] CarmenLittleFawn: yes
[09:13] CarmenLittleFawn: hehehe

[09:14] Tom Bukowski: Building Disaster Stories 101…

[09:14] Gentle Heron: Another good reason for renaming things….. you
keep the original in case you screw up your modifications

[09:14] Jen (jenelle.levenque): If you move something incorrectly, you
can do CONTROL-Z and it should put it back providing you did nothing

[09:14] Zinnia Zauber: good to name things so you can find them in
your inventory too.

[09:14] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): good rule of thumb 🙂

[09:14] Gentle Heron: Oh yes Tom, I have many many, including the time
I tried to mod a dress and ended up with the skirt upside down
[09:14] Gentle Heron: Very good advice, Jen.

[09:14] CarmenLittleFawn: giggles

[09:14] Tom Bukowski: lol

[09:15] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): 🙂

[09:15] Magic Pathfinder (any1.gynoid): Do right click Take Copy to
save your work as you go along

[09:15] Tom Bukowski: Yeah, control-z is amazing sometimes

[09:15] Magic Pathfinder (any1.gynoid): goes to objects folder

[09:15] Gentle Heron: Smart idea, Any1
[09:15] Gentle Heron: Now here is what I am seeing.
[09:15] Gentle Heron: Quite a few people here have been offering great
[09:15] Gentle Heron: I know Zinnia is always looking for people to do
little lessons for Mentor Corner.

[09:15] Tom Bukowski: Accidentally type in 1000 rather than 100 for z
position, thing is up in the ether, ctl-z right away brings it back

[09:15] Zotarah Shepherd: Organize stuff into your inventory as you
get things, just to avoid total chaos. : /

[09:15] Zinnia Zauber: I love the ideas on how we could use these
viewers in our offices.

[09:16] Gentle Heron: Maybe those of you with these lovely ideas could
make them into short lessons to share with the rest of us?

[09:16] Magic Pathfinder (any1.gynoid): lol @ Tom’s comment!

[09:16] Zinnia Zauber: Yes!

[09:16] Gentle Heron: I am sure we could all use reminders on how to
UNDO, how to texture just one side, etc etc etc
[09:16] Gentle Heron: There are quite a few nifty tools in the NPC
Toolbox…. we could also use mini lessons on how to use each one.
[09:17] Gentle Heron: And Coughran… you could tell us how you modded
that script to be so psychodelic.

[09:17] Zinnia Zauber: Do tell!

[09:17] Gentle Heron: That’s my public service announcement.

[09:17] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you Gentle! This is wonderful!

[09:17] Gentle Heron: We all know how to do some things…. SHARE THAT

[09:17] Buffy Beale: Yay Gentle, great session thanks!

[09:17] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Great lesson, thank you!

[09:17] CarmenLittleFawn: yes, Thank you again Gentle

[09:17] Tom Bukowski: Thank you for doing this gentle, I relearned
some things I’d forgotten

[09:18] Namaara MacMoragh: Yay! Gentle… thank you… this is great!

[09:18] Magic Pathfinder (any1.gynoid): great teaching! ty Gentle! SNAPS!

[09:18] Zotarah Shepherd: Thank you Gentle

[09:18] Zinnia Zauber: Rah! Gentle!

[09:18] alebez: That was great, Gentle.

[09:18] Gentle Heron: and if you’re concerned about writing it up as a
lesson, I’m willing to help with that also

[09:18] Dancers Yao: thanks…Gentle…wonderful tool

[09:18] Zinnia Zauber: How many of you guys enjoyed learning by doing today?

[09:18] Tom Bukowski raises hand

[09:19] Gentle Heron votes for learning by doing.

[09:19] CarmenLittleFawn: raise her hand

[09:19] Zinnia Zauber: excellent!

[09:19] Coughran Mayo: yes!

[09:19] Gentle Heron: Hint: someone could teach how to “emote”

[09:19] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): definitely

[09:19] CarmenLittleFawn: hehehe
[09:19] CarmenLittleFawn: yes

[09:19] Zinnia Zauber: ah, good one.

[09:19] Tom Bukowski notes if you first type /me

[09:19] Namaara MacMoragh: always love learning by doing

[09:19] CarmenLittleFawn: emote what?

[09:19] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko) raise hand

[09:19] Namaara MacMoragh: remember things better that way 🙂

[09:19] Zinnia Zauber: Well, it appears that our guest JD Jayaram /
Jim Gatto can’t get into SL.

[09:20] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko) raises hand

[09:20] Tom Bukowski: then it says is in 3rd person

[09:20] Tom Bukowski: *it

[09:20] CarmenLittleFawn: you do not have to type me any longer

[09:20] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko) raises his hand.

[09:20] Zinnia Zauber: So, we have to bring him in another time.
[09:20] Zinnia Zauber: So, how about that lesson

[09:20] CarmenLittleFawn: alright sorry he could not make it

[09:20] Zinnia Zauber: the third person…
[09:20] Zinnia Zauber: Yes, we will get him to come again. Just such a
bummer today.

[09:20] Tom Bukowski: lol on some viewers there are other ways to do
it too, I forget…

[09:21] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko) learned a couple of new things today… 😉

[09:21] Zinnia Zauber: I keep emailing him.

[09:21] Jen (jenelle.levenque): You can set Firestorm so you only have
to type a colon instead of /me

[09:21] Gentle Heron: He was on initially but crashed out.

[09:21] Zinnia Zauber: So, let’s keep the ball rolling with some more info.
[09:21] Zinnia Zauber: right, he did get here for a second.

[09:22] Tom Bukowski remembers that!

[09:22] Zinnia Zauber: How do we emote in the third person?

[09:22] Gentle Heron: What is emoting anyway?

[09:22] Jen (jenelle.levenque) yawning

[09:22] Zotarah Shepherd smiles

[09:22] Zinnia Zauber: How does it create more engagement?

[09:22] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Note there is no colon after the name

[09:22] Buffy Beale grins

[09:22] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): /smile

[09:22] Tom Bukowski: : smirks

[09:22] Coughran Mayo: I HATE THIS!!

[09:22] Par (parhelion.palou) collapses in a heap, oozing blood from his wound

[09:22] Gentle Heron: Several people show that they know how to do it.

[09:22] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko) smiles.

[09:22] Coughran Mayo: was just emoting

[09:22] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Also it can be set to show in italics

[09:22] Zinnia Zauber: Coughran!

[09:22] Tom Bukowski laughs

[09:22] Namaara MacMoragh smiles

[09:22] Gentle Heron: Right Coughran, there are different definitions.

[09:23] Zinnia Zauber: so how do you do it?

[09:23] Magic Pathfinder (any1.gynoid): ;what

[09:23] Namaara MacMoragh: hehe… I always wanted to know how to do that

[09:23] Buffy Beale: just add /me then type

[09:23] Jen (jenelle.levenque) looks around to see who might need help

[09:23] Magic Pathfinder (any1.gynoid): :what

[09:23] CarmenLittleFawn: giggles

[09:23] Tom Bukowski: And you can use avatar animations, gestures, etc
to do it, but in sl at least the norm is still to do it in text

[09:23] Buffy Beale: “/me grins”

[09:23] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko) grins

[09:23] Buffy Beale: lol

[09:23] Coughran Mayo: 🙂

[09:23] Zinnia Zauber gasps

[09:23] Gentle Heron: In SL, when we just type in the Chat Box it
comes out looking like the script for a play. The speaker is
identified, and then the exact words that the speaker says.

[09:23] Buffy Beale: lol Z

[09:23] Tom Bukowski: you can even set it so your avie has an
animation for an emote, I think I have one for wow
[09:23] Tom Bukowski: yep lol
[09:23] Tom Bukowski: wow
[09:24] Tom Bukowski: If you watch me avie you’ll see him do this
silly thing if I ever type wow

[09:24] Zinnia Zauber: Do you think that using emotions or verbs helps
in explaining yourself in a virtual world?

[09:24] Coughran Mayo: HELL NO!

[09:24] Magic Pathfinder (any1.gynoid) okay

[09:24] Gentle Heron prefers emotes to emoticons, which she can not decode.

[09:24] Tom Bukowski: It’s one advantage of vws over email, blog
comments, etc, but it’s not used in all contexts by any means

[09:24] Par (parhelion.palou) thinks typing in all caps is very effective

[09:24] Zinnia Zauber laughs

[09:25] Tom Bukowski: just depends on the social norm, the topic lol
[09:25] Tom Bukowski: RIGHT!

[09:25] Zinnia Zauber: All CAPS is yelling, right?

[09:25] CarmenLittleFawn: yes

[09:25] Jen (jenelle.levenque): That’s been the tradition

[09:25] Zinnia Zauber: I believe in speaking softly and carrying a
big, bright stick.

[09:25] CarmenLittleFawn: me too

[09:25] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): be the stick…

[09:25] Tom Bukowski smiles

[09:26] Zinnia Zauber: So, does the emote get your attention too?

[09:26] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): 😉

[09:26] CarmenLittleFawn: hahaha

[09:26] Magic Pathfinder (any1.gynoid) I sometimes selectively use
caps for EMPHASIS

[09:26] CarmenLittleFawn: when needed

[09:26] Zinnia Zauber: good point Magic

[09:26] Gentle Heron: Sometimes *this* can be used for emphasis also.

[09:27] Zinnia Zauber: And, Gentle has shared with us how using
symbols is overwhelming for text to speech readers.
[09:27] Zinnia Zauber: so, a little bit can go a long way.

[09:27] CarmenLittleFawn: 🙂 yes

[09:27] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): would be nice if gestures were
somehow easier to set up & use

[09:27] Zinnia Zauber: yes

[09:27] Gentle Heron: That would be a nice lesson too, Jerry.

[09:27] Namaara MacMoragh: agreed Jerry

[09:27] Zinnia Zauber: We will add that one to the list.

[09:28] Namaara MacMoragh: I often get tripped up in the middle of
presentations with getstures

[09:28] Zotarah Shepherd: I just program my shortcut keys to do
gestures I use most

[09:28] Gentle Heron: your own, or other people’s, Namaara?

[09:28] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): i’m eagerly awaiting the arrival
of BCIs to help make that a bit more natural…
[09:28] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): 😉

[09:28] Magic Pathfinder (any1.gynoid): BCI is?

[09:28] Zotarah Shepherd: BCIs?

[09:28] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Brain Computer Interface
[09:29] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): a mouse for your brain

[09:29] Zotarah Shepherd: hahaha

[09:29] Zinnia Zauber: have you seen those Jerry?

[09:29] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): yes

[09:29] CarmenLittleFawn: sounds interesting

[09:29] Namaara MacMoragh: My own gestures Gentle

[09:29] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): not quite consumer level level yet i think

[09:29] Par (parhelion.palou): It’s putting the USB socket into your
skull that hurts

[09:29] Namaara MacMoragh: sorry I was sipping coffee….

[09:29] Zinnia Zauber: I should hunt down that guy in Washington that
makes them.

[09:29] Zotarah Shepherd: I am not sure I would want that, but I can
see how it would be useful

[09:29] Gentle Heron: Those will not be as useful for people with
disabilities, I fear, as they will be for those with “normal” brains.
I doubt I could use one, given my MS damage.

[09:29] Zinnia Zauber: They are very fashion forward.

[09:29] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): one example:

[09:30] Zinnia Zauber: It isn’t wonderful how we are on the bleeding
edge of tech here?

[09:30] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): another:…

[09:30] Zinnia Zauber: That we engage in such wonderful tools.

[09:30] CarmenLittleFawn: yes it is 🙂

[09:30] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): and one more out there called Emotiv

[09:30] Zinnia Zauber: And, we get to be the advocates for such tools?

[09:31] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): (i think that’s the spelling)

[09:31] Gentle Heron nods to Jerry

[09:31] Namaara MacMoragh: I think we should talk about these tools
and disabilities sometime.

[09:31] Tom Bukowski just cut his finger on the tech (his avie finger that is)

[09:31] Zinnia Zauber: Yes, Namaara!

[09:31] Gentle Heron: owie Tom

[09:31] CarmenLittleFawn: yes

[09:31] Gentle Heron: That’s the bleeding edge for sure

[09:31] Namaara MacMoragh: Especially since Gentle brings up a good
point about brain injury and computer use.

[09:31] Zinnia Zauber: very much so

[09:31] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): oh, here’s a short TED piece on the Emotiv

[09:31] CarmenLittleFawn: nods

[09:31] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko):…

[09:31] Zinnia Zauber: Jerry, you are the copy and paste master!!!
[09:32] Zinnia Zauber: I love it!
[09:32] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you for doing that!

[09:32] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Thanks, I curate some of this
stuff that I’m interested in

[09:32] Zinnia Zauber: me/ gets to excited over links
[09:32] Zinnia Zauber: lol

[09:32] CarmenLittleFawn: giggles

[09:33] Zinnia Zauber: This has ended up being a great discussion
beyond our lesson today.

[09:33] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): @Gentle, I’d love to see these
whether these systems could be trained to work with people who’ve
suffered some form of brain injury.

[09:33] Zinnia Zauber: Namaara, what are people using with BEST?

[09:34] Gentle Heron was distracting Namaara with chatter. Sorry!

[09:35] Dancers Yao: there is some research listed for brain injury on for people with brain injury and computer
communication…including what used to be thought of as vegitative

[09:35] Zinnia Zauber: Glitter suggested that we have some field trips
in the future for our meetings. Maybe we can visit some places that
cover these ideas and tools as well.

[09:35] Gentle Heron: Yup. Assistive tech is marvelous for
facilitating communication.

[09:35] Zinnia Zauber: How do you guys feel about field trips?

[09:35] Namaara MacMoragh: at BEST we’re using a variety of tools that
are low cost and easy to use

[09:36] Gentle Heron: feets on is as fun as hands on, and quite as
useful for learning (my thoughts on field trips)

[09:36] Buffy Beale: I like having field trips to interesting places

[09:36] Namaara MacMoragh: traditional software like DragonSpeak for
speech to text and GoTo for collaboration

[09:36] Zinnia Zauber: great, cool Namaara

[09:36] Namaara MacMoragh: Gentle and I are going to work on a
presentation about brain injury and technology

[09:36] Zinnia Zauber: Wonderful!
[09:36] Zinnia Zauber: That would be perfect

[09:36] Namaara MacMoragh: We’d love to present here as soon as we
have it put together.
[09:37] Namaara MacMoragh: Would that be okay

[09:37] Zinnia Zauber: look at us, collaborating!

[09:37] Gentle Heron smiles

[09:37] Zinnia Zauber: of course!!!

[09:37] Tom Bukowski applauds

[09:37] Namaara MacMoragh: 🙂

[09:37] Zinnia Zauber: I would love it if more folks would team up like that.
[09:37] Zinnia Zauber: We have great orgs and talent here.
[09:38] Zinnia Zauber: What kind of tech do you use everyday for collaboration?
[09:38] Zinnia Zauber: 1. Second Life
[09:38] Zinnia Zauber: 2. Facebook
[09:38] Zinnia Zauber: (please help me make this list)

[09:38] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): @Nanaara & Gentle, Would love to
see that prezi 😀

[09:38] Coughran Mayo: skype

[09:39] jacmacaire Humby: Facebook and life..

[09:39] HB Eternal: linkedin and google +

[09:39] Gentle Heron: email, SL group notices, notecards, Skype

[09:39] BELOVEDROX: Webinars

[09:39] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): google+ hangouts

[09:39] jacmacaire Humby: when you want for second life..

[09:39] Zinnia Zauber: What do you use for webinars?

[09:39] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): google talk/im

[09:39] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): skype

[09:39] Zinnia Zauber: cool, lots of skype

[09:40] CarmenLittleFawn: hehehe

[09:40] BELOVEDROX: Webex

[09:40] Zinnia Zauber: Anyone use AdobeConnect?

[09:40] Tom Bukowski: Skype, just cowrote a whole book on Google Docs
which I love

[09:40] Zinnia Zauber: oh Tom!

[09:40] Tom Bukowski:

[09:40] Ozma Malibu: Used to use AdobeConnect a lot at ASU

[09:40] Zinnia Zauber: That would be interesting to have you share with us.

[09:40] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): yup, google docs too

[09:41] Zinnia Zauber: Note to self: book Tom for NPC meeting.
[09:41] Zinnia Zauber: 🙂

[09:41] Namaara MacMoragh: google docs is great for collaborating but
folks often store way too much there for me

[09:41] Tom Bukowski: Sure, I could try to get some of the other
authors to come too, just email me

[09:41] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): google+ hangouts work well for webinars

[09:41] Ozma Malibu: yes google docs

[09:41] Tom Bukowski:

[09:41] Namaara MacMoragh: and then share it all… lol

[09:41] Buffy Beale: yay yes Tom is a great presenter

[09:41] BELOVEDROX: some people use something called Base camp

[09:41] Tom Bukowski passes 100 linden to Buffy

[09:41] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): assuming a smaller group size…
or a willingness to broadcast to a much wider group using On Air

[09:42] Zinnia Zauber: Wonderful, Tom, thanks, I will book you then!

[09:42] Ozma Malibu: Base camp! love it.

[09:42] Tom Bukowski: great

[09:42] Zinnia Zauber: Yes, what do you guys think of Base Camp? The
folks at Techsoup us that.
[09:42] Zinnia Zauber: *use

[09:42] Buffy Beale: lol Tom you don’t have to pay me I really admire your work

[09:43] Tom Bukowski: awww Thank you

[09:43] Buffy Beale: 🙂

[09:43] Ozma Malibu: I really like Basecamp because it organizes
projects so nicely, and people can be on the projects that are
relevant to them. You do need to have a responsive admin though.

[09:43] Tom Bukowski: And don’t worry I really didn’t pay you lol

[09:43] Buffy Beale: I haven’t used Base Camp, sounds interesting

[09:43] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): not familiar with Basecamp, but
haven’t be involved in a really complex project that requires a lot of
resource management and a dedicated project management platform

[09:44] Coughran Mayo: BaseCamp is good!

[09:44] Ozma Malibu: With Basecamp it

[09:44] Buffy Beale: lol Tom

[09:44] Namaara MacMoragh: so if we’re all using these other web-based
tools for collaboration I’d like to know how many folks are using SL
for collaboration… and how successful are we with it?

[09:44] Zinnia Zauber: Glitter, is there someone on your team that
could teach us more about Base Camp?

[09:44] Buffy Beale: good point Namaara

[09:44] Glitteractica Cookie: alebez

[09:44] Gentle Heron: Works well for me, Namaara.

[09:44] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): been able to get by using google
calendars to coordinate & collaborate on projects so far

[09:44] alebez: yea, i use basecamp

[09:44] Coughran Mayo: $$ though, it’s not free if you want to do
anything meaningful

[09:44] Glitteractica Cookie: alebez and the rest of the team.
Bulaklak knows a lot too

[09:44] Ozma Malibu: with Basecamp it is easy to find archived items
from old projects quickly if you need them again

[09:44] Zinnia Zauber: ale, how do you feel about doing a meeting about that?

[09:44] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): @Namaara, Been using SL for
collaboration quite a bit.

[09:44] Glitteractica Cookie: i think it’s an excellent idea

[09:45] alebez: blush. i could be convinced.

[09:45] Zinnia Zauber: hehe wonderful!

[09:45] Glitteractica Cookie: go alebez!

[09:45] Tom Bukowski: Just looked at the website, never used it but
looks cool, didn’t google try this with Wave or something?

[09:45] Zinnia Zauber: We are full of geniuses here!
[09:45] Zinnia Zauber: I love it!

[09:45] Namaara MacMoragh: I think that while we’re offering to talk
about these collaboration and work tools we should explore more how we
can maximize SL too or other virtual environgments.

[09:45] Glitteractica Cookie: Alebez and bulaklak are both the most
humble social media experts i know
[09:45] Glitteractica Cookie: none of the “I’m a rockstar” BS with
those two gems

[09:45] Tom Bukowski: Google Wave or Flow or Red Tide or Wash or
whatever they called it lol

[09:45] Zinnia Zauber: Agreed Namaara

[09:46] Namaara MacMoragh: I know we’ve gotten great presentations
form folks on what they’re doing, but how can we do it too… with all
these tools maybe.

[09:46] Tom Bukowski: Google Flush

[09:46] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Yes, definitely Namaara

[09:46] Namaara MacMoragh: I don’t know a step by step or something

[09:46] Tom Bukowski me apologizes, getting a bit punchy

[09:46] Glitteractica Cookie: What is google flush?

[09:46] Coughran Mayo: Google Wave is extinct

[09:46] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): lol

[09:46] Zinnia Zauber: hehe, Tom

[09:46] Namaara MacMoragh: Can you tell what’s on my mind most of the day… lol

[09:46] Zinnia Zauber: Too early to be punchy.
[09:46] Zinnia Zauber: Well, that is why we are here right?
[09:47] Zinnia Zauber: To learn more, engage, collaborate, and support
each other.

[09:47] Coughran Mayo: I’m here for the cookies later

[09:47] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): @Coughran, I think there are
elements of Wave in Google+… not as focused, but they’re there.

[09:47] Zinnia Zauber: you will get your cookies, mister!

[09:47] HB Eternal: Ooooo cookies!

[09:47] CarmenLittleFawn: hahahaha

[09:47] Zinnia Zauber: hehe

[09:47] CarmenLittleFawn: I have enjoyed all the dialog today

[09:47] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): @Coughran, Circles can be used for
specific project teams or ‘waves’

[09:48] Namaara MacMoragh: next time you’ll have to wear your blue
fuzzy avi Coughran

[09:48] Coughran Mayo: yes, I am using Google* zealously now

[09:48] Zinnia Zauber: This is wonderful. How many people have brought
in people in to virtual worlds so that you could create more
connections with them as a workspace?

[09:48] Namaara MacMoragh: I have

[09:48] Gentle Heron: yes yes yes

[09:48] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): yes

[09:49] Ozma Malibu: yes

[09:49] Tom Bukowski: Yes, doesn’t always work so well, but sometimes
works wonderfully

[09:49] Coughran Mayo: maybe a little

[09:49] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): it’s always an ongoing project…
one at a time
[09:49] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): sometimes takes a while before i’m
able to finally coax someone in 😉

[09:50] CarmenLittleFawn: yes

[09:50] Namaara MacMoragh: I lose folks when I don’t put in the
upfront user training to hedge off the learning curve or at least make
it not feel so formidble

[09:50] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Exactly, Namaara.

[09:50] Gentle Heron: quite so Namaara

[09:50] CarmenLittleFawn: that can happen

[09:51] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Helps when I’m able to provide the
mentoring support up front.

[09:51] Gentle Heron hasn’t seen Brique here in…. quite a while!

[09:51] Namaara MacMoragh: I know Gentle has done a great job with this.

[09:51] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): yes definitely 🙂

[09:51] Namaara MacMoragh: I’ve learned a lot from how she introduces new users.

[09:51] CarmenLittleFawn: 🙂

[09:51] Dancers Yao: yes,,need to have many Gentles!

[09:52] Zinnia Zauber: I love being the intro teacher for people coming into SL.

[09:52] Namaara MacMoragh: agreed Dancer
[09:52] Namaara MacMoragh: so we need to create a team of trainers

[09:52] Zinnia Zauber: I would be happy to be on that team!

[09:52] Namaara MacMoragh: that are like a front line “help” line

[09:52] Gentle Heron laughs at Dancer’s suggestion

[09:52] Tom Bukowski me agrees, can’t have too many Gentles

[09:52] Zinnia Zauber: hehe

[09:52] Namaara MacMoragh: Me too

[09:52] Zinnia Zauber: an army of Gentles!

[09:53] Gentle Heron: scary thought

[09:53] Jen (jenelle.levenque): I can teach taking a nap
[09:53] Jen (jenelle.levenque) giggling

[09:53] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): formidable ;D

[09:53] Par (parhelion.palou): Onward, Gentle army …

[09:53] Zinnia Zauber: Okay

[09:53] HB Eternal: an angel army if Gentle is involved

[09:53] Gentle Heron: Jen, you know so many tips and tools…..

Open Mic / Announcements

[09:53] Zinnia Zauber: let’s have our Open Mic Announcements!

[09:53] Namaara MacMoragh: OMG Par… now I’m going to be singing that
song all day

[09:53] Zinnia Zauber: Upcoming NPC Meetings

July 20 – Blu Heron – educator
and will talk about Universal
Design for Learning.

July 27 – Pooky Amsterdam –
Virtual World producer of
entertainment & experiences

[09:53] Magic Pathfinder (any1.gynoid): /brique is doing 17 hours
anniversary of Feed A Smile.. concert today

[09:54] Glitteractica Cookie: Brique has an announcement

[09:54] Zinnia Zauber: Who has one?

[09:54] Brique Topaz – Feed a Smile (brique.topaz): Hello everyone

[09:54] Glitteractica Cookie: hi!

[09:54] Zinnia Zauber: Brique!

[09:54] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): hi Brique

[09:54] Buffy Beale: yay Brique!

[09:54] Zinnia Zauber: Go for it!

[09:54] CarmenLittleFawn: when I get settled back into sl I can be of
assistance as well to others
[09:54] CarmenLittleFawn: Hi Brique

[09:54] Brique Topaz – Feed a Smile (brique.topaz): I’d like to invite
all of you to our 2nd Anniversary event.
[09:54] Brique Topaz – Feed a Smile (brique.topaz): It’s going on all day today
[09:54] Brique Topaz – Feed a Smile (brique.topaz): until 8PM
[09:55] Brique Topaz – Feed a Smile (brique.topaz): We’re trying to
hit the 7 million Linden mark
[09:55] Brique Topaz – Feed a Smile (brique.topaz): meaning 70.000
meals for the kids in 2 years.
[09:55] Brique Topaz – Feed a Smile (brique.topaz): So, if you have
time – come on over

[09:55] Glitteractica Cookie: I just made a donation!

[09:55] Brique Topaz – Feed a Smile (brique.topaz): Glitter – thank
you for those meals!

[09:55] CarmenLittleFawn: best of luck to your orgaization, and yes

[09:55] Brique Topaz – Feed a Smile (brique.topaz): Thank you.

[09:55] Glitteractica Cookie: it was that easy

[09:55] Zinnia Zauber: Great!

[09:55] Gentle Heron: How did you choose this date, Brique, during the
big Relay for Life push?

[09:56] Glitteractica Cookie: she has textures to pass out

[09:56] Brique Topaz – Feed a Smile (brique.topaz): Here’s the LM
Alison (113,217,23)
[09:56] Brique Topaz – Feed a Smile (brique.topaz): Well – it’s our

[09:56] Gentle Heron nods.

[09:56] CarmenLittleFawn: 🙂

[09:57] Zotarah Shepherd: Thank you

[09:57] Zinnia Zauber: Gentle, do you have an announcement?

[09:57] Brique Topaz – Feed a Smile (brique.topaz): I’ve got to run
now… time to change the stream..

[09:57] Gentle Heron: Yes thanks

[09:57] Brique Topaz – Feed a Smile (brique.topaz): bye and hope to
see you soon.

[09:57] Glitteractica Cookie: Brique can drop textures on folks who wnat them

[09:57] CarmenLittleFawn: bye tc

[09:57] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you!

[09:57] Glitteractica Cookie: or i can

[09:57] Gentle Heron: August 3/4 Virtual Ability hosts its annual
International Disability Rights Affirmation Conference (IDRAC2012).
The theme this year is “A Community of Communities.”

[09:57] Glitteractica Cookie: if anyone wants one, LMK. I have the
texture for the invite

[09:57] Magic Pathfinder (any1.gynoid): RFL runs 9 months every
year… Feed a Smile is a serious charity… all your donations feed
school children… only 15% of ACS donations go to research

[09:58] Zinnia Zauber: Great, thank you Magic.

[09:58] Namaara MacMoragh: Thanks everyone for a great meeting. I have
a RL presentation in a few minutes. Talk with you soon.

[09:58] Gentle Heron: Among numerous fantastic international
presenters, our own Chad Mikado will be presenting on a topic of
likely interest to NonProfit Commons members:
[09:58] Gentle Heron: how nonprofits that work with people with
disabilities (but this of course generalizes to all of our audiences)
can demonstrate effective community results.

[09:58] Zotarah Shepherd: Thank you for the great meeting

[09:58] Gentle Heron: Please watch our website for more announcements
about IDRAC2012.

[09:58] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you, Zotarah!

[09:58] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you, Gentle, that sounds super!
[09:59] Zinnia Zauber: Anymore announcements?

[09:59] CarmenLittleFawn: Thank you gentle 🙂

[09:59] Zinnia Zauber: Okay

[09:59] Jen (jenelle.levenque) raises hand

[09:59] Zinnia Zauber: Go for it Jen!

[10:00] Jen (jenelle.levenque): As many of you know our returning
soldiers are having major issues stemming from their service. One
thing we can do is have anyone who works with them ask if they ever
served in uniform

[10:01] Zinnia Zauber: Let me say, this isn’t the meeting we planned
for, but it has been awesome!

[10:01] Tom Bukowski: Yay

[10:01] Jen (jenelle.levenque): What has happened is Dr and counselors
treat the visible symptoms, not the root cause

[10:01] CarynTopia Silvercloud: yes, I enjoyed the meeting

[10:01] Gentle Heron nods to Jen.

[10:02] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Agreed, Jen.

[10:03] Zotarah Shepherd: Awesome people make for an awesome meeting.

[10:03] Zinnia Zauber: Totally!
[10:03] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you everyone for joining us!

[10:03] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): DoD still very concerned about the
rate of self-harm in returning service members.

[10:03] Gentle Heron: as well they should be!

[10:03] Jen (jenelle.levenque): The number of suicides in the US is
higher than the combat KIA

[10:04] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Yes, I agree. Great meeting given
the improv…

[10:04] Zinnia Zauber: indeed

[10:04] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): @Jen, And it seems they’re still
trying to figure out the causes…

[10:05] Magic Pathfinder (any1.gynoid): amazing and very sad Jen 🙁

[10:05] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you all for sharing your ideas and open mic items.

[10:05] Zinnia Zauber: Please contact me with meeting ideas.

[10:06] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): wonder if some of it might come
from TBI, given it’s also an element that’s somewhat unique this time
around with exposure to IEDs

[10:06] Zinnia Zauber: And, field trip ideas as well.

[10:06] Jen (jenelle.levenque): The causes are too much trauma in the
field and too little care when the get home

[10:06] Dancers Yao: you know if any of the PTSD virtual
counseling is helping the vets?

[10:07] Zinnia Zauber: I am going to ask my friend who has created a
PTSD sim to join us for a meeting.

[10:07] Jen (jenelle.levenque): I believe Anya Ibor is

[10:07] Par (parhelion.palou): I just saw an article that indicates
virtual counseling has helped … Army is using their own virtual

[10:08] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): the VA recently put out results of
a longitudinal study suggesting that virtual counseling has been

[10:08] Gentle Heron: There are a variety of approaches using VWs and
VR in treating PTSD, some work for some folks and other treatments for
others…. it has to be individualized

[10:08] Coughran Mayo: virtual counseling…that’s a crazy idea

[10:08] Gentle Heron: HAHAHA COughran now stop that

[10:08] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko):…

[10:10] Tom Bukowski: k, I gotta run, but thanks so much for this!

[10:10] Zinnia Zauber: This has been an amazing meeting!
[10:10] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you everyone!

[10:10] Tom Bukowski: I’ll see you all soon – this was great fun…

– End of Line –

Written by: Zinnia Zauber