This Friday, May 17th, Nonprofit Commons in Second Life will feature a discussion led by Cynthia Calongne (Lyr Lobo in Second Life) on digital storytelling and discovering what your story is for social good. Join us as we explore how to identify and share your story about what makes you feel good, stay well, and care about social good.
Join us in Second Life, 8:30 AM PT / SLT, at the Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater at http://bit.ly/NPCinSL
AGENDA (all times below PT)
8:30 am Introductions & Updates
8:45 am Mentors Central & Announcements
9:00 am Featured Discussion – Digital Storytelling: What is Your Story for Social Good
9:50 am Community Open Mic & Announcements
The mission of the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is to connect communities for social good through education, networking, and collaboration. http://nonprofitcommons.org
#VirtualGood #nptech #EdTech
Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir