Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir
Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir
This Friday, April 24th, TechSoup’s NonProfit Commons in Second Life we will have an open forum that will give us a chance to ask deeper questions from our past week’s topics, discuss upcoming Nonprofit Commons events and other projects such as the design and planning of our community welcome area and resource library. It will also be an opportunity to ask any burning tech or community questions you might have.
Join us in Second Life!
Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting
Friday, April 24th, 8:30 AM PT / SLT
Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater
AGENDA (all times below PT)
The mission of the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is to create a community for nonprofits to explore and learn about virtual worlds, foster connections, and discover the many ways in which nonprofits might utilize the unique environment of Second Life to achieve their missions.
Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir
This Friday, April 17th, TechSoup’s NonProfit Commons in Second Life is happy to feature Jacques Macaire (jacmacaire Humby in SL), who will discuss Earth Day, environmental awareness and sustainability. Earth Day is an annual global event celebrated on April 22nd to show support for the protection of our planet and those living on it. This year is Earth Day’s 45th anniversary and the year to change our future, by becoming ourselves the leaders. It’s our turn to lead.
Jacques will also share some of the sustainability action and work with the nonprofit HUMANBE he founded, and also with the other nonprofits he helps as Sustainable Human Development Director of PROTECT YOURSELF1 or with EARTH GUARDIANS FRANCE which is part, on April 22, 2015, one of the biggest grassroots effort in History on Earth Day by planting trees or seeds, with the ONE BILLION TREE project. He will also introduce us to the actions of its youth founder, Xiuhtezcatl, a 14 year old boy.
Join us in Second Life!
Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting
Friday, April 17th, 8:30 AM PT / SLT
Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater
AGENDA (all times below PT)
The mission of the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is to create a community for nonprofits to explore and learn about virtual worlds, foster connections, and discover the many ways in which nonprofits might utilize the unique environment of Second Life to achieve their missions.
Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir
This Friday, April 10th, TechSoup’s NonProfit Commons in Second Life will feature Jean Albert Renaud (JarHorseman in SL) who will introduce his program Project Arrowhead in support of National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day.
Created in 2012 by twelve founding partners, National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day (NYHAAD) is a day to educate the public about the impact of HIV & AIDS on young people and is now officially recognized by AIDS.gov. Today’s young people are the first generation, who has never known a world without HIV and AIDS. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in four new HIV cases is among youth ages 13 to 24. While there has been much talk about an AIDS-free generation, we know that this is not possible without our nation’s youth and prevention programs that address the youth needs.
Jean Albert Renaud (JarHorseman in SL) is a visionary, music producer and former Motown songwriter and recording artist. JAR is a celebrated international horseman and horse breeder who has trained horses and riders for members of the royal families of Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom. His horsemanship is featured in many documentaries. He has combined these skills, resources and energies as an activist, to launch efforts to raise awareness about Human Rights issues, to empower youth, protect wild horses and promote HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention practices. It is through his vision and commitment that Protect Yourself1, was founded in 2004. JAR developed Project Arrowhead, a program that empowers and protects America’s Treasures: America’s youth, the future builders of our nation and the Mustang, who helped transform America’s wilderness into the foundation for today’s contemporary society. Project Arrowhead, connecting at-risk youth and horses, is designed to raise the consciousness level of youth on ecological issues and urban concerns. In 2013, Jean Albert Renaud was selected as a BMe leader, and his program Project Arrowhead was selected as a recipient of the 2013 Miami Foundation Black Male Engagement Fund.
Join us in Second Life!
Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting
Friday, April 10th, 8:30 AM PT / SLT
Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater
AGENDA (all times below PT)
The mission of the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is to create a community for nonprofits to explore and learn about virtual worlds, foster connections, and discover the many ways in which nonprofits might utilize the unique environment of Second Life to achieve their missions.
Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir
This Friday, April 3rd, TechSoup’s NonProfit Commons in Second Life will feature Rameshsharma Ramloll (Ramesh Ramloll in Second Life), of DeepSemaphore LLC. The need to match rapidly and precisely unanticipated changes in learning requirements is well established by virtual exercise designers and facilitators. RezMela™ allows subject matter experts create, tailor and manage avatar based interactive 3D virtual training environments in minutes without any programming or 3D modeling skills. The approach enables intuitive and deep control and monitoring of virtual content components from their growing library.
Rameshsharma Ramloll, PhD Computer Science (Lancaster University UK), BTech Computer Science & Engineering (IIT Kanpur, India) has been developing immersive virtual learning environments for diverse user groups during the past seven years on platforms that include Second Life and OpenSim. He is currently the CEO/CTO of DeepSemaphore LLC, an E-Learning and Simulation Solutions company.
Join us in Second Life!
Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting
Friday, April 3rd, 8:30 AM PT / SLT
Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater
AGENDA (all times below PT)
The mission of the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is to create a community for nonprofits to explore and learn about virtual worlds, foster connections, and discover the many ways in which nonprofits might utilize the unique environment of Second Life to achieve their missions.
Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir
This Friday, March 27th, TechSoup’s NonProfit Commons in Second Life will feature Saffia Widdershins, one of the lead organizers of the virtual version of the violence against women activism focused event One Billion Rising.
ONE BILLION RISING began as a call to action based on the staggering statistic that 1 in 3 women on the planet will be beaten or raped during her lifetime. With the world population at 7 billion, this adds up to more than ONE BILLION WOMEN AND GIRLS. On February 14, 2013, men and women in Second Life will join activists, writers, thinkers, celebrities, and people across the world to Walk, Dance, and Rise as a show of unity, individual strength, and the need for change. The objective of the event is to raise awareness, not to raise funds; however, information about real-world organisations will be available for those wishing to donate.
Join us in Second Life!
Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting
Friday, March 27th, 8:30 AM PT / SLT
Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater
AGENDA (all times below PT)
The mission of the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is to create a community for nonprofits to explore and learn about virtual worlds, foster connections, and discover the many ways in which nonprofits might utilize the unique environment of Second Life to achieve their missions.
Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir
This Friday, March 20th, TechSoup’s NonProfit Commons in Second Life will feature a visit to the Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education virtual conference (http://vwbpe.org). VWBPE is a global grass-roots community event focusing on education in immersive virtual environments, including research, health and nonprofit presentations. We will meet as usual, and then after introductions, and a chance to share announcements, we will travel to the panel focused around the Virtual Ability disability support community.
Join us in Second Life!
Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting
Friday, March 20th, 8:30 AM PT / SLT
Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater
AGENDA (all times below PT)
In addition to the Virtual Ability panel, there are many nonprofit topic focused panels happening, and NPC community members presenting this year, and we encourage community members to check them out. You can view the full schedule at: http://vwbpe.org/conference/vwbpe-2015-calendar, and check out the NPC member presentations below.
The mission of the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is to create a community for nonprofits to explore and learn about virtual worlds, foster connections, and discover the many ways in which nonprofits might utilize the unique environment of Second Life to achieve their missions.
Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir
This Friday, March 13th, TechSoup’s NonProfit Commons in Second Life will feature a recap on the recent #NTC15 Nonprofit Technology Conference and the Federal Consortium for VIrtual Worlds, as well as a looking forward to the Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Conference. We will touch on relevant panels, and brief overview of how to create an account and hypergrid if you are planning on attending VWBPE OpenSimulator events.
Join us in Second Life!
Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting
Friday, March 13th, 8:30 AM PT / SLT
Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater
AGENDA (all times below PT)
Our regular Mentor’s meeting will follow the regular meeting, which is a chance for any questions, help, and this week, a special opportunity to check in for VWBPE if you are a presenter this year.
The mission of the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is to create a community for nonprofits to explore and learn about virtual worlds, foster connections, and discover the many ways in which nonprofits might utilize the unique environment of Second Life to achieve their missions.
Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir
This Friday, March 6th, TechSoup’s NonProfit Commons in Second Life will feature Nika Aleksejeva, from Infogr.am, and a discussion on how you can use data as a compelling way of telling social good stories.
Nika is a passionate data storyteller currently working at Infogr.am, a popular data visualization service. She is in charge of Infogram.org, the company’s non-profit arm which aims to enhance data literacy while bringing the power of data visualization to local communities worldwide. Nika comes from a journalism background – her work involved writing on business topics and making data-driven stories about energy, global economic trends and education. Seeing the future in digital journalism, she continues to work and share the knowledge that helps to develop new communication forms.
Join us in Second Life!
Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting
Friday, March 6th, 8:30 AM PT / SLT
Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater
AGENDA (all times below PT)
The mission of the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is to create a community for nonprofits to explore and learn about virtual worlds, foster connections, and discover the many ways in which nonprofits might utilize the unique environment of Second Life to achieve their missions.
photo by Intersection Consulting
Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir
This Friday, February 27th, TechSoup’s NonProfit Commons in Second Life will feature Kathleen Watkins (Serene Jewell in SL) who will present on online identity and privacy. You might use Facebook to log in to other online services, or have heard about #nymwars that focused on online identity, come learn and discuss these topics and how they relate to how you interact (and login) online.
About Kathleen / Serene:
Kathleen Watkins left a job as a nonprofit administrator in 1995 to become a trainer and developer in the emerging phenomenon known as the world wide web. Two years later she formed Nitecat Media, a San Francisco video and website production company with her partner Scott Wiseman. For more than a decade they created multimedia productions for corporate and nonprofit clients including Google, Consumers Union, Zeiss Humphrey and Toyota. Kathleen joined Second Life in 2006 and is now creating projects in Opensim. She recently graduated from San Francisco State University with a degree in Anthropology. Her coursework included an academic internship with Virtual Ability, Inc. As her avatar Serene Jewell, she also created the Metaverse Tours group that leads regular hypergrid excursion trips – https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/101358455712632179919.
Join us in Second Life!
Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting
Friday, February 27th, 8:30 AM PT / SLT
Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater
AGENDA (all times below PT)
The mission of the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is to create a community for nonprofits to explore and learn about virtual worlds, foster connections, and discover the many ways in which nonprofits might utilize the unique environment of Second Life to achieve their missions.
Image by forester401
Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir