Introducing Myself


I am the community manager for and for this Second Life group of Nonprofits that we are attempting to organize.

I would like to share a brief snapshot of what we are doing and what we have done.

In Brief:

Our most prominent project is the Nonprofit Commons. In this project, we will be donating offices in a nonprofit office complex in SL to Nonprofit orgs and helping them achieve their missions through the SL platform. We plan to launch this in the next month or two. We are waiting for the Anshe Chung Studios design team to deliver the fully outfitted sim to our specifications.

Here are some highlights of what we have done so far:

# We have ongoing weekly Friday meetings where we discuss our various projects in the TechSoup space in Second Life. These meetings occur at 8:30-10am PST.

# We had an exciting mixed-reality event, and you can read all about it here at Beth's Blog

You can see some video (unedited) of it here:

(When we get it edited, I will post the link to that more easy-to-watch formatted piece)

# We are working on an FAQ for Nonprofits in Second Life with tricks, tips and freebies for new residents. This will be for the Nonprofit Commons residents, and it will be an office in a box for NPOs in SL.

# We have a Nonprofit Directory that will teleport you around to visit other nonprofit organizations in Second Life. This will be redesigned soon, using the web tab in the user profile in SL. We will also have this directory linked from this site.

# We have a google discussion group for our ideas and plans.

# We have our bookmarks and inages saved under the tag NPSL:

#We have this website (built in drupal)

# To see the images of what this all looks like, check out the flickr tag NPSL, secondlife or techsoup.

We have many other plans, too many to list.

Please see the FAQ on what nonprofits can do in SL

Please see this">interview of a few orgs that are doing good work in-world

Also, please IM me in-world. I am Glitteractica Cookie, and I will be happy to help you. For starters, I recommend that all newbies join the google group and attend the Friday morning meeting.

Written by: Glitteractica_Cookie

My Introduction: Beth Kanter and Beth Kavka

My Introduction

RL: Beth Kanter

SL: Beth Kavka
I work as a trainer, coach, and consultant to nonprofits and individuals in effective use of technology. I work mostly on projects that include: training, curriculum development, research, and evaluation. Some of my expertise includes: how to use new web tools (blogging, tagging, wikis, photo sharing, video blogging, screencasting, social networking sites, and virtual worlds, etc) to support nonprofit.

I'm also a professional blogger and write about the use of social media tools in the nonprofit sector for social change at BlogHer, Netsquared, and my own blog, Beth's Blog.

If you want more detailed background, check my web site:
or my LinkedIn profile.

My musings about Second Life and Nonprofits and an article I co-wrote about it for TechSoup.

Written by: kanter

Welcome to the NPSL blog!

We blog about non-profit organizations and how they work in Second Life – to collaborate among themselves and with each other, engage with their publics, raise funds, teach, learn and further their real-world goals.

You'll find ideas, case studies, successes, failures and lessons learned. From the basics of SL to sophisticated tips, as long as it has a non-profit slant, it's welcome here.

If you're putting Second Life to work on behalf of the non-profit world, and you'd like to add your voice to ours, great! Check back soon for details.

Written by: admin