Transcript for August 31 NPC Meeting – The Power of Encouragement with Ruthe Farmer of The National Center for Women & IT

“The Power of Encouragement – it’s free, it’s easy, & it works” with Ruthe Farmer / Allene Sideways of The National Center for Women & IT for August 31 Nonprofit Commons Meeting

Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting
August 31, 8:30 AM SLT / PST
Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater

8:30 AM Introductions
8:40 AM TechSoup Announcements
8:45 AM Mentors Central
8:55 The Power of Encouragement – it’s free, it’s easy, & it works with Ruthe Farmer / Allene Sideways of The National Center for Women & IT
9:30 AM Open Mic / Announcements

– Unabridged Transcript –


[08:31] Zinnia Zauber: Welcome everyone to the Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting!

[08:31] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Hi Zinnia, thanks

[08:32] Zinnia Zauber: Hi there!

[08:32] APPLAUSE: A Hearty round of applause bursts from the crowd

[08:32] Zinnia Zauber: The Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is
sponsored by TechSoup Global.
[08:33] Zinnia Zauber: We are so happy you have joined us today!

[08:33] Glitteractica Cookie: It is also a program of the TechSOup
Global Community and social media team

[08:33] Zinnia Zauber: Let me share our Agenda for today!

[08:33] Glitteractica Cookie: (meaning, we not only sponsor it, we are
in it) 😉

[08:33] Zinnia Zauber: 8:30 AM Introductions

8:40 AM TechSoup Announcements

8:45 AM Mentors Central

8:55 The Power of Encouragement – it’s free, it’s easy, & it works
with Ruthe Farmer / Allene Sideways of The National Center for Women &

9:30 AM Open Mic / Announcements
[08:33] Zinnia Zauber: Yes, thank you Glitter.
[08:34] Zinnia Zauber: Let me also share a bunch of links with you as well.
[08:34] Zinnia Zauber: Here are the many ways to can get involved with the
Nonprofit Commons in Second Life:

Nonprofit Commons Blog:




Google Group:

Google Calendar:
[08:34] Zinnia Zauber: About TechSoup the sponsors of the Nonprofit Commons:
[08:34] Zinnia Zauber: So we like to start off with Introductions!

[08:35] Ronnie Rhode: Denise Harrison, The Garden for the Missing, and SLURL Remora (203,148,21),
Project Jason, assistance for families of the missing,

[08:35] Zinnia Zauber: Please state your real name, location, org, and
ways we can find you online.

[08:35] Buffy Beale: Buffy Bye, Bridges for Women, Victoria BC Canada, @bridges4women

[08:35] Zinnia Zauber: Our transcript is made public.

[08:35] Brena Benoir: Brenda Bryan, Preferred Family Healthcare,
Kirksville, Missouri, @brenabenoir

[08:35] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Jerry Buchko | Counselor, Coach, &
Tutor of Personal Finance in Private Practice | | @jerrybuchko

[08:35] Lyssa (janlyssa.serenity): Lyssa Rowan, Job
Accommodation Network, @JANatJAN

[08:35] Zinnia Zauber: Renne Emiko Brock-Richmond, Sequim Humanities
and Arts Alliance, Sequim, Olympic Peninsula, Washington. @renneemiko

[08:35] Par (parhelion.palou): Bilbo Baggins, north of Baltimore, MD,
generic volunteer, no twitter, no website

[08:35] Chayenn: monique Richert, protect Yourself 1, Inc., Baltimore
, Maryland,,, @PY1US

[08:35] Zotarah Shepherd: BEACH College, Santa Rosa, CA

[08:35] Allene Sideways: Ruthe Farmer, National Center for Women & IT, @ruthef

[08:35] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Bruce Hestley, Transgender American
Veterans Association, Akron, OH,,!/TAVAUS

[08:36] Deytiri Tukan (wiylbox): Deborah Tucker – What’s In Your Lunch Box?

[08:36] Dancers Yao: Kara Bennett, Elder Voices, Inc. Los Angeles, Ca
Health Care and Human Rights

[08:36] bulaklak: Michael DeLong, Senior Manager Online Community and
Social Media TechSoup Global,, San Francisco, USA
@MichaelDeLongSF @TechSoup

[08:36] Zinnia Zauber: If you join us late, please still introduce yourself!

[08:36] Tank Thibedeau (liltank.thibedeau): Ricky Davis, San Antonio Health advocate and believer that music
heals aka DJ

[08:36] alebez: Ale Bezdikian, Online Community Coordinator, TechSoup,
SF, Ca. @TechSoup, @alebez

[08:36] Glitteractica Cookie: Susan Tenby, Online Community and Social
Media Director, TechSoup global @suzboop @techsoup @npsl

[08:36] Andy Evans: Andy Evans, First Opinions Panel in SL; Social
Research Foundation, New York, NY

[08:36] Gentle Heron: Virtual Ability, Inc.
gives you access to our blog, Twitter, and Facebook

[08:36] Allene Sideways: I’m also @csedweek &

[08:36] Biji Mornington: BJ Wishinsky, formerly Anita Borg Institute
for Women & Technology. Currently consulting at TechSoup and Palo Alto
Open Space. @leapingwoman

[08:37] Allene Sideways: OMG Hi BJ!

[08:37] Biji Mornington: Hi, Ruthe!

[08:37] Tori Landau: Patricia Dean, volunteer event coordinator for
Open University sim in SL, Deep Think. I’m in the UK. Open University

[08:37] Zinnia Zauber: It is so great to see you all!

[08:38] Tank Thibedeau (liltank.thibedeau): xbox gamer tag Dyverse
Steele @dyverse_steele facebook ricky.g.davis

[08:38] Ozma Malibu: Sandy Andrews, Floaters Org – technology outreach
to those who would not otherwise have access – Arizona, Mexico and On
the Road

[08:38] Zinnia Zauber: Do you have friends you want to invite to our meeting?

[08:39] Sarvana Haalan: Sally Cherry, NPSL cheerleader :-), Baltimore,

[08:39] BELOVEDROX: Roxy Rocker National Service Inclusion Project

[08:39] Zinnia Zauber: You are always welcome to invite other groups
to our meetings!
[08:39] Zinnia Zauber: You can send them a note through your group
chat with the SLURL.
[08:40] Zinnia Zauber: We are trying to encourage others to join us
for these great meetings.
[08:40] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you all for introductions and sharing with people!

TechSoup Announcements

[08:40] Zinnia Zauber: Okay!
[08:40] Zinnia Zauber: It is time for TechSoup Announcements!

[08:41] bulaklak: Hi, folks! Thanks, Zinnia.
[08:41] bulaklak: We are excited to announce the official launch of
our local impact map

[08:41] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): hello! 🙂

[08:41] Zinnia Zauber: YAY!

[08:41] bulaklak: the local impact map allows you to visually explore
the positive impact of programs promoted and supported by TechSoup and
its donor partners around the world.

[08:41] Buffy Beale: Nice one!

[08:41] bulaklak: We have a couple great stories from the NPC community
[08:42] bulaklak: The Love Foundation and Elder Voices

[08:42] Zinnia Zauber: Wonderful!

[08:42] Sarvana Haalan: wooot, woot!!!

[08:42] bulaklak: Here is a link to the map so you can check it out:

[08:43] Dancers Yao: thank you we really appreciate this

[08:43] bulaklak: And we will continue to add stories to the map
ongoing so if you have an idea send it to

[08:43] Buffy Beale: looking great bulaklak

[08:43] Biji Mornington: So cool. Congrats on the launch!

[08:43] bulaklak: Thanks!
[08:43] bulaklak: Is anyone from the Love Foundation or Elder Voices here today?
[08:44] bulaklak: Okay, well next up we’d love to have your help with
a short survey.

[08:44] Dancers Yao: yes we thank you

[08:44] Zinnia Zauber: Dancers is

[08:44] Gentle Heron: Dancers is from Elder Voices.

[08:45] Dancers Yao: here from Elder Voices

[08:45] bulaklak: Oh, great!
[08:45] bulaklak: Just wanted to give you a special thanks for
contributing to the map.

[08:45] Zinnia Zauber: Rah Dancers!

[08:46] bulaklak: So TechSoup is interested in how nonprofits,
libraries, and other organizations provide internet and computer
access for their communities

[08:46] Dancers Yao: and thanks again to Zinnia and Gentle for their
encouragement to tell this story

[08:46] Glitteractica Cookie: We’d love to feature as many nonprofits
from this community as we can, especially those that are not in the
US! (although all of you who are with NPOs are welcome to get in

[08:47] bulaklak: This is a *very* short survey so please take a few
moments to fill it out so we can learn how your orgs are providing
[08:47] bulaklak: Or even if your org is just thinking about providing
computer or internet access to its community
[08:47] bulaklak: Here is the link:

[08:47] Sarvana Haalan: In Baltimore, they are working to turn the
“closed” rec centers into Tech center.

[08:48] Gentle Heron: Cool idea Sarvana!

[08:48] Sarvana Haalan: *centers for the communities
[08:49] Sarvana Haalan: I will share the link with the Baltimore Unwired team

[08:49] bulaklak: Lastly, I wanted to share a new member spotlight we
have on the Community homepage of The Community homepage
is a hub for our online community including the help forums and our
[08:49] bulaklak: The latest member we are shining a spotlight on is
Amazon Watch. They do pretty amazing work.
[08:49] bulaklak: Here is the link to the spotlight:
[08:50] bulaklak: And that’s all I’ve got for today. Thanks and have a
great meeting and great weekend!

[08:50] Glitteractica Cookie:

[08:50] Zinnia Zauber: Super!

[08:50] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Thanks bulaklak that was very interesting

[08:50] Zinnia Zauber: Any other news from TechSoup?

[08:51] bulaklak: None from me!

[08:51] alebez: I think that’s it, z

Mentor Central

[08:51] Zinnia Zauber: Super!
[08:51] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you guys!
[08:51] Zinnia Zauber: Okay! Mentor Central!
[08:51] Zinnia Zauber: So, I thought today I would give you guys homework.

[08:51] Sarvana Haalan: Wooot Mentor Central!!!!

[08:51] Zinnia Zauber: If you know me, you know I love to give homework.

[08:52] Sarvana Haalan: We love home work…. hehe

[08:52] Gentle Heron: Go Zinnia!

[08:52] Zinnia Zauber: We often talk about how we use SL as professionals.

[08:52] Sarvana Haalan: 🙂

[08:52] Zinnia Zauber: And, we use it for work.
[08:52] Zinnia Zauber: Our avatar is how we connect with people.
[08:53] Zinnia Zauber: How many of you are connected with your avatar?

[08:53] Jen (jenelle.levenque): I think I am, but not quite sure what you mean

[08:53] Gentle Heron: absolutely I am!

[08:53] Sarvana Haalan: I am, I think 🙂

[08:53] BELOVEDROX: I Am !

[08:53] Biji Mornington: I’m with Jen on this!

[08:53] Zinnia Zauber: Your avatar is a visual representation of you
and your professional reputation. Your avatar must communicate your
enthusiasm, openness, and mission to tap those productive, emotional
interactions and encourage participation that online communities
utilize as a form of personal branding and real influential guidance.

[08:54] Tilly-Floss (hjeidi): umbilically attached

[08:54] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): my server connection to my avatar
seems a bit laggy today, otherwise ok i guess… 😉

[08:54] Zinnia Zauber: Efficiently build credibility by embodying your
best self though your Authentic Avatar. Discover how to create an
expressive, consistent, and unique appearance and animations that
articulates your genuine motivation, fosters confidence, and to
differentiate you, your cause, and your business from other avatars.

[08:54] Tori Landau: I am both in that I feel she is me and that since
earlier this year my real identity is also now linked to my avatar

[08:54] Zinnia Zauber: Excellent!
[08:54] Zinnia Zauber: So, here is your homework…

[08:54] Sarvana Haalan: Jerry, I am lagging here today also

[08:55] Zinnia Zauber: Please review my slide show from the workshop I did at
[08:55] Zinnia Zauber: the Federal Consortium for Virtual Worlds

[08:55] Zinnia Zauber: Here is the link
[08:56] Zinnia Zauber:…

[08:56] Zinnia Zauber: I want you to please take the time to review.
[08:56] Zinnia Zauber: Please think about how you can define your mission.

[08:57] Biji Mornington: thanks, Zinnia. i REALLY need that!

[08:57] Zinnia Zauber: How does that sound?
[08:57] Zinnia Zauber: Can you guys do it?

[08:57] Deytiri Tukan (wiylbox): Excellent!

[08:57] BELOVEDROX: Great!

[08:57] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you for letting me give you some
homework, and let’s be our best selves in here!

[08:57] Buffy Beale: nice one Z and lol on my big pic in one of the slides

[08:58] Zinnia Zauber: Yes!
[08:58] Zinnia Zauber: Buffy you are one of my stars
[08:58] Buffy Beale: Zinnia made my skin btw
[08:58] Buffy Beale: awww ty Z

[08:58] Zinnia Zauber: 🙂
[08:58] Zinnia Zauber: You can see, that Zinnia looks like me, Renne.
[08:58] Zinnia Zauber: But we don’t all have to look like ourselves.
[08:58] Zinnia Zauber: just be ourselves.
[08:58] Zinnia Zauber: Okay! Thank you!

[08:59] Sarvana Haalan: Zinnia and Renne are stars!

[08:59] Zinnia Zauber: aww, thanks Sar!

The Power of Encouragement – it’s free, it’s easy, & it works with Ruthe Farmer / Allene Sideways of The National Center for Women & IT

[08:59] Zinnia Zauber: It is time for our speaker!
[08:59] Zinnia Zauber: Allene can you join me up here please?

[08:59] Sarvana Haalan: I truly to be my outgoing networking self…

[09:00] Buffy Beale: cheering for Allene!!!

[09:00] Sarvana Haalan: Welcome Allene

[09:00] Gentle Heron applauds for Allene.

[09:00] Allene Sideways: THanks!
[09:00] Allene Sideways: hi everyone

[09:00] Zinnia Zauber: I want you all to meet Ruthe Farmer / Allene Sideways.
[09:00] Zinnia Zauber: She is the Director of Strategic Initiatives at
the National Center for Women & IT, an organization seeking to
increase women’s meaningful participation in computing and information

[09:00] Sarvana Haalan: Wooot, wooot Allene

[09:00] Zinnia Zauber: She is the driving force behind the NCWIT Award
for Aspirations in Computing, a nationwide program for high school
young women interested in technology and is the Chair of Computer
Science Education Week 2012.

[09:00] Deytiri Tukan (wiylbox): YAH!

[09:00] Zinnia Zauber: Ruthe was formerly the national manager of STEM
education at Girl Scouts of the USA and holds an MBA in Social
Entrepreneurship from the University of Oxford Said Business School
and part of her masters’ research including methods and results in
Second Life.

[09:01] Sarvana Haalan: interesting…

[09:01] Zinnia Zauber: And, we went to undergrad together! I am so
proud to have her here today!
[09:01] Zinnia Zauber: Please take it away!

[09:01] Biji Mornington: Ruthe is a ROCK STAR of gender inclusion in
tech. Seriously!

[09:01] Allene Sideways: Thanx Renne!

[09:01] Jen (jenelle.levenque): I really hate to, but RL is demanding
me for another meeting

[09:01] Allene Sideways: & BJ
[09:01] Allene Sideways: Greetings, my name is Ruthe Farmer & I
represent the National Center for Women & IT and Computer Science
Education Week.
[09:01] Allene Sideways: I’ve been working in the gender & technology
world since 2001 when I joined the Girl Scouts as a STEM Program

[09:02] Glitteractica Cookie: Welcome

[09:02] Allene Sideways: I’m extremely passionate about equity for
women and girls and feel that meaningful participation of women in
technology is crucial to their economic security as well as the
quality of the technological innovations we create moving forward.
We can only imagine how the technical world will look once women have
an equal seat at the table. BTW SL has really great gender numbers in
terms of users.

[09:02] Allene Sideways: Slide 2
So why computer science?
[09:02] Allene Sideways: As you know it is Creative – Computing offers
the opportunity to create new technologies and imagine new worlds. If
you are a creative person – CS is a great way to use that in a career.
[09:02] Allene Sideways: It allows you to Solve Problems – no other
time in history has offered so much opportunity to have global impact.
Through technology we can address the great challenges of our time –
poverty, hunger, disease, space exploration. Individuals can make a
massive impact on the world.
[09:03] Allene Sideways: Scholarships – LOTS of scholarship money out
there for students interested in CS
Salaries – Computing jobs start around 60K for a new graduate and
median salaries are over 100K and…
[09:03] Allene Sideways: There are lots of Jobs – the US DOL predicts
1.4M new computing jobs by 2018 and right now there are two open jobs
in computing for every qualified person.
[09:03] Allene Sideways: Frankly the US needs more people in the
field. We live in an information economy that runs on technology, yet
our current educational pipeline will only produce 29% of the workers
needed to fill these jobs.

[09:04] Allene Sideways: Slide 3
So why is this a problem? The US has changed from a
farming/manufacturing economy to an information economy. Yet our
schools are essentially teaching the same curriculum that was
established in the late 1800’s – before modern technology existed.
[09:04] Allene Sideways: Computer science/technology is NOT a core
curricular course, it often does not count towards a math or science
graduation requirement, and is usually an elective course – competing
with art, music and languages. There is also a shortage of teachers
qualified to teach computing courses and no certification required.
[09:04] Allene Sideways: The National Center for Women & IT and
Computer Science Education Week are both working to address this
issue, seeking to improve the inclusion of women in the field and
increasing access to computing education for all students.

[09:05] Allene Sideways: Slide 4
One intervention we are really excited about is the NCWIT Aspirations
in computing program. This program identifies interested high school
girls and gives them the support and encouragement to continue.

[09:05] 01 Hifeng: seriously?? computer science isn’t mandatory in
american schools? wow

[09:05] Allene Sideways: Since 2007 we have inducted over 1500 young
women into this community and we are on target to recognize an
additional 1000 annually from here on out. The outcomes of this
program have been tremendous: 88% of participants enroll in a
traditionally male-dominated STEM major with 64% of girls majoring in
computer science.
[09:05] Allene Sideways: Yes, only 24% of US HS even offer it.

[09:05] 01 Hifeng: wow

[09:06] Allene Sideways: And over 80% of participants report sharing
about the program or computing in general with younger girls.

[09:06] Allene Sideways: Slide 5
We now have 55 local affiliate programs that serve girls around the
country in addition to a national level program. Girls are selected
and recognized locally, connecting them to peers as well as the
universities they might attend and companies where they might intern.

[09:06] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): (@01 Hilfeng – I don’t think
computers are even mandatory in American schools… 😉

[09:06] Allene Sideways: At the same time all participants are invited
to an online community of peers which provides support, encouragement,
and connections to scholarships, jobs and opportunities.
[09:06] Allene Sideways: Applications for this year begin on 9/15/12
and all the info can be found at

[09:07] Allene Sideways: Slide 6
Our evaluation shows that the small act of recognizing and encouraging
a girl’s talents really works. Girls report feeling more confident in
their tech skills, being more excited, and feeling less afraid.
[09:07] Allene Sideways: A favorite girl quote: “The experience for
applying for this award was a little doubtful at first, but eventually
I realized my experience in technology was noteworthy enough.”

[09:08] Biji Mornington: love that quote!

[09:08] Allene Sideways: BJ is familiar with this program
[09:08] Allene Sideways: Me too – heartstrings

[09:08] Allene Sideways: So on to encouragement – Slide 7
A colleague told me a story about her freshmen Intro to CS course –
that she took only because she couldn’t get into a different class.
She had intended to major in econ.
[09:08] Allene Sideways: Then her professor wrote on one of her exams
“Great job. Do you have a major? Come see me.” That small act of
encouragement changed her life and cost the professor nothing but the
effort to write it.
[09:09] Allene Sideways: There is significant power in words,
especially from an outside trusted source (i.e. not a parent). The
simple act of overly recognizing a student’s potential goes a long,
long way.
[09:09] Allene Sideways: When I speak to young people, I talk about
encouragement and promotion. I recommend they encourage THEMSELVES and
peers. It is easy, costs little and can only help.
[09:09] Allene Sideways: I also recommend they promote themselves and
promote others – so when an opportunity comes up – nominate yourself
or a friend. “Hey, my friend Jasmine is a great programmer, you should
put her on the team.”
[09:09] Allene Sideways: This is how the world works, how networks are
created and teams are built. I am working hard to encourage girls to
step up and ask for the opportunities they want and deserve – or
create them.

[09:10] Allene Sideways: Slide 8
Please check out and share with any young
women or teachers you know.

[09:10] Biji Mornington: quotable Ruthe Farmer: “There is significant
power in words, especially from an outside trusted source”

[09:10] Allene Sideways: Also, mark your calendar for Computer Science
Education Week 2012 – December 9-15 in honor of the birthday of
Admiral Grace Murray Hopper – the mother of computing. There are lots
of free activities and resources at
[09:11] Allene Sideways: Great quote from Admiral Hopper = “Be good
ships, a ship in the harbour is safe, but that is not what ships are
meant for. Go out and do new things.”

[09:11] Gentle Heron: YAY Grace Hopper!

[09:11] Allene Sideways: Thanks for having me and feel free to contact
me for more info. I’m happy to take some questions if we have time.

[09:11] Zinnia Zauber: Wonderful!

[09:12] Buffy Beale: Applauding!!

[09:12] Zinnia Zauber: We do have time!

[09:12] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Awesome! 😀

[09:12] Allene Sideways: Great!

[09:12] Zinnia Zauber: Does anyone have questions?

[09:12] Gentle Heron: QUESTION- Allene, for non educators, what’s one
most important thing we can do to promote girls in computing?

[09:12] Deytiri Tukan (wiylbox): Thank you so much Allene. I will
follow up because I want to become involved with you to support.

[09:12] Buffy Beale: great question Gentle

[09:12] Allene Sideways: If you see that a girl has interest or
aptitude – encourage her. T
[09:13] Allene Sideways: There are tons of free, online resources and
things to play with to get your feet wet.

[09:13] Buffy Beale: Question: Is there any outreach to other
countries or is this specific to the US?

[09:13] Ozma Malibu: Yes, thanks! I have noticed that the new Common
Core standards have moved toward including technology and engineering
as part of science, and that writing includes technical writing, so
there are a lot of other people who see the need in the US for
computer science in schools.

[09:13] Allene Sideways: for smaller kids
[09:13] Allene Sideways: for MS and HS and
[09:13] Allene Sideways: Also the just released MS
programming modules
[09:14] Allene Sideways: Also, make sure young women understand how
much good they can do through technology.

[09:14] BELOVEDROX: Thank you , what a great program. How are you
marketing to young female students with disabilities? What types of
accommodations have you provided?

[09:14] Allene Sideways: Girls are socialized to be in the “helping
professions”, yet most people don’t realize how much good can be done
through tech

[09:15] Sarvana Haalan: Indeed

[09:15] Biji Mornington: also

[09:15] Gentle Heron: oh good point there Allene.

[09:15] Allene Sideways: We market through the NCWIT K-12 Alliance
which includes K-12 orgs that serve girls both formal and informal
[09:15] Allene Sideways: I also pretty much spam everyone I can.

[09:15] Biji Mornington: and

[09:16] Allene Sideways: I had a girl from Boston who was a super
rockstar and would have won just on that. We didn’t know she was blind
until her teacher mentioned it.
[09:16] Allene Sideways: If you are looking to highlight young women
with disabilities achieving in tech, I can connect you to several of
the girls in our program
[09:17] Allene Sideways: But I’d welcome any connections to networks
that serve underserved groups!

[09:17] Deytiri Tukan (wiylbox): Great

[09:17] Allene Sideways: Another great resource is

[09:18] Biji Mornington: @belovedrox check out
re initiatives to engage people with disabilities and underrepresented
minorities in computing/IT careers

[09:18] Allene Sideways: they are a collaborative of girls/STEM
programs nationwide and a great way to find the small grass roots
efforts in your community

[09:18] BELOVEDROX: Great . Connect with me Allene

[09:18] Allene Sideways: I’m coming to Baltimore for the Grace Hopper
conf next month!

[09:18] Biji Mornington: Allene/Ruthe – I think your know CMD-IT
(Valerie Taylor’s nonprofit)

[09:19] Allene Sideways: Yes, I know Valerie
[09:19] Allene Sideways: She is an NCWIT member.

[09:19] Deytiri Tukan (wiylbox): Me too…

[09:19] Biji Mornington: another rock star!

[09:19] Allene Sideways: NCWIT is an organization of change leaders
working together on this issue.
[09:20] Allene Sideways: We love to connect and are hoping to build as
big a community as is needed to get to gender parity.

[09:20] Deytiri Tukan (wiylbox): Yahoo! and YAHS!

[09:20] Allene Sideways: We plan to go out of business. This shouldn’t
be an issue at all. 🙁

[09:20] Gentle Heron nods

[09:20] Allene Sideways: Any more questions?

[09:20] Zinnia Zauber: Question: How do we lead by example to
encourage more of this dialog?
I know when I was in HS and college I was the only girl in my
architecture and computer classes. And, people are always surprised
when they take my computer classes, they seem to start with “Oh, you
are the instructor!”

[09:21] Allene Sideways: First, if you have young women in your
classes, pay attention to how they are doing.
[09:21] Allene Sideways: Don’t call them out as special, but make sure
they are being included.
[09:22] Allene Sideways: It is helpful to just inform people. Most are
unaware of the issue and conflate using computers with creating
[09:23] Allene Sideways: I’ve had conversations w/ businessmen on the
plane who say “what about women in technology” when I tell them what I
[09:23] Allene Sideways: Most people just aren’t aware of the problem.
[09:23] Allene Sideways: but consider this: MOST of the technical
world around is being built w/o the input of 1/2 the population
[09:23] Allene Sideways: this is a problem
[09:24] Allene Sideways: First, because we aren’t getting the best
solutions possible (the first VM hung up on female voices bc it hadn’t
been designed by any women or tested w/ women)

[09:24] Biji Mornington: wow

[09:25] Allene Sideways: Second, we aren’t addressing the full suite
of problems that need to be solved because the design team is not
representative of the population

[09:25] Zinnia Zauber: Question: Are there more women using virtual
worlds and social media?

[09:25] Allene Sideways: Yes, social media has a lot of women and last
I heard SL was more than 40%
[09:25] Allene Sideways: could be different now
[09:26] Allene Sideways: We are excited about social media as a
possible avenue of women to move into tech jobs

[09:26] Biji Mornington: There are tons of experienced women in social
media and yet the men are still dominant as “the experts”

[09:26] Zinnia Zauber: Question: Could you please share with us your
biggest takeaway from your research in Second Life?

[09:26] Allene Sideways: also, social media is becoming more
sophisticated and demands more technology as it moves into mobile and
whatever comes next
[09:27] Allene Sideways: I have a team of 31 girls building a mobile
social app to connect tech minded young women
[09:27] Allene Sideways: It is an Android – they will be presenting it
at next month

[09:27] Zinnia Zauber: Super!
[09:28] Zinnia Zauber: Did you see my last question, Ruthe?

[09:28] Deytiri Tukan (wiylbox): indeed!

[09:28] Allene Sideways: Thanks everyone for the warm welcome

[09:28] Dancers Yao: wonderful work thank you

[09:28] Zinnia Zauber: Question: Could you please share with us your
biggest takeaway from your research in Second Life?
[09:28] Zinnia Zauber: We can end on this if that is okay.

[09:28] Allene Sideways: Yes, we interviewed faculty from Univ that
were using SL for educ purposes
[09:29] Allene Sideways: Two things were really salient
[09:29] Allene Sideways: SL is a great platform for people with disabilities

[09:29] Gentle Heron: Yes, in some ways!

[09:29] Allene Sideways: both for research by researchers w/
disabilities and to mitigate bias
[09:30] Allene Sideways: Also, at CU Boulder they are teaching CS 101
for nonmajors using SL and LSL
[09:30] Allene Sideways: they have seen the class grow from 20
students to 90 students
[09:30] Allene Sideways: and it is now 40% female
[09:31] Allene Sideways: I think there is something about the creative
aspect of building in 3D that attracts a more diverse student

[09:31] Zinnia Zauber: I totally agree!

[09:31] Allene Sideways: Thanks so much y’all!

[09:31] Zinnia Zauber: Wow, this has been wonderful!
[09:31] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you so much!

[09:31] Gentle Heron: Thank you Allene.

[09:31] Deytiri Tukan (wiylbox): Cheers. Thank you. So glad to be here!

[09:32] Zinnia Zauber: This is a lot for us to think about and share, right?

[09:32] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Yes, thank you.

[09:32] Buffy Beale: Cheering! great persentation thank you!

[09:32] Tori Landau: Agree re. the building in 3d and thank you so
much for the talk Allene, been very enlightening about the situation
in the USA

[09:32] Sarvana Haalan: Yes…. I just invited Grasshopper, a colleague

[09:33] Zinnia Zauber: Please remember to get your laptop up front.

[09:33] Biji Mornington: Yay, Ruthe! See you on the outside 😉

[09:33] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you very much, Ruthe!

[09:33] Sarvana Haalan: Thank you!!!!

Open Mic / Announcements

[09:33] Zinnia Zauber: Okay, it is time for Open Mic!
[09:34] Zinnia Zauber: Does anyone have announcements?

[09:34] Ozma Malibu: In the early days there was much concern because
in afterschool programs, it was the boys who wanted to use the
computers. But it was also clear that as soon as there was something
to DO with the computers that girls found interesting, they’d be just
as excited, and so it turned out. Hopefully this will continue at
higher levels of education & on. But if girls don’t learn to program,
they won’t be able to work on every level of creating the programs
that they find interesting.

[09:34] Ozma Malibu: sorry one more comment for Ruthe 🙂

[09:34] Zinnia Zauber: That is great, Ozma!
[09:35] Zinnia Zauber: If no one has announcements, I am sure we can
continue our inquiry about what Allene / Ruthe shared.

[09:36] Biji Mornington: shameless self-promotion: I’m looking for
nonprofit online community work/consulting if anyone needs help
outside SL.

[09:36] Zinnia Zauber: The Mentors are still looking for volunteers to
help with the Nonprofit Commons 5th year celebration. Please join them
after this meeting to discuss.
[09:36] Zinnia Zauber: Okay, Biji, thank you.
[09:37] Zinnia Zauber: Anyone else with announcements?

[09:37] Allene Sideways: If anyone would like to be a virtual judge
for the NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing go to
and click volunteer

[09:37] Zinnia Zauber: Great!

[09:37] Allene Sideways: oops

[09:38] Zinnia Zauber: Other announcements?

[09:38] Allene Sideways: works too

[09:38] Zinnia Zauber: super!
[09:38] Zinnia Zauber: A reminder of other ways to
[09:38] Zinnia Zauber: Join us inworld:

NPC Weekly Meeting on Fridays, 8:30 – 10 AM SLT Plush Amphitheater,
Plush Nonprofit Commons (91,127,26)

NPC Mentors Meeting: Fridays, 10:10 – 11 AM SLT Plush Amphitheater,
Plush Nonprofit Commons (91,127,26)

Wharf Ratz Tuesday Night Extraordinary Dance Extravaganza, Every
Tuesday 7 – 9 PM SLT Preferred Family Healthcare on Aloft, Aloft
Nonprofit Commons (168,223,22)

CommonGround – Color Themed Monthly Networking Event on 3rd Thursday,
5 – 7 PM SLT CommonGround on Aloft, Aloft Nonprofit Commons (59,68,25)

[09:40] Zinnia Zauber: I also want to say thank you to the TechSoup
Team for having me be the Community Manager for these few months. And,
thank you to all of you for your support while I did the job. It has
been a honor working with you all!

[09:40] Allene Sideways: Great job Zinnia

[09:40] Glitteractica Cookie: you’ve been great!!

[09:40] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you, Allene!

[09:40] Deytiri Tukan (wiylbox): Terrific, Z.

[09:40] Gentle Heron: Good job, Zinnia.

[09:41] Ronnie Rhode: You’re awesome Zin!

[09:41] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Thanks, Zinn.

[09:41] Zinnia Zauber: I love to encourage folks, point at them, and
tell them what to do. So this has been super!

[09:41] Dancers Yao: yes just great…are you continuing this position?

[09:41] Zinnia Zauber: Any more questions for Ruthe before we end the meeting?

[09:41] Brena Benoir: Thanks for your support and encouragement for
the community as well Zinnia!

[09:41] Buffy Beale: you do a great job Z!

[09:42] Zinnia Zauber: Rhiannon will be your new Community Manager.
[09:42] Zinnia Zauber: She starts right away!

[09:42] Buffy Beale: Wow Z that’s great but we need to give you a party 🙂

[09:43] Zinnia Zauber: Aww, let’s do it Sept 21!

[09:43] Buffy Beale: ok sounds good

[09:43] Zinnia Zauber: Okay!

[09:44] Ronnie Rhode: Great idea

[09:44] Ozma Malibu: So it’s decided, the Sept 21 party is ALSO in
honor of Zinnia.

[09:44] Zinnia Zauber: Let’s have a big group hug today for a photo!

[09:44] Ronnie Rhode: Three cheers for Zinnia!

[09:44] Gentle Heron smiles.

[09:44] APPLAUSE: A Hearty round of applause bursts from the crowd
[09:44] APPLAUSE: A Hearty round of applause bursts from the crowd
[09:44] APPLAUSE: A Hearty round of applause bursts from the crowd

[09:44] Zinnia Zauber: Aww, I just mean we have a party then! Thank you Ozma!

[09:44] APPLAUSE: A Hearty round of applause bursts from the crowd

[09:44] Buffy Beale: lol group hug time yayy

[09:45] Zinnia Zauber: Please join me up front for the group hug!

[09:45] Ozma Malibu: Z..whose enthusiasm carried the summer and
sparked the BD party!

[09:45] Zinnia Zauber: Click on the white disk to sit on it

[09:45] Sarvana Haalan: sorry… I crashed

[09:45] Ronnie Rhode: Yeah Ozma!

[09:45] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you all for this great meeting!

[09:46] Sarvana Haalan: What did I miss? White disk?

[09:46] Brena Benoir: click on the white disk at the bottom

[09:46] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you Allene for this super talk!

[09:46] alebez: i have to run z! you’re awesome! and thanks everyone
for a wonderful meeting!

[09:46] Tilly-Floss (hjeidi): ty 😀

[09:46] Zinnia Zauber: The Mentors meet at 10!

[09:47] Par (parhelion.palou): Camming in from the top is the best bet now

[09:47] Gentle Heron: If you are having trouble seeing the white disk
to click on it, try looking from overhead.

[09:47] Zinnia Zauber: Here are the many ways to can get involved with the
Nonprofit Commons in Second Life:

Nonprofit Commons Blog:




Google Group:

Google Calendar:

About TechSoup the sponsors of the Nonprofit Commons:

[09:47] Sarvana Haalan: no more space

[09:47] Tori Landau: i managed a sneaky click between someone’s legs °͜°

[09:47] Allene Sideways: bye every
[09:47] Allene Sideways: one

[09:47] Zinnia Zauber: Please join the group hug

[09:47] Allene Sideways: thatnks

[09:47] Par (parhelion.palou): Bye Allene

[09:47] Chayenn: have to go , have all a nice week end everyone Hugs

[09:47] Zinnia Zauber: Bye Allene thank you!

[09:47] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): bye alebez

[09:47] Tori Landau: Bye Allene!

[09:47] Zinnia Zauber: Take care everyone!

[09:48] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): bye Allene

[09:48] Brena Benoir: Bye to those leaving, have a great and safe
holiday weekends

[09:48] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): you too, Brena 🙂

[09:48] Tori Landau: bye everyone, see you next Fri °͜°

[09:48] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): bye Tori

[09:48] Buffy Beale: byee

[09:49] Zinnia Zauber: I love this group hug thingy!

– End of Line –

Written by: Zinnia Zauber

Tech Awards Laureates

Many of us are hard at work day and night applying technological tools to help mankind. Some of us get acknowledged, others are working hard and just have not caught their break yet. If you know someone, and you want to help them get that break, there’s a great competition going on to select Tech Awards Laureates. You can nominate someone by going to their website here:

Their website says that you can nominate an organization or an individual, and they would be in the running for a $50,000 cash prize for each category!!

The people you nominate should be who respond to humanity’s most pressing problems by applying a technological solution. They must demonstrate that they have sought to profoundly improve the human condition.

You can nominate people for one the following categories:
-Economic Development

Nominations will be accepted through March, 31st, 2010.

We are a community of people that engage in this very thing on a daily basis, and all of us know a few people who rock at doing these things. So help these incredible people get the recognition they need by nominating them. Spread the word about the competition to all of your friends and let’s find those Tech Awards Laureates that remain undiscovered and bring them out into the spotlight.

Written by: Layal