The Tech Museum announces that they are organizing a conference on the latest interactive technologies on Tuesday, November 15 called “The Tech Test Zone: Interfaces for the New Decade.” The event will bring together “the most innovative developers of new interactive technologies” in The Tech Museum’s newest gallery. Learn about and demo cutting-edge interfaces such as:
Augmented Reality
- Deformable Surfaces
- Eye Tracking
- Gestural Interfaces
- Gigapixel Images
- Motion Sensing
- Multi-touch
- Natural User Interfaces
- Smart Museum Systems
- Tablet Computers
- Ubiquitous Media
You can attend in person at their San Jose, California location or virtually via a number of different web-based and virtual platforms:
- Main video and audio stream:
- The Tech 2 in Second Life (tentative)
- Reaction Grid Jibe location (Hosted by John “Pathfinder” Lester and Reaction Grid team.)
To register head to their registration portal today, since space is limited. In-person registration is $125 and virtual participation is free.
Written by: rikomatic