Building Cybersecurity Awareness for the November 3rd Nonprofit Commons Meeting

Join us Friday, November 3rd for the NonProfit Commons in Second Life meeting, this week focused on improving cybersecurity awareness. With the end of cybersecurity month this week, we are wrapping up our focus on the topic by talking about how to get your team or staff to be more cybersecurity aware. 


Join us in Second Life!


Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting 

Friday, November 3rd, 8:30 AM PT / SLT

Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater


AGENDA (all times below PT) 

▪ 8:30 am Introductions & Updates

▪ 8:45 am Mentors Central – Building Cybersecurity Awareness

▪ 9:00 am Featured Discussion – Cybersecurity discussion

▪ 9:45 am Community Open Mic & Announcements


The mission of the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is to create a community for nonprofits to explore and learn about virtual worlds, foster connections, and discover the many ways in which nonprofits might utilize the unique environment of Second Life to achieve their missions.



The Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is now peer governed and funded! If you would like to help support NPC, you can donate via PayPal to or send a donation in world to the avatar: NonprofitCommons Actor 

Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir

Cybersecurity Quiz & Discussion for the October 27th Nonprofit Commons Meeting

Join us Friday, October 27th for the NonProfit Commons in Second Life meeting. This month is cyber security awareness month, and we will be continuing on this topic by starting with a quiz based on a recent survey of US employees, and then compare and discuss our own personal Cybersecurity knowledge to the survey average. Have other pressing security questions? Bring those too for us to discuss during the meeting.


Join us in Second Life!


Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting 

Friday, October 27th, 8:30 AM PT / SLT

Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater


AGENDA (all times below PT) 

▪ 8:30 am Introductions & Updates

▪ 8:45 am Mentors Central – Cybersecurity Quiz

▪ 9:00 am Featured Discussion – Cybersecurity discussion

▪ 9:45 am Community Open Mic & Announcements


The mission of the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is to create a community for nonprofits to explore and learn about virtual worlds, foster connections, and discover the many ways in which nonprofits might utilize the unique environment of Second Life to achieve their missions.


The Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is now peer governed and funded! If you would like to help support NPC, you can donate via PayPal to or send a donation in world to the avatar: NonprofitCommons Actor 

Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir

Tips for Being Safer Online for the October 20th Nonprofit Commons Meeting

Join us Friday, October 20th for the NonProfit Commons in Second Life meeting, which will feature Jeroen Frans (Frans Charming in Second Life) who will present on cybersecurity risks, and go over tips on how to be safer online, both personally and for your organization.


Join us in Second Life!


Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting 

Friday, October 20th, 8:30 AM PT / SLT

Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater


AGENDA (all times below PT) 

▪ 8:30 am Introductions & Updates

▪ 8:45 am Mentors Central 

▪ 9:00 am Featured Discussion –  Tips for Being Safer Online

▪ 9:45 am Community Open Mic & Announcements


The mission of the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is to create a community for nonprofits to explore and learn about virtual worlds, foster connections, and discover the many ways in which nonprofits might utilize the unique environment of Second Life to achieve their missions.


The Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is now peer governed and funded! If you would like to help support NPC, you can donate via PayPal to or send a donation in world to the avatar: NonprofitCommons Actor 

Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir


Join us Friday, October 13th for the NonProfit Commons in Second Life meeting, which will feature Niela Miller (Marly Milena in Second Life) who will lead a workshop using creative ideas and processes as tools for you and your organization. She will be presenting information and engaging you in a few short exercises designed to generate data that you wouldn’t acquire by thinking or talking alone. She offers a bibliography and some principles underlying much of her work for further exploration. Have colored pens or pencils and some paper at your workstation to participate in the exercises.  


Niela Miller, M.S. Education/Communications- Gestalt therapist, composer, musician, artist, actor, educator, trainer, coach, educational designer, facilitator. In SL since 2007. Founder: Octagon:Creative Exploration/ Facilitator: Adventures in Lifelong Learning, Whole Brain Health. See for more.



Join us in Second Life!


Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting 

Friday, October 13th, 8:30 AM PT / SLT

Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater


AGENDA (all times below PT) 

▪ 8:30 am Introductions & Updates

▪ 8:45 am Mentors Central 

▪ 9:00 am Featured Discussion – Niela Miller (Marly Milena)

▪ 9:45 am Community Open Mic & Announcements


The mission of the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is to create a community for nonprofits to explore and learn about virtual worlds, foster connections, and discover the many ways in which nonprofits might utilize the unique environment of Second Life to achieve their missions.

The Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is now peer governed and funded! If you would like to help support NPC, you can donate via PayPal to or send a donation in world to the avatar: NonprofitCommons Actor 

Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir

Open Forum for October 6th Nonprofit Commons Meeting

Join us Friday, October 6th for the NonProfit Commons in Second Life meeting, which will feature an open forum and is a chance to chat on upcoming events and conferences, and updates on what other NPC community members are working on. It will also be an opportunity to ask any burning tech, social media, or community questions you might have. 


Join us in Second Life!


Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting 

Friday, October 6th, 8:30 AM PT / SLT

Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater


AGENDA (all times below PT) 

▪ 8:30 am Introductions & Updates

▪ 8:45 am Mentors Central 

▪ 9:00 am Featured Discussion – Open Forum 

▪ 9:45 am Community Open Mic & Announcements


The mission of the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is to create a community for nonprofits to explore and learn about virtual worlds, foster connections, and discover the many ways in which nonprofits might utilize the unique environment of Second Life to achieve their missions.

The Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is now peer governed and funded! If you would like to help support NPC, you can donate via PayPal to or send a donation in world to the avatar: NonprofitCommons Actor 

Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir

9/29 NPC Meeting: Intro to Screen Capture and Live Streaming

Friday, September 29th Nonprofit Commons in Second Life meeting features Michael Bailey (Marcus Llewellyn in Second Life), who will present on how to screen capture and stream live. In this hands-on workshop, you will be walked through the steps of using free and open source tools and your computer to capture your screen or camera (whether for machinima or classroom instruction) and also how to stream live to YouTube. 


If you want to follow along and participate in the workshop, make sure to download and install the open-source app Open Broadcaster Software at and have a verified YouTube account that you can login to


Join us in Second Life!


Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting 

Friday, September 29th, 8:30 AM PT / SLT

Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater


AGENDA (all times below PT) 

▪ 8:30 am Introductions & Updates

▪ 8:45 am Mentors Central 

▪ 9:00 am Featured Discussion – Intro to Screen Capture and Live Streaming 

▪ 9:50 am Community Open Mic & Announcements


We will be streaming this live on YouTube for those wanting to attend outside of Second Life. Live stream will start at 9AM Pacific at


The mission of the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is to create a community for nonprofits to explore and learn about virtual worlds, foster connections, and discover the many ways in which nonprofits might utilize the unique environment of Second Life to achieve their missions.



The Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is now peer governed and funded! If you would like to help support NPC, you can donate via PayPal to or send a donation in world to the avatar: NonprofitCommons Actor 

Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir

Uncovering the User by Looking at the Avatar for 9/22 Nonprofit Commons Meeting

Join us Friday, September 22nd for the NonProfit Commons in Second Life meeting, which will feature Amy Cross (millay Freschi in Second Life) who will present on her research surveying Second Life users about their avatars. What do avatars say about their users and how do they effect changes in our offline lives? Amy will go over some interesting observations from her survey of Second Life users has so far revealed and give a glimpse into the dissertation research that led to the survey.


Amy Cross is a PhD candidate at the University of Maine. Millay is her avatar and has been her virtual doppelganger for 20 years, beginning in Excite’s Virtual Places in 1997. Amy’s interdisciplinary studies center around virtual world technology and peace and reconciliation studies. Amy is the founder of the Four Bridges Project in Second Life and an independent consultant in the design and development of virtual world applications.


Join us in Second Life!


Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting 

Friday, September 22nd, 8:30 AM PT / SLT

Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater


AGENDA (all times below PT) 

▪ 8:30 am Introductions & Updates

▪ 8:45 am Mentors Central 

▪ 9:00 am Featured Discussion – Uncovering the User by Looking at the Avatar 

▪ 9:45 am Community Open Mic & Announcements


The mission of the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is to create a community for nonprofits to explore and learn about virtual worlds, foster connections, and discover the many ways in which nonprofits might utilize the unique environment of Second Life to achieve their missions.

The Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is now peer governed and funded! If you would like to help support NPC, you can donate via paypal to or send a donation in world to the avatar: NonprofitCommons Actor 

Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir

Open Forum for the September 15th Nonprofit Commons Meeting

Join us Friday, September 15h for the NonProfit Commons in Second Life meeting, which will feature an open forum and is a chance to chat on recent events l conferences, and updates on what other NPC community members are working on. It will also be an opportunity to ask any burning tech, social media, or community questions you might have. 


Join us in Second Life!


Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting 

Friday, September 15th, 8:30 AM PT / SLT

Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater


AGENDA (all times below PT) 

▪ 8:30 am Introductions & Updates

▪ 8:45 am Mentors Central 

▪ 9:00 am Featured Discussion – Open Forum 

▪ 9:45 am Community Open Mic & Announcements


The mission of the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is to create a community for nonprofits to explore and learn about virtual worlds, foster connections, and discover the many ways in which nonprofits might utilize the unique environment of Second Life to achieve their missions.

The Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is now peer governed and funded! If you would like to help support NPC, you can donate via paypal to or send a donation in world to the avatar: NonprofitCommons Actor 

Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir

#hashtags #hashtags #hashtags for #virtualgood for September 8th NPC Meeting

Join us Friday, September 8th for the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life meeting, which will feature a discussion on what hashtags are, why to use them. and how to create searchable success stories with your social media posts.

Join us in Second Life!

Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting 

Friday, September 8th, 8:30 AM PT / SLT

Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater 



AGENDA (all times below PT) 

▪ 8:30 am Introductions & Updates

▪ 8:45 am Mentors Central 

▪ 9:00 am Featured Discussion – #hashtags #hashtags #hashtags for #virtualgood 

▪ 9:45 am Community Open Mic & Announcements


The mission of the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is to create a community for nonprofits to explore and learn about virtual worlds, foster connections, and discover the many ways in which nonprofits might utilize the unique environment of Second Life to achieve their missions.


The Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is now peer governed and funded! If you would like to help support NPC, you can donate via PayPal to or send a donation in world to the avatar: NonprofitCommons Actor 


Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir

Celebrate NPC’s 10th Anniversary August 25th & Vote on the NPC Founding Board

This Friday, August 25th, NonProfit Commons in Second Life is celebrating our 10th Anniversary! Join us for a fun Silver Theme with parties starting at 8:30 AM SLT and another at 5 PM SLT! Find out more about NPC’s history at

Also, please VOTE for the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life Founding Board by Thursday, August 24, 2017 at 4PM SLT PT. Details and vote here –

Join us in Second Life! 
Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting

Friday, August 25h, 8:30 AM PT / SLT

Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater


AGENDA (all times below PT / SLT)

▪ 8:30 am Introductions & Updates

▪ 8:45 am Mentor’s Central – a History of the Nonprofit Commons community

▪ 9:00 am Featured Discussion – NPC Show and Tell, Stories, and Recognition

▪ 9:30 am Meet and greet at CommonGround Plaza in the Nonprofit Commons Aloft region for NPC Networking dance event.
And, a second NPC Celebration time later in the day at 5 PM SLT in the Nonprofit Commons Aloft region.
The mission of the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is to create a community for nonprofits to explore and learn about virtual worlds, foster connections, and discover the many ways in which nonprofits might utilize the unique environment of Second Life to achieve their missions.

The Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is now peer governed and funded! If you would like to help support NPC, you can donate via PayPal to or send a donation in world to the avatar: NonprofitCommons Actor



Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir