University of Western Australia at the Nonprofit Commons this Friday November 4

On Friday, November 4, the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life welcomes JaJay Zifanwe, the School Manager of the Physics University of Western Australia (UWA) and the owner of the UWA presence in Second Life. Winner of the 2008 Google Earth ‘Build your Campus in 3D’ Challenge and shortlisted into the top 10 for the 2010 Linden prize, Jay Jay and his team have been driven by expanding the focus on Teaching, Research, Art & Architecture in Virtual Worlds.

The UWA “open art challenge” is awarding over 1 million Linden dollars to virtual artists this year, bringing public attention and funds to many innovators in 3D digital artistic expression.

Come find out about this innovative arts program in Second Life. That’s this Friday, November 4, starting at 8:30 PDT. Click image for teleport link below.<!– Begin Second Life Destination Link –>


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Written by: rikomatic

Seeking Psychological Counseling and Therapeutic Services in Virtual Worlds

Last friday at the Nonprofit Commons, we welcomed RJ Muni, licensed psychotherapist, to our amphitheater to talk with us about psychological counseling services he and his volunteers provide for Second Life residents at NewWays Counseling / Sunshine Garden.  We discussed other groups and individuals who were providing counseling and therapeutic services in-world, and I realized that it might be helpful to have a listing of those resources for others.

We have created a page on the Nonprofit Commons wiki here: .If you know of therapists, mental health centers and others providing psychological counseling in virtual worlds, please provide that information to nonprofitcommons@ so those can be represented.  And if there are already listings of these services somewhere online, we’d appreciate the link. Psychological counseling using virtual worlds is a strong use case that helps us all in discussing these tools with the public.

Written by: rikomatic

New Ways Virtual Counseling at Nonprofit Commons Friday October 28

On Friday October 28, at 8:30am PDT, we will be joined at the Nonprofit Commons by RJ Muni, a licensed psychotherapist who has been practicing in both the real world and in Second Life. We will talk with him about the New Ways Counseling in Second Life, and how it helps people with various psychological issues in both their “real” and “virtual” lives, and where those intersect. It should be a very interesting discussion on the therapeutic uses of virtual worlds.

Here’s how RJ Muni describes his practice:

In Second Life I’m known as RJ Muni, owner of the Sunshine Therapy Garden. In Real Life I’m a licensed psycho/hypnotherapist in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. When I first learned about SL, about 5 year ago, I was immediately interested from a professional perspective. How does a virtual world affect people? What tells the representation in SL about the RL person? How can a virtual world help to make people feel better? The Sunshine Therapy Garden offers an environment to make people feel better. It has personal activies, group activities and one on one counseling. The garden is my personal initiative. No fees are asked for garden activities or counsellng. The cost of operation is partly covered by donations.

Read this 2009 interview  with RJ in the Alphaville Herald for some background.

That’s this Friday, from 8:30am PDT, at the Plush Nonprofit Commons amphitheater See you then!

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Written by: rikomatic

SF Mayoral Candidate David Chiu at Online Community Meetup this Wednesday at NPC

The SF Online Community MeetUp is the free monthly gathering of online community managers, enthusiasts, and innovators to meet and discuss tools and strategies for building and managing effective communities. 

DavidChiuProfile 210Our guest speaker this month are President of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and San Francisco Mayoral Candidate, David Chiu, and his Mayoral Campaign’s New Media Director, Candice Dayoan. Join us to learn how the David Chiu for Mayor campaign is using new media to educate the citizens of San Francisco on pressing local issues and create civic engagement and learn about the online community challenges unique to political campaigns. The meetup will be on October 26, beginning at 7pm PT and last about one hour.

Here are all the ways you can take part in the event: 

Join the San Francisco Online Community Report MeetUp group on Facebook. The Online Community Meetup is sponsored by

Written by: rikomatic and Other TechSoup Web Resources Offline October 20-23

Please be aware that from October 20-23, and many of TechSoup’s online resources will be unavailable. The Nonprofit Commons blog and other web resources will remain online during this period.  Here is the complete message from TechSoup’s Patrick Duggan:

Beginning at midnight on Thursday, October 20, will be unavailable while we move several of our back-end systems to a new, long-term datacenter. We expect to be back online and fully functional by Monday morning, October 24.

During this time, TechSoup’s product donation programs and learning resources, community forums, and the TechSoup blog will all be unavailable. Also, users will not be able to access their account or donation request history information. Rest assured, this information will be unaffected by what we’re doing.

The ability of TechSoup’s Client Services to address any questions or concerns from our members will also be limited during this time, as they rely on the same systems that we’ll be moving. For any pressing matters, please contact Client Services via email at, and your question will be addressed as early as possible the following week.

Please see this page for more information.

Written by: rikomatic

Watch VW Documentary “Login 2 Life” Online or at NPC This Week!

watching "login 2 life" at NPC2

We are happy to share the news from our friend Draxtor Despres that the virtual world documentary “Login 2 Life” is now streaming for free on the web from today, October 17, until the end of this week.  If you would like to check it out, head to this link.

Or you can gather some friends and watch it together in Second Life at the Nonprofit Commons amphitheater! We have it embedded on a big screen at this teleport link.  So IM some friends , make some popcorn, and teleport on over.

Be sure and cheer when our long-time member and friend Gentle Heron is on the screen!

Written by: rikomatic

Chatlog from Nonprofit Commons Meeting October 7 2011 Featuring Daniel Moshel of “Login 2 Life”

Daniel Moshel, director of the new virtual world documentary “Login 2 Life.” to the Nonprofit Commons. Here is the full transcript of the meeting.  Thanks everyone for participating!


  1.  Introductions
  2. TechSoup Announcements
  3. Mentors Corner
  4. Daniel Moshel, “Login 2 Life”
  5. OpenMic/ Announcements


[8:31]  Rik Riel: Welcome everyone to the Nonprofit Commons weekly meetup

[8:31]  Gentle Heron: Hello Kate, Dancers, Aphilo.

[8:31]  Rik Riel: I see a few new faces here, and some old friends

[8:31]  Dancers Yao: Hello Gentle

[8:32]  Rik Riel: So its great to be here with everyone

[8:32]  Rik Riel: I’m Rik Panganiban , community manager of the Nonprofit Commons

[8:32]  HB Eternal: who is he calling old?

[8:32]  Rik Riel: As you probably know, this is a very special meetup

[8:32]  Gentle Heron: Hello Mia and Zotarah.

[8:32]  Rik Riel: We are pleased to welcome Da5id Lusch, aka Daniel Moshel, director of “Login 2 Life”

[8:32]  Zotarah Shepherd: Hello Gentle

[8:32]  Rik Riel: We’ll be getting to him in a a few minutes

[8:32]  Aphilo Aarde: Welcome DaSid

[8:32]  Da5id Lusch: I’m pleased to be here. Thx for invite

[8:33]  Rik Riel: But first as always we start with introductions.

[8:33]  Francesca Barnes: Mary-Frances O

[8:33]  Rik Riel: Please type into the text chat your real life name, location, organization, URL, and Twitter handle, if you would like.

[8:33]  Buffy Beale: Buffy Bye, Bridges for Women, Victoria BC Canada, @buffyb

[8:33]  HB Eternal: Harold W Becker, The Love Foundation, Florida,, @lovefoundation

[8:33]  Zinnia Zauber: Renne Emiko Brock-Richmond, Sequim Humanities and Arts Alliance, Sequim, Washington.

[8:33]  Chayenn Resident: monique richert, protect yourself , inc baltimore, MD, ,

[8:33]  Francesca Barnes: Mary-Frances O’Connor, UCLA

[8:33]  Gentle Heron: Virtual Ability, Inc.

[8:33]  DJ Earnshaw: Don Singleton, Tulsa, OK (DJ Earnshaw, Professor Viper) HelpingTulsa and APCUG, @donsingleton

[8:33]  Rik Riel: This is for everyone here, and for our transcript that we share later

[8:33]  Buffy Beale: ha HB slipping there today 🙂

[8:33]  Em Ellsmere: Tina Walker, The ALS Association,, @alsassociation

[8:33]  Da5id Lusch: Daniel Moshel

[8:33]  Knoh Oh: John Norris

[8:33]  Chad Mikado: Chad

[8:34]  Brena Benoir: Brenda Bryan, Preferred Family Healthcare, Kirksville, Missouri,, @brenabenoir

[8:34]  Dancers Yao: Kara Bennett, Elder Voices, Los Angeles, Health Care and Human Rights

[8:34]  Rik Riel: I’m Rik Panganiban, TechSoup Global, in Oakland CA, , @npsl @betterverse

[8:34]  Parhelion Palou: Jerry Welbourn, TechSoup contractor & generic volunteer, north of Baltimore, MD, no twitter

[8:34]  Ronnie Rhode: Denise Harrison, The Garden for the Missing, and SLURL, Project Jason, assistance for families of the missing,

[8:34]  Rik Riel: There’s nothing generic about Jerry!

[8:34]  Aldo Stern: Geoff Giglierano, Missouri Humanities Council,

[8:34]  Buffy Beale: yay Par!

[8:34]  Mia Kitchensink: I am with Molaskey’s Pub in sl

[8:34]  Nany Kayo: Nancy McDonald, VirtualNativeLands,

[8:34]  Buffy Beale: welcome Mia 🙂

[8:34]  Thinkerer Melville: Selby Evans bilgger

[8:34]  Kate Miranda: Kate Miranda, Music Island “Real Music in a Virtual World”

[8:34]  Mia Kitchensink: ty

[8:34]  Jadyn Firehawk: Pixel to Pixel Foundation, in sl

[8:34]  Aphilo Aarde: Scott MacLeod, World University & School (like Wikipedia with MIT OCW), (Twitter and much else:

[8:35]  Adalace Jewell: Corine Van Hellemont, RoSa Library Brussels, Belgium,, @adalace

[8:35]  Buffy Beale: welcome Aphilo great to see you here, Thinkerer too and Zot nice to see you again

[8:35]  Zotarah Shepherd: BEACH College and working on an MA in Education Technology at Sonoma State University in northern California.

[8:36]  Coughran Mayo: Hey Kate Miranda is here!

[8:36]  Buffy Beale: ooooo Yayy Kate!

[8:36]  Kate Miranda: 🙂

[8:36]  Gentle Heron: well, so is Coughran!

[8:36]  Rik Riel: Hi Coughran

[8:36]  Kate Miranda: As they say in Open Space, everyone who needs to be here is here

[8:36]  Buffy Beale: 🙂

[8:37]  Rik Riel: nice

[8:37]  Buffy Beale: WOW here’s my fav SL musician, the one and only avantgarde! hey av 🙂

[8:37]  Rik Riel: As we are finishing up introductions, let me tell you all the ways to find the Nonprofit Commons on the interwebs….

[8:37]  Rik Riel: Here are the many ways to can get involved with the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life:


Nonprofit Commons blog:



Google Group:

Google Calendar:


About TechSoup:


Weekly Networking Event: Wharf Ratz, Aloft, Tuesdays, 7-9pm SLT


Monthly Networking Event (1st Thursday):

Common Ground, Plush, 5PM-7PM SLT


NPC Promo Video

[8:37]  avantgarde Frequency: hi buffysan

[8:37]  Rik Riel: ah and there is In Kenzo

[8:38]  avantgarde Frequency: et al

[8:38]  Buffy Beale: 🙂

[8:38]  Gentle Heron: Hello Em, Avant, Francesca.

[8:38]  Rik Riel: In Kenzo, I am going to call on you in a bit for any TechSoup annnouncements

[8:38]  Rik Riel: But first lets’ go to Mentor’s Corner




[8:39]  Aphilo Aarde: Hello In Kenzo 🙂

[8:39]  Rik Riel: I believe Gentle is speaking on bealf of the mentors today?

[8:39]  Buffy Beale: yes that’s right Rik and while she’s setting up, a reminder

[8:39]  Zinnia Zauber: Rah Gentle!

[8:39]  Buffy Beale: that we meet following this meeting and all are welcome to join in

[8:39]  Francesca Barnes: Yeah, Gentle!

[8:39]  Buffy Beale: if you have questions or need help or just want to hang out and chat with us

[8:39]  BlakeLandau Resident: Good morning @blakelandau here from @techsoup

[8:39]  Buffy Beale: take it away Gentle 🙂

[8:40]  Gentle Heron: Are we ready to learn about “Planning Effective Slides for Presentations”?

[8:40]  Gentle Heron: This mini-lesson is about designing an effective professional presentation. It is not about the software you may use (often PowerPoint), nor is it about the projection technology. We will not discuss the best way to deliver a presentation in front of an audience.

[8:40]  Coughran Mayo: ha ha

[8:40]  Rik Riel: (excuse me while I change avatars….)

[8:40]  Coughran Mayo: its about tie

[8:40]  Coughran Mayo: time

[8:40]  In Kenzo: Thanks everyone

[8:40]  Gentle Heron: Rather our topic is the way you think about and design the visuals that accompany the presentation. Your overall goal is to make the content clear, relevant, and memorable.

[8:40]  In Kenzo: Great to be here

[8:40]  Gentle Heron: Hi InK!

[8:40]  Gentle Heron: Remember, your PowerPoint slides are used to enhance your overall presentation, not to replace you. So here are five ideas and a rule of thumb to help you plan a presentation that uses slides.

[8:40]  Gentle Heron: 1 Simple

It’s not a matter of keeping it simple. Often the information you will convey orally is not simple.

[8:41]  Gentle Heron: You must make your slides simple, no matter how complex the information being conveyed.

[8:41]  Gentle Heron: What is the gist of your presentation? You should be able to summarize your message in about 15 words.

[8:41]  Gentle Heron: You will be repeating these words throughout the presentation. Then you will add details, explanations, and background to what you show on the slides as you speak

[8:41]  Gentle Heron: If it takes more than a few seconds to understand the text on a slide, there’s too much text. The audience will spend its time reading instead of paying attention to what you are saying. Trying to do both at once means they will probably not do either thing well enough.

[8:42]  Gentle Heron: Space around the text on your slide can help focus audience attention. Fewer words can be as powerful as a barrage of information. Bullets are optional in making a list.

[8:42]  Gentle Heron: Charts and graphs can be so visually complex that they become eye charts for the audience. What is the gist of the information presented in the graph? Think how to show that point simply.

[8:42]  Gentle Heron: 2 Consistent

Consistency among your slides helps your audience focus on your spoken words rather than searching each slide for the meaning of its appearance.

[8:42]  Gentle Heron: Consistency is easier to achieve than simplicity.

[8:42]  Gentle Heron: PowerPoint offers simple templates that provide visual consistency throughout your presentation. Choose a consistent theme for your template, making sure the text is readable against the background.

[8:43]  Gentle Heron: Use only one or two san serif fonts.

[8:43]  Gentle Heron: These are the most legible types of fonts. San serif fonts include: Arial, Century Gothic, Franklin Gothic, Tahoma, and Verdana.

[8:43]  Gentle Heron: Choose a font you like, and use it consistently to help your audience read your simple text quickly.

[8:43]  Gentle Heron: 3 Focused

Your job as presenter is to change data into information, knowledge, and, you hope, wisdom. This means that during planning, your primary job is to focus the content.

[8:44]  Gentle Heron: What result do you want your audience to attain?

[8:44]  Gentle Heron: Focus on that goal. Be sure you can summarize it simply. State it consistently. All the other information you provide is ancillary.

[8:44]  Gentle Heron: It is not your responsibility to be a resource library on the topic. Rather, it’s important that you accept the responsibility to funnel and filter, to focus your message. The best gurus offer simple consistent advice.

[8:44]  Gentle Heron: This also means you must know your audience and its needs.

[8:44]  Gentle Heron: Think about your presentation from their perspective. They will be! What did you include in your presentation that is uniquely valuable for that specific audience? There’s your focus.

[8:45]  avantgarde Frequency: “the traveler on the longest journey carries the smallest pack”

[8:45]  Gentle Heron: Good point Avant.

[8:45]  Gentle Heron: Don’t trust your audience to draw their own conclusions.

[8:45]  Gentle Heron: The beginning and end of the presentation should be a statement of your focus. Every good presentation is a sales presentation.

[8:45]  Gentle Heron: When you begin talking, you are building the infrastructure for your audience’s understanding. Create the framework at the start of your presentation by beginning from a concise statement of your focus.

[8:45]  Gentle Heron: When you stop talking, you begin a dialog with your audience, whether you have a formal Q&A or you simply leave them to think about what you have said. Therefore it is important for you to simply restate your focus as your conclusion.

[8:46]  BlakeLandau Resident: interesting quote Avant.

[8:46]  Gentle Heron: 4 Vivid

Each slide should convey one idea. Remember, your mission is to make the presentation simple and focused. Yet with short simple text on a slide, once your audience is done reading, what else will they be thinking about?

[8:46]  Gentle Heron: We are a visual culture. Images draw and focus our attention, and our stimulate thinking.

[8:46]  Gentle Heron: Use images on slides to add an element of surprise. The audience should think “Oh!” when viewing the image you’ve chosen.

[8:46]  Gentle Heron: A good slide image isn’t simply a pleasant cosmetic. It is on the slide to help the audience focus on what you are saying.

[8:47]  Gentle Heron: Choose images that depict the content of your spoken presentation, that extend and enhance the printed text. The visual images you choose will create lasting mental images as they connect with your spoken words.

[8:47]  Gentle Heron: 5 Show, not tell

We’re a visual culture and we need the combination of oral and text content and visual images for full understanding. This means you should not plan to read your slides. That’s your audience’s task.

[8:47]  Gentle Heron: Your slides provide a vivid, focused support, a framework around which you fill in supporting details. The slides state the ideas simply, and you illustrate them with stories and anecdotes.

[8:47]  Gentle Heron: Stories help create emotional connections between ideas. They can be both entertaining and informative. People expect a dry presentation of facts leading to a conclusion when they read a research paper.

[8:48]  Gentle Heron: However, when attending a presentation, the audience expects in some measure to connect with the presenter.

[8:48]  Gentle Heron: The audience hopes you will show them information, not tell it to them. The use of simple vivid stories helps your audience focus on your message and remember it after you are finished.

[8:48]  Kali Idziak: Jessica Dally, Community Voice Mail, Seattle sneaking in

[8:48]  Gentle Heron: 6 Rule of Thumb

I call this the 5-20-20-30 rule.

[8:48]  Buffy Beale: lol Gentle that’s a good one

[8:48]  Gentle Heron: 5 main points

Less is more. Don’t put your entire spoken presentation in your slides. As a rule of thumb, each slide should list a maximum of 3-5 main points. As you speak, you will expand those points.

[8:49]  Gentle Heron: 20 slides

If you will speak for an hour, 20 slides is the maximum you probably need. Allow your audience to focus on simple text and vivid images as you tell them the message you want them to remember.

[8:49]  Gentle Heron: 20 seconds

That’s the maximum time you want your audience to use in absorbing the content of the slide. You want them to focus on your words as you tell the story that will help them remember your message.

[8:49]  Gentle Heron: 30 point font

This rule of thumb has two purposes. First, it ensures legibility. More important, it ensures simplicity. If you find yourself using smaller fonts to squeeze in more words, you probably have too many words on the slide.

[8:50]  Gentle Heron: That’s it in a nutshell. Planning the slides for your presentation takes effort. You want your message to be focused and simply stated. The slides need to be vivid, yet consistent in appearance. The visual presentation shows what you mean by adding another sensory input, while you tell your story.

[8:50]  Gentle Heron: (I’m done!)

[8:50]  Rik Riel: whew!

[8:50]  Nany Kayo: good info!

[8:50]  Rik Riel: that was a lot of info

[8:50]  Francesca Barnes: Very interesting!

[8:50]  Chad Mikado: Really great information, Gentle

[8:50]  Knoh Oh: super use of flowers!

[8:50]  Zinnia Zauber: Thank you Gentle! Awesome!!

[8:50]  DJ Earnshaw: yea gentle!!!!!

[8:50]  Francesca Barnes: Do you have the main points on a notecard, by any chance?

[8:50]  Da5id Lusch: thx a lot:-)

[8:50]  Mia Kitchensink: nice

[8:50]  Rik Riel: if you missed it, we’ll be posting this to our listserv later

[8:50]  Gentle Heron: Yes I have this as a notecard if anyone wishes.

[8:50]  Parhelion Palou: In 15 words or less?

[8:51]  Gentle Heron: HAHAHA Par

[8:51]  Rik Riel: In Kenzo, do you have any quick announcements for us?

[8:51]  Chayenn Resident: yes please i would like ur note card

[8:51]  Wytchwhisper Sadofsky: i would love a notecard please

[8:51]  Chad Mikado: All, we just did a webinar on accessible electronic documents and presentations. If you don’t mind the shameless plug, please see our archived webinar recording of it:

[8:51]  Buffy Beale: that was fantantic Gentle great going!

[8:52]  Buffy Beale: thanks Chad no plugs from our group here is shameless 🙂

[8:52]  Dancers Yao: thx Gentle would like notecard also

[8:52]  Wytchwhisper Sadofsky: ty gentle

[8:52]  Buffy Beale: *are shameless

[8:52]  Chad Mikado: cheers

[8:52]  Rik Riel: No other announcements, In Kenzo?

[8:53]  Rik Riel: Daniel, can you make your way to the stage

[8:53]  CarynTopia Silvercloud: Caryn Heilman, Topia Arts Center,, Bekshires, MA @topiaarts

[8:53]  In Kenzo: I think we’re mostly there

[8:53]  In Kenzo: Nonprofits Live on COllaboration will be on 10/25

[8:53]  Rik Riel: Draxtor, will you be joining him?

[8:54]  Draxtor Despres: yes if you insist Rik!

[8:54]  Draxtor Despres: :))

[8:54]  Rik Riel: as they are coming down, perhaps you might want to watch this quick trailer?

[8:54]  Rik Riel:

[8:54]  Draxtor Despres: oh oh

[8:54]  Zinnia Zauber: Rah Daniel and Drax!

[8:54]  Reinhold Waechter: yes yes yes

[8:54]  Buffy Beale: cheering! oooo and Reinhold is even here!

[8:54]  In Kenzo: Yay digital storytellers!

[8:54]  Draxtor Despres: there is analog in the movie too 🙂

[8:54]  Draxtor Despres: a little tiny bit

[8:55]  Draxtor Despres: hihihi

[8:55]  Buffy Beale: yay Draxie!



[8:55]  Rik Riel: Everyone please welcome Daniel Moshel , director of Login2 Life and Draxtor to the NPC

[8:55]  Da5id Lusch: Gentle never wants to sit next to me…would you gentle?

[8:55]  Draxtor Despres: just repeating Rik – there is a NEWS special preview of the film

[8:55]  Gentle Heron: The Draxtor fan club is out in full force today.

[8:55]  Draxtor Despres: here at this URL

[8:55]  Buffy Beale: yayyy

[8:56]  Buffy Beale: Cheering for Gentle

[8:56]  Aphilo Aarde: Yea, Drax!

[8:56]  Draxtor Despres: no Gentle – this is YOUR fanclub and Daniel’s!!!

[8:56]  Kate Miranda:                        *•.¸’*•.¸ ? ¸.•*´¸.•*

[8:56]  Kate Miranda:                   .•*?¨`•  APPLAUSE !!!  •¨`?*•.

[8:56]  Kate Miranda:                     ¸.•*`¸.•*´  ?  `*•.¸`*•.¸

[8:56]  Mia Kitchensink: yay

[8:56]  Draxtor Despres: they just don’t know it!

[8:56]  Draxtor Despres: My contribution is miniscule – let’s let Daniel speak!!!

[8:56]  Buffy Beale: cheers for the film

[8:56]  Rik Riel: And let’s hear it for Gentle, who is one of the featured subjects of the film!

[8:56]  Reinhold Waechter: cheers to Daniel and Gentle!!!

[8:56]  Reinhold Waechter: 5 years in the making

[8:56]  Mia Kitchensink: woo hoo

[8:56]  Aphilo Aarde: Yay, Daniel!

[8:56]  Chad Mikado: it’s really good so far

[8:57]  Reinhold Waechter: and finally an adequate depiction of SL in the mainstream media!!!!

[8:57]  Knoh Oh: Yay!

[8:57]  Da5id Lusch: thank you

[8:57]  BlakeLandau Resident: nice ;-]

[8:57]  Reinhold Waechter: i hope this comes to the US very soon!

[8:57]  Gentle Heron: Yes Reinhold…. that’s so important!

[8:57]  Mia Kitchensink: me too!

[8:57]  Reinhold Waechter: and World of Warcraft too – not everyone in these worlds is an escapist!!!!

[8:57]  Buffy Beale: yes Reinhold that’s the best part for me, finally a clearer picture of SL

[8:57]  Rik Riel: Daniel, perhaps you might introduce yourself and tell us what motivated you to make this film?

[8:57]  Da5id Lusch: I hope so too. Any hints for distribution are welcome:-)

[8:57]  Da5id Lusch: Ok I try to

[8:58]  Francesca Barnes: Sorry, I can’t run video today at the same time–any synopsis?

[8:58]  Da5id Lusch: Everything started when the mmo World of Warcraft was released and I subscribed. Immediately I was overwhelmed by the vast territory and the huge range of possibilities to play the game with others.

[8:58]  Kate Miranda: Actually I go to RL to escapt all my SL work 🙂

[8:58]  Da5id Lusch: In the 1st year I spent 30 whole days online. In this time I watched lots of the machinima work on YouTube, and I was very impressed by the variety and creativity of these flicks.

[8:58]  Da5id Lusch: You could find music videos, spoofs on TV shows, short films and ads made with game engines. The only thing missing was a documentary. This fact and the question “Who is the human behind the avatar’s appearance?” formed the basic idea.

[8:58]  Gentle Heron: (((Kate))) I know what you mean!

[8:58]  Coughran Mayo: Kate: aye aye that

[8:58]  Da5id Lusch: The second major point was that I missed in general a documentary about people engaging in synthetic worlds which showed the positive effects such worlds may bear within.

[8:59]  Da5id Lusch: Intense research led to Second Life and that opened up a wide horizon to me what is possible to reach engaging in 3d enhanced pixel worlds. After the idea was shaped to a concept and script, the team grew, we found our characters and we fought 5 long years to make this small documentary possible.

[8:59]  Kate Miranda: I know you do (((Gentle)))

[8:59]  Thinkerer Melville: I will post the presentation by Gentle on my blog — in a few days

[8:59]  Da5id Lusch: HOpe this answered my motivation?

[8:59]  Rik Riel: yes!

[8:59]  Rik Riel: Wow, 5 years

[9:00]  Da5id Lusch: yeah it’s average fo a film is 4 in Austria

[9:00]  Francesca Barnes: That’s a heck of a gestation!

[9:00]  Rik Riel: It must have been very difficult to make this complicated kind of documentary

[9:00]  Rik Riel: What were some of the main hurdles you faced?

[9:00]  Da5id Lusch: First of all our whole team did NOT consist of big player film biz names. For the decision makers, we were rookies with a good idea and this is often is not enough to receive funding.

[9:01]  Reinhold Waechter: we can be lucky that this film got made AT ALL!!!!!

[9:01]  Da5id Lusch: Secondly the idea was born when the major Second Life hype was fully in process. They said, “When the film will be done, the SL or WoW hype will be over. Then nobody will be interested in your film anymore.”

[9:01]  Empoleon23 Resident: e ai td bom com vcs

[9:01]  Da5id Lusch: They couldn’t understand that it was not about SL or WOW but about a new communication form which still is not a hype in the majority of 1st world society.

[9:01]  Rik Riel: very true

[9:01]  Da5id Lusch: It took me 5 years from the idea till the finished film. The odyssey started with the development funding.

[9:01]  Empoleon23 Resident: they speak english

[9:01]  Aphilo Aarde: (I’ll add it, and the trailer, as reference to World Univ & Sch’s Virtual Worlds’ subject page – – for further distribution)

[9:01]  Da5id Lusch: It took us 2 years to get the means to kick start the film. After that, we were able to find all the characters and develop the script.

[9:01]  Empoleon23 Resident: i am to

[9:01]  Da5id Lusch: After development was done, we were rejected concerning theatrical release. We had to reorient, and found out that there was an online proposal set up by a major German TV network dealing with the subject  “Login2Life” was about.

[9:02]  Da5id Lusch: We entered the proposal and after 4 months of fighting for pole position we were selected to receive funding, which made all other funders follow (the so called avalanche effect).

[9:02]  Da5id Lusch: Looking back I think the biggest problem was that we were young filmmakers trying to make a documentary about a very young phenomenon.-)

[9:02]  Rik Riel: nice!

[9:02]  Mia Kitchensink: 😀

[9:02]  Buffy Beale: 🙂 but that’s useful sometimes to just jump in

[9:03]  Chad Mikado: Just finished it… incredible

[9:03]  Draxtor Despres: adding to this – since distribution is changing soo much especially in the US

[9:03]  Mia Kitchensink: Great video

[9:03]  Chayenn Resident: yes just finished to watch it very touching

[9:03]  Draxtor Despres: it has become so flexible in terms of the path

[9:03]  Buffy Beale: yes it is touching and great going Aphilo!

[9:03]  Draxtor Despres: that this could very well after festivals have a theatrical release

[9:03]  Draxtor Despres: in certain territories – especially arthouse in the US

[9:04]  Da5id Lusch: haha I’d like to see this

[9:04]  Draxtor Despres: and in a way with iTunes, Netflix and Hulu – theatrical is somewhat irrelevant

[9:04]  Mia Kitchensink: me too

[9:04]  Buffy Beale: Draxtor do you have any openings in SL happening?

[9:04]  Draxtor Despres: ? Buffy?

[9:04]  Rik Riel: we’ll get to that in a minnute….

[9:04]  Draxtor Despres: oops crashed

[9:04]  Draxtor Despres: relogging

[9:04]  Buffy Beale: streaming it here in SL

[9:04]  Rik Riel: So you mentioned your motivation for making the film

[9:04]  Da5id Lusch: yep

[9:05]  Rik Riel: What are the main benefits virtual worlds and MMOs bring to peoples lives?

[9:05]  Rik Riel: in your opinino?

[9:05]  Rik Riel: opinion?

[9:05]  Da5id Lusch: It’s funny that you are asking a rookie

[9:05]  Da5id Lusch: While shooting the documentary, I realized that all seven ‘Login2Life’ characters have one thing in common:

[9:05]  Da5id Lusch: On long term you need to be sociable to sustain in these worlds and it’s interesting that the majority of society assumes the opposite in judging people who are active in online worlds.

[9:05]  Da5id Lusch: Accountable for this is the fact that 95 percent of the media coverage focuses on portraying the dangers of this phenomenon which for sure exist but they are not all-embracing.

[9:05]  Da5id Lusch: People are adaptive and learn to deal with the dangers without becoming a victim of the new communication and entertaining platforms. If the mainstream view would change for the better, involved people in general could talk more openly about their online activities without having to justify themselves.

[9:06]  Da5id Lusch: Secondly people contributing to other people always gain more social awareness. Maybe the level of awareness will one day be the same so that it doesn’t matter if inworld or in real life, because both are actually the same.

[9:06]  Da5id Lusch: …at least I think so.

[9:06]  Rik Riel: nice

[9:06]  Mia Kitchensink: Yes

[9:06]  Ethelred Weatherwax whispers: Sorry I’m late. Dave Dexter, neenah Historical Society, Wisconsin USA

[9:06]  Wytchwhisper Sadofsky: agreed

[9:06]  Rik Riel: Yes, that is our experience here as well.

[9:06]  Gentle Heron: agreed

[9:07]  Da5id Lusch: 🙂

[9:07]  Rik Riel: That the “virtual” is just as real as physical experiences.

[9:07]  jaynine Scarborough: nods

[9:07]  Rik Riel: and there is not giant wall between the two

[9:07]  Rik Riel: (welcome back drax)

[9:07]  Reinhold Waechter: Jaynine is here i thing?? OJaynine is here i thing?? One of the other main protagonists in the film!

[9:07]  Reinhold Waechter: WELCOME!!!!!!

[9:07]  Francesca Barnes: I actually think you should send this to the Daily Show. John Stewart can be remarkably willing to change his viewpoint.

[9:07]  Da5id Lusch: Nobody here likes the word VIRTUAL, right?

[9:07]  Rik Riel: Wow, another celeb from the film, nice!

[9:07]  Draxtor Despres: i am back!@

[9:07]  jaynine Scarborough: hello reinhold 🙂

[9:08]  Draxtor Despres: since the US market release comes after Eruo premiere and festival circuit

[9:08]  Rik Riel: (SL is lagging badly for me, so apologies for not seeing folks in the audience)

[9:08]  Draxtor Despres: we will be doing another big promo tour

[9:08]  Rik Riel: Last of my main questions, and then we can get to audience questions

[9:08]  Draxtor Despres: hopefully a few cool mainstream shows

[9:08]  Draxtor Despres: like the Daily Show

[9:08]  Rik Riel: Who do you see as the people who gain the most from being in virtual worlds and MMOs?

[9:09]  Draxtor Despres: or maybe Daniel at the Colbert Report???

[9:09]  Da5id Lusch: We are getting older and older. Once I heard Alice (Gentle Heron) saying “VAI is a group for the disabled and not yet disabled.”

[9:09]  Zotarah Shepherd: 47 people on the Map.

[9:09]  Da5id Lusch: I think the main benefit is that we now have communication devices which allow us to participate also when we become old and less mobile.

[9:09]  jaynine Scarborough: lol

[9:09]  Draxtor Despres: [i want to see Daniel and Colbert battling it out]

[9:09]  Da5id Lusch: That’s it

[9:10]  Alan Willowind: I’m new, what’s the topic about?

[9:10]  Draxtor Despres: topic is the upcoming SL/WoW doc “login2life”

[9:10]  Draxtor Despres: Daniel here on stage is the director

[9:10]  Buffy Beale: would it be possible for everyone in the film who is here to stand in the front for a group photo? after you’re finished

[9:10]  Rik Riel: that’s a fun idea

[9:10]  Draxtor Despres: movie premiered 10/17 non German pub TV ZDF

[9:11]  Draxtor Despres: and then streams for a week online before festival circuit

[9:11]  Buffy Beale: Alan see for more info about what the meeting is about

[9:11]  Da5id Lusch: Drax is my marketing machine. He is the best

[9:11]  Draxtor Despres: hahahaha

[9:11]  Draxtor Despres: i work for L$

[9:11]  Draxtor Despres: 🙂

[9:11]  Buffy Beale: yay Draxie!

[9:11]  Draxtor Despres: the recession made me do it!

[9:11]  Rik Riel: Anything else you wanted people to know about the film before we open it up for questions?

[9:12]  Da5id Lusch: I hope you#ll enjoy the film when you’ll see it.

[9:12]  Rik Riel: the film url is btw

[9:12]  Buffy Beale: hey Viale welcome 🙂

[9:12]  Da5id Lusch: no nothing. open for questions:-)

[9:12]  Draxtor Despres: i would add – please join the various groups and follow us on twitter

[9:12]  Rik Riel: and you can follow them at @login2life on twitter

[9:12]  Draxtor Despres: we will puiblish the URL

[9:12]  Da5id Lusch: yeah

[9:12]  Draxtor Despres: for online streaming on 10/18

[9:12]  Da5id Lusch: forget the marketing stuff

[9:12]  Draxtor Despres: which is the day ZDF publishes it

[9:12]  In Kenzo: nice

[9:12]  Da5id Lusch: 17th of OCT

[9:12]  Da5id Lusch: midnight CEST

[9:12]  Draxtor Despres: well i just want folks overseas to see it 🙂

[9:13]  Rik Riel: You can read my own review of the film on too

[9:13]  Draxtor Despres: only chance for now is online 🙁

[9:13]  Da5id Lusch: My intention is to breakdown the zdf servers

[9:13]  Buffy Beale: great Rik ty

[9:13]  Draxtor Despres: hahahahaha

[9:13]  You decline Science Friday @ Science School, Science School (23, 203, 28) from A group member named zazen Manbi.

[9:13]  Draxtor Despres: YES

[9:13]  Buffy Beale: lol!

[9:13]  Rik Riel: ok we have time for a couple of questions from the audience?

[9:13]  Draxtor Despres: LET US KILL THE ZDF SERVERS

[9:13]  Viale Linden: Nice image on the betterverse page

[9:13]  Draxtor Despres: and show them that the future of content is ONLINE

[9:13]  Buffy Beale: Question: will there be any celebration opening in SL for us to attend?

[9:14]  Lotta Flux: good idea Buffy!

[9:14]  Rik Riel: great idea!

[9:14]  Da5id Lusch: good question. Of course there will. but I can’t tell when.

[9:14]  Rik Riel: we’re happy to host a party here

[9:14]  You decline =BB= Builder’s Brewery – DOCKSIDE CLASSROOM from A group member named Auryn Beorn.

[9:14]  Draxtor Despres: i have a qustion to Daniel – picking up from Viale:will it be possible to release a few still photos from the film?

[9:14]  Buffy Beale: and we know how to throw a party 🙂

[9:14]  Aphilo Aarde: Daniel, What’s your favorite synopsis of the film online? URL? Is the film in or ?

[9:14]  Da5id Lusch: I hope right after the film i screened in Sundance..If it gets invited

[9:14]  Mia Kitchensink: Yes

[9:15]  Da5id Lusch: fav synopsis:

[9:15]  Draxtor Despres: good question Ahilo!!!

[9:15]  Draxtor Despres: someone gotta put it up on Wikipedia!!!

[9:15]  Draxtor Despres: if it ain’t there it ain’t existing

[9:15]  Draxtor Despres: should be on IMDB though

[9:15]  Draxtor Despres: i will check [as the senior marketing oficer]

[9:15]  Da5id Lusch: thomas should do the imdb thing but you know…

[9:16]  Da5id Lusch: time is passing slower here in Vienna

[9:16]  Draxtor Despres: in Vienna the time now is 1825

[9:16]  Da5id Lusch: any questions?

[9:16]  Buffy Beale: Question: I know it’s early but do you see a follow-up film to this one in the future?

[9:17]  Mia Kitchensink: Definitely

[9:17]  Da5id Lusch: you are not the first one asking

[9:17]  Rik Riel: it should be a series

[9:17]  Draxtor Despres: i have one – how hard was it to get folks to agree to open up for the camera???

[9:17]  Da5id Lusch: Right now I’m looking for topicws

[9:17]  Draxtor Despres: SL residents are famously guarded about their privacy [not me but others]

[9:17]  Aphilo Aarde: (I haven’t been able to get Wrold Univ & Sch up on Wikipedia because we haven’t had any 3rd party coverage yet –

[9:17]  Buffy Beale: yes there are many stories in SL, if we have a suggestion where do we send it?

[9:17]  Da5id Lusch: You can send suggestion to my mail adress

[9:17]  Buffy Beale: thanks

[9:18]  Da5id Lusch: ty

[9:18]  You decline =BB= Builder’s Brewery – DOCKSIDE CLASSROOM from A group member named Auryn Beorn.

[9:18]  Buffy Beale: was there any time you thought this is a bad idea?

[9:18]  Da5id Lusch: I’m glad to do get some hints…

[9:18]  Alan Willowind: why isn’st the voice turned on?

[9:18]  Buffy Beale: we don’t use voice here Alan, just chat

[9:18]  Nany Kayo: Hard question, Buffy!

[9:18]  Knoh Oh: Have you gotten much feedback from people who have never been in-world? Does this film make them want to try?

[9:19]  Rik Riel: We don’t use voice for our events here, to increase accessibility and to have an archive

[9:19]  Buffy Beale: you can see our other meetings on the web site link I gave you

[9:19]  Rik Riel: oo good questions!

[9:19]  Aphilo Aarde: Any way of guaging to what degree more folks< like those represented in the film, have come into virtual worlds?

[9:19]  Da5id Lusch: hmm

[9:19]  Nany Kayo: Who has worked very hard and not wondered whether they were wasting their time.

[9:19]  Da5id Lusch: Actually I showed the film maybe to 10 persons directly

[9:20]  Da5id Lusch: I don’t know.

[9:20]  Da5id Lusch: I hope we’ll see after it is broadcasted the 1st time

[9:20]  Francesca Barnes: Me sense a social psychology research project…

[9:20]  Draxtor Despres: rephrase the question Aphilo? not sure what you mean?

[9:21]  Aphilo Aarde: the film is young … but I’m curious if anyone disabled has seen it and gone into SL as a consequence

[9:21]  Draxtor Despres: no Aphilo – since the film has not aired yet

[9:21]  Da5id Lusch: not yet because it hasn’t been broadcasted

[9:21]  Draxtor Despres: but I am certain that a lot of “stakeholders” will see the possibilities

[9:21]  Coughran Mayo: that’s just a technicality Drax

[9:21]  Mia Kitchensink: That will be a wonderful thing.

[9:22]  Gentle Heron: People do come into SL because they are disabled, Aphilo.

[9:22]  Nuala Foxchase nods. “I’ve met a few.”

[9:22]  Draxtor Despres: the film clearly shows how SL can enhance the lives of many diverse people

[9:22]  Aphilo Aarde: Have other similar/related films had a similar consequence, which similar audiences you could then reach?

[9:22]  Rhiannon Chatnoir: once you do the digital release, are you planning on putting it out to other RL film festivals or open to doing screenings in cities

[9:22]  Draxtor Despres: in many ways – and that was evident at the press conference in Munich – NOT VERY MANY have even heard about SL much

[9:22]  Zinnia Zauber: I have shared your preview at lectures and it has inspired non – virtual worlds types to look more into what can be done here. Thank you for that.

[9:22]  Knoh Oh: (If there was a specific SLURL to an orientation area associated with the film, that might allow one to track.)

[9:23]  Nuala Foxchase: Likewise elderly people enjoying the fact they can be as active or as playful as they like without people judging by appearances. 😉

[9:23]  JoJa Dhara: @Rhiannon good question ..indeed luv to see that happening..

[9:23]  Zotarah Shepherd smiles at Gentle: Thanks in large part to Virtual Abilities

[9:23]  Draxtor Despres: and by that I mean strangely enough have not even heard/or forgotten about some of the hype in 06/07

[9:23]  Aphilo Aarde: Agreed, Gentle .. I’m curious about new disabled people coming in as a conseqence of seeing such as film as Loing2Life, and how even to measure this.

[9:23]  Aphilo Aarde: Yes, Knoh!

[9:23]  Da5id Lusch: @Rhiannon: We plan to release it first on a major festival after it is screened here in Germaany.

[9:23]  Gentle Heron: Good point,Nuala.

[9:23]  Rik Riel: TechSoup would be happy to help organize a showing of the film in San Francisco (the home of linden lab)

[9:23]  Draxtor Despres: so that is a very good thing I think personally! The film starts with a clean slate in public perception for many! Yes, there are typical preconceived issues you run in time and again but the public’s mind is FORGETFUL!!!

[9:24]  Zotarah Shepherd: SF I would go.

[9:24]  Rhiannon Chatnoir: would love to host it at SLCC of course and there are also regional SL/Metaverse groups around the country and in Europe

[9:24]  Nuala Foxchase: Personally, I think that the hype has worked against it to some extent. Too many people seem either shocked because they didn’t realise it was still going when the hype died down, or else that it’s just a 3D dating/sex simulator.

[9:24]  Alan Willowind: <———making a non profit movie for a non profit org.’

[9:24]  JoJa Dhara: @rhiannon me smiles 😉

[9:25]  Da5id Lusch: I’m overwhelmed with so many statements

[9:25]  Da5id Lusch: nedd time ztoi read it sorry I’m slow:-9

[9:25]  Draxtor Despres: @nuala but that is what I am saying: hype is long past and the recent Login2Life events we did showed that folks do not EVEN REMEMBER the bad things in that detauil 🙂

[9:25]  Rik Riel: perhaps you can read them and respond more later?

[9:25]  Rik Riel: We can share on and betterverse

[9:25]  Alan Willowind: why doesn’t someone turn on voice?

[9:25]  Da5id Lusch: yes. I’d like to see the filme screened in SF.

[9:25]  Nany Kayo: That is really insightful and inspiring, Drax

[9:25]  JoJa Dhara: Da5id we just wanna show the outworld how great this platform is!! 😉

[9:25]  Rik Riel: We don’t use voice for our SL meetings at the NPC generally

[9:25]  Da5id Lusch: I would be very thankful for this oppertunity

[9:26]  Buffy Beale: that’s great Alan maybe you can talk about it at one of our other meetings here

[9:26]  Gentle Heron: Thanks for that JoJa!

[9:26]  Alan Willowind: when?, Buffy?

[9:26]  Wytchwhisper Sadofsky: its easier to transcribe without voice

[9:26]  Da5id Lusch: That’s why I did the film

[9:26]  Draxtor Despres: let’s talk to Linden Lab about screening it in SF

[9:26]  Rik Riel: Daniel, we are so happy you were able to join us today!

[9:26]  Draxtor Despres: there is an org Rik and worked with

[9:26]  Draxtor Despres: BAVC – they screened Life 2,o in SF

[9:26]  Draxtor Despres: so all in due time!

[9:26]  Rik Riel: And we hope that you can return again

[9:26]  Aphilo Aarde: good idea, Drax!

[9:26]  Da5id Lusch: It is an honour. Thank you that you invited me

[9:26]  Draxtor Despres: Joja – do you guys get ZDF over the air in Holland?

[9:27]  Francesca Barnes: Wonderful, wonderful work!

[9:27]  JoJa Dhara: YESSSS!

[9:27]  Zinnia Zauber: Thank you for creating something wonderful!

[9:27]  Rik Riel: We will share more information about future screenings as we hear about it

[9:27]  JoJa Dhara: I am happy to see it!!

[9:27]  JoJa Dhara: from ZDF channnel

[9:27]  Draxtor Despres: please remember to join the in-world group or on FB or Twitter follow

[9:27]  JoJa Dhara: looking forward

[9:27]  Rik Riel: let’s thanks Daniel and Draxtor for speaking with us today

[9:27]  Francesca Barnes: applauds!!

[9:27]  Draxtor Despres: premiere = 10/17 + online stream for one week after!

[9:27]  Adalace Jewell: will do Drax

[9:27]  Mia Kitchensink: thank you

[9:27]  Buffy Beale: Alan speak to Rik after the meeting

[9:27]  Draxtor Despres: let us applaude Gentle

[9:27]  Draxtor Despres: and Jaynine

[9:27]  Da5id Lusch: Thank you folks that you appeared here. It’s great to see that there is a vast interest

[9:27]  JoJa Dhara: ( or else i will trravel to Germany for it 😉

[9:27]  Zotarah Shepherd: Thank you

[9:27]  talkwithmarie Resident: Thank you!

[9:27]  CarynTopia Silvercloud: thank you. I enjoyed the trailer and will look forward to seeing the entire doc

[9:27]  Buffy Beale: standing ovation for Gentle!!!

[9:27]  Draxtor Despres: and thank them for opening their hearts

[9:27]  Draxtor Despres: for the film!

[9:28]  Draxtor Despres: and Stroker as well

[9:28]  Zotarah Shepherd claps

[9:28]  JoJa Dhara: ~~?~~?~~?~~?~~?~~? APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE~~?~~?~~?~~?~~?~~?

[9:28]  JoJa Dhara: ~~?~~?~~?~~?~~?~~? APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE~~?~~?~~?~~?~~?~~?

[9:28]  JoJa Dhara: ~~?~~?~~?~~?~~?~~? APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE~~?~~?~~?~~?~~?~~?

[9:28]  Draxtor Despres: and the WoW guys

[9:28]  Wytchwhisper Sadofsky: ***** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE***********

[9:28]  Da5id Lusch: yeah she deserves it all.

[9:28]  HB Eternal: Amazing work

[9:28]  Buffy Beale: and fo rthe film it’s fantastic

[9:28]  Zotarah Shepherd:              ?(`’•.¸(`’•.¸ ? ¸.•’´)¸.•’´)?

[9:28]  Zotarah Shepherd: ? ´•.¸¸.? *A*P*P*L*A*U*S*E* ?.¸¸.•`?

[9:28]  Zotarah Shepherd:              ?(¸.•’´(¸.•’´ ? `’•.¸)`’•.¸)?

[9:28]  Draxtor Despres: [who are not here]

[9:28]  Zinnia Zauber: Thank you!!

[9:28]  talkwithmarie Resident: woot!woot! to the team!

[9:28]  Nuala Foxchase applauds!

[9:28]  BlakeLandau Resident: cheering

[9:28]  Kate Miranda: I hope the film distro goes great

[9:28]  Nuala Foxchase: Arf! Arf!

[9:28]  Chayenn Resident: bravo

[9:28]  Buffy Beale: can we have a group photo of all involved please

[9:28]  Rik Riel: It’s a very good documentary that I hope everyone will watch and support and show to their friends who don’t understand virtual worlds

[9:28]  Draxtor Despres: we can all make it great

[9:28]  Draxtor Despres: by joining togehter

[9:28]  Buffy Beale: yes we can Draxie

[9:28]  Draxtor Despres: and when the time comes to US distribution

[9:28]  Mia Kitchensink: I definitely will

[9:28]  Draxtor Despres: DEMANDING IT on cable

[9:28]  Da5id Lusch: hahah

[9:28]  Draxtor Despres: and local theatres!

[9:28]  Draxtor Despres: we can do this as a GRASS ROOTS effort

[9:29]  Draxtor Despres: i am quite serious!

[9:29]  Francesca Barnes: Agreed!

[9:29]  Rik Riel: Perhaps daniel and people in the film could stand together for pictures while we do our final Open Mic announcements?

[9:29]  Draxtor Despres: IN Europe the situation is much different

[9:29]  Da5id Lusch: Ok

[9:29]  JoJa Dhara: thank you

[9:29]  Gentle Heron: OK

[9:29]  Draxtor Despres: but in the US there are many more possibilities!

[9:29]  Da5id Lusch: here?

[9:29]  Buffy Beale: it’s time the public understood many of us are here for serious business in SL

[9:29]  Gentle Heron: Where do you want us Buffy?

[9:29]  Rik Riel: yes perhaps to stage left?

[9:29]  Buffy Beale: just up front so we can get the NPC sign in pls

[9:29]  Rik Riel: I hope that isn’t too confusing for people?

[9:30]  Aphilo Aarde: I’m curious about regular screen filmings in Second Life … perhaps similar to seeing the trailer on youtube with this conversation in SL for this Login2Life film … And I’d like to do something at WUaS with Shakespeare films, with regular screenings, and backchats –,_William – How often do screenings happen inSL?

[9:30]  Deutsche Notecards Rucksack: Dispensing…

[9:30]  Buffy Beale: that’s perfect Thanks

[9:30]  Buffy Beale: good there Gentle

[9:30]  Da5id Lusch: laag…

[9:30]  Draxtor Despres: ping me later about this Aphilo

[9:30]  Gentle Heron holds still for Buffy



[9:30]  Rik Riel: meanwhile if you have something to announce for the community, please say so and I will call on you in order

[9:30]  Buffy Beale: are there others in the group here who are in the film too?

[9:30]  Aphilo Aarde: will do …

[9:31]  Gentle Heron: aaugh Daniel crashed now!

[9:31]  Buffy Beale: Draxie can you get there

[9:31]  Buffy Beale: argh

[9:31]  Buffy Beale: don’t move anyone lol

[9:31]  Rik Riel: BTW, I need you to type your name since I can’t see names

[9:31]  Rik Riel: Buffy, do you want to announce the mentors meeting?

[9:31]  Buffy Beale: sure

[9:32]  Buffy Beale: and Draxie it’s ok you’re an important part of it

[9:32]  Buffy Beale: 🙂

[9:32]  Da5id Lusch: crashed

[9:32]  Buffy Beale: Welcome to all the new folks here, we meet every week, follow the agenda on

[9:33]  Buffy Beale: and we have a group here who will help anyone who has questions or needs any help

[9:33]  Buffy Beale: especially for our tenants but open to all

[9:33]  Buffy Beale: so please do join us following a short break when this meeting ends

[9:33]  Buffy Beale: perfect

[9:33]  Aphilo Aarde: (I’m looking for folks who would like to build a virtual Harbin Hot Springs, somewhat topographically realistic, in a virtual world … please friend me here)

[9:33]  Rik Riel: thanks buffy

[9:34]  Zotarah Shepherd: ooo I have been to Harbin

[9:34]  Buffy Beale: lol get a makeover Draxie

[9:34]  Aphilo Aarde: 🙂

[9:34]  Rik Riel: Quick announcment: its Breast Cancer Awareness month

[9:34]  Reinhold Waechter: yeah!!!

[9:34]  Reinhold Waechter: you need to go shopping Drax

[9:34]  Francesca Barnes: I think Drax looks great!

[9:34]  Rik Riel: head here for more info on Making Strides Against Breast Cancer

[9:34]  Rik Riel:

[9:35]  Rik Riel: we’ll host a donation booth in the NPC soon

[9:35]  Aphilo Aarde: (Here’s a Nonprofit Commons ‘ transcript I saved about World University and School –… ))

[9:35]  Aphilo Aarde: from 2010

[9:35]  Mia Kitchensink: I crashed. Does anyone have the text from this presentation?

[9:36]  Rik Riel: we’ll post it to

[9:36]  Mia Kitchensink: ok

[9:36]  Zinnia Zauber: Please join us for CommonGround Networking Party is Thursday, Oct 13, 2011 5:00 – 7:00 PM SL

[9:36]  Rik Riel: and our listserv

[9:36]  Buffy Beale: cheering for the film, and thanks for coming to speak with us here, it’s very exciting!

[9:36]  Rik Riel: CommonGround rocks!

[9:36]  Aphilo Aarde: I’ll add Login2Life as reference to WUaS’s Virtual Worlds’ wiki subject page – – where there are a lot of Second Life references, too.

[9:36]  Zinnia Zauber: Our party theme is “Totally Tartan” because we are mad for plaid! Dress up and join the party!


DJ DyVerse Khaos-Steele will be spinning amazing tunes to dance to.


Freebies! If you visit the party location now, you will find some excellent plaid party clothes donated by Shabby Chic!

[9:37]  Zinnia Zauber: CommonGround a fantastical themed event to bring our community together for awareness building and a fun networking.

[9:37]  In Kenzo: Love Shabby Chic 🙂

[9:37]  Buffy Beale: but a special cheer for our very own Gentle Heron who is making such a difference with her Virtual Ability

[9:37]  Mia Kitchensink: yay

[9:37]  Wytchwhisper Sadofsky: whoot

[9:37]  Knoh Oh: Yay!

[9:37]  Buffy Beale: Gentle is one of our key mentors here!

[9:37]  Chayenn Resident: bravo bravo gentle

[9:37]  Francesca Barnes whispers: applauds!

[9:37]  Zotarah Shepherd: Yay Gentle!!!

[9:37]  Aphilo Aarde: 🙂

[9:37]  Rhiannon Chatnoir: yay to Gentle 🙂

[9:37]  Zinnia Zauber: YAY Gentle!

[9:37]  Buffy Beale: standing ovation and cheering!

[9:37]  Dancers Yao: thank you Gentle

[9:38]  Aphilo Aarde: Yea, Daniel, Gentle, Drax!!!

[9:38]  Rik Riel: okay any other white hot announcements before I let you go?

[9:38]  Aphilo Aarde: Thank you!

[9:38]  Rik Riel: If not, let me thank you all for coming today to the NPC

[9:38]  Kate Miranda: bye all

[9:38]  Mia Kitchensink: bye

[9:38]  Zotarah Shepherd: Great meeting Thank you.

[9:38]  Rik Riel: we meet here every week at this time to host great speakers and have discussions on topics relevant to nonprofits and charities and improving the world

[9:39]  Rik Riel: Thanks especially to our guest Daniel Moshel

[9:39]  Rik Riel: and kudos to Jaynine and Gentle for getting the film treatment!

[9:39]  jaynine Scarborough: hugs and love daniel and draxtor 🙂

[9:40]  Rik Riel: have a fantastic Friday and weekend everyone

[9:40]  Wytchwhisper Sadofsky: u2!

[9:40]  Francesca Barnes: Bye, all@

[9:40]  Chayenn Resident: u2 rik

[9:40]  Rik Riel: Stick around for the Mentors group if you have stuff you want help with

[9:40]  Rik Riel: WOOT!!!!!

[9:40]  jaynine Scarborough: thank you buffy 🙂

[9:40]  Alan Willowind: I’m staying

[9:40]  Adalace Jewell: great meeting, thx all

[9:40]  Buffy Beale: you’re welcome jaynine 🙂 thanks for coming here today


Written by: rikomatic

Congrats to Winners of NPC Exhibit Booths Contest: Giving Circles, Floaters and Bridges for Women!

As part of the Nonprofit Commons 4th Anniversary Celebration, we had our members create booths to give information about their organizations for our visitors.  Several of you responded with some very creative booths. 

We asked DJ Earnshaw and Parhelion Palou to judge the best of the best, and these were their selections:

1st Place: Giving Circles Network

Giving Circles Booth NPC 4th anniversary

2nd Place: Floaters

Floaters booth NPC 4th anniversary

3rd Place: Bridges for Women

Bridges booth NPC 4th anniversary

Congratulations to our winners and thanks for everyone who participated!

Written by: rikomatic

Daniel Moshel, Director of “Login 2 Life” Documentary, Speaking at NPC this Friday October 7

Virtual ability screencap

This Friday, October 7, we are pleased to welcome Mr. Daniel Moshel, director of the new virtual world documentary “Login 2 Life.”  Daniel will be appearing along with Gentle Heron, one of the main subjects of the film and longtime member of the Nonprofit Commons, and Draxtor Despres, award-winning machinimatographer and musician who helped make the film.

This will be at our regular Nonprofit Commons meeting that starts at 8:30am PDT. As always we will have introductions, tips from our Mentors and other announcements prior to talking about “Login 2 Life”. To participate teleport over the Plush Nonprofit Commons amphitheater at this teleport link.

We look forward to seeing you there!

[For my own review of the documentary, see]

Written by: rikomatic

About the Avatar Charitable Trust

Lillie of Avatar Charitable Trust at NPC

Last Friday, September 30, 2011, we got introduced to the Avatar Charitable Trust, a new initiative to fund various arts, humanitarian, educational and general welfare causes in Second Life and the real world.  Ms. Lillie Radek , operations director at the Trust, was kind of enough to drop by and tell us about their work.

Read on for more information about the Trust….


A Foundation in Second Life for the purpose of:

(1) raise funds to be used to financially promote charitible endeavors for the arts, humanitarianism, education, and the general welfare of avatars in Second Life and people in real life,

(2) promote goodwill, personal fulfillment, and enjoyment among those in the Second Life community,

(3) promote non political, non sectarian, non discriminatory, and non violent causes for the good of us all, and

(4) improve the standard of our lives in the virtual world of Second Life.

If you would like to make a donation to the Trust, you may do so by (1) paying our Treasurer, Banks Copperfield, directly, or (2) giving directly to any of the Avatar Charitable Trust kiosks placed throughout Second Life. Kiosks are also located in our art gallery located in the Eclipse Arts Complex .

If you have questions about the Trust, or would like to apply for a grant from the Trust, contact our Executive Director, Chuk Edman, or our Operations Director, Lillie Radek Edman. Any of our board members would also be happy to help – Leslie Ekstein – Chairperson, Penny Althouse, and Frey Bravin.

To partner with us in the work we do, we invite you to become a member of our group. Please contact Chuk Edman or Lillie Radek Edman, or search for “Avatar Charitable Trust” in Groups.

See the AVENUE Magazine article about them in the  June 2011 issue at this link

Written by: rikomatic