[08:33] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Welcome everyone to this week’s Nonprofit Commons Weekly Meeting!
[08:33] Rhiannon Chatnoir: The Nonprofit Commons in Second Life is sponsored by TechSoup Global and is a program of the TechSoup Global Community & Social Media team
• 8:30 am Introductions
• 8:40 am TechSoup Announcements
• 8:45 am Mentors Central: Sarvana Haalan
• 8:55 am Main Speaker: Chris Collins (Fleep Tuque)
• 9:30 am Open Mic / Announcements
[08:33] Rhiannon Chatnoir: First a few links to start off the meeting.
Here are the many ways to can get involved with the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life:
– Nonprofit Commons Blog: http://nonprofitcommons.org
– Wiki: http://npsl.wikispaces.com
– Twitter: http://twitter.com/npsl
– Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nonprofitcommons
– G+ Community: https://plus.google.com/communities/114212078390326305687
– Google Group: http://groups.google.com/group/TechSoup-Second-Life
– Google Calendar: http://bit.ly/2tMEYh
– http://flavors.me/nonprofitcommons
About TechSoup the sponsors of the Nonprofit Commons:
– http://www.techsoup.org/stock/howtousetechsoup.asp
– http://flavors.me/techsoup
[08:34] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Hello everyone, let’s start off with Introductions!
[08:34] HB Eternal: Harold W Becker, The Love Foundation, Florida, http://www.thelovefoundation.com @lovefoundation
[08:34] CarynTopia Silvercloud: Caryn Heilman, Topia Arts Center in Adams, MA in the Berkshires of NW, MA, www.TopiaArts.org, @topiaartscenter
[08:34] Buffy Beale: Buffy Bye, Bridges for Women, Victoria BC Canada, http://www.bridgesforwomen.ca @bridges4women
[08:34] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Please state your real name, location, org, and the ways we can find you online.
And if you are new to NonProfit Commons, how you found about today’s meeting.
[08:34] Zinnia Zauber: Renne Emiko Brock-Richmond, Sequim Humanities and Arts Alliance, Sequim, Olympic Peninsula, Washington. http://www.sequimartsalliance.org http://www.facebook.com/sequimartsalliance @renneemiko
[08:34] Ronnie Rhode: Denise Harrison, The Garden for the Missing featuring missing persons: http://www.gardenforthemissing.org/ and SLURL Remora (203,148,21), Project Jason, assistance for families of the missing, http://www.projectjason.org.
[08:34] Andy Evans: Andy Mallon, First Opinions Panel in SL Social Research Foundation, NYC in RL http://www.socialresearchfoundation.org
[08:34] Dancers Yao: Kara Bennett,
[08:34] CallieDel Boa: Google plus forme.
[08:34] Gentle Heron: Virtual Ability, Inc. www.virtualability.org
[08:34] Adalace Jewell: Rosa Library Brussels – Belgium http://www.rosadoc.be @adalace
[08:35] WitchyRichy Witherspoon: Karen Richardson, Executive Director Virginia Society for Technology in Education http://www.vste.org
[08:35] alebez: Ale Bezdikian, Online Community Coordinator, TechSoup, SF, CA @TechSoup, @alebez
[08:35] Beth Ghostraven: Beth O’Connell, middle school librarian, pub owner in Caledon Victoria City
[08:35] Pathfinder Lester: John Lester, Chief Learning Officer, ReactionGrid, Montreal http://about.me/pathfinder
[08:35] Oronoque Westland: Roberta Kilkenny, Hunter College
[08:35] Chayenn: Monique Richert, Protect Yourself 1, Inc., Baltimore MD, protectyourself1.org, facebook.com/PY1US , @PY1US
[08:35] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Bruce Hestley, Transgender American Veterans Association, Akron, OH, http://www.tavausa.org, http://www.facebook.com/#!/TAVAUS
[08:35] Doug Danforth (drdoug.pennell): Doug Danforth Ohio State University
[08:35] Rhiannon Chatnoir is Joyce Bettencourt, Boston MA area, community manager here at TechSoup’s NonProfit Commons, http://joycebettencourt.com, @rhiannonSL
[08:35] WitchyRichy Witherspoon: We also maintain VSTE Island in Second Life
[08:35] Ozma Malibu: Sandy Andrews, Floaters Org, Arizona, Mexico and On the Road, @ozma
[08:35] Dancers Yao: Kara Bennett, Elder Voices, Los Angeles, CA Health Care and Human Rights
[08:35] Ethelred Weatherwax: Dave Dexter, Neenah Historical Society, Wisconsin USA
[08:35] Sarvana Haalan: Sally S. Cherry, MT(ASCP), Baltimore, MD, http://CHAREproject.com, @CHAREproject
[08:35] JT Christos: John Goltz, Tampa FL, The Love Foundation, www.thelovefoundation.com
[08:35] Fleep Tuque: Chris Collins, University of Cincinnati Center for Simulations & Virtual Environments Research http://ucsim.uc.edu and AvaCon, Inc. http://avacon.org
[08:35] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford): I’m an educator in higher education in the midwest, doing some theatre and planning some seminars in the arts at our venue at Ce Soir Arts. Blog: http://cesoirarts.com
[08:35] Brena Benoir: Brenda Bryan, Preferred Family Healthcare, Kirksville, MO www.pfh.org, @brenabenoir
[08:35] Don (donineducation): Don Elliott, Community College of Baltimore County, MD
[08:35] Glitteractica Cookie: Susan Tenby, Director, Online Community and Social Media team, TechSOup Global @suzboop @techsoup @caravanstudios
[08:36] Tori Landau: Patricia Dean, volunteer event coordinator for the Open University’s Deep Think campus and volunteer owner of the Moonstone sim, which currently is still home to the International Schools. www.open.ac.uk
[08:36] WitchyRichy Witherspoon: I received a notice from a colleague about the meeting
[08:36] Thurs Xu (thursday.xu): Rex Heer at Iowa State University
[08:36] Gabrielle Riel: Gabrielle Riel – SL estate owner, SL radio station director and graduate student in Instructional Technology with a focus in Interactive Technologies at Wayne State University, Detroit
[08:36] Coughran Mayo: Dick Dillon, Innovaision, LLC St Louis MO @coughran, @innovaision
[08:36] Digz (coffin.gloom): Digger BlackHawk , www.drmc.com Bikers who ride for a cause”
[08:36] Chris Hart (strawberry.fride)Chris Hart (strawberry.fride)Chris Hart, Boston MA, CTO ReactionGrid Inc. http://www.linkedin.com/in/christinehart/
[08:37] RobinG2 Proto – ReactionGrid (robing2.proto): Robin Gomboy, Moutn Dora, FL President ReactionGrid Inc
[08:37] Rhiannon Chatnoir: if you just joined us, please introduce yourself and there are a few extra seats to the left if you are facing me
[08:37] bulaklak: Michael DeLong, TechSoup Global, San Francisco, CA @mmdelong @ TechSoup
[08:37] Merlin Moonshadow: Michael Smith, Emory University; currently a grad student in ID at UGA.
[08:37] Dae Miami: William Schmachtenberg, Virginia, Teacher and I have a company Educational Virtual Worlds, www.evwllc.co, a colleague recommended this lecture
[08:38] Rhiannon Chatnoir: any other introductions?
[08:38] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Wow, 48 here today
[08:38] Gentle Heron: That is a tribute to Fleep!
[08:38] Zaqk Palmer: zaqk palmer – I work on immersive environments for universities
[08:38] Glitteractica Cookie: That’s fantastic
[08:38] Serene Jewell: Hi all
[08:38] Fleep Tuque: hehe
[08:38] Glitteractica Cookie: way to go, Rhiannon!
[08:38] Fleep Tuque blushes.
[08:38] Buffy Beale: yay Fleep 🙂
[08:39] Fleep Tuque: And Rhi’s great PR. 😉
[08:39] Digz (coffin.gloom): sorry this is my first time here and im not sure how to do this or when to speak about why im here
[08:39] Rhiannon Chatnoir: thanks
[08:39] Fleep Tuque: You can just chat your introduction Digz
[08:39] Glitteractica Cookie: Rhiannon will help you
[08:39] Rhiannon Chatnoir: of feel free to introduce yourself now
[08:40] Rhiannon Chatnoir: state your real name, location, org, and the ways we can find you online.
And if you are new to NonProfit Commons, how you found about today’s meeting.
[08:40] Digz (coffin.gloom): well my name is Digz and I am the president of the devilz rejectz MC here in SL
[08:40] Rhiannon Chatnoir: for anyone else who is new to NPC
[08:40] Gentle Heron: Digz, you may want to make an OPEN MIC announcement at the end of the agenda today
[08:40] Digz (coffin.gloom): we spend our time finding non profit companies and things like relay for life to help suport
[08:40] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford): My wife, Mireille has been here before – she’s always ahead of me on such things. 🙂
[08:40] RobinG2 Proto – ReactionGrid (robing2.proto): not new but been a while since I have visited – came today becasue I knew Fleep was talking
[08:40] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great
[08:40] jlmorin: Hi all. I’m JL Morin, and I’m leading the drum circle on Sunday at 9 a.m.
[08:41] RobinG2 Proto – ReactionGrid (robing2.proto): Het Fleep!
[08:41] Buffy Beale: great to see you G2 🙂
[08:41] RobinG2 Proto – ReactionGrid (robing2.proto): Hey

[08:41] Rhiannon Chatnoir: let’s move on to TechSoup Announcements, but feel free to still introduce yourself if you havent yet.
[08:41] Serene Jewell: Kathleen Watkins, Multimedia person, San Francisco @anthropola
[08:41] Dudley Dreamscape: Dudley Turner, Univ. of Akron, Ohio, USA,
[08:41] CallieDel Boa: I learned about NPC via DJ Earnshaw. I’m with the APCUG
[08:42] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Bulaklak, if your ready 🙂
[08:42] Buffy Beale: yay Tuna is here!
[08:43] bulaklak: Hi! Please bear with me. I am having some computer issues.
[08:43] Thurs Xu (thursday.xu): me too
[08:43] CallieDel Boa: Me too…
[08:43] bulaklak: I’ll try to keep it short as I think I need to restart.
[08:43] Oronoque Westland: 53 AVs for the record
[08:43] Fleep Tuque: !!
[08:44] Coughran Mayo: I blame the crowd on the speaker
[08:44] Pathfinder Lester: heh
[08:44] LoriVonne LustreLoriVonne Lustre🙂
[08:44] CallieDel Boa smiles
[08:44] Pathfinder Lester: Fleep woohoo!
[08:44] Sarvana Haalan: lol, lol
[08:44] bulaklak: Please join us on Tuesday, January 22 at 10am for a #CommBuild tweet chat
[08:44] Fleep Tuque: 🙂
[08:44] Beth Ghostraven: Is this all text, or is there voice too?
[08:44] Gentle Heron: All text.
[08:44] Oronoque Westland: text only
[08:44] Sarvana Haalan: The speaker is why I am so excited today…. woot, woot!!
[08:44] CallieDel Boa: Great, it is ok to transcribe?
[08:45] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes, for anyone having lag issues, you can try going into preferences and turning down settings. Avatars are a lot of load and we have a good crowd today. Also, if you have any scripted devices you don’t need to use while here, you might turn them off during.
[08:45] bulaklak: The topic will be segmenting and sorting your community
[08:45] bulaklak: And how to comminicate appropriately with each of those segments
[08:45] bulaklak: OUr special guest start will be Richard Millington of feverBee
[08:45] bulaklak: Read more about it here: http://bit.ly/U6w9np
[08:45] Rhiannon Chatnoir: the meeting is all text
[08:45] Bau Ur removes scripted scarf in helpful gesture.
[08:45] Fleep Tuque: (You guys are making me nervous! heh)
[08:46] Glitteractica Cookie: Richard is an Online Community veteran, and all of us career community managers really find his info valuable and he’s very insightful
[08:46] Bau Ur: Hello Fleep. YOu should never be nervous. You are always interesting and charming.
[08:46] bulaklak: Oh my so many typos.
[08:46] Sarvana Haalan: we are a friendly bunch… lol, lol
[08:46] The Wizard of Odd (tuna.oddfellow): You are among friends Fleep//
[08:46] The Wizard of Odd (tuna.oddfellow): it’s ok
[08:46] Fleep Tuque: That sounds like a fun event bulaklak
[08:46] Rhiannon Chatnoir: all set bulaklak?
[08:47] Fleep Tuque: I’ve never used tweetchat, will have to check that out.
[08:47] LoriVonne Lustre: Tweetchats are great! Fast and fun!
[08:47] Glitteractica Cookie: the easiest way to do a twitter chat is to use the tweetchat.com interface
[08:48] Veri Oddfellow: Hey y’all, Veri Oddfellow here from Great Strides. http://www.GreatStrides.org in Damascus, MD, USA
[08:48] Sarvana Haalan: I love tweet chats especially at special events
[08:48] Rhiannon Chatnoir: I think we lost bulaklak, Glitteractica or Alebez, want to add anything?
[08:48] Glitteractica Cookie: I’m not sure if Bulaklak has a windows 8 contest update
[08:49] Glitteractica Cookie: I assume he does
[08:49] Glitteractica Cookie: if not, I can grab some links
[08:49] Glitteractica Cookie: he crashed
[08:50] The Wizard of Odd (tuna.oddfellow): Hello Veri good to see you
[08:50] Rhiannon Chatnoir: if you want to update on that, would be great
[08:50] Glitteractica Cookie: SO, since he is not re-logged on yet…
[08:50] Sarvana Haalan: some Baltimore developers are indeed interested
[08:50] Glitteractica Cookie: The Win8 contest for social benefit apps is on until Feb 28th
[08:50] Veri Oddfellow: Tuna! Old friend, Cuz-o-mine! Well met!
[08:50] Glitteractica Cookie: There is $40,000 USD to be won
[08:50] Glitteractica Cookie: info at: http://www.netsquared.org/challenge/windows-8-apps-social-good-contest#….
[08:50] Sarvana Haalan: woot, woot!!!
[08:50] Fleep Tuque: wow
[08:50] Glitteractica Cookie: The app must be a windows app
[08:51] Sarvana Haalan: 🙂
[08:51] Glitteractica Cookie: and must be submitted into the windows marketplace
[08:51] Glitteractica Cookie: and we are pretty low on entries, so you still have a very good chance to win
[08:51] Glitteractica Cookie: The prizes are $15k, $15k and $10k — three prizes
[08:52] Glitteractica Cookie: the app could be one that was previously created for another hackathon or contest and one that is already in use, so the options are opn
[08:52] Coughran Mayo: How do you define “app”?
[08:52] Glitteractica Cookie: And we have a wiki for hackers to help them with the social benefit issue that they are going to build upon, for teh problem they are going to solve
[08:53] Glitteractica Cookie: A bit of code for a phone, web, game
[08:53] Glitteractica Cookie: Just look at the http://www.netsquared.org/challenge/windows-8-apps-social-good-contest#…. and your questions will be answered
[08:53] Glitteractica Cookie: as i was saying… the hacker helper wiki is available to get the data for teh civic issues in there
[08:53] Glitteractica Cookie: hackerhelper.wikispaces.com
[08:54] Glitteractica Cookie: We are also looking for folks to tell us if we have the right info there, to help us by addiing more links and data points, to add more issue area content
[08:54] Glitteractica Cookie: the wiki is open to edit, so please feel free
[08:54] The Wizard of Odd (tuna.oddfellow): WillowWitch
[08:55] Glitteractica Cookie: and if you think we missed some good information, let us know that too
[08:55] Glitteractica Cookie: if you have any questions, please email me at susan@techsoup.org
[08:55] Rhiannon Chatnoir: thanks Susan
[08:55] Glitteractica Cookie: no problem
[08:56] Tori Landau: wb Bulaklak
[08:56] Rhiannon Chatnoir: welcome back Bulaklak
[08:56] bulaklak: tx
[08:56] Noxx’s High Detail Color Changing Sunglasses: You are the proud owner of these color changing sunglasses
[08:56] Noxx’s High Detail Color Changing Sunglasses: The owner can say ‘/1 help’ for instructions.
[08:57] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Glitteractica just went over the Windows 8 app challenge, any other updates before we move on to Mentor’s Central
[08:57] Bau Ur: A lot of people here. I now see that, alas, I must have walked over a few when I first arrived. SOrry.
[08:57] Rhiannon Chatnoir: oops, think he poofed again
[08:57] Rhiannon Chatnoir: ok, why dont we move on then 🙂
[08:57] CallieDel Boa: It didn’t hurt trust me ;p
[08:57] Fleep Tuque: Hehe
[08:57] Tori Landau: Np Bau, our pixels don’t feel pain here °͜°
[08:58] alebez: Yep, bulaklak sends his best, but his computer is dying.
[08:58] Rhiannon Chatnoir: thanks

[08:58] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Time for Mentor’s Central!
[08:58] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Today for Mentor Central we have Sarvana Haalan to speak, let’s welcome her up and please start whenever your ready.!
[08:58] Zinnia Zauber: Rah Sar!
[08:58] Gentle Heron applauds for Sarvana.
[08:59] CallieDel Boa applauds
[08:59] Sarvana Haalan: First I must say… Go, Baltimore Ravens!!!
[08:59] Sarvana Haalan: lol, lol
[08:59] Mia (praxislady.witt) claps loudly
[08:59] Fleep Tuque: hehe
[08:59] CallieDel Boa: Hahaha
[08:59] Sarvana Haalan: Good morning… Since I am a “gadget –loving” ava, I am always checking out new gadgets and software in real life as well as in-world . I am currently testing and I will share a bit about the Lumiya Viewer today.
[09:00] Sarvana Haalan: Is any one using it fight now?
[09:00] Mia (praxislady.witt): /listening closely
[09:00] CarmenLittleFawn: 🙂
[09:00] Sarvana Haalan: First a little about… Lumiya Viewer
The Lumiya Viewer is a virtual world grid client for Android phones and tablets. It is a recognized by Second Life as a Third Party Viewer. I am testing to see if I can use it with OpenSim worlds such as Kitely, OSGrid, New World Grid and others in the log-in listing.
[09:01] Fleep Tuque: Ah nifty!
[09:01] Sarvana Haalan: I am in OSGrid right now with it
[09:01] Sarvana Haalan: So I have used it with SL and OSGrid… Kitely will be checked next
[09:01] Sarvana Haalan: It can be downloaded from Google Play at the cost of $2.95. It requires Android: 2.1 and up and is about 4.8 MB in size.
[09:02] Sarvana Haalan: worth the @.95
[09:02] Sarvana Haalan: 2.95… sorry
[09:02] Sarvana Haalan: Note: Lumiya does use your phone’s data connection which may cost money.
It was stated Wi-Fi or 3G connection is preferred; EDGE connection is usually enough to use LumiyaGPRS or slower connections are generally not recommended.
[09:02] Sarvana Haalan: What to do withLumiya on your Android smartphone:
[09:02] Hour Destiny: For those with Windows and OS X, look into BlueStacks. Allows you to run Android apps on those platforms.
[09:02] Beth Ghostraven: If I can get into SL on my phone, RL might see me less and less!
[09:03] Sarvana Haalan: this viewer is my fav mobile one
[09:03] Sarvana Haalan: 1. You can actually view the virtual world environment in 3-D
2. Teleport to landmarks
3. Receive IM (instant messages) from SL friends
[09:03] The Wizard of Odd (tuna.oddfellow): Lumiya is wonderful
[09:03] Sarvana Haalan: 4. Send IM (instant messages) to friends
5. Chat using local chat
6. Manage your inventory
7. Give and receive inventory items
8. Change your clothes
[09:04] Sarvana Haalan: 9. Teleport to landmarks
10. Listen to in-world music
[09:04] Sarvana Haalan: and many other task
[09:04] Sarvana Haalan: someLimitations:
• Terrain and sky are not textured.
• “Mesh” is not supported. Sculpted objects are supported.
• Particle systems, local lighting and other fancy features are not supported.
[09:04] Sarvana Haalan: okay … To get more info about Lumiya: http://www.lumiyaviewer.com
Lumiya screenshots can be viewed at: http://lumiya.tiddlyspace.com/
Graymills ogf TidalBlog has created Lumiya Wiki, which explains Lumiya features in great depth. Wiki – http://lumiya.tiddlyspace.com/
[09:05] Sarvana Haalan: As a gadget-loving ava, I highly recommended it… lol, lol and I am Not an agent for their company
[09:05] Fleep Tuque: hehe
[09:06] Mia (praxislady.witt): TY Sarvanna, love the manage inventory especially, haha
[09:06] Sarvana Haalan: Serious, it should be looked at as mobile tool…. and that completed my “little bit” about the Lumiya Viewer
[09:06] Fleep Tuque: For all that filing we never do. 😉
[09:06] ArthurConan Doyle: Any app for iPhone?
[09:06] Sarvana Haalan: oops… lost my seat
[09:07] Gentle Heron: tsk tsk Fleep, come take my Inventory Management mini-class!
[09:07] Pathfinder Lester: heh
[09:07] Fleep Tuque: I gave up in despair years ago. 😉
[09:07] Zinnia Zauber: PocketMV for iphone
[09:07] Grizzla (grizzla.pixelmaid): There IS such a thing as inventory management?!
[09:07] Buffy Beale: great info thanks Sar!
[09:07] Beth Ghostraven: Ohh, Gentle Heron, I want to take your class!
[09:07] ArthurConan Doyle: Thanks
[09:07] Fleep Tuque: Thanks Sarvana!
[09:07] Rhiannon Chatnoir: thank you Sarvana, if you have more questions on alternate viewers, feel free to ask during our open mic.
[09:08] LoriVonne Lustre: Thanks Zinnia
[09:08] Mia (praxislady.witt) claps for Sarvanna
[09:08] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you Sar! Great job!!
[09:08] Bau Ur: manages inventory during meetings like these.
[09:08] Mia Kitchensink: 😀
[09:08] Merlin Moonshadow: I manage to fill up my inventory. 🙂

[09:08] Rhiannon Chatnoir: On to our Featured Presenter!
[09:08] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Today we have as our featured presenter Chris M. Collins, who most of you probably know better as the avatar Fleep Tuque.
[09:08] Fleep Tuque waves!
[09:08] Rhiannon Chatnoir: I have the pleasure of having collaborated with Fleep in both real and virtual worlds and am happy she could join us today. 🙂
[09:08] Buffy Beale: cheers for Fleep!
[09:08] Rhiannon Chatnoir: She will be presenting to us today on: “Moving Beyond Second Life: Opportunities for Education, Non-Profits, and Healthcare in the Wider Metaverse”
[09:08] Dae Miami: applause!!!!
[09:08] CarmenLittleFawn: Hi Fleep 🙂 nice to meet u
[09:08] Gentle Heron applauds Fleep
[09:08] CallieDel Boa waves back.
[09:09] LoriVonne Lustre: clapping wildly!!!
[09:09] Rhiannon Chatnoir: First some info on Chris / Fleep:
Chris M. Collins (Fleep Tuque) is an IT Analyst at the University of Cincinnati. Her research focuses on the use of virtual worlds, social media, and augmented reality in higher education and for remote workforce collaboration. She founded and currently manages the Center for Simulations & Virtual Environments Research (http://ucsim.uc.edu/) in the UC Office for Information Technology (UCIT), Instructional & Research Computing department.
In her free time, she serves on the board of AvaCon, Inc., (http://avacon.org/) a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the growth, enhancement, and development of the metaverse, virtual worlds, augmented reality, and 3D immersive and virtual spaces. AvaCon’s primary goal is to connect and support the diverse communities and practitioners involved in co-creating and using virtual worlds, and to educate the public and our constituents about the emerging ecosystem of technologies broadly known as the metaverse.
Her other projects include running FleepGrid, a small hyperlinked research grid on the OpenSim platform, serving as Executive Director for the Chilbo Community in Second Life, and she blogs informally about the impact of technology on education, politics, and economics at Fleep’s Deep Thoughts.
– http://fleepgrid.com/
– http://fleeptuque.com/blog
– http://twitter.com/Fleep
Let’s welcome up Fleep, please take a seat and start whenever you are ready.
[09:09] Sarvana Haalan: wooot, wooot
[09:09] Zinnia Zauber: Rah Fleep!
[09:09] Doug Danforth (drdoug.pennell): Go Ohio!
[09:09] Fleep Tuque: OK, going to see if I can get slides to rez. 🙂
[09:09] CallieDel Boa: Yayyy!
[09:10] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Yayyyy Fleep
[09:10] Fleep Tuque: Is that ok placement for everybody?
[09:10] CallieDel Boa: Looks good to me
[09:10] CarmenLittleFawn: great
[09:10] Rhiannon Chatnoir: maybe a bit higher
[09:10] Rhiannon Chatnoir: above our avatars
[09:10] Zaqk Palmer: maybe up a bit?
[09:10] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yay
[09:10] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford): A bit higher, yes. Otherwise, great.
[09:10] Fleep Tuque: Better?
[09:10] Thurs Xu (thursday.xu): great
[09:10] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford): Yep.
[09:10] Zaqk Palmer: cool
[09:11] Fleep Tuque: Ok, well I should start by saying thanks to Rhiannon and the Nonprofit Commons for inviting me to speak today! It’s a pleasure to be here.
[09:11] Fleep Tuque: And oops let me lock that, so you guys don’t advance on me. 😉
[09:11] CarmenLittleFawn: hehe
[09:11] Fleep Tuque: It’s great to see so many familiar faces, but for those of you who may not know about my work, I’ve been involved in the virtual worlds and metaverse space for most of the last decade. (!!!)
[09:11] 2013 NPC Commons: You do not have permission to use this viewer.
[09:11] Fleep Tuque: Well, that’s if you count playing around in the Second Life beta back in 2003 – which was *gulp* 10 years ago now – but I really got serious about it probably close to the time when I created this account back in 2005.
[09:11] 2013 NPC Commons: You may request permission from the owner, by clicking the lock on the side of the screen.
[09:12] Fleep Tuque: See here, evidence of my n00bness
[09:12] Fleep Tuque: lol
[09:12] Bau Ur: laughings
[09:12] Fleep Tuque: If you were around back in those days, you know that at the time, Second Life was something of a revelation, or at least it was to me.
[09:12] CarmenLittleFawn: mmhmm
[09:12] Fleep Tuque: It was early in my career at the University of Cincinnati, and my focus then was doing a lot of technical support for distance learning and helping faculty learn how to do crazy things like put their course materials on this new-fangled World Wide Web. 😉
[09:12] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford): We all started out pretty noooooooby.
[09:12] CarmenLittleFawn: nods
[09:12] Fleep Tuque: So when I first came into Second Life and had that “a-ha” moment, that realization that we could create any kind of learning environment..
[09:13] Fleep Tuque: I dragged the University of Cincinnati in and jumped with both feet. 🙂
[09:13] Fleep Tuque: That we had so many opportunities for interesting learning environments
[09:13] Fleep Tuque: And could do so many things..
[09:14] Fleep Tuque: models and prototypes and not just describe different kinds of phenomena to students, but let them see it, walk around it, go “into” it, simulate it..
[09:14] Doug Danforth (drdoug.pennell): Hey – I recognize that!
[09:14] Fleep Tuque: (Are slides rezzing for yu guys? Will have toyell if I am going too quickly.)
[09:14] Gentle Heron smiles at Doug!
[09:14] Chris Hart (strawberry.fride)Chris Hart (strawberry.fride)yep
[09:14] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford): Great here, Fleep.
[09:14] Fleep Tuque: it really ignited my passion for all things virtual.
[09:14] Pathfinder Lester: i recognize that simulation
[09:14] Pathfinder Lester: heh
[09:15] 2013 NPC Commons: You do not have permission to use this viewer.
[09:15] Fleep Tuque: I spent the next probably 4 or 5 years very deeply immersed in learning how to use Second Life for a host of academic and non-profit projects..
[09:15] LoriVonne Lustre: LOL Doug
[09:15] 2013 NPC Commons: You may request permission from the owner, by clicking the lock on the side of the screen.
[09:15] Fleep Tuque: I see Doug is in the house, any other Ohio folks?
[09:15] Loken Jewell: grins
[09:15] CallieDel Boa: I was raised there.
[09:15] Bau Ur: Oxford OH
[09:15] Dudley Dreamscape: Akron, OH
[09:15] Fleep Tuque: So lots of conferences and events
[09:15] Jen (jenelle.levenque): Akron ohio here
[09:16] Loken Jewell: O-H-I-O
[09:16] CallieDel Boa: Cleveland
[09:16] Fleep Tuque: (I might zoom through some picture slides here, sorry if they don’t rez quick enough, will put this all online. 🙂
[09:16] Fleep Tuque: And working with communities in Second Life
[09:16] Rhiannon Chatnoir: thanks
[09:16] Bau Ur: CHilbo!
[09:16] Fleep Tuque: Chilbo is a mainland community that’s been here since 2006! (!!!)
[09:16] CallieDel Boa: Great place too
[09:16] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford): 🙂
[09:16] Fleep Tuque: We’ve had hundreds of folks come through, and it was a very not-for-profit enterprise from the beginning
[09:17] Fleep Tuque: Yes, I’ve probably met some of you through Chilbo. 🙂
[09:17] Fleep Tuque: But I also spent a lot of time at real world conferences and events too
[09:17] Oronoque Westland: look at typists!
[09:17] Fleep Tuque: Where I met SO many great people through things like the Second Life Community Convention
[09:17] Fleep Tuque: And meeting some of the most brilliant and innovative thinkers in the metaverse (some of whom I see here today – thanks for coming!).. 🙂
[09:17] Coughran Mayo: yes SLCC!
[09:18] Fleep Tuque: So I think it would have been really hard a few years ago to find anyone as passionate about Second Life as I was. It really literally changed my life!
[09:18] Zinnia Zauber: Rah SLCC!
[09:18] Veri Oddfellow: Yesss … gotta love SLCC
[09:18] 2013 NPC Commons: You do not have permission to use this viewer.
[09:18] 2013 NPC Commons: You may request permission from the owner, by clicking the lock on the side of the screen.
[09:18] Fleep Tuque: I came to believe that virtual communities like this one are so powerful.
[09:18] Hour Destiny: Salt Lake Community College (my wife attended there) 🙂
[09:18] Fleep Tuque: And I spent a lot of time trying to convince others of the same thing. 🙂
[09:18] CallieDel Boa: Indeed
[09:18] Fleep Tuque: It changed the trajectory of my career, and opened up so many doors and opportunities – not just professionally, but personally, too.
[09:18] Veri Oddfellow: lol Hour *wah wah wah*
[09:18] Fleep Tuque: I learned a lot about myself – for example,
[09:19] Fleep Tuque: I discovered that I was a terrible capitalist!
[09:19] Fleep Tuque: Experiencing the extreme hype cycle of Second Life and all of the opportunists that the hype and crazy media coverage brought, there were so many people raking in real life money hand over fist and I had opportunities to do that as well,
[09:19] Fleep Tuque: but I discovered about myself that my interest really is in the public good,
in developing communities and networks of people who are interested in the same thing, who feel that passion for making all of our worlds, real and virtual, better.
[09:19] Fleep Tuque: (I’m sure you guys remember that crazy hype)
[09:19] Coughran Mayo: 🙂
[09:19] Fleep Tuque: So, though I’m extremely grateful for everything I learned in Second Life, and all the wonderful people I’ve met there, in the last couple of years I’ve begun to feel that Second Life – for all it’s positive aspects – has become ..
[09:20] Fleep Tuque: Well, let’s just say that the platform itself has an awfully steep learning curve, and enough quirks and difficulties in realizing our visions, that I ran up against a wall.
[09:20] Fleep Tuque: After a certain point, when you’ve given hundreds of workshops and classes and lectures and presentations, and you’ve seen thousands of students and administrators and business people take their first avatar steps, and you’ve run many events, conferences, and performances..
[09:20] Fleep Tuque: You eventually run up against the limitations of what this particular platform can do. It is still terrific for so many things, like being here with all of you!
[09:20] Fleep Tuque: But Second Life never jumped the chasm, and I’ve come to the conclusion that at least this iteration of it isn’t ever going to.
[09:21] Fleep Tuque: 🙁
[09:21] Hour Destiny: Like its lack of stability and scale.
[09:21] Bau Ur: When there were a million residents, typical concurrency was 30 to 60 K. Now there are 30 million accounts. TYpical concurrency is 30 to 60 K.
[09:21] Fleep Tuque: Which honestly, makes me a bit sad to say.
[09:21] Fleep Tuque: So, I thought today I’d share some of the issues I’ve come up against in Second Life that I hope you will think about, and what I’ve discovered in exploring some alternatives.
[09:21] Fleep Tuque: And especially, I hope we can talk a little bit about why broadening our experience with alternative platforms might help us in our (neverending) quest for funding and support for the kinds of public service projects that we feel passionate about.
[09:21] Coughran Mayo: “It is what it is” no reason to be sad
[09:21] Pathfinder Lester: well said
[09:21] Fleep Tuque: So hopefully you get by now that I am not anti-Second Life, or here to deliver an anti-Second Life diatribe, but rather that I want to talk realistically about some of the issues that public sector projects in particular are facing with this platform.
[09:22] Fleep Tuque: I think the first break in the Second Life spell came for me when they announced the educational and non-profit discount would be ending a mere two weeks before classes started at the University of Cincinnati.
[09:22] Fleep Tuque: I’m sure I wasn’t the only one who completely panicked, since our funding cycles are much longer than two weeks!
[09:22] Bau Ur: Grr. That was…so…barbaric.
[09:22] Fleep Tuque: At the time I was working with colleges and universities in the state, and we were looking at what things were going to cost with these new price increases..
[09:22] Coughran Mayo remembers being smacked in the fact by THAT fish!
[09:22] Fleep Tuque: hehe
[09:22] Fleep Tuque: And at UC, with so little notice, we were in a scramble to figure out how to take advantage of the two year grace period Linden Lab offered, and ended up having to let go of some of our projects because we just couldn’t come up with two years of funding overnight.
[09:22] Sarvana Haalan: lol, lol
[09:22] Fleep Tuque: The first project we had to cut was the recreation of the Galapagos Islands that had been a really fantastic collaboration between many different faculty at the University of Cincinnati, it was just in time for the 150th anniversary of Darwin’s publication of the Origin of Species.
[09:23] Fleep Tuque: And we got so many visitors, literally from all over the real world, and classes who were using it to bring their students on virtual field trips, we felt we’d developed a really great resource and experience with lots of opportunities for self-paced learning and discovery.
[09:23] Bau Ur: sigh…and evolution education is so much needed, too.
[09:23] Fleep Tuque: But when the billing cycle changed and the funding requirements changed on a dime..
[09:23] Fleep Tuque: We had to let it go, and that was when I first realized just how impractical it was to be developing these kinds of resources on a platform in which I couldn’t even save a copy of that work in case we got funding down the road – that the moment we couldn’t keep paying the bill, all that effort just disappeared into the ether – poof!
[09:24] Riven Homewood: I’ve never understood what on earth LL was thinking then. It seems so horribly shortsighted.
[09:24] Fleep Tuque: I realized that really investing our time, energy, and expertise in this platform carries a pretty heavy cost – not just the increased financial cost, but the cost of not being able to archive or save our work. The cost of trusting that Linden Lab won’t go out of business or change their minds tomorrow.
[09:24] CallieDel Boa nods
[09:24] Fleep Tuque: (Oops gt wonky with the slides there..)
[09:24] Riven Homewood: *nidding
[09:24] Hour Destiny: Or be jerks.
[09:24] Fleep Tuque: So Second Life DOES have great beenfits, but also some very real costs.
[09:25] Fleep Tuque: (I’m sure other educators here are aware that in the past few years, Linden Lab’s support for the education community is just a shadow of its former self, so we’ve learned painfully what happens when they decide you’re not their target audience anymore.)
[09:25] Beth Ghostraven: (Will we be able to see these slides later?)
[09:25] CallieDel Boa: Yes
[09:25] Fleep Tuque: (Yep, will post to slideshare)
[09:25] LoriVonne Lustre: yes indeed
[09:25] Fleep Tuque: So I guess my first piece of advice is to say that while Second Life has so many affordances and opportunities to develop our communities and projects here, we can’t turn a blind eye to the costs of doing business here either.
[09:25] CallieDel Boa: Short-sited
[09:25] Fleep Tuque: Not being able to backup or download our builds has become something of a deal-breaker for me. Particularly for some of the kinds of government funded projects we do where keeping an archive or making the resources public domain is an actual requirement of the grant.
[09:26] Fleep Tuque: And for at least our academic and healthcare related projects, we have just hit a wall with the technical challenges of running Second Life in labs or for busy medical students who all use iPads and tablets, the accessibility issues completely overshadow the learning content.
[09:26] Coughran Mayo: Is that Downton Abbey?
[09:26] Fleep Tuque: lol
[09:26] CallieDel Boa: Fleep: Have you explored alternatives?
[09:26] Fleep Tuque: So those are some of the practical reasons why I would encourage to you really start looking at and exploring some alternative platforms. You don’t have to leave Second Life, or your communities or projects here – I haven’t!
[09:26] Fleep Tuque: (Haha Callie) 🙂
[09:26] Fleep Tuque: But what we have started to do is say ok, Second Life is good for some things, and the development we’ve already invested there has taught us a lot of important lessons, so let’s take that knowledge and now start looking at other platforms that maybe offer some better affordances for other use-cases.
[09:26] CallieDel Boa: Yes!
[09:26] Fleep Tuque: If you’re working at all with simulations, I really can’t tell you how powerful and what an exciting platform Unity3D is to work with.
[09:26] Dae Miami: yes unity!
[09:27] Coughran Mayo: All Right!
[09:27] 2013 NPC Commons: You do not have permission to use this viewer.
[09:27] 2013 NPC Commons: You may request permission from the owner, by clicking the lock on the side of the screen.
[09:27] LoriVonne Lustre: 🙂
[09:27] Fleep Tuque: I first heard about Unity3D through the folks at ReactionGrid, their platform addition to Unity3D called JIBE takes care of a lot of the initial start-up programming that you would otherwise need to let people pick an avatar and get logged in and all kinds of other stuff, so for those of us who aren’t programmers it is a great resource.
[09:27] Hour Destiny: I have Unity3D installed for Windows and OS X. Lots and lots of resources available, including IRC chat.
[09:27] Fleep Tuque: Unity3D platform at: http://unity3d.com/
[09:27] Fleep Tuque: ReactionGrid’s JIBE, which I highly recommend: http://reactiongrid.com/
[09:27] Fleep Tuque: At the University of Cincinnati Center for Simulations & Virtual Environments, we’ve basically moved our medical simulation projects wholesale from Second Life into Unity.
[09:28] Coughran Mayo adds his recommendation for Jibe + Unity!
[09:28] Gabrielle Riel: 0_0 @ screenshots
[09:28] CallieDel Boa nods
[09:28] Sarvana Haalan: I research ome before building my major HIV/AIDS capacity building and training project in Kitelyproject in
[09:28] Fleep Tuque: Which we could not have done without the help of JIBE
[09:28] Glitteractica Cookie: How many users are currently in Vibe?
[09:28] Fleep Tuque: (Not to be doing the hard sell, but when you find smethign really helpful, you want to share it with others.)
[09:28] Glitteractica Cookie: in the hundreds? thousands?
[09:28] Fleep Tuque: Our first step was to try to re-create as exactly as possible what we had done in Second Life in this new platform, and you can see our first kind of attempt at that at http://ucsim.uc.edu/jibe/poccent/webplayer.html
[09:29] Glitteractica Cookie: speaking of which, I’m out of date with the current SL numbers, as a comparison point
[09:29] Hour Destiny: HeroEngine is a MMO engine that allows real-time collobration. A lifetime license with 99 developer seats is currently $1K and HeroEngine will handle hosting.
[09:29] Fleep Tuque: That link will take you to our first attempt anyway, so sorry for all the crazy bugs, but tought it would be fun to share. 🙂
[09:29] Fleep Tuque: But we quickly discovered that you can do SO much more with Unity than is even possible in Second Life, that we abandoned that one-to-one conversion and are now re-thinking our entire simulation system to take advantage of what Unity has to offer.
[09:29] Coughran Mayo: Private virtual world creation is usuall NOT about trying to sell to a disinterested crowd, you already have your audience defined
[09:30] Fleep Tuque: Best of all, we truly DO own all of our work, assets, builds, and scenes in Unity – they sit on our servers, not someone else’s, so that peace of mind for me was really important that we wouldn’t find ourselves with the Galapagos Islands experience all over again.
[09:30] RobinG2 Proto – ReactionGrid (robing2.proto): Jibe can handle unlimited users – this is based on the SmartFox server that is the networking piece that allows users in – Club Penguin uses SmartFox. depending on your purchased or free license w SmartFox will determine your concurrency
[09:30] Fleep Tuque: Anyone else here using Unity?
[09:30] Coughran Mayo raises hand
[09:30] Sarvana Haalan: indeed… for the general health information consumer, Iwe placed AIDS awareness campaigns in the Kitely platform… http://Kitely.com
[09:30] Fleep Tuque: Feel free to share links or things if you have them
[09:30] Dae Miami: yes i am
[09:30] RobinG2 Proto – ReactionGrid (robing2.proto): YES!
[09:30] CallieDel Boa: Not yet, getting there. I have a list 😉
[09:30] Doug Danforth (drdoug.pennell): Me
[09:30] Dae Miami: i work with extreme reality
[09:30] Fleep Tuque: It’s a bit scary at first, I won’t lie! hehe
[09:30] Dae Miami: www.xrgrid.com
[09:30] Hour Destiny: Unity3D can work with SmartFox or Photon.
[09:31] Dae Miami: and our work is on: www.evwllc.co
[09:31] Fleep Tuque: But you can do some really beautiful and amzing things with it, and of course it’s all delivered on the web, so no more viewer trouboles
[09:31] RobinG2 Proto – ReactionGrid (robing2.proto): yes and other network platforms too
[09:31] RobinG2 Proto – ReactionGrid (robing2.proto): Hour
[09:31] Fleep Tuque: The other platform that we’ve moved into is using Opensimulator. I know that a lot of Second Life folks are really skeptical of using Opensim, there have been lots of controversies about content theft and other issues, but I am here to tell you that the Opensim platform itself is really a wonderful lower cost alternative to Second Life.
[09:31] Fleep Tuque: No it is not perfect, and doesn’t offer exactly the same feature set as Second Life, but it’s very very close, and depending on what you’re trying to do, it can be a really great thing to do _in addition_ to Second Life because you can basically have sandbox space for free.
[09:32] Pathfinder Lester: my personal demo Jibe world: http://jibemicro.reactiongrid.com/pathfinderlester/
[09:32] Fleep Tuque: So even if you don’t have the resources or technical expertise to run your own big grid, I would highly highly HIGHLY encourage you to experiment with running your own private sandbox on your own PC.
[09:32] Fleep Tuque: We’re running classes and projects on Opensim at the University of Cincinnati now, and if you can believe it, it is actually more stable than Second Life for us.
[09:32] LoriVonne Lustre: Thanks Path, it is a fun space.
[09:32] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford): Info on SL grid stats (not mine, just one we found on searching): http://gridsurvey.com/index.php?filter=m
[09:33] Fleep Tuque: And again fr me, content back up was so important.
[09:33] Pathfinder Lester: I also have a personal opensim grid on the hypergrid: http://bit.ly/pathlandia
[09:33] Fleep Tuque: I personally don’t build or create anything in Second Life anymore, I do all my development and building on my own grid, and then import the finished build into Second Life using tools like the Imprudence viewer and Second Inventory.
[09:33] Coughran Mayo: http://ddillon.jibemix.com/default.aspx
[09:33] Glitteractica Cookie: I like that it’s called Pathlandia
[09:33] Pathfinder Lester: 😉
[09:33] Fleep Tuque: There are distributions (like versions) of Opensim that are literally as easy to set up as installing a quick little program on your computer. And they provide you with a free sandbox to experiment and learn.
[09:33] Mia Kitchensink: lol
[09:33] LoriVonne Lustre: 🙂
[09:33] Fleep Tuque: The Opensim Launcher from New World Grid: http://www.newworldgrid.com/lang/en-us/introducing-opensim-launcher
[09:33] Fleep Tuque: Sim-on-a-Stick lets you carry your grid in your pocket, which is terrific for computer labs where you don’t have admin rights:
[09:33] Fleep Tuque: If you’re moderately technically savvy and want to try self hosting your own little mini-public grid, the Diva Distro is pre-configured for a simple four-region grid: http://metaverseink.com/Downloads.html
[09:33] Coughran Mayo: contact me for a guest account dickd@innovaision.com
[09:33] The Wizard of Odd (tuna.oddfellow): I need to make this the year to make my own hypergrided space
[09:34] Fleep Tuque: Or of course you can connect your own self-hosted region to the largest Opensim grid out there, OSGrid: http://www.osgrid.org/index.php/regionconnect
[09:34] Fleep Tuque: (So imagine, you run the region on your own local computer, but you connect it to the OSGrid, which much like Second Life is a pretty big grid with lots of people and communities and content.)
[09:34] Fleep Tuque: If you want to go with really low cost hosting to get your feet wet, Kitely is a terrific service that you can either pay up front or they have a really innovative pay-as’you-go model that is probably most cost effective for those of us who don’t have a ton of funding for our virtual worlds projects. http://www.kitely.com/
[09:34] Fleep Tuque: And you can find tons of articles and information about Opensim and other hosting providers and things at HyperGrid Business: http://www.hypergridbusiness.com/
[09:35] Fleep Tuque: Lastly, I’ll personally invite you to come visit me at my own little Opensim grid, FleepGrid, http://fleepgrid.com, and I offer my assistance if you need help learning more about Opensim.
[09:35] Fleep Tuque: I run a little freebie webshop too where you can download business and work appropriate clothes, educational and business office items, all kinds of things to help you get started: http://fleepgrid.com/store
[09:35] CallieDel Boa: Thank you. That was the next one on my list 😉
[09:35] Fleep Tuque: Also, I can say I think that in the next few months you’ll probably start hearing about the first Opensim Users Conference that will probably be coming up this year (we’re just getting the discussions going), so this is a really great time to be coming into the Opensim space if you haven’t explored it already.
[09:35] Fleep Tuque: If you might be interested in helping organize or present or want other information about that, see: http://www.avacon.org/blog/events/opensim-users-conference/
[09:35] Glitteractica Cookie: I hope someone (alebez?) is blogging this
[09:36] Glitteractica Cookie: so many great resources
[09:36] Fleep Tuque: (How am I doing on time Rhiannon?)
[09:36] Fleep Tuque: (Or rather whern is my time up hehe)
[09:36] Graham Mills: Kitely as welll — free region + 2 hrs free use per month
[09:36] Sarvana Haalan: Feel free to visit CHARE Village if you in the neighborhood… http://www.kitely.com/virtual-world/Sally-Cherry/Community-HIVAIDS-Resource-Exchange.
[09:36] Rhiannon Chatnoir: we can cut some into open mic, maybe another 5 – 10 the most
[09:36] Fleep Tuque: ok
[09:36] Grizzla (grizzla.pixelmaid): 2 hrs free use?
[09:36] Fleep Tuque: OK, so we’re getting to the end of the period here, hopefully these are some resources for you to check out and maybe I’ve made a compelling argument for why you might want to at least look at some alternatives to Second Life.
[09:36] Riven Homewood: Fleep, is the learning curve for new users any shorter on these other platforms?
[09:36] Merlin Moonshadow: Hopefully there will be a chat log? This is all so exciting that I crashed. :/
[09:36] Dae Miami: keep going Fleep! Great info you are giving us
[09:36] Graham Mills: y — pay per minute although there is also a free use model
[09:37] CallieDel Boa: Fantastic information!
[09:37] Graham Mills: like SL
[09:37] Fleep Tuque: The learning curve for Opensim is pretty low for experienced SL users, beyond setting up the grid
[09:37] Fleep Tuque: Unity is quite differet, but very worth learning, IMO
[09:37] Glitteractica Cookie: yes, that was my question.. with any of these worlds, can users try for free?
[09:37] Fleep Tuque: and manty of the design skills carry over.
[09:37] Coughran Mayo: Unity Basic is a free tool
[09:37] Fleep Tuque: Opensim is opensource, so completely free to download and try
[09:37] The Wizard of Odd (tuna.oddfellow): The learning curve for non SLers is still steep.
[09:37] Riven Homewood: Are they any easier for somebody who’s never used a virtual world – like a class of new students?
[09:38] Dae Miami: yes unity 3d is free for pc, mac, and web
[09:38] CarmenLittleFawn: ty so much for all the information
[09:38] Glitteractica Cookie: are there any nonprofits in there, Coughran?
[09:38] Fleep Tuque: And Unity offers free download too, you have to pay to publish basically, but they have edu discounts
[09:38] Coughran Mayo: and very powerful in its own right
[09:38] Fleep Tuque: To finish up
[09:38] Fleep Tuque: The last thing I’ll leave you with, if I haven’t completely overwhelmed you with stuff already.. hehe.
[09:38] Oronoque Westland: for Unity we need to distinguish between learning time for the developer and for the target audience
[09:38] Buffy Beale: Merlin the meeting chats are always posted to http://www.nonprofitcommons.org 🙂
[09:39] CallieDel Boa: Thanks Buffy
[09:39] Riven Homewood: I think that’s true for any platform, Oronoque 🙂
[09:39] Merlin Moonshadow: Ah, good. Thanks, Buffy. 🙂
[09:39] Fleep Tuque: I think you guys know Rhiannon and I were founders for AvaCon
[09:39] Fleep Tuque: the org that previous ran SLCC.
[09:39] Fleep Tuque: AvaCon itself started off just as a group of folks who were interested in keeping the Second Life Community Convention alive when the original organizers disbanded.
[09:39] Fleep Tuque: But I think, I don’t want to speak for Rhiannon, but for me, it’s become about much more than that and I think we’re going to be working on some new initiatives that we hope will be a great resource for those of us who are really passionate about the metaverse and related technologies.
[09:39] Pathfinder Lester: great work with those conferences
[09:39] Fleep Tuque: You heard it here first, we’re talking about starting a new, truly community driven society that is focused on the future of the metaverse – not just one platform, but all the worlds and technologies that are changing our real world so rapidly, and even our virtual experiences.
[09:39] Riven Homewood: The last SLCC was a really well-run conference
[09:39] Fleep Tuque: We think the time is right to re-ignite that broader metaverse conversation that really swept through about a decade ago, but has quieted down a bit lately with all the focus on mobile and social media.
[09:40] Fleep Tuque: So stay tuned, we’ll be announcing more about that and convening some focus groups to make sure our ideas and thoughts are in tune with what folks like you care about.
[09:40] Fleep Tuque: 🙂
[09:40] Fleep Tuque: And Yes! I think we’re going to have an annual convention again, but in keeping with everything I’ve talked about here today, we’re looking to broaden the focus to include multiple virtual worlds and metaverse-y platforms and technologies,
[09:40] Merlin Moonshadow: Sounds quite intriguing. 🙂
[09:40] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford): Thank you, Fleep.
[09:40] Fleep Tuque: so that all of us who working and learning and playing in the metaverse can talk with each other, we can talk about Second Life of course, but wouldn’t it be nice to also know what’s going on in Opensim and Open Wonderland and Unity3D and some of these other platforms?
[09:40] Veri Oddfellow: Great presentation … exciting stuff
[09:40] The Wizard of Odd (tuna.oddfellow): Thank you Fleep
[09:40] CallieDel Boa: Yes
[09:40] Fleep Tuque: And last but not least, our Metaverse Cultural Series call-for-proposals deadline is coming up on January 31st.
[09:40] CarmenLittleFawn: very good thanks 🙂
[09:40] Fleep Tuque: http://www.avacon.org/blog/events/metaverse-cultural-series/
[09:41] Fleep Tuque: So stay tuned, I think we’re going to have a lot of exciting stuff coming up this year, and you can sign up for our newsletter to keep tabs on what we’re doing at: http://is.gd/x5re4a
[09:41] CallieDel Boa: Yes thank you Fleep.
[09:41] Namaara MacMoragh: Great info. Very exciting. Thank you.
[09:41] Fleep Tuque: Thank you all very much, hope it wasn’t too long winded! 🙂
[09:41] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford) zips to the website on that Metaverse Cultural Series info….
[09:41] Hour Destiny: Might also want to look into Quest3D.
[09:41] CallieDel Boa: Very informative.
[09:41] Buffy Beale: Great going Fleep always love your presentations 🙂
[09:41] Bau Ur: Fleep I did not see mentioned the privacy/confidentiality issues of educational activity in the “walled garden” where LL might have chat logs of anything students said. Did your school see any ethical concerns with that? Is the case with OpenSIm different? And does the school own and control use of all content generated in your Unity 3D world, on its own servers? Including student chat as content? Or do the students own that content?
[09:41] Merlin Moonshadow: More whirl-winded, Fleep.
[09:41] Gentle Heron: Thanks Fleep. Well done, as always.
[09:41] Doug Danforth (drdoug.pennell): Excellent – as usual.
[09:41] Mia (praxislady.witt) claps at a great and informative presentation
[09:41] Sarvana Haalan: Wooot, wooot…. awesome presentation!! Thank you, Fleep!
[09:41] Serene Jewell: Excellent summary, Fleep.
[09:41] Hour Destiny: http://www.quest3d.com/
[09:41] Riven Homewood: Thanks, Fleep. This was really informative and exciting.
[09:42] Merlin Moonshadow: TY, Fleep! 🙂
[09:42] Veri Oddfellow: Nice turn of phrase Merlin!
[09:42] Beth Ghostraven: Thank you!
[09:42] Zinnia Zauber: Wonderful Fleep!
[09:42] The Wizard of Odd (tuna.oddfellow): very good stuff
[09:42] Dae Miami: thank you
[09:42] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford): +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
[09:42] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford): APPLAUSE!!!!!!!
[09:42] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford): APPLAUSE!!!!!!!
[09:42] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford): APPLAUSE!!!!!!!
[09:42] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford): +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
[09:42] Fleep Tuque: Yes with Opensim we run the server so we know everything goin on, in tterms of privacy, control, all those things that with Second Life you have less control over, Openim might be a good alternative.
[09:42] Don (donineducation): Thank you!
[09:42] Veri Oddfellow: /applause
[09:42] Pathfinder Lester: that was outstanding Fleep. thank you.
[09:42] Riven Homewood: Applause Applause Applause
[09:42] Rhiannon Chatnoir: yes thank you FLeep, great stuff as always
[09:42] Dancers Yao: thank you…very helpful
[09:42] Tori Landau: Many thanks Fleep!
[09:42] LoriVonne Lustre: Thank you fleep. So informative
[09:42] Zaqk Palmer: Really helpful – thanks, Fleep
[09:43] Beth Ghostraven: So many links to check out!
[09:43] Glitteractica Cookie: Yes, and I am not sure if anyone heard, but if someone is willing to blog this on Nonprofitcommons.org, i think it would be very well received
[09:43] Fleep Tuque: If you have other questions things, can email me at fleep.tuque@gmail.com, I think Rhi might have to run me off the stage in the interests of time. 🙂
[09:43] Rhiannon Chatnoir: I am thinking, if you are up for the idea, maybe we can have you for a G+ community hangout chat to answer deeper questions
[09:43] Fleep Tuque: Yep, I’d be interested in doing that, we can schedule something.
[09:43] Coughran Mayo: Great idea!
[09:43] Riven Homewood: I’d come
[09:43] Sarvana Haalan: Very helpful…. this is why I try Not to miss a NPC meeting
[09:43] CallieDel Boa: I would be interested.
[09:43] LoriVonne Lustre: Great idea Rhi
[09:43] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great, that will allow for some further chat on this
[09:44] Sarvana Haalan: Ditto
[09:44] Fleep Tuque: OK well thanks everyone and stay tuned for more conference and other ideas moving forward. 🙂
[09:44] Oronoque Westland: thanks Fleep…great presentation adn helpful info, as always
[09:44] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Why don’t we all thank Fleep – great stuff!!
[09:44] Serene Jewell: Opensim is going to take off this year, especially if places like Kitely can work out the hypergrid and inventory issues. <–prediction
[09:44] RobinG2 Proto – ReactionGrid (robing2.proto): awesome job Fleep!
[09:44] Rhiannon Chatnoir: and, If you took pictures today, if you can share them on our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/nonprofitcommons or G+ Community: https://plus.google.com/communities/114212078390326305687, that would be great. Otherwise, tag them #NPSL
And please feel free tag your avatars in any photos posted!
[09:44] Loken Jewell: applauds
[09:44] LoriVonne Lustre: I think so to Serene
[09:44] Bau Ur: Kitely is an interesting and very promising model, I think.

[09:44] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Let’s move on to Open Mic & Announcements
[09:44] CallieDel Boa aplauds.
[09:44] The Wizard of Odd (tuna.oddfellow): It’s been a long time since I made it here and I am quite glad I did.
[09:44] Sarvana Haalan: Thank you, Fleep again!!
[09:44] Buffy Beale: Rhi maybe we can have an NPC excursion trip sometime
[09:44] Rachel Gloedu (gloedu): thank you Fleep
[09:44] Fleep Tuque: Good to see you Tuna!
[09:44] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Does anyone have any announcements they would like to share
[09:45] The Wizard of Odd (tuna.oddfellow): Good to see you too Fleep
[09:45] Rhiannon Chatnoir: let me know and we will go in order
[09:45] LoriVonne Lustre: I do!
[09:45] Dokk Lekach: thx Fleep
[09:45] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford): Mireille will be sad she missed this, but very happy I didn’t! 🙂
[09:45] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great LoriVonne, go ahead
[09:45] Tori Landau: Puts hand up for announcements °͜°
[09:45] Veri Oddfellow: Thanks, all! Gotta trot … happy MLK Day. I hope you’re all volunteering this weekend! 😉
[09:45] Mia Kitchensink: I know that KFEE-Db on facebook is working on a new program AVM Live but it’s not ready to launch yet. I will keep you all posted.
[09:45] CarmenLittleFawn: has annoucement at well
[09:45] LoriVonne Lustre: VWBPE – Virtual Worlds BEst Practices in Education conference — will be in July 2013
[09:46] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford): You bet, Veri!
[09:46] Rhiannon Chatnoir: and for those unfamiliar, you can feel free to mention any upcoming events or iniatives in an open mic announcement, in SL, or otherwise
[09:46] Sarvana Haalan: Be sure to look for Sally Cherry in Kitely.
[09:46] Buffy Beale: yayyy Lori that’s great
[09:46] CallieDel Boa: Thanks LoriVonne!
[09:46] LoriVonne Lustre: We are setting up the organizing committees now,
[09:46] Fleep Tuque: Oh VWBPE moved to July, is that permanent schedule change?
[09:46] LoriVonne Lustre: the focus is definitely metaverse
[09:46] LoriVonne Lustre: March has been difficult for some of us, so we are trying something new
[09:46] Fleep Tuque: (Want to make sure other conferences don’t conflict.) 🙂
[09:46] Fleep Tuque: nod
[09:46] LoriVonne Lustre: yes
[09:46] Fleep Tuque: Good to know!
[09:47] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great
[09:47] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Tori, your up
[09:47] Tori Landau: Ty Rhiannon…..
[09:47] Brena Benoir raises hand for Open Mic
[09:47] Fleep Tuque: So great to see everyone, I wish I could stay and chat after, but I have another meeting (don’t we always?)..
[09:47] Fleep Tuque: Hugs to all, see you out in the metaverse! 🙂
[09:48] LoriVonne Lustre: Thanks again Fleep
[09:48] CarmenLittleFawn: tc Fleep
[09:48] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford): 🙂
[09:48] CallieDel Boa: Thank you again Fleep!
[09:48] Graham Mills: bye fleep
[09:48] The Wizard of Odd (tuna.oddfellow): See you soon Fleep
[09:48] Rhiannon Chatnoir says thanks again FLeep
[09:48] Tori Landau: this week at deep think we started drop-ins… next one will be on Wed 23rd Jan at 1.15pm slt at welcome area of deep think: Deep Think East (224,38,32)
[09:48] Tori Landau: idea is to provid support…
[09:48] Tori Landau: and also just have a time when anyone can drop by knowing someone there for a chat, they last 30 mins
[09:49] Tori Landau: done °͜°
[09:49] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great, Carmen, your next
[09:49] CarmenLittleFawn: ty Rhi
[09:49] Rhiannon Chatnoir: then Sarvana, then Brena
[09:49] CarmenLittleFawn: A Huge Hunt is going on all over sl one of the stores Blackwood (217,179,25)will donate 30% funds collected to Drive By Agony over 100 stores involved, quality gifts, would appreciate of you have time to stop by and take a look at what she has at her store
[09:49] Coughran Mayo: Thanks, Fleep!
[09:49] CarmenLittleFawn: thanks and finished
[09:50] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great, Sarvana
[09:50] Sarvana Haalan: If any one is in the Baltimore area… check out TEDxBaltimore, Jan 25 th…. Awesome speakers and networking… http://www.tedxbaltimore.com/2013/
[09:50] Sarvana Haalan: Done!
[09:50] Buffy Beale: that’s great Carmen!
[09:50] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford): TED rocks!
[09:50] CarmenLittleFawn: smiles at Buffy
[09:50] Glitteractica Cookie: must run, but reminder… enter the win 8 contest… http://www.netsquared.org/challenge/windows-8-apps-social-good-contest
[09:50] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Brena 🙂
[09:50] Glitteractica Cookie: bye all
[09:51] Brena Benoir: As I announced last week, Winter Nightfire continues to work with PFH and ARTC (Achieving Recovery Through Creativity) to raise funds for the program. We have active events going on throughout the month and the final drawing will be on February 15. We have a Rosedrop Rusty preforming live today at 4pm SLT at the Art House. I would like to thank everyone who has come out to support the ART House, ARTC, and Winter Nightfire. Thank you to all who made it over for CommonGround last night and supported our efforts.
[09:51] CarmenLittleFawn: bye Glitter
[09:51] CallieDel Boa: Later all 🙂
[09:51] Buffy Beale: bye Glitter 🙂
[09:51] Sarvana Haalan: Bye Glitter
[09:51] Rhiannon Chatnoir: thank you Glitter!
[09:51] Aeon Jenvieve-Woodford (aeon.woodford): Thanks, folks! Great info. Have a marvelous weekend!
[09:51] Zinnia Zauber: ART HOUSE!
[09:51] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great
[09:51] Rhiannon Chatnoir: have a landmark to that Brena?
[09:51] Brena Benoir: Please drop by the house and see the works of kids in the program as well as numerous artists from SL
[09:51] Sarvana Haalan: Awesome happenings!!!!
[09:51] Brena Benoir: Yes one sec
[09:51] The Wizard of Odd (tuna.oddfellow): Bye all I am off to my lab to dream something up.
[09:52] CarmenLittleFawn: bye tuna
[09:52] LoriVonne Lustre: bye tuna
[09:52] Sarvana Haalan: Take care Tuna
[09:52] Brena Benoir: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife//10/160/22
[09:52] Namaara MacMoragh: Thanks for everything. Take care all.
[09:52] Sarvana Haalan: Thanks Brena
[09:52] Brena Benoir: If you have questions let me know please. Thank you
[09:52] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great
[09:53] Rhiannon Chatnoir: any other announcements
[09:53] Chris Hart (strawberry.fride): thanks all!
[09:53] Cindy Bolero: VTSE Ice Skating Party at Aero Pines Park- JANUARY 28 – Equus (40,203,24)
[09:53] Beth Ghostraven: Yay VSTE!
[09:53] Rhiannon Chatnoir: Zinnia, is there a Mentor’s meeting after this?
[09:53] Zinnia Zauber: Yes
[09:54] Zinnia Zauber: Let’s start in 5 minutes
[09:54] Adalace Jewell: thx all
[09:54] Sarvana Haalan: wow… what a morning!!!
[09:54] Buffy Beale: what is VSTE?
[09:54] Adalace Jewell: bye bye
[09:54] Dae Miami: for a free online tour of a unity world click: http://www.evwllc.co/XRworlddemowebpl/Web.html
[09:54] Sarvana Haalan: I am so excited!!!!
[09:54] Rhiannon Chatnoir: great – if you have questions about NPC or need help, stick around for that!
[09:54] Rhiannon Chatnoir: And if you are interested in learning more about our community, please join our group in SL named: TechSoup, we host these meetings weekly..
[09:54] Zinnia Zauber: Mentors Meeting in 5 or 6.
[09:54] Zinnia Zauber: 10 AM SLT
[09:54] Beth Ghostraven: Virginia Society for Technology in Education=VSTE
[09:54] CarmenLittleFawn: bye everybody, have an emergency have to run, tc and have a good meeting
[09:54] Rhiannon Chatnoir: so let’s wrap up today’s meeting
[09:54] Gentle Heron: Virginia Society for Technology in Education (VSTE).
[09:54] Sarvana Haalan: This is a rocking community of practice!!!
[09:54] LoriVonne Lustre: thanks everyone. Must run.
[09:54] Buffy Beale: ty Beth 🙂
[09:54] Rhiannon Chatnoir: And again, here are the many ways to can get involved with the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life:
– Nonprofit Commons Blog: http://nonprofitcommons.org
– Wiki: http://npsl.wikispaces.com
– Twitter: http://twitter.com/npsl
– Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nonprofitcommons
– G+ Community: https://plus.google.com/communities/114212078390326305687
– Google Group: http://groups.google.com/group/TechSoup-Second-Life
– Google Calendar: http://bit.ly/2tMEYh
– http://flavors.me/nonprofitcommons
About TechSoup the sponsors of the Nonprofit Commons:
– http://www.techsoup.org/stock/howtousetechsoup.asp
– http://flavors.me/techsoup
Thanks everyone and see you next week!
Written by: Rhiannon Chatnoir