BreakThru: Virtual Mentoring for STEM Education for the February 8th NonProfit Commons Meeting

This Friday, February 8th, Nonprofit Commons is happy to feature Robert L. Todd, who will be discussing the Georgia STEM Accessibility Alliance (GSAA) project, also known as BreakThru, which is an innovative learning community that connects students with disabilities and peer mentors in a unique way to promote universal learning and accessibility to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) based degrees.

About BreakThru:

The influence of digital media has changed the way students learn, play and socialize. As a result, researchers at Georgia Tech and the University of Georgia (UGA) have partnered to develop a virtual learning environment that combines creative avatars and social networking tools to help high school and college students with disabilities to succeed in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) programs. The universities work alongside Georgia Perimeter College and the school systems of Georgia’s Greene, Clarke and Gwinnett counties to serve targeted students.

Funded by a 5-year grant from the National Science Foundation’s Research in Disabilities Education program, the Georgia STEM Accessibility Alliance (GSAA)/BreakThru virtual world provides a Mentoring Island where students meet and interact with mentors to address their STEM education needs.

bio: Robert L. Todd is a Senior Research Scientist and Director of the Accessible Education and Information Laboratory at the Georgia Institute of Technology’s Center for Assistive Technology and Environmental Access (CATEA). His research foci include accessible web design and universal design and accessibility of science and math education. He is currently PI on NSF and Dept of Education initiatives to provide accessible virtual education to students with disabilities and train post-secondary instructors to provide accessible online science and math courses. He leads research and instructional efforts via the Institute on the usability and accessibility of online resources and is a lead designer and instructor for Georgia Tech’s Professional Education certificate courses in Creating Accessible Web Sites and Usability Engineering. He teaches graduate level courses on accessible and usable web design and evaluation through Georgia Tech. He is the creator and former PI for the web resource on assistive technology.

Join us in Second Life!

Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting
Friday, February 8th, 8:30 AM SLT / PST
Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater

• 8:30 am Introductions
• 8:40 am TechSoup Announcements
• 8:45 am Mentors Central
• 8:55 am Robert L. Todd: BreakThru: Virtual Mentoring for STEM Education
• 9:30 am Open Mic / Announcements

The mission of the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is to create a community for nonprofits to explore and learn about virtual worlds, foster connections, and discover the many ways in which nonprofits might utilize the unique environment of Second Life to achieve their missions.

Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir

Transcript of the February 1st NPC Meeting featuring Carl Icann and Kevin Feenan

[08:34] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Welcome everyone to this week’s Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting!
[08:34] Rhiannon Chatnoir: The Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is sponsored by TechSoup Global and is a program of the TechSoup Global Community & Social Media team
[08:34] Rhiannon Chatnoir: TODAY’S AGENDA
 • 8:30 am Introductions
 • 8:40 am TechSoup Announcements
 • 8:45 am Mentors Central: Gentle Heron
 • 8:55 am Cyber Security Essentials for Nonprofits
 • 9:25 am Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Update
 • 9:40 am Open Mic / Announcements
[08:35] Rhiannon Chatnoir: First a few links to start off the meeting. 
Here are the many ways to can get involved with the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life:
– Nonprofit Commons Blog:
– Wiki:
– Twitter:
– Facebook:
– G+ Community: 
– Google Group:
– Google Calendar:
About TechSoup the sponsors of the Nonprofit Commons:
[08:35] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Happy Friday everyone, let’s start off with Introductions!
[08:35] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Please state your real name, location, org, and the ways we can find you online.
And if you are new to NonProfit Commons, how you found about today’s meeting.
[08:35] HB Eternal: Harold W Becker, The Love Foundation, Florida, @lovefoundation
[08:35] Buffy Beale: Buffy Bye, Bridges for Women, Victoria BC Canada, @bridges4women
[08:36] JT Christos: John Goltz, The Love Foundation, Florida,, @jtgoltz
[08:36] Ronnie Rhode: Denise Harrison, The Garden for the Missing featuring missing persons: and SLURL Remora (203,148,21), Project Jason, assistance for families of the missing,
[08:36] Dancers Yao: Kara Bennett, Elder Voices, Los Angeles, CA Health Care and Human Rights
[08:36] Gentle Heron: Virtual Ability, Inc.
[08:36] Buffy Beale: lol HB
[08:36] Zinnia Zauber: Renne Emiko Brock-Richmond, Sequim Humanities and Arts Alliance and Peninsula College, Sequim, Olympic Peninsula, Washington. @renneemiko
[08:36] alebez: Ale Bezdikian, TechSoup Global, SF, Ca. @TechSoup, @alebez
[08:36] Keko Heckroth: Keko Heckroth, technical training, adult ed
[08:36] Brena Benoir: Brenda Bryan, Preferred Family Healthcare, Kirksville, MIssouri,, @brenabenoir
[08:36] Coughran Mayo: Dick Dillon, Innovaision, LLC St. Louis MO @innovaision
[08:36] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Bruce Hestley, Transgender American Veterans Association, Akron, OH,,!/TAVAUS
[08:36] Chayenn: Monique Richert, Protect Yourself 1, Inc. Baltimore MD,,, @PY1US
[08:36] Glitteractica Cookie: Susan Tenby, TechSOup and Caravan Studios, San Francisco, CA USA @suzboop @techsoup @caravanstudios @npsl
[08:36] Beth Ghostraven: Beth O’Connell, middle school librarian in RL and pub owner in Caledon Victoria City in SL
[08:37] Ozma Malibu: Sandra Andrews, Floaters Org Tech Outreach & Floaters Gallery, Arizona, Mexico & On the Road, @ozma
[08:37] Ethelred Weatherwax: Dave Dexter, The Museum Collective
[08:37] Pathfinder Lester: John Lester, Montreal,
[08:37] Frans Charming: Jeroen Frans, Amsterdam
[08:37] Tori Landau: Patricia Dean, volunteer event coordinator for the Open University’s campus, Deep Think and volunteer owner of the Moonstone region, currently still International Schools Islands.
[08:38] Rhiannon Chatnoir is Joyce Bettencourt, community manager for Tech Soup’s NonProfit Commons in Second Life community (,, @rhiannonSL, and in the Boston MA area
[08:38] Glitteractica Cookie: Wow, really international crowd. 5 countries represented?
[08:38] CallieDel Boa: Fantastic!
[08:38] Rhiannon Chatnoir: any other introductions for today?
[08:38] Carl Solutionary (carlicann): Carl Icann (, Humane Educator at Rockcliffe University
[08:39] Oronoque Westland: Roberta Kilkenny, Hunter College, City University of New York
[08:39] Rhiannon Chatnoir: hello again Bia, if you want to introduce yourself too
[08:39] Ethelred Weatherwax: I represent the entire world!
[08:39] Gentle Heron: YAY Ethelred!
[08:39] Zinnia Zauber: Rah! E!
[08:39] Buffy Beale: lol Eth you rock
[08:40] Ethelred Weatherwax: Yah – rocks in my head…
[08:40] Buffy Beale: 🙂
[08:40] CallieDel Boa laughs
[08:40] Buffy Beale: yay Jac!
[08:40] Rhiannon Chatnoir: if you just joined us, please still introduce yourself.
[08:40] Bia Dreamstime (avatarzinha): hi jak
[08:41] CallieDel Boa: CallieDel Boa in training with Rockcliffe and Chair of Volunteers VWBPE 2013
[08:41] Bia Dreamstime (avatarzinha): my name is Bia and i am a teacher librarian
[08:41] Bia Dreamstime (avatarzinha): sorry for my english
[08:41] Buffy Beale: welcome Bia
[08:41] Bia Dreamstime (avatarzinha): thanks 🙂
[08:42] Rhiannon Chatnoir: It is time for TechSoup Announcements!
[08:42] Zinnia Zauber: Great Callie!
[08:42] Rhiannon Chatnoir: For today, Glitteractica will be leading that, when you are ready Glitter 🙂
[08:42] CallieDel Boa: Thanks 😀
[08:43] Glitteractica Cookie: Ale- you can give the first update, on bulklak’s behalf
[08:43] alebez: Sure thing!
[08:43] Glitteractica Cookie: then I’ll do win 8 update
[08:43] alebez: Hello everyone, good day.
[08:43] Glitteractica Cookie: good day
[08:43] Buffy Beale: yay Ale
[08:44] alebez: And now with some updates
[08:44] alebez: Recently, TechSoup hosted NTEN’s #CommBuild tweet chat with special guest Richard Millington of FeverBee to talk about community segmentation
[08:44] alebez: It was a good turn out and some great discussion on Twitter.
[08:45] alebez: Here is the recap:
[08:46] alebez: Also hot in the TechSoup universe and beyond is the latest version of Microsoft Office is available at TechSoup for eligible nonprofits, libraries, foundations, and charities.
[08:46] alebez: I use office everyday of my life, so I’m excited. 🙂
[08:46] Glitteractica Cookie: Don’t forget we are helping Microsoft get the word out for their Windows 8 apps for social benefit contest. There is $40,000 USD to be won. Deadline is Feb 28th.Windows 8 Apps for Social Good contest. Link is:
[08:46] Glitteractica Cookie: All apps that are in the windows catalog are eligible
[08:47] Glitteractica Cookie: Windows apps only and entries must be from the USA fo rthis contest, sorry to our non-US app developers on this one
[08:47] Glitteractica Cookie: If you have already built a Win8 and you can ake it fit the crieria you could win big money.
[08:48] Glitteractica Cookie: Please help us spread the word, if you have app developers in yr midst
[08:48] Glitteractica Cookie: Thanks and if you have any questions about the contest, do not hesitate to let us know
[08:49] Rhiannon Chatnoir: there are also some great helpers for building your own Win8 app:
[08:49] Glitteractica Cookie: also, we have a wiki to help folks find civic data for issues that may be included in the apps. go to and feel free to edit this wiki and let us know if we missed the mark on any issue area data or information, and if there are links that should have been included
[08:49] Glitteractica Cookie: thanks all
[08:50] Buffy Beale: thanks Glitter and Ale
[08:50] Glitteractica Cookie: OK, over and out
[08:50] CallieDel Boa: Thank you.
[08:50] Sarvana Haalan: Sally S. Cherry, MT(ASCP), Baltimore – RavensNation, Http://,
[08:50] Glitteractica Cookie: Just out of curiosity, is anyone here interested in building an app for the contest?
[08:50] Glitteractica Cookie: no app developers in our midst?
[08:50] Glitteractica Cookie: ok, well if not, please help us spread the word.
[08:51] Rhiannon Chatnoir: there is definitely a need for more social good apps on the windows marketplace
[08:51] Glitteractica Cookie: yes
[08:51] Sarvana Haalan: ok
[08:51] Carl Solutionary (carlicann): FYI I am announcing your Windows 8 contest in my new article on educational gaming…… will appear very soon in Virtual Education Journal
[08:51] Glitteractica Cookie: Fantastic carl!
[08:51] CallieDel Boa: I will pass it on to Warner march, we’re trying to reestablish the in NPC
[08:51] Glitteractica Cookie: Please email me a link when you do..
[08:51] CallieDel Boa: March*
[08:51] Glitteractica Cookie: thanks Callie!
[08:52] Dancers Yao: yes we are…trying
[08:52] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great
[08:52] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Thank you Glitteractica!
[08:52] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Let’s move on to Mentor’s Central
[08:52] Dancers Yao: Elder Voices wants to build an Online Caregiver app for people who are homebound
[08:52] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Today for Mentor Central we have Gentle Heron!
[08:52] CallieDel Boa applauds
[08:52] Gentle Heron: Good morning friends. I call this little presentation a listing of negative resolutions. I should probably have shared it in January, but you know how it goes….. Can everyone see the slides? They are part of the fun!
[08:53] Rhiannon Chatnoir: that would rock Dancers
[08:53] Zinnia Zauber: Rah Gentle!
[08:53] Gentle Heron: I Promise Not To … 
[08:53] Gentle Heron: Slide 1
[08:53] Gentle Heron: Lots of people have self-improvement goals. Things they promise they will do, or try to do.
[08:53] Buffy Beale: yayy Gentle
[08:53] Dancers Yao: Yay Gentle….claps
[08:53] Gentle Heron: But some of us have annoying habits that we should be promising NOT to do. Here are some of my personal favorites.
[08:53] Gentle Heron: Not that any of these are *my* bad habits, you understand!
[08:54] Gentle Heron: Slide 2
[08:54] Namaara MacMoragh: yay Gentle!
[08:54] Buffy Beale: haha
[08:54] Gentle Heron: Any time someone is putting down one of their colleagues in your presence, you can’t help but wonder what they say about you when you are not there.
[08:54] Namaara MacMoragh: lol
[08:54] Beth Ghostraven: Will this slideshow be available later?
[08:54] Gentle Heron: I can give you a copy, Beth. On a PresoMatic anSpeakEasy
[08:55] Gentle Heron: Slide 3
[08:55] Gentle Heron: Before you start talking at a meeting, or on a conference call, think whether what you have to say will add value to the discussion.
[08:55] CallieDel Boa: Gentle if I may have a copy as well, I would appreciate it.
[08:55] Gentle Heron: Sure, please IM me and I’ll pass them to you when I’ve finished.
[08:55] CallieDel Boa nods
[08:55] Gentle Heron: Slide 4
[08:55] Gentle Heron: Paperwork is inevitable. 
[08:55] Bia Dreamstime (avatarzinha): me too, please
[08:56] Gentle Heron: Accept it, and move on.
[08:56] Gentle Heron: Enough said about paperwork!
[08:56] Gentle Heron: Slide 5
[08:56] Gentle Heron: Emails take up enough of everyone’s day. 
[08:56] Gentle Heron: Don’t add to the burden by sending trivial messages.
[08:56] Gentle Heron: You know who you are!!!!!
[08:56] Zinnia Zauber: lol
[08:56] Beth Ghostraven blushes
[08:56] Gentle Heron: Slide 6
[08:56] Gentle Heron: Another way to say this is “don’t tickle the dragon’s tail.” 
[08:57] Gentle Heron: Why annoy someone and stir up trouble?
[08:57] Gentle Heron: Slide 7
[08:57] Gentle Heron: This is probably the trickiest one on this list. 
[08:57] Gentle Heron: Sometime it would be much simpler just to go over there and do it for the person asking for help. 
[08:57] Gentle Heron: But… usually the long-term results will be better if you offer help by teaching them how to accomplish it on their own.
[08:57] CallieDel Boa nods
[08:57] Gentle Heron: Slide 8
[08:58] Gentle Heron: People have many varied reasons for their tech preferences. 
[08:58] Gentle Heron: In the long run, it matters little. 
[08:58] Gentle Heron: Enjoy your own choice, and let others make their own decisions.
[08:58] Gentle Heron: Slide 9
[08:58] Gentle Heron: Are you the person who brings leftover Halloween candy to the Thanksgiving potluck? 
[08:58] Gentle Heron knows folks who do this!
[08:58] Gentle Heron: Sometimes just a little extra effort will reap many appreciative thanks. Be creative, instead of chintzy.
[08:59] Zinnia Zauber: More fresh cupcakes!
[08:59] Gentle Heron: Slide 10
[08:59] Gentle Heron: Be honest with yourself and others. 
[08:59] Gentle Heron: It’s better to under-promise and over-deliver than vice versa.
[08:59] Gentle Heron: Those are my top ten. What are yours?
[08:59] Sarvana Haalan: 🙂
[08:59] Bia Dreamstime (avatarzinha): 🙂
[09:00] Zinnia Zauber: Great, Gentle!
[09:00] CallieDel Boa: I’d say to the last one, if I don’tknow the answer I usually know someone who does.
[09:00] Gentle Heron: That’s a great idea Callie.
[09:00] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great
[09:00] Gentle Heron: We should all practice saying that.
[09:00] Bia Dreamstime (avatarzinha): that is important too
[09:01] Rhiannon Chatnoir: thank you Gentle
[09:01] CallieDel Boa: Yes thank you.
[09:01] Zinnia Zauber: I try not to use “should” when giving advice.
[09:01] Gentle Heron: I should do that more often too, Zinnia!
[09:02] Rhiannon Chatnoir: lol
[09:02] Zinnia Zauber: 🙂
[09:02] CallieDel Boa: Good point
[09:02] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes
[09:02] Frans Charming: lol, ‘left over’ candy. Not in my house.
[09:02] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Let’s move on to our featured part of the meeting – again thank you Gentle
[09:02] Rhiannon Chatnoir: so Today we have a double feature!
[09:02] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you Gentle!!!
[09:03] Rhiannon Chatnoir: First a mini-course on “Cyber Security Essentials for Nonprofits”, presented by Carl Icann (Carl Solutionary) and then, Kevin Feenan (Phelan Corrimal) who will be giving us an update on this year’s upcoming VWBPE 2013 conference.
[09:03] CallieDel Boa: Yayyy!!!!
[09:03] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Let’s begin with the Mini-Course: Cyber Security Essentials for Nonprofits.
This mini-course teaches essentials that every small enterprise can use to dramatically reduce their cyber-security vulnerabilities with respect to increasingly pernicious Internet threats. The course covers essential concepts & techniques including: anti-malware, security alerts/updates, end-user training, and basic security administration.
[09:03] Buffy Beale: Cheering!
[09:03] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Bio: Carl Icann (Carl Solutionary) is a Humane Educator with computer security experience in real life. Carl teaches for Rockcliffe University and conducts Humane Education events for Etopia, the sustainability education community in Second Life. Visit Carl’s social benefits education resources at
[09:03] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Welcome Carl and start when you are ready!
[09:03] Carl Solutionary (carlicann): Thank You Rhiannon!
[09:03] Gentle Heron: YAY Carl.
[09:03] Carl Solutionary (carlicann): And thanks to everyone who’s wearing their cyber hover tags! You Rock!
[09:04] Carl Solutionary: Hello. I am from Rockcliffe University here in SL… My website with free facilitation guides is
[09:04] Carl Solutionary: .
[09:04] Carl Solutionary: I passed out a “Cyber Awareness” hover tag… please check the TechSoup group notices… you can wear it.
[09:04] Carl Solutionary: .
[09:04] Carl Solutionary: .
[09:04] Carl Solutionary: Small enterprises, such as most nonprofits, are especially vulnerable to malware threats.
[09:04] Zinnia Zauber: Rah Carl!
[09:04] Carl Solutionary: Because you are small, you probably don’t have cyber security experts on staff.
[09:04] Carl Solutionary: Adopting essential cyber security practices can reduce your vulnerabilities dramatically..
[09:04] Carl Solutionary: .
[09:04] Carl Solutionary: Why are our systems and networks vulnerable to cyber attack?
[09:04] Carl Solutionary: Our nonprofits are on the Internet and exposed to numerous threats.
[09:04] Carl Solutionary: A typical unprotected system will only survive 4 minutes browsing the Internet before it is attacked.
[09:04] Carl Solutionary: .
[09:04] Carl Solutionary: Weaknesses in our systems, our software, and our end user’s cyber awareness can make us very vulnerable to attack.
[09:04] Carl Solutionary: So, I’ve pulled together some essential advice for you… selecting the most feasible and effective from professional best practices for organizations of all sizes.
[09:04] Carl Solutionary: .
[09:04] Carl Solutionary: Today, we will assume Windows systems to keep this simple, but Macs have similar capabilities.
[09:05] Carl Solutionary (carlicann): IM me if you need this redone for Macs
[09:05] Carl Solutionary: IM me and I can make a notecard available for Macs.
[09:05] Carl Solutionary: .
[09:05] Carl Solutionary: Here are some essential steps for nonprofits to harden their enterprises:
[09:05] Carl Solutionary: .
[09:05] Carl Solutionary: #1. Anti-malware protection
[09:05] Carl Solutionary: Install Anti-Virus and enable Windows Firewall at a minimum
[09:05] Carl Solutionary: Make sure virus definitions are up to date, use auto-update, and check later to make sure auto-update is working
[09:05] Carl Solutionary: .
[09:05] Carl Solutionary: Anti-Virus packages: McAfee, Norton, Trend Micro have safe Internet browsing filters for “Drive By Malware” = attacks from a web page or advertisement
[09:05] Carl Solutionary (carlicann): Drive By Malware is growing exponentially
[09:05] Carl Solutionary: .   
[09:05] Carl Solutionary: #2. Update operating systems regularly
[09:06] Carl Solutionary: Use auto-update OR…Start > Programs > Windows Update – Check this regularly!
[09:06] Carl Solutionary: Normally, Windows only auto-updates on PATCH TUESDAYS, the 1st Tuesday of every month.
[09:06] Carl Solutionary (carlicann): Microsoft pushed an unscheduled update today… check this today!
[09:06] Carl Solutionary: .
[09:06] Carl Solutionary: Note that Internet attacks always increase right after Patch Tuesday; on CYBER ATTACK WEDSnesday….
[09:06] Carl Solutionary: Attackers prey on un-patched systems by exploiting the new announced vulnerabilities.
[09:06] Carl Solutionary: .
[09:06] Carl Solutionary: 3. Update applications regularly
[09:07] Carl Solutionary (carlicann): this is one of your biggest vulnerabilities!
[09:07] Carl Solutionary: Most applications will auto-update (or notify end users to update), but it’s worth making sure they do.
[09:07] Carl Solutionary: Microsoft Office applications are updated along with Windows on Patch Tuesday.
[09:07] Carl Solutionary: .
[09:07] Carl Solutionary: For non-Microsoft  applications, check the Help menu or reinstall the newest version.
[09:07] Carl Solutionary: For example: Adobe Acrobat (Help > Check for Updates)… QuickTime/iTunes (Start > Programs > Apple Software Update),… JAVA (install newest version from, etc.
[09:07] Carl Solutionary: If you need more help just google your question, e.g. update java
[09:07] Carl Solutionary: There is abundant online help for most questions and problems.
[09:08] Carl Solutionary (carlicann): last resort… IM me!
[09:08] Carl Solutionary: .
[09:08] Carl Solutionary: 4. Change default passwords – an amazing range of software and IT devices have default passwords
[09:08] Rhiannon Chatnoir: 🙂
[09:08] Carl Solutionary: Check for Default Passwords Here:
[09:08] Carl Solutionary: On Operating Systems – Disable default user accounts
[09:08] Carl Solutionary: Databases have default administrator accounts: MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle
[09:08] Carl Solutionary: Many networked applications have default passwords, e.g. point of sale systems — Call vendor technical support.
[09:08] Carl Solutionary: Networking devices have defaults: routers, firewalls, wireless access points (WAPs), telephone switches
[09:08] Carl Solutionary (carlicann): this is one area where small businesses make a lot of mistakes… default passwords
[09:09] Carl Solutionary: .     
[09:09] Carl Solutionary: 5. Educate your end users, 
[09:09] Carl Solutionary: There are many good on-line web resources for educating your end-users. For example, this free course:
[09:09] Carl Solutionary (carlicann): I’ve take about a dozen of those courses.. that link is awesome… train up ALL your end users.. with that!
[09:09] Carl Solutionary: .
[09:09] Carl Solutionary: Quick QUIZ… Suppose you are browsing the Internet and you get a popup that says: “Your system is infected! Get Free Anti-Virus!” 
[09:09] Carl Solutionary: OR the popup says “Federal Bureau of Investigation: Your system is being used for illegal activities!”
[09:09] Carl Solutionary (carlicann): anyone? Anyone:?
[09:10] Carl Solutionary (carlicann): Buehler?
[09:10] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Doin’t even think of opening it
[09:10] Carl Solutionary (carlicann): exactly!
[09:10] Zinnia Zauber: hehe
[09:10] Carl Solutionary: What should you do?
[09:10] Carl Solutionary: .
[09:10] Carl Solutionary: Both of those popups are classic malware advertisements; Do not click on the popup; instead close your browser from the task bar.
[09:10] Carl Solutionary: These popups are classic examples of Drive-By-Malware; but there are more malicious types which auto-run..
[09:10] Carl Solutionary (carlicann): These are also called Malvertisements
[09:10] Carl Solutionary (carlicann): and they appear on the biggest legit websites too…
[09:11] Carl Solutionary: .
[09:11] Carl Solutionary: Highly Recommended: Use Mozilla Firefox Internet browser… it has built-in Google Safe Browsing Filter (a blacklist of malware web sites)
[09:11] Carl Solutionary: Mozilla Firefox also has a free No Script plug-in. For very safe browsing!
[09:11] Sarvana Haalan: I usually just close the pop-up
[09:11] Sarvana Haalan: 🙁
[09:11] Carl Solutionary (carlicann): this is a great free tool!…
[09:11] Carl Solutionary: Teach your end users to use Firefox with No Script.
[09:11] Carl Solutionary: Sometimes No Script gets in the way and I’ll use another browser on a trusted website (Check the URL!).
[09:11] Carl Solutionary: .
[09:11] Carl Solutionary: 6.  Advanced Topics – RECOMMENDATIONS for your system administrator (or whoever performs those duties)
[09:11] Carl Solutionary (carlicann): Some advanced advice for the technical person on your staff
[09:12] Carl Solutionary: Subscribe to government security alerts here
[09:12] Carl Solutionary: Backup your systems regularly, and test your backup restore procedure.
[09:12] Carl Solutionary: Consult professional guidelines for securing your web applications and databases:
[09:12] Carl Solutionary: .
[09:12] Carl Solutionary: To fill remaining security gaps, I recommend that you follow Payment Card Industry guidelines for ALL businesses and get a penetration test.
[09:12] Carl Solutionary (carlicann): I’ll say more about that
[09:12] Carl Solutionary: .
[09:12] Carl Solutionary: Now… it is possible to overdo this security stuff…  FOR EXAMPLE… some cyber fun!
[09:12] Carl Solutionary (carlicann): let’s play cyber!
[09:12] Carl Solutionary: You can block Internet spyware from tracking your users, stealing their browser data, and grabbing your system configurations… by replacing the “hosts” file, see
[09:12] Carl Solutionary: BUT if you follow those instructions, you “break” Second Life V2 Search… 
[09:13] Carl Solutionary (carlicann): rut ro… broke SL!
[09:13] Carl Solutionary: TO REPAIR Second Life… Be sure to unblock the google URLs in the “hosts” file, more info:
[09:13] CallieDel Boa shrugs
[09:13] Carl Solutionary: .
[09:13] Carl Solutionary: In CONCLUSION, we covered some essential steps you can take to make your nonprofit more secure.
[09:13] Carl Solutionary: 1. Install and auto-update anti-malware protection
[09:13] Carl Solutionary: 2. Update systems and software applications on PATCH TUESDAY,,, 1st Tuesday Monthly
[09:13] Carl Solutionary: 3. Do not be caught un-patched on Cyber Attack Wednesday… 1st Weds Monthly
[09:13] Carl Solutionary (carlicann): that’s the key message!
[09:13] Carl Solutionary: 4. Change default passwords
[09:13] Carl Solutionary: 4. Educate your end users
[09:13] CallieDel Boa hopes this will be transcribed.
[09:13] Carl Solutionary: 6. Make your system administration security conscious
[09:14] Carl Solutionary: For more information, I recommend this website:
[09:14] Carl Solutionary: .
[09:14] Carl Solutionary (carlicann): this is a great website.. very concise 1 page advice for all types of computer users and business people
[09:14] Carl Solutionary: Thank you Rhiannon for inviting me to share
[09:14] Carl Solutionary: and everyone for listening to my advice.
[09:14] Carl Solutionary: Of course, feel free to friend me and IM any time with questions.
[09:14] Carl Solutionary: .
[09:14] Carl Solutionary: NOW LET’s OPEN THE FLOOR FOR QUESTIONS…
[09:14] Carl Solutionary: A question I get asked often is “What is a Penetration Test?” … A good answer on the Internet:
[09:15] Carl Solutionary: Basically, all businesses that accept credit cards are required to have this test done, so it’s a commodity service.
[09:15] Lenni Foxtrot: I wrote advice on 6 post it notes…ty
[09:15] Carl Solutionary: The Penetration Testers will find outstanding gaps in your security and give you professional advice on how to harden your systems.
[09:15] Frans Charming applauds
[09:15] Carl Solutionary (carlicann): yes Lenni.. .put those notes next to the one with your password lol
[09:15] Lenni Foxtrot: will do carl…
[09:16] Beth Ghostraven: I’m planning to copy this chat to a Google Doc so everyone can read it later; does anyone object?
[09:16] Carl Solutionary (carlicann): Thank you everyone.. .if there are no further questions… ummm
[09:16] Bia Dreamstime (avatarzinha): eu gostava muito
[09:16] Avatarzinha Resident: I liked
[09:16] Carl Solutionary (carlicann): no problem.. these minutes are posted on too I ‘believe
[09:16] Beth Ghostraven: Yay, Bia! Your translator works!
[09:16] Lenni Foxtrot: eek gads, I wont say another thing then, horrors, anyone want popcorn?
[09:16] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes, we have some time for questions
[09:16] Bia Dreamstime (avatarzinha): sim 🙂
[09:16] Avatarzinha Resident: yes 🙂
[09:16] Carl Solutionary (carlicann): Thanks everyone.. Be Secure.. and remember TUESDAY is Patch Tuesday!
[09:17] CallieDel Boa: Tyhank you Carl
[09:17] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you Car!
[09:17] Gentle Heron: Thanks Carl. Lots of good info in a small package!
[09:17] CallieDel Boa: Thank*
[09:17] Zinnia Zauber: Carl!
[09:17] Bia Dreamstime (avatarzinha): Thanks 🙂
[09:17] HB Eternal: Great info Carl
[09:17] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes, thank you Carl
[09:17] Namaara MacMoragh: great info Carl
[09:17] Buffy Beale: That was great Carl thanks!
[09:18] Lenni Foxtrot: this makes me want to date Carl…
[09:18] Rhiannon Chatnoir: now time for the second part of our double feature
[09:18] Rhiannon Chatnoir: 🙂
[09:18] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Now, let’s move on to an update on VWBPE 2013
[09:18] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Originally started as a grassroots educational conference, the Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education conference brings together over 2000 educators, researchers, and institutional professional from around the world to discuss issues facing education and how virtual technologies can best be applied to solving these dilemmas. The conference is run as an open source conference and is free for anyone to attend.
[09:18] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Kevin Feenan, also known as Phelan Corrimal in Second Life, is the President of Rockcliffe University Consortium and one of the Executive Directors of the VWBPE Conference.
[09:18] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Phelan whenever you are ready 🙂
[09:18] Gentle Heron: YAY Phelan! Thanks for coming to update us today.
[09:18] CallieDel Boa cheers!
[09:18] Phelan Corrimal: Hi ya all
[09:18] CallieDel Boa: Hi Phelan
[09:19] Carl Solutionary (carlicann): Hiya Phelan! Welcome!
[09:19] Buffy Beale: waves and sends hugs to Phelan 🙂
[09:19] Phelan Corrimal: I don’t have anything pre-written so please bear with me 🙂
[09:19] Glitteractica Cookie: @beth Ghostraven you should just blog it for us on Talk to Rhiannon. We love volunteers!
[09:19] Phelan Corrimal: VWBPE is happening this year – although we have gotten off to a slow start
[09:19] CallieDel Boa: Yes Glitter we sure do – Second to None Volunteers!
[09:19] Phelan Corrimal: As in previous years we are looking to broaded the horizons of where the conference is going and as part of that we are trying a different time slot for the conference
[09:20] Phelan Corrimal: The dates will probably be finalized by the end of this weekend but currently we are looking at mid-July for the conference compared to March which is when the conference had run in previous years
[09:21] Phelan Corrimal: Part of that is due to the slow start and part is because we have had a few comments that march break is not always best for everyone
[09:21] Coughran Mayo: July is good
[09:21] Phelan Corrimal: We have already started to pull the organizational committee together and I can let you know a few of the people who are on it for this year so far
[09:21] Phelan Corrimal: Executive: Kevin Feenan (Phelan Corrimal), Bill Krebs (AgileBill Firehawk), Leticia De Leon (Letty Luckstone)
[09:22] Phelan Corrimal: Logistics: Kevin Feenan (Phelan Corrimal)
[09:22] Phelan Corrimal: Programs: Leticia De Leon (Letty Luckstone), Nia Marquis
[09:22] Phelan Corrimal: Volunteers: CallieDel Boa
[09:22] CallieDel Boa: 😀
[09:22] Phelan Corrimal: Communications: LoriVonne
[09:22] Phelan Corrimal: Information Technology: Timm Short, Dirk McKeenan
[09:22] Phelan Corrimal: We are still looking for vice chairs for a number of the sub-committees so if you know anyone interested please let me know
[09:23] Shamblesguru (shamblesguru.voom): Is news stil be published on or should we be looking elsewhere to be kept up-2-date?
[09:23] Phelan Corrimal: Also we are still looking for a Social Chair and a Sponsorship Chair – those positions haven’t been filled for this year yet
[09:23] Buffy Beale: it’s a lot of fun volunteering they’re such a great group of people
[09:23] Phelan Corrimal: Information will probably hit facebook first – and then twitter after
[09:23] Phelan Corrimal: We are going to be doing a few new things for this year
[09:23] Bia Dreamstime (avatarzinha): qual é o facebook?
[09:23] Avatarzinha Resident: what is facebook?
[09:23] Phelan Corrimal: The website is getting a complete overhaul
[09:24] CallieDel Boa: 🙂
[09:24] Phelan Corrimal: We will be introducing a mobile app for people to keep in touch on the conference
[09:24] Phelan Corrimal: We will also be expanding to other Virtual Worlds beyond Second Life
[09:24] CallieDel Boa: Yes!
[09:24] Gentle Heron: ambitious!
[09:24] Bia Dreamstime (avatarzinha): muito bem
[09:24] Avatarzinha Resident: “very good”,[[“adverb”,”very well”,”very good”,”highly”]]
[09:24] Phelan Corrimal: In the past our VW explorations have been limited to “virtual tours”
[09:25] CallieDel Boa: Hi Bevan *waves*
[09:25] Phelan Corrimal: We feel however that several platforms have gotten to the stage where we can move part of our program to those venues including opensim and unity
[09:25] Coughran Mayo: I have a place in Unity that you could use!!!!
[09:25] Phelan Corrimal: So this will be our first foray (sp?) into trying to run a conference in multiple grids
[09:25] Phelan Corrimal: sweet 🙂
[09:25] Bia Dreamstime (avatarzinha): vou divulgar na comunidade virtual portuguesa
[09:25] Avatarzinha Resident: I will disclose in the virtual community Portuguese
[09:25] Darkeagle Darkstone: hi Bevan
[09:25] CallieDel Boa: Open Sim is looking great!
[09:26] Phelan Corrimal: If we get people willing to put on a portugese track then yes
[09:26] Bevan Whitfield: Hi Dark, hi all
[09:26] Buffy Beale: Hugs Bevy 🙂
[09:26] Phelan Corrimal: The programs committee is going to be re-consituting the Internationals working group so that we can continue to encourage people from all over the world to participate
[09:27] Bevan Whitfield: hey BB! 🙂
[09:27] Buffy Beale: 🙂
[09:27] Phelan Corrimal: not just english speakers
[09:27] Phelan Corrimal: The first major pieces of the conference will likely be annouced mid to late february including the call for proposals and a follow-up call for volunteers to help with working groups that we need to get started shortly
[09:28] Phelan Corrimal: Beyond that I don’t have a lot in the way of additional details but did want to get word out that VWBPE13 is happening this year and not to fret – information is coming soon
[09:29] Oronoque Westland: though a challenge I think the expansion into the grids etc. is critical since so many educators have reduced their presence in SL
[09:29] Phelan Corrimal: If anyone has any questions they want to ask ..
[09:29] Rhiannon Chatnoir: for those who have never attended VWBPE, anything they should know or how might our community help/take part Phelan
[09:29] Phelan Corrimal: exactly – we have gone from a very strong social presence to a very fractured one – part of what we are looking to do is help rebuilt those connections
[09:30] Phelan Corrimal: Oh shoot – My apologies – Theme for the conference 🙂
[09:30] CallieDel Boa: I’m hoping last years attendes from OS will help out with volunteering
[09:30] Phelan Corrimal: This year’s theme is “Beyond the Stage” – we are looking to encourage presentations that focus on ….
[09:30] CallieDel Boa: atendees*
[09:30] Lenni Foxtrot: can an average avie like me help somehow..I certainly don’t rez well..but I can chat 🙂
[09:31] Phelan Corrimal: The way in which virtual worlds are connected and present a single social front to students and learners and how people are engaged as a result
[09:31] Rhiannon Chatnoir: i like the “I don’t rez well’
[09:31] CallieDel Boa: Phelan, how does “Beyond The Stage” translate? As I’ll be gathering gifts?
[09:31] Phelan Corrimal: hehe
[09:31] Bevan Whitfield: lol I like that too 🙂
[09:31] Phelan Corrimal: If you think of education as performance art —-
[09:31] Gentle Heron: intriguing concept
[09:32] Rhiannon Chatnoir: …or non-profits as storytelling 😉
[09:32] CallieDel Boa: I like that, right up my alley
[09:32] Phelan Corrimal: when we teach – we are in a way creating an environment which is part peer-to-peer and part performance
[09:32] Beth Ghostraven: Education is definltely performance art!
[09:32] Zinnia Zauber: I am so excited for this!
[09:32] CallieDel Boa: I am too Zinnia
[09:32] Zinnia Zauber: Engagement!
[09:33] Oronoque Westland: yes, we must think in terms of theater in the round
[09:33] Oronoque Westland: Forum Theatre
[09:33] Lenni Foxtrot: God, i got stories to tell..what kind we talking about here?
[09:33] Oronoque Westland: Image Theatre
[09:33] Phelan Corrimal: So how do people build in the various virtual components we have to work with in order to set the stage, warm up the crowd and wow them with our performance such that they are encouraged to go out and “be epic”
[09:33] Oronoque Westland: Baol
[09:34] CallieDel Boa: We/they can do that!
[09:34] CallieDel Boa: you*
[09:34] Phelan Corrimal: We’ll be tying almost all the themes together from the past four years as part of this year’s conference so look for more on that as we get the new website launched
[09:34] Darkeagle Darkstone: The hard part is not losing the content in the process
[09:34] CallieDel Boa: I think “backstage” means we won’t
[09:34] Phelan Corrimal: that is the magic of being a star 🙂
[09:35] Phelan Corrimal: and how we encourage best practices to make every instructor a star in the minds of their students
[09:35] Phelan Corrimal: So I’m looking forward to the presentations that I’m sure we are going to get this year – this should be amazing
[09:36] Phelan Corrimal: any additional questions that I can answer at this time?
[09:36] Zinnia Zauber: I like to shine the spotlight on them.
[09:36] Beth Ghostraven: How can I add some more hours to my day without losing sleep? That’s my big question 🙂
[09:36] Rhiannon Chatnoir: lol
[09:36] CallieDel Boa: LOL, agreed.
[09:36] Phelan Corrimal: Ahhh – the eternal question we get every year
[09:36] Bia Dreamstime (avatarzinha): lol, Beth
[09:37] Zinnia Zauber: Beth, sleep?
[09:37] Rhiannon Chatnoir: where might you see synergy from the non-profits here at NPC at this year’s VWBPE Phelan?
[09:37] Phelan Corrimal: Multiple computers and camtasia works best 😛
[09:37] Gentle Heron: Phelan wishes he knew the answer Beth
[09:37] Lenni Foxtrot: take a fat nap…somewhere mid day…
[09:37] Phelan Corrimal: Rhiannon – keep in mind that VWBPE doesn’
[09:37] Phelan Corrimal: t discriminate between formal academics and practical ones –
[09:38] Phelan Corrimal: Many of the roles that people play in non-profits are a form of teaching and guidance that can benefit both from some of what we have to offer in the way of presentaions and workshops — but also ….
[09:39] Phelan Corrimal: the academic community can benefit about learning the practical ways in which non-profits influence and guide behaviours as part of the vast arrays of services offered
[09:39] Phelan Corrimal: teaching never starts in the classroom – that is where it starts – once you get into the real world (i.e. out of the classroom) you are always learning
[09:40] Phelan Corrimal: So people shouldn’t feel that just because the don’t “teach” in the way that most people think about teaching – doens’t mean that they don’t have something to offer
[09:40] Gentle Heron: VWBPE is also about learning. That’s one more way to think about it.
[09:40] Rhiannon Chatnoir: nod
[09:40] Phelan Corrimal: The day I stop learning – classroom or no – will probably be the day I’m put in a pine box
[09:41] CallieDel Boa: Ditto
[09:41] Rhiannon Chatnoir: all great points and would love to see more connection points between virtual communities
[09:41] Phelan Corrimal: Its about engagement – in all its forms – how we develop and transition knowledge.
[09:41] Lenni Foxtrot: nods…wow I like you people
[09:41] Phelan Corrimal: lol
[09:41] Phelan Corrimal: we don’t bite 🙂
[09:42] Darkeagle Darkstone: well some do
[09:42] Lenni Foxtrot: thats commitment, that is a great thing
[09:42] Angelique Ghostraven: Phelan, is there any discussion regarding virtual worlds being used for coaching? or is it beneath the umbrella of teaching in this conference?
[09:42] Carl Solutionary (carlicann): Phelan I think it’s important to mention that are are many many ways to be part of VWBPE’s program…. from keynotes to classes… sandboxes…. posters and poster-builds.. can all be proposed
[09:42] Phelan Corrimal: if there are no other questions I think my 15 minutes of fame is up 🙂
[09:42] Rhiannon Chatnoir: thank you Phelan.. good to see you virtually, or otherwise, as always
[09:42] CallieDel Boa applauds!
[09:43] Phelan Corrimal: Angelique – that is a big question – coaching is certianly part of the discussion
[09:43] Tori Landau: Many thank Phelan °͜°
[09:43] Phelan Corrimal: thanks for having here Rhiannon
[09:43] Rhiannon Chatnoir: lets all thank Phelan and Carl for double presenting today!
[09:43] CallieDel Boa: Thank you Phelan, sincerely.
[09:43] CallieDel Boa: sincerely*
[09:43] Gentle Heron: Thanks to both presenters. Good background information today.
[09:43] Bevan Whitfield: thank you Carl and Phelan
[09:43] Beth Ghostraven: Thank you!!!
[09:43] Zinnia Zauber: Great! Thank you Phelan!
[09:43] Tori Landau: /e double applauds
[09:43] CallieDel Boa: Yes Carl too and Gentle.
[09:44] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you Carl!
[09:44] Lenni Foxtrot claps!
[09:44] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Let’s move on to Open Mic & Announcements!
[09:44] Dancers Yao: thanks…claps
[09:44] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you Gentle!
[09:44] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes, thank you Gentle.. great/informative as always 🙂
[09:44] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Does anyone have any announcements today?
[09:44] Gentle Heron waves BOTH hands for Open Mic… I have a lot of short announcements.
[09:44] Chayenn: Protect Yourself 1 (PY1) is having an open house on Feb 7th at the PY1 office on NonProfit Communs. The event is organized in support of the National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, the PY1 avatars team will present PY1’s programs and services, such as the Safe2Live HIV/AIDS awareness, education and prevention campaign targeting African American Youth. The event will be recorded in order to be showcase in Baltimore City Public Schools. We are inviting avatars to join the PY1 team on Feb. 7th at either 9:00 a.m. or 3:00 p.m. SL time.
[09:44] Buffy Beale: cheering, thanks Phelan
[09:45] Bia Dreamstime (avatarzinha): obrigada a todos, gostei muito de conhecer esta comunidade
[09:45] Avatarzinha Resident: Thank you all, I really liked to know this community
[09:45] Tori Landau sticks up a hand too for announcements
[09:45] Bia Dreamstime (avatarzinha): vou continuar a acompanhar
[09:45] Avatarzinha Resident: I will continue to monitor
[09:45] Zinnia Zauber: Yay Chayenn!
[09:45] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes, good to meet you too Bia
[09:45] Chayenn: please join us
[09:45] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Gentle, go ahead
[09:45] Bia Dreamstime (avatarzinha): sim 🙂
[09:45] Avatarzinha Resident: yes 🙂
[09:45] Zinnia Zauber: hand up please
[09:46] Gentle Heron: Virtual Ability has a busy schedule this coming week. Let me share a few topical highlights. Please IM me if you want more information, including landmarks and presenter biographies.
[09:46] Rhiannon Chatnoir: the, Tori, then Zinnia
[09:46] Gentle Heron: (short list now)
[09:46] Gentle Heron: FRIDAY (today) 1pm- I will present a mini lesson on “How To Ask Better Questions” (and that might be good for Mentor Central sometime)
[09:46] Gentle Heron: SATURDAY (tomorrow):
8am- a student researcher reports on her study of (dis)ability and identity in SL
[09:46] Gentle Heron: 10am- Ludo Merit invites us to learn the basics of Social Aikido (how to defuse SL drama)
[09:46] Gentle Heron: noon- Deaf Chat Coffee! (the only authorized virtual world venue)
[09:46] Gentle Heron: NEXT FRI (Feb 8) 11am- Saffia Widdershins tells “SL’s Little Secret” and muses about age distributions
[09:47] Gentle Heron: NEXT SAT (Feb 9) noon- Sister Abeyante speaks on Self Advocacy (all nonprofit leaders should attend this one!)
[09:47] Gentle Heron: Those are the big events coming up at Virtual Ability this week. I hope you’ll put some on your calendar and come share with us.
[09:47] Gentle Heron: And as always, if you’re willing to present to our real (although virtual) community, please let iSkye Silverweb know. She does all the scheduling for VAI.
[09:47] Lenni Foxtrot: yes! for sure Gentle!
[09:47] Gentle Heron: (Rhiannon, notice all the connection points between virtual communities here?)
[09:47] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes
[09:47] Rhiannon Chatnoir: ♥
[09:48] Zinnia Zauber: Wonderful Gentle!
[09:48] Rhiannon Chatnoir: all set Gentle?
[09:48] Gentle Heron: done
[09:48] Gentle Heron: whew
[09:48] Rhiannon Chatnoir: 🙂
[09:48] Dancers Yao: wow!
[09:48] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Tori, your next
[09:48] Tori Landau: Ty… 3 mentions for me…
[09:49] Tori Landau: Holocaust memorial day garden.. last day for it is 3rd Feb and it is at rooftop of communal building at deep think west:
[09:49] Tori Landau: Deep Think West (74,53,38)
[09:49] Tori Landau: next…
[09:50] Tori Landau: drop-in on wed 6th feb at friendship circle for 30 mins for support and chat, at 1.15pm slt at deep think east:
[09:50] Tori Landau: Deep Think East (224,38,32)
[09:51] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Need to run
[09:51] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Got an interruption
[09:51] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Hugs everyone
[09:51] Tori Landau: finally, after the drop-in, rooftop bop with combo theme of chinese new year and valentines day at 2pm slt at rooftop of communal building:
[09:52] Tori Landau: Deep Think West (74,53,38)
[09:52] Tori Landau: ok, done
[09:52] Tori Landau: °͜°
[09:52] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great – Zinnia
[09:52] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you!
[09:52] Zinnia Zauber: Today starting at 11AM SLT, Agustin Braham will be performing live at the ART HOUSE fundraiser for Preferred Family Healthcare’s ARTC, Achieving Recovery Through Creativity. This is a program that uses creative, expressive mediums to assist clients in recovery from alcohol and substance abuse.
[09:52] Zinnia Zauber: The event is PG as it will be streamed for the kids. Please join us today at 11AM SLT to hear Agustin Braham live. 

[09:53] Zinnia Zauber: I posted a video on my website by Hypatia Pickens about ART HOUSE at

[09:53] Zinnia Zauber: AND

The ART HOUSE project made the Second Life Destination Guide at!!!

[09:53] Zinnia Zauber: Eastern Spell (11,159,22)

[09:53] Lenni Foxtrot: cool Zinnia, thanks

[09:54] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great

[09:54] Zinnia Zauber: Please join us today or check out the ART HOUSE any time!

[09:54] Gentle Heron: WOO HOO Zinnia and BRENA

[09:54] Chayenn: this is great

[09:54] Glitteractica Cookie: gotta run all. see you next week

[09:54] Glitteractica Cookie: thanks!

[09:54] CallieDel Boa: Wonderful… (I must quit volunteering for some things).

[09:54] Rhiannon Chatnoir: take care Glitter

[09:54] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you and a big WOOHOO to Winter!

[09:54] Keko Heckroth: Lot of good stuff. Thanks

[09:54] Tori Landau: Bye Glitter!

[09:54] Rhiannon Chatnoir: I also wanted to mention….

[09:54] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Last call for Metaverse Cultural Series submissions!!

Technically the last day for submissions was yesterday, but you can still submit something this weekend before we start to review proposals. Proposed events can take place in Second Life, or other grids, virtual worlds or even MMO game spaces. 

AvaCon Announces the Metaverse Cultural Series 2013

[09:55] Buffy Beale: wow Z that’s fantastic

[09:55] Rhiannon Chatnoir: so any culture – art – music – performance – lecture could fall in that

[09:55] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you Buffy!

[09:55] Rhiannon Chatnoir: any other announcements today?

[09:56] Rhiannon Chatnoir: if not we can wrap up this week’s meeting


And again, here are the many ways to can get involved with the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life:

– Nonprofit Commons Blog:

– Wiki:

– Twitter:

– Facebook:

– G+ Community: 

– Google Group:

– Google Calendar:


About TechSoup the sponsors of the Nonprofit Commons:


Thanks everyone and see you next week!


[09:56] Lenni Foxtrot: I would like to say you are great smart people, thanks for having me 🙂

[09:56] Gentle Heron is always impressed by the variety of work done by nonprofits in SL

[09:56] Buffy Beale: 🙂

[09:56] Frans Charming applauds

[09:56] Gentle Heron: Lenni, you are welcome. Come any time. This is a public meeting.

[09:56] Rhiannon Chatnoir: next week we will have Robert Todd of Georgia Tech speaking on using virtual worlds for virtual peer mentoring of disabled studends in STEM subjects

Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir

Cyber Security Essentials Workshop and VWBPE Update for the February 1st NonProfit Commons Meeting

This Friday, February 1st, Nonprofit Commons is happy to feature a mini-course on “Cyber Security Essentials for Nonprofits”, presented by Carl Icann (Carl Solutionary) as well an update from Kevin Feenan (Phelan Corrimal) who will be giving us an update on this year’s upcoming VWBPE 2013 conference.    


Mini-Course: Cyber Security Essentials for Nonprofits


This mini-course teaches essentials that every small enterprise can use to dramatically reduce their cyber-security vulnerabilities with respect to increasingly pernicious Internet threats. The course covers essential concepts & techniques including: anti-malware, security alerts/updates, end-user training, and basic security administration.


Bio: Carl Icann (Carl Solutionary) is a Humane Educator with computer security experience in real life. Carl teaches for Rockcliffe University and conducts Humane Education events for Etopia, the sustainability education community in Second Life. Visit Carl’s social benefits education resources at



VWBPE 2013


Originally started as a grassroots educational conference, the Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education conference brings together over 2000 educators, researchers, and institutional professional from around the world to discuss issues facing education and how virtual technologies can best be applied to solving these dilemmas. The conference is run as an open source conference and is free for anyone to attend.


Kevin Feenan, also known as Phelan Corrimal in Second Life, is the President of Rockcliffe University Consortium and one of the Executive Directors of the VWBPE Conference. 


Join us in Second Life!


Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting

Friday, February 1st, 8:30 AM SLT / PST

Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater




  • 8:30 am Introductions
  • 8:40 am TechSoup Announcements
  • 8:45 am Mentors Central
  • 8:55 am Cyber Security Essentials for Nonprofits
  • 9:25 am Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Update
  • 9:40 am Open Mic / Announcements


The mission of the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is to create a community for nonprofits to explore and learn about virtual worlds, foster connections, and discover the many ways in which nonprofits might utilize the unique environment of Second Life to achieve their missions. 

Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir

Transcript of January 25th NPC meeting featuring Ines Puspita (Ines Ogura)

The Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is sponsored by TechSoup Global and is a program of the TechSoup Global Community & Social Media team



    •    8:30 am Introductions

    •    8:40 am TechSoup Announcements

    •    9:00 am Main Speaker: Ines Puspita (Ines Ogura)

    •    9:30 am Open Mic / Announcements


First a few links to start off the meeting.    


Here are the many ways to can get involved with the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life:


–  Nonprofit Commons Blog: 

–  Wiki:

–  Twitter:

–  Facebook:

–  G+ Community: 

–  Google Group:

–  Google Calendar:



About TechSoup the sponsors of the Nonprofit Commons:








[08:36] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Hello everyone, let’s start off with Introductions!


Please state your real name, location, org, and the ways we can find you online.


And if you are new to NonProfit Commons, how you found about today’s meeting.


[08:36] Buffy Beale: Buffy Bye, Bridges for Women, Victoria BC Canada, @bridges4women

[08:36] Thunder: is anyone speaking?

[08:36] Jen: Bruce Hestley, Transgender American Veterans Association, Akron, OH,,!/TAVAUS

[08:36] Gentle Heron: THunder, this is all text.

[08:36] CarynTopia Silvercloud: jCaryn Heilman, Topia Arts Center in Adams, MA in the Berkshires of NW, MA,, @topiaartscenter

[08:36] Thunder: thank you Gentle

[08:36] Andy Evans: Andy Mallon, First Opinions Panel in SL Social Research Foundation, NYC in RL

[08:37] Jerry Buchko: Jerry Buchko, MA, AFC | Counselor, Coach, & Tutor of Personal Finance in Private Practice | | @jerrybuchko

[08:37] Gentle Heron: Virtual Ability, Inc.

[08:37] Rhiannon Chatnoir: we are doing this meeting in text only, helps with having a great transcript and accessibility

[08:37] Adalace Jewell: RoSa Library & Documentation Centre, Brussels, Belgium. @adalace

[08:37] Dancers Yao: Kara Bennett, Elder Voices, Inc. Los Angeles, CA Health Care and Human Rights

[08:37] Thunder: understood

[08:37] Chad Mikado: Chad

[08:37] Brena Benoir: Brenda Bryan, Preferred Family Healthcare, Kirksville, MO ,, @brenabenoir

[08:37] Chayenn: Monique Richert, Protect Yourself 1, Inc.,Baltimore MD,, , @PY1US

[08:37] alebez: Ale Bezdikian, TechSoup Global, SF, CA, @TechSoup, @alebez

[08:37] ArthurConan Doyle: Tom Layton

[08:37] Glitteractica Cookie: Susan Tenby, TechSoup and Caravan Studios, San Francisco CA USA @suzboop @techsoup @caravanstudios @npsl

[08:38] Coughran Mayo: Dick Dillon, Innovaision, LLC St. Louis MO @innovaision

[08:38] Rhiannon ChatnoirRhiannon Chatnoir is the community manager of TechSoup’s NonProfit Commons here in SL,, @RhiannonSL

[08:38] Thunder: K5 Computer Resource Specialist in one school Virginia Beach, VA Twitter K4sons

[08:38] ArthurConan Doyle: aka ArthurConan Doyle – Alice Academy

[08:38] Grizzla: Chris Robinson, Georgia Gwinnett College, metro Atlanta

[08:39] Ozma Malibu: Sandra Andrews, Floaters Gallery & Tech Outreach to Homeless, Arizona, Mexico and On the Road, @ozma

[08:39] Rhiannon Chatnoir: If you joined us late, please still introduce yourself!

[08:39] Simargl TalajSimargl Talaj is a former teacher of secondary school English in the USA, in midst of career change to library technical assistant..

[08:39] keelan Oconnell: hello all, i’m keelan, college educator, health sciences

[08:40] MiaMia shakes head at Andys joke, haha

[08:40] Tank Thibedeau: Ricky Davis DJ social media consultant Protect Yourself 1, Inc.,Baltimore MD,, , @PY1US

[08:40] Prof. DeSantis: Patois DeSantis, faculty, private university, Illinois

[08:40] Ramesh Sharma: Hello, I am Ramesh Sharma from New Delhi, India

[08:40] Tori Landau: Patricia Dean, volunteer event coordinator for the Open University’s Deep Think campus and volunteer owner of the Moonstone sim, currently International Schools island.

[08:40] Glitteractica Cookie: welcome Ramesh!

[08:41] Mia: hi, Praxislady here, educator, and now student




[08:42] Rhiannon Chatnoir: It is time for TechSoup Announcements!

[08:42] Items successfully shared.

[08:42] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Ale, would you like to say something for that, and then maybe Susan can followup

[08:43] alebez: good day everyone!

[08:44] Buffy Beale: yay Ale!

[08:44] Glitteractica Cookie: wow, serious hat lag on my end

[08:44] Glitteractica Cookie: good day

[08:44] Simargl Talaj: Hello Pado. I like your tee shirt. Perhaps you do not realize that you are sitting on my lap..THe seat to your left is available.

[08:44] Glitteractica Cookie: chat lag

[08:44] Ines Ogura: 😀

[08:44] Glitteractica Cookie: (things you only hear in a SL meeting)

[08:45] alebez: just wanted to remind ya’ll that the Windows 8 contest is liiiiiiiive!

[08:45] alebez: Windows 8 Apps for Social Good contest w/ $40,000 in prizes!


The contest is open to new or previously-developed apps and has $40,000 in prizes with $15,000 for the top entries in each category.


[08:45] alebez: Learn more and enter your Windows 8 app into the contest at


[08:46] alebez: There are 3 categories of prizes:


1. Best Overall Windows 8 App wins $15,000

2. Best Overall Windows 8 Phone App wins $15,000 

3. People’s Choice App wins $10,000


[08:48] Glitteractica Cookie: Also, apps that are already existing in the marketplace are eligible

[08:48] Glitteractica Cookie: They must be Windows8 apps

[08:54] Coughran Mayo: is everyone crashing?

[08:54] Gentle Heron: I did wonder that, Coughran.

[08:55] Dancers Yao: just lag so far

[08:55] Jerry Buchko: Feel like we’re in the middle of a slow motion Inception moment… ;D

[08:55] CarynTopia Silvercloud: I just ended up at an airport

[08:55] alebez: hello everyone. yes, we’re crashing. one after the other

[08:55] Coughran Mayo: bad lag, but we’ve lost a half dozen folks here in the last minute

[08:55] ArthurConan Doyle: crashed & back

[08:55] Gentle Heron: My IM shows Jenelle has crashed, but I see her still here.

[08:55] Jerry Buchko: Ah, Houston… I think we have a problem here….

[08:56] Coughran Mayo: you would think that with all the people abandoning SL, there would be less lag

[08:56] alebez: that’s funny, jerry.

[08:56] Gentle Heron: Coughran!

[08:56] Gentle Heron: This is one of the stranger crashes I’ve ever experienced!

[08:56] Ozma Malibu: crashed and bac and this time I can see better (although bald). One of those days.

[08:56] Coughran Mayo: I’m just sayin….

[08:56] Tank Thibedeau: other people crashed too?

[08:57] Beth Ghostraven: I had a hard time getting here

[08:57] Beth Ghostraven: hope I’m not sitting on anyone

[08:57] Gentle Heron: Some but not all, Tank.

[08:57] alebez: Ok, folks. Onto Mentor’s Central!

[08:57] Jerry Buchko: lol

[08:58] alebez: Please come up. And sorry we’re all dealing with this horrific lag.

[08:59] alebez: Are there any mentors prepared to share a few things?

[09:00] Gentle Heron: Sarvana was on tap for today

[09:00] Dancers Yao: no reports on SL status of problems on grid!

[09:01] alebez: Ooo, is Sar here?

[09:01] Rhiannon Chatnoir: sorry about that.. crashed as well.. back finally

[09:02] Gentle Heron: No however our main speaker has just reappeared

[09:02] Ines Ogura: I am sorry all.

[09:02] Buffy Beale: this is def not a normal meeting day lol normally we’re glued to our seats

[09:02] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Finally got logged back in

[09:02] Jen (jenelle.levenque): I got crashed too

[09:02] Ines Ogura: The crash was unexpected. 🙂

[09:02] Gentle Heron: Many of us crashed, Ines.

[09:02] Gentle Heron: That’s been done, Coughran

[09:03] Rhiannon Chatnoir: thats ok, once you are rez’d back in if there isn’t a mentor speaker, you can maybe start with your presentation Ines..

[09:03] Ines Ogura: I am glad I am not the only one.

[09:03] Teri Leitner: Hi everyone, I’m Tori’s ‘twin’… apparently Tori isn’t going to be available to login again for about another 5 mins

[09:03] LoriVonne Lustre: Hurray! I made it in time to hear Ines 🙂

[09:03] Mia (praxislady.witt) Coughran is teaming up with Andy in humor, LOL

[09:03] Ines Ogura: Thank you Lori.

[09:04] Gentle Heron: HI LoriVonne.

[09:04] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great… let’s introduce Ines then..

[09:04] Mia (praxislady.witt): so everyone crashed?

[09:04] Coughran Mayo: I am Andy’s twin




[09:04] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Time for our featured presentation


Today we have as our featured presenter Ines Puspita (Ines Ogura in SL), who will be discussing her educational “Virtual Bookshop” project, teaching students in Indonesia using participatory storytelling, virtual worlds and augmented reality technologies.

[09:04] Rhiannon Chatnoir: First some info on Ines:


Bio: Learning and teaching have been Ines’ lifetime passions but it was not until her involvement in the Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations in South Korea in 1995 that she encountered the important role of technology in learning and teaching. Since then, she has become an avid advocate of the use of technology in education for formal and informal learning in Indonesia. 


Ines is currently a Science teacher at the Deutsche Internationale Schule (German International School) in Indonesia, where she teaches 4th through 8th grade students. As an educator, she continues to evolve along with technology by incorporating Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and Web 3.0 into her classroom. 




[09:05] Rhiannon Chatnoir: so whenever you are ready, feel free to start


[09:05] Ines Ogura: First of all, I would like to thank Rhiannon and Sarvana for inviting me to talk in this meeting. It is an honor to be able to share my students’ work in Non Profit Commons. Thank you for your kind introduction, Rhiannon. I would also like to thank you all for coming today.

[09:05] Buffy Beale: Cheers loudly for Ines!

[09:05] Mia (praxislady.witt) claps for Ines

[09:06] LoriVonne Lustre: woohoo!

[09:06] Ines Ogura: For those who may not know about my work in virtual world, I have been actively learning and teaching in Second Life since May 2010.

[09:06] Beth Ghostraven: yay

[09:06] Gentle Heron: YAY Ines.

[09:06] Ramesh Sharma (rcs.darwin): Most welcom, Ines

[09:06] Ines Ogura: My journey in Second Life was urged by the need to stay connected with my students during holidays. We have only 170-180 schooling days in a year. This fact limits our chance to do more to explore any topics we learn in class.

[09:06] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Welcome Ines

[09:06] Ines Ogura: In addition to that, my students often felt bored during holidays. When I read an article about the NASA and Abyss Observatory representations in Second Life, I was intrigued by virtual world technology. I immediately created an account and jumped in Second Life.

[09:07] Ines Ogura: I brought along my students and taught them inworld when I was just 1 week old. It was the craziest thing I have ever done but it was also the most rewarding.

[09:08] Ines Ogura: Back then, I didn’t know anyone who used SL for learning or teaching. I didn’t know other virtual world such as the open sims existed. I was also not sure how to use VW for teaching or learning. I only knew that the platform was exciting and my students liked it. So after taking care of the security issues, we hit the road and learned to drive together.

[09:08] Ines Ogura: :p

[09:09] Mia (praxislady.witt): wonderful 🙂

[09:09] Ines Ogura: Although my initial intention to use virtual world was only to cater for my students’ virtual fieldtrips, we have been evolving since

[09:09] Șpecıaŀ K (kira.komarov): great! 🙂

[09:09] Ines Ogura: Thanks to the support of other brilliant and caring educators in virtual world, my students and I could make it this far and accomplished our most recent project that I am going to share in this meeting today. It’s the virtual ebookshop.

[09:10] Ines Ogura: Traditionally, the assumption underlying our approaches to learning in schools has been that of “consuming knowledge.”

[09:10] Ines Ogura: We assume that students are empty buckets that need to be filled with knowledge.

[09:10] Ines Ogura: Teacher is the center of the classroom because teacher is the only one with an authority to fill the buckets. (I have been there, done that. *blush*)

[09:11] LoriVonne Lustre: As have we all I am sure Ines 🙂

[09:11] Ines Ogura: However, A great deal of research on children’ learning over the past decades has shown that such a view of learning is not valid.

[09:11] Ines Ogura: Something must be done, right? Personally it bothers me so much, or should I say it hurts me so bad, to see my students come to class unmotivated.

[09:12] Ines Ogura: I feel like a complete failure when my students don’t know the purpose of their learning. But what is next?

[09:12] Ines Ogura: Through years of experience, and lots of trials and errors, I learn that children learn through a variety of means that are more dynamic and idiosyncratic.

[09:13] Ines Ogura: They don’t learn because I pour them with knowledge. They don’t learn because I tell them to.

[09:13] Ramesh Sharma (rcs.darwin): true!

[09:13] Ines Ogura: Instead they learn by going through a dynamic process of developing connections between their prior knowledge, personal experiences, new information, and even other dimensions such as emotions, beliefs, imagery, and so on.

[09:14] Ines Ogura: Based on such a view of learning, the idea of students as producers of knowledge, rather than consumers, does make sense to me.

[09:15] Ines Ogura: Knowledge producer approach allows students to take ownership over the processes and products of learning and therefore create more relevant, meaningful, and complex understanding of what they are doing.

[09:15] Ines Ogura: My questions were: Would they be able to leverage virtual world in the process? Would they be able to produce knowledge within the virtual world and make real life impacts for others and for themselves?

[09:16] Ines Ogura: To find out, I challenged my grade 5 and 6 students.

[09:16] Ines Ogura: Within virtual world, I challenged them to use Science to solve real life problems and to produce something to save the world.

[09:17] Ines Ogura: 😀

[09:17] Mia (praxislady.witt): good project

[09:17] Ines Ogura: *pretty ambitious*

[09:17] Ines Ogura: I didn’t actually expect them to accomplish anything at the end… chuckle ….

[09:17] Ines Ogura: Besides, it was too big of a challenge for children their age to even think about.

[09:18] Glitteractica Cookie: were there any good, realistic ideas that could actually happen/be implemneted?

[09:18] Ines Ogura: But I was surprised with what they could do

[09:18] Ines Ogura: Yes Glit

[09:18] Ines Ogura: After this, I would like to play a machinima that captured some of what they have done here to answer my challenge.

[09:20] Rhiannon Chatnoir: if you want to play the video, you will have to click on the video player

[09:20] Ines Ogura: Here’s a footage of their works. http:/Here’s a footage of their works.

[09:20] Rhiannon Chatnoir: that will activate the web on a prim, and then click again to play it

[09:20] Ines Ogura: Just in case some of you can’t view it inworld.

[09:21] LoriVonne Lustre: ty

[09:21] Rhiannon Chatnoir: sometimes double clicking the play button you see of the youtube video preview will start it

[09:22] Glitteractica Cookie: working fo rme

[09:22] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great

[09:22] SemonRatvey: chargin for me

[09:23] Buffy Beale: great video!

[09:23] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes, sometimes needs to load some, just like a youtube video 🙂

[09:23] Rhiannon Chatnoir: you can click on it again if it does stop while loading

[09:24] Ines Ogura: Thank you Buffy. ^^

[09:24] Z (zeppo.romano): yes, she really is

[09:24] Buffy Beale: giving me goosebumps Ines 🙂

[09:24] Ines Ogura: Please tell me if anyone has some difficulties in playing the video inworld. I will give you the direct link.

[09:24] Buffy Beale: I’d like it anyways Ines to post to my FB

[09:24] Kaleaon: my apologies for being late, I had my viewer crash a few times trying to arrive

[09:25] Teri Leitner: I am Ines, may I have the link please 🙂

[09:25] LoriVonne Lustre: wow!

[09:25] Glitteractica Cookie: yay! clap clap clap

[09:25] Rhiannon Chatnoir: and we will have the link in the transcripts for later viewing too

[09:25] Ines Ogura: Although the machinima I just presented was short. In reality it took my students many working hours and many many days to think, to discuss, to solve problems, to create,

[09:25] Ines Ogura: (even to fight),

[09:25] Dancers Yao: beautiful work thank you…so inspiring

[09:26] Ines Ogura: to finally bring real impact, and to get the wisdom of it all.

[09:26] Ines Ogura: They were so absorbed during the whole process but no one complained that learning was hard or boring.

[09:26] LoriVonne Lustre: LOL

[09:27] Ines Ogura: 😀

[09:27] Ines Ogura: Finally, It’s the last slide of my presentation today.

[09:27] Jen (jenelle.levenque): WOW!

[09:27] Ines Ogura: I would like to let you all know that this week, at last, my students managed to collect enough money from the ebook sales to buy a computer for these rainforest kids in West Kalimantan.

[09:27] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Makes me want to go back to school

[09:28] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): that’s awesome! 😀

[09:28] LoriVonne Lustre: *clap*

[09:28] Nova Saunders: this is terrific

[09:28] Ines Ogura: At the moment, these kids do not have a library. The books that you see in this picture are all they’ve got.

[09:28] Nova Saunders: great job!

[09:28] Buffy Beale: Cheering!!! that’s just beautiful Ines!!!

[09:28] CarynTopia Silvercloud: very inspiring

[09:28] Ramesh Sharma (rcs.darwin): Congratulations!

[09:28] Ines Ogura: My students will send the computer next week along with almost 100 titles of ebooks they have produced.

[09:28] Jen (jenelle.levenque): I’ll bet there are some book producers in SL who would contribute

[09:28] Mia (praxislady.witt): that was wonderful and well done of teacher and enterprising students :))

[09:29] Ines Ogura: This has been a very rewarding learning experience for them.

[09:29] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Gotta watch them kids

[09:29] Jen (jenelle.levenque): They’ll teach you a lot

[09:29] Nova Saunders: smiles

[09:29] Mia (praxislady.witt) nods head

[09:29] Gentle Heron: Thank you Ines for sharing with us today.

[09:29] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes thank you!

[09:29] Rhiannon Chatnoir: does anyone have questions for Ines

[09:30] Glitteractica Cookie: very cool idea

[09:30] Rachel Gloedu (gloedu): thanks Ines

[09:30] LoriVonne Lustre: could you give us the SLURL to the bookstore Ines?

[09:30] Ines Ogura: They didn’t realize how they were connected to other people and other creatures on Earth before but through this activity they really learned: “What is Science without humanity? And what is humanity without biodiversity?”

[09:31] Ines Ogura: And I didn’t have to preach to them about this wisdom.

[09:31] Ines Ogura: They felt it.

[09:31] Nova Saunders: perfect

[09:31] Mia (praxislady.witt): what a great age for discovery though…

[09:31] Ines Ogura: It is all possible because of the helps and supports from avatars like you, like me, like us. THANK YOU!

[09:31] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Thank you Ines

[09:31] Ines Ogura: <3

[09:31] SemonRatvey: INES YOU ARE GREAT!!!

[09:31] LoriVonne Lustre: thank you Ines

[09:31] Șpecıaŀ K (kira.komarov): Thank you Ines 🙂

[09:32] Mia (praxislady.witt): will you presentation be available to us plz?

[09:32] Nova Saunders: cheers

[09:32] Teri Leitner: Many thanks Ines 🙂

[09:32] Gentle Heron: Remember that text transcripts of NPC meetings are available at:

[09:32] Ines Ogura: Thank you all for coming and supporting!!!!

[09:33] Ramesh Sharma (rcs.darwin): 🙂

[09:33] Ozma Malibu: So wonderful, thank you. And SL really lends itself to thinking outside the box!

[09:33] Zet Avril (zet667.avril): Ines

[09:33] Mia (praxislady.witt) stands up and clapps

[09:33] Rhiannon Chatnoir: and this is a great precursor too to the upcoming TSdigs yearly contest.. food for thought on storytelling and even today’svide on how to use medium like this to tell your mission and story

[09:34] Ozma Malibu: To actually complete the project in RL, that takes dedication and unwavering belief, the kind kids are capable of, but many teachers have been burned out on that part – so for you to shepherd them all the way – is huge.

[09:34] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes

[09:34] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great stuff, any other last questions for Ines, before we move on

[09:35] Ines Ogura: Thank you Ozma. Yes teachers can get burnt out doing a RL project like this but what I learned from my experience here, the kids are quite independent.

[09:35] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great – one last thank you to Ines!

[09:36] Ines Ogura: Thank you Rhiannon! Thank you all!

[09:36] Zet Avril (zet667.avril): bye TY Ines and NPC

[09:36] Rhiannon Chatnoir: we will be posting the transcript up to if you missed any of this

[09:37] LoriVonne Lustre: thank you!!!

[09:37] Ines Ogura: Bye all. It’s over midnight my time. Love you Lori….

[09:37] SemonRatvey: Bye my friend

[09:37] Rhiannon Chatnoir: thanks Ines – goodnight to you 🙂

[09:37] LoriVonne Lustre: {hugs}

[09:37] Ines Ogura: I will sit back. ^^

[09:37] Kaleaon: might I ask how everyone is uploading their books to SL, opensim, or other grids ect?

[09:37] Teri Leitner: Sleep well Ines and ty for doing this so late for you





[09:37] Rhiannon Chatnoir: we will be moving on to Open Mic, but before we do.. I think the update on the WIndows 8 contest got cut off when the sim was having issues

[09:37] Rhiannon Chatnoir: so will just recap that quick


[09:38] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Windows 8 Apps for Social Good contest w/ $40,000 in prizes!


The contest is open to new or previously-developed apps and has $40,000 in prizes with $15,000 for the top entries in each category.


Microsoft has teamed up with NetSquared to support you in generating apps for nonprofits and activists on the Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 Marketplaces. The Contest is about YOUR great ideas and projects, and we’re here with tools, resources, and incentive prizes to get (and keep) you going.


Learn more and enter your Windows 8 app into the contest at


What are the prizes?


There are 3 categories of prizes:

1. Best Overall Windows 8 App wins $15,000

2. Best Overall Windows 8 Phone App wins $15,000

3. People’s Choice App wins $10,000


Ready to get started? Here’s how to proceed:

1. Add your project to the NetSquared site’s project gallery. Include your Windows Store app URL.


[09:38] Glitteractica Cookie:

[09:38] Rhiannon Chatnoir: thanks for the cleaner links Glitteractica!

[09:38] Glitteractica Cookie: already existing win8 apps can be submitted. $40,000 USD in total prize money

[09:38] Glitteractica Cookie: (not lindens)

[09:39] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes and good distinction!

[09:39] Glitteractica Cookie: and check out

[09:39] Rhiannon Chatnoir: thanks, think that repeats what got lost earlier 🙂




[09:39] Kaleaon: well, just that Kira komarov and I have came up with a way to use dropbox tu instantly upload text files into opensim

[09:40] Rhiannon Chatnoir: ahh interesting

[09:40] Kaleaon: I thought it might be a helpful tool to make a note of

[09:40] LoriVonne Lustre: whoa! very cool Kale

[09:40] Kaleaon:

[09:40] LoriVonne Lustre: ty

[09:40] Kaleaon: you save a file, and just label a prim, add file name in desctription, and it uploads

[09:40] Coughran Mayo: wb Sarvana

[09:40] Ines Ogura: Cool Kale

[09:41] Sarvana Haalan: Sally S. Cherry, MT(ASCP) Baltimore, MD,

[09:41] Rhiannon Chatnoir: is it only in OpenSim worlds?

[09:41] Buffy Beale: thanks again Ines, very inspiring!

[09:41] Rhiannon Chatnoir: and welcome Sarvana 🙂

[09:41] Kaleaon: I believe so, I was more the inspiration for the technology, rhather than the inventor

[09:41] Rhiannon Chatnoir: thanks for sharing that

[09:41] SemonRatvey: Ines, may i have a little question?

[09:42] Ines Ogura: Yes

[09:42] SemonRatvey: It seems (in the video) that your students are very experts in SL

[09:43] SemonRatvey: how many time have you been there teaching them in SL?

[09:43] Ines Ogura: Basically all new students will learn basic building skills but usually I don’t teach them.

[09:44] Ines Ogura: Instead I will ask the older students to teach them.

[09:44] SemonRatvey: ohm!!

[09:44] Zet Avril (zet667.avril): excellent! that is the way

[09:44] SemonRatvey: how old are they, than?

[09:44] Ines Ogura: Usually it only takes them 3 x 45 minutes for them to be comfortable with the technology.

[09:44] Rhiannon Chatnoir: even from my experience, back in using Teen Second Life with youth, you almost can’t get them to not want to build, though those were mostly high school age

[09:44] SemonRatvey: my God!

[09:44] Ines Ogura: 10-12 years old.

[09:45] Ines Ogura: Right Rhiannon.

[09:45] SemonRatvey: the oldest?

[09:45] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Let’s move on to Open Mic & Announcements

[09:45] Tank Thibedeau (liltank.thibedeau): raises hand

[09:46] Rhiannon Chatnoir: does anyone have any announcements they want to say

[09:46] Ines Ogura: My oldest SL students are now 14 years old.

[09:46] Teri Leitner: Raises hand for announcements

[09:46] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Gentle IM’d me, so let’s have her go first

[09:46] Rhiannon Chatnoir: then Tank, then Tori

[09:46] Gentle Heron raise her hand too

[09:46] SemonRatvey: thanks Ines

[09:46] Gentle Heron: Several events of possible interest this weekend:

[09:46] Gentle Heron: SAT 8-10am SLT- Slatan Dryke will offer “How To” hints for better SL functioning from a long-term SL mentor.

[09:46] Gentle Heron: SAT 11am SLT- poetry reading at the Cape Serenity library

[09:47] Gentle Heron: SUN noon SLT- Polaris Grayson will talk about assistive technology.

[09:47] Gentle Heron: Please ask me for notecards and those will have more information and landmarks and SLURLs.

[09:47] Gentle Heron: (that’s all)

[09:47] SemonRatvey: Thanks Gentle

[09:47] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great

[09:47] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Tank, your next

[09:47] Tank Thibedeau (liltank.thibedeau): Protect yourself 1 is having a open house on our 2013 campaign for hiv/aids prevention and education for schools and colleges on Feb 7th right here at our NPC office. It will be recorded to show at rl schools so we are inviting everyone to come in support on Friday Feb. 7th at either 9 am or 3 pm sl time. thank you.

[09:48] Tank Thibedeau (liltank.thibedeau): we are also celebrating national black hiv./aids day on that day

[09:48] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great

[09:49] Ines Ogura: Great!

[09:49] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Teri, your next

[09:49] Teri Leitner: Ok, ty Rhi…. two items…

[09:50] Teri Leitner: a space has been created at the Open University campus, Deep Think fDeep Think West (74,53,38)

[09:50] Teri Leitner: oops…. sorry, space for reflection and remembrance for holocaust memorial day

[09:51] Teri Leitner: will be there until 3rd Feb and candles may be placed there

[09:51] Teri Leitner: also…

[09:52] Teri Leitner: a drop-in on Wed 30th at 1.15pm slt

[09:52] Adalace Jewell: sorry, guys need to go. Thx for the meeting

[09:52] Teri Leitner: Deep Think East (224,38,32)

[09:52] Teri Leitner: done and apologies, having some probs with chat

[09:52] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Ditto… need to pop off.

[09:52] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great

[09:52] Rhiannon Chatnoir: any other announcements

[09:53] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Have a great weekend all 🙂

[09:53] Rhiannon Chatnoir: also… If you took pictures today, if you can share them on our Facebook group: or G+ Community:, that would be great. Otherwise, tag them #NPSL


And please feel free tag your avatars in any photos posted!

[09:53] alebez: thank you everyone! have a good one.

[09:53] Rhiannon Chatnoir: And if you are interested in learning more about our community, please join our group in SL named: TechSoup, we host these meetings weekly..

[09:53] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Cool! Thanks, Rhiannon.

[09:53] Rhiannon Chatnoir: let’s close up the meeting then for this week! Thanks again to Ines 🙂


And again, here are the many ways to can get involved with the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life:


– Nonprofit Commons Blog:

– Wiki:

– Twitter:

– Facebook:

– G+ Community: 

– Google Group:

– Google Calendar:


About TechSoup the sponsors of the Nonprofit Commons:


Thanks everyone and see you next week!


[09:54] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Yes, thanks Ines.

[09:54] Nova Saunders: bye every one

[09:54] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Thanks for bringing Ines

[09:54] Ines Ogura: Aw..Thank you all

[09:54] Ines Ogura: Good night now

[09:54] Namaara MacMoragh: thanks it’s been great

[09:54] SemonRatvey: Good night, Ines and everyone!! i have to go now

[09:54] Glitteractica Cookie: bye everyone!

[09:54] Sarvana Haalan: Wooot, wooot, Ines!!!!!

[09:55] Sarvana Haalan: Thank you for coming!!

[09:55] SemonRatvey: ♪♫♥ Applauds!!! ♥♫♪ 

Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir

“Virtual Bookshop: From Consuming Knowledge to Producing Knowledge” for the January 25th NonProfit Commons Meeting

This Friday, January 25th, Nonprofit Commons is happy to feature Ines Sogura (Ines Puspita), who will be discussing her educational “Virtual Bookshop” project, teaching students in Indonesia using participatory storytelling, virtual worlds and augmented reality technologies.    

Bio: Learning and teaching have been Ines’ lifetime passions but it was not until her involvement in the Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations in South Korea in 1995 that she encountered the important role of technology in learning and teaching. Since then, she has become an avid advocate of the use of technology in education for formal and informal learning in Indonesia.

Ines is currently a Science teacher at the Deutsche Internationale Schule (German International School) in Indonesia, where she teaches 4th through 8th grade students. As an educator, she continues to evolve along with technology by incorporating Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and Web 3.0 into her classroom.


Join us in Second Life!

Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting

Friday, January 25th, 8:30 AM SLT / PST

Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater


  • 8:30 am Introductions
  • 8:40 am TechSoup Announcements
  • 8:45 am Mentors Central
  • 8:55 am Main Speaker: Ines Puspita
  • 9:30 am Open Mic / Announcements

The mission of the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is to create a community for nonprofits to explore and learn about virtual worlds, foster connections, and discover the many ways in which nonprofits might utilize the unique environment of Second Life to achieve their missions.

Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir

Transcript of January 18th NPC meeting – featuring Chris Collins (Fleep Tuque)

[08:33] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Welcome everyone to this week’s Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting!

[08:33] Rhiannon Chatnoir: The Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is sponsored by TechSoup Global and is a program of the TechSoup Global Community & Social Media team



 • 8:30 am Introductions

 • 8:40 am TechSoup Announcements

 • 8:45 am Mentors Central: Sarvana Haalan

 • 8:55 am Main Speaker: Chris Collins (Fleep Tuque)

 • 9:30 am Open Mic / Announcements


[08:33] Rhiannon Chatnoir: First a few links to start off the meeting. 


Here are the many ways to can get involved with the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life:


– Nonprofit Commons Blog:

– Wiki:

– Twitter:

– Facebook:

– G+ Community: 

– Google Group:

– Google Calendar:



About TechSoup the sponsors of the Nonprofit Commons:





[08:34] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Hello everyone, let’s start off with Introductions!

[08:34] HB Eternal: Harold W Becker, The Love Foundation, Florida, @lovefoundation

[08:34] CarynTopia Silvercloud: Caryn Heilman, Topia Arts Center in Adams, MA in the Berkshires of NW, MA,, @topiaartscenter

[08:34] Buffy Beale: Buffy Bye, Bridges for Women, Victoria BC Canada, @bridges4women

[08:34] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Please state your real name, location, org, and the ways we can find you online.


And if you are new to NonProfit Commons, how you found about today’s meeting.

[08:34] Zinnia Zauber: Renne Emiko Brock-Richmond, Sequim Humanities and Arts Alliance, Sequim, Olympic Peninsula, Washington. @renneemiko

[08:34] Ronnie Rhode: Denise Harrison, The Garden for the Missing featuring missing persons: and SLURL Remora (203,148,21), Project Jason, assistance for families of the missing,

[08:34] Andy Evans: Andy Mallon, First Opinions Panel in SL Social Research Foundation, NYC in RL

[08:34] Dancers Yao: Kara Bennett,

[08:34] CallieDel Boa: Google plus forme.

[08:34] Gentle Heron: Virtual Ability, Inc.

[08:34] Adalace Jewell: Rosa Library Brussels – Belgium @adalace

[08:35] WitchyRichy Witherspoon: Karen Richardson, Executive Director Virginia Society for Technology in Education

[08:35] alebez: Ale Bezdikian, Online Community Coordinator, TechSoup, SF, CA @TechSoup, @alebez

[08:35] Beth Ghostraven: Beth O’Connell, middle school librarian, pub owner in Caledon Victoria City

[08:35] Pathfinder Lester: John Lester, Chief Learning Officer, ReactionGrid, Montreal

[08:35] Oronoque Westland: Roberta Kilkenny, Hunter College

[08:35] Chayenn: Monique Richert, Protect Yourself 1, Inc., Baltimore MD,, , @PY1US

[08:35] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Bruce Hestley, Transgender American Veterans Association, Akron, OH,,!/TAVAUS

[08:35] Doug Danforth (drdoug.pennell): Doug Danforth Ohio State University

[08:35] Rhiannon Chatnoir is Joyce Bettencourt, Boston MA area, community manager here at TechSoup’s NonProfit Commons,, @rhiannonSL

[08:35] WitchyRichy Witherspoon: We also maintain VSTE Island in Second Life

[08:35] Ozma Malibu: Sandy Andrews, Floaters Org, Arizona, Mexico and On the Road, @ozma

[08:35] Dancers Yao: Kara Bennett, Elder Voices, Los Angeles, CA Health Care and Human Rights

[08:35] Ethelred Weatherwax: Dave Dexter, Neenah Historical Society, Wisconsin USA

[08:35] Sarvana Haalan: Sally S. Cherry, MT(ASCP), Baltimore, MD,, @CHAREproject

[08:35] JT Christos: John Goltz, Tampa FL, The Love Foundation,

[08:35] Fleep Tuque: Chris Collins, University of Cincinnati Center for Simulations & Virtual Environments Research and AvaCon, Inc.

[08:35] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford): I’m an educator in higher education in the midwest, doing some theatre and planning some seminars in the arts at our venue at Ce Soir Arts. Blog:

[08:35] Brena Benoir: Brenda Bryan, Preferred Family Healthcare, Kirksville, MO, @brenabenoir

[08:35] Don (donineducation): Don Elliott, Community College of Baltimore County, MD

[08:35] Glitteractica Cookie: Susan Tenby, Director, Online Community and Social Media team, TechSOup Global @suzboop @techsoup @caravanstudios

[08:36] Tori Landau: Patricia Dean, volunteer event coordinator for the Open University’s Deep Think campus and volunteer owner of the Moonstone sim, which currently is still home to the International Schools.

[08:36] WitchyRichy Witherspoon: I received a notice from a colleague about the meeting

[08:36] Thurs Xu (thursday.xu): Rex Heer at Iowa State University

[08:36] Gabrielle Riel: Gabrielle Riel – SL estate owner, SL radio station director and graduate student in Instructional Technology with a focus in Interactive Technologies at Wayne State University, Detroit

[08:36] Coughran Mayo: Dick Dillon, Innovaision, LLC St Louis MO @coughran, @innovaision

[08:36] Digz (coffin.gloom): Digger BlackHawk , Bikers who ride for a cause”

[08:36] Chris Hart (strawberry.fride)Chris Hart (strawberry.fride)Chris Hart, Boston MA, CTO ReactionGrid Inc.

[08:37] RobinG2 Proto – ReactionGrid (robing2.proto): Robin Gomboy, Moutn Dora, FL President ReactionGrid Inc

[08:37] Rhiannon Chatnoir: if you just joined us, please introduce yourself and there are a few extra seats to the left if you are facing me

[08:37] bulaklak: Michael DeLong, TechSoup Global, San Francisco, CA @mmdelong @ TechSoup

[08:37] Merlin Moonshadow: Michael Smith, Emory University; currently a grad student in ID at UGA.

[08:37] Dae Miami: William Schmachtenberg, Virginia, Teacher and I have a company Educational Virtual Worlds,, a colleague recommended this lecture

[08:38] Rhiannon Chatnoir: any other introductions?

[08:38] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Wow, 48 here today

[08:38] Gentle Heron: That is a tribute to Fleep!

[08:38] Zaqk Palmer: zaqk palmer – I work on immersive environments for universities

[08:38] Glitteractica Cookie: That’s fantastic

[08:38] Serene Jewell: Hi all

[08:38] Fleep Tuque: hehe

[08:38] Glitteractica Cookie: way to go, Rhiannon!

[08:38] Fleep Tuque blushes.

[08:38] Buffy Beale: yay Fleep 🙂

[08:39] Fleep Tuque: And Rhi’s great PR. 😉

[08:39] Digz (coffin.gloom): sorry this is my first time here and im not sure how to do this or when to speak about why im here

[08:39] Rhiannon Chatnoir: thanks

[08:39] Fleep Tuque: You can just chat your introduction Digz

[08:39] Glitteractica Cookie: Rhiannon will help you

[08:39] Rhiannon Chatnoir: of feel free to introduce yourself now

[08:40] Rhiannon Chatnoir: state your real name, location, org, and the ways we can find you online.


And if you are new to NonProfit Commons, how you found about today’s meeting.

[08:40] Digz (coffin.gloom): well my name is Digz and I am the president of the devilz rejectz MC here in SL

[08:40] Rhiannon Chatnoir: for anyone else who is new to NPC

[08:40] Gentle Heron: Digz, you may want to make an OPEN MIC announcement at the end of the agenda today

[08:40] Digz (coffin.gloom): we spend our time finding non profit companies and things like relay for life to help suport

[08:40] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford): My wife, Mireille has been here before – she’s always ahead of me on such things. 🙂

[08:40] RobinG2 Proto – ReactionGrid (robing2.proto): not new but been a while since I have visited – came today becasue I knew Fleep was talking

[08:40] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great

[08:40] jlmorin: Hi all. I’m JL Morin, and I’m leading the drum circle on Sunday at 9 a.m.

[08:41] RobinG2 Proto – ReactionGrid (robing2.proto): Het Fleep!

[08:41] Buffy Beale: great to see you G2 🙂

[08:41] RobinG2 Proto – ReactionGrid (robing2.proto): Hey





[08:41] Rhiannon Chatnoir: let’s move on to TechSoup Announcements, but feel free to still introduce yourself if you havent yet.

[08:41] Serene Jewell: Kathleen Watkins, Multimedia person, San Francisco @anthropola

[08:41] Dudley Dreamscape: Dudley Turner, Univ. of Akron, Ohio, USA,

[08:41] CallieDel Boa: I learned about NPC via DJ Earnshaw. I’m with the APCUG

[08:42] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Bulaklak, if your ready 🙂

[08:42] Buffy Beale: yay Tuna is here!

[08:43] bulaklak: Hi! Please bear with me. I am having some computer issues.

[08:43] Thurs Xu (thursday.xu): me too

[08:43] CallieDel Boa: Me too…

[08:43] bulaklak: I’ll try to keep it short as I think I need to restart.

[08:43] Oronoque Westland: 53 AVs for the record

[08:43] Fleep Tuque: !!

[08:44] Coughran Mayo: I blame the crowd on the speaker

[08:44] Pathfinder Lester: heh

[08:44] LoriVonne LustreLoriVonne Lustre🙂

[08:44] CallieDel Boa smiles

[08:44] Pathfinder Lester: Fleep woohoo!

[08:44] Sarvana Haalan: lol, lol

[08:44] bulaklak: Please join us on Tuesday, January 22 at 10am for a #CommBuild tweet chat

[08:44] Fleep Tuque: 🙂

[08:44] Beth Ghostraven: Is this all text, or is there voice too?

[08:44] Gentle Heron: All text.

[08:44] Oronoque Westland: text only

[08:44] Sarvana Haalan: The speaker is why I am so excited today…. woot, woot!!

[08:44] CallieDel Boa: Great, it is ok to transcribe?

[08:45] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes, for anyone having lag issues, you can try going into preferences and turning down settings. Avatars are a lot of load and we have a good crowd today. Also, if you have any scripted devices you don’t need to use while here, you might turn them off during.

[08:45] bulaklak: The topic will be segmenting and sorting your community

[08:45] bulaklak: And how to comminicate appropriately with each of those segments

[08:45] bulaklak: OUr special guest start will be Richard Millington of feverBee

[08:45] bulaklak: Read more about it here:

[08:45] Rhiannon Chatnoir: the meeting is all text

[08:45] Bau Ur removes scripted scarf in helpful gesture.

[08:45] Fleep Tuque: (You guys are making me nervous! heh)

[08:46] Glitteractica Cookie: Richard is an Online Community veteran, and all of us career community managers really find his info valuable and he’s very insightful

[08:46] Bau Ur: Hello Fleep. YOu should never be nervous. You are always interesting and charming.

[08:46] bulaklak: Oh my so many typos.

[08:46] Sarvana Haalan: we are a friendly bunch… lol, lol

[08:46] The Wizard of Odd (tuna.oddfellow): You are among friends Fleep//

[08:46] The Wizard of Odd (tuna.oddfellow): it’s ok

[08:46] Fleep Tuque: That sounds like a fun event bulaklak

[08:46] Rhiannon Chatnoir: all set bulaklak?

[08:47] Fleep Tuque: I’ve never used tweetchat, will have to check that out.

[08:47] LoriVonne Lustre: Tweetchats are great! Fast and fun!

[08:47] Glitteractica Cookie: the easiest way to do a twitter chat is to use the interface

[08:48] Veri Oddfellow: Hey y’all, Veri Oddfellow here from Great Strides. in Damascus, MD, USA

[08:48] Sarvana Haalan: I love tweet chats especially at special events

[08:48] Rhiannon Chatnoir: I think we lost bulaklak, Glitteractica or Alebez, want to add anything?

[08:48] Glitteractica Cookie: I’m not sure if Bulaklak has a windows 8 contest update

[08:49] Glitteractica Cookie: I assume he does

[08:49] Glitteractica Cookie: if not, I can grab some links

[08:49] Glitteractica Cookie: he crashed

[08:50] The Wizard of Odd (tuna.oddfellow): Hello Veri good to see you

[08:50] Rhiannon Chatnoir: if you want to update on that, would be great

[08:50] Glitteractica Cookie: SO, since he is not re-logged on yet…

[08:50] Sarvana Haalan: some Baltimore developers are indeed interested

[08:50] Glitteractica Cookie: The Win8 contest for social benefit apps is on until Feb 28th

[08:50] Veri Oddfellow: Tuna! Old friend, Cuz-o-mine! Well met!

[08:50] Glitteractica Cookie: There is $40,000 USD to be won

[08:50] Glitteractica Cookie: info at:….

[08:50] Sarvana Haalan: woot, woot!!!

[08:50] Fleep Tuque: wow

[08:50] Glitteractica Cookie: The app must be a windows app

[08:51] Sarvana Haalan: 🙂

[08:51] Glitteractica Cookie: and must be submitted into the windows marketplace

[08:51] Glitteractica Cookie: and we are pretty low on entries, so you still have a very good chance to win

[08:51] Glitteractica Cookie: The prizes are $15k, $15k and $10k — three prizes

[08:52] Glitteractica Cookie: the app could be one that was previously created for another hackathon or contest and one that is already in use, so the options are opn

[08:52] Coughran Mayo: How do you define “app”?

[08:52] Glitteractica Cookie: And we have a wiki for hackers to help them with the social benefit issue that they are going to build upon, for teh problem they are going to solve

[08:53] Glitteractica Cookie: A bit of code for a phone, web, game

[08:53] Glitteractica Cookie: Just look at the…. and your questions will be answered

[08:53] Glitteractica Cookie: as i was saying… the hacker helper wiki is available to get the data for teh civic issues in there

[08:53] Glitteractica Cookie:

[08:54] Glitteractica Cookie: We are also looking for folks to tell us if we have the right info there, to help us by addiing more links and data points, to add more issue area content

[08:54] Glitteractica Cookie: the wiki is open to edit, so please feel free

[08:54] The Wizard of Odd (tuna.oddfellow): WillowWitch

[08:55] Glitteractica Cookie: and if you think we missed some good information, let us know that too

[08:55] Glitteractica Cookie: if you have any questions, please email me at

[08:55] Rhiannon Chatnoir: thanks Susan

[08:55] Glitteractica Cookie: no problem

[08:56] Tori Landau: wb Bulaklak

[08:56] Rhiannon Chatnoir: welcome back Bulaklak

[08:56] bulaklak: tx

[08:56] Noxx’s High Detail Color Changing Sunglasses: You are the proud owner of these color changing sunglasses

[08:56] Noxx’s High Detail Color Changing Sunglasses: The owner can say ‘/1 help’ for instructions.

[08:57] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Glitteractica just went over the Windows 8 app challenge, any other updates before we move on to Mentor’s Central

[08:57] Bau Ur: A lot of people here. I now see that, alas, I must have walked over a few when I first arrived. SOrry.

[08:57] Rhiannon Chatnoir: oops, think he poofed again

[08:57] Rhiannon Chatnoir: ok, why dont we move on then 🙂

[08:57] CallieDel Boa: It didn’t hurt trust me ;p

[08:57] Fleep Tuque: Hehe

[08:57] Tori Landau: Np Bau, our pixels don’t feel pain here °͜°

[08:58] alebez: Yep, bulaklak sends his best, but his computer is dying.

[08:58] Rhiannon Chatnoir: thanks





[08:58] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Time for Mentor’s Central!

[08:58] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Today for Mentor Central we have Sarvana Haalan to speak, let’s welcome her up and please start whenever your ready.!

[08:58] Zinnia Zauber: Rah Sar!

[08:58] Gentle Heron applauds for Sarvana.

[08:59] CallieDel Boa applauds

[08:59] Sarvana Haalan: First I must say… Go, Baltimore Ravens!!!

[08:59] Sarvana Haalan: lol, lol

[08:59] Mia (praxislady.witt) claps loudly

[08:59] Fleep Tuque: hehe

[08:59] CallieDel Boa: Hahaha

[08:59] Sarvana Haalan: Good morning… Since I am a “gadget –loving” ava, I am always checking out new gadgets and software in real life as well as in-world . I am currently testing and I will share a bit about the Lumiya Viewer today.

[09:00] Sarvana Haalan: Is any one using it fight now?

[09:00] Mia (praxislady.witt): /listening closely

[09:00] CarmenLittleFawn: 🙂

[09:00] Sarvana Haalan: First a little about… Lumiya Viewer

The Lumiya Viewer is a virtual world grid client for Android phones and tablets. It is a recognized by Second Life as a Third Party Viewer. I am testing to see if I can use it with OpenSim worlds such as Kitely, OSGrid, New World Grid and others in the log-in listing.

[09:01] Fleep Tuque: Ah nifty!

[09:01] Sarvana Haalan: I am in OSGrid right now with it

[09:01] Sarvana Haalan: So I have used it with SL and OSGridKitely will be checked next

[09:01] Sarvana Haalan: It can be downloaded from Google Play at the cost of $2.95. It requires Android: 2.1 and up and is about 4.8 MB in size.

[09:02] Sarvana Haalan: worth the @.95

[09:02] Sarvana Haalan: 2.95… sorry

[09:02] Sarvana Haalan: Note: Lumiya does use your phone’s data connection which may cost money. 

It was stated Wi-Fi or 3G connection is preferred; EDGE connection is usually enough to use LumiyaGPRS or slower connections are generally not recommended.

[09:02] Sarvana Haalan: What to do withLumiya on your Android smartphone:

[09:02] Hour Destiny: For those with Windows and OS X, look into BlueStacks. Allows you to run Android apps on those platforms.

[09:02] Beth Ghostraven: If I can get into SL on my phone, RL might see me less and less!

[09:03] Sarvana Haalan: this viewer is my fav mobile one

[09:03] Sarvana Haalan: 1. You can actually view the virtual world environment in 3-D

2. Teleport to landmarks

3. Receive IM (instant messages) from SL friends

[09:03] The Wizard of Odd (tuna.oddfellow): Lumiya is wonderful

[09:03] Sarvana Haalan: 4. Send IM (instant messages) to friends

5. Chat using local chat

6. Manage your inventory

7. Give and receive inventory items

8. Change your clothes

[09:04] Sarvana Haalan: 9. Teleport to landmarks

10. Listen to in-world music

[09:04] Sarvana Haalan: and many other task

[09:04] Sarvana Haalan: someLimitations:

• Terrain and sky are not textured.

• “Mesh” is not supported. Sculpted objects are supported.

• Particle systems, local lighting and other fancy features are not supported.

[09:04] Sarvana Haalan: okay … To get more info about Lumiya:


Lumiya screenshots can be viewed at:


Graymills ogf TidalBlog has created Lumiya Wiki, which explains Lumiya features in great depth. Wiki –

[09:05] Sarvana Haalan: As a gadget-loving ava, I highly recommended it… lol, lol and I am Not an agent for their company

[09:05] Fleep Tuque: hehe

[09:06] Mia (praxislady.witt): TY Sarvanna, love the manage inventory especially, haha

[09:06] Sarvana Haalan: Serious, it should be looked at as mobile tool…. and that completed my “little bit” about the Lumiya Viewer

[09:06] Fleep Tuque: For all that filing we never do. 😉

[09:06] ArthurConan Doyle: Any app for iPhone?

[09:06] Sarvana Haalan: oops… lost my seat

[09:07] Gentle Heron: tsk tsk Fleep, come take my Inventory Management mini-class!

[09:07] Pathfinder Lester: heh

[09:07] Fleep Tuque: I gave up in despair years ago. 😉

[09:07] Zinnia Zauber: PocketMV for iphone

[09:07] Grizzla (grizzla.pixelmaid): There IS such a thing as inventory management?!

[09:07] Buffy Beale: great info thanks Sar!

[09:07] Beth Ghostraven: Ohh, Gentle Heron, I want to take your class!

[09:07] ArthurConan Doyle: Thanks

[09:07] Fleep Tuque: Thanks Sarvana!

[09:07] Rhiannon Chatnoir: thank you Sarvana, if you have more questions on alternate viewers, feel free to ask during our open mic.

[09:08] LoriVonne Lustre: Thanks Zinnia

[09:08] Mia (praxislady.witt) claps for Sarvanna

[09:08] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you Sar! Great job!!

[09:08] Bau Ur: manages inventory during meetings like these.

[09:08] Mia Kitchensink: 😀

[09:08] Merlin Moonshadow: I manage to fill up my inventory. 🙂





[09:08] Rhiannon Chatnoir: On to our Featured Presenter!

[09:08] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Today we have as our featured presenter Chris M. Collins, who most of you probably know better as the avatar Fleep Tuque.

[09:08] Fleep Tuque waves!

[09:08] Rhiannon Chatnoir: I have the pleasure of having collaborated with Fleep in both real and virtual worlds and am happy she could join us today. 🙂

[09:08] Buffy Beale: cheers for Fleep!

[09:08] Rhiannon Chatnoir: She will be presenting to us today on: “Moving Beyond Second Life:  Opportunities for Education, Non-Profits, and Healthcare in the Wider Metaverse”

[09:08] Dae Miami: applause!!!!

[09:08] CarmenLittleFawn: Hi Fleep 🙂 nice to meet u

[09:08] Gentle Heron applauds Fleep

[09:08] CallieDel Boa waves back.

[09:09] LoriVonne Lustre: clapping wildly!!!

[09:09] Rhiannon Chatnoir: First some info on Chris / Fleep:


Chris M. Collins (Fleep Tuque) is an IT Analyst at the University of Cincinnati.  Her research focuses on the use of virtual worlds, social media, and augmented reality in higher education and for remote workforce collaboration.  She founded and currently manages the Center for Simulations & Virtual Environments Research ( in the UC Office for Information Technology (UCIT), Instructional & Research Computing department.


In her free time, she serves on the board of AvaCon, Inc., ( a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the growth, enhancement, and development of the metaverse, virtual worlds, augmented reality, and 3D immersive and virtual spaces. AvaCon’s primary goal is to connect and support the diverse communities and practitioners involved in co-creating and using virtual worlds, and to educate the public and our constituents about the emerging ecosystem of technologies broadly known as the metaverse.


Her other projects include running FleepGrid, a small hyperlinked research grid on the OpenSim platform, serving as Executive Director for the Chilbo Community in Second Life, and she blogs informally about the impact of technology on education, politics, and economics at Fleep’s Deep Thoughts.






Let’s welcome up Fleep, please take a seat and start whenever you are ready.


[09:09] Sarvana Haalan: wooot, wooot

[09:09] Zinnia Zauber: Rah Fleep!

[09:09] Doug Danforth (drdoug.pennell): Go Ohio!

[09:09] Fleep Tuque: OK, going to see if I can get slides to rez. 🙂

[09:09] CallieDel Boa: Yayyy!

[09:10] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Yayyyy Fleep

[09:10] Fleep Tuque: Is that ok placement for everybody?

[09:10] CallieDel Boa: Looks good to me

[09:10] CarmenLittleFawn: great

[09:10] Rhiannon Chatnoir: maybe a bit higher

[09:10] Rhiannon Chatnoir: above our avatars

[09:10] Zaqk Palmer: maybe up a bit?

[09:10] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yay

[09:10] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford): A bit higher, yes. Otherwise, great.

[09:10] Fleep Tuque: Better?

[09:10] Thurs Xu (thursday.xu): great

[09:10] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford): Yep.

[09:10] Zaqk Palmer: cool

[09:11] Fleep Tuque: Ok, well I should start by saying thanks to Rhiannon and the Nonprofit Commons for inviting me to speak today! It’s a pleasure to be here.

[09:11] Fleep Tuque: And oops let me lock that, so you guys don’t advance on me. 😉

[09:11] CarmenLittleFawn: hehe

[09:11] Fleep Tuque: It’s great to see so many familiar faces, but for those of you who may not know about my work, I’ve been involved in the virtual worlds and metaverse space for most of the last decade. (!!!)

[09:11] 2013 NPC Commons: You do not have permission to use this viewer.

[09:11] Fleep Tuque: Well, that’s if you count playing around in the Second Life beta back in 2003 – which was *gulp* 10 years ago now – but I really got serious about it probably close to the time when I created this account back in 2005.

[09:11] 2013 NPC Commons: You may request permission from the owner, by clicking the lock on the side of the screen.

[09:12] Fleep Tuque: See here, evidence of my n00bness

[09:12] Fleep Tuque: lol

[09:12] Bau Ur: laughings

[09:12] Fleep Tuque: If you were around back in those days, you know that at the time, Second Life was something of a revelation, or at least it was to me.

[09:12] CarmenLittleFawn: mmhmm

[09:12] Fleep Tuque: It was early in my career at the University of Cincinnati, and my focus then was doing a lot of technical support for distance learning and helping faculty learn how to do crazy things like put their course materials on this new-fangled World Wide Web. 😉

[09:12] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford): We all started out pretty noooooooby.

[09:12] CarmenLittleFawn: nods

[09:12] Fleep Tuque: So when I first came into Second Life and had that “a-ha” moment, that realization that we could create any kind of learning environment..

[09:13] Fleep Tuque: I dragged the University of Cincinnati in and jumped with both feet. 🙂

[09:13] Fleep Tuque: That we had so many opportunities for interesting learning environments

[09:13] Fleep Tuque: And could do so many things..

[09:14] Fleep Tuque: models and prototypes and not just describe different kinds of phenomena to students, but let them see it, walk around it, go “into” it, simulate it..

[09:14] Doug Danforth (drdoug.pennell): Hey – I recognize that!

[09:14] Fleep Tuque: (Are slides rezzing for yu guys? Will have toyell if I am going too quickly.)

[09:14] Gentle Heron smiles at Doug!

[09:14] Chris Hart (strawberry.fride)Chris Hart (strawberry.fride)yep

[09:14] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford): Great here, Fleep.

[09:14] Fleep Tuque: it really ignited my passion for all things virtual.

[09:14] Pathfinder Lester: i recognize that simulation

[09:14] Pathfinder Lester: heh

[09:15] 2013 NPC Commons: You do not have permission to use this viewer.

[09:15] Fleep Tuque: I spent the next probably 4 or 5 years very deeply immersed in learning how to use Second Life for a host of academic and non-profit projects..

[09:15] LoriVonne Lustre: LOL Doug

[09:15] 2013 NPC Commons: You may request permission from the owner, by clicking the lock on the side of the screen.

[09:15] Fleep Tuque: I see Doug is in the house, any other Ohio folks?

[09:15] Loken Jewell: grins

[09:15] CallieDel Boa: I was raised there.

[09:15] Bau Ur: Oxford OH

[09:15] Dudley Dreamscape: Akron, OH

[09:15] Fleep Tuque: So lots of conferences and events

[09:15] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Akron ohio here

[09:16] Loken Jewell: O-H-I-O

[09:16] CallieDel Boa: Cleveland

[09:16] Fleep Tuque: (I might zoom through some picture slides here, sorry if they don’t rez quick enough, will put this all online. 🙂

[09:16] Fleep Tuque: And working with communities in Second Life

[09:16] Rhiannon Chatnoir: thanks

[09:16] Bau Ur: CHilbo!

[09:16] Fleep Tuque: Chilbo is a mainland community that’s been here since 2006! (!!!)

[09:16] CallieDel Boa: Great place too

[09:16] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford): 🙂

[09:16] Fleep Tuque: We’ve had hundreds of folks come through, and it was a very not-for-profit enterprise from the beginning

[09:17] Fleep Tuque: Yes, I’ve probably met some of you through Chilbo. 🙂

[09:17] Fleep Tuque: But I also spent a lot of time at real world conferences and events too

[09:17] Oronoque Westland: look at typists!

[09:17] Fleep Tuque: Where I met SO many great people through things like the Second Life Community Convention

[09:17] Fleep Tuque: And meeting some of the most brilliant and innovative thinkers in the metaverse (some of whom I see here today – thanks for coming!).. 🙂

[09:17] Coughran Mayo: yes SLCC!

[09:18] Fleep Tuque: So I think it would have been really hard a few years ago to find anyone as passionate about Second Life as I was. It really literally changed my life!

[09:18] Zinnia Zauber: Rah SLCC!

[09:18] Veri Oddfellow: Yesssgotta love SLCC

[09:18] 2013 NPC Commons: You do not have permission to use this viewer.

[09:18] 2013 NPC Commons: You may request permission from the owner, by clicking the lock on the side of the screen.

[09:18] Fleep Tuque: I came to believe that virtual communities like this one are so powerful.

[09:18] Hour Destiny: Salt Lake Community College (my wife attended there) 🙂

[09:18] Fleep Tuque: And I spent a lot of time trying to convince others of the same thing. 🙂

[09:18] CallieDel Boa: Indeed

[09:18] Fleep Tuque: It changed the trajectory of my career, and opened up so many doors and opportunities – not just professionally, but personally, too.

[09:18] Veri Oddfellow: lol Hour *wah wah wah*

[09:18] Fleep Tuque: I learned a lot about myself – for example,

[09:19] Fleep Tuque: I discovered that I was a terrible capitalist!

[09:19] Fleep Tuque: Experiencing the extreme hype cycle of Second Life and all of the opportunists that the hype and crazy media coverage brought, there were so many people raking in real life money hand over fist and I had opportunities to do that as well,

[09:19] Fleep Tuque: but I discovered about myself that my interest really is in the public good, 

in developing communities and networks of people who are interested in the same thing, who feel that passion for making all of our worlds, real and virtual, better.

[09:19] Fleep Tuque: (I’m sure you guys remember that crazy hype)

[09:19] Coughran Mayo: 🙂

[09:19] Fleep Tuque: So, though I’m extremely grateful for everything I learned in Second Life, and all the wonderful people I’ve met there, in the last couple of years I’ve begun to feel that Second Life – for all it’s positive aspects – has become ..

[09:20] Fleep Tuque: Well, let’s just say that the platform itself has an awfully steep learning curve, and enough quirks and difficulties in realizing our visions, that I ran up against a wall.

[09:20] Fleep Tuque: After a certain point, when you’ve given hundreds of workshops and classes and lectures and presentations, and you’ve seen thousands of students and administrators and business people take their first avatar steps, and you’ve run many events, conferences, and performances..

[09:20] Fleep Tuque: You eventually run up against the limitations of what this particular platform can do. It is still terrific for so many things, like being here with all of you!

[09:20] Fleep Tuque: But Second Life never jumped the chasm, and I’ve come to the conclusion that at least this iteration of it isn’t ever going to.

[09:21] Fleep Tuque: 🙁

[09:21] Hour Destiny: Like its lack of stability and scale.

[09:21] Bau Ur: When there were a million residents, typical concurrency was 30 to 60 K. Now there are 30 million accounts. TYpical concurrency is 30 to 60 K.

[09:21] Fleep Tuque: Which honestly, makes me a bit sad to say.

[09:21] Fleep Tuque: So, I thought today I’d share some of the issues I’ve come up against in Second Life that I hope you will think about, and what I’ve discovered in exploring some alternatives.

[09:21] Fleep Tuque: And especially, I hope we can talk a little bit about why broadening our experience with alternative platforms might help us in our (neverending) quest for funding and support for the kinds of public service projects that we feel passionate about.

[09:21] Coughran Mayo: “It is what it is” no reason to be sad

[09:21] Pathfinder Lester: well said

[09:21] Fleep Tuque: So hopefully you get by now that I am not anti-Second Life, or here to deliver an anti-Second Life diatribe, but rather that I want to talk realistically about some of the issues that public sector projects in particular are facing with this platform.

[09:22] Fleep Tuque: I think the first break in the Second Life spell came for me when they announced the educational and non-profit discount would be ending a mere two weeks before classes started at the University of Cincinnati.

[09:22] Fleep Tuque: I’m sure I wasn’t the only one who completely panicked, since our funding cycles are much longer than two weeks!

[09:22] Bau Ur: Grr. That was…so…barbaric.

[09:22] Fleep Tuque: At the time I was working with colleges and universities in the state, and we were looking at what things were going to cost with these new price increases..

[09:22] Coughran Mayo remembers being smacked in the fact by THAT fish!

[09:22] Fleep Tuque: hehe

[09:22] Fleep Tuque: And at UC, with so little notice, we were in a scramble to figure out how to take advantage of the two year grace period Linden Lab offered, and ended up having to let go of some of our projects because we just couldn’t come up with two years of funding overnight.

[09:22] Sarvana Haalan: lol, lol

[09:22] Fleep Tuque: The first project we had to cut was the recreation of the Galapagos Islands that had been a really fantastic collaboration between many different faculty at the University of Cincinnati, it was just in time for the 150th anniversary of Darwin’s publication of the Origin of Species.

[09:23] Fleep Tuque: And we got so many visitors, literally from all over the real world, and classes who were using it to bring their students on virtual field trips, we felt we’d developed a really great resource and experience with lots of opportunities for self-paced learning and discovery.

[09:23] Bau Ur: sigh…and evolution education is so much needed, too.

[09:23] Fleep Tuque: But when the billing cycle changed and the funding requirements changed on a dime..

[09:23] Fleep Tuque: We had to let it go, and that was when I first realized just how impractical it was to be developing these kinds of resources on a platform in which I couldn’t even save a copy of that work in case we got funding down the road – that the moment we couldn’t keep paying the bill, all that effort just disappeared into the ether – poof!

[09:24] Riven Homewood: I’ve never understood what on earth LL was thinking then. It seems so horribly shortsighted.

[09:24] Fleep Tuque: I realized that really investing our time, energy, and expertise in this platform carries a pretty heavy cost – not just the increased financial cost, but the cost of not being able to archive or save our work. The cost of trusting that Linden Lab won’t go out of business or change their minds tomorrow.

[09:24] CallieDel Boa nods

[09:24] Fleep Tuque: (Oops gt wonky with the slides there..)

[09:24] Riven Homewood: *nidding

[09:24] Hour Destiny: Or be jerks.

[09:24] Fleep Tuque: So Second Life DOES have great beenfits, but also some very real costs.

[09:25] Fleep Tuque: (I’m sure other educators here are aware that in the past few years, Linden Lab’s support for the education community is just a shadow of its former self, so we’ve learned painfully what happens when they decide you’re not their target audience anymore.)

[09:25] Beth Ghostraven: (Will we be able to see these slides later?)

[09:25] CallieDel Boa: Yes

[09:25] Fleep Tuque: (Yep, will post to slideshare)

[09:25] LoriVonne Lustre: yes indeed

[09:25] Fleep Tuque: So I guess my first piece of advice is to say that while Second Life has so many affordances and opportunities to develop our communities and projects here, we can’t turn a blind eye to the costs of doing business here either.

[09:25] CallieDel Boa: Short-sited

[09:25] Fleep Tuque: Not being able to backup or download our builds has become something of a deal-breaker for me. Particularly for some of the kinds of government funded projects we do where keeping an archive or making the resources public domain is an actual requirement of the grant.

[09:26] Fleep Tuque: And for at least our academic and healthcare related projects, we have just hit a wall with the technical challenges of running Second Life in labs or for busy medical students who all use iPads and tablets, the accessibility issues completely overshadow the learning content.

[09:26] Coughran Mayo: Is that Downton Abbey?

[09:26] Fleep Tuque: lol

[09:26] CallieDel Boa: Fleep: Have you explored alternatives?

[09:26] Fleep Tuque: So those are some of the practical reasons why I would encourage to you really start looking at and exploring some alternative platforms. You don’t have to leave Second Life, or your communities or projects here – I haven’t!

[09:26] Fleep Tuque: (Haha Callie) 🙂

[09:26] Fleep Tuque: But what we have started to do is say ok, Second Life is good for some things, and the development we’ve already invested there has taught us a lot of important lessons, so let’s take that knowledge and now start looking at other platforms that maybe offer some better affordances for other use-cases.

[09:26] CallieDel Boa: Yes!

[09:26] Fleep Tuque: If you’re working at all with simulations, I really can’t tell you how powerful and what an exciting platform Unity3D is to work with.

[09:26] Dae Miami: yes unity!

[09:27] Coughran Mayo: All Right!

[09:27] 2013 NPC Commons: You do not have permission to use this viewer.

[09:27] 2013 NPC Commons: You may request permission from the owner, by clicking the lock on the side of the screen.

[09:27] LoriVonne Lustre: 🙂

[09:27] Fleep Tuque: I first heard about Unity3D through the folks at ReactionGrid, their platform addition to Unity3D called JIBE takes care of a lot of the initial start-up programming that you would otherwise need to let people pick an avatar and get logged in and all kinds of other stuff, so for those of us who aren’t programmers it is a great resource.

[09:27] Hour Destiny: I have Unity3D installed for Windows and OS X. Lots and lots of resources available, including IRC chat.

[09:27] Fleep Tuque: Unity3D platform at:

[09:27] Fleep Tuque: ReactionGrid’s JIBE, which I highly recommend:

[09:27] Fleep Tuque: At the University of Cincinnati Center for Simulations & Virtual Environments, we’ve basically moved our medical simulation projects wholesale from Second Life into Unity.

[09:28] Coughran Mayo adds his recommendation for Jibe + Unity!

[09:28] Gabrielle Riel: 0_0 @ screenshots

[09:28] CallieDel Boa nods

[09:28] Sarvana Haalan: I research ome before building my major HIV/AIDS capacity building and training project in Kitelyproject in

[09:28] Fleep Tuque: Which we could not have done without the help of JIBE

[09:28] Glitteractica Cookie: How many users are currently in Vibe?

[09:28] Fleep Tuque: (Not to be doing the hard sell, but when you find smethign really helpful, you want to share it with others.)

[09:28] Glitteractica Cookie: in the hundreds? thousands?

[09:28] Fleep Tuque: Our first step was to try to re-create as exactly as possible what we had done in Second Life in this new platform, and you can see our first kind of attempt at that at

[09:29] Glitteractica Cookie: speaking of which, I’m out of date with the current SL numbers, as a comparison point

[09:29] Hour Destiny: HeroEngine is a MMO engine that allows real-time collobration. A lifetime license with 99 developer seats is currently $1K and HeroEngine will handle hosting.

[09:29] Fleep Tuque: That link will take you to our first attempt anyway, so sorry for all the crazy bugs, but tought it would be fun to share. 🙂

[09:29] Fleep Tuque: But we quickly discovered that you can do SO much more with Unity than is even possible in Second Life, that we abandoned that one-to-one conversion and are now re-thinking our entire simulation system to take advantage of what Unity has to offer.

[09:29] Coughran Mayo: Private virtual world creation is usuall NOT about trying to sell to a disinterested crowd, you already have your audience defined

[09:30] Fleep Tuque: Best of all, we truly DO own all of our work, assets, builds, and scenes in Unity – they sit on our servers, not someone else’s, so that peace of mind for me was really important that we wouldn’t find ourselves with the Galapagos Islands experience all over again.

[09:30] RobinG2 Proto – ReactionGrid (robing2.proto): Jibe can handle unlimited users – this is based on the SmartFox server that is the networking piece that allows users in – Club Penguin uses SmartFox. depending on your purchased or free license w SmartFox will determine your concurrency

[09:30] Fleep Tuque: Anyone else here using Unity?

[09:30] Coughran Mayo raises hand

[09:30] Sarvana Haalan: indeed… for the general health information consumer, Iwe placed AIDS awareness campaigns in the Kitely platform…

[09:30] Fleep Tuque: Feel free to share links or things if you have them

[09:30] Dae Miami: yes i am

[09:30] RobinG2 Proto – ReactionGrid (robing2.proto): YES!

[09:30] CallieDel Boa: Not yet, getting there. I have a list 😉

[09:30] Doug Danforth (drdoug.pennell): Me

[09:30] Dae Miami: i work with extreme reality

[09:30] Fleep Tuque: It’s a bit scary at first, I won’t lie! hehe

[09:30] Dae Miami:

[09:30] Hour Destiny: Unity3D can work with SmartFox or Photon.

[09:31] Dae Miami: and our work is on:

[09:31] Fleep Tuque: But you can do some really beautiful and amzing things with it, and of course it’s all delivered on the web, so no more viewer trouboles

[09:31] RobinG2 Proto – ReactionGrid (robing2.proto): yes and other network platforms too

[09:31] RobinG2 Proto – ReactionGrid (robing2.proto): Hour

[09:31] Fleep Tuque: The other platform that we’ve moved into is using Opensimulator. I know that a lot of Second Life folks are really skeptical of using Opensim, there have been lots of controversies about content theft and other issues, but I am here to tell you that the Opensim platform itself is really a wonderful lower cost alternative to Second Life.

[09:31] Fleep Tuque: No it is not perfect, and doesn’t offer exactly the same feature set as Second Life, but it’s very very close, and depending on what you’re trying to do, it can be a really great thing to do _in addition_ to Second Life because you can basically have sandbox space for free.

[09:32] Pathfinder Lester: my personal demo Jibe world:

[09:32] Fleep Tuque: So even if you don’t have the resources or technical expertise to run your own big grid, I would highly highly HIGHLY encourage you to experiment with running your own private sandbox on your own PC.

[09:32] Fleep Tuque: We’re running classes and projects on Opensim at the University of Cincinnati now, and if you can believe it, it is actually more stable than Second Life for us.

[09:32] LoriVonne Lustre: Thanks Path, it is a fun space.

[09:32] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford): Info on SL grid stats (not mine, just one we found on searching):

[09:33] Fleep Tuque: And again fr me, content back up was so important.

[09:33] Pathfinder Lester: I also have a personal opensim grid on the hypergrid:

[09:33] Fleep Tuque: I personally don’t build or create anything in Second Life anymore, I do all my development and building on my own grid, and then import the finished build into Second Life using tools like the Imprudence viewer and Second Inventory.

[09:33] Coughran Mayo:

[09:33] Glitteractica Cookie: I like that it’s called Pathlandia

[09:33] Pathfinder Lester: 😉

[09:33] Fleep Tuque: There are distributions (like versions) of Opensim that are literally as easy to set up as installing a quick little program on your computer. And they provide you with a free sandbox to experiment and learn.

[09:33] Mia Kitchensink: lol

[09:33] LoriVonne Lustre: 🙂

[09:33] Fleep Tuque: The Opensim Launcher from New World Grid:

[09:33] Fleep Tuque: Sim-on-a-Stick lets you carry your grid in your pocket, which is terrific for computer labs where you don’t have admin rights:

[09:33] Fleep Tuque: If you’re moderately technically savvy and want to try self hosting your own little mini-public grid, the Diva Distro is pre-configured for a simple four-region grid:

[09:33] Coughran Mayo: contact me for a guest account

[09:33] The Wizard of Odd (tuna.oddfellow): I need to make this the year to make my own hypergrided space

[09:34] Fleep Tuque: Or of course you can connect your own self-hosted region to the largest Opensim grid out there, OSGrid:

[09:34] Fleep Tuque: (So imagine, you run the region on your own local computer, but you connect it to the OSGrid, which much like Second Life is a pretty big grid with lots of people and communities and content.)

[09:34] Fleep Tuque: If you want to go with really low cost hosting to get your feet wet, Kitely is a terrific service that you can either pay up front or they have a really innovative pay-as’you-go model that is probably most cost effective for those of us who don’t have a ton of funding for our virtual worlds projects.

[09:34] Fleep Tuque: And you can find tons of articles and information about Opensim and other hosting providers and things at HyperGrid Business:

[09:35] Fleep Tuque: Lastly, I’ll personally invite you to come visit me at my own little Opensim grid, FleepGrid,, and I offer my assistance if you need help learning more about Opensim.

[09:35] Fleep Tuque: I run a little freebie webshop too where you can download business and work appropriate clothes, educational and business office items, all kinds of things to help you get started:

[09:35] CallieDel Boa: Thank you. That was the next one on my list 😉

[09:35] Fleep Tuque: Also, I can say I think that in the next few months you’ll probably start hearing about the first Opensim Users Conference that will probably be coming up this year (we’re just getting the discussions going), so this is a really great time to be coming into the Opensim space if you haven’t explored it already.

[09:35] Fleep Tuque: If you might be interested in helping organize or present or want other information about that, see:

[09:35] Glitteractica Cookie: I hope someone (alebez?) is blogging this

[09:36] Glitteractica Cookie: so many great resources

[09:36] Fleep Tuque: (How am I doing on time Rhiannon?)

[09:36] Fleep Tuque: (Or rather whern is my time up hehe)

[09:36] Graham Mills: Kitely as welll — free region + 2 hrs free use per month

[09:36] Sarvana Haalan: Feel free to visit CHARE Village if you in the neighborhood…

[09:36] Rhiannon Chatnoir: we can cut some into open mic, maybe another 5 – 10 the most

[09:36] Fleep Tuque: ok

[09:36] Grizzla (grizzla.pixelmaid): 2 hrs free use?

[09:36] Fleep Tuque: OK, so we’re getting to the end of the period here, hopefully these are some resources for you to check out and maybe I’ve made a compelling argument for why you might want to at least look at some alternatives to Second Life.

[09:36] Riven Homewood: Fleep, is the learning curve for new users any shorter on these other platforms?

[09:36] Merlin Moonshadow: Hopefully there will be a chat log? This is all so exciting that I crashed. :/

[09:36] Dae Miami: keep going Fleep! Great info you are giving us

[09:36] Graham Mills: y — pay per minute although there is also a free use model

[09:37] CallieDel Boa: Fantastic information!

[09:37] Graham Mills: like SL

[09:37] Fleep Tuque: The learning curve for Opensim is pretty low for experienced SL users, beyond setting up the grid

[09:37] Fleep Tuque: Unity is quite differet, but very worth learning, IMO

[09:37] Glitteractica Cookie: yes, that was my question.. with any of these worlds, can users try for free?

[09:37] Fleep Tuque: and manty of the design skills carry over.

[09:37] Coughran Mayo: Unity Basic is a free tool

[09:37] Fleep Tuque: Opensim is opensource, so completely free to download and try

[09:37] The Wizard of Odd (tuna.oddfellow): The learning curve for non SLers is still steep.

[09:37] Riven Homewood: Are they any easier for somebody who’s never used a virtual world – like a class of new students?

[09:38] Dae Miami: yes unity 3d is free for pc, mac, and web

[09:38] CarmenLittleFawn: ty so much for all the information

[09:38] Glitteractica Cookie: are there any nonprofits in there, Coughran?

[09:38] Fleep Tuque: And Unity offers free download too, you have to pay to publish basically, but they have edu discounts

[09:38] Coughran Mayo: and very powerful in its own right

[09:38] Fleep Tuque: To finish up

[09:38] Fleep Tuque: The last thing I’ll leave you with, if I haven’t completely overwhelmed you with stuff already.. hehe.

[09:38] Oronoque Westland: for Unity we need to distinguish between learning time for the developer and for the target audience

[09:38] Buffy Beale: Merlin the meeting chats are always posted to 🙂

[09:39] CallieDel Boa: Thanks Buffy

[09:39] Riven Homewood: I think that’s true for any platform, Oronoque 🙂

[09:39] Merlin Moonshadow: Ah, good. Thanks, Buffy. 🙂

[09:39] Fleep Tuque: I think you guys know Rhiannon and I were founders for AvaCon

[09:39] Fleep Tuque: the org that previous ran SLCC.

[09:39] Fleep Tuque: AvaCon itself started off just as a group of folks who were interested in keeping the Second Life Community Convention alive when the original organizers disbanded.

[09:39] Fleep Tuque: But I think, I don’t want to speak for Rhiannon, but for me, it’s become about much more than that and I think we’re going to be working on some new initiatives that we hope will be a great resource for those of us who are really passionate about the metaverse and related technologies.

[09:39] Pathfinder Lester: great work with those conferences

[09:39] Fleep Tuque: You heard it here first, we’re talking about starting a new, truly community driven society that is focused on the future of the metaverse – not just one platform, but all the worlds and technologies that are changing our real world so rapidly, and even our virtual experiences.

[09:39] Riven Homewood: The last SLCC was a really well-run conference

[09:39] Fleep Tuque: We think the time is right to re-ignite that broader metaverse conversation that really swept through about a decade ago, but has quieted down a bit lately with all the focus on mobile and social media.

[09:40] Fleep Tuque: So stay tuned, we’ll be announcing more about that and convening some focus groups to make sure our ideas and thoughts are in tune with what folks like you care about.

[09:40] Fleep Tuque: 🙂

[09:40] Fleep Tuque: And Yes! I think we’re going to have an annual convention again, but in keeping with everything I’ve talked about here today, we’re looking to broaden the focus to include multiple virtual worlds and metaverse-y platforms and technologies,

[09:40] Merlin Moonshadow: Sounds quite intriguing. 🙂

[09:40] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford): Thank you, Fleep.

[09:40] Fleep Tuque: so that all of us who working and learning and playing in the metaverse can talk with each other, we can talk about Second Life of course, but wouldn’t it be nice to also know what’s going on in Opensim and Open Wonderland and Unity3D and some of these other platforms?

[09:40] Veri Oddfellow: Great presentation … exciting stuff

[09:40] The Wizard of Odd (tuna.oddfellow): Thank you Fleep

[09:40] CallieDel Boa: Yes

[09:40] Fleep Tuque: And last but not least, our Metaverse Cultural Series call-for-proposals deadline is coming up on January 31st.

[09:40] CarmenLittleFawn: very good thanks 🙂

[09:40] Fleep Tuque:

[09:41] Fleep Tuque: So stay tuned, I think we’re going to have a lot of exciting stuff coming up this year, and you can sign up for our newsletter to keep tabs on what we’re doing at:

[09:41] CallieDel Boa: Yes thank you Fleep.

[09:41] Namaara MacMoragh: Great info. Very exciting. Thank you.

[09:41] Fleep Tuque: Thank you all very much, hope it wasn’t too long winded! 🙂

[09:41] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford) zips to the website on that Metaverse Cultural Series info….

[09:41] Hour Destiny: Might also want to look into Quest3D.

[09:41] CallieDel Boa: Very informative.

[09:41] Buffy Beale: Great going Fleep always love your presentations 🙂

[09:41] Bau Ur: Fleep I did not see mentioned the privacy/confidentiality issues of educational activity in the “walled garden” where LL might have chat logs of anything students said. Did your school see any ethical concerns with that? Is the case with OpenSIm different? And does the school own and control use of all content generated in your Unity 3D world, on its own servers? Including student chat as content? Or do the students own that content?

[09:41] Merlin Moonshadow: More whirl-winded, Fleep.

[09:41] Gentle Heron: Thanks Fleep. Well done, as always.

[09:41] Doug Danforth (drdoug.pennell): Excellent – as usual.

[09:41] Mia (praxislady.witt) claps at a great and informative presentation

[09:41] Sarvana Haalan: Wooot, wooot…. awesome presentation!! Thank you, Fleep!

[09:41] Serene Jewell: Excellent summary, Fleep.

[09:41] Hour Destiny:

[09:41] Riven Homewood: Thanks, Fleep. This was really informative and exciting.

[09:42] Merlin Moonshadow: TY, Fleep! 🙂

[09:42] Veri Oddfellow: Nice turn of phrase Merlin!

[09:42] Beth Ghostraven: Thank you!

[09:42] Zinnia Zauber: Wonderful Fleep!

[09:42] The Wizard of Odd (tuna.oddfellow): very good stuff

[09:42] Dae Miami: thank you

[09:42] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford): +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

[09:42] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford): APPLAUSE!!!!!!!

[09:42] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford):          APPLAUSE!!!!!!!

[09:42] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford):                   APPLAUSE!!!!!!!

[09:42] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford): +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

[09:42] Fleep Tuque: Yes with Opensim we run the server so we know everything goin on, in tterms of privacy, control, all those things that with Second Life you have less control over, Openim might be a good alternative.

[09:42] Don (donineducation): Thank you!

[09:42] Veri Oddfellow: /applause

[09:42] Pathfinder Lester: that was outstanding Fleep. thank you.

[09:42] Riven Homewood: Applause Applause Applause

[09:42] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes thank you FLeep, great stuff as always

[09:42] Dancers Yao: thank you…very helpful

[09:42] Tori Landau: Many thanks Fleep!

[09:42] LoriVonne Lustre: Thank you fleep. So informative

[09:42] Zaqk Palmer: Really helpful – thanks, Fleep

[09:43] Beth Ghostraven: So many links to check out!

[09:43] Glitteractica Cookie: Yes, and I am not sure if anyone heard, but if someone is willing to blog this on, i think it would be very well received

[09:43] Fleep Tuque: If you have other questions things, can email me at, I think Rhi might have to run me off the stage in the interests of time. 🙂

[09:43] Rhiannon Chatnoir: I am thinking, if you are up for the idea, maybe we can have you for a G+ community hangout chat to answer deeper questions

[09:43] Fleep Tuque: Yep, I’d be interested in doing that, we can schedule something.

[09:43] Coughran Mayo: Great idea!

[09:43] Riven Homewood: I’d come

[09:43] Sarvana Haalan: Very helpful…. this is why I try Not to miss a NPC meeting

[09:43] CallieDel Boa: I would be interested.

[09:43] LoriVonne Lustre: Great idea Rhi

[09:43] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great, that will allow for some further chat on this

[09:44] Sarvana Haalan: Ditto

[09:44] Fleep Tuque: OK well thanks everyone and stay tuned for more conference and other ideas moving forward. 🙂

[09:44] Oronoque Westland: thanks Fleep…great presentation adn helpful info, as always

[09:44] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Why don’t we all thank Fleep – great stuff!!

[09:44] Serene Jewell: Opensim is going to take off this year, especially if places like Kitely can work out the hypergrid and inventory issues. <–prediction

[09:44] RobinG2 Proto – ReactionGrid (robing2.proto): awesome job Fleep!

[09:44] Rhiannon Chatnoir: and, If you took pictures today, if you can share them on our Facebook group: or G+ Community:, that would be great. Otherwise, tag them #NPSL


And please feel free tag your avatars in any photos posted!

[09:44] Loken Jewell: applauds

[09:44] LoriVonne Lustre: I think so to Serene

[09:44] Bau Ur: Kitely is an interesting and very promising model, I think.





[09:44] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Let’s move on to Open Mic & Announcements

[09:44] CallieDel Boa aplauds.

[09:44] The Wizard of Odd (tuna.oddfellow): It’s been a long time since I made it here and I am quite glad I did.

[09:44] Sarvana Haalan: Thank you, Fleep again!!

[09:44] Buffy Beale: Rhi maybe we can have an NPC excursion trip sometime

[09:44] Rachel Gloedu (gloedu): thank you Fleep

[09:44] Fleep Tuque: Good to see you Tuna!

[09:44] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Does anyone have any announcements they would like to share

[09:45] The Wizard of Odd (tuna.oddfellow): Good to see you too Fleep

[09:45] Rhiannon Chatnoir: let me know and we will go in order

[09:45] LoriVonne Lustre: I do!

[09:45] Dokk Lekach: thx Fleep

[09:45] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford): Mireille will be sad she missed this, but very happy I didn’t! 🙂

[09:45] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great LoriVonne, go ahead

[09:45] Tori Landau: Puts hand up for announcements °͜°

[09:45] Veri Oddfellow: Thanks, all! Gotta trot … happy MLK Day. I hope you’re all volunteering this weekend! 😉

[09:45] Mia Kitchensink: I know that KFEE-Db on facebook is working on a new program AVM Live but it’s not ready to launch yet. I will keep you all posted.

[09:45] CarmenLittleFawn: has annoucement at well

[09:45] LoriVonne Lustre: VWBPE – Virtual Worlds BEst Practices in Education conference — will be in July 2013

[09:46] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford): You bet, Veri!

[09:46] Rhiannon Chatnoir: and for those unfamiliar, you can feel free to mention any upcoming events or iniatives in an open mic announcement, in SL, or otherwise

[09:46] Sarvana Haalan: Be sure to look for Sally Cherry in Kitely.

[09:46] Buffy Beale: yayyy Lori that’s great

[09:46] CallieDel Boa: Thanks LoriVonne!

[09:46] LoriVonne Lustre: We are setting up the organizing committees now,

[09:46] Fleep Tuque: Oh VWBPE moved to July, is that permanent schedule change?

[09:46] LoriVonne Lustre: the focus is definitely metaverse

[09:46] LoriVonne Lustre: March has been difficult for some of us, so we are trying something new

[09:46] Fleep Tuque: (Want to make sure other conferences don’t conflict.) 🙂

[09:46] Fleep Tuque: nod

[09:46] LoriVonne Lustre: yes

[09:46] Fleep Tuque: Good to know!

[09:47] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great

[09:47] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Tori, your up

[09:47] Tori Landau: Ty Rhiannon…..

[09:47] Brena Benoir raises hand for Open Mic

[09:47] Fleep Tuque: So great to see everyone, I wish I could stay and chat after, but I have another meeting (don’t we always?)..

[09:47] Fleep Tuque: Hugs to all, see you out in the metaverse! 🙂

[09:48] LoriVonne Lustre: Thanks again Fleep

[09:48] CarmenLittleFawn: tc Fleep

[09:48] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford): 🙂

[09:48] CallieDel Boa: Thank you again Fleep!

[09:48] Graham Mills: bye fleep

[09:48] The Wizard of Odd (tuna.oddfellow): See you soon Fleep

[09:48] Rhiannon Chatnoir says thanks again FLeep

[09:48] Tori Landau: this week at deep think we started drop-ins… next one will be on Wed 23rd Jan at 1.15pm slt at welcome area of deep think: Deep Think East (224,38,32)

[09:48] Tori Landau: idea is to provid support…

[09:48] Tori Landau: and also just have a time when anyone can drop by knowing someone there for a chat, they last 30 mins

[09:49] Tori Landau: done °͜°

[09:49] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great, Carmen, your next

[09:49] CarmenLittleFawn: ty Rhi

[09:49] Rhiannon Chatnoir: then Sarvana, then Brena

[09:49] CarmenLittleFawn: A Huge Hunt is going on all over sl one of the stores Blackwood (217,179,25)will donate 30% funds collected to Drive By Agony over 100 stores involved, quality gifts, would appreciate of you have time to stop by and take a look at what she has at her store

[09:49] Coughran Mayo: Thanks, Fleep!

[09:49] CarmenLittleFawn: thanks and finished

[09:50] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great, Sarvana

[09:50] Sarvana Haalan: If any one is in the Baltimore area… check out TEDxBaltimore, Jan 25 th…. Awesome speakers and networking…

[09:50] Sarvana Haalan: Done!

[09:50] Buffy Beale: that’s great Carmen!

[09:50] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford): TED rocks!

[09:50] CarmenLittleFawn: smiles at Buffy

[09:50] Glitteractica Cookie: must run, but reminder… enter the win 8 contest…

[09:50] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Brena 🙂

[09:50] Glitteractica Cookie: bye all

[09:51] Brena Benoir: As I announced last week, Winter Nightfire continues to work with PFH and ARTC (Achieving Recovery Through Creativity) to raise funds for the program. We have active events going on throughout the month and the final drawing will be on February 15. We have a Rosedrop Rusty preforming live today at 4pm SLT at the Art House. I would like to thank everyone who has come out to support the ART House, ARTC, and Winter Nightfire. Thank you to all who made it over for CommonGround last night and supported our efforts.

[09:51] CarmenLittleFawn: bye Glitter

[09:51] CallieDel Boa: Later all 🙂

[09:51] Buffy Beale: bye Glitter 🙂

[09:51] Sarvana Haalan: Bye Glitter

[09:51] Rhiannon Chatnoir: thank you Glitter!

[09:51] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford): Thanks, folks! Great info. Have a marvelous weekend!

[09:51] Zinnia Zauber: ART HOUSE!

[09:51] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great

[09:51] Rhiannon Chatnoir: have a landmark to that Brena?

[09:51] Brena Benoir: Please drop by the house and see the works of kids in the program as well as numerous artists from SL

[09:51] Sarvana Haalan: Awesome happenings!!!!

[09:51] Brena Benoir: Yes one sec

[09:51] The Wizard of Odd (tuna.oddfellow): Bye all I am off to my lab to dream something up.

[09:52] CarmenLittleFawn: bye tuna

[09:52] LoriVonne Lustre: bye tuna

[09:52] Sarvana Haalan: Take care Tuna

[09:52] Brena Benoir:

[09:52] Namaara MacMoragh: Thanks for everything. Take care all.

[09:52] Sarvana Haalan: Thanks Brena

[09:52] Brena Benoir: If you have questions let me know please. Thank you

[09:52] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great

[09:53] Rhiannon Chatnoir: any other announcements

[09:53] Chris Hart (strawberry.fride): thanks all!

[09:53] Cindy Bolero: VTSE Ice Skating Party at Aero Pines Park- JANUARY 28 – Equus (40,203,24)

[09:53] Beth Ghostraven: Yay VSTE!

[09:53] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Zinnia, is there a Mentor’s meeting after this?

[09:53] Zinnia Zauber: Yes

[09:54] Zinnia Zauber: Let’s start in 5 minutes

[09:54] Adalace Jewell: thx all

[09:54] Sarvana Haalan: wow… what a morning!!!

[09:54] Buffy Beale: what is VSTE?

[09:54] Adalace Jewell: bye bye

[09:54] Dae Miami: for a free online tour of a unity world click:

[09:54] Sarvana Haalan: I am so excited!!!!

[09:54] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great – if you have questions about NPC or need help, stick around for that!

[09:54] Rhiannon Chatnoir: And if you are interested in learning more about our community, please join our group in SL named: TechSoup, we host these meetings weekly..

[09:54] Zinnia Zauber: Mentors Meeting in 5 or 6.

[09:54] Zinnia Zauber: 10 AM SLT

[09:54] Beth Ghostraven: Virginia Society for Technology in Education=VSTE

[09:54] CarmenLittleFawn: bye everybody, have an emergency have to run, tc and have a good meeting

[09:54] Rhiannon Chatnoir: so let’s wrap up today’s meeting

[09:54] Gentle Heron: Virginia Society for Technology in Education (VSTE).

[09:54] Sarvana Haalan: This is a rocking community of practice!!!

[09:54] LoriVonne Lustre: thanks everyone. Must run.

[09:54] Buffy Beale: ty Beth 🙂

[09:54] Rhiannon Chatnoir: And again, here are the many ways to can get involved with the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life:


– Nonprofit Commons Blog:

– Wiki:

– Twitter:

– Facebook:

– G+ Community: 

– Google Group:

– Google Calendar:


About TechSoup the sponsors of the Nonprofit Commons:



Thanks everyone and see you next week!

Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir

Moving Beyond Second Life: Opportunities for Education, NonProfits & Healthcare in the Wider Metaverse, January 18th NPC Meeting

This Friday, January 18th, Nonprofit Commons is happy to feature Chris Collins (Fleep Tuque). An ardent supporter of the Second Life platform for many years, she now encourages educators, non-profits, and healthcare providers to explore the emerging metaverse outside Second Life’s walls. Fleep will discuss her own experiences running not-for-profit projects in Second Life, and what led her to explore alternative platforms like Opensimulator and Unity3D for her research at the University of Cincinnati and for personal projects like FleepGrid, an Opensim hypergrid enabled research grid. She’ll also discuss why she believes this broader approach helped AvaCon, Inc. receive 501(c)(3) status, and what this might mean for grant-based and other funding initiatives that public sector organizations rely upon.     

Chris M. Collins, Fleep Tuque in Second Life

Bio: Chris M. Collins (Fleep Tuque) is an IT Analyst at the University of Cincinnati.  Her research focuses on the use of virtual worlds, social media, and augmented reality in higher education and for remote workforce collaboration.  She founded and currently manages the Center for Simulations & Virtual Environments Research in the UC Office for Information Technology (UCIT), Instructional & Research Computing department.

In her free time, she serves on the board of AvaCon, Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the growth, enhancement, and development of the metaverse, virtual worlds, augmented reality, and 3D immersive and virtual spaces. AvaCon’s primary goal is to connect and support the diverse communities and practitioners involved in co-creating and using virtual worlds, and to educate the public and our constituents about the emerging ecosystem of technologies broadly known as the metaverse.

Her other projects include running FleepGrid, a small hyperlinked research grid on the OpenSim platform, serving as Executive Director for the Chilbo Community in Second Life, and she blogs informally about the impact of technology on education, politics, and economics at Fleep’s Deep Thoughts.

Join us in Second Life!

Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting

Friday, January 18th, 8:30 AM SLT / PST

Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater



  • 8:30 am Introductions
  • 8:40 am TechSoup Announcements
  • 8:45 am Mentors Central
  • 8:55 am Main Speaker: Chris Collins (Fleep Tuque)
  • 9:30 am Open Mic / Announcements

The mission of the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is to create a community for nonprofits to explore and learn about virtual worlds, foster connections, and discover the many ways in which nonprofits might utilize the unique environment of Second Life to achieve their missions.

Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir

Transcript of the January 11th NPC Meeting: Future Trends in Technology – Part 2

[08:34] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Welcome to this week’s Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting!

[08:35] Rhiannon Chatnoir: The Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is sponsored by TechSoup Global and is a program of the TechSoup Global Community & Social Media team


[08:35] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Today’s Agenda:

  • 8:30 am Introductions
  • 8:40 am TechSoup Announcements
  • 8:50 am Mentors Central – Zinnia Zauber
  • 9:00 am Future Trends in Technology – Part 2
  • 9:30 am Open Mic / Announcements


[08:35] Rhiannon Chatnoir: First a few links to start off the meeting. 


Here are the many ways to can get involved with the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life:


About TechSoup the sponsors of the Nonprofit Commons:





[08:36] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Welcome and let’s start off with Introductions!

[08:36] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Please state your real name, location, org, and the ways we can find you online.

[08:36] Ronnie Rhode: Denise Harrison, The Garden for the Missing featuring missing persons: and SLURL Remora (203,148,21), Project Jason, assistance for families of the missing,

[08:36] Buffy Beale: Buffy Bye, Bridges for Women, Victoria BC Canada, @bridges4women

[08:36] Zinnia Zauber: Renne Emiko Brock-Richmond, Sequim Humanities and Arts Alliance, Sequim, Olympic Peninsula, Washington. @renneemiko

[08:36] PeopleWatching (mizaru33): Is voice working? Or do I need to relog?

[08:36] Zinnia Zauber: We are in chat, People.

[08:36] Gentle Heron: no voice here

[08:36] Andy Evans: Andy Mallon, First Opinions Panel in SL Social Research Foundation, NYC in RL

[08:36] Gentle Heron: only text

[08:36] PeopleWatching (mizaru33): ahh ok

[08:36] Gentle Heron: Virtual Ability

[08:36] PeopleWatching (mizaru33): 🙂 Thank you Gentle.

[08:37] Chayenn: Monique Richert, Protect Yourself 1.Inc., Baltimore MD,, , @PY1US

[08:37] alebez: Ale Bezdikian, Online Community Coordinator, TechSoup Global, SF CA, @TechSoup, @alebez

[08:37] bulaklak: Michael DeLong, TechSoup Global,, San Francisco, CA US, @mmdelong @TechSoup

[08:37] CarynTopia Silvercloud: Caryn Heilman and Nana Simopoulos, Topia Arts Center in the Berkshires of NW, MA in Adams,, @TopiaArtsCenter

[08:37] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes we do the meeting sin text, helps us have a great transcript and allows for it to be accessible

[08:37] Adalace Jewell: @adalace for RoSa Library in Brussels – Belgiuim

[08:37] Coughran Mayo: Dick Dillon, Innovaision, LLC St. Louis MO @Coughran, @Innovaision

[08:37] Glitteractica Cookie: Susan tenby, Online Community and Social Media Director, TechSOup Global @suzboop @techsoup @npsl and new… @caravanstudios

[08:37] Ethelred Weatherwax: Dave Dexter, Neenah Historical Society, Wisconsin USA

[08:37] Ozma Malibu: Sandra Andrews, Floaters Org technology outreach, Arizona, Mexico and On the Road, @ozma

[08:37] Atalanta Visage: Jennifer Siegel, National Service Inclusion Project,, Boston, MA

[08:37] Fido Fudo: This is my first visit. I’m Fido.

[08:37] Brena Benoir: Brenda Bryan, Preferred Family Healthcare, Kirksville, MO, @brenabenoir

[08:37] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Jerry Buchko, MA AFC | Counselor, Coach, & Tutor of Personal Finance in Private Practice | | @jerrybuchko

[08:37] Dancers Yao: Kara Bennett, Elder Voices, Inc Los Angeles, CA Human Rights and Health Care

[08:38] alebez: welcome, fido.

[08:38] Buffy Beale: welcome Fido 🙂

[08:38] Gentle Heron: Welcome to all the newcomers here today!

[08:38] Rhiannon Chatnoir is Joyce Bettencourt, community manager of NonProfit Commons –, Boston MA area, http://joycebettencourt, @RhiannonSL on twitter

[08:38] Fido Fudo: ~Smiles~

[08:38] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes and if you are new here, feel free to share how you found out about NonProfit Commons

[08:38] Fido Fudo: I received a group message through the Caledon sim.

[08:39] Rhiannon Chatnoir: any other introductions?

[08:39] PeopleWatching (mizaru33): Lizy, New Zealand, Redcross.

[08:39] Rhiannon Chatnoir: welcome Fido and Lizy

[08:39] Fido Fudo: ty

[08:39] Carl Solutionary (carlicann): Carl Solutionary (, Humane Educator at Rockcliffe U with a Humane Education Free Shoppe at (Etopia Island (128,128,2)) on Etopia Island, the Sustainability Education Community,

[08:39] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Bruce Hestley, Transgender American Veterans Association, Akron, OH,,!/TAVAUS

[08:39] Oronoque Westland: Roberta Kilkenny, Hunter College, NYC

[08:40] jacmacaire Humby: Hi veryone

[08:40] Buffy Beale: yay Jac 🙂

[08:40] Rhiannon Chatnoir: I see a few others just coming in, feel free to introduce yourselves before we move on

[08:41] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Hey Jac 🙂

[08:41] Glitteractica Cookie: Any more introductions?

[08:41] jacmacaire Humby: Jacques Macaire HUMANBE Council and Action Tank on Sustainable Human Development France and International @Humanbe

[08:41] jacmacaire Humby: Hi Buffy and Jerry.. 🙂

[08:41] Sarvana Haalan: Me…

[08:42] Sarvana Haalan: Sally Cherry, Baltimore, MD,, @CHAREproject




[08:42] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Let’s move on to TechSoup Announcements

[08:42] Rhiannon Chatnoir: If you joined us late, please still introduce yourself!

[08:42] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Bulaklak

[08:42] bulaklak: Hi, folks! Happy Friday.

[08:43] Glitteractica Cookie: Hello Bulaklak

[08:43] Zinnia Zauber: Rah bulaklak!

[08:43] bulaklak: Today’s announcement is a refresher on the very cool Windows 8 Apps for Social Good Contest

[08:43] Sarvana Haalan: woot… It’s Purple Friday in Baltimore

[08:43] Glitteractica Cookie: Go Ravens

[08:43] bulaklak: Happy Purple Friday

[08:43] bulaklak: Microsoft has teamed up with NetSquared to support you in generating apps for nonprofits and activists on the Windows Marketplace. The Contest is about YOUR great ideas and projects, and we’re here with tools, resources, and incentive prizes to get (and keep) you going.

[08:44] bulaklak: The prizes total $40k, with two $15kk top prizes and one $10k audience chaoice prize

[08:44] Glitteractica Cookie: APss can be mobile apps phone apps, web apps of games .. as long as they are social benefit focused

[08:44] Glitteractica Cookie: Apps, I meant

[08:45] Sarvana Haalan: I shared the info at a local TechBreakfast on Wednesday

[08:45] bulaklak: Yay, Sarvana!

[08:45] bulaklak: Thank you

[08:45] bulaklak: Lots more info here at this link:

[08:45] CarynTopia Silvercloud: oh, so if it is an iphone app, it is okay?

[08:45] bulaklak: Please do share the info far and wide

[08:45] Glitteractica Cookie: Please share with any app developers you know, esp windows developers, of course

[08:45] CarynTopia Silvercloud: it doesn’t have to be on the windows platform?

[08:45] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes

[08:45] Sarvana Haalan: even the social enterprise were interested

[08:45] bulaklak: Caryn, the apps are for Windows 8

[08:46] bulaklak: That’s great news, Sarvana

[08:46] Glitteractica Cookie: no, it can’t be an ihone app. must be a windows app

[08:46] Glitteractica Cookie: it’s a contest put on by us, but sponsored by microsoft

[08:46] Rhiannon Chatnoir: there are Windows phones, in fact Nokia paired up with Windows – great phones

[08:46] bulaklak: Another part of the project is a Hacker Helper wiki

[08:46] Glitteractica Cookie: the Lumia mini notepad/phone things are way cool

[08:47] bulaklak: Glitter has more info about that and how you can get involved with the Hacker Helper

[08:47] Ethelred Weatherwax: Does anybody use Windows *? Or a Windows phone?

[08:47] Sarvana Haalan: indeed

[08:47] Glitteractica Cookie: Yes, the hacker helper wiki is at

[08:47] Ethelred Weatherwax: *Windows 8

[08:47] Glitteractica Cookie: We need folks to edit this wiki. Tell us if we have your issue area covered properly.

[08:47] Glitteractica Cookie: Right now, we are focused on four issue areas

[08:47] Rhiannon Chatnoir: I have windows 8 on a PC and at Singularity, Nokia was a sponsor and have a Lumia phone – though still using my older Nokia for now

[08:48] Sarvana Haalan: ok… I was a guest a couple days ago… Questions: I can just add portions of information for a specific topic?

[08:48] bulaklak: We know you are all smart (and opinionated!) so please look it over and chime in if you see ways it could be more helpful

[08:48] Glitteractica Cookie: The point of the hacker helper wiki is to provide data for hackers when they build their app

[08:48] Glitteractica Cookie: So, please take a look, edit it, add links, and let us know, esp if you are a hacker, if this is helpful to you

[08:49] Glitteractica Cookie: and if you are aligned with one of the four issue areas we are covering, and we dont have data that you think represents your focus, let us know that too

[08:49] Glitteractica Cookie: Email me: if you have ay questions

[08:49] Sarvana Haalan: TB was not listed with HIV and malaria? Could info about the co-infection be added to wiki section

[08:49] Glitteractica Cookie: And above all, please share and spread the word

[08:50] Glitteractica Cookie: Sarvana, please email me that feedback. That’s exactly what we are looking for

[08:50] bulaklak: Sarvana is on a roll!

[08:50] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes 🙂

[08:50] Glitteractica Cookie: and if you have specific links, let us know those too. or, just add them yourself

[08:50] Glitteractica Cookie: The wiki is open to edit

[08:50] bulaklak: Okay, that’s all I’ve got for today! Thanks, folks, and enjoy the meeting!

[08:51] Sarvana Haalan: ok… I will be signed on to help with the HIV section 🙂

[08:51] bulaklak: Great!

[08:51] Glitteractica Cookie: Thanks all, That’s all on my end too. Although if you want to RT to share the hackerhelper and the Win8 contest, look at the @netsquared twitter account or @caravanstudios twitter account

[08:51] Glitteractica Cookie: And more on Caravan Studios in the coming weeks

[08:51] Glitteractica Cookie: (Thanks Sarvana)

[08:52] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Thanks bulaklak and Glitteractica!




[08:52] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Now on to Mentor’s Central!

[08:52] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Today for Mentor Central we have Zinia Zauber to speak, let’s welcome her up and please start whenever your ready.!

[08:52] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you!

[08:52] Gentle Heron: Go Zinnia.

[08:52] Zinnia Zauber: I have this saying that picked flowers never grow.

[08:52] Buffy Beale: yay Z

[08:53] Zinnia Zauber: In my state, you can not pick trliliums.

[08:53] Zinnia Zauber: So, today!

[08:53] Zinnia Zauber: I want to talk about Picks!

[08:53] Zinnia Zauber: A pick is a location in a resident’s profile that they have chosen to display. Some Residents have used picks to display things other than locations, such as favorite snapshots. Each Resident can create up to 10 picks in their Profile.

[08:54] Zinnia Zauber: That is what the SL wiki says.

[08:54] Coughran Mayo: so it must be true

[08:54] Buffy Beale whispers: lol C

[08:54] Zinnia Zauber: When we look at people’s profiles, you can see info about them and their Picks.

[08:55] Zinnia Zauber: Do you use Picks to market what you are doing in virtual worlds?

[08:55] Zinnia Zauber: Last week, iSkye talked about Events.

[08:55] Zinnia Zauber: And, I like to post Picks about events I am doing.

[08:56] Zinnia Zauber: Sometimes I keep them there as a source of pride or to help market an org.

[08:56] Zinnia Zauber: In the newer viewer, you set your Picks under the Me menu.

[08:57] Zinnia Zauber: You will find that it opens a window and if you click on the + you can add a new Pick!

[08:57] Zinnia Zauber: The Pick will be a Landmark and you can add info and a photo.

[08:58] Zinnia Zauber: Do you like to look at other folks’ Profiles to get ideas of how you can participate more in SL?

[08:58] Gentle Heron: That, and how THEY participate!

[08:58] Zinnia Zauber: Yes!

[08:58] Zinnia Zauber: I learn a lot about someone based on their Profile.

[08:59] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes

[08:59] Zinnia Zauber: And, their Picks are very telling.

[08:59] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Found some marvelous places through picks

[08:59] Zinnia Zauber: Wonderful!

[08:59] Oronoque Westland: some picks reveal too much

[08:59] Zinnia Zauber: lol

[08:59] Zinnia Zauber: So true!

[08:59] Sarvana Haalan: lol

[08:59] Zinnia Zauber: Well, I want to encourage you all to add some Picks to your profile.

[09:00] Zinnia Zauber: And, help everyone grow more and more here.

[09:00] Oronoque Westland: picks are great, just some need to be left for one’s personal aaccount, not the non-profit one

[09:00] Sarvana Haalan: I went over the limit I think…. LOL, LOL

[09:01] Gentle Heron: True, Oro, and remember that “personal messages” in your Picks also contain a LM, so people can TP right into your boudoir should you make one there with your newest flame.

[09:01] Zinnia Zauber: Yes, it is hard to be limited. But that is a chance for creative curation.

[09:01] Zinnia Zauber: hehe Gentle!

[09:01] Fido Fudo: Was that the voice of experience Gentle? ~Smiles~

[09:02] Zinnia Zauber: Please do some Pickin‘!

[09:02] Gentle Heron: Not personal experience, Fido.

[09:02] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you for letting me share!

[09:02] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Zinnia – Thanks for leading Mentors Central today!

[09:03] Oronoque Westland: great suggestion Zinnia, i.e. using picks for free promotions

[09:03] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you!

[09:03] Zinnia Zauber: You know me, I love to turn on the spotlight!!




[09:03] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Let’s move on to our main presentation

[09:03] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Last week, we began a discussion on relevant future trends in technology, which included augmented reality, big data, crowdfunding and gamification. We didn’t get all the way through the topics we hoped to touch on, so consider this the part 2 of that.

[09:03] Sarvana Haalan: helps to direct traffic… smiles

[09:04] Rhiannon Chatnoir: We will be picking up, where we left off and will go over topics such as alternate input devices, 3D printing and the ‘internet of things’ and discuss how these innovations could be used for organizations.

[09:04] Buffy Beale: thanks Z

[09:04] Sarvana Haalan: wooot, the spotlight

[09:04] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Again, any one of these topics could be a full presentation – so this is really just a brief intro.

[09:04] Rhiannon Chatnoir: I invite you to all contribute with your comments as I go along and maybe this can also be a brainstorm session on thinking how these various technologies could be used to further your org’s mission or initiatives.

[09:04] Rhiannon Chatnoir: and feel free to take photos – since I will be doing a lot of typing

[09:05] Rhiannon Chatnoir: So lets continue with…


Internet of Things

[09:05] Rhiannon Chatnoir: The Internet of Things (sometimes shortened to IoT) is a wave in the connection of devices and objects that are able to connect to the internet, this is everything from a myriad of “smart” electronics, to new cars and even refrigerators.

[09:05] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Anything with the capability to receive a wifi signal can use the power of the internet to add functionality and access info.

[09:05] Rhiannon Chatnoir: This means objects embedded with sensors gaining the ability to communicate and connect to the internet, or each other, through technologies such as wifi, bluetooth, mesh networks, etc.

[09:06] Rhiannon Chatnoir: In which you could possibly control everything in your homes and offices, from temperature, lighting and security to using devices to brew cups of coffee, program entertainment, check health records, and conduct a myriad of other tasks.

[09:06] Rhiannon Chatnoir: some ways for devices to connect:


 – home or mobile wifi connection

 – through bluetooth

 – through mesh networks


[09:06] Rhiannon Chatnoir: If you are unfamiliar with what a mesh network is, a good example is the One Laptop per Child computers.

[09:06] Rhiannon Chatnoir: They could network with each other via self-creating a local mesh network and if at least one of the laptops within that cluster could connect to the internet, the others could utilize that connection through the chain of mesh connected laptops. 


This could allow a whole village of children to network with each other and collectively access the internet.

[09:07] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Some examples of network enabled devices being used for medical devices:

[09:07] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Sensors are being embedded in things like pacemakers to relay information back to health providers that can be analyzed.

[09:07] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Pill shaped micro cameras can be swallowed and send back thousands of images of the digestive track to help diagnose illness.

[09:07] Fido Fudo: wow

[09:08] CarmenLittleFawn: awesome

[09:09] Rhiannon Chatnoir: There is also the using data gathering devices and services to measure and record.

[09:09] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Devices like Nike+, FitBit, Zeo, and even digital pedometers all are examples of this. There are phone apps you can download that can keep track of your physical level of movement, your temperature and vitals and devices like this are beginning to be used to help monitor and diagnose in remote areas of the world, where doctors might not be as readily available, but nurses or locals with some medical training can use.


[09:09] Rhiannon Chatnoir: How this could relate to the virtual world:

[09:09] Sarvana Haalan: only your imagination limits you

[09:10] Rhiannon Chatnoir: You can also apply some of this here in a virtual world…

[09:10] Hour Destiny: Open source hardware like the Arduino and the LilyPad (for use in fabrics) is also growing.

[09:10] Rhiannon Chatnoir: If you had an internet enabled light switch, you could log onto a web or virtual interface, and turn off your lights in your virtual room, which would turn off your lights at home.

[09:10] Sarvana Haalan: think it, then build it

[09:11] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes Hour, we touched upon crowdsourcing last week.. if you search and Indiegogo you will see a lot of projectings looking for funding that are networed devices like these

[09:12] Rhiannon Chatnoir: any other thoughts before I move on to the next topic 🙂

[09:12] Oronoque Westland: my in-laws were trapped in their car when the computer failed and it controlled the locks…some of thi quite frankly is scary, even though I love my PC

[09:13] Hour Destiny: I wish there was more opportunites for beta testing these things.

[09:13] Rhiannon Chatnoir: definitely safety in both operation and data security are important

[09:14] Rhiannon Chatnoir: lets move on…


Alternate Input Devices

[09:14] Rhiannon Chatnoir: We are all very familiar with the keyboard and mouse and how these are seen as standard devices to interface with your computer.

[09:14] Rhiannon Chatnoir: You use a mouse to move a cursor around a screen and a keyboard to type in input / data.

[09:14] Rhiannon Chatnoir: But there are more and more ways to interface with technology and the internet, including countless hardware and software interface technologies for those where a standard mouse or keyboard and mouse is not usable or the best option.

[09:15] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Enter the age of innovative game systems like the wii and xbox kinect that began using body movement as a mainstream way of interfacing with the games

[09:15] Rhiannon Chatnoir: and also the take off of tablet computers by Apple and others that allows position and movement of the device itself, as well as swiping and pinching gestures to control them.

[09:15] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Some types of interfaces:

– The mouse and keyboard

– audio input devices such as microphones and speech to text

– game controllers like Wii remotes, dance mats or other controllers

– Multi-touch screens (on devices such as iPads, mobile smartphones, etc)

Haptic devices

– Gestural interfaces, such as the Kinect

– Augmented reality devices 

– Brain-computer interface – meaning using your brain to control a device or computer. You think about moving something and it moves.


[09:15] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Uses for social or medical good:

[09:16] Hour Destiny: There’s a Windows version of Kinect.

[09:16] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Using alternate input devices for assistive technology – hardware or software solutions that allow users with mobility impairments to interact with a computer without using a standard mouse or keyboard.

[09:16] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Examples include speech recognition software, on-screen keyboards, word prediction software, scanners and switches, and other technologies that allow users to control computers with their head, eyes, breath, or feet.

[09:16] Fido Fudo: There is a lot of potential for that kind of technology to assist the disabled.

[09:17] Rhiannon Chatnoir: and I am sure Gentle or others from Virtual Ability can weigh in on that

[09:17] CarmenLittleFawn: mmhmm

[09:17] Rhiannon Chatnoir: There is also a wave of brain controlled input devices, headsets such as Emotiv and Neurosky that can be used to ‘think’ your input.

[09:18] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): I’ve wondered how far along commercial eye tracking software for mouse/pointer control may be…

[09:18] Rhiannon Chatnoir: oops crashed but back

[09:19] Fido Fudo: wb

[09:19] Zinnia Zauber: Welcome Back!

[09:19] Hour Destiny: The Eye Mouse has been around for a long time.

[09:19] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Some really exciting potential in Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs)

[09:19] Rhiannon Chatnoir luckily has notes

[09:20] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): @Hour, Any sense of how effective it is in daily use?

[09:20] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes making accessible technology for the disabled and others has fueled a lot of innovation in alternate input devices

[09:20] Gentle Heron: Jerry, we have folks in our community who control their computers and their SL entirely with eye gaze. So for them, highly effective!

[09:20] Hour Destiny: IIRC, it works okay enough but people might feel self-conscious.

[09:21] Zinnia Zauber: Cool!

[09:21] Rhiannon Chatnoir: and an example of a brain implanted chips/interface a quadriplegic woman gained full control of a robotic arm:

[09:21] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): That’s awesome, I need to check that out.

[09:21] Jen (jenelle.levenque): People get used to most anything

[09:21] Tori Landau: Oh wow, that’s brilliant

[09:21] Rhiannon Chatnoir: that is where input devices meets medicine

[09:21] Ozma Malibu: wow!!

[09:21] Rhiannon Chatnoir: amazing stuff 🙂

[09:21] CarmenLittleFawn: yes


[09:21] Rhiannon Chatnoir: How this could relate to the virtual world:

[09:21] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): I know that eye/gaze tracking has had military application for some time. Just didn’t know how much of that has made it to the consumer market.

[09:22] Rhiannon Chatnoir: I think alternate devices like the Wii and Kinect really made the consumer market really rethink things

[09:22] Rhiannon Chatnoir: There have been explorations into using gestural devices like the Kinect to control your avatar and even hackable tools such as “Darwin remote” to use a Wii controller as a mouse to move your avatar around.

[09:23] Hour Destiny: One of the latest military jets allows pilots to change the info they get from their HUDs by looking in a different directions. It’s as though they can see through the side of the cockpit no matter the direction.

[09:23] Rhiannon Chatnoir: I have used this method at mixed reality events, you can get the ‘crowd’ to move the inworld avatar and camera view

[09:23] Rhiannon Chatnoir: A recent example is an art installation, sponsored by the Linden Endowment for the Arts, using a Kinect to control avatar movement:….

[09:23] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): @Rhiannon, That development in implantable devices is really exciting when you consider merging this with wireless control capability…

[09:24] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes, connecting that concept of networked devices with this

[09:24] Rhiannon Chatnoir: and another interesting use in virtual worlds:

[09:24] Rhiannon Chatnoir: The artist/activist/professor Joseph Delappe also used a treadmill as an input device to embody the avatar of Gandhi and perform over a period of time a 240 mile march about Second Life by when he walked on the treadmill, his avatar walked in the virtual world.

[09:25] Rhiannon Chatnoir: he physically walked Gandhi’s march in real life and in the virtual

[09:25] Fido Fudo: wow

[09:25] CarmenLittleFawn: OM goodness love that

[09:25] Rhiannon Chatnoir: so let’s move on to the last topic for today –

[09:26] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): I know we’re bouncing back and forth a bit in our focus, but here’s an interesting bit on gesture based interfaces I happened across recently:


3D Printing

09:26] Rhiannon Chatnoir: this one is a bit more physical that the others 🙂

[09:26] Rhiannon Chatnoir: thanks Jerry

[09:26] Rhiannon Chatnoir: 3D printing begins to democratize the process of manufacturing. 


Making fabrication available for the masses and bringing 3D data into the physical world.

[09:26] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Though it has been around for awhile in super-expensive, large industrial usage, now it has reached a point where you can buy your own home 3D printer and begin to experiment.

[09:27] Rhiannon Chatnoir: We are starting to see 3D printing used for more medical applications as well, such as personalized prosthetics printed to exactly match and fit each person uniquely.

[09:27] Sarvana Haalan: much discussion and activity locally on 3-D printing

[09:27] Rhiannon Chatnoir: I got to see one of the leg prosthetics designed for the wearer I met

[09:27] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes

[09:27] Rhiannon Chatnoir: There is also a lot of early implementation of using 3D printing for custom transplant structure and bone. Last year the first synthetic jaw that was custom designed and 3D printed was successfully surgically transplanted.

[09:28] Rhiannon Chatnoir: We have also seen large scale usage of 3D printers to print architectural structures and houses:


[09:28] Rhiannon Chatnoir: An example of this being used in the nonprofit sector:

[09:28] Rhiannon Chatnoir: There are nonprofits such as the Center for Greater Good ( that are beginning to work on developing pop up innovation centers around the world, where even a rural population could learn to engineer and print any needed components.

[09:28] Glitteractica Cookie: fascinating

[09:29] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Also, museums are using 3D printing to replicate artifacts, fossils and other models in their collections. (a great webinar video from NMC on using 3D printing in museums:

[09:29] Jen (jenelle.levenque): With internet you could email a water pump then they could print it out and put it to work

[09:29] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Autodesk is working with the Leaky family to bring their paleontological models to real life and even help calculate the rest of the bone structure and print a full model

[09:29] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes


[09:30] Rhiannon Chatnoir: How can 3D printing relate to the virtual world:

[09:30] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Through sites like Shapeways ( virtual world artists and 3D builders have begun to make their virtual creation become real by printing them out in 3D.

[09:30] Rhiannon Chatnoir: One example is the early SL’er Seifert Surface who is also a PhD mathematician and professor who often built in Second Life geometric figures hard to imagine or see in the physical world.

[09:30] Hour Destiny: “Create your world in 3D with free 123D apps”

[09:30] Rhiannon Chatnoir: When sites like Shapeways began to pop up, he crossed over to using it, by exporting some of his models, cleaning them up in 3D software like Blender, and uploading them. 


Now you can buy a physical replica of some of his mathematic visualizations:

[09:31] Rhiannon Chatnoir: so something as intangible as a mathematical model, visualized in a virtual world, made real

[09:31] Rhiannon Chatnoir: and an example of an Avatar made real:

[09:31] Ozma Malibu: 3D printing has been used in art for a long time. Dan Collins, a professor at ASU, was one of the first & there was an international conference on 3D printing and art here in AZ this year.

[09:32] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes – it isn’t new per se.. just getting more affordable to use/explore the possibilities of

[09:32] Rhiannon Chatnoir: You can also view an example of the machinima maker Draxtor Despres offering up a 3D model of one of his machinima characters Flufee:

[09:32] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): A key facet of all this is that once an object can be digitized/converted into data, you gain the ability to adjust its design. Then you can send it to 3D printing device or service to have it created.


[09:32] Rhiannon Chatnoir: and Some Resources

 – Wikipedia article on 3D Printing:

 – a collection of free apps from Autodesk that you can use to create 3D models and even convert photos into 3D models (123D Catch)

 – Shapeways – a print on demand 3D printing store, you can also create your own shop of uploaded 3D models and offer up items for sale in your own store that people can order and shape ways will print.

 – MakerBot – a consumer grade 3D printer: (they also have a great sister site where people upload their 3D models and projects:

[09:33] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes

[09:33] Rhiannon Chatnoir: all of these are food for thought too if you are thinking on that Windows8 app contest

[09:34] Rhiannon Chatnoir: so to wrap up..


[09:34] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Some Overall Resources and Thoughts:


 – Nonprofit engagement and technology information / articles:

 – Upcoming trends can be found in NMC’s horizon report – which tracks, forecasts and publishes trends in the museum, education and technology space:

 – The think tank research company, McKinsey, that publishes reports on it’s future focused reports:


[09:34] Buffy Beale: I love New Media Consortium 🙂

[09:34] Rhiannon Chatnoir: these are all interesting sites to read up on thoughts of Future Trends

[09:35] Rhiannon Chatnoir: and 


Don’t forget other current great technology trends like:

 – Cloud technology

 – mobile, smartphones and tablet platforms

 – crowd sourcing

 – geolocation

 – apps

 – social entrepreneurship

 – open education


[09:35] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): @Buffy, Yes. I only discovered them & their campus recently.

[09:35] Rhiannon Chatnoir: These are all also important and great places to start brainstorming and implementing technology!

[09:35] Rhiannon Chatnoir: And, keep in mind, the internet and technology are ever evolving, but hopefully this has been an overview that will be useful so that when you are reading, thinking and working on implementing technology plans for your org or other projects, you have a baseline of knowledge.

[09:35] Ethelred Weatherwax: It would be nice to get discounts on 3D printers from Tech Soup. Any chance of that happening?

[09:35] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Really liked their Horizons report.

[09:36] Rhiannon Chatnoir: I think Makerbot has an educational/nonprofit discount they offer on their site

[09:36] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): @Rhiannon, Awesome overview!

[09:36] Ethelred Weatherwax: I will check it out

[09:36] Glitteractica Cookie: Ethelred, I’m not sure but I can check with the bizdev folks

[09:36] Rhiannon Chatnoir: thanks.. and feel free to investigate further and report back!

[09:36] Buffy Beale: Simply great info Rhi thanks!

[09:36] Hour Destiny: What about a Second Life version of a 3D printer so that people can see one and watch it “operate”?

[09:36] CarmenLittleFawn: yes 🙂 ty Rhiannon

[09:36] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Yes, really outstanding.

[09:37] Glitteractica Cookie: I’m frankly not sure these are ready for primetime and that there’d be enough interest from the general nonprofit sector, but it doesn’t hurt to ask

[09:37] Rhiannon Chatnoir: last week’s transcript on augmented reality, big data, crowdfunding and gamifcation is up on

[09:37] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yeah some of these are not at mass adoption yet for sure

[09:38] Rhiannon Chatnoir: though you are seeing things like the ‘internet of things’ pop up in a lot of apps that connect to network devices or control things, etc

[09:38] Rhiannon Chatnoir: but 3D printing still has a way to go before it is affordable to all like a home printer

[09:39] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Laser printers were very expensive when they first came out

[09:39] Rhiannon Chatnoir: any other last questions

[09:39] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Not to mention huge

[09:39] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes – til then you can use a site like shapeways. com to print on demand

[09:39] Rhiannon Chatnoir: like the cafepress of 3D

[09:40] Oronoque Westland: the nonprofit sector can take the lead in assuring the positive social impact of these technologies

[09:40] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Wireless home security & monitoring is becoming mainstream. Companies like Logitech are already selling kits.

[09:40] Ethelred Weatherwax: MakerBot is $2,800 — half the price of Apple’s first laser printer 20+ years ago

[09:40] Rhiannon Chatnoir: you can find the older Makerbots that were more like $500 used.. they upped their products recently and even opened up a phyiscal store in NY

[09:41] Rhiannon Chatnoir: their CEO Bre Pettis is even keynoting SxSW Interactive

[09:41] Hour Destiny: When they start showing up at nonprofit conferences, then they will have “arrived”.

[09:41] Rhiannon Chatnoir: so there is a lot of eyes on where 3D printing is going

[09:41] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes




[09:41] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Ok lets move on to Announcements

[09:41] Rhiannon Chatnoir: It’s time for Open Mic!

[09:41] Serene Jewell: There are many social issues that will spring up from these technologies – for example, if a device can monitor your health, your insurance company can raise your rates on a month by month basis if they think you are doing something unhealthy or spending time in an unhealthy neighborhood

[09:42] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): I also think a 3D printer might be more relevant if your organization focuses on creation of helpful devices….

[09:42] Dancers Yao: Do you know if any of these new tech interface possibililites could be added to things like Shelter in a Box, for people who are homeless?

[09:42] Brena Benoir raises hand for Open Mic

[09:42] Rhiannon Chatnoir: not sure Dancers, but a good question.. maybe we can look into that

[09:43] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Ok Brena

[09:43] Gentle Heron also raises hand for Open Mic

[09:43] Dancers Yao: ok thanks

[09:43] Tori Landau raises hand too for Open Mic °͜°

[09:43] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): sorry, have to step away… afk

[09:43] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Brena ready when you are

[09:44] Brena Benoir: I’m going to a cut and paste here to make it easier

[09:44] Rhiannon Chatnoir: ok

[09:44] Brena Benoir: ABOUT ARTC (Achieving Recovery Through Creativity) and ART HOUSE: 

ARTC is an amazing RL program run by SL residents which helps children with substance abuse issues use creativity to learn to express themselves in positive ways, building a foundation for a successful life free of drugs and alcohol. ARTC has used the virtual world to showcase the kids’ RL artwork, which deals with some very serious topics. You can read more about the program here:

[09:45] Buffy Beale: wow nice one Brena

[09:45] Brena Benoir: Winter Nightfire is curating a fundraiser for a PFH ARTC program and this pertains the reason and purpose

[09:45] Brena Benoir: ART HOUSE and its unique contents can all be yours if you are one of 3 winners of the drawing! To enter, click on the art supplies next to the stage and make a 250L donation to ARTC, for which you will receive a special gift of art or decor for your home or favorite place in SL. You may enter as many times as you wish — your chances get better with each donation and the gift will be different the first 5 times you enter!

[09:46] Brena Benoir: Have a stroll through the house and reference the list of contributors and LMs you get when you arrive to find out where to get more art and housewares by these incredibly talented top creators of Second Life: Gwen Carrilon, Trill Zapatero, Luciella Lutrova, Fuschia Nightfire, Nina Camplin, Aruba De Cuir, Nathan Babcock, Samara Furse-Barzane, Rik Zwiers, Alba2 Rossini, Pitsch Parx (For UrbanizeD), Zinnia Zauber, Cat Boccacio, CoughranMayo, Milly Sharple, Dixmix Source, Eynlight, Winter Nightfire.

[09:46] Gentle Heron: ohhhhh some really good artists there

[09:46] Zinnia Zauber: Yay!

[09:46] Brena Benoir: The Lindens raised through this event will be turned into dollars and used to buy art supplies for the kids of ARTC, whose activities are also funded by Preferred Family Healthcare, a nonprofit organization in Missouri, USA. The premise is that anyone may enter to win the house and decor for a 250L donation to the program. When the donation is made, the entrant receives a gift of equivalent value, and his or her name will be put on a RL list kept by me and administrators of ARTC. From this list, the administrators (hopefully with help from some of the ARTC kids) will draw 3 names of entrants who win the whole home and its contents. The drawing will be videotaped and Youtubed so that everyone can see it is fair, legitimate, and fun.


Please send your friends to see this awesome collaboration on behalf of the kids of ARTC! There are lots of ways to take part in this month-long event: Gift tickets can be purchased (you can enter your friends too!), and you can come to the house and donate amounts other than 250, as well. Every Linden helps…Thank you for vising ART HOUSE, and Enjoy!



Winter Nightfire and ARTC

[09:46] Brena Benoir: sorry that last paragraph got cut off

[09:46] Rhiannon Chatnoir: thanks Brena 🙂

[09:46] Sarvana Haalan: nice

[09:47] Serene Jewell: cool

[09:47] Brena Benoir: Opening mixer will be tomorrow from 12-3pm SLT if you would like to join us

[09:47] CarmenLittleFawn: nods , yes

[09:47] Chayenn: great brenna

[09:47] Brena Benoir: IM for an LM if interested please

[09:47] Carl Solutionary (carlicann): I have an announcement…

[09:47] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Gentle your next

[09:47] Zinnia Zauber: Please join us! It is a wonderful cause with wonderful works!

[09:47] Gentle Heron: iSkye, who presented here last week, will expand her topic to Event Planning in a Nutshell.

[09:48] Gentle Heron: She presents TODAY at noon SLT

Virtual Ability (44,138,23)

Please join us to learn more details of creating a great party, class, or conference.

[09:48] Gentle Heron: (done)

[09:48] Zinnia Zauber: Excellent, Gentle!

[09:48] Rhiannon Chatnoir: thanks Gentle

[09:48] CarmenLittleFawn: 🙂

[09:48] Buffy Beale: yay iSkye!

[09:48] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Tori

[09:49] Tori Landau: ok, ty Rhiannon….. OPen University’s Monday Meet…

[09:49] Tori Landau: *Mon 14th – Monday Meet at 1pm slt / 9pm GMT*

John Lester (SL: Pathfinder Lester (formerly Linden)) giving the talk, “To invent the future we must build dreams”.

[09:49] Tori Landau: This Meet will be in the communal room at Deep Think West.

SLurl: Deep Think West (73,45,24)

[09:49] Tori Landau: This is an updated version of the talk Pathfinder gave here a few months ago

[09:50] Tori Landau: and done °͜°

[09:50] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great and thanks Tori

[09:50] Sarvana Haalan: awesome!!

[09:50] Zinnia Zauber: Wonderful!

[09:50] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Carl your next…

[09:50] Carl Solutionary (carlicann): 9am SLT Tomorrow (Saturday) is the Netera Landar Chat on 3rd Rock Grid – I’m one of the Guests – I’ll address sustainable food choices, GMOs, plastics,…

Netera Landar Chat is a popular virtual talk show, I’m featured as a guest tomorrow 9am SLT on Studio Location: Reuben (232,218,23) (On 3rd Rock Grid!) My Humane Education essays are featured in our new virtual world cookbook

[09:50] Carl Solutionary (carlicann): okay done

[09:50] Buffy Beale: nice one Carl!

[09:50] Gentle Heron: Carl sure has been busy!

[09:50] Zinnia Zauber: Great, Carl!

[09:51] CarmenLittleFawn: nods

[09:51] Rhiannon Chatnoir: thanks Carl

[09:51] Rhiannon Chatnoir: any other announcements

[09:51] Tori Landau: Great Carl!

[09:51] Chayenn: yes i would like to add

[09:51] Rhiannon Chatnoir: will there be a mentor’s meeting after this Zinnia

[09:51] Rhiannon Chatnoir: and sure Chayenn

[09:52] Chayenn: Wonder what trends will impact #nonprofits in 2013? @Huffingtonpost provides their insight:

[09:52] Zinnia Zauber: Mentors at 10!

[09:52] Chayenn: info for all non profits

[09:52] CarmenLittleFawn: thanks chayenn

[09:52] Buffy Beale: thanks Chay

[09:52] Zinnia Zauber: Cool Chayenn!

[09:52] Rhiannon Chatnoir: thanks Chayenn.. good to add to today’s discussion 🙂

[09:53] Glitteractica Cookie: Thanks everyone

[09:53] Rhiannon Chatnoir: so fi there is nothing else, we are done for this week

[09:53] Chayenn: GuideStar USA ‏@GuideStarUSA

Fiscal-Cliff tax deal expected to boost charitable giving via @Philanthropy:

[09:53] Glitteractica Cookie: goodbye! see u all next week.


And again, Here are the many ways to can get involved with the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life:


About TechSoup the sponsors of the Nonprofit Commons:



Thanks everyone and see you next week!

Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir

“Future Trends in Technology, Part 2” for the January 11th NonProfit Commons Meeting

This Friday, January 11thNonProfit Commons will be continuing a discussion on exciting trends in technology. Last week we touched on topics such as crowdfundinggamification, big data, and augmented reality. This week we will be presenting an overview and sharing insights on alternate input devices, 3D printing, the internet of things, and discussing how these innovations could be used for organizations. 

Join us in Second Life and share your thoughts on innovations in tech!


Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting

Friday, January 11th, 8:30 AM SLT / PST

Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater



  • 8:30 am Introductions
  • 8:40 am TechSoup Announcements
  • 8:45 am Mentors Central
  • 8:55 am Featured Presentation: Future Trends in Technology, Part 2
  • 9:30 am Open Mic / Announcements

The mission of the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is to create a community for nonprofits to explore and learn about virtual worlds, foster connections, and discover the many ways in which nonprofits might utilize the unique environment of Second Life to achieve their missions.

Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir

Transcript of the January 4th NPC Meeting: Future Trends in Technology

[08:35] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Welcome everyone to this week’s Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting!

[08:36] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Happy New Year everyone!

[08:36] Loren Alunaia (reeveskd): Happy New Year, Rhi!

[08:36] Rhiannon Chatnoir: The Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is sponsored by TechSoup Global and is a program of the TechSoup Global Community & Social Media team

[08:36] Zinnia Zauber: Happy New Year!

[08:36] Wisdom (esavage): Oronoque, that is an excellent discussion and sometimes unavoidable when trying to levearage time


[08:36] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Today’s Agenda:


– 8:30 am Introductions

– 8:40 am TechSoup Announcements

– 8:50 am Mentors Central

– 9:00 am Future Trends in Technology

– 9:30 am Open Mic / Announcements


[08:36] Rhiannon Chatnoir: First a few links to start off the meeting. 


Here are the many ways to can get involved with the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life:


– Nonprofit Commons Blog:

– Wiki:

– Twitter:

– Facebook:

– G+ Community: 

– Google Group:

– Google Calendar:



About TechSoup the sponsors of the Nonprofit Commons:



[08:36] Wisdom (esavage): Goodmorning

[08:37] Rhiannon Chatnoir: I encourage you if you are new to check some of those out and if you take any photos today, please post them up in our Facebook or G+ community group




[08:37] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Hello everyone, let’s start off with Introductions!

[08:37] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Bruce Hestley, Transgender American Veterans Association, Akron, OH,,!/TAVAUS

[08:37] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Please state your real name, location, org, and the ways we can find you online.

[08:37] Zinnia Zauber: Renne Emiko Brock-Richmond, Sequim Humanities and Arts Alliance, Sequim, Olympic Peninsula, Washington. @renneemiko

[08:37] Chayenn: Monique Richert, Protect Yourself 1, Inc., Baltimore MD,, , @PY1US

[08:38] Loren Alunaia (reeveskd): Loren Alunaia, Director of the distanSLab Educational Technology Resource Center, Washington, D.C. | / @distanslab /

[08:38] Gentle Heron: Virtual Ability, Inc.

[08:38] iSkye Bonde (iskye.silverweb): iSkye Silverweb Bonde, Virtual Ability

[08:38] bulaklak: Michael DeLong, San Francisco, CA, USA, TechSoup Global, @mmdelong @TechSoup

[08:38] Ethelred Weatherwax: Dave Dexter, Neenah Historical Society, Wisconsin USA

[08:38] Rhiannon Chatnoir: and, if your new, might also be nice to know how you found about NonProfit Commons

[08:38] Wisdom (esavage): Eveangel Savage, CasebyCase Research Foundation, Greenville, NC

[08:38] Coughran Mayo: Dick Dillon, Innovaision, LLC St. Louis MO @Innovaision @Coughran

[08:38] CarynTopia Silvercloud: Caryn Heilman, Topia Arts Center, @topiaartscenter,, in Adams in the Berkshires of NW, MA

[08:38] Josain Zsun: Budd Turner, middle school teacher in Tucson, AZ

[08:38] Chad Mikado: Chad Gobert, National Service Inclusion Project (NSIP), UMass Boston,

[08:39] Oronoque Westland: Roberta Kilkenny, Hunter College, City University of New York

[08:39] Dancers Yao: Kara Bennett, Elder Voices, Inc Los Angeles, CA Human Rights and Health Care

[08:39] Rhiannon Chatnoir is Joyce Bettencourt, Boston MA area, Online Community manager of TechSoup’s NonProfit Commons in Second Life community, @RhiannonSL,

[08:39] Wisdom (esavage): Been involved for a while but still My goal for the new year is active membership in second life how to be active.

[08:40] Gentle Heron: There’s a lot to learn, Wisdom, and these folks here can help mentor you.

[08:40] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Wisdom stick around for the Mentor’s meeting after as that is a topic we’ve been discussing

[08:40] Rhiannon Chatnoir: If you joined us late, please still introduce yourself!

[08:40] jacmacaire Humby: Hi everyone

[08:40] Ronnie Rhode: Denise Harrison, The Garden for the Missing featuring missing persons: and SLURL Remora (203,148,21), Project Jason, assistance for families of the missing,

[08:40] Beth Ghostraven: Beth O’Connell, middle school librarian, Virginia, US, @booklady9

[08:40] Keko Heckroth: Keko Heckroth, Cincinnati, Adult Ed

[08:41] Wisdom (esavage): Great, I will stick around.

[08:41] Rhiannon Chatnoir: and I love the idea of sharing your personal or organizational new year’s resolutions that revolve around technology/media 🙂

[08:41] Rhiannon Chatnoir: any other introductions?

[08:41] Adalace Jewell: RoSa Library Brussels – Belgium @adalace

[08:41] jacmacaire Humby: Jacques Macaire HUMANBE Action Tank on Sustainable Human Development France and International @Humanbe

[08:42] Tori Landau: Patricia Dean, volunteer event coordinator fot the Open University’s deep think sims and volunteer owner of the former International Schools island, renamed Moonstone but still ISI currently °͜°

[08:42] Wisdom (esavage): strategyis critical for the enhancement of organization in digital advocacy

[08:42] Loren Alunaia (reeveskd): Resolutions: I resolve not to use my teachers’ or clients’ computers to bludgeon them this year. Only iPads. ‿÷ LOL in all seriousness, we’re hoping to deploy virtual environment opportunities into classrooms in a very serious way this year, and I hope the NPO on the grid will facilitate that for our organizations in First.

[08:43] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Lets move on.. but please feel free to introduce youself still




[08:43] Rhiannon Chatnoir: It is time for TechSoup Announcements!

[08:43] bulaklak: Happy new year, all!

[08:43] Chayenn: happy new year bulaklak

[08:43] bulaklak: It looks like none of my other Soupers are here today, just me and Rhiannon!

[08:44] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes

[08:44] bulaklak: Anyway, my own personal resolution is to see more movies this year and my org/professional resolution (one of many) is to refresh my coding skills and learn HTML5

[08:45] bulaklak: Now on to the TechSoup announcements . . . .

[08:45] bulaklak: There is really just one big one today

[08:45] bulaklak: Which is that we have a new website launching on Monday

[08:45] Zinnia Zauber: Awesome bulaklak!

[08:45] bulaklak: I know I’ve teased you with info about this over the last six months or so

[08:45] bulaklak: But we’re *finally* there

[08:45] Adalace Jewell: 🙂

[08:45] Tori Landau: Great news °͜°

[08:46] bulaklak: The major improvement will be to the search functionality on the site

[08:46] bulaklak: We know right now it is quite hard to find things on the site

[08:46] bulaklak: So the new site has many snazzy new search features that make it very easy to find things

[08:46] bulaklak: And a much more integrated way of displaying content from across different parts of the site

[08:47] bulaklak: All of the community content such as forums and blogs will be integrated into product pages and vice versa

[08:47] Beth Ghostraven: @bulaklak, could you put the URL for the site in chat pls?

[08:47] bulaklak: Here is a little more information on the upcoming change, and once it launches we will likely have a TS representative come speak about it

[08:47] bulaklak:

[08:48] bulaklak: Sure, Beth. The URL will be the same:

[08:48] bulaklak: Come Monday, it will just look a bit different from the way it looks now!

[08:48] bulaklak: Once it launches, we welcome all of your feedback

[08:48] bulaklak: There is a special forum called Site Improvements where you can leave bugs, complaints . . . or praise!

[08:49] bulaklak: It’s special because you don’t have to log in to post there as you do on the rest of the forums

[08:49] bulaklak: We want you to be able to have anonymity if you like, and have a lower barrier to leaving feedback

[08:49] bulaklak: Here is that URL

[08:49] bulaklak:

[08:50] bulaklak: Just a quick note that the site will be unavailable from this evening through Monday morning

[08:50] bulaklak: But we’ll be posting messages on our Facebook and Twitter

[08:50] bulaklak: Happy new year everyone!

[08:50] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Will that down time effect any of the NonProfit Commons sites or just the central

[08:51] bulaklak: just the central

[08:51] Rhiannon Chatnoir: good to know and thanks for the update Bulaklak




[08:51] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Let’s move on to Mentor’s Central

[08:51] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Today for Mentor Central we have iSkye Bonde to speak, let’s welcome her up and please start whenever your ready.!

[08:53] iSkye Silverweb: HOW will it be announced?

[08:54] iSkye Silverweb: So, let’s talk about this.

[08:54] iSkye Silverweb: First, WHO will be invited?

[08:54] iSkye Silverweb:  – For workshops or conferences: Who is your audience?

[08:54] iSkye Silverweb:  – Is the event intended for a specific group? 

[08:54] iSkye Silverweb:  – Is it a public event or a private one?

[08:54] iSkye Silverweb: WHAT is the occasion?  

[08:54] iSkye Silverweb:  – Is there a theme?

[08:54] iSkye Silverweb:  – Is decorating needed, any building to be done?

[08:54] iSkye Silverweb:  – Are display materials needed?

[08:55] iSkye Silverweb: WHY have the event?

[08:55] iSkye Silverweb:  – The answer to this could be as simple as “Let’s have fun!” or “It’s Sour Pickles Month, let’s organize a conference around it.”

[08:55] iSkye Silverweb:  – Be sure to describe the event to draw interest and give good details. Make people want to come!

[08:55] iSkye Silverweb: WHERE will it be?

[08:55] iSkye Silverweb:  – Is this a cozy discussion intended for only a few people?  A small location, perhaps in a cafe?

[08:55] iSkye Silverweb: – Is it a professional conference? Consider a larger auditorium-type setting.

[08:55] iSkye Silverweb: – Is this to be simulcast on video or audio to RL venues or only inside SL? Plan for this!

[08:56] iSkye Silverweb: – Will it be filmed or recorded? Take that into consideration, too.

[08:56] iSkye Silverweb: WHEN will it be?

[08:56] iSkye Silverweb:  – Avoid conflicts with other major events.

[08:56] iSkye Silverweb: WHAT TIME will it start?

[08:56] iSkye Silverweb: – Consider your audience. 

[08:56] iSkye Silverweb: SL is a worldwide grid, but you might want to target just Americans/Canadians, 

[08:56] iSkye Silverweb: or people in Europe, Asia, or the UK. 

[08:56] iSkye Silverweb: 5:00PM SLT works out to something like 1:00AM in the United Kingdom.

[08:56] iSkye Silverweb: For presentations and meetings where you want people 

[08:56] iSkye Silverweb: from other parts of the globe to have the opportunity to participate, 

[08:57] iSkye Silverweb: think about having them more than once, at times that are workable for them.

[08:57] iSkye Silverweb: HOW will it be announced?

[08:57] iSkye Silverweb: – If you want to have people coming into SL from RL, you will want to promote accordingly – 

[08:57] iSkye Silverweb: interoffice memo, Facebook/Twitter, a website or blog

[08:57] iSkye Silverweb: – If it will be an intergrid event (parallel with the same event in another virtual setting), you will want to make sure it’s promoted in the sister grid, and possibly through RL means as well.

[08:57] iSkye Silverweb: – Inworld only – group  notices, group chats, community calendars, perhaps even the SL Destination Guide or SL Event Calendar. 

[08:58] iSkye Silverweb: – Be sure to include all the information: 

[08:58] iSkye Silverweb: Event title, 

[08:58] iSkye Silverweb: date, 

[08:58] iSkye Silverweb: time (use SL/Pacific time zone as a common reference for all),

[08:58] iSkye Silverweb: description,

[08:58] iSkye Silverweb: location, 

[08:58] iSkye Silverweb: is it public or private, and 

[08:58] iSkye Silverweb: contact person for questions.

[08:58] iSkye Silverweb: Most of all, ALLOW ENOUGH LEAD TIME to COMMUNICATE about the event so enough people hear about it and can plan to attend.

[08:58] iSkye Silverweb: We like a good week or so for guest presentations, 

[08:58] Sarvana Haalan: Sally S. Cherry, Baltimore, MD,, @CHAREproject

[08:58] iSkye Silverweb: and much more time for professional conferences or large group parties.

[08:59] iSkye Silverweb: Be considerate: if your attendees are coming into Second Life for the first time, BE PREPARED to assist them. 

[08:59] iSkye Silverweb: We were all noobs once!

[08:59] iSkye Silverweb: (This picture shows a presenter who came in for the first time, specifically to speak at IDRAC last summer.)

[08:59] iSkye Silverweb: What has worked for us at Virtual Ability 

[08:59] iSkye Silverweb: is to encourage those planning to attend special inworld events for the first time, 

[08:59] iSkye Silverweb: to set up their SL accounts at least a few days in advance 

[08:59] iSkye Silverweb: and utilize Virtual Ability’s award winning orientation course. 

[08:59] iSkye Silverweb: Our mentors can be on hand to help with any questions.

[09:00] Wisdom (esavage): Is there an iPAD app for these meetings?

[09:00] iSkye Silverweb: In the giver box you’ll get examples of notecards I give out when I am scheduling a presenter or guest to come to Virtual Ability. 

[09:00] Gentle Heron: Wisdom, any way you can get into SL, you can attend these meetings.

[09:00] iSkye Silverweb: The questions on the notecard are designed to help me and Virtual Ability do all that we can, 

[09:00] iSkye Silverweb: to help the guest have a successful presentation or event.

[09:00] iSkye Silverweb: A key question we ask is, “Will you conduct this in voice, text, or both?” It’s important to include all participants. Everyone benefits!

[09:00] Wisdom (esavage): Great information!

[09:00] Rhiannon Chatnoir: we have a blog that I post all of the transcript up onto as well if you can’t make it into the meeting.

[09:01] iSkye Silverweb: Some of our partners have events that may be of interest to our community members.

[09:01] Loren Alunaia (reeveskd): ( For Android check out Lumiya. For iPad, check out Pocket Metaverse. )

[09:01] iSkye Silverweb: Be sure to include the key information, jazz it up a bit, and don’t forget a contact person in case there are questions.

[09:01] iSkye Silverweb: Now that all the questions are answered and arrangements are made, you’ll be READY and can enjoy the event!

[09:01] iSkye Silverweb: Thank you – any questions?

[09:01] Sarvana Haalan: awesome!

[09:01] iSkye Bonde (iskye.silverweb): please steal my notecard examples from the giver!

[09:02] Rhiannon Chatnoir: iSkye Thanks for leading Mentors Central today!

[09:02] iSkye Bonde (iskye.silverweb): You’re welcome

[09:02] Wisdom (esavage): Very helpful dialogue:)

[09:02] Gentle Heron: Thank you iSkye. In addition to the awesome presenters, iSkye is a large part of why VAI has such great presentations.

[09:02] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you so much!

[09:02] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great – let’s move on to our main part of the meeting

[09:02] Oronoque Westland: hooray for iSkye…very helpful and succinct

[09:02] Sarvana Haalan: very helpful info

[09:02] Dancers Yao: Great….You are excellent at helping people to present and do events!

[09:02] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Excellent presentation

[09:03] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Easy to follow

[09:03] Josain Zsun thanks iSkye

[09:03] Loren Alunaia (reeveskd) applauds!




[09:03] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Today I will be presenting on Future Trends in Technology

[09:03] iSkye Bonde (iskye.silverweb): my head is going to get so big I won’t be able to get out of SL… but thank you, everyone!

[09:03] Sarvana Haalan: Woot, woot!!!!!

[09:03] Lord Emmanuel Davidson (lordemmanuele)Lord Emmanuel Davidson (lordemmanuele)lol

[09:03] Rhiannon Chatnoir: So as a kick off to 2013, I thought it might be nice to do a presentation on some interesting future trends in technology and chat a bit about how they might be relevant.

[09:03] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Some of this was fueled by my summer at Singularity University ( and the plethora of amazing speakers and content on future focused tech out there and thinking on how it can be used for social good.

[09:04] Rhiannon Chatnoir: topics such as crowdfunding, gamification, big data, alternate input devices, augmented reality and 3D printing and discuss how these innovations could be used for organizations.

[09:04] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Any one of these topics could be a full presentation – so think of it as a very brief intro and we can always schedule something deeper going forward.

[09:04] Rhiannon Chatnoir: I invite you to all contribute with your comments as I go along and maybe we can also make this a bit of a brainstorm session on thinking how these various technologies could be used to further your org’s mission or initiatives.

[09:05] Rhiannon Chatnoir: and feel free to grab photos – I will be busy typing

[09:05] Sarvana Haalan: I testing a couple of crowdfunding sites now

[09:05] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great segway

[09:05] Rhiannon Chatnoir: So lets start off with…



[09:05] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Crowd Funding

[09:05] Sarvana Haalan: 🙂

[09:05] Rhiannon Chatnoir: You have no doubt heard of the term ‘crowd’ sourcing – the idea of the power of looking to the many (crowd) to solve a problem or task. Crowd funding is applying this principle to fund raising.

[09:06] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Sites like, IndieGoGo ( and others have ‘kicked-off’ a wave of individuals being able to reach out for funding directly to a global/internet audience, for projects or ideas.

[09:06] Rhiannon Chatnoir: If you search through Kickstarter you will see people looking for funding for art, social good, events, hardware/software, games, music, films and numerous other types of projects.

[09:06] Rhiannon Chatnoir: In return, funders get something back…maybe it is the first wave of your new product, service, game, etc or some other perk.

[09:06] Gentle Heron always wondered about the accountablity of such funding.

[09:07] Rhiannon Chatnoir: And – the fundraising platform get some sort of small percentage of the entire amount raised as the cost of suing and doing business through the site.

[09:07] Chayenn: In general they take 15%

[09:07] Sarvana Haalan: it depends on the site

[09:07] Chayenn: and keep your money from 8 days to 6 weeks

[09:08] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Yes Gentle, there have been more push for enforcement of ‘rewards’ on sites, but it is a ‘buyer beware’ and you have to apply some of the same elements of trust/reputation as for any internet interaction/transaction

[09:08] Rhiannon Chatnoir: thanks Chayenn

[09:08] Rhiannon Chatnoir: How could crowd funding relate to your nonprofit or cause?

[09:09] Oronoque Westland: @Rhiannon, did you mean to type “the cost of suing” or did you mean using?

[09:09] Rhiannon Chatnoir: oops using

[09:09] iSkye Bonde (iskye.silverweb) grins

[09:09] Lord Emmanuel Davidson (lordemmanuele): lol

[09:09] Rhiannon Chatnoir: a little bit of morning typos there

[09:10] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Crowd Funding can possibly offer innovative ways to try to fundraise for a specific thing.

[09:10] Oronoque Westland: thanks

[09:10] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Not really the way to go if you are looking at needing ongoing funds to sustain an org, but great if you want to fund a specific new project and can find innovative ways to thank via rewards those that give funds.

[09:10] Beth Ghostraven: Could this be used to fund technology acquisitions for a school, instead of/in addition to applying for a grant?

[09:11] Wisdom (esavage): has anyone considered endowment funding?

[09:11] Rhiannon Chatnoir: I have seen IndiGoGo used more for personal or mission based goals

[09:11] Sarvana Haalan: It helps cover the cost of unfunded activities

[09:11] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Kickstarter seems more focused on funding that results in tangible outcomes that the investor can be part of or receive

[09:11] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Make sure you understand the terms you are signing up for on any given crowd funding site, on Kickstarter it is an ‘all or nothing’ model. If you do not make at least the goal money amount you set up that you need – you won’t receive anything.

[09:12] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Look to sites like IndieGoGo if you want to set up a more flexible fundraising that even if you don’t meet your goal, you can receive some funding.

[09:12] Sarvana Haalan: there is an directory of crowdfunding sites based on topics… and help tailor your proposal

[09:12] Coughran Mayo: Do you have a link for that, Sar?

[09:12] Rhiannon Chatnoir: do you have the link to that Sarvana

[09:12] Rhiannon Chatnoir: IndieGoGo also offers a 25% discount on any platform fees to registered 501c3 nonprofits. Any funds raised for nonprofits are sent to your organization through FirstGiving.

[09:12] Sarvana Haalan: Kickstarter only gives if you reach goal

[09:12] Sarvana Haalan: just a sec, C

[09:13] Sarvana Haalan: have to search files

[09:13] Rhiannon Chatnoir: There have been several virtual worlds focused projects that I know of that have used crowd funding sites for fund raising on project such as to publish a book (…) or create a specific virtual experience or machinima (

[09:13] Wisdom (esavage): good information:)

[09:13] Gentle Heron:

[09:13] Rhiannon Chatnoir: thanks

[09:13] Coughran Mayo: Thanks GH

[09:13] Chayenn: Timely info for local nonprofits on how the fiscal cliff legislation will affect donors.…

[09:13] Sarvana Haalan: wonderland did one, I think

[09:14] Sarvana Haalan: Thanks GH… I am slow at multitasking today

[09:14] Chayenn: you should also check the guidestar link above if you are a 501 c3

[09:14] Rhiannon Chatnoir: A Few Resources:

Wikipedia article on Crowd Funding:

An article from IndieGoGO, on how to raise funds for NonProfits:

[09:14] Rhiannon Chatnoir: also US Jobs Act Legislation opening up crowd funding of company investments to beyond ‘friends and family’: (article on) and… (US gov FAQ on).

[09:15] Rhiannon Chatnoir: that legislation takes effect this year, so we will start to see broader and more serious usage of crowdfunding in 2013

[09:15] Sarvana Haalan: The JOB Act brought a lot of attention to crowdfundin especially for businesses…

[09:16] Rhiannon Chatnoir: I think we both were reading that same article Sarvana

[09:16] Rhiannon Chatnoir: 😉

[09:16] Sarvana Haalan: lol, lol… Thiannon, great minds think a like…lol

[09:16] Sarvana Haalan: *Rhiannon

[09:16] Rhiannon Chatnoir: so, again…this is a brief overview of several trends..



[09:16] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Lets move on to Gamification

[09:17] Rhiannon Chatnoir: What do the Boy/Girl Scouts, retail store loyalty programs/cards, and Foursquare all have in common?

[09:17] Rhiannon Chatnoir: They all encourage actions and give rewards for engagement with their org/brand/app.

[09:18] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Gamification is the use of game-thinking and game mechanics in non-game contexts in order to engage users and solve problems. You can use this to increase engagement, enhance learning.

[09:18] Rhiannon Chatnoir: some ways to do this:

 – adding achievement badges to your app/site

 – the concept of ‘leveling up’ for your community or volunteers

 – leader boards of top engagers

 – a way for your community engagers to be awarded points for key engagements / actions

 – finding a way to create organization or network-wide challenges and competitions

[09:19] Rhiannon Chatnoir: An example of this being used for social good:

[09:19] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Using incentives via engaging game elements In a project that the NYC HIVE Learning Network ( produced.

They created a mobile learning and discover mobile app where teens could become citizen scientists by exploring their local neighborhoods and finding key nature elements and collecting evidence by documenting their findings through capturing cell phone photos via their phones, earning badges for their discoveries and ranking with other teen naturalists.

[09:20] Rhiannon Chatnoir: How gamification can be used in the virtual world:

[09:20] Rhiannon Chatnoir: The World Bank, through a collaboration with Global Kids, used gameplay to reinforce concepts learned during trainings and also encourage a sense of competition and upped the level of excitement of what might have been initially dry subject matter.

[09:21] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Training participants logging in to Second Life, and via their avatars buzz in or run to a target to answer a question or hop into a race car and race against other training teams to get to the next checkpoint first and have the opportunity to answer a question on content studied.

[09:21] Rhiannon Chatnoir: In this example, the gameplay becomes a great tool to assess what was actually learned!

[09:21] Rhiannon Chatnoir: This sure beats being handed a multiple choice survey after a training workshop!

[09:21] Oronoque Westland: Games for Change is a great resource

[09:22] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes and also, Jane McGonigal’s site for game developers/makers who want to make a difference:

[09:22] Rhiannon Chatnoir: also the Wikipedia entry on gamification:

[09:22] Sarvana Haalan: My daughter will actually at Magfest today helping to kick off her employer’s new Gaming Division

[09:22] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great!

[09:22] Sarvana Haalan: barely can wait to hear about it

[09:23] Rhiannon Chatnoir: with interactions and data online or via a mobile phone and even here in Second Life where you can add interactivity – you can add game elements to any of these

[09:23] Rhiannon Chatnoir: any other examples anyone would like to share or thoughts?

[09:23] Gentle Heron: It’s heresy, I know, but not all of us like to learn by playing games.

[09:24] Gentle Heron: Not all of us are competitive.

[09:24] Coughran Mayo: I would jump back to the crowdfunging topic quickly and note that related to this is the issue of crowdsourced opinion, this is a technology that may have a really big impact on charities in the next few years.

[09:24] Rhiannon Chatnoir: there are noncompetitive games and even things like earning badges, can be more on a personal achievement level

[09:24] iSkye Bonde (iskye.silverweb) turns and looks at Gentle – THAT is what I have trouble with, if the emphasis is too much on the competition and not enough on collaboration

[09:25] Josain Zsun hoping bring up web browser won’t crash SL client…again

[09:25] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Mozilla foundation is putting in a lot of research into using badges as a way to quantify informal learning across many platforms and ways you can learn/earn a badge

[09:25] Sarvana Haalan: am using games to reach the teen girls who are big users of games but I have them help me develop the game… as part of a STEM project

[09:26] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes, check out Global Kids work on using games for learning by having teens develope games on social/world issues:



[09:27] Rhiannon Chatnoir: OK – lets move on to Big Data!

[09:27] Sarvana Haalan: teo-fold goal… educate and get them interested in Science, Tech and Math

[09:27] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Think about services like Netflix or Amazon that have so much data coming into them about the habits and preferences of their customers and through the querying in innovative ways you can help assist via predicting patterns through analysis of this data.

[09:27] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Predictive modeling = analyzing data to help predict what people will do/choose/buy.

[09:27] Oronoque Westland: a former Global Kids kid was in my university class a few years back and talked about GK….the others in the class were sooooo jealous….they want GK for college “kids”

[09:27] Rhiannon Chatnoir worked for Global Kids for many years

[09:28] Rhiannon Chatnoir: and yes – their teens are amazing

[09:28] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Think Amazon being able to suggest items you might like or Netflix suggesting movies you would enjoy

[09:28] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Some examples of big data being used for social good:

[09:28] Sarvana Haalan: their manual is my “Vistual Bible” lol

[09:28] Oronoque Westland: the marketing potential is huge but the privacy implications scary

[09:28] Sarvana Haalan: *Virtual

[09:28] Rhiannon Chatnoir: “fold it” ( – combining big data with human-directed computing power to find a better way to solve complex problems like folding proteins.

[09:29] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes Oronoque.. with great data comes great responsibility

[09:29] Gentle Heron agrees with Oro on that point.

[09:29] Rhiannon Chatnoir: think of all of the personal data pouring through not just your financial institutions/banks, but Google and other platforms we interact with

[09:29] Josain Zsun: is a collection of gaming & VW posts I’ve collected.

[09:30] Rhiannon Chatnoir: With Fold It, Through using game-like play, they are getting their users to manipulate protein data structures to find real life solutions to things such as cancer and finding clean energy.

[09:30] Gentle Heron: Thanks Josain.

[09:30] Rhiannon Chatnoir: thanks!

[09:30] Rhiannon Chatnoir: You also see analysis and prediction of data used a lot in health care. 

For example, the National Cancer Institute developed an online interactive tool to assess breast cancer risk based off of extensive medical research survey data:

[09:30] Rhiannon Chatnoir: How big data relates to the virtual world:

[09:31] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Most common example of interesting usage of data in Second Life, are a lot of the stats collection devices, that take the proximity and movement of avatars and analyzes it to show patterns in activity and usage of a virtual space.

[09:31] Rhiannon Chatnoir: But there are innumerable ways to incorporate data into a world like Second Life where you can put a script into any object, record interactions, save those to external databases and even use data to reward engagement.

[09:31] Gentle Heron: Rhiannon, what are the privacy implications of that, in SL?

[09:32] Rhiannon Chatnoir: well you could go as far as knowing the IP of an avatar and track their actions/interactions fully in a virtual space

[09:32] Gentle Heron nods, and understands that that is possible.

[09:32] Rhiannon Chatnoir: the up side is that you can use that to help your users or create unique experiences

[09:33] Rhiannon Chatnoir: so you have to weigh how much you might want to do and you could always put up a notice that you are tracking certain avatar data in your space and the reasons

[09:33] Rhiannon Chatnoir: that gives people an option to ‘opt out’ by teleporting away at least

[09:34] Gentle Heron: I suspect that’s too late to avoid being “IDed”

[09:34] Coughran Mayo: Aren’t we trying to encourage engagement?

[09:34] Oronoque Westland: At a minimum I think sims need to alert visitors that data is being collected, like what is done when we are told that our chat will be used elsewhere.

[09:34] Gentle Heron: One of the things I try to do when I greet newcomers here at NPC is let them know that they do NOT need to give their RL names when roll is taken.

[09:34] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes – but also always good to be transparent if you are collecting info that might be sensitive

[09:35] Gentle Heron: Good point Rhiannon.

[09:35] Loren Alunaia (reeveskd): And those of us who try to keep a moderately-high fence between personal and professional, as well as First and Second, appreciate that sensitivity!

[09:35] Gentle Heron: But with this technology, your existence at a certain place and time now is an invasion of privacy.

[09:35] Oronoque Westland: this is a RL issue as well…more and more communities have cameras on the streets, we have tracking devices in our mobile devices, etc.

[09:35] Sarvana Haalan: would posting a sign good enough

[09:36] Rhiannon Chatnoir: here in SL, that would be good Sarvana or if you have a specific area that you might have sensors in you could have a pop up notecard appear when they walk into that

[09:36] Sarvana Haalan: be good enough

[09:36] Rhiannon Chatnoir: nod

[09:36] Dancers Yao: privacy issue very important when your org may be a human rights legal witness….

[09:37] Gentle Heron: It’s also very important when dealing with personal health data.

[09:37] Rhiannon Chatnoir: nod

[09:37] Rhiannon Chatnoir: A Few Resources:

[09:37] iSkye Bonde (iskye.silverweb): or lines on the floor that demarcate sensor ranges – like the sim borders – with notifications so avatars know how they can avoid those sensors



[09:38] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Lets move on to Augmented Reality!

[09:38] Dancers Yao: agree Gentle….

[09:38] Sarvana Haalan: My Centre have a sensor for visitors… I receive email to informed of their presence. So I can share a proper greeting if I am online

[09:38] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Augmented reality is adding extra layers of information, data, audio or visual over physical life

Think of it as a way to bring some of the virtual world into the physical world by laying it atop.

[09:38] Sarvana Haalan: Woot… Augmented Reality Woot!!!

[09:38] Rhiannon Chatnoir: It can be a way to enhance one’s current perception of reality..

[09:39] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Some examples of augmented reality:

[09:39] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Mobile applications – such as Layer that if you hold your phone up in front of you or looking at a QR code, you see a 3D image pop up atop your screen view.

[09:39] Sarvana Haalan: Sally is my “augmented reality”… LOL, LOL

[09:39] Oronoque Westland: Oro visited a RL subway station the other day via green screen she learned about at an NPC meeting

[09:39] Rhiannon Chatnoir: ahh great – share the link again if you remember it

[09:39] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Google glass – A project in development by Google, where you wear a pair of glasses and this adds an extra layer of info and interaction with the mobile web

[09:40] Sarvana Haalan: the Google glasses were featured at Fashion Week

[09:40] Sarvana Haalan: so cool

[09:40] Rhiannon Chatnoir: If you havent seen the video Google put out about Google Glass –

[09:40] Rhiannon Chatnoir: that gies you an idea of how they are working on augmented an extra layer atop reality

[09:40] Oronoque Westland: @Rhiannon, I think you talked about green screen here a few years back

[09:41] Rhiannon Chatnoir: There is also Spatial augmented reality – using projection of images to layer atop reality. You can create mixed reality by projecting a virtual avatar into a real life space.

[09:41] Sarvana Haalan: it’s a regulatrdiscussion topic at my local tech meetups

[09:41] Rhiannon Chatnoir: there has been a surge of this being used for entertainment, by bringing in holograms of often deceased singers or actors and putting them on stage ‘live’ with a band or performers in real life

[09:42] Beth Ghostraven: A friend is a nursing lab assistant at a community college; they use VR simulation combined with RL actors for training

[09:42] Gentle Heron: WARNING: Begging is not allowed in SL. If someone asks you for Lindens, please refuse.

[09:42] Oronoque Westland: I saw a super-imposed Dr. King advertising something a few years ago that must have made Dr. King roll over in his tomb

[09:43] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes Oronoque, there have been some interesting explorations of using projection and greens screens live, at the SLCC10 conference there was a live mixed reality performance of Alice and WOnderland delivered this way

[09:43] Tori Landau: Yes, I just got a begging IM, was about to remind the person of that.

[09:43] Beth Ghostraven: I got one too

[09:43] iSkye Bonde (iskye.silverweb): There’s an artist who did a mixed reality art exhibit that was great fun

[09:43] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Beth – check out Stanford’s Virtual Reality lab for interesting research there

[09:43] Oronoque Westland: a begging IM is a type of crowd sourcing

[09:43] iSkye Bonde (iskye.silverweb): I got one, too, Tori

[09:44] Rhiannon Chatnoir: How this could relate to your nonprofit:

[09:44] Rhiannon Chatnoir: You can use applications like Layar ( or ARToolKit ( to recreate historic buildings or create a walking tour that highlights social/historical moments that have happened in an area – a way of adding capturing and sharing a lost moment in time

[09:45] Rhiannon Chatnoir: I have seen this to recreate historic objects or moment for the Freedom Trail in Boston

[09:45] Oronoque Westland: there is great work being done with AR for mobile device use by school kids

[09:46] Beth Ghostraven: for what kinds of mobile devices, Oronoque?

[09:46] Oronoque Westland: smartphones

[09:46] Oronoque Westland: the students use them during field trips

[09:47] Sarvana Haalan: Virtual Reality is the foundation of my “Real to Virtual; Virtual to Real” Program

[09:47] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes – usually via a smart phone app of some sort, I know Nokia has done a lot of AR specific apps and there are independent apps both on the iOs and android platforms

[09:47] Beth Ghostraven: You can use QR codes for that, too

[09:47] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great – yes Augmented reality could really be used as a bridge to help jump people between virtual and real

[09:48] Ozma Malibu: Wow that is worth looking into Rhiannon, Beth, I am trying to think of ways to get visitors to our historic neighborhood.

[09:48] Beth Ghostraven: As long as they know what the difference is…

[09:48] Rhiannon Chatnoir: an interesting using augmented reality along side Second Life to enhance collaborative 3D building…

[09:48] Oronoque Westland: @Beth, I was just thinking the same thing

[09:48] Rhiannon Chatnoir: and Exploratorium science museum in San Francisco CA highlighting some of their augmented and virtual reality projects:

[09:49] Sarvana Haalan: has been proposed for a customized community health education

[09:49] Rhiannon Chatnoir: also the Wikipedia entry on augmented reality:

[09:49] Sarvana Haalan: the local area familiarity for the targeted users helps to drive the project


[09:50] Rhiannon Chatnoir: I think we should maybe end things here.. I got through about half of the trends I wanted to go through

[09:50] Sarvana Haalan: Part 2 next week?

[09:50] Sarvana Haalan: Part 2 next week?

[09:50] Rhiannon Chatnoir: but we can schedule the other half for an upcoming meeting 🙂

[09:51] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Please do

[09:51] Rhiannon Chatnoir: lol – definitely in the following weeks – depends on other presentations

[09:51] Sarvana Haalan: perfect discussion for the first New Year meetings

[09:51] Gentle Heron: As you said, each of these topics could have a whole presentation on its own

[09:51] Rhiannon Chatnoir: which – if you are interested in being a presenter in 2013, please IM or email me:

[09:51] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes

[09:52] Loren Alunaia (reeveskd): Thank you very much for a terrific day’s session!

[09:52] Loren Alunaia (reeveskd) applaud

[09:52] Sarvana Haalan: R, Did you connect with Ines?

[09:52] Rhiannon Chatnoir: a couple of interesting food for thought articles though and then we move on to Open Mic

[09:52] Oronoque Westland: really great discussion

[09:52] Chayenn: PY1 emailed you Rhia the new MOA did u get it ?

[09:52] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes




[09:52] Rhiannon Chatnoir: It’s time for Open Mic!

[09:53] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Does anyone have any announcements today?

[09:53] Rhiannon Chatnoir: and welcome Glitteractica 🙂

[09:53] Sarvana Haalan: yes

[09:53] Glitteractica Cookie: got back just in time

[09:53] iSkye Bonde (iskye.silverweb): Taking up my notecard giver in…2 minutes

[09:53] Rhiannon Chatnoir: ok Sarvana

[09:53] Chayenn: happy new year glit

[09:53] Sarvana Haalan: Happy New Year to all!!! smiles

[09:53] Second Life: Event Planning Info Giver owned by iSkye Silverweb gave you ‘*Event Planners – Please RENAME this Notecard!’  ( Plush Nonprofit Commons (123,122,23) ).

[09:53] Rhiannon Chatnoir: 🙂

[09:54] Glitteractica Cookie: I have an announcement

[09:54] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great!

[09:54] Second Life: Event Planning Info Giver owned by iSkye Silverweb gave you ‘*Presenters – Please RENAME this Notecard!’  ( Plush Nonprofit Commons (123,122,23) ).

[09:54] Wisdom (esavage): how do you create notecards? still learning the basics?

[09:54] Glitteractica Cookie: the mentors can help you with that after this mtg, Wisdom

[09:54] Rhiannon Chatnoir: wisdom, if you want to stay for the Mentors meeting that follows this, we can help you with some new SL stuff

[09:55] Wisdom (esavage): yes:)

[09:55] Rhiannon Chatnoir: feel free to make your announcement Glitter

[09:55] iSkye Bonde (iskye.silverweb): giver is going…

[09:55] iSkye Bonde (iskye.silverweb): going….

[09:55] iSkye Bonde (iskye.silverweb): gone!

[09:56] Jen (jenelle.levenque): raises hand

[09:56] Glitteractica Cookie: Ok, so my announcement is… that we are helping to produce a windows 8 hackahon. And I think you have all heard about it from Bulaklak

[09:56] Glitteractica Cookie: was he here earlier to re-announce it today?

[09:56] Rhiannon Chatnoir: he talked on the reformat of the techsoup site

[09:56] Rhiannon Chatnoir: I don’t think he rementioned the app hackathon

[09:57] Glitteractica Cookie: Ok, I will get link to show you all, but anyway… we’ve mentioned over the past few weeks that we are helping produce this hackatho with microsoft.

[09:58] Sarvana Haalan: I share it with the Balto Tech group

[09:58] Glitteractica Cookie: And there is a wiki for hackers/developers to use for the social benefit issue that the app that you will design

[09:58] Glitteractica Cookie: the app needs to be designed in win8, solving a social problem

[09:58] Glitteractica Cookie: so, i wanted to invite you all to help edit the hacker helper wiki

[09:58] Sarvana Haalan: will share with the social enterprise folks also

[09:59] Glitteractica Cookie:

[09:59] Glitteractica Cookie: plz look at the contest info here:

[09:59] Glitteractica Cookie: and then look at the hacker helper wiki

[10:00] Glitteractica Cookie: see if we got yr problem described right, add to the issue area, help us fill this wiki out

[10:00] Glitteractica Cookie: then developers can take the data from the wiki and build apps to solve social issues

[10:00] Glitteractica Cookie: if anyone is interested in this, just go to and start poking around and editing

[10:01] Glitteractica Cookie: if you have any questions, please email me at

[10:01] Glitteractica Cookie: more on that next friday

[10:01] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great

[10:01] Glitteractica Cookie: and thanks for your time and attn

[10:01] Sarvana Haalan: awesome

[10:01] Glitteractica Cookie: over and out

[10:01] Rhiannon Chatnoir: and thanks Susan!

[10:01] Glitteractica Cookie: np, sorry about my mishap this morn

[10:01] Glitteractica Cookie: glad i made it to open mic

[10:01] Sarvana Haalan: so exciting!!!!

[10:01] Jen (jenelle.levenque): raises hand

[10:01] Rhiannon Chatnoir: that’s ok and yes

[10:01] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Jen?

[10:01] Jen (jenelle.levenque): I’m an editor and if anyone would like me to look over any printed material, please contact me. There is no charge for nonprofits

[10:01] Glitteractica Cookie: sarvana, please feel free to ping me if you or anyone else has any quesions

[10:02] Sarvana Haalan: ok

[10:02] Rhiannon Chatnoir: good to know Jen and a great offer

[10:02] Rhiannon Chatnoir: so let’s wrap things up for this week – our first meeting of 2013!

[10:02] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Always helps to have another set of eyes

[10:02] Rhiannon Chatnoir: And again, here are the many ways to can get involved with the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life:


– Nonprofit Commons Blog:

– Wiki:

– Twitter:

– Facebook:

– G+ Community: 

– Google Group:

– Google Calendar:


About TechSoup the sponsors of the Nonprofit Commons:


Thanks everyone and see you next week!

Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir