Nonprofit Commons Video Premiers on YouTube

TechSoup and the Nonprofit Commons have released a new video created by machinimatographer Draxtor Despres. Filmed both in real life and Second Life, it shows how nonprofits collaborating in the virtual world can make a difference in the real world, one avatar at a time.

Written by: DustyArtaud

Member Spotlight: Layal Rabat aka Ninlil Xeltentat

Layal Rabat, otherwise known as Ninlil Xeltentat in Second Life is the Volunteer Manager for Nonprofit Commons in Second Life. I had a chance to chat with Layal about her nonprofit work in real and virtual worlds.

What organization do you work for?

I’m currently a student pursuing an MA in the Social Justice and Human Rights (MASJHR) program at Arizona State University. In addition to working with TechSoup and the Nonprofit Commons, I also work withNijel,an organization that seeks to help organizations tell their stories through maps.

How’d you hear about Second Life and the Nonprofit Commons?

I heard about nonprofits in Second Life through one of my professors here at ASU and through the Soul of the New Machine conference at UC Berkeley last May. I hear Susan Tenby speak about the Nonprofit Commons and that sparked my interest in getting involved.

How are you using Second Life to help achieve your goals and those of your organization?

I am using Second Life to help accomplish my personal mission of networking with people from all over the world, and learning together how to use technology to increase efficiency, and give a voice to the voiceless. I manage volunteers for the Nonprofit Commons and match them up with the roles that best fit their skills and interest.

What’s the biggest challenge you’ve found using Second Life for nonprofit work?

My biggest challenge is holding people accountable for work they volunteer for. I also have a hard time explaining the usefulness of Second Life in less than a paragraph. I want Tweet-worthy (140 characters or less) justifications to pass along!

What benefits have you experienced?

So far, my biggest success was arranging to have Kyle Reis (Zazoom Zimminy in Second Life) to speak to my grant writing class. He brought his knowledge from the Ford Foundation into my classroom, and gave us a jaw dropping lecture on innovations that the Ford Foundation has been working on. We learned about streamlining the funds request process, the usefulness of social media, and how the Ford Foundation is adapting to the digital age. If it was not for Nonprofit Commons, Kyle and I would not have never met.

Your favorite quote?

“Yea, death and prison we mete out To small offenders of the laws,
While honor,wealth,and full respect On greater pirates we bestow.”

-Gibran Khalil Gibran.

What social media tools besides Second Life do you use?

I’m using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

How can others connect with you?

You can follow me on Twitter @layalzebub, and see more about and the NonprofitCommons on Facebook.

Written by: penguin kuhn

Virtual Haiti Relief: Special Nonprofit Commons meeting tomorrow

[post by In Kenzo @npsl @amoration]

Have you wandered around the grid & web and wondered how you can directly support the people of Haiti?

At our weekly Friday morning at 8:30AM PST/SLT, the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life will be hosting a dialogue with groups working on the ground & across the web to ship supplies, communicate with loved ones and begin the design process for rebuilding Haiti. Many avatars have come together to join international aid efforts through a coordinated virtual campaign.

SLurl to meeting location in Second Life:

From my colleague Joyce Bettencourt, aka Rhiannon Chatnoir of GlobalKids & Vesuvius:

“Virtual Haiti Relief is made up of a group of individuals, some affiliated with various social, cultural, nonprofit and other community groups, within the virtual world of Second Life.

We have come together to help in the relief efforts for those who have suffered in the Haiti earthquake disaster. Collectively we have named our group Virtual Haiti Relief and through this group we will conduct fundraising and promote events for Haiti relief, along with offering resources and cultural information on Haiti.”

We will do our best to aggregate relief efforts coordinated inworld and share them through these channels:

VHR Google group:
VHR Google calendar:…
inSL avatar: VirtualHaitiRelief Engineer (for direct donations)
inSL group: Virtual Haiti Relief

There are a handful of ways you can get involved:

  • Many fundraising events are being planned @npsl and beyond: benefit concerts, cultural celebrations, educational events within an integrated campaign available around the grid. Join the groups above if you’d like to get involved or share your fundraising event with the community and contact directly if you would like to host your event at the Nonprofit Commons.
  • A coordinated campaign will link your virtual items for donation/auction sale: please label all gift items to share with VirtualHaiti in the title. Common kiosks are being created to link events, donations and sales together with the coordinated site.
  • To vote on which charity to benefit visit — it is possible that we will do a one month campaign for one charity followed by a second month for a second NGO. Your votes will help us determine who will make the most of our virtual donation efforts.
  • Listen to people on the ground in Haiti share their experiences.

    From Kali, aka Jessica from Community Voicemail:

    “Here is a link to the podcast my coworker did about her organization. It details why her organization is able to get aid to smaller communities (and get aid in at all) when larger organizations are failing in this effort.”:

  • Get involved with Crisis Camps around the world to develop the technology and tools needed to respond rapidly in Haiti.
  • Stay in touch with great nonprofits working on the ground: some suggestions include Partners in Health, We Can Build An Orphanage, Architecture for Humanity — some of these groups need bulk donations of medical supplies, consumable materials, energy & water purification systems. Mobilize your friends to help!
  • If you are on Twitter, please spread the word by copying and pasting the below tweet:

    Join @npsl & @virtualhaiti in SL 4 coordinating #Haiti relief efforts @ Nonprofit Commons mtg. Fri. 8:30AM PST/SLT

Thanks for your willingness to help others in need — we look forward to exploring with you how invisible networks and virtual communities can coordinate efforts in times of crisis. See you tomorrow at Plush to continue this conversation together.

Written by: penguin kuhn

TSDIGS Event Followup Interview with Buffy Beale!


genesis Zhangsun: Hey Buffy!
Buffy Beale: Hi Hi HI
genesis Zhangsun: so this is Bridges! The colors match your outfit, in a good way!
Buffy Beale: lol sorry it took so long to get together
Buffy Beale: I tend to lean towards bright and cheery πŸ™‚
Buffy Beale: so this is our office, I purposely built it not to look like real life
Buffy Beale: but kind of dreamy
Buffy Beale: and bright to attract visitors
genesis Zhangsun: yes indeed it really does get the imagination going πŸ™‚
genesis Zhangsun: I definitely appreciate the effort to keep it from looking like a real world office
genesis Zhangsun: so how has your experience been like with NPC?
Buffy Beale: life changing
Buffy Beale: yes in that I have connected with like-minded people from all over the globe
Buffy Beale: and we share a common interest in the good in life for all
Buffy Beale: becasue we meet every week, I see some of these avatars more than I did when I worked
Buffy Beale: (I retired early yay!)
genesis Zhangsun: congrats!
Buffy Beale: so have built friendships I never would have imagined
Buffy Beale: but more to the point is the awareness for my nonprofit, Bridges
Buffy Beale: the opportunity to tell our story has been just amazing
genesis Zhangsun: so what types of outlets for raising awareness for your organization have you had access to through NPC?
Buffy Beale: many
Buffy Beale: first of all, we all get to tell about our nonprofits at the weekly meeting, one each week
Buffy Beale: then was the publicity about us joining, two years ago, had a 1/2 page spread in our newspaper as well as the Cdn Fundraiser online zine
Buffy Beale: and a few other lessor publications
Buffy Beale: then I connected with 4 other nonprofits for a joint project we’re working on for homeless called “Transitions, A Place for Dreams”
Buffy Beale: where two of our Bridges students will be able to take a university course on business skills
Buffy Beale: once we get the funding that is
genesis Zhangsun: wonderful! The TechSoup Digital Storytelling event must have also been another great outlet, especially considering your honorable mention award! Congratulations
Buffy Beale: yes!
Buffy Beale: I am still dancing on a cloud for that
Buffy Beale: two reasons, personally a real validation that I am creative, I’ve been feeling a little blue these past few months, a 25 yr breakup in process so needed the boost
Buffy Beale: but best of all, the link to our web site on the TechSoup community page
Buffy Beale: that is something
Buffy Beale: and it just felt good to be in the winners circle with all those wonderful orgs as well
Buffy Beale: I felt so excited and proud, and for those who have never tried second life it’s hard to explain
Buffy Beale: how thrilling it was to have my friends there cheer for me
Buffy Beale: when the announcement came
Buffy Beale: I may of well have been standing accepting an oscar or something πŸ™‚
genesis Zhangsun: πŸ™‚
genesis Zhangsun: that is so great! Could you tell me a little bit about how you got introduced to the event and became inspired to contribute?
Buffy Beale: sure
Buffy Beale: I’m on the NPC management team, and at one of our phone conferences, Susan brought it up
Buffy Beale: she was so excited about it, and I couldn’t help but be as well
Buffy Beale: then came the announcement at our weekly meeting
Buffy Beale: and I realized it wasn’t about the prizes, it was about learning how to use this as a tool for Bridges Communication strategy
Buffy Beale: so I decided right then to submit something
Buffy Beale: I attended all the webinars, and learned so much
Buffy Beale: especially some of the ways to get the word out
Buffy Beale: I couldn’t use GoldMail because I’m on a Mac, but that was my first choice to try
Buffy Beale: then they had a full session on Machinima, which I’ve always been interested in
Buffy Beale: InKenzo and Rhiannan and one of my favs, Drax
Buffy Beale: shared their knowlege and offered to help and answer questions
genesis Zhangsun: Could you say a little bit more about why digital storytelling seemed like a compelling way to tell your story?
Buffy Beale: sure
Buffy Beale: I think it’s the new way to reach an audience
Buffy Beale: and is important to practice having it simple and to the point
Buffy Beale: and because we are a very small nonprofit, but have huge potential to go global I can see this will help us in the future
Buffy Beale: because the audience we will reach will spare the 60 secs to learn about us
Buffy Beale: but it does take practice, unless of course you hire a pro
Buffy Beale: which the normal nonprofit cant afford
Buffy Beale: so its just the new way and keeping current to reach the next generation I believe
Buffy Beale: the ones who don’t read newspapers or magazines, but pour over the Internet
Buffy Beale: this make sense?
genesis Zhangsun: which is pretty much everyone πŸ™‚
Buffy Beale: everyone under 30 for sure
genesis Zhangsun: yes absolutely, so what tools were your favorites?
Buffy Beale: I would have loved to try the machinima and will do for my next one
Buffy Beale: but I didn’t have the right tools, or the time to learn them so decided on the photos
Buffy Beale: after realizing GoldMail wouldn’t work for me
Buffy Beale: but I really liked the challenge to keep it within 5 photos to tell our story
Buffy Beale: that is hard to do, how to explain we train women who have been abused? but keep a positive message
Buffy Beale: so I think my fav tool right now is the photo challenge
Buffy Beale: because it’s easier to tell the story in moving images perhaps, but the photo’s give food for thought
genesis Zhangsun: so you used flickr to upload your pictures and share them?
Buffy Beale: yes, I had a flickr account but didn’t use it much
Buffy Beale: I also opened a YouTube account and practiced uploading a video before I realized I wouldn’t have time
Buffy Beale: and the main message I got from the training were to understand who my audience will be, and what message I want to leave them with
Buffy Beale: I wrote up a simple storyline, and sent it to the board for their approval
Buffy Beale: one agreement I made about being in SL was all communication would be approved
Buffy Beale: which is standard for us anyways
Buffy Beale: but we are restricted in what we can post, student photos etc
genesis Zhangsun: so in your case your audience is women who have been abused, is that correct or is there a broader audience? and what would you say was the message you wanted to convey?
Buffy Beale: Yes, I chose to speak to potential clients and the message was they can have help to change their life by graduating from our program
Buffy Beale: I say potential because we have a line-up, but are hoping to get our on-line program up and running again, which gives us unlimited space almost
Buffy Beale: funny enough, I worked for hours doing a powerpoint slide presentation type
Buffy Beale: using words, no photos
Buffy Beale: thats when I realized, lol, it’s not about the words, it’s about the image
genesis Zhangsun: well the pictures clearly did the job, a picture is worth a thousand words right? And I think you definitely were able to get your message across amazingly in 5 shots
genesis Zhangsun: (for readers)
Buffy Beale: yes I think it helped having a ‘theme’
Buffy Beale: so there I was, two days before deadline
Buffy Beale: and was coming up with a blank because as I said we can only post limited photos
Buffy Beale: so I decided to grab some of the photos here in our office
Buffy Beale: the students or the classroom, and was just going to put them together to get something in
Buffy Beale: when a light went off
Buffy Beale: hahaha
Buffy Beale: I could build a ‘set’ and take SL photos
Buffy Beale: and the rest just came easy
genesis Zhangsun: the event as you know took place on several different platforms
genesis Zhangsun: webinars, the TS Forums, twitter in reporting the action, and Second Life for the mixed reality finale, it also utilized tools as we have mentioned like flickr, youtube, picasa, real talk, goldmail, adobe, photobucket, shutterfly, machinima, snapfish, and tinypic
genesis Zhangsun: how did you feel these different mediums and tools worked together in making this event useful/interesting for participants
genesis Zhangsun: particularly the SL mixed media event where you were awarded your prize from inworld!
Buffy Beale: I think using a variation of platforms was critical to the success factor
Buffy Beale: not everyone uses second life, so that was only good for those who are here
Buffy Beale: the webinairs were so valuable especially the ability to ask questions in real time to the presentors
Buffy Beale: and the presentations were all so well done and informative, I’m so happy I attended
Buffy Beale: and the idea to use photos or a video expanded the potential submissions I believe
Buffy Beale: not everyone us comfortable making a movie, but most have use of a dig camera
Buffy Beale: so that was important as well to include the smaller orgs
Buffy Beale: the mixed reality event was not new to me, but I think it really came across to the folks attending in real life
Buffy Beale: that there is a whole world in here, of very dedicated people
Buffy Beale: and it was in my mind, a very successful competition
Buffy Beale: in that I learned so much about other orgs I’ve never heard about
Buffy Beale: and they mine
Buffy Beale: and I think next year will be somehting to really look forward to
genesis Zhangsun: what was one organization that you had never really heard about before and connected with through the Challenge?
Buffy Beale: thats a tough one, I think Kramden for sure
genesis Zhangsun: either directly or with the message of the org
genesis Zhangsun: Yes they were wonderful!
Buffy Beale: my favourite was the Pelican one
Buffy Beale: yes thats it sorry forgot the name
Buffy Beale: the other was the global how to create peace message
genesis Zhangsun: connecting students with computers and other digital technology
Buffy Beale: yes
genesis Zhangsun: oh yes that was wonderful too
Buffy Beale: but there were so many both amateur and professionally done that were amazing
genesis Zhangsun: and in the end 56 Flickr stories, 47 YouTube/Goldmail, For a grand total of 103 stories
Buffy Beale: I believe we must stay current with technology if we are to reach the next generation
genesis Zhangsun: in general too those users have short attention spans, so a 60 second video or a five photo spread is really all people will take the time to look at
Buffy Beale: yes and really, it is sufficient although I had my doubts in the beginning I dont have any now
genesis Zhangsun: haha that came off sounding harsh that facebook users have short attention spans πŸ™‚
Buffy Beale: nooo they do πŸ™‚ anyone on the internet now does
genesis Zhangsun: what I mean is that in general in this age we are all bombarded with information so it really does count how well the information is presented
genesis Zhangsun: yes exactly
Buffy Beale: started with the remote control capability on the tv πŸ™‚
genesis Zhangsun: well wonderful Buffy!
genesis Zhangsun: thanks!
Buffy Beale: my pleasure for sure
Buffy Beale: one last thing
genesis Zhangsun: oh sure
Buffy Beale: when I said the NPC changed my life, it is true
Buffy Beale: I joined SL to investigate for an org I worked for, and almost left given the seedy side
Buffy Beale: and little interest from my org (provincial government)
Buffy Beale: then happened upon someone with techsoup group
Buffy Beale: and wrote a thank you note, they have saved Bridges
Buffy Beale: we train women to return to work, imagine trying that on old software
Buffy Beale: and then Glitter invited me to join the nPC which was just starting
Buffy Beale: I convinced the board we should try it (believing it could be the future)
Buffy Beale: and it has been so rewarding for Bridges, and for me
Buffy Beale: thats it, just a huge thank you to Susan and Megan and the team at TechSoup for this opportunity
Buffy Beale: I learned recently U of Texas bought 50 sims and will soon offer real classes
Buffy Beale: and I know
Buffy Beale: Bridges Online program will have a place here someday too
Buffy Beale: and it’s becasue of TechSoup that this will be possible
Buffy Beale: πŸ™‚
genesis Zhangsun: πŸ™‚
genesis Zhangsun: that is such a great story Buffy
genesis Zhangsun: thanks for sharing it with me

Written by: Genesis

Digital Storytelling Challenge Awardees Announced!

On October 21, we held our Digital Storytelling Challenge Awards Party here at TechSoup headquarters in San Francisco.

We screened highlights from the more than 100 video, image, and GoldMail submissions and celebrated the great work nonprofits and libraries are doing to tell their unique and important stories. These stories help convey the work they do, advance their missions, and highlight the communities they’re working within by giving a visual (and sometimes audio) story to help supporters connect with their mission and values.

If you missed the party, here’s the full line up of our awardees:

  • First Place: Kramden in 60 sec by the Kramden Institute awarded a Flip Video camera.
  • Second Place: Dragonfly Forest by Dragonfly Forest awarded Adobe Audition software and a Flickr Pro account
  • Third Place: Tabor Kalaka 2009 by The Community Foundation of Odorheiu Secuiesc awarded Adobe Production software.
  • Fourth Place: 30 Ways to Create Peace by Legacy International/Global Youth Village awarded a GoldMail Synergy account.

Honorable Mentions were awarded a Philips MP3 player:

  • MBYC Youtube edition by Mojave Basin Youth Corps
  • Faith in Practice TSDigs by Faith In Practice
  • Bridges Digital Storytelling by Bridges for Women

Thanks to all of the organizations and libraries who took part in the challenge by sharing their digital stories and a special thanks to our partners who supported the whole series of digital storytelling events and resources throughout the month. Learn more about the full series of resources here and join us in recognizing the support of these organizations in making it possible to highlight amazing digital stories from social benefit workers around the world:

  • Adobe
  • BAVC
  • Center for Digital Storytelling
  • Flickr
  • Flip Video
  • GoldMail
  • Lights. Camera. Help.
  • ReadyTalk
  • That’s Not Cool
  • See 3 Communications
  • Streetside Stories
  • Youth Radio
  • YouTube
  • Amoration (Second Life producer)

And special thanks to many staff and volunteers at TechSoup who had a hand in making the full Digital Storytelling Online Event a success!

Written by: Beth J. Bates

Digital Storytelling Drive-In TONIGHT 7PM in San Francisco & inSL!

How to Participate in the Digital Storytelling Drive-In Events hosted by TechSoupGlobal inSL or in San Francisco:

TSDIGS Drive In Sign

See and hear the stories live in San Francisco

Visit us live at 525 Brannan Street Suite 300 on Wednesday October 21st at 7PM or skip the travel and meet us in Second Life at the Health Commons Drive-In at Nonprofit Commons. We will be sharing snacks and popcorn at the TechSoupGlobal office as we watch and give awards to winning entries. To RSVP visit
: or Facebook:

If you cannot make it live, send your comments and questions on Twitter by tagging #TSDIGS or checking Tweetchat:

To view all of the extraordinary entries to this challenge visit the playlists on YouTube and Flickr and please leave feedback comments for these organizations.
View video and photo entries in the sidebar here at

You may also view and submit comments/questions via Second Life:

1. If you are not already registered with Second Life do so here:
You should be taken through the process to verify your email address, download and install the Second Life viewer. If not, do the following:
– Check the email account for the address you gave when registering with Second Life. Click on the long URL in the email and you should get a confirmation and download instructions.
– You can download the Second Life viewer for Windows, MacOS or Linux here:

2. Once Second Life is running and you have signed into the virtual world, you can teleport directly to the event with video and discussion:
– Go to the DRIVE IN teleport map:
– Click on the orange “teleport now” button.
– The Second Life viewer will show you a small map of the location. Click on “Teleport” in the Second Life window.
– Use your arrow keys to guide your avatar to the video screen:
– Right-click on a car seat and choose “Sit Here” to sit down.
– Push play on the bottom of the screen next to the movie camera icon to start video.

3. Please direct your comments/questions via text chat or IM to TechSoup Staffer “Penguin Kuhn” and include your name and organization.

We hope to see you there!
~In Kenzo, Chief Architect & NPC Interactive Producer

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Written by: InKenzo

TechSoup Global’s free Digital Storytelling Online Event and Community Challenge, September 30-Oct. 21.

Every organization has a story to tell. But yours doesn’t have to be a bland, corporate-sounding video or canned sound bite. Even with limited resources, time, or skills, your nonprofit can tell a compelling story that captures the importance and impact of your cause β€” and we’ve got an event that will show you how!

Mark your calendars for TechSoup Global’s Digital Storytelling Online Event! This free event will take place across three separate platforms: webinars, forums and the virtual world of Second Life. The webinar portion will take place over two days: Wednesday, September 30th and Thursday, October 1st. The Digital Storytelling Online Event’s discussions will occur in the TechSoup forums with expert hosts from the webinars. You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and engage on a deeper level with the event hosts.

Visit the event webpage. Register to receive email announcements about the event.

How Can You Participate?

There are a number of ways that you can engage in the free Digital Storytelling Event. You are welcome to join any or all avenues listed below:

* Join a webinar
* Enter the Challenge by creating a story, and be in the running to win one of our many fabulous prizes including: a Flip Video camera, Adobe software, mp3 players and more!
* Engage with the experts in the TechSoup Forums
* Follow the action on Twitter #tsdigs
* Attend the Challenge Screening and Awards party at TechSoup Headquarters in San Francisco or from Second Life

What do we mean by Digital Storytelling?

According to Wikipedia, “Digital Storytelling refers to using digital tools so that ordinary people can tell their own real-life stories.” Nonprofits are among the storytellers who are using digital tools to tell compelling stories, showcase their work, engage their constituents, and spread awareness.

At our Digital Storytelling Event, our nonprofit partners and partner companies providing digital storytelling tools will show you step-by-step how to tell your story as a captivating, sensory, visual, and audio experience and showcase inspiring nonprofit case studies to demonstrate the power of digital storytelling in engaging your audience. Whether you’re a nonprofit video veteran or you’re just starting to share your mission through online images and audio, the Digital Storytelling Event will provide you with information about the latest digital storytelling tools and how to acquire them at a discounted nonprofit rate through our TechSoup Stock program.
Event Schedule:

9/30: Event Day 1 – TechSoup Forums,event discussions, and expert webinars

10/1: Event Day 2 – TechSoup Forums event discussions and β€œHow to Create a Digital Story” webinar

10/1: Digital Storytelling Challenge kickoff

10/1-10/16: Digital Storytelling Challenge submission period. Expert digital storytelling hosts will be available in the TechSoup forums to answer your questions

10/19-10/20: Challenge Submissions Judging

10/21: Winners announced and movie screening party in the virtual world of Second Life and live from San Francisco at the TechSoup headquarters

Our Partners
We are thrilled to be partnering with some of the most knowledgeable and cutting edge nonprofits and companies in the digital storytelling realm. The following partners have confirmed participation in the event:

* Adobe
* BayCat
* Center for Digital Storytelling
* Flickr
* FlipVideo
* GoldMail
* Lights Camera Help
* Randal Moss, TWMDC
* ReadyTalk
* That’s Not Cool
* See 3 Communications
* StreetsideStories
* Witness
* Youth Radio
* YouTube

How to Stay Informed and Contact Us:
Stay tuned on the event website, register to receive email announcements about the event, and follow the action on Twitter #tsdigs. If you would like to get in touch directly feel free to reach out to the TechSoup Team:

Written by: Genesis

MacArthur Grantee Virtual Roundtable this Thursday August 27 in Second Life


For the past four weeks, representatives of five nonprofits supported by the MacArthur Foundation have been going through the “Virtual World Capacity Building Program” an intensive training on nonprofit applications of virtual worlds.  These organizations have explored several major virtual platforms, examined some of the leading examples of nonprofit actions in the metaverse, and thought about how they might best use these tools to further their respective missions.

This Thursday, August 27, these five groups will be presenting on MacArthur Island in Second Life their initial impressions of virtual worlds, outstanding questions, and possible next steps.  It’s a very diverse group of nonprofits, including:

Come hear what they have to say on Thursday, from 12-1:30pm PST on MacArthur Island in Second Life (teleport link). Afterwards, there will be an open discussion about the applications of virtual worlds for various public good purposes.  And we’ll close the event with a casual mixer / dance party!

Written by: rikomatic

FCC Workshop on Education & Broadband simulcast in Second Life August 20

I’m excited to announce that Global Kids will be producing in Second Life a simulcast of the upcoming FCC Workshop on education and broadband access next Thursday, August 20 at 1pm EST.  The simulcast event will take place on MacArthur Island amphitheater (click here to teleport ).

The topic is obviously very near and dear to us at GK, so we are excited to be involved. I hope that all of the communities of educators, students, nonprofits, and others who understand the value of broadband access for education turn out and participate.

More after the jump…

FCC Workshop on Education to be Simulcast into Second Life on Thursday, August 20

On Thursday, August 20, at 10:00am PST / 1pm EST, Global Kids will be hosting a Second Life simulcast of an FCC Workshop on the intersections of broadband access and education. The goal of this workshop is to identify potential impact of increased broadband access on education outcomes and how broadband policies can help improve those outcomes. The FCC hopes to learn about ways in which broadband can impact education at the early childhood, elementary, secondary, and post-secondary levels in a cost-effective manner. The workshop will look at current programs, such as e-rate and evaluate how such programs can be improved, for example, to take advantage of new technologies that have arisen since it was established. The workshop will also look at what applications and devices might be used to improve educational performance.

Hosted on MacArthur Island in Second Life (click here to teleport ), this video simulcast of the workshop is open to the general public to attend.  Virtual event hosting, moderation and technical support provided by Global Kids.

Background on the Workshop
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) was signed into law on February 17, 2009. The Broadband Initiatives funded in the Act are intended to accelerate broadband deployment across the United States. The Recovery Act authorizes the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to create the National Broadband Plan, that β€œshall seek to ensure that all people of the United States have access to broadband capability and shall establish benchmarks for meeting that goal.” From August to September, the FCC will be holding workshops on key issues relevant to broadband deployment in the United States. The goal of the workshops will be to promote an open dialogue between the FCC and key constituents on matters important to the National Broadband Plan.

For more information about the upcoming workshop see . For information about the in-world event, contact .

Written by: rikomatic

Join the Nonprofit Commons Track at the SLCC09

With the Second Life Community Convention (SLCC) fast approaching, August 13-16, we’re excited to roll-out the schedule for the Nonprofit Track to everyone! The Nonprofit Track is a set of workshops and presentations provided by nonprofits. Information provided will benefit not only nonprofits, but other organizations as well.

The official hash tags for the event are #NPSL and #SLCC09, so please be sure to use them in your tweets and blog posts to make it a little easier to track.

The SCHEDULE for the Nonprofit Commons Track is as follows:

Workshop: Inspire Engagement through Appearance and Branding: Making Clothes with Missions that Start Action and Stick.
Thursday, August 13, 12:00 noon to 2:00PM
Contact presenter Zinnia Zauber in SL, or email Renne at to find out what to bring to this workshop & to register. Handouts will be provided.

Workshop: Mixed Reality
Thursday, August 13, 3:30PM – 5:30PM
This 2 hour workshop about international mixed reality event production features some of SL’s best mixed reality producers in a hands-on conversation with Q&A.
Presenters Evonne Heyning (In Kenzo), Jeroen Frans (Frans Charming), Joyce Bettencourt (Rhiannon Chatnoir) and Joshua Stortz (Amulius Lioncourt).

TechSoup Global and NonProfit Commons: Lessons Learned and Success Stories
Friday, August 14th, 10:00AM- 11:00AM
Panelists Susan Tenby (Glitteractica Cookie), Megan Keane (Penguin Kuhn), Rebecca Wise (Jani Myriam), Gabrielle Knipper, Dick Dillon (Coughran Mayo) and Ricky Davis (Ricken Flow) will share success stories and the impact of nonprofit Second Life work.

Virtual Museums as K through Adult Learning Platforms
Friday, August, 14th, 3:30PM to 5:00PM
Panelists: Liza Loop (LizaJune Stoop in SL), Paul Doherty (Patio Plasma in SL), David Dexter (Ethelred Weatherwax in SL), Bob Ketner (Agent Heliosense in SL), Randi Kopp (Dusty Artaud in SL), Mary Miner (Doran Horngold in SL), Rebecca Singley (Rebekcca Zebendein in SL)

How to Create a Nonprofit (and Bring It Into Second Life)
Saturday, August 15th, 2:00PM – 3:00PM
Organizer: Ricky Davis (SL: Ricken Flow)

Transitions: A Place for Dreams – Collaboration and Networking in Virtual Worlds
Saturday, August 15th, 3:00PM – 4:00PM
Panelists Sandra Andrews (Ozma Malibu), Joyce Bettencourt (Rhiannon Chatnoir), Evonne Heyning (In Kenzo) and Buffy Bye (Buffy Beale).

Modality and Morality; Fundraising on the Frontier of the Metaverse.
Saturday, August 15th, 4:00PM – 5:00PM
Fleche Xeno (RL : Roger Lee).

Common Good – Common Goals – Common Ground – Effective Immersive Social Networking
Saturday, August 15th, 5:00PM – 6:00PM
Panelists: Coughran Mayo, Ethelred Weatherwax, and Zinnia Zauber.

Health and Support Track:

The healthcare track consists of a series of panels and workshops that highlight the activities and resources available within the virtual world of Second Life to help keep us healthy in real life.

Second Life Health Resources Tour and Challenges/Solutions to using SL for Healthcare (Workshop)
Thursday August 13 – 2:00PM – 3:30PM
Workshop Leader: Bri Gufler

Stories Without Bordersβ„’: Tapping the Healing Potential of Story Quests in Second Life (Workshop)
Friday August 14 – 11:00AM-1:00PM
Workshop Leaders: Jenaia Morane, Marty Snowpaw

Conducting a Clinical Study in Second Life
Friday August 14 – 2:00PM -3:30PM
Panel Members: Cooksbranch Chowderhead (Dr. Daniel Hoch), Filthy Fluno, Emmet Watkin

Health Outreach and Support in Second Life
Saturday August 15 – 10:00AM -11:30AM
Panel Members: Treasure Ballinger, Ricken Flow, Pathfinder Linden, Poppy Zabelin

Real Help from Virtual Worlds (Workshop)
Saturday August 15 – 11:30AM – 1:00PM
Workshop Leader: Coughran Mayo

Accessibility to and Benefits of Second Life
Sunday August 16 – 10:00AM -11:30AM
Panel Members: Gentle Heron, Louise Later, Pathfinder Linden, Charles Mountain, Saxet Uralia

The Virtual Helping Hands Team and Max the Virtual Guide Dog Demonstrate Accessibility (Workshop)
Sunday August 16 – 11:30AM-1:00PM
Workshop Leaders: Louise Later, Jolie1 Magic, Charles Mountain, Saxet Uralia

The Benefits Of Virtual Worlds For The Physically Disabled
Sunday, August 16, 1PM
James Larken Smith (Jameslarken Supply in SL)

Written by: Beth J. Bates