Virtual Ability Announces Mental Health Symposium on April 28 in Second Life

Virtual ability island

Virtual Ability, Inc. announces the 2012 Virtual Ability Mental Health Symposium, to be held Saturday, April 28, in Second Life. This symposium offers a variety of perspectives for thinking positively about mental health. 

Alice Krueger, president of Virtual Ability, Inc., noted, “A symposium is a formal meeting where individual presentations are followed by discussion. We intend these sessions to encourage audience participation with the presenters and especially with the content the presenters share. Mental health is too important a topic to ignore.”

The symposium’s keynote presenter is Dick Dillon of Innovaision, LLC. Dillon’s topic is “Why Virtual Counseling Should Be Viewed as Advanced Telemedicine.” He will explain why using virtual worlds for counseling allows better service than “real life” counseling.

Among the interesting topics at the symposium, MermaidSue Bailey, a counselor from the United Kingdom who conducts an active Second Life support group for people with disabilities, will lead a discussion of the importance of peer support for mental health. Roberto Salubrius, a former medical student misdiagnosed with agoraphobia, will use the story of his life to explain why mental health issues aren’t all mental. 

Presentations will take place at various locations in Second Life, including the Sojourner Auditorium on Virtual Ability Island (teleport link).

The full schedule of confirmed presenters is posted inworld and online. For the most up-to-date information, please see the Virtual Ability blog. 

Written by: rikomatic

SF / SL Online Community MeetUp with Marc Siegel of Simraceway on April 25

Next Wednesday April 25, starting at 7pm, the Nonprofit Commons will again be the virtual host for the mixed-reality “Online Community Meetup.”  This month we are featuring Marc Siegel of  the Simraceway race car driving game.  Learn about his approach to online community management and chat with your virtual neighbors.  We will be viewing a live stream video feed from San Francisco.   I’ll share your questions and comments with the speaker and the audience in SF.
Join us on Wednesday April 25 at the Plush Nonprofit Commons in Second Life.  
More details after the jump….

SF Online Community MeetUp with Marc Siegel of Simraceway

Wednesday, April 25, 2012, 7:00 PM


SF Online Community MeetUp is the free monthly gathering of online community managers, enthusiasts, and innovators to meet and discuss tools and strategies for building and managing effective communities.

Our guest speaker this month is Marc Siegel of Simraceway (race car driving game). He’ll lead a discussion on the human-centered aspects of community management: making people feel welcome, organizing volunteer leaders, and responding in ways to encourage (not squelch) dialogue. Marc will also speak about using community to build great products and the role played by analytics.

Here are all the ways you can take part in the event! Feel free to participate in any and all of these ways:

Follow the action on Twitter: hashtag#octribe.

Participate virtually in the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life (slurl to location in Second Life): You can see a step-by-step guide for how to participate in Second Life.

Join the San Francisco Online Community Report MeetUp group on Facebook

Thanks to our generous sponsor, the Iron Cactus, for providing refreshments.

Written by: rikomatic

Transcript of NPC Meeting with Namaara MacMoragh of Etopia April 20 2012

To mark the occasion of Earth Day, the Nonprofit Commons welcomed Namaara MacMoragh, owner of the Etopia Eco-Community in Second Life, to our weekly meetup on April 20, 2012.

Read on for the full transcript of the meeting….

April 20, 2012, 8:30am PST

Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater


• 8:30am Introductions
• 8:40am TechSoup Announcements
• 8:45am Mentors Central: Harper Beresford with a Review of the Fashion for Life event in SL.
• 8:55am Etopia Island owner Namaara MacMoragh
• 9:30am OpenMic/ Announcements


[08:21] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): morning folks!
[08:21] Chayenn: Bonjour Rik
[08:22] HB Eternal: Howdy Rikster
[08:22] Lissy Waydelich (lissy.racer): Good Morning
[08:26] Red (talkwithmarie): hey everybody:)
[08:27] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): is someone taking my picture? Is there anything in my teeth?
[08:28] jacmacaire Humby: Hi everyone…
[08:28] DyVerse Jeffery-Steele (dyverse): I think i see a piece of sourdough toast points at it
[08:28] Red (talkwithmarie): oh oh
[08:30] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): whispers: Good morning everyone, and welcome to the Nonprofit
[08:30] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Commons!
[08:30] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I’m Rik Panganiban, community manager here from
[08:31] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): It’s great to see everyone here today.
[08:31] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): As you should know, its EarthDay in a couple of days
[08:31] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): So we’re excited to have Namaara of Etopia coming to speak to us.
[08:31] Red (talkwithmarie): yay!
[08:31] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): But first, as always we introduce ourselves
[08:32] Red (talkwithmarie): Marie C.-talkwithmarie, aka Red., Greater Boston, Girls project/Girl TV/Talk!withmarie,,, @talkwithmarie
[08:32] Ronnie Rhode: Denise Harrison, The Garden for the Missing, and SLURL, Project Jason, assistance for families of the missing,
[08:32] Chayenn: Monique Richert, Protect Yourself 1, Inc; Baltimore MD,, ; @PY1US
[08:32] HB Eternal: Harold W Becker, The Love Foundation, Florida, @lovefoundation
[08:32] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Please type into the text chat your real life name, location, organization, URL and Twitter handle — if you like!
[08:32] Em Ellsmere: Tina Walker, The ALS Association, Washington DC,, @alsassociation
[08:32] Gentle Heron: Virtual Ability, Inc.
[08:32] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): This is for our meeting today and our records for later.
[08:32] Sister Abeyante: Sister Patrice Colletti, SDS Milwaukee, WI @SisterAbeyante as well as a volunteer with Virtual Ability, Inc.
[08:32] Panny Bakerly: Jeanne Booth, Freeport Historical Society, Freeport, NY; @FrptHisSoc
[08:32] bulaklak: Michael DeLong, TechSoup,, @TechSoup @MichaelDeLongSF
[08:32] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Bruce Hestley, Transgender American Veterans Association, Akron, OH,
[08:32] Zinnia Zauber: Renne Emiko Brock-Richmond, Sequim Humanities and Arts Alliance, Sequim, Olympic Peninsula, Washington. @renneemiko
[08:32] Brena Benoir: Brenda Bryan, Preferred Family Healthcare, Kirksville, Missouri,, @brenabenoir
[08:33] Ozma Malibu: Sandra Andrews, Floaters Org, Arizona, Mexico & On the Road, @ozma
[08:33] alebez: ale bezdikian, online community coordinator, techsoup, @alebez, @techsoup
[08:33] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Rik Panganiban, Oakland CA, Nonprofit Commons /, http://nonprofitcommons, @betterverse @npsl
[08:33] jacmacaire Humby: Jacques Macaire HUMANBE Action Tank and Council on Sustainable Development France and International @Humanbe
[08:33] Glitteractica Cookie: Susan tenby, Online Community and Social Media director, TechSOup, SAn Francisco, CA usa @suzboop @techsoup
[08:35] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): anyone else?
[08:35] Kali Idziak: Jessica Dally, Community Voice Mail, Seattle, WA @jessicadally @cvmnational
[08:35] DyVerse Jeffery-Steele (dyverse): Ricky Davis San Antonio Online DJ, Peer support for chronic illness
[08:36] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): welcome all
[08:36] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): And if I wasn’t clear, you don’t ahve to be with an organization. We still would love to know who you are!


[08:37] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): And now lets get an update from, the founder of the Nonprofit Commons
[08:37] Lissy Waydelich (lissy.racer): hello im not with a group or organization
[08:37] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Lissy, that’s fine. Who are you and where are you from?
[08:37] bulaklak: Hi, all! Happy Friday, if it is Friday in your area.
[08:37] Glitteractica Cookie: And how did you hear about NPC? What brings you here?
[08:38] Lissy Waydelich (lissy.racer): this is only my second day back at sl after a yeear off , im looking for a group i would like to devote my time to
[08:38] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): great thanks for coming!
[08:38] bulaklak: Welcome, Lissy!
[08:39] Lissy Waydelich (lissy.racer): ty
[08:39] bulaklak: So…as Rik mentioned this Sunday is Earth Day. TechSoup honored this day this week with our latest episode of Nonprofits Live hosted by InKenzo
[08:39] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): welcome Lissy 🙂
[08:39] Buffy Beale: whispers Buffy Bye, Bridges for Women, Victoria BC Canada, @bridges4women
[08:39] bulaklak: We talked all about green tech with guests from the San Francisco dept. of the environment and
[08:40] jasminia Jinn: got it
[08:40] bulaklak: The recording is up:
[08:40] bulaklak: Please watch it to learn all about current green tech issues
[08:40] bulaklak: These are a team effort, of course, produced by TechSoup
[08:40] bulaklak: with InKenzo as our bubbly emcee
[08:41] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Welcome back to SL Lissy
[08:41] Buffy Beale: yay InK!
[08:41] Lissy Waydelich (lissy.racer): thank you
[08:41] bulaklak: We also have a webinar coming up on April 26 about finding funders for your cause
[08:41] bulaklak: You can RSVP here:
[08:42] bulaklak: This is in partnership with the Foundation Center
[08:42] bulaklak: Who do amazing work
[08:42] bulaklak: That’s about it for today
[08:42] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I’m sure we could all use help finnding more funders!
[08:42] bulaklak: Thanks all and have a great weekend!
[08:43] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Folks it really helps the NPC when you attend other non-SL webinars and trainings, soI highly encourage you to take advantage of them
[08:43] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Ok so lets move on to the mentors


[08:43] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Who speaks for Mentors Central today?
[08:43] Zinnia Zauber: Harper Beresford, the lead of Fashion for Life, is joining us today for Mentor Central. Fashion for Life is the fashion arm of the Relay For Life movement in Second Life supporting the American Cancer Society.
[08:44] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): awesome!
[08:44] Buffy Beale: cheering!
[08:44] Gentle Heron: YAY Harper!
[08:44] Harper (harper.beresford): Hi, everyone! 🙂
[08:44] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you Harper for being here!
[08:44] Harper (harper.beresford): Thanks for inviting me, Zinnia 🙂
[08:44] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): very cool!
[08:44] Brena Benoir: Woohoo Harper
[08:44] Zinnia Zauber: my pleasure!
[08:44] Second Life: Orson Winterwolf is offline.
[08:44] Harper (harper.beresford): As Zinnia said, I was the lead for Fashion for Life, which is the opening event for the Relay for Life season in SL 🙂
[08:45] Harper (harper.beresford): This year we raised as of today: 5,431,850 L
[08:45] Harper (harper.beresford): for the American Cancer Soceity
[08:45] Namaara MacMoragh: wow! that’s great
[08:45] Harper (harper.beresford): Fashion for Life is a 10 day event across 10 sims
[08:45] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): woot!
[08:45] Harper (harper.beresford): where SL content developers donate content which is sold with all proceeds going to Relay for Life as well as selling their own content
[08:46] Harper (harper.beresford): it’s specifically content that is worn on avatars–hair, skins, dresses, accessories, etc
[08:46] Harper (harper.beresford): everyone who works on the project does so on a volunteer basis–builders, organizers, etc
[08:46] Harper (harper.beresford): and designers participating donate on a leveled sponsorship basis
[08:47] Second Life: Charles2 McCaw is online.
[08:47] Harper (harper.beresford): our aim for Fashion for Life is encompassed in our mission statement, which you can find on our website
[08:47] Harper (harper.beresford):
[08:47] Harper (harper.beresford): “Simply put, our mission is to maximize donations to the American Cancer Society via the SL Relay for Life while creating a great sales environment for in-world avatar content (including lowered lag). Our goal is provide complete transparency in financial and operational actions to all residents. And to have fun doing this!”
[08:47] Second Life: DASH (dash.renoir) is online.
[08:47] Harper (harper.beresford): When we adhere to the mission,we find we are very successful and get a lot of fun out doing Fashion for Life.
[08:48] Harper (harper.beresford): This year we received additional sponsorship from Dream Seeker Estates Corporation, who underwrote all our sims
[08:48] Harper (harper.beresford): which was a very generous contribution
[08:48] Harper (harper.beresford): we were also assisted in promotion by Linden Lab
[08:49] Harper (harper.beresford): So I have explained, I think, what Fashion for Life is.. I feel like I have said about 2 minutes worth of stuff but do you have questions?
[08:50] jasminia Jinn: How old is the organizatin
[08:50] Harper (harper.beresford): Relay for Life is a branch fo the American Cancer Soceity specifically
[08:50] Harper (harper.beresford): Fashion for Life has run for 6 years in Second Life under various names
[08:51] jasminia Jinn: 🙂
[08:51] mdubensky: It seems like a lot of work for only 10 days, why don’t you have it year round?
[08:51] Harper (harper.beresford): we took the “For Life” moniker last year so we could differentiate ourselves from other RFL activities in SL
[08:51] Harper (harper.beresford): the Relay for Life season in SL extends from March to July
[08:51] Harper (harper.beresford): in part because people get worn out with RFL constantly being in place here
[08:51] Harper (harper.beresford): and because the people who run these things volunteer also need a break
[08:52] Em Ellsmere: how many staff/volunteers do you have?
[08:52] Harper (harper.beresford): so we coincide with the general fund raising season for RFL
[08:52] Harper (harper.beresford): for Fashion for life, we had me as lead, two folks to assist and 10 builders
[08:52] Harper (harper.beresford): all volunteer
[08:52] Zinnia Zauber: Building those connections with RL and SL, how do people know the money that is earned goes to the actual American Cancer Socieity?
[08:53] Harper (harper.beresford): That’s a great question. The Relay for Life board in SL has set up very rigorous standards for us to follow
[08:53] Harper (harper.beresford): this includes using THEIR scripted vendors in world, which are carefully vetted by the in world board members and even more importantly, Jeff Montague, who represents the American Cancer Society
[08:54] Harper (harper.beresford): so all activities of money, logo usage, etc, are monitored by him
[08:54] Harper (harper.beresford): and i will be frank, he looks
[08:54] Harper (harper.beresford): he is very particular about our adhering to their standards of PG content, money handling, etc
[08:54] Zinnia Zauber: That is great!
[08:54] Harper (harper.beresford): when we did fashion for life, we used a specific separate avatar to gather monies, which was only accessible by Harper’s driver and Jeff Montague
[08:55] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): This is a great example of a community widefundraising effort for a good cause
[08:55] Buffy Beale: It sure is, maybe he can come give us some tips here too
[08:55] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I wish all funderaisers in SL were so rigorous
[08:55] Harper (harper.beresford): those monies were then turned over to the RelayforLife AmericanCancer avatar via a kiosk
[08:55] Harper (harper.beresford): it was the only way i was going to personally volunteer my time for any fund raising in SL
[08:55] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Great idea, Buffy. We’d love to have Jeff here to talk about it
[08:55] Harper (harper.beresford): i have been always critical of how fund raisers are run in SL
[08:56] Harper (harper.beresford): and when I got the opportunity to be associated with them, I asked Jeff many question
[08:56] Harper (harper.beresford): s
[08:56] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): ok we should move on I’m afraid….
[08:56] Em Ellsmere: thank you Harper
[08:56] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): but thanks so much for the report Harper! and all the work taht youdo!
[08:56] Harper (harper.beresford): thank you! 🙂
[08:56] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): thanks Harper!
[08:56] Buffy Beale: thanks Harper it’s a great event and become a signature one for SL
[08:56] Brena Benoir: Thank you Harper!
[08:56] Gentle Heron: Great info Harper, and a great cause.
[08:56] Harper (harper.beresford): visit our website at 🙂
[08:56] Zinnia Zauber: This is great, Harper!
[08:56] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Namaara can you come down please?
[08:57] Zinnia Zauber: I think we need to have you join us again sometime for more info!


[08:57] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): We are happy to have back Maraara MacMoragh to the NPC
[08:57] Namaara MacMoragh: 🙂
[08:57] Buffy Beale: Cheering for Namaara!
[08:57] Brena Benoir: Good idea Zinnia!
[08:57] Zinnia Zauber: Rah Namaara!
[08:57] Namaara MacMoragh: good morning
[08:58] Namaara MacMoragh: hehe… I have a gift giver I couldn’t rez
[08:58] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): In honor of Earth Day, we asked Namaara to come talk with us about Etopia Eco-communities
[08:58] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Namaara, give it to me and I can rez it
[08:58] Namaara MacMoragh: Sure… Rik thanks
[08:58] Gentle Heron: YAY Namaara, and welcome.
[08:59] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): take it away!
[08:59] Namaara MacMoragh: First, I want to say WOW! Harper that was a great report and success for your fundraising.
[08:59] Harper (harper.beresford): thanks 🙂
[08:59] Namaara MacMoragh: I want to say thanks to everyone for this opportunity to share with you. I love having the opportunity to
share more of the work we’re doing at Etopia.
[08:59] Namaara MacMoragh: Last month we collaborated with Virtual Ability to sponsor
music, networking opportunities, and presentations about Brain
Injury. It was very successful and the Brain Energy Support
Team ( raised $L 8,000 in
individual donations. I also made new friends and learned a lot.
[09:00] Gentle Heron: /me smiles.
[09:00] Namaara MacMoragh: I see my chat is giving those symbols
[09:00] Namaara MacMoragh: hang on a sec I can fix that….
[09:00] Zinnia Zauber: Rah BEST!
[09:01] Namaara MacMoragh: hehe… that didn’t work
[09:01] Namaara MacMoragh: anyway… please hang in there and I’m open to questions too
[09:02] Namaara MacMoragh: about last month… it was so much fun
[09:02] Namaara MacMoragh: To me that’s what the collaborations, presentations… events…
bring to individuals… the opportunity to learn and build
[09:02] Namaara MacMoragh: And that’s what Etopia is about.
[09:02] Namaara MacMoragh: WilliamTheWise Goodman founded Etopia in 2007 with a vision
of bringing into SL awareness of real world environmental issues
and demonstrating that there are solutions. In 2009 I purchased
the sims from him and began a movement toward expanding the
ideas to embrace things that I was also engaged in
professionally and personally; cooperatives, nonprofits, and organizational sustainability.
[09:03] Namaara MacMoragh: There’s a Buddhist concept “esho funi” which is oneness of self
and the environment. This is the mantra, actually motivation, for developing Etopia for the future.
[09:03] Namaara MacMoragh: The core of Etopia is “Sustainable Living” in all its aspects and
this year, our 5th year in SL, we are celebrating that idea by
embracing our residents and their real world contributions as
part of our SL community. And April 22nd is not only our 5th
birthday, but it’s (not coincidently) Earth Day.
[09:03] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): wow, congrats!
[09:04] Namaara MacMoragh: (note to self… sloppy chats are good reason for using presentation HUD)
[09:04] Namaara MacMoragh: Yes, we’re so excited to be around for 5 years
[09:04] Gentle Heron: /me smiles at Namaara!
[09:04] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): 🙂
[09:04] bulaklak: happy birthday!
[09:04] Buffy Beale: wow, 5 years is a lifetime!
[09:04] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): that’s like20 years in the real world
[09:04] Second Life: Naring’nari (joey.aboma) is online.
[09:04] bulaklak: lol Rik
[09:04] Namaara MacMoragh: It certainly feel like a long time, but we’re aware it’s a flash in the pan.
[09:04] Second Life: Etopia Birthday & Earth Day Gift owned by secondlife:///app/agent/e87973b9-4e5f-41f9-b9a4-3efa6d1d8b43/about gave you ‘! Etopia Birthday & Earth Day gift’ ( ).
[09:05] Namaara MacMoragh: I see so many great sims going away and I’m determined to stay.
[09:05] Namaara MacMoragh: We have so much to offer and so many great folks we collaborate with.
[09:05] Namaara MacMoragh: But let me continue… hehe…
[09:05] Namaara MacMoragh: Earth Day marks the start of what’s considered the “modern”
environmental movement in 1970. I don’t know how many of you
were around then, but I was a teenager and by 1973 I was an
environmental activist turning my parents’ back yard into a demo
project of things I was learning from Mother Earth News.
[09:05] Namaara MacMoragh: There was a lot going on in 1970 besides the breakup of the
Beatles. In America the hippies really! brought the idea of
environment to the forefront of our thinking (right after protesting
Viet Nam). Actually, there was a book by Rachel Carson
published in 1962, Silent Spring. That book, about watershed
issues, and Carson’s activism raised awareness about the need
for environmental stewardship and concern for public health.
[09:06] Namaara MacMoragh: The Earth Day Theme for 2012 is “Mobilize The Earth.” You can
find out more at Even the EPA has a web
page celebrating Earth Day at
[09:06] Namaara MacMoragh: Am I moving too fast?
[09:06] Namaara MacMoragh: My RL avi has had too much coffee this morning.
[09:06] Harper (harper.beresford): lol
[09:06] bulaklak: hehe
[09:06] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I’m fine. Others?
[09:06] Second Life: David Burden (corro.moseley) is offline.
[09:07] bulaklak: Good pace for me, thanks!
[09:07] jasminia Jinn: OK
[09:07] Namaara MacMoragh: great…
[09:07] Namaara MacMoragh: There’s also a lot going on all over SL this weekend (especially
[09:07] Sister Abeyante: /me scrolls back easily if needed.
[09:07] Namaara MacMoragh: 🙂
[09:07] Namaara MacMoragh: Etopia welcomes environmentalists, educators, nonprofits, and
others to share their message and engage in sustainable
community building.
[09:07] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): yup, keeping up 🙂
[09:07] Namaara MacMoragh: For example Calicann set up a Humane Education shop on our
Etopia Island Plaza and is also hosting drumming circles in our
[09:08] Namaara MacMoragh: We are proud to also be home to Options Senagal. Options
Senegal is the technical training, product supplier and support
center and on-going sales, marketing and customer service
organization for Ecolign Economic Interest Groups (GIEs) in
Senegal. Their focus is economic development that is
[09:08] Namaara MacMoragh: You can read more about their build at Etopia here:
[09:08] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Wow, fantastic!
[09:08] Namaara MacMoragh: Jasminia is here today.
[09:08] jasminia Jinn: Hi all
[09:08] bulaklak: How have you made your message easily shareable? Do you have a specific strategy around that?
[09:08] Namaara MacMoragh: Jasminia will be hosting a tour and presentation about the
project on Sunday, 4/22 at 1pm SLT. Details are on the event
card included in the Etopia gift (big birthday box up front here).
[09:08] Glitteractica Cookie: Good question Bulaklak
[09:09] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Perhaps Jasminia could come back another time and talk more about that?
[09:09] jasminia Jinn: Sure
[09:09] Namaara MacMoragh: Wonderful!!
[09:09] Second Life: jasminia Jinn is online.
[09:09] Namaara MacMoragh: Did I mention Jasminia will be hosting a tour and presentation about the
project on Sunday, 4/22 at 1pm SLT. Details are on the event
card included in the Etopia gift (big birthday box up front here).
[09:09] Gentle Heron: YAY Jasminia!
[09:10] Namaara MacMoragh: We have a presentation by Windy Schor on Monday about Wind
(you should see our turbines). We also have a water
reclaimation plant, peak oil display, and Food Cooperative.
[09:10] Namaara MacMoragh: Speaking of Cooperatives, I’ll be talking about Co-ops and
economic empowerment on Sunday morning at 10:30 SLT.
[09:10] Namaara MacMoragh: Etopia is not only educational, it is fun. We really! are about
community and showcasing the work our residents and friends
are doing in the real world that impact not only the environment,
but our work and our lives.
[09:10] Namaara MacMoragh: There’s soooo much more I could share, but I’ll stop here and
ask that you visit us as part of your exploration of Second Life.
[09:11] Namaara MacMoragh: Are there questions or more comments?
[09:11] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Can you tell us any tips about how you have lasted this long, despite all of the challenges of Second Life?
[09:11] Buffy Beale: Question: Do you have a presence in any other grids or do you focus on SL?
[09:12] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): @Namaara, Can you share a slurl for the Sunda Co-Ops talk?
[09:12] jacmacaire Humby: Do you accept exchange with other SIM like Eco Commons?
[09:12] Namaara MacMoragh: I will admit I’ve invested quite a bit in fees out of my consulting work. But we’ve been around mostly because of the folks that live and work at Etopia. We have fun and work together to keep Etopia vibrant.
[09:12] Namaara MacMoragh: Other grids…
[09:13] Namaara MacMoragh: we’re working with Anya from Fearless Nation to work out mutual presence and at some point there may be an Etopia on SpotOn3D
[09:13] Namaara MacMoragh: slurl for the co-op presentation is in the notecard in the gift
[09:14] Namaara MacMoragh: Yes I would be open to exchanges with other sims like the EcoCommons
[09:14] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): awesome, thanks!
[09:14] jacmacaire Humby: 🙂
[09:14] Namaara MacMoragh: SL is a great collaboration platform.
[09:14] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): for those who ask about how virtual worlds can help protect the earth, what do you tell them?
[09:14] Namaara MacMoragh: We support one another and spread the word aobout our work.
[09:15] Namaara MacMoragh: I avoid the mercury discussion and focus on the diminished travel costs and carbon footprints from that perspective
[09:15] Namaara MacMoragh: I also focus on productivity and quality of the time spent working and personally
[09:15] Namaara MacMoragh: Did that answer the question Rik?
[09:15] Namaara MacMoragh: And did I get everyone’s questions?
[09:15] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Well I mean from a larger climate change perspective
[09:15] bulaklak: What is the mercury discussion?
[09:16] bulaklak: With respect to SL?
[09:16] jacmacaire Humby: What is the aim of Etopia? Profit or Non profit?
[09:16] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): i.e. we have presidential candidates who as part of their platforms deny that climate change exists
[09:17] Namaara MacMoragh: To be honest my background, Rik, is in organizational sustainabilty. Global warming and the bigger conversations are handled through the many presentations our more knowledgable folks do.
[09:17] Namaara MacMoragh: Also the mercury issue is about the content in computers and it’s affect on the earth via land dumps etc
[09:17] Namaara MacMoragh: Etopia is not a nonprofit corporation.
[09:18] Namaara MacMoragh: It’s an extension of a vision of an urban development firm (WilliamTheWise is Zev Piass in real life)
[09:18] bulaklak: Ah, got it. Thanks, Namaara!
[09:18] Namaara MacMoragh: and my own vision of how we can live and work together
[09:19] Namaara MacMoragh: (whew… I think I’m caught up now)
[09:19] Delia Lake: I did a presentation on mercury for Global Kids in January here in sl. I believe it is posted on their website, and I also have a copy of the slideshow on the platform at the Center for Water Studies if anyone is interested
[09:19] Gentle Heron: /me is glad Delia and Namaara coexist.
[09:19] Namaara MacMoragh: We would love to have you present at Etopia if you’re interested Delia.
[09:19] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Well that’s already a powerful contribution to the public discourse, if we can model better ways of liing on the earth
[09:19] Namaara MacMoragh: thank you Gentle… me too.
[09:19] Delia Lake: sure, Nam, I’ll give you a copy
[09:19] Namaara MacMoragh: Be sure to get a gift and visit us at
[09:19] Delia Lake: and ty Gentle 🙂
[09:20] Namaara MacMoragh: Is there anything else?
[09:20] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Delia reminds me that there are probably other groups that wor kon environmental issues here with us today
[09:20] Buffy Beale: Great job Namaara for a worthy issue
[09:20] Namaara MacMoragh: I’d love to chat with all of you and see how we can collaborate.
[09:20] jacmacaire Humby: Thank you Namaara… 🙂
[09:20] Namaara MacMoragh: Thank you all for having me here today and visit us.
[09:20] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Who elsse is here representing an environmental cause or development issue?
[09:20] Namaara MacMoragh: 🙂
[09:21] jacmacaire Humby: Come to visit us in Eco Commons..
[09:21] Namaara MacMoragh: I love EcoCommons
[09:21] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): thanks again Namaara, as always
[09:21] Namaara MacMoragh: I walk through now and again when I’m not cleaning up Etopia
[09:21] Namaara MacMoragh: lol
[09:21] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): we admire what you and your team does at Etopia so much!
[09:21] Namaara MacMoragh: Thank you Rik… I’m always happy to be here
[09:21] Zinnia Zauber: Awesome!
[09:21] bulaklak: Great presentation! I learned a lot.
[09:21] Namaara MacMoragh: whether I present or not 🙂
[09:21] Gentle Heron: Great work Namaara.
[09:22] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): If I wasn’t active at theNPC, Etopia is where I would be
[09:22] Namaara MacMoragh: wow! Rik, that means a lot
[09:22] Namaara MacMoragh: I love working with TechSoup and NPC
[09:22] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Delia, can you remind folks about the work that your group does?
[09:22] Red (talkwithmarie): ty Namaara! super work!
[09:22] jacmacaire Humby: and Eco Commons Rik 🙁
[09:22] Namaara MacMoragh: It was one of my first places when I entered SL in 2008
[09:23] Namaara MacMoragh: ty Marie
[09:24] Delia Lake: yes. I’d be glad to do that
[09:24] Zinnia Zauber: Awesome!
[09:24] Delia Lake: my focus in sl is Water and other issues of basic sustainability
[09:24] Namaara MacMoragh: We have a great water reclaimation plant
[09:25] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I think water is pretty important! It’s a principal ingredient of coffee!
[09:25] Namaara MacMoragh: absolutely Rik
[09:25] Gentle Heron: also the principal ingredient in human bodies.
[09:25] 01 Hifeng: xD *sips her coffee*
[09:25] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): that too!
[09:25] Delia Lake: I manage the Center for Water Studies here in sl. the Center is a public space were we have discussions and presentations about water and also a number of teachers use the site for classes over the years
[09:25] Namaara MacMoragh: agreed Gentle
[09:25] Namaara MacMoragh: I think we can work together for sure Delia.
[09:26] Delia Lake: there are 7 realistically portrayed water ecosystems there
[09:26] Delia Lake: with notecards that have information
[09:26] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): nice! What is the SLURL of those?
[09:26] Second Life: Ronnie Rhode is online.
[09:27] Delia Lake: I’m also involved with the Abyss which is a project started by NOAA and now managed for JAMSTEC which is the Japanese marine and earth sciences agency
[09:27] Namaara MacMoragh: I’ll include the slurl and this message in my Earth Day talks, too Marie
[09:27] Namaara MacMoragh: oops, Delia
[09:27] Namaara MacMoragh: (embarassed and confused apparently)
[09:27] Delia Lake: this is the Center lm
[09:27] Delia Lake:
[09:28] Delia Lake:
[09:28] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): great!
[09:28] Delia Lake: the second is Abyss
[09:28] Delia Lake: I am particularly interested in collaborating with others in sl
[09:28] Second Life: Petlove Petshop is online.
[09:29] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): thats what we’re here for, Delia
[09:29] Delia Lake: and am very much committed to inventing ways that we can transfer knowledge and engagement between sl and rl organizations
[09:29] Red (talkwithmarie): ty Namaara:) would love those too.
[09:29] jacmacaire Humby: Don’t hesitate Delia.. You know me.. 🙂
[09:29] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Any other eco-focused groups want to mention whaat they are doing before wego to Open Mic?
[09:29] Delia Lake: imo, we all need to develop a better WaterSense
[09:30] Second Life: Ronnie Rhode is offline.
[09:30] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): here’s a list of EarthDay 2012 activites in SL for your reference:….
[09:30] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): oh cool!
[09:30] Buffy Beale: thanks Rik, nice one
[09:30] Namaara MacMoragh: thanks Rik
[09:31] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Ping me if I forgot any
[09:31] jacmacaire Humby: Thanks Is Eco Commons do something?
[09:31] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I stole it from Carl Icann
[09:31] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Jac, only if someone organizes it
[09:31] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): but not that I know of
[09:32] Gentle Heron: Say it this way, Rik. I’m crediting Carl Icann for the original list. (Never admit theft! It’s creative recycling!)
[09:32] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): haha , sure Gentle


[09:32] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): ok lets move on to open mic
[09:32] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): lol 🙂
[09:32] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Who has something to announce to the community?
[09:32] 01 Hifeng: can i announce something? 😮
[09:32] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): please put up your hand or say ” me me me!”
[09:32] Namaara MacMoragh: creative recycling… love it
[09:32] Gentle Heron: I do! Two short, one long… uhhhh, what is that in Morse code?
[09:32] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): being good stewards of content 😉
[09:32] Zinnia Zauber: hand up
[09:33] 01 Hifeng: I’m Kesja Plecha, president of Blueberry Dreams Foundation
[09:33] 01 Hifeng: we’re doing immunity and cancer research
[09:33] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): hifeng, go ahead
[09:33] 01 Hifeng: we’re looking for volunteers
[09:33] 01 Hifeng: especially someone good with people that could manage events to some extent
[09:33] Sarvana Haalan: i DO
[09:33] 01 Hifeng: venue owners who would like to organise fundraiser at their place
[09:34] jacmacaire Humby: Hand up
[09:34] 01 Hifeng: content creators, etc
[09:34] Second Life: DASH (dash.renoir) is online.
[09:35] 01 Hifeng: we’re just starting in sl as foundation
[09:35] Second Life: Oronoque Westland is offline.
[09:35] Buffy Beale: Welcome!
[09:35] 01 Hifeng: i was here earlier though, before Blueberry Dreams was founded
[09:35] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): we would love to have set up anoffice at the NPC if you are interested
[09:35] 01 Hifeng: anyone interested can im me 😉
[09:36] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): talk with the mentors about it, if you want to know more after thismeeting
[09:36] 01 Hifeng: ah, yes, i should do it
[09:36] 01 Hifeng: ok
[09:36] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): or email me at
[09:36] 01 Hifeng: ok
[09:36] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Ok Gentle, you are up!
[09:36] Gentle Heron: I do! Two short, one long… uhhhh, what is that in Morse code?
[09:36] Gentle Heron: My first announcement is WOO HOO THE TECH FINALLY WORKS!
[09:36] Gentle Heron: Hey! Listen to that!: Text to Voice in SL
SATURDAY April 21, 7pm PDT/SLT
Yellow Hibiscus Cabana, Virtual Ability Island
[09:36] Gentle Heron: An intro level workshop to learn how to use Ferd’s Chat to Speech v1.6 Universal Web Translator.
This award winning product uses a web browser to interface with SL, so you hear a voice translation of what is typed into the chat stream.
Get a free copy of the HUD!
[09:36] Buffy Beale: Cheering for you Gentle!
[09:37] Gentle Heron: ***
[09:37] Gentle Heron: And another WOO HOO about tech: The latest SL viewer (and Firestorm too) now interface well with Dragon NaturallySpeaking speech-to-text software. We’ll have a couple of events in May around that technology.
[09:37] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Wow! 😀
[09:37] Gentle Heron: (that one is a MAJOR victory for accessibility, by the way)
[09:37] Gentle Heron: ***
[09:37] Delia Lake: wow, that’s great!
[09:37] Zinnia Zauber: Awesome!
[09:37] Sister Abeyante: Cool- text to speech AND speech to text!
[09:37] Buffy Beale: That is a huge gain, well done!
[09:37] Gentle Heron: Now the long announcement, and I hope you’ll be patient with me, but I’m very excited about this!
[09:37] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): (now start working on voice to chat 🙂
[09:37] Zinnia Zauber: It is super exciting!
[09:37] Buffy Beale: Now to educate everyone about the emoting and long character chats…
[09:37] Gentle Heron: Virtual Ability, Inc. announces the 2012 Virtual Ability Mental Health Symposium, to be held in SL on Saturday, April 28.

Our society too often takes mental health for granted and too frequently stigmatizes people with mental health issues. Saturday’s 2012 Virtual Ability Mental Health Symposium offers a variety of perspectives for thinking positively about mental health
[09:37] jacmacaire Humby: Great Gentle!!
[09:38] Gentle Heron: The symposium’s keynote presenter is Dick Dillon of Innovaision, LLC. Dillon’s topic is “Why Virtual Counseling Should Be Viewed as Advanced Telemedicine.” He will explain why using virtual worlds for counseling allows better service than “real life” counseling. You all know him from NPC!
[09:38] Gentle Heron: (Coughran in SL)
[09:38] Gentle Heron: Featured presenters include Dr. Tina Garcia, Frank Hannah, Dr. Marty Jencius, Anya Ibor, and DyVerse Steele.
[09:38] Delia Lake: excellent!
[09:38] Buffy Beale: Yay C!
[09:38] Gentle Heron: Dr. Garcia, a lawyer with TBI, will discuss cognitive rehabilitation and brain injury. Hannah, a retired clinical mental health counselor, will share a method for developing and maintaining positive self-concept and optimum mental health. Dr. Jencius runs the Counselor Education in Second Life yearly SL conference.
[09:39] Gentle Heron: Ibor, executive director of Fearless Nation PTSD Support, will explain the neurobiology of post-traumatic stress disorder. Steele, a peer support leader for HIV/AIDS and diabetes, will offer information about mental health and minority communities. You know both Anya and DyVerse from NPC as well!
[09:39] Gentle Heron: MermaidSue Bailey, a counselor from UK, will lead a discussion of the importance of peer support for mental health. Roberto Salubrius, a former medical student misdiagnosed with agoraphobia, will explain why mental health issues aren‚Äôt all mental. The audience will be invited to think about the nature of self in the context of a reading from Paul Brok’s book “Into the Silent Land.”
[09:39] Gentle Heron: So please mark April 28 on your calendars now, to save some time to spend learning more about mental health. (WHEW done!)
[09:40] Delia Lake: what are the hours on April 28?
[09:40] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): thats fnatastic. Please post to the GoogleGroup about this too!
[09:40] Gentle Heron: first session is at 8am SLT, last one ends at 5:30 pm SLT and after we will probably have a dance (we like to dance)
[09:40] Delia Lake: ok. ty
[09:41] Gentle Heron: Thanks Delia for asking.
[09:41] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): I’m hoping this will be too enticing to my colleagues to pass up… I’ve got a shot at finally convincing them to come inworld 😉
[09:41] Red (talkwithmarie): woot!woot! Gentle:)
[09:41] Gentle Heron: We’ll have the schedule up on our website.
[09:41] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Ok zinnia you are up
[09:41] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you!
[09:41] Zinnia Zauber: The Federal Consortium for Virtual Worlds Conference is in Washington DC May 16 – 18.
[09:41] Buffy Beale: Gentle, the SL Text to Voice translator is huge I hope you let Lindens know!
[09:41] Zinnia Zauber: I will be teaching a workshop there on May 16 called “Authentic Avatar – Inspiring Trust With Your Virtual Identity”. There will be several of our NPC peeps and partners there as well, like Coughran.
[09:41] Zinnia Zauber: Please check out the website to find out how you can attend the workshops and lectures virtually or in person.
[09:42] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you!
[09:42] Buffy Beale: Yay Z, that’s a great conference!
[09:42] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): congrats, Zinnia
[09:42] Ronnie Rhode: Yay Z:)
[09:42] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you! I am really excited!
[09:42] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Ok Saravana?
[09:42] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Sounds like a great talk Zinn! 🙂
[09:42] Sarvana Haalan: I will be presenting a Virtual Worlds 101 presentation at a local Meetup in May…
[09:42] Zinnia Zauber: thanks Jerry!
[09:42] Sarvana Haalan: NPSL will be presented to th eattending nonprofits
[09:43] Sarvana Haalan: it’s theTech and Social Change Meetup
[09:43] Sarvana Haalan: that’sm it
[09:43] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): thats great Sarvana. Where will this be?
[09:43] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): very cool, Sarvana
[09:43] Gentle Heron: Great networking Sarvana.
[09:44] Sarvana Haalan: Baltimore, MD… looking into th epossibility of streaminh
[09:44] Glitteractica Cookie: Thanks for representing us Sarvana. Let us know if we can give you any TechSoup/NPC collateral to hand out
[09:44] Sarvana Haalan: *streaming
[09:44] Sarvana Haalan: will do
[09:44] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Ok Jac you are up!
[09:44] jacmacaire Humby: Thanks
[09:44] jacmacaire Humby: for those interested, I invite you to open discussions with year questions and answers based around case studies of recent sustainable development strategies at 10 am SL (PDT) or 19:00 CEST on 25 April 2012 at ARCHI21 World (222,41,23)
[09:44] Buffy Beale: Great going Jac!
[09:45] jacmacaire Humby: You are all welcome.. 🙂
[09:45] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): that’s great Jac
[09:45] Gentle Heron: Jac’s work is so inspiring.
[09:45] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): ok and last but certainly not least, Mr. Bulaklak!
[09:45] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Send out a notice Jac
[09:45] jacmacaire Humby: :))
[09:45] Jen (jenelle.levenque): I need to be reminded
[09:46] jacmacaire Humby: I will do..
[09:46] bulaklak: Hello again! TechSoup’s founder and co-CEO Daniel Ben-Horin, whom I am sure some of you remember coming to speak here last year, has been writing some interesting pieces on the Stanford Social Innovation Review
[09:46] bulaklak: One piece explored the generation divide in social innovation, looking at scrappiness vs. strategic thinking
[09:47] bulaklak: Beth Kanter picked up the story and asked Daniel to continue the discussion on her blog
[09:47] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Intriguing! 🙂
[09:47] bulaklak: Please read that summary here and chime in if you have an opinion on the topic
[09:47] bulaklak:
[09:47] Glitteractica Cookie: Internally at TechSoup me and my team are considered “scrappy”
[09:47] Glitteractica Cookie: we would love to hear your comments on his blog
[09:48] bulaklak: It’s about the pace the younger generation wants to move at, making change happen now
[09:48] Buffy Beale: lol Glitter
[09:48] Glitteractica Cookie: I am way bigger of a proponent of scrappy innovation than strategic innovation
[09:48] Glitteractica Cookie: NPC was all about scrappy skunkworks
[09:48] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Is’nt “Scrappy Skunkworks” a band from the 80s?
[09:48] Buffy Beale: It seems with any tech one has to plow through the naysayers
[09:48] bulaklak: lol Rik
[09:48] Glitteractica Cookie: it should be, Rik
[09:48] Buffy Beale: *new tech
[09:49] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): yes, we’d like it done yesterday, thank you kindly 😉
[09:49] Glitteractica Cookie: anyway, please comment cuz I’d love to see NPC members represented in that dialogue, for obvious reasosns
[09:49] Buffy Beale: ok sounds good
[09:49] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): ok well as always you leave the NPC with lots moreevents, links and news than you came with. So I’m calling this a win.
[09:49] Buffy Beale: Rik I wanted to make one comment
[09:50] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): ok go ahead buffy
[09:50] Buffy Beale: and thank Zinnia and Brena so much for their decorating at the Common Ground party last night
[09:50] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you Buffy!
[09:50] Red (talkwithmarie): oh yes! so gorgeous!
[09:50] Zinnia Zauber: We have a great team!
[09:50] Red (talkwithmarie): im still in pink:)
[09:50] Zinnia Zauber: Next month our color is Aqua!
[09:50] Buffy Beale: was amazingly brilliant and everyone who missed it please try to get to the next one and join the fun
[09:50] Namaara MacMoragh: (quietly) gotta run… thanks again … see everyone soon
[09:50] Namaara MacMoragh: 🙂
[09:51] Buffy Beale: great job you guys made me laugh!
[09:51] Buffy Beale: thanks
[09:51] Buffy Beale: out
[09:51] Red (talkwithmarie): awesome you two creative mentors:)
[09:51] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you Buffy!
[09:51] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): let’s thanks Namaara for coming to talk with us again!
[09:51] Glitteractica Cookie: thanks Namaara, great stuff
[09:51] Second Life: Kali Idziak is offline.
[09:51] Buffy Beale: Cheering for Namaara!!
[09:51] Zinnia Zauber: Rah Namaara!
[09:51] Buffy Beale: oh, and also to thank Par I’m sure he had a hand in things too for last night
[09:52] tharciene: sim
[09:52] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): and thanks to all of you for all that you are doing to make the worldabetter more sustainable place
[09:52] Glitteractica Cookie: thanks all, I guess that is a wrap?
[09:52] Glitteractica Cookie: see you all next week
[09:52] Lissy Waydelich (lissy.racer): I am so glad i stumbled across this meeting , its been great , nice to meet you all
[09:52] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Everyone celebrate EarthDay in your own way
[09:52] Zinnia Zauber: So happy to have you join us Lissy!
[09:52] Buffy Beale: nice to see you Lissy and welcome back to SL
[09:52] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I’m going to hug a tree
[09:52] Lissy Waydelich (lissy.racer): thank you 🙂
[09:52] Buffy Beale: lol Rik
[09:52] Zinnia Zauber: Mentors Meeting is at 10! Here!
[09:52] Buffy Beale: Have a great weekend everyone
[09:52] Buffy Beale: Happy Earth day to youuuuuu
[09:53] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): if you are new or just want some advice, the Mentors are here right after this meeting
[09:53] Zinnia Zauber: Please get your refill and see you in a moment!
[09:53] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): otherwise, have a great Friday everyone!
[09:53] Buffy Beale: ok Z back shortly afk
[09:53] alebez: thank you everyone! have a beautiful weekend.
[09:53] Second Life: alebez is offline.
[09:53] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): excuse me while I harvest the avatar list
[09:53] Red (talkwithmarie): have a great weekend:)
[09:53] Zinnia Zauber: Take care everyone and see you soon!

Written by: rikomatic

A World in Every Classroom: Noble VW to Provide Immersive Learning for 38,000 Students in Metro-Atlanta

NobleVWWhat if every student and teacher in a district had access to a unified virtual space filled with engaging educational experiences, designed just for them?  This is not science fiction, this is being built in the Metro-Atlanta area today.

On April 13, the Nonprofit Commons hosted Steve Mashburn and Snoopy Pfeffer to talk about the Noble virtual world being created for metro-Atlanta schools.  Steve Mashburn is the coordinator of online education for Forsyth County Schools in Georgia, and Snoopy Pfeffer is the founder and CEO of Dreamland Metaverse, an OpenSim hosting provider.

I was inspired by how articulately Mashburn connected the Noble Virtual World initiative with their larger vision of 21st century citizenry, a “blended learning” approach, and re-defining what “school time” means.  And rather than a one-size-fits-all approach, they seem to understand that different students , different teachers, and different classrooms have different needs and interests.

Read to find out more about this very interesting educational virtual world project….


Snoopy and Mashburn on Nobel VW Project


Mashburn began by explaining what the Forsyth County School district includes.  Metropolitan Atlanta region consist of 13 counties plus the cities of Atlanta, DeKalb, and Buford. Forsyth County is on the extreme north part of the metro region. The Forsyth County School system includes 38,000 students and more than 3,000 full-time teachers. They operate 35 schools — 19 elementary schools, nine middle schools and five high schools.


NobleVW2Forsyth County Schools is dedicated to improving student achievement through technology-enriched learning opportunities. “Our vision,” wrote Mashburn, “is to use classroom technology to engage students in asking questions and choosing tools to facilitate real world problem solving.”

Interactive digital whiteboards have been installed in all classrooms across the district. Beyond hardware, Instructional Technology Specialists are assigned to each school to work with teachers to model teaching and learning strategies for technology integration. Teachers are provided on-going professional development to experiment, initiate, and create new models of teaching and learning for dynamic and changing curricula.  A learning management system (LMS) brings together teachers and students in an online environment. 

They are committed to a “blended learning” model, where online learning and traditional classroom learning happen in a coordinated fashion. According to Mashburn, this is not an alternative way to do school, but the “very future of education itself.”

They view virtual worlds technology as “the next logical step” beyond learning management systems (LMS) toward more interactive and engaging tools. They are using a phased approach, where a small group of teachers will pilot the use of virtual worlds, and slowly create demand among students and parents.  They predict this will be more effective than mandating it for every teacher and classroom at the same time.



NobleVW3The district has a larger vision of developing 21st century citizens through virtual world learning experiences.  Different forms of learning will be possible, from students working alone, in collaboration with each other, and with teachers. “Our learning model enables all students, with a diverse range of personality traits and learning styles to be successful,” wrote Mashburn.  

They view virtual worlds as a means for engaging students in a different way with the real world, and allowing them to construct their own knowledge in a shared space. The emphasis will be less on “doing” assignments and more on “being” different roles. Students will — through their avatars — “be” :

  • scientists who do experiments to solve a problem,
  • engineers who use math concepts to construct a bridge,
  • graphic designers who use color theory to design a business logo.

Mashburn sees virtual world learning as going beyond traditional online learning — even game-based learning which is always pre-set and calculated.  In his view, the virtual world allows for more unexpectedness, spontaneity, and teachable moments that make learning and teaching enjoyable.

“At the heart of it,” summarizes Mashburn, “avatars in a virtual world are people interacting with other people.”


Snoopy Pfeffer introduced the company Dreamland Metaverse, which offers hosting on the OpenSim platform for various customers, from educational institutions to Fortune 500 companies. They offer both OpenSim regions and entire grids.

Building upon the OpenSim foundation, Dreamland Metaverse creates additional functionality for their customers, such as the Forsyth Country Schools.   Much of this functionality for the schools focuses on creating different levels of access for students, teachers and administrators.  While students are locked to the Nobel virtual space, teachers and administrators can travel to other OpenSim worlds to network, get resources and experience other virtual environments.

For more info about the Noble Virtual World see  You can find more information about Dreamland Metaverse at

Written by: rikomatic

Etopia Eco-community at the NPC this Friday April 20 for Earth Day!

As you probably know, this Sunday, April 22 is Earth Day 2012! To mark the occasion, the Nonprofit Commons welcomes Namaara MacMoragh, owner of the Etopia Eco-Community in Second Life.  

Since 2007, Etopia has been showcasing how we can live more sustainably through the virtual world. Namaara will provide an update on what’s new with this ground-breaking online community and how we can all celebrate and protect the planet on Earth Day and beyond.

Also during “Mentors Central” Harper Beresford will provide a review of the “Fashion for Life” event in SL. Plus we’ll have updates from TechSoup and the every popular community Open Mic. To participate, come to the Plush Nonprofit Commons amphitheater in Second Life on Friday April 20, starting at 8:30am PT.




April 20, 2012, 8:30am PST

Plush Nonprofit Commons  Amphitheater


  • 8:30am Introductions
  • 8:40am TechSoup Announcements
  • 8:45am Mentors Central: Harper Beresford with a Review of the Fashion for Life event in SL.
  • 8:55am Etopia Island owner Namaara MacMoragh
  • 9:30am OpenMic/ Announcements


More about Namaara MacMoragh

Namaara MacMoragh, aka Gloria Kraegel is President and Lead Consultant with GReat Kreations in Washington USA. During the last 30 years she has helped nonprofits throughout the United States build capacity and create systems that meet their organizational objectives. For the last five years she has been forging virtual connections and systems as part of her collaborative work with colleagues and clients around the world on issues of organizational sustainability and continuance. Gloria has  brought her work into Second Life as Namaara MacMoragh, owner of the sustainability-themed sims that make up the Etopia EcoCommunity. You can learn more about Etopia at

Written by: rikomatic

Transcript of NPC Meeting on Atlanta’s Nobel Virtual World on April 13

April 13, 2012, 8:30am PST
Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater

• 8:30am Introductions
• 8:40am TechSoup Announcements
• 8:45am Mentors Central
• 8:55am Steve Allen Mashburn and Snoopy Pfeffer , Noble Virtual World for Atlanta Students
• 9:30am OpenMic/ Announcements


[08:30] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): welcome merlin
[08:30] Merlin Moonshadow: Hi, Rik!
[08:30] Merlin Moonshadow: Hello, Zinnia and everyone. 🙂
[08:30] Zinnia Zauber: Hi Merlin!
[08:31] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): ok lets get started since people are getting seated
[08:31] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Welcoe everyone to the very lucky Friday April 13 meeting of the Nonprofit Commons
[08:31] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I’m Rik Panganiban, communit ymanager of the NPC
[08:32] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Joining me up front is bulaklak of — which founded the NPC
[08:32] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): We’re very happy to see all of you this morning.
[08:33] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): We’ve got a great project in Atlanta we are going to learn about in a bit.
[08:33] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): But first as always we do introductions
[08:33] jacmacaire Humby: sorry
[08:33] Chayenn: monique richert, protect yourself 1, Inc ., Baltimore, MD ,, @PY1US
[08:33] Zinnia Zauber: Renne Emiko Brock-Richmond, Sequim Humanities and Arts Alliance, Sequim, Olympic Peninsula, Washington. @renneemiko
[08:33] Ronnie Rhode: Denise Harrison, The Garden for the Missing, and SLURL, Project Jason, assistance for families of the missing,
[08:33] Gentle Heron: Virtual Ability, Inc. now with blog, Facebook, even Twitter (all available at the website)
[08:33] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Pleaase , if you like, type into the text chat your real life name, organization, location in the world, URL and twitter handle ( or any combination thereof)
[08:33] Buffy Beale: Buffy Bye, Bridges for Women, Victoria BC Canada, @bridges4women
[08:33] Dancers Yao: Kara Bennett, Elder Voices, Los Angeles, CA Health Care and Human Rights
[08:33] Zotarah Shepherd: BEACH College, Santa Rosa, CA
[08:33] Chad Mikado: Chad Gobert; National Service Inclusion Project; UMass Boston;
[08:33] Ethelred Weatherwax: Dave Dexter, Neenah Historical Society, Wisconsin USA
[08:34] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Bruce Hestley, Transgender American Veterans Association, Akron, OH,
[08:34] Eraldo Carlucci: David Cranmer – President Virtual Event Planners International
[08:34] alebez: Ale Bezdikian, TechSoup, SF, ca., @TechSoup, @alebez
[08:34] bulaklak: Michael DeLong, Community Manager, TechSoup Global, San Francisco, CA @MichaelDeLongSF @TechSoup
[08:34] Sister Abeyante: Sister Patrice Colletti, SDS, Milwaukee, WIsconsin. Mentor with Virtual Ability, Inc. also blogger at:
[08:34] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I’m rik panganiban, nonprofit commons /,, @npsl @betterverse
[08:34] Snoopy Pfeffer: Snoopy Pfeffer, Founder & CEO of Dreamland Metaverse,
[08:34] Merlin Moonshadow: Michael Smith at Emory University in Atlanta, GA.
[08:34] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): oh I ‘m in lovely Oakland, CAlifornia
[08:34] Snoopy Pfeffer:
[08:34] jacmacaire Humby: Jacques Macaire HUMANBE Action Tank and Council on Sustainable Development France and International @Humanbe
[08:35] Mashburn Allen: Steve Mashburn, Forsyth COunty School, Georgia
[08:35] Tek Blitz: Mike Parks – Georgia Tech @mparks
[08:35] Scarlett Sismondi: Sharon Collins – East Carolina University
[08:35] Namaara MacMoragh: Gloria Kraegel, President, GReat Kreations and Etopia EcoCommunity Sims.
[08:35] Ozma Malibu: Sandy Andrews, Floaters Org, Arizona Mexico and On the Road, @ozma
[08:35] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): welcome folks from Georgia! such a lovely state
[08:36] Gentle Heron: Georgians are just peachy!
[08:36] Chad Mikado: 🙂
[08:36] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): < roan >
[08:37] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): anyone else?
[08:37] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): morning, Glitter!
[08:37] Glitteractica Cookie: Hi
[08:37] Glitteractica Cookie: I’m Susan Tenby, Online Community and SOcial Media Director, TechSoup
[08:38] Glitteractica Cookie: San Francisco, CA USA @suzboop @techsoup
[08:38] Glitteractica Cookie: Sorry I am late, login issues
[08:38] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): np
[08:38] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): good day all 🙂
[08:38] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): (have a seat in the audience , Snoopy. I’ll call you up in a bit.)
[08:38] Snoopy Pfeffer: sure thanks 🙂


[08:39] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Ok next up we have our regular update from TechSoup. Keep an eye out for opportunities and events that your nonprofit might care about.
[08:39] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): bulaklak?
[08:39] bulaklak: Hello!
[08:39] Brena Benoir: Brenda Bryan, Preferred Family Healthcare, from Kirksville, Missouri (currently in Jefferson City, Missouri,, @brenabenoir
[08:39] bulaklak: Excited as always to be here.
[08:39] Buffy Beale: yay bulaklak
[08:39] bulaklak: And especially excited to announce next week’s episode of Nonprofits Live, our interactive online event hosted by InKenzo
[08:40] bulaklak: We’ll be talking all about green tech next week
[08:40] bulaklak: On Tuesday, April 17 at 11am Pacific
[08:40] bulaklak: Please register in advance
[08:40] bulaklak:
[08:40] bulaklak: These are really fun events where you get to live chat with TechSoup
[08:40] bulaklak: And hear from experts in the field
[08:41] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): very important topic
[08:41] bulaklak: And very timely, as Earth Day is this month
[08:41] Kali Idziak: Jessica Dally, Community Voice Mail, Seattle, WA sneaks in
[08:41] bulaklak: Last month, TechSoup partnered with ISIS to co-host a hack-a-thon addressing the issue of gathering sensitive health data from teens and pre-teens
[08:41] bulaklak: And interesting and sticky problem
[08:42] bulaklak: But the hackers brought some really fresh thinking to it
[08:42] bulaklak: We have a recap up on our blog, including a great video by Alebaz
[08:42] bulaklak: oops
[08:42] bulaklak: Alebez
[08:42] bulaklak: whom you know as the recapper of these meetings every week
[08:42] Glitteractica Cookie: do yyou have the link handy, Bulaklak
[08:42] bulaklak: Check it out
[08:43] Glitteractica Cookie: there it is!
[08:43] bulaklak: Of course I do, Glitter =)
[08:43] alebez: it was fun to shoot. 🙂
[08:43] bulaklak: And lastly, I just want to tease everyone with an upcoming major enhancement to
[08:43] bulaklak: Can I get a sound-off of who here has visited or visits
[08:43] bulaklak: ?
[08:43] Buffy Beale: hand up
[08:43] Glitteractica Cookie: W00t
[08:43] Sister Abeyante: hand up
[08:43] Mashburn Allen: yes
[08:44] Rhiannon Chatnoir: /me raises hand
[08:44] Ethelred Weatherwax: yes
[08:44] Jen (jenelle.levenque): /me raises hand
[08:44] Gentle Heron: yes
[08:44] bulaklak: Awesome!
[08:44] bulaklak: So get ready for some big changes next month
[08:44] Dancers Yao: yes
[08:44] bulaklak: Some big great changes to the search features and they way information is displayed
[08:45] bulaklak: I can’t say a whole lot now but want to get everyone excited about it
[08:45] bulaklak: So stay tuned!
[08:45] Red (talkwithmarie): oh the suspense…
[08:45] bulaklak: And that’s all I got for today. Excited to hear from the mentors and Snoopy.
[08:45] bulaklak: Back to you Rik
[08:45] Buffy Beale: lol talk
[08:45] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): thansk Bulaklak.
[08:45] Glitteractica Cookie: top seret stuff
[08:46] Snoopy Pfeffer: thanks Bulaklak 🙂


[08:46] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): And now for Mentors Central
[08:46] bulaklak: haha Glitter more like I don’t really have the marketing copy yet stuff
[08:46] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you!
[08:46] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): who speaks for the mentors today?
[08:46] Zinnia Zauber: Well, looks like our speaker today isn’t inworld. So that gives us Mentors a chance to ask you a question.
[08:47] Zinnia Zauber: Do you know about us NPC Mentors?
[08:47] Zinnia Zauber: Do you need help with anything?
[08:47] Gentle Heron: I notice we have some people in the audience today who are new to NPC, Zinnia.
[08:47] Zinnia Zauber: Do you know we have this segment of the meeting to share awesomeness?
[08:47] Gentle Heron: So maybe a brief overview would be in order…. who the mentors are and what we do during and after the NPC meetings.
[08:47] Zinnia Zauber: Super, Gentle!
[08:48] Zinnia Zauber: Let’s hear from some of our great Mentors.
[08:48] Zinnia Zauber: How we are hear to help our community.
[08:48] Gentle Heron: During the meetings, we have 10 minutes to share small skillsets.
[08:48] Gentle Heron: After the meetings, we offer our assistance to others in the NPC community for larger tasks.
[08:49] Buffy Beale: Sure Zinnia, we meet following this meeting and are there to help with what ever is needed
[08:49] Zinnia Zauber: I can share that I help our members with appearance, branding, events, and color choices.
[08:49] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): A problem solving resource 🙂
[08:49] Ozma Malibu: So if you have a question or need help getting started, stay for the meeting or ask us!
[08:49] Buffy Beale: so if anyone needs help with their office or just new and learning to get around in SL all welcome to join in
[08:49] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): are there any folks new to Second Life that might be interested in some help?
[08:50] Gentle Heron: Or new to NonProfit Commons…. we help with new NPC members also.
[08:50] Zinnia Zauber: We are a team that help you use virtual worlds.
[08:50] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Great for brain storming ideas
[08:50] Merlin Moonshadow: Do the mentors assist newcomers to SL with the basics – navigation, controls, etc?
[08:50] Zinnia Zauber: Several of us work inworld, teach inworld, promote inwork, and so forth.
[08:50] Gentle Heron: Yes, we assist brand new avies.
[08:50] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): or getting some feedback/thoughts about ideas you may have
[08:50] Zinnia Zauber: Yes, we do Merlin.
[08:51] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Yes Merlin
[08:51] Merlin Moonshadow: I’m interested in mentor training so that I can learn to effectively help guide newcomers that I may bring inworld.
[08:51] Zinnia Zauber: We also encourage the NPC community to share with us what baffles them to express how vital VW use is to others who don’t work inworld.
[08:51] Zinnia Zauber: That is great, Merlin!
[08:52] Zinnia Zauber: Then you should join us at our meetings and learn, Grasshopper.
[08:52] Merlin Moonshadow: Seems like a good skill set to have if I’m going to act as an advocate for firtual worlds.
[08:52] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): plz stick around for the Mentors meeting right after this one
[08:52] Merlin Moonshadow: Right up there with spelling. :/
[08:52] Glitteractica Cookie: I am also wondering if folks are interested in us bringing back the ask the tech expert mentor hour?
[08:52] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): @Merlin, Absolutely 🙂
[08:53] Merlin Moonshadow: Can I get a group invite?
[08:53] Glitteractica Cookie: OK, maybe I will ask Rik to send a more detailed msg on this to the NPC google group later in the week
[08:53] Zinnia Zauber: Glitter, we have discussed that we want to expand our 10 minute segments to a workshop format.
[08:53] Glitteractica Cookie: nice zinnia
[08:53] Zinnia Zauber: So, great minds think alike.
[08:53] Glitteractica Cookie: 🙂
[08:53] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): yeah 10 mins is barely time to introduce a topic, not reall do a training
[08:54] Valiant Westland: Thanks for the TP
[08:54] Zinnia Zauber: Please don’t be shy about asking any mentor for help. If you don’t know, if they don’t know, we will find the right person to help!
[08:54] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): great.


[08:54] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Okay lets move on to our featured topic….
[08:54] Zinnia Zauber: And, it is also a wonderful way to make new friends in SL.
[08:54] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Mashburn and Snoopy, plez come on down
[08:54] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you!
[08:55] Red (talkwithmarie): thx Z:)
[08:55] Snoopy Pfeffer: hello everybody
[08:55] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): (is there a formal SL group tag for the Mentors?)
[08:55] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Let’s welcome them to the NPC!
[08:55] Buffy Beale: hiii Snoopy and Mashburn, cheering!
[08:55] Gentle Heron: Welcome Snoopy and Mashburn.
[08:55] Snoopy Pfeffer: thank you for the invitation 🙂
[08:56] Merlin Moonshadow: /me applauds
[08:56] Mashburn Allen: thank you
[08:56] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): We invited them here to talk about a very exiting project: bringing virtual world tools to hundreds of classrooms in the metro-atlanta area!
[08:57] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Please go ahead and introduce yourselves
[08:57] Snoopy Pfeffer: thank you Rik
[08:57] Mashburn Allen: I am Steve Mashburn teh Coorindator of Onlien education for Forsyth County Schools.
[08:57] Snoopy Pfeffer: I am the founder and CEO of Dreamland Metaverse, a leading OpenSim hosting provider.
[08:58] Snoopy Pfeffer: We focus on top quality OpenSim hosting.
[08:58] Mashburn Allen: I would like to introduce my supervisor — Jill hobson is the back over there.
[08:58] Mashburn Allen: I would like to present the following topics and then answer questions.
[08:58] Mashburn Allen: OUR SCHOOL DISTRICT
[08:59] Mashburn Allen: First OUR SCHOOL DISTRICT
[08:59] Mashburn Allen: I would like to clarify who we are.
[08:59] Mashburn Allen: Metropolitan Atlanta is the 9th largest city in the United States with 5,268,860 people.
[08:59] Mashburn Allen: The metro region consist of 13 counties plus the City of Atlanta, the City of DeKalb, the City of Buford.
[08:59] Mashburn Allen: and others — but these are the ones that operate school districts
[09:00] Mashburn Allen: Forsyth County is on the extreme north part of the metro region.
[09:00] Mashburn Allen: Forsyth County Schools is the 9th largest school system in the state of Georgia with almost 38,000 students and over 3,000 full-time teachers.
[09:00] Mashburn Allen: We operate 35 schools — 19 elementary schools, nine middle schools and five high schools. We also operate a non-traditional high school, a night school and a virtual school.
[09:00] Mashburn Allen: This week we learned that we have the highest high school graduation rates in the metro Atlanta area. I believe our alternative high schools and our technology have much to do with that.
[09:01] Mashburn Allen: TECHNOLOGY:
[09:01] Mashburn Allen: Technology has the power to improve teaching and learning like never before. Forsyth County Schools is dedicated to improving student achievement through technology-enriched learning opportunities.
[09:01] Mashburn Allen: Our vision is to use classroom technology to engage students in asking questions and choosing tools to facilitate real world problem solving.
[09:01] Mashburn Allen: Our school district decided to use technology, not just to do the same things more efficiently, but to create a “state of the art” collaborative classroom.
[09:01] Mashburn Allen: We have installed interactive whiteboards in all of our classrooms across the district. The classroom package includes the interactive whiteboard, a ceiling mounted projector and integrated sound and video system. It’s having a tremendous impact on keeping our students more engaged.
[09:02] Mashburn Allen: To support the school system’s technology initiatives, Instructional Technology Specialists are assigned to each school to work with teachers to model teaching and learning strategies for technology integration.
[09:02] Mashburn Allen: Teachers participate in on-going professional development to experiment, initiate, and create new models of teaching and learning for dynamic and changing curricula.
[09:02] Mashburn Allen: Through the Technology Integration for Performance Standards (TIPS) course, teachers receive intensive instruction in standards-based unit design with an emphasis on technology integration using the myriad of resources available, classroom technology management strategies, and professional productivity skills.
[09:03] Mashburn Allen: We furnish access to a earning management System (LMS) to every teacher in the district. Right now we are averaging 8000 students logged into the LMS at 7:00 every night.
[09:03] Mashburn Allen: Although no district in the United States has attempted to blend online education with the traditional classroom on this scale, we believe our 21st century classroom is not an alternative way to do school, but the very future of education itself.
[09:03] Buffy Beale: wow
[09:03] Ozma Malibu: fantastic.
[09:03] Mashburn Allen: We see virtual worlds technology as the next logical step for us as we attempt to move online education away from the LMS into more interactive and engaging tools.
[09:03] Mashburn Allen: We are implementing virtual world technology similar to the way we implemented the LMS. we will not force every teacher to use virtual worlds technology — we have started with a small dedicated group and let the excitement build so that students and parents will demand it.
[09:04] Mashburn Allen: This approach works much better than having the central office pass down a mandate.
[09:04] Mashburn Allen: Although SL and OpenSim have been used in education for 7 or 8 years now, it has been mostly by early adapters who have implemented it on a classroom level.
[09:04] Mashburn Allen: The newsworthiness of our story is not that we have implemented a virtual world in every classroom (with 38,000 students that is almost impossible to do overnight)
[09:04] Mashburn Allen: but rather that we have made the commitment to virtual worlds on a systemic level with the total support of the Board of Education, the Superintendent of Schools and all the upper-level district administrators
[09:04] Mashburn Allen: VISION OF NOBLE:
[09:05] Mashburn Allen: Please understand that we are still in the start-up phase and most of what follows is theory.
[09:05] Mashburn Allen: We are dedicated to developing literate and productive citizens of the 21st century by using a 3D virtual worlds technology that immerses students in differentiated, challenge-based learning experiences.
[09:05] Mashburn Allen: Designed to support the idea that every child can learn, NOBLE (New Opportunities for Better Learning Environments) allows students to work individually, to work in collaboration with each other and to work with teachers to gain the skills necessary to meet and surpass the requirements of the national Common Core Curriculum.
[09:05] Mashburn Allen: Continuous evaluation and feedback allow students to plan, revise, and reflect on their own learning.
Summative assessment is based upon academic competencies within contexts that are relevant, meaningful and authentic.
[09:06] Mashburn Allen: In NOBLE students will not “do” science experiments, math problems or art activities.
[09:06] Mashburn Allen: Instead they will use their avatars in a 3D virtual world to “be” scientists who do experiments to solve a problem, engineers who use math concepts to construct a bridge and graphic designers who use color theory to design a business logo.
[09:06] Mashburn Allen: NOBLE is not about creating a layer of superficial knowledge or developing an arbitrary skill set but is concerned with engaging students with the world.
[09:06] Mashburn Allen: As social constructivists, we believe that students not only construct their own knowledge but that they do so within a social context.
[09:06] Mashburn Allen: Furthermore, we believe that three main threads of Jung’s analytical psychology should be considerations in developing online education:
[09:07] Mashburn Allen: 1. Personality Types – instruction is differentiated for different learning styles.
2. Archetypal Formations – archetypal structures and functions guide student work and development.
3. Synchronicity – non-causal connections have significance and teachable moments are treasured.
[09:07] Mashburn Allen: NOBLE believes that the interaction of today’s students with digital media and games have changed the parameters in which schools must operate.
[09:07] Mashburn Allen: School can no longer assume that students will learn with through lectures and worksheets.
[09:07] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): (so true!)
[09:07] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): (yes!)
[09:07] Mashburn Allen: Popular media has raised the bar for educators in terms of engaging students and we must meet the students where they are in the realm of the modern digital world
[09:08] Mashburn Allen: if we wish our students to achieve the mastery of the skills and literacies necessary for success in college and in the work force.
[09:08] Mashburn Allen: NOBLE will use online and face-to-face deliveries to create a nurturing and vibrant 21st century environment that supports ALL students in developing academic excellence, social responsibility, respect for others, and a passion for lifelong learning.
[09:08] Mashburn Allen: NOBLE supports a dynamic curriculum that uses a 3D virtual world to create academically challenging, immersive, learning experiences for students. Real and direct application of academic concepts is given meaning through rich, interactive project-based learning activities where student’s avatars not only “learn by doing” but do so within a social context with others.
[09:08] Mashburn Allen: Everyone has had an experience with someone who “knew his stuff” but couldn’t get along with others well enough to get the job done. At NOBLE our motto is Learn to Do, Learn to Be.
[09:09] Mashburn Allen: NOBLE cultivate the type of learning that is possible today—learning based on access to online resources and tools from around the globe, learning that supports customized content for every student, learning that is game-like in its ability to inspire and motivate along and learning with face-to-face traditional instruction when that is the best way to deliver the instruction.
[09:09] Mashburn Allen: Our learning model enables all students, with a diverse range of personality traits and learning styles to be successful. Furthermore, unlike most online learning (even game-based learning which is always pre-set and calculated), the virtual world allows a degree of unexpectedness, the opportunity for the spontaneous, the occurrence of a teachable moment that so often makes teaching and learning a delight.
[09:09] Mashburn Allen: At the heart of it, avatars in a virtual world are people interacting with other people.
[09:09] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): (nice!)
[09:10] Mashburn Allen: ok — thats the pis in the sky — heres how we are doing it
[09:10] Mashburn Allen: NOBLE students Learn by Doing, Learn by Being.
[09:10] Mashburn Allen: 1. Use models and simulations to study the science of weather
[09:10] Mashburn Allen: 2. Decode messages with an Enigma machine to learning mathematical reasoning.
[09:10] Mashburn Allen: 3. Creating a role-playing game where the Founding Fathers write the Constitution to reflect an alternate set of values to learn about social norms.
[09:10] Mashburn Allen: We think that this engaging and motivating approach provides a platform for developing the technological, artistic, cognitive, social, and linguistic skills that today’s students need
[09:11] Mashburn Allen: Rather than defining school as a separate place in time and space from the concerns and communities of children’s lives, NOBLE reaches out into the home, into local and global communities to which students belong.
[09:11] Mashburn Allen: This does not mean that students are expected to be “at school” 24/7; it does mean that all experiences are leveraged as potential contexts for learning, building on nascent interest-driven participation motivating student engagement.
[09:11] Mashburn Allen: The following link contains specific information about our NOBLE program.
[09:11] Mashburn Allen: Before I turn the presentation over to Snoopy for the technical part, I wish to thank Dreamland Metaverse for all of the effort they have made in out behalf.
[09:12] Mashburn Allen: They have been a pleasure to work with and I am pleased to announce today that we are planning to triple our regions on Dreamland Metaverse for the next school year.
[09:12] Mashburn Allen: Snoopy?
[09:12] Snoopy Pfeffer: Thanks again for the invitation! I am happy to be here and to have the opportunity to talk about our project with the Forsyth County Schools and about what we offer.
[09:12] Snoopy Pfeffer: Dreamland Metaverse offers OpenSim hosting as fully managed services. Customers do not have to care about the underlying technology platform – like here in SL.
[09:12] Snoopy Pfeffer: We are the most experienced OpenSim hosting provider, longest in business, since 2008 already.
[09:13] Snoopy Pfeffer: Since the very beginning, we are known for best service quality and an outstanding customer service. We offer OpenSim regions and full OpenSim grids.
[09:13] Snoopy Pfeffer: Our customers include top content creators, well-known educational institutions and corporations, up to some Fortune 500 corporations. Most of our customers are professional OpenSim users..
[09:13] Snoopy Pfeffer: What we do for OpenSim development:
[09:14] Snoopy Pfeffer: I am one of the OpenSim core developers and I mainly focus on adding new functionality to OpenSim, fixing bugs and implementing requirement of professional users.
[09:14] Snoopy Pfeffer: In the past, I did regularly help my customers by fixing OpenSim issues, that had impacted their projects. For example, I did fix a big to make it possible to use complex, scripted HUDs in OpenSim.
[09:14] Snoopy Pfeffer: We are proud that Forsyth County Schools has chosen us as OpenSim hosting partner. This co-operation is important for us and allows us to strengthen our offer for educational institutions even more.
[09:15] Snoopy Pfeffer: We did already implement additional functionality to fulfill the specific requirements of institutions like the Forsyth County Schools.
[09:15] Snoopy Pfeffer: OpenSim provides so called “user levels”, similar like Second Life. Normal users have the user level 0, whereas grid gods have the user level 200.
[09:15] Snoopy Pfeffer: Such user levels can be used to distinguish users with different rights, like students (0), teachers (i.e. 50), administrators (i.e. 100) and grid gods (200).
[09:15] Snoopy Pfeffer: Based on that user level concept, we have added OpenSim functionality that ensures a safe and secure virtual world experience for students, while not unnecessarily restricting the functionality of teachers and administrators.
[09:16] Snoopy Pfeffer: These restrictions include the rights to upload assets and to create groups as well as HyperGrid related permissions.
[09:16] Snoopy Pfeffer: HyperGrid is an OpenSim technology, that allows users to travel to other virtual worlds. It is understandable, that students should not be allowed to travel to other places, while teachers like this functionality, because it allows them to get virtual world contents for their lectures.
[09:16] Snoopy Pfeffer: On the other hand users from other virtual worlds need to be blocked from visiting such a closed virtual world. Such “foreign” users are not allowed to contact local users via instant messages or by sending them friendship invitations.
[09:17] Snoopy Pfeffer: We have added all this functionality and more to OpenSim, to provide educational institutions a safe virtual world environment for their students, while not unnecessarily restricting the possibilities for authorized teachers and administrators.
[09:17] Snoopy Pfeffer: Additionally we have added bulk functions on our web based control panel. They allow administrators to add or update user memberships and to invite or eject users from groups, which are used for access control to parts of the grid.
[09:18] Snoopy Pfeffer: We are looking forward, to further intensify our co-operation with all our customers, existing and new ones, to make the benefits of OpenSim more widely available to educational institutions and other professional users.
[09:18] Snoopy Pfeffer: You can find more information about Dreamland Metaverse and what we offer at
[09:18] Snoopy Pfeffer: Thank you for your attention. 🙂
[09:18] Ozma Malibu: FANTASTIC and a thorough understanding of the issues. wow.
[09:19] Buffy Beale: This is so terrific, well done!
[09:19] Ozma Malibu: I want to move to Georgia.
[09:19] Chayenn: great project
[09:19] Eraldo Carlucci: Snoopy provides the highest level of customer support that I’ve experienced
[09:19] Snoopy Pfeffer: thanks
[09:19] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Really inspiring your vision, thanks for sharing it
[09:19] Mashburn Allen: thank you
[09:19] bulaklak: Amazing!
[09:19] Snoopy Pfeffer: thanks Eraldo 🙂
[09:19] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): well we have time for a few questions
[09:19] Ozma Malibu: oh good
[09:19] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Can I ask about teacher training?
[09:19] Merlin Moonshadow: This does sound like an amazing program.
[09:19] Kate B (captainflint006): thank you
[09:20] Zotarah Shepherd: What an awesome project. Are you publishing about the progress of your program so other school districts can see the value of education in virtual worlds and use this model?
[09:20] Ozma Malibu: how is it funded? are you working with higher ed on the research?
[09:20] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): How are you getting your teachers ready to use VW tools, which can be very complicated to master?
[09:20] Sister Abeyante: @ Mashburn- This is a fantastic project… can you share a “ball park” price tag for a district to design and implementing something this major?
[09:20] Ozma Malibu: Hi Mashburn. Congratulations – this is very good, as you know. I am in edtech in Arizona. What LMS are you using? How did you get the Superintendant on board?? How great that you get to have really good professional development because a lot of good edtech initiatives fall to the wayside due to the lack of good PD. I am curious about the use of Jungian theory as I haven’t seen that in ed initiatives. And, what is your educational background? whatever it is, it certainly seems to work. (Oh and in AZ we do have a cool math non-competitive math game that will be available online & we are expecting children to login in the evening. Digital divide issues are still a concern.)
[09:20] Buffy Beale: lol Oz
[09:20] Mashburn Allen: We offer an initial teacher training — face -to face and then ongoing suppport as they begin their ptojects
[09:20] Kate B (captainflint006): beats my multi user sim on a stick program in Australia
[09:20] Ozma Malibu: desperate for answers Buffy 🙂
[09:20] Mashburn Allen: ANGEL is our LMS — we are the largest ANGEL account inteh world I believe — maybe 2nd
[09:21] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): (sorry what is “LMS”?)
[09:21] Mashburn Allen: I have a ED.S. in Instructional technology — myh these was omn Jungian Concepts in Online Learning
[09:21] Mashburn Allen: learnng management system
[09:21] Mashburn Allen: like Blackboard, MOodle, etc
[09:21] bulaklak: (thanks, Rik, I was wondering, too)
[09:21] Gentle Heron: LMS = learning management system like SLoodle or Blackboard.
[09:22] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): (thanks)
[09:22] Mashburn Allen: Moodle I meant
[09:22] Rhiannon Chatnoir: so then what LMS are using Mashburn
[09:22] Buffy Beale: 🙂 Oz
[09:22] Ozma Malibu: Mashburn, they certainly picked the right person!
[09:22] Rhiannon Chatnoir: k
[09:22] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): (been hanging around a lot of teachers & ed tech folks lately… pick that one up 🙂
[09:22] Mashburn Allen: SLoodle is an interface between Mooidle and SL
[09:22] Rhiannon Chatnoir: nod
[09:23] Snoopy Pfeffer: SLoodle is one of the most popular tools for educators
[09:23] Merlin Moonshadow: I’m curious as to how quickly the teachers and students learn to navigate in OpenSim and how they take to the virtual environment.
[09:24] Mashburn Allen: well it is a steep learning curve for teachers — the kids master it overnight LOL
[09:24] Snoopy Pfeffer: hehe 10 minutes? 😉
[09:24] Merlin Moonshadow: That’s pretty much what I figured. 🙂
[09:24] Ozma Malibu: So how *did you get the Superintendent on board? He or she must give you a free rein.
[09:24] Mashburn Allen: we built capacity
[09:24] Mashburn Allen: and that took years
[09:24] Rhiannon Chatnoir: I also have the question on since are on Open Sim, are you building your own content, utilizing the free resources, bringing in developers, etc?
[09:24] Mashburn Allen: you cant start here — you have to build the thinking
[09:25] Mashburn Allen: on content? YES to everything you said
[09:25] Rhiannon Chatnoir: lol
[09:25] Snoopy Pfeffer: there is also great free contents for OpenSim, like from Linda Kellie
[09:25] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes
[09:25] Merlin Moonshadow: How did you start out? What kind of projects did you use as test runs to generate interest?
[09:26] Mashburn Allen: I taught an online endorsement course for state certification
[09:26] Mashburn Allen: in online teaching
[09:26] Kate B (captainflint006): i use the kid avatars from Linda Kellie and created school uniforms identical to their RL
[09:26] Mashburn Allen: as part of tghat course we explored SL
[09:26] Rhiannon Chatnoir: /me is also working on a project for disabled students at UGA and Georgia Tech that is NSF funded, how is this iniative funded?
[09:26] Mashburn Allen: local funds
[09:26] Mashburn Allen: and my boss said DO THIS
[09:26] Mashburn Allen: lol
[09:26] Eraldo Carlucci: Mashburn, just to needle you…….why aren’t we having this meeting in Opensim?
[09:27] Rhiannon Chatnoir: good that have that buy in 🙂
[09:27] Mashburn Allen: Im a guest here
[09:27] Ozma Malibu: I want a boss like that.
[09:27] Snoopy Pfeffer: hehe
[09:28] Rhiannon Chatnoir: there are groups like Pathfinders’s grid hoppers group and others that do explore OpenSim sites, so there are opportunities to visit others
[09:28] Mashburn Allen: she is good — ecveryone is Forsyth County is great — thats why we have a good school system — get good people an dthey make thkings happen
[09:28] Rhiannon Chatnoir: but, if this project is fairly closed, imagine opening up a tour could be a bit sticky
[09:28] Mashburn Allen: well — the thing about opensim is you contoll access
[09:29] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): (yes, should be just a matter of granting “day passes”)
[09:29] Snoopy Pfeffer: well grids can allow just certain users, based on the user level, to do HyperGrid traveling
[09:29] Mashburn Allen: so I can send invitations out make accountg have a toiur and then close it up again
[09:29] Mashburn Allen: try doing things like that in SL
[09:29] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Do you anticipate most students will interface with the VW through the digital whiteboards or laptops or desktops? Seems like a lot of technology needs for this.
[09:29] Merlin Moonshadow: How can we keep in touch with what you’re doing in Forsyth? Your success could open a lot of doors for the rest of us.
[09:29] Rhiannon Chatnoir: nod, must be refreshing to have more granular control 🙂
[09:29] Mashburn Allen: the website link is the best way
[09:30] loczek1996: polish?
[09:30] Merlin Moonshadow: /me seconds Rik’s question above.
[09:31] Snoopy Pfeffer: may I aks who of you uses OpenSim already?
[09:31] Mashburn Allen: oh – sorry didnt see that
[09:31] Snoopy Pfeffer: ask*
[09:31] Eraldo Carlucci: +1
[09:31] Mashburn Allen: we have four compueters in every classroom
[09:31] loczek1996: sex?
[09:31] Mashburn Allen: and we encourage the use of learning stations —
[09:31] Mashburn Allen: not having class has to go to a computer lab
[09:31] Zotarah Shepherd: Have you published anything yet in a Journal?
[09:31] Mashburn Allen: or use notebook carts
[09:32] Mashburn Allen: naw –Im a DOER
[09:32] Mashburn Allen: lol
[09:32] Zotarah Shepherd: Without publishing it would be hard to sell the idea to schools.
[09:33] Mashburn Allen: Im at the end of my career — that part has no appeal to me at this stage — I retire in a year
[09:33] Snoopy Pfeffer: yes, OpenSim needs more success stories as well as the different kinds of applications for it
[09:34] Mashburn Allen: its gonna happen — no doubt about it
[09:34] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Well this is a super interesting project , but I think we need to close for today
[09:34] Snoopy Pfeffer: thank aou again for the invitation
[09:34] Kate B (captainflint006): Great thank you
[09:34] Eraldo Carlucci: Great presentation Mashburn and Snoopy!
[09:34] Snoopy Pfeffer: you*
[09:34] Mashburn Allen: thank you
[09:34] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Snoopy and Mashburn, can you reitierate how people can stay in touch with you and stay up to date on this initiatie?
[09:34] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): initiative?
[09:34] Snoopy Pfeffer: my email address is
[09:34] Merlin Moonshadow: Thanks, Mashburn and Snoopy!
[09:35] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): very intriguing work
[09:35] Mashburn Allen: the website link is the best way
[09:35] Buffy Beale: thanks Snoopy and Mashburn, great info and presentation!
[09:35] Ozma Malibu: What is the website?
[09:35] Mashburn Allen: my email is
[09:35] Snoopy Pfeffer: news are also published on the web site
[09:35] Ozma Malibu: oh thank you both for the contact info.
[09:35] Mashburn Allen:
[09:35] Snoopy Pfeffer: welcome
[09:35] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): please feel free to come back once there is more to report. We’d love to see some examples of student work !
[09:36] Mashburn Allen: thank you!
[09:36] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): we’ll of course publish this info on our blog soon
[09:36] Mashburn Allen: there is n more on the website
[09:36] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): lets hear it for Mashburn and Snoopy!
[09:36] Buffy Beale: cheering!
[09:36] Merlin Moonshadow: /me applauds
[09:36] Snoopy Pfeffer: I can also ask some other clients – like some universities – if they are interested to talk about their projects
[09:36] Gentle Heron: Thank you Mashburn and Snoopy.
[09:36] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): snoopy, definitely
[09:36] Mashburn Allen: dANG — i DONT HAVE A GRACEFUL BOWING AMIN!
[09:37] Merlin Moonshadow: I would love to hear what others are doing, especially in higher ed.
[09:37] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): lol
[09:37] Dancers Yao: excellent….thx
[09:37] Snoopy Pfeffer: I will ask them
[09:37] Chayenn: very interesting bravo


[09:37] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): ok well now lets transition toward our last agenda item: OPEN MIC
[09:37] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Who has announcements for the community?
[09:38] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): While you get those ready, let me remind you of all the ways you can find NPC on the web….
[09:38] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Nonprofit Commons blog:

Google Group:
Google Calendar:

About TechSoup:

Weekly Networking Event: Wharf Ratz, Aloft, Tuesdays, 7-9pm SLT…

Monthly Networking Event (3rd Thursday):
Common Ground, Plush, 5PM-7PM SLT…
[09:38] Zotarah Shepherd: For Higher Ed information attend VWER meetings each Thursday at 11:30am slt.
[09:39] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): any announcements?
[09:39] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): raise your hand please
[09:40] Glitteractica Cookie: or if you don’t know how to raise your avatar hand, say me please!
[09:40] LisaSchaefer Ruby: Tek is raising both hands
[09:40] Buffy Beale: Raises Hand
[09:40] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): really?
[09:40] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): ok Tek and then Buffy
[09:40] LisaSchaefer Ruby: he is in my viewer
[09:40] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I can’t see his caht
[09:40] Tek Blitz: lol maybe i should rebake
[09:41] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): ah there you are. go ahead, tek, if you haven’t already
[09:41] Tek Blitz: sorry i wasn’t raising my hand
[09:42] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): oh no? Lisa said you were
[09:42] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): (ok, I’ve got something that might be of interest to share as well…)
[09:42] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Go ahead Buffy and then Jerry
[09:42] Buffy Beale: thanks Rik
[09:42] Buffy Beale: I received a note from Ellie Brewster, our own Nany Kayo is giving a presentation on Sunday
[09:42] Buffy Beale: here’s the note:
[09:43] Buffy Beale: Due to unavoidable technical difficulties, Nancy K. MacDonald Miller’s lecture on violence against women in Native American communities has been postponed for one week.

The new time for the lecture is Sunday, April 15, at 11 am Pacific, 2pm Eastern and 7pm GMT. Please join us then, on Minerva, the research and study space for the Department of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies at The Ohio State University.

To access our space, please use the instructions on this page:

For further information, please contact

Dr. Sharon Collingwood

Department of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies
The Ohio State University
286 University Hall, 230 North Oval Mall
Columbus, Ohio 43210-1311

Twitter: @EllieBrewster

Blog: Exploring the Virtual Classroom
Minerva Events:

Visit Minerva Island in Second Life:

Avatar: Ellie Brewster (Second Life, Re
[09:43] Buffy Beale: that’s it thanks
[09:43] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): very important topic
[09:43] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): ok Jerry?
[09:44] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): I’ve been participating in the Virtual Worlds, Games and Education MOOC these last several weeks
[09:44] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko):
[09:44] Buffy Beale: nice one Jerry
[09:44] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): It’s an offshoot of the VWBPE conference
[09:44] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes.. I have been too.. w00t!
[09:44] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): If you’re even vaguesly interested in any of those topics
[09:44] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): I’d encourage you to check out the course activities
[09:45] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): that’s all
[09:45] Rhiannon Chatnoir: we have even been venturing off together in WoW, Minecraft, etc
[09:45] Glitteractica Cookie: I need to fly a few minutes early all. See you next week.
[09:45] Buffy Beale: bye Glitter
[09:45] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): Yes, it’s been a great experience.
[09:45] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): bye Glitter
[09:45] Merlin Moonshadow: I really wanted to participate more, but haven’t had time the last few weeks. 🙁
[09:45] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): thanks Jerry good to know
[09:46] Jerry Buchko (jerrybuchko): thanks Rik
[09:46] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): ok well that wraps it up for this week I think
[09:46] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): thanks again for coming to anotehr weekly NPC meeting
[09:46] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Thanksespecially to our guests Mashburn and Snoopy
[09:47] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Please stick around if you have questions or need help
[09:47] Merlin Moonshadow: Thanks for hosting and providing the opportunity to find out more about this program. 🙂
[09:47] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): otherwise, have a great Friday and restful weekend!
[09:47] Buffy Beale: You too Rik thanks for another great meeting
[09:47] alebez: thank you for a great meeting, all. have a good one!
[09:47] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): my pleasure
[09:48] bulaklak: Thanks, Rik! Have a great weekend, all.

Written by: rikomatic

Ancient Sites Brought Back To Life

Imagine you were a kid again learning about ancient civilizations, way back when. A montage of ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt, and the Asias flashes before you. Now imagine how cool it would have been if your teacher projected a virtual replication of those ancient civilizations based on archaeological evidence, into a virtual space called ScienceSim. I know I’d be stoked.

Fast-forward to now, where this can actually happen thanks to the innovation of people like Marion Smeltzer and virtual spaces like Archeology Island. Kids these days are so lucky!

According to the Department of Anthropology at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Archaeology Island is a virtual learning environment that can be used specifically for “visualization, training, and scientific discovery.” It consists of various “virtualizations of archaeological sites investigated by faculty members in the IUP Anthropology, History, and Sociology departments. Sites featured on the island include the recreation of a Monongahela Village investigated in Western Pennsylvania, a Roman site in Cyprus, an underwater shipwreck, and a Maya site in Belize. Also reconstructed is an antebellum community of former slaves at Laurel Hill/Brown farm, established in 1790 and occupied until the 1960s. Because of its inaccessibility, the area has been virtually reconstructed to show the landscape, buildings, and stones marking the graves of Civil War colored troops.”

All of that is made possible on ScienceSim, where developers have made it easy for “newbies” to get their hands dirty and involved in building with visualization tools. Places like Archaeology Island allow students not only the thrill of archaeological discovery, but would allow for “experimentation and design in virtual worlds” and would inform how excavation and preservation work to recreate moments in history.

Written by: alebez

A Virtual World in Every Classroom: Learn about Atlanta’s Noble Virtual World this Friday April 13

On Friday April 13, we are very pleased to be able to welcome Steve Allen Mashburn of the Forsyth County Schools in Georgia, as well asSnoopy Pfeffer of Dreamland Metaverse, to talk about a project that will be bringing an opensim virtual world into every classroom in metro-Atlanta district in Georgia. Called the NOBLE Virtual World, this opensim-based 3d environment will allow educators to transport their students to far-off lands and places of the imagination, such as the Berlin Wall during the Cold War or a castle in the Medieval era. Comprised of 35 schools with 35,000 students, the metro-Atlanta district will offer each school teacher the opportunity to use this 3D world in their classroom.

To learn more, come to the Nonprofit Commons this Friday April 13, starting at 8:30am. We’ll also have news from, knowledge sharing from our Mentors Team, and general announcements. See you at the Plush Nonprofit Commons!


April 13, 2012, 8:30am PST

Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheate


  • 8:30am Introductions
  • 8:40am TechSoup Announcements
  • 8:45am Mentors Central
  • 8:55am Steve Allen Mashburn and Snoopy Pfeffer , Noble Virtual World for Atlanta Students
  • 9:30am OpenMic/ Announcements

More about our speakers….
Steve Mashburn
As Coordinator of Online Education for Forsyth County Schools, Steve Mashburn has overseen the development of new and alternate ways to delivery instruction to the students of Forsyth County for the past seven years. Steve’s philosophy is that instructional technology facilitates a student-center learning environment and develops the higher-level thinking skills necessary for achieving quality work. Steve has taught band, music and drama in schools throughout north Georgia for 15 years. Several of his musical compositions and method books have been published by Charles Hansen Music. His non-teaching experience includes three years as a manager of a music retail store and five years as an owner/operator of an offset print shop.

Dreamland Metaverse

Dreamland Metaverse is a privately held company, founded in 2008 and focusing on OpenSim hosting services for the international market. Our staff and partners are located in Europe, North America and Asia. Our founder and CEO is a recognized specialist in the IT and virtual world area, with many years of experience in leading edge computer technology and business development for bigger companies. Scientific background: degree in computer science and Executive Master of Business Administration from the University of Rochester, NY.  Development activities: OpenSim core developer and Open Metaverse Foundation developer.

Dreamland Metaverse is the leading hosting provider of top quality OpenSim regions and grids. We offer OpenSim regions in OSGrid and as standalone regions. Our customers include private customers, educational institutions and companies, up to Fortune 500 corporations. Our goal is to provide an excellent service for a fair price. Our references show, that we offer best service quality and an outstanding customer service. We offer professional OpenSim hosting services since 2008. We are the oldest and most experienced OpenSim hosting provider. As active OpenSim core developers we know how to ensure best availability and reliability. Since many years our OpenSim services are known for highest service quality.



Written by: rikomatic

Transcript of NPC Meeting with Marion R Smeltzer of Archeology Island April 6

This is the full chatlog transcript of the April 6 Nonprofit Commons meeting in Second Life. Our featured speaker was Ms. Marion R Smeltzer, lead developer of Archeology Island on ScienceSim.

Read on for the full transcript of this interesting meeting!

April 6, 2012, 8:30am PST
Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater

8:30am Introductions
8:40am TechSoup Announcements
8:45am Mentors Central
8:55am Marion R Smeltzer, Archeology Island
9:30am OpenMic/ Announcements


[08:30] DyVerse Jeffery-Steele (dyverse): hello to all multirasking this morning watching a discussion on mental health for national public health week
[08:30] Glitteractica Cookie: Let’s get this party started, shall we?
[08:30] Glitteractica Cookie: Is Alebez in the house?
[08:31] Glitteractica Cookie: not yet…?
[08:31] Panny Bakerly: /me wakes up to a party? Mmmm
[08:31] Glitteractica Cookie: OK, when she arrives, I’ll have her sit here, so the team can represent
[08:31] Flight Band: All Go
[08:31] Glitteractica Cookie: Every day is a party with the NPC
[08:31] Nova Saunders: lol
[08:31] Panny Bakerly: /me me like!
[08:31] Glitteractica Cookie: OK, on that note…
[08:32] Glitteractica Cookie: Good Morning and welcome to the nonprofit commons in Second Life meeting
[08:32] Calliope Lexington: hello buffy
[08:32] Glitteractica Cookie: We a re a communtiy of nonprfit employees ad friends of nonprofits and NGOs/Libraies
[08:32] Panny Bakerly: Hi Gentle
[08:32] Glitteractica Cookie: And we are a community that is run by TechSoup
[08:33] DyVerse Jeffery-Steele (dyverse): rah!! npc and techsoup
[08:33] Buffy Beale: hiii Calli great to see you 🙂
[08:33] Calliope Lexington: 🙂
[08:33] Glitteractica Cookie: Rik, your humble servant, is away this week
[08:33] Glitteractica Cookie: so I’m leading the meeting with my trusty community manager and right hand man, Bulaklak
[08:34] Glitteractica Cookie: Please will you all tell your fellow avatars your real life name, nonprofit org affiliation, location where you are sitting in the physical world, URL and twitter handle, if you are so inclined? These introductins will be archived in our wiki at
[08:34] Buffy Beale: Buffy Bye, Bridges for Women, Victoria BC Canada, @bridges4women
[08:35] Zinnia Zauber: Renne Emiko Brock-Richmond, President of Sequim Humanities and Arts Alliance, Sequim, Olympic Peninsula, Washington. @renneemiko
[08:35] Ethelred Weatherwax: Dave Dexter, Neenah Historical Society, Wisconsin USA
[08:35] Brena Benoir: Brenda Bryan, Preferred Family Healthcare, Kirksville, Missouri,, @brenabenoir
[08:35] Panny Bakerly: Jeanne Booth, Freeport Historical Society, Freeport, NY; @FrptHisSoc
[08:35] Glitteractica Cookie: I’m Susan Tenby, Online Community and Social Media director, TechSOup Global, San Francisco, USA @techsoup @suzboop on twitter. and I love my job! Seriously!
[08:35] Gentle Heron: Virtual Ability, Inc. with links to Facebook, twitter, blog on the home page
[08:35] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Bruce Hestley, Transgender American Veterans Association, Akron, OH,
[08:35] Dancers Yao: Kara Bennett, Elder Voices, Los Angeles, CA Health Care and Human Rights
[08:35] millay Freschi: Amy Cross Four Bridges project, Amnesty International, University of Maine, Maine
[08:36] Chayenn: Monique Richert, Protect Yourself 1, Inc., Baltimore, MD ,, @PY1US
[08:36] bulaklak: Michael DeLong, Online Community Manager at TechSoup Global, @MichaelDeLongSF @TechSoup, San Francisco, CA, United States
[08:36] alebez: Ale Bezdikian, Online Community Coordinator, TechSoup, San Francisco Ca. @TechSoup, @alebez
[08:36] orb Thursday: Ann Correia Four Bridges Bangor Maine orbweavers@twitter
[08:36] Dr. Gasior (stephen.xootfly): Stephen Gasior. Ph.D. Biology Instructor at U. of New Orleans and founder of Biological Interactive Objects for Science Education (BIO-SE) New Orleans. At my dinner table.
[08:36] James Carbetta: James Corbett, MissionV Education, Limerick Ireland, @MissionVHQ
[08:36] Glitteractica Cookie: (alebez, please join us up front)
[08:36] DyVerse Jeffery-Steele (dyverse): Ricky Davis San Antonio, @dyverse_steele, DJ for nonprofit commons HIV/AIDS peer support
[08:37] Kali Idziak: Jessica Dally, Community Voice Mail, Seattle, WA
[08:37] Zinnia Zauber: Hey you guys, please get your gift from the Peeps Group Hug next to the CommonGround sign in the front!
[08:38] Glitteractica Cookie: If you haven’t already done so, please Please will you all tell your fellow avatars your real life name, nonprofit org affiliation, location where you are sitting in the physical world, URL and twitter handle, if you are so inclined? These introductins will be archived in our wiki at
[08:39] Adalace Jewell: Corine van Hellemont, Rosa Library Brussels,
[08:39] Hour Destiny: Morris Cox, none currently, Mesquite NV, @morriscox Working on an app to be a “second memory”.
[08:39] Calliope Lexington: Beatrice Boccardi, Italy, Naples,, lboratory for scientific and cultural popularisation in the digital age
[08:39] Dreamingen Writer: /me takes a humble bow
[08:39] CarynTopia Silvercloud: Caryn Heilman, Topia Arts Center in the Berkshires of NW, MA but currently sitting in NYC,, @TopiaArtsCenter
[08:40] Nova Saunders: Nova Saunders archaeology Island
[08:40] Glitteractica Cookie: ANy more introductions?
[08:40] Glitteractica Cookie: There are a lot of you here today
[08:40] Buffy Beale: waves to milay 🙂
[08:40] Glitteractica Cookie: I’d love to make sure you are all properly introduced
[08:41] Red (talkwithmarie): Marie C. Girls Project/Talk! with Marie, @talkwithmarie
[08:41] Glitteractica Cookie: really big turn-out
[08:41] Red (talkwithmarie): hi millay & Orb:)
[08:41] Jen (jenelle.levenque): 31 right now Glitter
[08:41] Hour Destiny: That’ll take hours. 🙂
[08:41] millay Freschi: 🙂
[08:41] orb Thursday: 🙂
[08:41] Glitteractica Cookie: OK, last call for introductions… anyone else ready to intro themselves?
[08:42] Kira Komarov: Hello, Kira Komarov from Wizardry and Steamworks 🙂


[08:42] Glitteractica Cookie: OK, I just wanted to take a moment to honor my amazing team mates, Ale and Bulaklak
[08:42] Buffy Beale: cheering!
[08:42] Red (talkwithmarie): woot!woot!
[08:42] Zinnia Zauber: Rah!
[08:42] Glitteractica Cookie: They have worked their little avatar behinds off over the past few months, but especially in the past two weeks
[08:43] Panny Bakerly: /me clap
[08:43] orb Thursday: yay!
[08:43] alebez: thanks, glitter
[08:43] Glitteractica Cookie: I am serious, after this NTC conference last week, I was seriously so aware of how good my team is
[08:43] bulaklak: *blush*
[08:43] DyVerse Jeffery-Steele (dyverse): o/
[08:43] DyVerse Jeffery-Steele (dyverse): || Yaaaaaaaay n Stuff!!!!!
[08:43] DyVerse Jeffery-Steele (dyverse): /
[08:43] DyVerse Jeffery-Steele (dyverse): techsoup guru’s
[08:43] Glitteractica Cookie: It’s really hard to find a great team, and I have one
[08:43] millay Freschi: ‚úñ‚úñ YAYYYYY!!! ‚úñ‚úñ
[08:43] Aletheia Lyre: yay!!!
[08:43] millay Freschi: hi lethy 🙂
[08:44] Glitteractica Cookie: so, please follow them on twitter and get to know them, bc they are the bomb
[08:44] DyVerse Jeffery-Steele (dyverse): the NTC had some great looking topics one day I will be attending if just online
[08:44] Aletheia Lyre: hi – had trouble rezzing, had to get out, back.
[08:44] Glitteractica Cookie: it just ended Dy Verse
[08:44] Glitteractica Cookie: it was all week
[08:44] DyVerse Jeffery-Steele (dyverse): I know I was following some tweet chats
[08:45] Glitteractica Cookie: but we can see some in the archives
[08:45] Aletheia Lyre: ty
[08:45] Glitteractica Cookie: AleBez or Bulaklak, do you have any info you want to share about your experience at NTC this year?
[08:46] Glitteractica Cookie: interesting people you met or sessions you attended?
[08:46] bulaklak: Sure! I had a great time and learned a lot.
[08:46] Glitteractica Cookie:
[08:46] alebez: This was my first NTC! and it was magical.
[08:46] bulaklak: One of my favorite sessions was one on social media (surprise!)
[08:46] bulaklak: @CariGrls from @humanesociety spoke
[08:47] alebez: The session I most enjoyed was about how to best engage youth in social media. It was put on by an org called mosaic
[08:47] bulaklak: And I love the way she illustrated what not to do on social media by sharing past mistakes and lessons learned with the @humanesociety Twitter account
[08:47] bulaklak: It was a great example of practicing what she preached, i.e. transparency
[08:47] Aletheia Lyre: 🙂
[08:48] bulaklak: All of the sessions have individual pages with shared notes
[08:48] Glitteractica Cookie: here are the notes from our session on having a virtual team:…
[08:48] bulaklak: Ale do you have the link to that?
[08:48] bulaklak: The myntc section?
[08:48] alebez: one sec
[08:48] Glitteractica Cookie: here are the notes from our session on the wiki
[08:49] Glitteractica Cookie: And here are all the notes from the entire conference:…
[08:49] Glitteractica Cookie: it was truly innovative to have live, collaborative note taking
[08:49] Glitteractica Cookie: Hashtag on twitter #12ntc
[08:49] bulaklak: Oh, cool. Thanks, Glitter.
[08:49] millay Freschi: excellent resource! thank you so much!!
[08:50] alebez: thanks, glitter
[08:50] Glitteractica Cookie: and each session also had its indiviudal hashtag, which are avalable on the notes pages, so you can see the live, back channel during each sessions
[08:50] Glitteractica Cookie: yes, it’s a great resource
[08:50] jacmacaire Humby: Hi everyone sorry to be in late..
[08:50] bulaklak: And here is an overview of all the sessions that TechSoup did. We had several across many teams!
[08:50] bulaklak:
[08:50] bulaklak: There will be more wrapups on our blog so stay tuned!
[08:51] Buffy Beale: great info thanks and hi jac 🙂
[08:51] Hour Destiny: Drat. There was a session on Google for Nonprofits.
[08:51] Glitteractica Cookie: Yes, and I had a great coffee with Beth Kanter where she told me all her tricks about presenting and moderating
[08:51] Glitteractica Cookie: I’ll blog on that soon too.
[08:51] Glitteractica Cookie: She’s so methodical about presenting
[08:51] jacmacaire Humby: Jacques Macaire HUMANBE ACtion Tanl and Council on Sustainable development France and International @Humanbe
[08:52] bulaklak: Here is one by Carlos Bergfeld from our Content team. He led a session about tech planning, and then wrote this blog recap about a session he attended on the future of Internet rights
[08:52] bulaklak:
[08:52] Aletheia Lyre: Hello, everyone!
[08:52] Glitteractica Cookie: one quick tip I’ll share is that she goes to row feeder after her session, tracks which points or slides got the most buzz on twitter, and uses that info to adjust her next presentation
[08:52] Hour Destiny: Hello, Aletheia.
[08:52] Glitteractica Cookie: OK, enough on NTC, but it is truly my favorite conference of the year
[08:53] Glitteractica Cookie: and it was great to have such a strong team to be at my side
[08:53] Glitteractica Cookie: 🙂
[08:53] bulaklak: Okay one last thing, Glitter got a Microsoft Kinect!
[08:53] bulaklak: =)
[08:53] millay Freschi: 🙂
[08:53] Glitteractica Cookie: Oh yeah!!
[08:53] Aletheia Lyre: I teach Classics and Universal Design and Peace Studies at UMaine.
[08:53] Dr. Gasior (stephen.xootfly): whooo hooooo!
[08:53] Glitteractica Cookie: I was gifted a Kinnect by Microsoft
[08:53] Hour Destiny: Does the NTC have a presence in SL?
[08:53] Buffy Beale: Yayy Glitter that’s great!
[08:53] Glitteractica Cookie: So silly and fun
[08:54] Glitteractica Cookie: b/c of a dance-off
[08:54] Hour Destiny: Gratz, Glitteractica.
[08:54] Glitteractica Cookie: lol
[08:54] orb Thursday: 🙂
[08:54] Glitteractica Cookie: I will put it in the techsoup office
[08:54] Glitteractica Cookie: and we can dance the evenings away to dance central 2
[08:54] Glitteractica Cookie: ok, enough on that


[08:54] Glitteractica Cookie: Mentors? Do you have an update?
[08:55] Glitteractica Cookie: hello? Mentors?
[08:55] Zinnia Zauber: We have Hour today!
[08:55] Hour Destiny: Am I the only one here? 🙂
[08:55] Gentle Heron: Hour is presenting today.
[08:55] Zinnia Zauber: Sharing great resources!
[08:55] Buffy Beale: you’re the one Hour 🙂
[08:55] Glitteractica Cookie: Go ahead Hour
[08:55] DyVerse Jeffery-Steele (dyverse): dyverse steele is my xbox live account 🙂
[08:56] Glitteractica Cookie: If there is no mentor’s update, we can move on?
[08:56] Hour Destiny: Does anyone not have my Free or Low Cost Solutions for Nonprofits package?
[08:56] Buffy Beale: Hour is going to talk to day Glitter
[08:56] Glitteractica Cookie: Go ahead Hour.
[08:56] Gentle Heron: Glitter, Hour is representing the Mentors this morning.
[08:57] Glitteractica Cookie: We are all ears
[08:57] Hour Destiny: Hello all. I’m supposed to present on my Free or Low Cost Solutions for Nonprofits package.
[08:57] Glitteractica Cookie: We are running a little late, so please go for it
[08:57] Glitteractica Cookie: present away! 😉
[08:58] Hour Destiny: There are actually a number of stuff online and offline that are free just for nonprofits or have a steep discount.
[08:58] Hour Destiny: TechSoup is a great example of one place.
[08:58] Hour Destiny: is another.
[08:59] Hour Destiny: They’ll help with web development and design, graphics design, projects consulting, content filtering, webhosting, and more. For freee.
[09:00] Hour Destiny: However, you must place their banner on your homepage and be willing and able to complete an annual survey.
[09:01] Hour Destiny: is even better. You can get Sharepoint hosting, as well as Windows and Linux hosting. You can even get Exchange email accounts, though those are limited to 5 accounts.
[09:01] Hour Destiny: They’ll pay for the domain name too. They just ask for a small text link to their nonprofit page on their site.
[09:02] Kira Komarov: why not use: instead?
[09:03] Hour Destiny:… has a nonprofit merchant account. $20/month with $0.24 1.74% – 3.09% per transaction, but no contract. The iPhone app is $0.99.
[09:03] Hour Destiny: Does Open-Xchange handle the hosting for you?
[09:04] Glitteractica Cookie: Wel,, we need to move on to our great guest soon, so if we can wrap it up soon, that would be good? This may be a longer conversation about Open Xchange
[09:04] Kira Komarov: nope, but you can get a hosting server and install it on that 🙂 it cuts off some of the costs
[09:04] Glitteractica Cookie: ok, Hour, any more updates from your mentor team?
[09:04] Kira Komarov: Open Exchange is the open source equivalent of M$ Exchange
[09:04] Hour Destiny: will get you a free branded mobile web app for Android, iPhone, iPod, and iPad.
[09:04] Sister Abeyante: @Kira- cool if you have the tech ability to hoste your own hosting server.
[09:04] Glitteractica Cookie: For thos of you who don’t know, the mentors are great for you SL newbies to approach
[09:04] Kira Komarov: just a bit, but 🙂 i am guessing that any sysadmin would do the job 🙂
[09:04] Glitteractica Cookie: OK, anything else to add before we move on, Hour?
[09:05] Sister Abeyante: @Kira- sure wish our our had a sysadmin. LOL
[09:05] Glitteractica Cookie: (Kira, let’s continue the other conversation after)
[09:05] Hour Destiny: is great for doing Customer Relationship Management (CRM). You’ll get a bit more than what would usually cost $125/user/month.
[09:05] Kira Komarov: alright 🙂
[09:05] Hour Destiny: I’ll stop there. If anyone has questions or content to add to what I have, please contact me.
[09:05] Glitteractica Cookie: Thanks Hour! Salesforce was very prominent in NTC this year
[09:06] Buffy Beale: great going Hour thanks!
[09:06] Sister Abeyante: @Hour- can you give us a linke to your package of info?
[09:06] Glitteractica Cookie: great product and very reasonable for nonprfotis
[09:06] Glitteractica Cookie: OK, without further ado…
[09:06] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you Hour for sharing during Mentors Central our 10 minutes of knowhow!
[09:06] CarynTopia Silvercloud: Very useful
[09:06] Glitteractica Cookie: Yes, thanks to our mentors, and please find them after the meeting for a meet and greet and welcoming session
[09:06] Gentle Heron: 10 minutes is never enough!
[09:07] Glitteractica Cookie: very knowledgeable group
[09:07] Zinnia Zauber: We got some great guest mentors coming down the pike!
[09:07] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you Hour!
[09:07] Glitteractica Cookie: No, if you all have the time, they are a great group to ask your live tech questions to, not only about SL, but also about all kind of technology
[09:07] Hour Destiny: You’re welcome.
[09:07] millay Freschi: thank you for the amazing resources hour!
[09:08] bulaklak: Thank you, Hour!
[09:08] Glitteractica Cookie: Yes, thanks Hour and the rest of the mentors. You all should stop by the techsoup forums and help answer nonprofit tech questions there too
[09:08] Glitteractica Cookie: Woo Hoo Mentors!
[09:08] Hour Destiny: March was my 18th anniversary of being on the Internet. 🙂
[09:08] millay Freschi: :))
[09:08] Dr. Gasior (stephen.xootfly): congratulations, Hour.
[09:09] Nova Saunders: yes congrats
[09:09] Glitteractica Cookie: I love that you know your interneHappy Anniversary
[09:09] Glitteractica Cookie: That was two sentences that got mushed together, but you all get the idea


[09:10] Glitteractica Cookie: OK, NOW… without further ado…
[09:10] Glitteractica Cookie: Nova Saunders aka Marion Smeltzerin RL,
of the IUP Archaeological Services in
Indiana, PA to talk about the sim she built called *Archeology
Island * on the
ScienceSim (opensim) virtual
Archaeology Island consists of virtualizations of archaeological sites
investigated by faculty members in the IUP , including a Monongahela
Village, a Roman site in Cyprus, an underwater shipwreck, a Maya site in
Belize , and the Laurel Hill /Brown farm, was the site of an antebellum
community of former slaves.
[09:10] Glitteractica Cookie: Please give a warm round of applause to Nova Saunders!!
[09:10] Calliope Lexington: wow
[09:10] Glitteractica Cookie: Nova, please come on down!
[09:10] Buffy Beale: Cheering!
[09:10] Zinnia Zauber: Rah!
[09:10] Calliope Lexington: sounds great
[09:10] bulaklak: Wow that sounds really cool! Welcome!
[09:11] Glitteractica Cookie: The stage is yours Nova
[09:11] Jen (jenelle.levenque): ********APPPLLLAAAUUUSSSEEE********
[09:11] Nova Saunders: ty for the warm welcome and kind introduction
[09:12] Nova Saunders: I have my wonderful colleagues here to help me with questions
[09:12] Nova Saunders: Dr.Gasior and Kira Komarov
[09:12] Dr. Gasior (stephen.xootfly): /me waves
[09:13] Kira Komarov: /me waves
[09:13] Nova Saunders: I will try to just answer things relateing to the island
[09:15] Nova Saunders: so as u saw from the intro tha archaeology isalnd is compiles of actual excavations that have been investagated over the years from various field school outings
[09:15] Nova Saunders: as well as places from my home state of PA
[09:16] Kira Komarov: for a wonderful tour, you can watch:
[09:16] Nova Saunders: the layout of the island has a series of “E-Learning” panels that explain the different aspects of how archaeologist use scientif applications to interpret their findings and help us understand our past
[09:17] Glitteractica Cookie: Bulaklak will tweet that from @techsoup. What’s your project’s twtter handle?
[09:18] Hour Destiny: Kira, what are your plans next for the sim?
[09:18] Kira Komarov: it is not my sim 🙂 in fact Nova made it all herself 🙂 Stephen Xootfly and I just provided hosting
[09:18] Nova Saunders: then drom there an ava can see a late woodland area,petroglyphs,Belieze,Cyprus,a roman villiage, an underwater excavation that took place in lake Mich,and our latest area Laurel Hill farm
[09:19] Nova Saunders: lol..I had lots of help with my problems
[09:20] Nova Saunders: we also have a conference/lecture center for live presentations
[09:20] Dr. Gasior (stephen.xootfly): our only plans with Nova is to give her the resources adn space she needs for wonderful archaeology education activities.
[09:20] Nova Saunders: awwwwwwww
[09:20] Nova Saunders: ty ty
[09:20] Nova Saunders: and to keep me forever I hope
[09:20] Second Life: Items successfully shared.
[09:20] Nova Saunders: 🙂
[09:21] Nova Saunders: we would love to have visitors visit all of our educationl sites
[09:21] Nova Saunders: so please pass the word along
[09:21] Sister Abeyante: @Nova- how do you get there?
[09:21] Kira Komarov: we develop on opensim, and one of the differences is that we have set-up a hypergird portal which is accessible at secondlife:/// from any world that has hyperjumps enabled
[09:21] Nova Saunders: Dr.Gasior and Kira will help u find the place
[09:22] Nova Saunders: they can show u the links
[09:22] Pathfinder Lester: Excellent. That means I can bring the Hypergrid Adventurers Club on a tour of your place.
[09:23] Pathfinder Lester:
[09:23] Nova Saunders: yes please do
[09:23] Aletheia Lyre: I’d like to bring my Classics students.
[09:23] Dr. Gasior (stephen.xootfly): yes, and our wiki has instructions as well.
[09:23] Dr. Gasior (stephen.xootfly): That would be great Pathfinder.
[09:23] Kira Komarov: that would be awesome 🙂 we can discuss the specifics later if anybody is interested in permanently exchanging hyperlinks
[09:23] Nova Saunders: it’s a great place to just get a feel of what archaeologist REALLY do
[09:23] Hour Destiny: Post the URL(s) to Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook?
[09:24] Nova Saunders: I tell ppl my job is 25% digging and 75% paper work
[09:24] Glitteractica Cookie: yes please
[09:24] Nova Saunders: but I truely love what I do
[09:24] millay Freschi: :))
[09:24] Buffy Beale: 🙂 that’s great Nova
[09:24] Pathfinder Lester: Kira, I’ll add your hypergrid address to my list of places our group has visited on
[09:24] Kira Komarov: we can 🙂 certainly, could you provide a list of @s?
[09:24] Kira Komarov: alright 🙂 that is great
[09:24] Nova Saunders: and through the virtual plateforms I can share my love and knowledge to a larger audence
[09:26] Oronoque Westland: great that yiou are open to the public…I can bring my Africana Studies students
[09:26] Nova Saunders: I am also open for sugesstions on how I could help my fellow educators
[09:27] Kira Komarov: thank you 🙂 i just checked, we are centered at 8000,8000… so if you are further away, the hyperjump may not succeed
[09:27] Nova Saunders: and we will have conferneces or eduation plans re; the region.
[09:27] Nova Saunders: opps ment in the region
[09:27] Nova Saunders: sorry
[09:27] Pathfinder Lester: you can use the addresses on my page to find waypoints between where you are and where you need to go on the hypergrid.
[09:28] Pathfinder Lester:
[09:28] Pathfinder Lester: easy workaround 🙂
[09:28] CarynTopia Silvercloud: oh, good
[09:28] Glitteractica Cookie: Thanks Pathfinder!
[09:28] Dr. Gasior (stephen.xootfly): jumps to/from OS Grid WRight plaza and Scisim all work just great.
[09:29] Pathfinder Lester: my pleasure
[09:29] Kira Komarov: Pathfinder: nifty! so you map by subtracting 4096 and then calculating the jumps till you reach a grid that is less than 4096 away from the destionation?
[09:30] Pathfinder Lester: precisely
[09:30] Kira Komarov: hah! pretty cool xD
[09:30] Pathfinder Lester: at most you’ll only need 2 waypoints max
[09:30] Nova Saunders: I’m still adding things to the region but it’s still a good visual for educatores and the panels can be used for all grade levels
[09:30] Pathfinder Lester: typically, you just need to find a single waypoint, tho
[09:31] Sister Abeyante: @Pathfinder: I am new to this entirely, but I just wonder if that algorithm could be somehow automated… just a thought!
[09:31] Nova Saunders: would anybody else might wish to use your region for tours or education purposes.
[09:31] Pathfinder Lester: Sister, probably. I’m just lazy.
[09:31] Sister Abeyante: „ã°
[09:31] Oronoque Westland: @Nova, would you tell us a bit more about how you developed the sim
[09:32] Oronoque Westland: please
[09:32] Coughran Mayo: I wouldn’t have called it “lazy”
[09:32] Kira Komarov: sysadmins like chocolate and it doesn’t grow on trees is what i always say 😛
[09:32] Oronoque Westland: who is the contact person for Laurel Hill Farm, please
[09:33] Nova Saunders: well…Indiana University of Pennsylviana first started it here in SL then when the edu discount was dropped we didn’t bother to renew the lease
[09:33] Nova Saunders: I met Dr.Gasior some time inbetween that and he asked me to join his team
[09:34] Nova Saunders: so I took my memory and rebuilt it on the other sim
[09:34] Nova Saunders: of course I also used the pics and info from our university
[09:35] Hour Destiny: I’m a sysadmin and I like chocolate, but not like how my wife does. 🙂
[09:35] Nova Saunders: all the excavation material info and pics are from our archaeological services dept at IUP
[09:36] Oronoque Westland: @Nova, so glad you were able to do that…too many good educational build in SL just went poof
[09:36] Nova Saunders: did I answer your question or was I babeling again?
[09:36] Coughran Mayo: does poof = relocation to a more favorable environment?
[09:36] Oronoque Westland: yes, thank you…the contact for the Hill please
[09:37] Oronoque Westland: poof = nonexistant
[09:37] Oronoque Westland: too many educational sims have just ceased to exist
[09:38] Nova Saunders: yes..SL is missing alot
[09:38] Kira Komarov: that is correct, BIO-SE is trying to drift off to opensim but there is not much progress there due to the lacky LSL implementation (notably, physics)…
[09:38] Nova Saunders: but we manage to survive on other plateforms
[09:38] Gentle Heron: For some of us, it’s easier to see those who have gone missing than to search out and support the ones coming in new… that skews our perceptions of the whole environment.
[09:39] Namaara MacMoragh: agreed, Gentle
[09:39] Nova Saunders: exactly
[09:39] Sister Abeyante: /me wonders how those that set up shop elswhere could be marketed within SL community so folks could interconnect better?
[09:39] Ozma Malibu: We have our sim through December and then not sure what will happen. Ideas welcome.
[09:39] Coughran Mayo: Yes Gentle, so right
[09:39] Ozma Malibu: (by “our” I mean ASU)
[09:40] Kira Komarov: if you are interested in linking up with BIO-SE, we are able to provide some assistance
[09:40] Nova Saunders: educators need to stick togather especially since there is a renewed interest in cyber schools
[09:40] Dr. Gasior (stephen.xootfly): it’s hard to build the postiive inertia for using VW in education, so costs associated with SL regions are always a sticking point.
[09:40] Nova Saunders: well there is in my area
[09:40] Buffy Beale: that’s great to hear Nova
[09:40] Hour Destiny: If you’re interested in 3D design, I suggest going to as their 3D software DAZ Studio Pro 4, Bryce 7 Pro, and Hexagon are free for now. Also, Unity3D is offering their iOS and Android packages for free till the 8th. Unity3D does 3D games.
[09:40] Nova Saunders: and I plan on being able to stay with the flow
[09:40] Sister Abeyante: Is there a clearing house for whats “out there” that could be somehow ported into SL?
[09:41] Oronoque Westland: @Nova, who is the contact person for Laurel Hill Farm, please?
[09:41] Hour Destiny: One could use HeroEngine for a VW. It’s a 3D MMO engine that’s free until you charge (and then the cost is 30% of revenue).
[09:41] Nova Saunders: I believe the Blairsvill Historical society is takeing on that project
[09:41] Kira Komarov: Sister Abeyante: in most cases, as Nova can confirm, given the hyperlink system that Pathfinder pointed out, there are many worlds out there that offer free content, or at least GPLd or CCd…. most of the things you have, you could probably replace by a free equivalent
[09:42] Nova Saunders: I only did the recreatations for them through our socialogy dept
[09:42] DyVerse Jeffery-Steele (dyverse): does daz studio let you create mesh objects ?
[09:42] Sister Abeyante: @Kira- that’s excellent. I was thinking more about how to get people to know they are there.
[09:42] Nova Saunders: it was a great sucess at the last presentation
[09:42] Hour Destiny: I do Hexagon does. I think the others do too.
[09:43] Kira Komarov: Sister Abeyante: Pathfinder’s system is pretty clever 🙂 a unified effort could be made to create a website that implements Pathfinder’s system and it could be referenced on the opensim wiki as an universal gate system that links all the worlds…
[09:43] Hour Destiny: Hexagon also has a Second Life menu.
[09:44] Sister Abeyante: @Kira- brilliant! And by moving it to a wiki, it canbe easily “linked” to any sim in SL… click and end up at the wiki and then go from there?
[09:44] Hour Destiny:… Yes, DAZ does support mesh objects.
[09:45] Kira Komarov: Sister Abeyante: just a reference, because some worlds are already mentioned in the hypergrid section: however that requires manual input, unlike the system that Pathfinder has
[09:45] Pathfinder Lester: no, my system is just a manual list
[09:45] Pathfinder Lester: i didn’t do anything special, really
[09:45] Glitteractica Cookie: So, we have a few minutes left for our guest before we move to open mic
[09:45] Pathfinder Lester: i just keep track of addresses that our HGAC group visits, that’s all 🙂
[09:45] Kira Komarov: but if it calculates the amount of jumps necessary, then it is still a big improvement
[09:45] Glitteractica Cookie: so, go ahead and ask yr burning questions
[09:45] Hour Destiny:…
[09:46] Pathfinder Lester: It’s a wonderful project, Nova. I’m reallly looking forward to exploring it.
[09:46] Sister Abeyante: I have a question- if one is a newbie at hypergrid/opensim stuff..where is the best place to begin learning?
[09:46] Glitteractica Cookie: good question
[09:46] Buffy Beale: great question Sister
[09:47] Nova Saunders: great and please take your students there as well
[09:47] Coughran Mayo: The Hypergrid Explorers Club
[09:47] Glitteractica Cookie: link?
[09:47] Dr. Gasior (stephen.xootfly): Hypergrid business has a lot of great articles in addition to BeCunning. . .
[09:47] Glitteractica Cookie: do they have an informational website
[09:47] Oronoque Westland: A class at Lehigh Univ has been working on Useful Links about Second Life … perhaps that could be expanded to the metaverse
[09:47] Sister Abeyante: Tutorials anywhere?
[09:47] Dr. Gasior (stephen.xootfly):
[09:47] Coughran Mayo: yes, Maria Korlov writes extensively about this
[09:47] Sister Abeyante: And I mean the BASICS.
[09:47] Pathfinder Lester:
[09:48] Glitteractica Cookie: thanks path
[09:48] Nova Saunders: I will be adding links to my region so ppl can go there for more info of the area
[09:48] Pathfinder Lester: here’s Maria’s intro to the hypergrid:
[09:48] Kira Komarov: Sister Abeyante: i would guess the opensim wiki has some info on that but MAY provide some more detailed assistance in the future…
[09:49] Sister Abeyante: Great- has anyone created an OpenSim that teaches… about Open Sim use? LOL
[09:49] Dr. Gasior (stephen.xootfly): the BIO-SE wiki will at sooooome point. . . . like after semester is over . .
[09:49] Oronoque Westland: @Nova, please provide your contact info
[09:49] Glitteractica Cookie: yes, and twitter handle URL for this project so we can write/tweet about it
[09:49] Kira Komarov: indeed, we are manually ripping out some bugs, working our way around others… however, we think we have found something that is at least sustainable
[09:49] Nova Saunders:
[09:50] Pathfinder Lester: Fleep Tuque is great at introducing folks to opensim. on her FleepGrid she has a bunch of 3d models that explain how opensim works. very creative.
[09:50] Pathfinder Lester: http://fleepgridcom/
[09:50] Nova Saunders: I answer that email first
[09:50] Pathfinder Lester: doh, i mean
[09:50] Sister Abeyante: Thanks, Pathfinder!
[09:50] Oronoque Westland: thanks Nova…I will contact you
[09:50] Nova Saunders: awesome
[09:51] Nova Saunders: ty ty
[09:51] Glitteractica Cookie: any last questions for our fabulous guest?
[09:51] Buffy Beale: looking forward to exploring it
[09:51] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Wow
[09:51] millay Freschi: excellent! another great resource and i loved the video!
[09:52] Nova Saunders: 🙂
[09:52] Red (talkwithmarie): awesome Nova!
[09:52] Dr. Gasior (stephen.xootfly): /me claps for Nova
[09:52] Nova Saunders: did u hear the mucis in the background?
[09:52] clap clap
[09:52] Pathfinder Lester: thank you Nova
[09:52] Adalace Jewell: need to go. thank you for the meeting
[09:52] Kira Komarov: /me cheers
[09:52] Sister Abeyante: Thanks! Wonderful info!
[09:52] super interesting!
[09:52] thank you nova
[09:52] Nova Saunders: ty ty
[09:52] Glitteractica Cookie: Any final points you want to bring up?
[09:52] Oronoque Westland: so great to “hear” about
[09:52] Buffy Beale: cheering!
[09:52] Gentle Heron: Thank you Nova and colleagues for sharing with us.
[09:52] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you!
[09:52] Thank you
[09:52] Namaara MacMoragh: thank you (applause)
[09:52] Glitteractica Cookie: OK, if not, I also want to echo thanks!
[09:53] Glitteractica Cookie: Thanks for sharing with us


[09:54] Glitteractica Cookie: OK, we are at the part of the meeting where we share with our community members… open mic time
[09:54] Pathfinder Lester: /me claps
[09:54] Glitteractica Cookie: Does anyone have an announcement for the larger group?
[09:54] Gentle Heron: I do.
[09:54] Zinnia Zauber: yes please
[09:54] Namaara MacMoragh: raises hand
[09:54] Glitteractica Cookie: Ok, ZInnia and Gentle
[09:54] Glitteractica Cookie: then Namaara
[09:54] Glitteractica Cookie: Any more?
[09:55] Glitteractica Cookie: Bulaklak.. Do you have any quick TechSOup updates to add to the mix?
[09:55] bulaklak: Yes!
[09:55] Glitteractica Cookie: OK, let’s start with Zinnia
[09:55] bulaklak: And thank you Buffy for getting me the latest and greatest
[09:55] Buffy Beale: 🙂
[09:55] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you
[09:55] Glitteractica Cookie: Go ahead Zin
[09:55] Zinnia Zauber: CommonGround Networking Party is Third Thursday! So that is April 19
[09:56] Zinnia Zauber: our color theme is PINK!
[09:56] Glitteractica Cookie: what time?
[09:56] Zinnia Zauber: I have put out a gift for you all next to the sign in front
[09:56] Zinnia Zauber: the party is 5 to 7 PM SLT
[09:56] Zinnia Zauber: Enjoy networking and dancing among other nonprofits and supporters! Learn more about what nonprofits, educators, humanitarians, scientists, and artists accomplish in Second Life at the Nonprofit Commons at this fun and informative event.
[09:56] Zinnia Zauber: It is a wonderful time to make new connections and build community!
[09:57] Zinnia Zauber: We have DJ DyVerse and a fun theme every month!
[09:57] DyVerse Jeffery-Steele (dyverse): it sure is !!!
[09:57] CarynTopia Silvercloud: I enjoy them.
[09:57] Glitteractica Cookie: Thanks Zinnia and the Common Groud group!
[09:57] Zinnia Zauber: Please join us and please get your free gift! It is the Peeps Group Hug! The green one is special for Buffy!
[09:58] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you! We have an awesome team!
[09:58] Glitteractica Cookie: Right on!
[09:58] Glitteractica Cookie: Ok, anything else? Or shall we pass the mic to Gentle?
[09:58] Glitteractica Cookie: OK, Gentle.. yer up!
[09:58] Buffy Beale: lol Z
[09:58] Gentle Heron: April is Autism Awareness Month. Numerous autism support groups exist in Second Life, although few are active. The Autism Society of America is a branch of the RL ASA nonprofit. Brigadoon Explorers is part of the Dreams community, and operates entirely in Second Life.
[09:59] Gentle Heron: MEETINGS
Autism Society of America meets the first Saturday of each month.
Sat APRIL 7, 5pm SLT
[09:59] Gentle Heron:
This month, the discussion will be about the new CDC report that estimates on in 88 children are born with an autism spectrum disorder.
[09:59] Glitteractica Cookie: Great use of SL and a long-standing community
[09:59] Gentle Heron: *one in 88
[09:59] Gentle Heron: For more information, contact Brett Stand.

Brigadoon Explorers meets every Wednesday at 5pm SLT.
[09:59] Gentle Heron:
For more information, contact Ariel Miranda.
[09:59] Gentle Heron: (done)
[09:59] Glitteractica Cookie: Thanks Gentle!
[10:00] Glitteractica Cookie: Namaara, you are up
[10:00] Namaara MacMoragh: Thanks to everyone for supporting the events during Brain Injury Awareness Month. This month Etopia Sims are celebrating five years of eco-educations, sustainability, and nonprofit support. I’m setting up the rest of the calendar and sim events so please check out for more information. We’ll be presenting on Cooperatives And Economic Empowerment this Sunday at 12:30 pm SLT. Thanks
[10:00] Buffy Beale: nice going Namaara!
[10:00] Namaara MacMoragh: 🙂
[10:00] Glitteractica Cookie: Thanks Namaara… all great uses of this community platform
[10:00] Glitteractica Cookie: Bulaklak… you are up
[10:00] bulaklak: We have two online events coming up this month at TechSoup
[10:01] bulaklak: On April 17 we have the next in our Nonprofits Live online interactive event series hosted by InKenzo
[10:01] bulaklak: The topic will be green tech!
[10:01] bulaklak: RSVP here:
[10:01] Buffy Beale: Yay Ink!
[10:02] bulaklak: We also have a webinar on QuickBooks on April 18
[10:02] bulaklak: QuickBooks made easy!
[10:02] bulaklak: Register here:
[10:02] Glitteractica Cookie: OK, thanks Bulaklak… can you post our links to find us online btw meetings, not in-world
[10:02] bulaklak: And therese are all the ways you can keep in touch
[10:02] DyVerse Jeffery-Steele (dyverse): raises hand
[10:02] bulaklak: Nonprofit Commons blog:

Google Group:
Google Calendar:

About TechSoup:

Weekly Networking Event: Wharf Ratz, Aloft, Tuesdays, 7-9pm SLT
Aloft Nonprofit Commons (168,22)…

Monthly Networking Event (3rd Thursday):
Common Ground, Plush, 5PM-7PM SLT
Plush Nonprofit Commons (128,22)…
[10:02] Glitteractica Cookie: Thanks Bulaklak…
[10:02] Glitteractica Cookie: DyVerse… yes?
[10:03] bulaklak: (thganks Buffy)
[10:03] Buffy Beale: welcome bulaklak 🙂
[10:03] Glitteractica Cookie: We need to end, as we are at time, but I’ll let DyVerse give the update he was about to give
[10:03] Glitteractica Cookie: DyVerse?
[10:03] DyVerse Jeffery-Steele (dyverse): on August 4th and 5th I will be bringing in seminars from the international aids conference 2012 right hereon health commons
[10:03] DyVerse Jeffery-Steele (dyverse):…
[10:03] Glitteractica Cookie: Cool stuff!
[10:04] DyVerse Jeffery-Steele (dyverse): that is a link to the schedule so far
[10:04] Glitteractica Cookie: Thanks for letting us know… remind us closer to the time too
[10:04] Glitteractica Cookie: OK, that is all we have time for today folks
[10:04] Buffy Beale: Glitter just a reminder that the mentors meet after a short break so anyone with questions or needing help please join us all welcome
[10:04] Glitteractica Cookie: Thanks for showing up and sending another 90 mins with us
[10:04] Pathfinder Lester: take care folks. have a good weekend
[10:04] Glitteractica Cookie: yes, mentors will be here, thanks Buffy
[10:04] millay Freschi: thanks so much! so love what you’re doing :))
[10:04] DyVerse Jeffery-Steele (dyverse): hey john have a good weekend
[10:04] Glitteractica Cookie: Thanks to all of you for your generosity of sprit and time!
[10:04] Zinnia Zauber: Mentors Meeting at 10:10!
[10:05] Dr. Gasior (stephen.xootfly): thanks to you for hosting. : )
[10:05] Zinnia Zauber: Go get your tea refill!
[10:05] Sister Abeyante: Great topics- thanks!
[10:05] Nova Saunders: ty ty for the time here
[10:05] Glitteractica Cookie: See you all next week and I hope you all relax this weekend
[10:05] Nova Saunders: it was great meeting every one
[10:05] Glitteractica Cookie: Follow @npsl on twitter to stay up to date
[10:05] DyVerse Jeffery-Steele (dyverse): diet dr pepper i miss my diet dr pepper drinking penguin buddy
[10:05] Glitteractica Cookie: 39 avatars were here today!
[10:05] Glitteractica Cookie: thanks all
[10:06] Glitteractica Cookie: bye!
[10:06] Glitteractica Cookie: I gotta fly!

Written by: rikomatic

Build Teams to Succeed with 4See

Nathan Maton and Ala’ Diab came together to create 4See back in 2011. Since then, these two friends have been on a mission to match youth gaming with impactful ways to strengthen leadership and teamwork in youth centered programs. Nathan stopped by the NPC last Friday to discuss his new kickstarter campaign, the 4see prototype, and why it’s so important to foster teambuilding skills in youth today.

Team building is the biggest problem faced by youth activists, simply because it is rarely taught in schools. That’s the bottom line. It’s usually a locker room lesson left for athletes and coaches. But what if we lived in a world where teamwork was instilled and built upon from a young age?

Using research from Harvard University done by Marshall Ganz and Ruth Wageman, Nathan and Ala’ were able to distill key elements of forming and working effectively in teams, and were able to create a playful way to learn about each of the five key elements: finding a common purpose, forming a team with diverse backgrounds, establishing clear roles, establishing clear boundaries and explicit norms.

“It is a multiplayer game,” says Nathan, “and the more the players learn to collaborate, the better they’ll do. They get to work with a variety of team members from other teams than the one they currently work on outside of the game to better learn their skill set. Then, in the final level, the original team must tackle a more complex problem that relates to their real work.”

From the prototype makers themselves: must form and build teams to succeed.

Written by: alebez