Introducing “”

I am a Dad.

I became a father about three and a half years ago by adopting a little girl in my immediate community that needed a mom and a dad. My wife and I had looked at adopting internationally but ultimately decided that there was so much need in our own backyard that we would grow our family through social services. My wife and I started out as foster parents and ultimately segued into finalising.

Being engaged in the that community and gaining so much from it, my wife and I began to think it would be a good idea to give back to it. There are few online resources that are dedicated to supporting parents of children who were in the foster system. About a week ago we acquired, com, and net with the intent of cobbling together a site rather quickly. In comes Drupal.

Using Drupal core, contributed modules, and a contributed theme, my wife and I (in the evenings) put the site together in about a week. One of our goals was to get the site ready for November 1 because November is National Adoption Awareness Month in the United States.

The site is a simple concept. It provides:

  1. Forums for discussion on Adoption Issues relating to adopting older kids
  2. Listings of books that are helpful in raising kids who were adopted at an older age
  3. Listings of resources that might be helpful
  4. Blogs
  5. And ultimately there will be a listing of adoption services

The goal of the site is simple–A Virtual Support Group for parents to share a common experience in dealing with the adoption of traumatized kids.

If you are the parent of a child adopted a little later in life. If you are the parent of a kid who you adopted from social services. If your kid was traumatized before he or she came into your life, If you are a parent looking for other parents with similar may provide you with sounding board and a support system.

Over next weeks and months we will continue to work on the site improving its functionality and usability. My hope is that it becomes a dynamic and vibrant community.

Written by: Creech