Join us in Second Life!
Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir
Join us in Second Life!
Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir
Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting
July 20, 2012, 8:30 AM SLT / PST
Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater
This Friday, July 20, Blu Heron / Wanda Hardy will join us at the Nonprofit Commons to talk about Universal Design in Learning (UDL) and share the key points of a professional learning “package” that bundles Virtual World (VW) accessibility issues, resources, and workshop-style activities for engaging educators in collaborative solutions inworld. It is impossible to create a virtual classroom that is usable by everyone, in all situations. It is possible to use an UDL process that results in products, environments, and experiences that are usable for the largest group of people in a VW and effects differentiated teaching and differentiated learning.
About Blu:
Blu Heron / Wanda Hardy earned her Masters of Education, Educational Technology, Sacramento State University, CA. Her involvement in education spans many years and includes: 16 years teaching high school sciences; 17 years as a community educator, web site developer, and software tester for an electrical utility; and volunteer mentor in Second Life (SL) for the International Society for Technology (ISTE). Currently is teaching building classes for the Builders Brewery in SL.
Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting
July 20, 2012, 8:30 AM SLT / PST
Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater
8:30 AM Introductions
8:40 AM TechSoup Announcements
8:45 AM Mentors Central
9:55 Universal Design for Learning Spaces in Virtual Worlds with Blu Heron / Wanda Hardy of the International Society for Technology (ISTE)
9:30 AM Open Mic / Announcements
Written by: Zinnia Zauber
Libraries, Museums and Immersive Learning with Valibrarian / Dr. Valerie Hill of LISD & Texas Woman’s University for July 6 Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting
Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting
July 6, 2012, 8:30 AM SLT / PST
Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater
8:30 AM Introductions
8:40 AM TechSoup Announcements
8:45 AM Mentors Central
9:55 Libraries, Museums and Immersive Learning with Valibrarian / Dr. Valerie Hill of Texas Woman’s University School of Library and Information Science
9:30 AM Open Mic / Announcements
Unabridged Transcript
[08:32] Zinnia Zauber: Okay let’s get started!
[08:32] Zinnia Zauber: Welcome to the weekly meeting of the Nonprofit
Commons and thank you for joining us today! The Nonprofit Commons in
Second Life is sponsored by TechSoup and supported by you and your
orgs, groups, and schools.
[08:32] Zinnia Zauber: I am Zinnia Zauber the Community Manager of the
Nonprofit Commons (NPC) and NPC Mentors Chair.
[08:32] Zinnia Zauber: Today’s Agenda:
[08:32] Zinnia Zauber: 8:30 AM Introductions
8:40 AM TechSoup Announcements
8:45 AM Mentors Central
9:55 Libraries, Museums and Immersive Learning with Valibrarian / Dr.
Valerie Hill of Texas Woman’s University School of Library and
Information Science
9:30 AM Open Mic / Announcements
[08:32] Dancers Yao: Kara Bennett, Elder Voices, Los Angeles, CA Health
[08:32] CarynTopia Silvercloud: Caryn Heilman, Topia Arts Center,
Berkshires in NW, MA, www.TopiaArts.org, @ToCaryn Heilman, Topia Arts
Center, Berkshires of NW, MA, www.TopiaArts.org, @TopiaArtsCenter
[08:33] jacmacaire Humby: Hi everyone
[08:33] Zinnia Zauber: Introductions! Please introduce yourself by
typing into local text chat your real life name, organization,
location in the world, URL and twitter handle.
[08:33] Buffy Beale: Buffy Bye, Bridges for Women, Victoria BC Canada,
http://www.bridgesforwomen.ca @bridges4women
[08:33] Buffy Beale: hi Jac!
[08:33] Panny Bakerly: Jeanne Booth, Freeport Historical Society,
Freeport, NY www.freeporthistorymuseum.org; @FrptHisSoc
[08:33] Zinnia Zauber: Our meeting transcripts are published online
and your information will be available for the public.
[08:33] Ronnie Rhode: Denise Harrison, The Garden for the Missing,
http://www.gardenforthemissing.org/ and SLURL Remora (203,148,21),
Project Jason, assistance for families of the missing,
[08:33] Andy Evans: Andy Mallon, First Opinions Panel in SL
Social Research Foundation, NYC in RL
[08:33] Zinnia Zauber: Renne Emiko Brock-Richmond, Sequim Humanities
and Arts Alliance, Sequim, Olympic Peninsula, Washington.
http://www.facebook.com/sequimartsalliance @renneemiko
[08:33] Glitteractica Cookie: Susan Tenby, Online Community and Social
Media Director, TechSOup Global, San Francisco, CA USA @suzboop
@techsoup www.techsoup.org
[08:33] Svea Morane: Brian Kaihoi, Web Administrator for Mayo Clinic,
and manager of our SL presence. http://www.mayoclinic.org
[08:33] Glitteractica Cookie: @npsl is the twitter handle for this community
[08:34] Coughran Mayo: Dick Dillon, Innovaision, LLC St. Louis MO
@Coughran, @Innovaision
[08:34] Chayenn: Monique Richert, Protect Yourself 1, Inc., Baltimore
Maryland, protectyourself1.org, facebook.com/PY1US, @PY1US
[08:34] Zinnia Zauber: Please introduce yourself!
[08:34] bulaklak: Michael DeLong, TechSoup Global, Senior Manager
Online Community and Social Media, San Francisco, CA, USA @TechSoup
@MichaelDeLongSF www.techsoup.org
[08:34] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Bruce Hestley, Transgender American
Veterans Association, Akron, OH, http://www.tavausa.org
[08:34] alebez: Ale Bezdikian, Online Community Coordinator, TechSoup
Global, SF, Ca., @TechSoup, @alebez
[08:34] Valibrarian Gregg: Valerie Hill, Librarian & Professor LISD &
TWU valibrarian@twitter
[08:34] Dancers Yao: Kara Bennett, Elder Voices, Los Angeles, CA
Health Care and Human Rights www.eldervoices.net
[08:34] jacmacaire Humby: Jacques Macaire HUMANBE
http://www.humanbe.com Action Tank and Council on Sustainable
Development France and International @Humanbe
[08:34] jodinicole8: Jodi Ekk, instructor at Vancouver Community
College. Vancouver, Canada
[08:35] Robert (rzepczr): Robert, student at Vancouver Community College, Canada
[08:35] trichetriche: Hi I’m Bea,Bea Dominguez, Online Community
Curator w/TechSoup looking forward to hear about your stories and
experience with Nonprofit commons bea@techsoupglobal.org
[08:35] LovePhillyChick: ros bradley, Educator, Virtualphiladelphian@yahoo.com
[08:35] Oronoque Westland: Roberta Kilkenny, Hunter College, City
University of New York
[08:35] Fancy Firelight: Janet Parris, Program Development Manager for
the Olympic Area Agency on Aging www.o3a.org
[08:35] Brena Benoir: Brenda Bryan, Preferred Family Healthcare,
Kirksville,, Missouri, www.pfh.org, @brenabenoir
[08:35] Zotarah Shepherd: BEACH College, Santa Rosa, CA
[08:36] Magic Pathfinder (any1.gynoid): Magic Pathfinder
(any1.gynoid), Faculty at New Citizens Inc (NCI), Teaching hands-on
Artificial Intelligence and Pathfinding in Second Life – More Info:
[08:36] bulaklak: Can someone please disable the YouTube video?
[08:36] bulaklak: Or just pause it?
[08:36] Zinnia Zauber: Please introduce yourself if you haven’t.
[08:37] bulaklak: Or turn the sound off?
[08:37] Zinnia Zauber: bulaklak, you control your own media.
[08:37] Glitteractica Cookie: I’m not hearing a youtube video
[08:37] bulaklak: oh, thanks Zinnia
[08:37] Glitteractica Cookie: it may be from yr own computer
[08:37] bulaklak: I see the controls now
[08:37] bulaklak: No, it’s behind you
[08:37] bulaklak: There’s a graduation going on
[08:37] Glitteractica Cookie: oh i don’t hear it
[08:37] Zinnia Zauber: yes
[08:37] Zinnia Zauber: I can remove the media, hold on please
[08:38] bulaklak: Sorry I just muted it but it’s still coming through
my speakers!
[08:38] bulaklak: hehe
[08:38] Zinnia Zauber: okay, it is gone for now.
[08:38] bulaklak: thanks!
[08:38] Zinnia Zauber: Okay! Did we get everyone?
[08:39] Zinnia Zauber: Let me give you some links!
[08:39] Ethelred Weatherwax: Sorry I’m Late. Dave Dexter. Neenah
Historical Society, Wisconsin USA
[08:39] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you, Eth!
[08:39] Zinnia Zauber: Remember if you come to the meeting late,
please still introduce yourself.
[08:39] Zinnia Zauber: Here are the many ways to can get involved with the
Nonprofit Commons in Second Life:
Nonprofit Commons Blog: http://nonprofitcommons.org
Wiki: http://npsl.wikispaces.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/npsl
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nonprofitcommons
Google Group: http://groups.google.com/group/TechSoup-Second-Life
Google Calendar: http://bit.ly/2tMEYh
About TechSoup the sponsors of the Nonprofit Commons:
Join us inworld:
NPC Weekly Meeting on Fridays, 8:30 – 10 AM SLT Plush Amphitheater,
Plush Nonprofit Commons (91,127,26) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Plush%20Nonprofit%20Commons/91/127/26
NPC Mentors Meeting: Fridays, 10:10 – 11 AM SLT Plush Amphitheater,
Plush Nonprofit Commons (91,127,26) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Plush%20Nonprofit%20Commons/91/127/26
Wharf Ratz Tuesday Night Extraordinary Dance Extravaganza, Every
Tuesday 7 – 9 PM SLT Preferred Family Healthcare on Aloft, Aloft
Nonprofit Commons (168,223,22) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Aloft%20Nonprofit%20Commons/168/22…
CommonGround – Color Themed Monthly Networking Event on 3rd Thursday,
5 – 7 PM SLT CommonGround on Aloft, Aloft Nonprofit Commons (59,68,25) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Aloft%20Nonprofit%20Commons/59/68/25
TechSoup Announcements
[08:40] Zinnia Zauber: Okay!
[08:40] Zinnia Zauber: TechSoup Announcements!
[08:40] bulaklak: Okay!
[08:40] bulaklak: Happy Friday, all.
[08:40] Buffy Beale: lol!
[08:41] bulaklak: Just a few things today from TechSoup land.
[08:41] bulaklak: If you’ve ever wanted some help getting everything
you can from TechSoup, now is the time.
[08:41] bulaklak: Join our free webinar coming up on July 12 to learn
about everything TechSoup can do for you that you may not know.
[08:42] Andy Evans: What time in SL is the webinar?
[08:42] bulaklak: This is hosted by our super helpful Senior Marketing
Manger Lara Franklin
[08:42] bulaklak: And it’s at 11am
[08:42] Glitteractica Cookie: SLT
[08:43] bulaklak: Here is the link to learn more and register
[08:43] bulaklak: http://bit.ly/Oudten
[08:43] bulaklak: If I am not mistaken, SLT is the same as Pacific, no?
[08:43] Glitteractica Cookie: yes
[08:43] bulaklak: Cool, that’s what I thought.
[08:43] bulaklak: The other thing I wanted to mention this morning is
our discussion forums.
[08:44] bulaklak: For more than 11 years, our discussion forums have
been an excellent source of advice and help for any and all of your
tech questions.
[08:44] bulaklak: We’ve got 9 super smart forum hosts and an awesome
community manager named Jayne Cravens.
[08:44] bulaklak: I just want to get a quick shout out from you if any
of you have ever gotten tech help on our forums.
[08:45] bulaklak: Anyone?
[08:45] Glitteractica Cookie: me!
[08:45] Dancers Yao: yes
[08:45] Panny Bakerly: I haven’t.
[08:45] bulaklak: Yes, and me! Definitely when I first started at
TechSoup I asked lots of questions and got lots of anwers!
[08:46] bulaklak: Great, Dancers.
[08:46] bulaklak: So at any rate, please do keep the forums in mind
when you need answers to your tech questions . . . OR if you are the
helpful type that likes to answer others’ questions
[08:46] bulaklak: Visit our forums here https://bitly.com/techsoupforums
[08:47] bulaklak: Lastly, we have our community coordinator Bea
Dominguez (trichetriche) here today.
[08:47] bulaklak: As I mentioned last week, she is collecting impact
stories for our newsletter and Impact Map.
[08:47] trichetriche: Hi everyone! I want to hear how Nonprofit
Commons has helped you and your nonprofit
[08:47] Buffy Beale: hi trich!
[08:48] bulaklak: You can connect with her here or email her at
[08:48] trichetriche: Thanks Michael!
[08:48] Zinnia Zauber: triche, several of our members have been part
of our “Wishes Granted” project, I hope that you can share their
[08:48] bulaklak: Well, that’s what I got for today. Really looking
forward to today’s talk.
[08:48] Zinnia Zauber: We will encourage them to contact you.
[08:48] trichetriche: Definitely! email me. I hope to hear from all of you soon
[08:49] trichetriche: I’m sure nonprofit commons has been a great
resource to all
[08:49] trichetriche: Thanks!
[08:49] Zinnia Zauber: Super! Thank you bulaklak and triche!
Mentors Central
[08:49] Zinnia Zauber: Okay! Mentors Central!
[08:49] Dancers Yao: could you give your email again triche?
[08:49] trichetriche: bea@techsoupglobal.org
[08:50] Zinnia Zauber: Last week, we started a discussion about the
creation of NPC.
[08:50] Zinnia Zauber: The Mentors are great supports of community
events and we want your thoughts about
[08:50] Zinnia Zauber: how we could do a celebration.
[08:50] Zinnia Zauber: AND your commitment to doing it.
[08:51] Zinnia Zauber: So, we are looking at some dates in Sept for
this celebration.
[08:51] Zinnia Zauber: But, we would like to hear from you about how
you want to participate.
[08:52] Zinnia Zauber: How long have you been part of the Nonprofit Commons?
[08:52] Zinnia Zauber: Please, don’t be shy.
[08:52] jodinicole8: I just joined yesterday 🙂
[08:52] Jen (jenelle.levenque): TAVA has been here 2 1/2 years now
[08:53] Panny Bakerly: I’m about the same … 2years ish
[08:53] Zinnia Zauber: I have been part of NPC for over 4 years. Soon
as I had my bob haircut, I attended meetings.
[08:53] LovePhillyChick: about 8 months
[08:53] Jen (jenelle.levenque): As a Mentor, I plan to continue to support NPC
[08:53] Zinnia Zauber: Super!
[08:53] Buffy Beale: welcome jodinicole8!
[08:53] Zinnia Zauber: Great, Jen!
[08:53] Zinnia Zauber: And, how has NPC supported you?
[08:53] Zinnia Zauber: How many of you have made great friends here?
[08:54] Buffy Beale: I’ve been here for over 4 years now wow where
does the time go
[08:54] Panny Bakerly raises her hand…
[08:54] Zinnia Zauber: Or, you have learned from our meetings?
[08:54] Magic Pathfinder (any1.gynoid): 5 years approx…. I organized
the music concerts for the openings of Aloft and EcoCommons
[08:54] Zinnia Zauber: Great Magic!
[08:54] Buffy Beale: yay a1 I remember that
[08:55] Zinnia Zauber: Well, we will be asking you to be part of this
celebration and you are welcome to attend the Mentors Meeting after
this meeting to share your ideas and join the team!
[08:55] Panny Bakerly: I learning about how the technology stuff can
be implemented; e.g. Slideshare. Didn’t know it existed until you
brought it to my attention.
Libraries, Museums and Immersive Learning with Valibrarian / Dr. Valerie Hill of Texas Woman’s University School of Library and Information Science
[08:55] Zinnia Zauber: Okay!
[08:55] Zinnia Zauber: Now it is time for our guest!
[08:55] Zinnia Zauber: Val, do you want to come up here please.
[08:56] Valibrarian Gregg: Shall I stand by my slides? 🙂
[08:56] Zinnia Zauber: Dr. Valerie Hill is an adjunct instructor at
TWU School of Library and Information Science and a school librarian.
Her interests include media literacy, human-computer interaction, and
the impact of the digital revolution on education and libraries. As a
National Writing Trainer, she specializes in connecting literature to
writing, digital storytelling and multi-media production.
[08:56] Zinnia Zauber: Sure, that is great
[08:56] Zinnia Zauber: Can you guys see the slides okay?
[08:56] Buffy Beale: looking great
[08:56] Ethelred Weatherwax: Welcome, Val
[08:56] Panny Bakerly: Welcome!
[08:56] Valibrarian Gregg: Thank you! Glad to be here.
[08:57] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you for joining us Val!
[08:57] Glitteractica Cookie: wow– great topic
[08:57] bulaklak: Yes, really exciting!
[08:57] jodinicole8: I can’t really see the slides. Do I need to do something?
[08:57] Valibrarian Gregg: Hello everyone! Welcome to Libraries,
Museums, and Immersive Learning. I am Dr. Valerie Hill (Valibrarian)
but you can call me Val. Currently, I am a school librarian and
professor of library and information science.
[08:58] Zinnia Zauber: They should rez for you jodini, up front.
[08:58] Valibrarian Gregg: Zinnia will advance for me (when I get to
slide 2!) thanks
[08:58] jodinicole8: (ok thanks, got it)
[08:58] Valibrarian Gregg: I have been researching the innovation of
virtual worlds for use in education- particularly in libraries and
museums for the past 5 years. You may already be aware of the many
benefits and advantages of virtual worlds for libraries and museums.
(Feel free to type a “yes” in the text chat.)
[08:58] Magic Pathfinder (any1.gynoid): ALT click the slides to focus
them faster!
[08:59] Valibrarian Gregg: Stay on this slide please (slide 2)
[08:59] Zinnia Zauber: Sorry, I got excited. 🙂
[08:59] Valibrarian Gregg: Slide 2-
The digital revolution is changing the hierarchy of information from a
“top down” model…where high quality resources were those published
through peer review and traditional authority-based publishing modes
to a different model.
[09:00] Valibrarian Gregg: Today- information is published from the
“bottom up” or from user-generated sources. Youtube and Wikipedia are
usually first choices for information seekers. Anyone can publish
through blogs, wikis, and websites.
[09:00] Valibrarian Gregg: Do you all agree- Have you witnessed this change?
[09:00] Glitteractica Cookie: yes
[09:00] Jen (jenelle.levenque): yes
[09:00] jodinicole8: yes
[09:00] LovePhillyChick: yes
[09:00] Zinnia Zauber: yes
[09:00] Glitteractica Cookie: it’s what we base our team’s work on
[09:01] Valibrarian Gregg: Slide 3-
This new hierarchy model is the basis for my exploration of virtual
media as a delivery mode. With another librarian colleague, I have
worked on several library exhibits which shared 3D immersive learning
resources for a variety of topics. These exhibits were displayed on
Info Island- a sim where librarians around the globe have collaborated
since 2006.
[09:01] Valibrarian Gregg: These are just a few examples.
[09:01] Valibrarian Gregg: The three exhibits we worked on included:
“Virtual Texas” which featured The Alamo and other Texas symbols,
buildings, and simulations, “Virtual Tornado” which was a live
simulation of a disaster, and “Maya Island” which was an immersive
learning environment set in the ancient Mayan Civilization.
[09:02] Valibrarian Gregg: I will share a little about these 3
exhibits- then what I am working on now.
[09:02] Valibrarian Gregg: Slide 4-
In spring of 2011, we built an exhibit called “Virtual Texas” which
featured historical replicas – such as The Alamo and the Texas Capitol
building, circa 1830. The Library of Congress supplied blueprints to
the builder (a native Texan) who hosted live tours on Antiquity, Texas
[09:03] Valibrarian Gregg: I will pass out landmarks and more info in
a notecard later.
[09:03] Valibrarian Gregg: Has anyone visited Antiquity, Texas?
[09:03] Zinnia Zauber: yes!
[09:04] Valibrarian Gregg: The librarians met with the builder of the
historical sim and created additional resources for a display at the
Community Virtual Library Exhibition area. All of the exhibits I am
discussing have been displayed at that landmark, which I will pass
along later.
[09:04] Jo Clarrington: Yes.
[09:04] Valibrarian Gregg: This picture is just the facade- during building.
[09:04] Valibrarian Gregg: Slide 5-
Two live tours were scheduled during the Virtual Texas exhibit and
participants were encouraged to dress in historical attire from the
[09:05] Valibrarian Gregg: The tours included historical information
and culminated with fireworks over the capitol buildings rotunda.
Visitors could come to the exhibit and landmarks alone or in groups
throughout the early part of 2011.
[09:05] Suelly Silva (suelly17): Oii ?
[09:05] Valibrarian Gregg: Slide 6-
In fall of 2011, we worked with another 3D builder on “Virtual Tornado”.
This was a simulation of a tornado, complete with scattered debris,
rescue vehicles, rescue workers and victims.
[09:06] Valibrarian Gregg: This exhibit was exciting because it
involved more simulation- live and synchronous.
[09:06] Valibrarian Gregg: The role of the librarians was to provide
the best examples of immersive learning and 3D content we could
find…which is very much the same as the role of librarians in a
physical library- only the format is virtual instead of physical.
[09:07] Valibrarian Gregg: Slide 7-
The Virtual Tornado Exhibit hosted two live tours and participants
were given of choice of roles: rescue workers (such as firefighters,
paramedics, police officers) or victims.
[09:08] Valibrarian Gregg: Resources on the topic of emergency
preparedness were provided. Participants gave positive feedback
regarding the realism of the immersive experience.
[09:08] Glitteractica Cookie: good use of the tool
[09:09] Valibrarian Gregg: Having never been much of a “gamer”-
driving the ambulance was tricky for me!
[09:09] Glitteractica Cookie: i always thought disaster response was
the perfect use of VW
[09:09] Valibrarian Gregg: But my son had no problem! The next
generation of learners will find virtual worlds much less complicated.
[09:09] Valibrarian Gregg: Do you agree?
[09:09] Valibrarian Gregg: yes- Glitteracitca- I think so too
[09:09] Valibrarian Gregg: Slide 8-
The third exhibit presented in collaboration with the Texas Library
Association SL Community group and the CVL library was “Maya Island”.
[09:10] Valibrarian Gregg: This exhibit was based on the final project
of the graduating class of the University of Washington’s Certificate
in Virtual Worlds Class of 2012.
[09:10] Valibrarian Gregg: Slide 9-
Maya Island included interactive learning activities, such as a
hieroglyphics matching game or musical instruments and drums.
[09:11] Valibrarian Gregg: Ancient astronomy, agriculture and other
examples of the culture were experienced by participants and two live
tours were also offered.
[09:11] Valibrarian Gregg: The exhibit expelled the “end of the world
hype” about the Mayan calendar!
[09:12] Valibrarian Gregg: Slide 10-
NOW! Currently, in collaboration with TLA and the Community Virtual
Library, a new exhibit is only display called “Summer in Berlin” which
is based on Germany in the 1920’s.
[09:12] Valibrarian Gregg: Clothing from the time period is offered at
the exhibit and the builder of the sim is an historical consultant for
TV and movies. She specializes in this era.
[09:13] Valibrarian Gregg: Slide 11-
Live tours will be offered on July 14th (next Saturday) at 1pm SLT
and August 5th at 1pm SLT. I shot a machinima video during the grand
opening of the exhibit in June 2011 which can be seen on Youtube-
under my username – Valibrarian.
[09:14] Valibrarian Gregg: Machinima of all of the other exhibits I
have discussed can also be viewed on Youtube. The notecard I will
provide has more information.
[09:15] Valibrarian Gregg: Machinima is a great archival tool- which I
find compatible with librarianship. 🙂
[09:15] Valibrarian Gregg: Slide 12-
On the topic of machinima, my video from the Maya Island exhibit won
the award for the best educational machinima at the Virtual Worlds
Best Practices in Education Conference 2012.
[09:15] Zinnia Zauber: Yay!
[09:15] Valibrarian Gregg: Working with colleagues from the UW
Certificate in Virtual Worlds Program (such as Zinnia here!) was
particularly rewarding because I graduated from the program in 2010
and found it an incredible learning experience.
[09:16] Valibrarian Gregg: Slide 13-
The UW Certificate in Virtual Worlds class of 2012 just graduated last
month and, as a final project, the graduates created the Museum of
Virtual Media.
[09:16] Valibrarian Gregg: I encourage you to explore this incredible
project and I plan to collaborate with them and possibly provide a
future exhibit to highlight their work and sim.
[09:17] Valibrarian Gregg: Slide 14-
As we consider the future of virtual media in education- particularly
in libraries and museums, I would like to point out that many of the
UW colleagues met earlier this year at the Federal Consortium of
Virtual Worlds Conference in Washington D.C.
[09:17] Valibrarian Gregg: Witnessing the numerous high quality
projects and involvement of the military and the government in virtual
worlds was validating for pioneers in the field of 3D immersive
learning. Meeting colleagues physically (after working for months or
years in a virtual environment) was intriguing because colleagues
realized they knew each other through that shared sense of presence
experienced in a virtual world.
[09:18] Valibrarian Gregg: The friendships formed are exactly like
those in rl. Anyone agree?
[09:18] Zinnia Zauber: Totally!
[09:18] Buffy Beale: I sure do yes
[09:18] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Absolutely
[09:18] Panny Bakerly: Indeed
[09:18] Svea Morane: Perhaps even deeper than RL
[09:19] Valibrarian Gregg: Slide 15-
Research on virtual worlds used for education, libraries, and museums
continues to expand. I am honored to work with a global community of
learners who bravely embrace new media while striving to maintain the
high standards of traditional librarianship and academic credibility.
[09:19] Valibrarian Gregg: I have a notecard with landmarks and
machinima links. IM me if you would like me to drop it to you. Zinnia
also has the notecard.
[09:19] Zinnia Zauber: Who wants a notecard?
[09:20] Panny Bakerly: I do.
[09:20] Valibrarian Gregg: I would be happy to answer any questions.
[09:20] jodinicole8: yes please
[09:20] Robert (rzepczr): Me too, please.
[09:20] Svea Morane: please yes on the notecard
[09:20] LovePhillyChick: me too
[09:20] Jen (jenelle.levenque) raises hand for NC
[09:20] Zinnia Zauber: This is wonderful Val! Thank you! Questions for Val?
[09:20] Zotarah Shepherd: I do
[09:20] Valibrarian Gregg: The notecard contains landmarks and links
to the machinima described.
[09:20] Dancers Yao: yes
[09:20] Zinnia Zauber: I’ll pass out the notecards, Val.
[09:20] Zinnia Zauber: Please address questions.
[09:21] Zinnia Zauber: Jen?
[09:21] Panny Bakerly: Are there any measurable statistic to use to
promote a virtual worlds for management buyin?
[09:21] Jo Clarrington: I would like a notecard. Thanks.
[09:21] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Just wanted a notecard
[09:22] Buffy Beale: I would yes please
[09:22] Valibrarian Gregg: As for promote virtual worlds – the
research-consulting company most people refer to is KZero. KZero
reports on the growth and development of virtual worlds for all
purposes on a global scale.
[09:23] Valibrarian Gregg: Please IM me if you did not receive the
notecard. 🙂 thanks
[09:23] Zotarah Shepherd waits for a Notecard
[09:23] Valibrarian Gregg: http://www.kzero.co.uk/
[09:23] Svea Morane: Val, in your setting, have you been able to
demonstrate positive financial return, or positive return from a
marketing perspective?
[09:23] Panny Bakerly: Good to know…thank you.
[09:23] Zotarah Shepherd: TY
[09:24] Zinnia Zauber: Did I miss anyone for the notecard?
[09:24] Robert (rzepczr): me.
[09:24] Glitteractica Cookie: me
[09:24] Valibrarian Gregg: All of my work has been in a university
setting. I have worked with librarians, as well, in both public and
special libraries. Most of my colleagues have worked in virtual worlds
as volunteers.
[09:24] Zinnia Zauber: sent!
[09:25] Robert (rzepczr): got it, thanks!
[09:25] LovePhillyChick: ty
[09:25] LovePhillyChick: got it
[09:25] Glitteractica Cookie: got it
[09:25] Valibrarian Gregg: Getting adminitrative support has been
problematic for many. However, because early adopters believe so
strongly in the benefits- they are often willing to continue (with
[09:25] jacmacaire Humby: same.. 🙂
[09:25] Zinnia Zauber: Great info on the notecards, anyone else I missed?
[09:26] Valibrarian Gregg: Any other questions?
[09:27] Zinnia Zauber: Val, what are you most excited about the future
of learning?
[09:27] Valibrarian Gregg: I am excited about the potential for
learning across the global on a personally meaningful & highly
creative scale.
[09:28] Zinnia Zauber: Excellent!
[09:28] Panny Bakerly: Can we get a copy of the presentation?
[09:28] Valibrarian Gregg: But- I am aware of many problems that have
arisen due to the digital revolution…..and am exploring ways to
teach digital citizenship and information literacy (beyond trivial
social media).
[09:28] Buffy Beale: This wasa great presentation thanks!
[09:28] Valibrarian Gregg: Thank you very much.
[09:28] Zinnia Zauber: What would you tell people who are shy about
virtual worlds to give it a try?
[09:29] Valibrarian Gregg: I can put this presentation on slideshare
(under Valibrarian).
[09:29] Panny Bakerly: Thank you!
[09:29] Magic Pathfinder (any1.gynoid): ty Valerie! Great Work! Great
[09:29] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you Val, that would be great!
[09:29] Jo Clarrington: Thanks!
[09:29] Zinnia Zauber: I have had the honor to work with Val for
several years now and I am so pleased that you all have now met her.
[09:29] jodinicole8: Wonderful, thank you. Very useful information!
[09:30] Valibrarian Gregg: For people who are shy- I would say virtual
worlds are a tremendous opportunity! You do not have to compete with
any extraverts!
[09:30] Zinnia Zauber: lol
[09:30] Panny Bakerly: ㋡
[09:30] Zinnia Zauber: That is great, Val!
[09:30] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you very much, Val! This was wonderful!
[09:31] Valibrarian Gregg: Thank you for having me.
[09:31] Zotarah Shepherd: Thank you Val. This is great!
[09:31] Zinnia Zauber: You are most welcome!
[09:31] Jen (jenelle.levenque): ********APPPLLLAAAUUUSSSEEE********
[09:31] Valibrarian Gregg: I hope to see some of you at the Summer in
Berlin Tour on July 14th—1pm
[09:31] Dancers Yao: thank you Val wonderful work
[09:31] Chayenn: great presentation
[09:31] Zinnia Zauber: Do check out the Berlin Project!
[09:31] Svea Morane: Very nice work Val. Thank you for sharing it.
[09:31] Buffy Beale: inspiring to see it continuing to grow
[09:31] jacmacaire Humby: Merci.. 🙂
— Content of Valibrarian’s Notecard:
Landmarks to Library & Museum Exhibit sims
Community Virtual Library Exhibition Area (Summer in Berlin on Display Summer 2012)
Antiquity Texas
University of Washington – Maya Island
VEE ~ Tornado Exercise
Machinima Examples of Library & Museum Exhibits
Virtual Texas http://youtu.be/uJ6uxSaS3io
Virtual Tornado http://youtu.be/kXwSwInQULk
Maya Island http://youtu.be/uJ6uxSaS3io
Summer in Berlin Grand Opening http://youtu.be/RXVc83lQOYQ
UW Certificate in Virtual Worlds 2012 Graduation in Second Life http://youtu.be/T5Z7wUIoaPs
Val’s Slideshow will be on http://www.slideshare.net/Valibrarian
Open Mic / Announcements
[09:32] Zinnia Zauber: Okay! Open Mic / Announcements!
[09:32] Zinnia Zauber: who’s got one?
[09:33] Zinnia Zauber: I do.
[09:33] LovePhillyChick: i do
[09:33] Zinnia Zauber: For our Upcoming NPC Meetings
July 13 – Jim Gatto
July 20 – Blu Heron
July 27 – Pooky Amsterdam
[09:34] Zinnia Zauber: Okay, LovePhillyChick
[09:34] Glitteractica Cookie: Maybe could you say a sentence about who
those ppl are
[09:34] LovePhillyChick: We are currently working on a Museum
Storytelling Project with High School Students. The Cliveden Project
on the Brotherly Love Sim.
Our build is almost done. High school teens will enact the history of Cliveden.
Cliveden is a historic site owned by the National Trust for Historic
Preservation and located in the Germantown neighborhood of Northwest
Philadelphia. Built as a country house by attorney Benjamin Chew,
Cliveden was completed in 1767 and was home to seven generations of
Chew family members. Cliveden has long been famous as the site of the
Battle of Germantown in 1777, as well as for its elegant architecture
and furnishing.
New research is unearthing a unique African American history including
stories of lifestyles and struggles for freedom.
[09:34] Glitteractica Cookie: ‘since most ppl don’t know what they
would talk abt
[09:35] bulaklak: That sounds really cool, LovePhillyChick
[09:35] LovePhillyChick: im very excited
[09:35] LovePhillyChick: the build will step back in time
[09:35] Svea Morane: Very nice LovePhilly
[09:35] Zinnia Zauber: Wonderful!
[09:36] LovePhillyChick: we also have our storytellder doing sojourner truth
[09:36] LovePhillyChick: upcoming
[09:36] LovePhillyChick: ty
[09:36] Fancy Firelight: Zinnia, and Val, this has been fascinating!
I’m sad to have to leave. Hope to see you again soon.
[09:37] Svea Morane: Next announcement?
[09:37] Zinnia Zauber: More announcements?
[09:37] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you Fancy!
[09:38] Svea Morane: I have a couple annoutncements…
[09:38] Dancers Yao: LovePhilly…could you give the location for your
sojurner Truth storytelling?
[09:39] LovePhillyChick: sure
[09:39] LovePhillyChick: Brotherly Love City (181,46,22)
[09:40] Dancers Yao: thanks
[09:40] Zinnia Zauber: Super!
[09:40] LovePhillyChick: yvw
[09:40] Zinnia Zauber: To answer who our guests are upcoming…
[09:40] Zinnia Zauber: July 13 – Jim Gatto of Pillbury law firm
Speaking on legal issues related to virtual worlds.
[09:41] Zinnia Zauber: July 20 – Blu Heron – educator and will talk
about Universal Design for Learning.
[09:41] Zinnia Zauber: July 27 – Pooky Amsterdam – Virtual World
producer of entertainment / shared experience & branding in the round.
[09:41] Glitteractica Cookie: Oh I know Jim
[09:41] Glitteractica Cookie: thanks for the clarification, Zinnia
[09:41] Zinnia Zauber: More than welcome!
[09:42] Zinnia Zauber: Please take a moment to check out Pooky’s site
[09:42] Zinnia Zauber: http://www.pookymedia.com/
[09:42] Zinnia Zauber: or her YouTube Channel.
[09:42] Zinnia Zauber: Does anyone have anything else to share?
[09:43] Magic Pathfinder (any1.gynoid): great lineup of speakers …
ty Zinnia! Snaps!
[09:43] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you, Magic!
[09:43] Zinnia Zauber: Let me post our links again for you.
[09:44] Zinnia Zauber: Here are the many ways to can get involved with the
Nonprofit Commons in Second Life:
Nonprofit Commons Blog: http://nonprofitcommons.org
Wiki: http://npsl.wikispaces.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/npsl
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nonprofitcommons
Google Group: http://groups.google.com/group/TechSoup-Second-Life
Google Calendar: http://bit.ly/2tMEYh
[09:44] Zinnia Zauber: About TechSoup the sponsors of the Nonprofit Commons:
[09:44] Zinnia Zauber: Join us inworld:
NPC Weekly Meeting on Fridays, 8:30 – 10 AM SLT Plush Amphitheater,
Plush Nonprofit Commons (91,127,26)
NPC Mentors Meeting: Fridays, 10:10 – 11 AM SLT Plush Amphitheater,
Plush Nonprofit Commons (91,127,26)
[09:44] Zinnia Zauber: Wharf Ratz Tuesday Night Extraordinary Dance
Extravaganza, Every Tuesday 7 – 9 PM SLT Preferred Family Healthcare
on Aloft, Aloft Nonprofit Commons (168,223,22)
CommonGround – Color Themed Monthly Networking Event on 3rd Thursday,
5 – 7 PM SLT CommonGround on Aloft, Aloft Nonprofit Commons (59,68,25)
[09:44] Zinnia Zauber: I have a question for you all!
[09:45] jacmacaire Humby: What? 🙂
[09:45] Zinnia Zauber: How many of you post photos of what we do
inworld at the NPC?
[09:45] Glitteractica Cookie: flickr them, tag em NPSL
[09:45] Zinnia Zauber: Aww, you read my mind, Glitter!!!
[09:46] Zinnia Zauber: That’s right!
[09:46] jacmacaire Humby: Not me, sorry.. But don’t hesitate to post
what you want on my Facebook profile at
[09:46] Svea Morane: How many do you want Zinnia? We have hundreds on flickr now
[09:46] bulaklak: Is today’s presentation on SlideShare? (Sorry if
someone already shared the link.)
[09:47] Glitteractica Cookie: Svea, go to the flickr tag and group
NPSL and see what we have
[09:47] Zinnia Zauber: One thing that we have learned is we all used
different social media to share what we do here.
[09:47] Glitteractica Cookie: you will get an idea of what we are looking for
[09:47] Zinnia Zauber: I’ll get that to you when Val has posted it.
[09:47] Svea Morane: kk, i’ll be happy to look
[09:47] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you Svea!
[09:47] Glitteractica Cookie: in general, nonprofits using SL, and
maybe some not in this amphitheater, since most are of us here at this
[09:48] Svea Morane: we just passed 150 continuing medical education
programs in sl….
[09:48] Svea Morane: and i have photos of all of them.
[09:48] Svea Morane: 37 public free presentations..
[09:48] Svea Morane: including the Dalai Lama…
[09:48] Zinnia Zauber: wow!
[09:48] Zinnia Zauber: What you post and tag really helps us all tell
the story of what can happen here.
[09:48] Zinnia Zauber: And, as Val shared with us today.. it is the
future of education and engagement.
[09:48] Svea Morane: so we have photos there too
[09:49] Svea Morane: i am more than happy to share… but want it to
fit with what you have
[09:49] Buffy Beale: wow Svea that’s great, 150!
[09:49] Zinnia Zauber: Cool!
[09:49] Zinnia Zauber: That is wonderful!
[09:49] Svea Morane: it is a good money maker ;0
[09:50] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you Svea
[09:50] Svea Morane: and the learning outcomes are better than RL
[09:50] Zinnia Zauber: yes, indeed.
[09:50] Svea Morane: anyway, i’ll be happy to look.. and tag
[09:51] Zinnia Zauber: I was the Mentor for Val’s class in the UW
Virtual World program and I know first hand that impact.
[09:51] Svea Morane: have any of you had experience prototyping
physical spaces in SL before you build them in RL
[09:51] Zinnia Zauber: It is wonderful that we all can share and learn
from each other.
[09:51] Zinnia Zauber: Great
[09:52] Zinnia Zauber: So, we have the Mentors Meeting after this one.
[09:52] Zinnia Zauber: If you need help or want to help, please stay
and join that meeting.
[09:52] Zinnia Zauber: I want to thank everyone for attending today!
[09:52] Zinnia Zauber: Super meeting!
[09:52] Buffy Beale: great meeting thanks Z!
[09:53] Zinnia Zauber: You all are part of this great digital revolution!
[09:53] Glitteractica Cookie: thnaks zinnia
[09:53] Glitteractica Cookie: another great meeting
[09:53] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you for joining us and we will see you
next week at 8:30 AM SLT!
[09:53] Glitteractica Cookie: bye all
[09:53] LovePhillyChick: bye
[09:53] LovePhillyChick: ty
[09:53] Ethelred Weatherwax: bye
[09:53] Zinnia Zauber: Bye!
[09:53] Chayenn: bye have a great week end
[09:54] Brena Benoir: Bye, have a great weekend to all those leaving
[09:54] Svea Morane: Thanks for the space and the topic 😉 See you all later
[09:54] jacmacaire Humby: Have a great week-edn all..
[09:54] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you all!
[09:54] jacmacaire Humby: Bye.. 🙂
[09:55] Dancers Yao: bye thank you
[09:55] alebez: bye!
– end of line –
Written by: Zinnia Zauber
This Friday, July 6, Valibrarian / Dr. Valerie Hill will join us at the Nonprofit Commons to talk about the digital revolution that is changing libraries and museums. Dr. Valerie Hill is an adjunct instructor at TWU School of Library and Information Science and a school librarian. Her interests include media literacy, human-computer interaction, and the impact of the digital revolution on education and libraries. As a National Writing Trainer, she specializes in connecting literature to writing, digital storytelling and multi-media production. http://vhill.edublogs.org/ https://www.youtube.com/user/valibrarian
Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting
July 6, 2012, 8:30 AM SLT / PST
Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater
8:30 AM Introductions
8:40 AM TechSoup Announcements
8:45 AM Mentors Central
9:55 Libraries, Museums and Immersive Learning with Valibrarian / Dr. Valerie Hill of Texas Woman’s University School of Library and Information Science
9:30 AM Open Mic / Announcements
Written by: Zinnia Zauber
One of the efforts the Mentors group has been focused on these last few weeks has been on this project of collecting news and other interesting items that would reflect the kinds of positive work being done in Second Life and other virtual worlds settings. The idea has been to then share this perspective with the world at large in order to help balance out the general image presented by popular media, which tends more often to focus on Second Life and virtual worlds as places for purely recreational gaming or which tends to take a perspective that perhaps highlights more potentially sensationalistic pursuits, like virtual sex.
So as part of this effort by the Mentors group over the last several weeks, I’ve been gathering items I thought were especially interesting from this standpoint to share. As I collected and began to study the items that caught my attention, I realized they were falling into three general categories for me…
First Category: Items Focused on How People Think of and Behave Towards the Virtual & One Another.
These items provide opportunities for exploring and perhaps changing how we perceive & understand virtual spaces, as well as opportunities to consider how we relate to one another both concerning virtual spaces and within them. These are topics I find especially interesting to consider given my intrinsic interests in the social sciences, philosophy, and the human experience.
Second Category: Items about Second Life Being Used to Help & Empower Others and for Self-Development.
Third Category: Items about Second Life Being Used for Education & Learning:
Finding and studying these examples has really opened my eyes to the kind of creative thought and innovative, constructive work being done in virtual settings. As I’ve encountered and studied these items, I’ve also shared them with friends & colleagues as well as with others in the broader social network environments I inhabit.
I hope that you’ll find some of these items as interesting as I did and also consider sharing them with others. And speaking of sharing, if you’ve encountered similar news or other similarly interesting items I would invite you to please share them with us here!
P.S. I’m realizing in hindsight that I’ve entirely missed items related to the arts, which is a glaring omission! From my own experience, I know that Second Life has a great deal to offer in this area of endeavor as well, so there must be news or other items out there highlighting some of the incredibly creative work being done; I would personally be grateful if people could also share items related to the arts and making a difference.
Written by: Jerry Buchko
[Blog post written by Elliot Harmon and cross-posted on TechSoup Blog]
One thing I always enjoy about Craigslist Foundation Boot Camp is getting to know very small organizations. A lot of people stopped by our booth and told us about the challenges their one-or-two-person nonprofits are facing. It’s an important perspective, and a big part of TechSoup’s user base. Working with a tiny staff and budget brings a litany of challenges, but it brings some amazing opportunities too.
The low-budget ethos is encapsulated no better than in the Seattle Free School. SFS doesn’t accept donations and doesn’t apply for grants. Volunteers teach free classes in rooms donated by other local organizations. In two and a half years, SFS has grown from a simple idea into an impressive institution, with classes in topics ranging from crochet to Linux installation to getting Irish citizenship.
Founder Jessica Dally came down from Seattle to give a talk called Run Free: How to Transform Your Community Without Money. (Jessica is also a Nonprofit Commons member and NetSquared Local organizer.) In a one-hour presentation, Jessica took on the daunting task of convincing a room full of people trying to start and grow nonprofits to consider a no-budget model. She started with a simple question: What do you need to start an organization? People called out various budget items (a space, computers, staff, telephones) as well as intangibles (attention, a mission, passion). Next, she asked which items from the list you can’t get for free. We selected a handful of items from the list — publicity, computers, space, and a few others — and for each item we came up with, Jessica explained how SFS had gotten it for free or made do without it.
Publicity? Jessica explained that when she first started SFS, she’d spend a lot of money and time printing flyers and taking them to community centers and coffeeshops around Seattle. One day she realized that there was no way she’d get the fliers everywhere in Seattle; why not crowdsource the job? Now, she posts the flyers on Twitter and Facebook, asking followers to bring them to their own neighborhood spots. “It’s just one copy. You can even print it off at work if you don’t tell anyone,” she joked. But the publicity hasn’t stopped there. A no-budget organization is a compelling story, and it gets SFS a lot of publicity. The school has been featured in every major publication in Seattle, and many of those have been cover stories.
Computers? Jessica and the people who work with her use their own personal computers. This one gives me a small case of jitters: it’s become increasingly common for nonprofit staff to use their own computers at least some of the time, and that’s fine if it’s an understanding that all parties are comfortable with. For any organization doing this, I’d strongly recommend that you use remote backup tools and/or online collaboration tools like Google Docs, Zoho or Microsoft Office Web Apps.
Phones? Jessica explained that at first, she simply put her mobile phone number on SFS’s website. Once she started getting enough calls that it became a problem, she switched to Google Voice. That kind of ad hoc decision-making was a major theme in Jessica’s talk: you don’t need the fancy solution right away; just use the simplest solution that’ll work until it stops working.
Space? SFS began by holding all of its classes in meeting rooms at the library. But as the school got more attention, local organizations started actively courting SFS to hold classes at their offices, with the idea that it was good marketing for them. If SFS were a traditional nonprofit, it’s possible that other local organizations with their own budgetary woes wouldn’t have been so generous.
Finally, someone asked, “How do you support yourself?” Some were bemused by Jessica’s matter-of-fact reply, “I have a day job. Actually, I have three day jobs.” She said that she works about ten hours a week month for SFS, but that those ten hours are all spent on programs, not on fundraising and accounting. When I interviewed NOZA founder Craig Harris a few years ago, he told me that when people start nonprofits, they’re invariably surprised to learn that regardless of what the organization does, they’ll be spending most of their time fundraising. Looking at it that way, there’s something to say for foregoing the fundraising and just getting a day job.
Does a no-budget model make sense for every organization? Maybe not. But we can all learn something from organizations like the Seattle Free School about finding creative solutions and relying on our communities.
Update: See Jessica’s notes in the comments thread.
Microsoft and NOZA are TechSoup product donation partners.
What are the advantages of operating with no money? What are the drawbacks? What’s your secret to running your nonprofit on the cheap? Join this Emerging Technologies forum discussion.
Written by: penguin kuhn
I’m excited to tell you about this Facebook Webinar as I love joining the fan pages of NGOs to keep tabs on their news and how I can help them. If you’re a part of the Nonprofit Commons community, we have many upcoming opportunities for you to help us with greeting at one of these webinars, so let me know if you are interested by contacting nonprofitcommons(at)techsoup(dot)org! If you aren’t yet, then feel free to join the Techsoup.org group in Second Life.
If you’ve never been into Second Life, please feel free to sign up at SecondLife.com and then sign into it, and click on the link below to teleport to the correct location, and someone there will help you from there.
From Kami‘s Post:
“Is your nonprofit or library interested in using Facebook to interact with your constituencies and reach new audiences? Are you unsure of the best way to get started on this hugely popular social networking site?
Attend this free webinar next Thursday, March 11 at 10 a.m. Pacific time and hear social media consultant John Haydon walk through the essential steps to establishing and managing a successful Facebook presence for a nonprofit or library. He will provide several examples and be available to answer questions.”
Click here to register or follow the link after the webinar to access the recording. There, you can watch the slideshow and the webinar chat portion, and get phone access information.
Attend in Second Life at the Plush Nonprofit Commons amphitheater and participate in the SecondLife chat while you hang out with the Nonprofit Commons crowd.
To see who else is using Facebook, read and post to this discussion forum.
Written by: Layal