Webinar on Managing Online Communities on Tuesday June 21

On Tuesday, June 21 , starting at 1 pm PT, I will be giving a webinar on “managing online communities” based on my experience (and the experience of many others) with the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life.  We will have a particular focus on supporting volunteers and speak to how Second Life can be leveraged to support fundraising goals as well.  So if you have wanted to learn how virtual worlds can support your community, volunteer and fundraising needs, come to my webinar on Tuesday!

Click here to register to participate.  NOTE: this is a web-based event, not a Second Life event.

Read on for details…


Rik in Nonprofit Commons shirtManaging Online Communities โ€“ Rik Panganiban (TechSoup.org)

Keeping an online community lively and exciting is a combination of psychology, sociology, social engineering, user interface design, and black magic. Here to share his knowledge about community management and working with volunteers to keep your community active is Rik Panganiban. Heโ€™ll show us how to get that engagement so the community flourishes and how to work with convert your online visitors and members into active volunteers that contribute to the community. 

Register Here:https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/730428078

Rik Panganiban has over 15 years of experience as a nonprofit organizer and educator using digital media to engage the public on important global issues, from the International Criminal Court to Internet Governance to the UN Millennium Development Goals. He currently manages the online community of the Nonprofit Commons in the virtual world Second Life, which hosts 120 tenant organizations and an active volunteer base. Prior to that, he was the assistant director of the Online Leadership Program at Global Kids, where he created online communities of practice for teachers, librarians, museum curators and youth.

In 2007, Rik authored a report on โ€œBest Practices for Nonprofits in Second Life,โ€ still one of the definitive resources for public sector organizations working in virtual worlds. He also runs the website http://www.betterverse.org a chronicle of the public good applications of virtual worlds for nonprofits, education and government.

Written by: rikomatic

Summary of 6/10/2011 NPC meeting


Today’s first speaker set was Globalkids Bixby and Astra Toki, with Globalkids New York. They were upset to see Teen Second Life close down, as were many others, and held a funeral for it ( http://www.olpglobalkids.org/2011/03/a_funeral_for_teen_second_life.html ). The biggest challenge they faced in their work was knowing that teen SL would close down eventually, but never knowing exactly when. Globalkids stopped launching new SL-based youth programs due to the uncertainty. The new mixed-age grid opened new doors to leverage interactions with youth on the grid and Globalkids changed its game plan accordingly. Honda of America was looking for ideas, so GlobalKids came up with “Let’s talk sustainability”, so this marks the return of youth-facing programs in SL:.

“Let’s talk sustainability” is a high school level program that will teach children to develop skills regarding sustainability, online broadcasting, and virtual world construction. The youth select 3 topics and produces a show for each one. They will come together during an intensive 5-week summer boot-camp to research their ideas and put them into practice. The goals are to become proficient in the SL platform, learn to move, work, build, communicate, etc, then to put those skills to use through expressing their ideas. Globalkids will be partnering with Treet TV to broadcast these video presentations.

The up to date blog for this is found at http://www.olpglobalkids.org/virtual_worlds/lts/ . The summer program will be in-person in NYC and will focus on green projects. Globalkids would love advice on where youth groups are and how to contact them. You can sign up for a newsfeed at http://tinyurl.com/3jqvk3o about the Lets Talk Sustainability project. Feel free to check out the volcano too. It is programmed to erupt every 4 hours. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Global%20Kids/50/50/50


Trill was with us today to speak about RAWA (The revolutionary association of the Women of Afghanistan), a womens rights group open to Afghan women . It is a group that organizes clinics, hospitals and schools, and has worked to help the plight of Afghan women since the 70’s, first during the soviet occupation, later during the brutal Taliban regime, and now during the American occupation and corrupt transitional government’s reign.

The RAWA exhibit can be found in SL at the Four Bridges sim http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Four%20Bridges%20Exhibit/245/210/25


[08:10] bulaklak: Good morning
[08:11] Reactive Portal is Online
[08:13] Buffy Beale is Online
[08:14] Hydra Shaftoe: morning
[08:14] Cyberstorm (cyberstorm.martinez) is Offline
[08:15] Chayenn: good morning
[08:15] DJ Earnshaw: hi
[08:15] bulaklak: Good morning, folks!
[08:15] WAHMsWIN.com (tuty.inkpen): Good morning Everyone!
[08:15] WAHMsWIN.com (tuty.inkpen): afk
[08:15] Astra Toki: good morning!
[08:15] Evie Fairchild is Offline
[08:16] Brad Duncan is Online
[08:17] Brad Duncan is Offline
[08:17] Sykes Normatus (sykes.furse) is Online
[08:20] Pooky Amsterdam is Offline
[08:20] Emmo Wei is Offline
[08:21] Gentle Heron is Online
[08:21] Halfcab Rockett is Online
[08:21] Hydra Shaftoe setting up his WoW auctions for the day
[08:21] Lyssa AskJAN.org (janlyssa.serenity) is Online
[08:21] InKenzo at Amoration (in.kenzo) is Online
[08:21] Pix (pixie.tungl) is Online
[08:22] Sykes Normatus (sykes.furse) is Offline
[08:22] Hydra Shaftoe: Teh Buffeh
[08:22] Buffy Beale: hey
[08:22] Buffy Beale: sorry DJ just about landed on you
[08:23] bulaklak: Good morning Buffy. Good morning InKenzo.
[08:23] DJ Earnshaw: is this your normal seat? I can move
[08:23] Buffy Beale: hey bul, and all
[08:23] Buffy Beale: na, DJ lol no normal seats here
[08:23] Buffy Beale: but thanks for the offer
[08:24] WAHMsWIN.com (tuty.inkpen): It’s quiet in here this morning. ๐Ÿ™‚
[08:24] DJ Earnshaw: i knew there were no normal avitars
[08:24] Sykes Normatus (sykes.furse) is Online
[08:24] WAHMsWIN.com (tuty.inkpen): It’s good to be back, but will miss you all again next week.
[08:24] Astra Toki: I’m not sure if I should be sitting up here yet. lol
[08:25] WAHMsWIN.com (tuty.inkpen): Hi, Astra. Welcome!
[08:25] Buffy Beale: Hi Astral, normally Rik will call you up ๐Ÿ™‚
[08:25] Zinnia Zauber is Online
[08:25] Astra Toki: oooh thanks for the heads up
[08:25] WAHMsWIN.com (tuty.inkpen): Are you with Global Kids, Astra?
[08:25] Buffy Beale: but let him kick you out lol, welcome
[08:25] Astra Toki: yes, i’m with Global Kids
[08:26] Buffy Beale: yay Global Kids!
[08:26] Astra Toki: ๐Ÿ™‚
[08:26] DJ Earnshaw: gives him a feeling of power to kick someone out
[08:26] Buffy Beale: sure
[08:26] Buffy Beale: and he’s late today
[08:27] DJ Earnshaw: then we should kick him out
[08:27] Astra Toki: haha
[08:27] Ronnie Rhode is Online
[08:27] Buffy Beale: but bulaklak’s here ๐Ÿ™‚
[08:27] Buffy Beale: lol he’d like that DJ
[08:28] DJ Earnshaw: tell him astra showed up on time and was elected
[08:28] Buffy Beale: hah, sure
[08:28] Adalace Jewell: Hi everyone
[08:28] Astra Toki: he’s probably getting his morning coffee
[08:28] Buffy Beale: hii Ada, nice to see you
[08:29] Adalace Jewell: hi buffy
[08:29] Petlove Petshop is Online
[08:29] globalkids Bixby: Hi all
[08:29] Buffy Beale: wow globalkids it’s been ages
[08:29] DJ Earnshaw: tel him a pink cat lady approved
[08:29] globalkids Bixby: I DO feel old
[08:29] Buffy Beale: Hydra are you feeling better now?
[08:29] Buffy Beale: where is that pink cat anyways?
[08:30] Buffy Beale: you don’t look a day older global ๐Ÿ™‚
[08:30] DJ Earnshaw: maybe the penguin ate her
[08:30] Buffy Beale: awwww, I miss little penguin
[08:30] InKenzo at Amoration (in.kenzo): i do too
[08:30] InKenzo at Amoration (in.kenzo): penguin teaches yoga
[08:30] globalkids Bixby: Thanks Buffy – all the growth is internal
[08:30] Buffy Beale: nice one global
[08:30] DJ Earnshaw: i know
[08:31] Buffy Beale: penguin should come here and give us a lesson
[08:31] globalkids Bixby: wand on
[08:32] Buffy Beale: of all the time I’ve been coming, there’s always been someone to start off the meeting, so what’s the backup plan? bulaklak would htat be you who takes over?
[08:32] Buffy Beale: *that
[08:32] InKenzo at Amoration (in.kenzo): Bulaklak and I can get the intros started ๐Ÿ™‚
[08:32] Buffy Beale: ok Ink
[08:32] bulaklak: Oh, sorry was afk
[08:32] DJ Earnshaw: you do it buffy
[08:32] InKenzo at Amoration (in.kenzo): Why don’t you all tell us where you are, who you are….and what org you work with?
[08:33] Buffy Beale: go HB lol
[08:33] HB Eternal: Harold W Becker, The Love Foundation, Florida, http://www.thelovefoundation.com, @lovefoundation
[08:33] Lyssa AskJAN.org (janlyssa.serenity): Lyssa Rowan, Job Accommodation Network, Morgantown WV http://AskJAN.org @JANatJAN
[08:33] HB Eternal: lol
[08:33] Buffy Beale: Buffy Bye, Bridges for Women, Victoria BC Canada, http://www.bridgesforwomen.ca @buffyb
[08:33] CarynTopia Silvercloud: on iPhone today with pocket metaverse apologies for avatar can’t see what she is doing just see chat
[08:33] Ronnie Rhode: Denise Harrison, The Garden for the Missing, http://www.gardenforthemissing.org/ and SLURL http://slurl.com/secondlife/Remora/203/148/21, Project Jason, assistance for families of the missing, http://www.projectjason.org.
[08:33] Zinnia Zauber: Renne Emiko Brock-Richmond, Sequim Humanities and Arts Alliance, Sequim, Washington. http://www.sequimartsalliance.org http://www.facebook.com/sequimartsalliance @renneemiko
[08:33] bulaklak: Michael DeLong, TechSoup Global, @MichaelDeLongSF
[08:33] DJ Earnshaw: Don Singleton, Tulsa, OK (DJ Earnshaw, Professor Viper) HelpingTulsa and APCUG, http://snipurl.com/tk41d @donsingleton
[08:33] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel) is Online
[08:33] Astra Toki: Daria Ng, Global Kids, NYC www.globalkids.org, @wocildocil
[08:33] Adalace Jewell: Corine Van Hellemont, RoSa Library Brussels (Belgium) http://www.rosadoc.be @adalace
[08:33] Gentle Heron: Virtual Ability, Inc. http://www.virtualability.org
[08:33] Hydra Shaftoe: Jason Pace, Mobile, Alabama. @hydravelsen and HydraShaftoe on Facebook
[08:33] Ozma Malibu: Sandy Andrews, Floaters Org, technology outreach in Arizona and Mexico
[08:33] Juan GKid (juangkids): Hi. I am Juan Rubio with Global Kids Online Leadership Program http://olpglobalkids.org
[08:34] Oronoque Westland: Roberta Kilkenny, Hunter College, City University of New York
[08:34] Ethelred Weatherwax: Dave Dexter, neenah Historical Society, Wisconsin USA
[08:34] CarynTopia Silvercloud: Caryn Heilman Topia Arts Center @topiaartscenter traveling
[08:34] Dancers Yao: Kara Bennett, Elder Voices, Los Angeles, Health Care and Human Rights www.eldervoices.net
[08:34] globalkids Bixby: Hi. I am Barry Joseph, Director of Online Leadership at Global Kids http://olp.globalkids.org
[08:35] bulaklak: So who can paste into chat all the ways to connect in Second Life?
[08:35] WAHMsWIN.com (tuty.inkpen): Donna Johnson aka Tuty Inkpen
twitter: @TudyD011
wahms = work at home moms
win = women intentionally networking
Site: http://HelpWAHMsWIN.com
Video Channel: http://youtube.com/WAHMsWIN
[08:35] Hydra Shaftoe: As usual, the summary of last week’s meeting that I did is up at nonprofitcommons.org website
[08:36] RedGoddess (talkwithmarie): Marie C., New England, Girls Project/talkwithmarie, http://youtube.com/talkwithmarie, @talkwithmarie
[08:36] bulaklak: Thanks, Hydra!
[08:36] Hydra Shaftoe nods
[08:36] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel) is Offline
[08:36] WAHMsWIN.com (tuty.inkpen): Here are the many ways to can get involved with
Nonprofit Commons in Second Life:
Nonprofit Commons blog: nonprofitcommons.org
Wiki: npsl.wikispaces.com

Google Group: http://groups.google.com/group/TechSoup-Second-Life

NPC Video



Weekly Networking Event: Wharf Ratz, Aloft,
Tuesdays, 8pm SLT

Monthly Networking Event (1st Thursday):
Common Ground, Plush, 5PM-7PM SLT

Calendar: http://bit.ly/2tMEYh
[08:37] jacmacaire Humby: Hi everyone ๐Ÿ™‚
[08:37] Buffy Beale: hi jac!
[08:37] bulaklak: Does anybody have the updated version of all the ways to connect to TechSoup in Second Life?
[08:37] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel) is Online
[08:38] WAHMsWIN.com (tuty.inkpen): bukalak … what I posted was old?
[08:38] Buffy Beale: Tuty already did bulaklak ๐Ÿ™‚
[08:38] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): hi all
[08:38] Buffy Beale: yay, just in time Rk
[08:38] jacmacaire Humby: Jacques Macaire HUMANBE http://www.humanbe.com Think Tank and Council on Sustainable Development France and International @Humanbe
[08:38] Astra Toki: yay it’s rik
[08:39] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): sorry about that
[08:39] globalkids Bixby: welcome Rik!
[08:39] WAHMsWIN.com (tuty.inkpen): ‘Sup Rik?!
[08:39] WAHMsWIN.com (tuty.inkpen): Good to see you.
[08:39] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I hate being late to my own party!
[08:39] bulaklak: Ooops, didn’t see. Thanks, Tuty!
[08:39] WAHMsWIN.com (tuty.inkpen): np yw
[08:39] WAHMsWIN.com (tuty.inkpen): afk
[08:39] Pix (pixie.tungl) is Offline
[08:39] Hydra Shaftoe: hey rik
[08:39] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I see you ahve gotten started with out me, great!
[08:40] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): you guys rock
[08:40] globalkids Bixby: We were just talking about you…
[08:40] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): So if no one else has, I want to welcome you all to another editiion of the Nonprofit Commons weekly meetup
[08:40] Pix (pixie.tungl) is Online
[08:41] Loretta McGinnis is Online
[08:41] WAHMsWIN.com (tuty.inkpen): back
[08:41] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): this is the regular gathering of our community where we discuss the latest news and developments that are releveant for nonprofits and virtual worlds
[08:41] Mimi Muircastle is Online
[08:41] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): we have a great lineup today that I am very excited about
[08:41] Cadel Millar is Offline
[08:41] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I assume we have all done introductions already.
[08:42] Halfcab Rockett is Offline
[08:42] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): For the record, I’m rik panganiban, commuity manager at the Nonprofit Commons. www.nonprofitcommons.org, @betterverse
[08:42] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I”m logging in today from the SF Bay Area
[08:42] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): so can I ask Daria and Barry to come up pelase?
[08:42] globalkids Bixby: balloons
[08:42] Buffy Beale: cheering!
[08:42] Brena Benoir: Brenda Bryan, Preferred Family Healthcare, Kirksville, Missouri, www.pfh.org, @brenabenoir
[08:43] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): nice outfit globalkids bixby!
[08:43] globalkids Bixby: Thank you,. I felt “bee”-ey today
[08:43] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): So we are joined today by Astra and globalkids bixby of Global Kids
[08:43] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): let’s give them a warm welcome
[08:43] Buffy Beale: cheering madly
[08:44] globalkids Bixby: Such a pleasure to be back.
[08:44] Gentle Heron: YAY Global Kids.
[08:44] Lotta Flux claps warmly and smiles
[08:44] Hydra Shaftoe: welcome aboard
[08:44] Astra Toki: thanks for having us
[08:44] globalkids Bixby: Rik, do you want us just to take it away?
[08:44] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): they are here to talk to us about a very special project launching soon called Talking Sustainability.
[08:44] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I’m sure you are all going to be very excited about it.
[08:45] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Go ahead globalkids and astra
[08:45] globalkids Bixby: Even better: Let’s Talk Sustainability
[08:45] globalkids Bixby: Thanks Rik!
[08:45] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): oh yeah!
[08:45] RedGoddess (talkwithmarie): welcome
[08:45] globalkids Bixby: It’s exciting to be back here at the NPC
[08:45] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel) smacks forehead
[08:45] globalkids Bixby: because in many ways it signals a return
[08:45] globalkids Bixby: of sorts for Global Kids
[08:45] globalkids Bixby: (not that we ever left)
[08:45] globalkids Bixby: before we start
[08:45] globalkids Bixby: klet me first please ask
[08:45] globalkids Bixby: who here is familiar with GK’s work in Sl
[08:45] globalkids Bixby: If so, plese give a Woot
[08:46] globalkids Bixby: If not, please give a… “not”
[08:46] Mimi Muircastle: woot:)
[08:46] Buffy Beale: woot
[08:46] Lotta Flux: woot woot!!
[08:46] Gentle Heron: yes for the former Teen SL
[08:46] CarynTopia Silvercloud: woot
[08:46] Lyssa AskJAN.org (janlyssa.serenity) is Offline
[08:46] globalkids Bixby: 5 years ago, Gk began its regular work in SL
[08:46] globalkids Bixby: primarily , but not exclusively, in TSL
[08:46] WAHMsWIN.com (tuty.inkpen): woot
[08:46] globalkids Bixby: You can learn all about our work at olp.globalkids.org in the virtual worlds section
[08:46] globalkids Bixby: We were very sad to see TSL close – it was a very special place – and we spoke of this recently in SL : http://www.olpglobalkids.org/2011/03/a_funeral_for_teen_second_life.html
[08:47] Hydra Shaftoe: globalkids has done some good work
[08:47] globalkids Bixby: However, the biggest challenge for workign with youth these past years was jut KNIOWING TSl woudl close, but never knowing whem
[08:47] globalkids Bixby: So for a long time we stopped launchign new SL-based youth programming
[08:47] Lotta Flux wipes a small tear away for TSL
[08:47] globalkids Bixby: Then. last fall, the detail all became clear
[08:47] Emmo Wei is Online
[08:47] Buffy Beale: same Lotta
[08:47] globalkids Bixby: TSL was not closing. Ratheri, it was being merged with SL – we would finally have a mixed-age grid
[08:47] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): reset list
[08:47] Visitor Counter: Done resetting.
[08:48] globalkids Bixby: For the first time we began to think about what sort o programs could be done, for th FIRST TIME, that leveraged that
[08:48] globalkids Bixby: sure, adults could always come into TSL
[08:48] globalkids Bixby: but only after paying fora background check and waiting weeks, at best.
[08:48] globalkids Bixby: There was no way to do casual interaction.
[08:48] globalkids Bixby: When we heard the American Honda Foundation was looking for new ideas, we used that opportunity to come up with Let’s Talk Sustainability.
[08:49] globalkids Bixby: Last January we received the funds, to our delight
[08:49] globalkids Bixby: So in many ways, today, this marks the return of GK youth-facing programs to Second Lifw
[08:49] globalkids Bixby: wand on
[08:49] globalkids Bixby: balloons
[08:49] Filthy Fluno is Online
[08:49] globalkids Bixby: So I’d like to now
[08:49] globalkids Bixby: turn things over to Astra (Daria) who will full you in
[08:49] globalkids Bixby: on all fo the exciting details and hten
[08:50] globalkids Bixby: if there is time, ask you your advice about some key details we are trying to figure out
[08:50] globalkids Bixby: Astra?
[08:50] Astra Toki: thanks globalkids Bixby
[08:50] Astra Toki: Letโ€™s Talk Sustainability is an intensive youth development program that will support high school youth to develop expertise regarding sustainability, online broadcasting, and virtual world construction.
[08:50] Astra Toki: Global Kids youth in New York City will combine this expertise to produce a talk show, featuring live interviews with scientists and other STEM-related professionals, pre-produced videos, and game show like activities.
[08:51] Oronoque Westland: my univ students wish GK would expand so they can join
[08:51] Astra Toki: This will be a virtual talk show, filmed before a live studio audience within the virtual world Second Life, and will be later archived with downloadable materials that will be made available for a broader audience and classrooms around the world.
[08:51] globalkids Bixby: (As Astra describes the project, please keep in mind any opportunities you see to connect youth – high school perferred, but college as well, with the program. We will ask for details towards the end)
[08:52] globalkids Bixby: (also, link to the new blog section for the program can be found here: http://www.olpglobalkids.org/virtual_worlds/lts/)
[08:52] Astra Toki: Our youth will be introduced to a broad range of concepts related to the topic of sustainability including energy, urbanization, pollution, biodiversity, global warming, and global health.
[08:52] Astra Toki: The youth will select 3 subtopics and produce an hour-long talk show about each one.
[08:53] Astra Toki: Each show will be designed to introduce their youth audience to what professionals are doing in these fields and showcase what youth can do today to live in a more sustainable world.
[08:53] Astra Toki: Summer will be an intensive 5 week long, summer bootcamp, in which the Global Kids Youth Leaders will come together to learn about sustainability, research their related subtopics, and develop the required technical competencies for the program.
[08:54] Astra Toki: Youth Leaders will meet with content experts at STEM-related institutions to learn more about the topics and gain confidence speaking with adults about sustainability.
[08:54] globalkids Bixby: (I wish I could type that fst with such litle typos)
[08:54] Astra Toki: (lol)
[08:54] Astra Toki: Youth will then select the sub-topics for the three broadcasts and break into teams to develop materials for each episode.
[08:54] Astra Toki: They will work with staff to identify experts who can be interviewed to provide content for the broadcasts and to be interviewed live as well.
[08:55] Astra Toki: Youth will also develop topic-related quiz questions for quiz-like games that they will use to engage the live audience members, and they will construct the sets and costumes to be used within Second Life.
[08:55] Astra Toki: So, what might the activities that youth do look like?
[08:56] Astra Toki: They will Participate in interactive, experiential workshops that teach skills related to understanding the science of sustainability.
[08:56] Pix (pixie.tungl) is Offline
[08:56] Astra Toki: They will learn how to effectively communicate content on sustainability to a peer audience in an engaging manner.
[08:56] Thynka Little is Offline
[08:56] Astra Toki: They will ecome proficient in the use of the virtual world Second Life (e.g. designing their avatar, learning to walk and communicate, designing structures, etc.)
[08:57] Astra Toki: They will meet with experts from various organizations to learn more about their topic and practice their interviewing skills.
[08:57] Astra Toki: They will develop video broadcast and production skills relevant within a virtual world setting.
[08:57] Astra Toki: By the end of the summer, the youth will have produced material for the three shows, including pre-recorded material, interview questions for the quest experts, and activities to do with the audience.
[08:58] Astra Toki: Before the start of the school year, Global Kids staff will reach out to its existing educational partners to have them bring their classes to the broadcasts.
[08:58] Astra Toki: During the Fall and early Winter, each of the three shows will be held within Second Life, with an audience composed of middle school and high school youth from educational institutions around the country and the world currently active in that space.
[08:58] Pix (pixie.tungl) is Online
[08:58] globalkids Bixby: (the experts Astra referenced that will be interviewed by the youth, of course, are STEM-related professionals already within Second Life)
[08:58] globalkids Bixby: …This is where Treet TV comes in…
[08:58] Astra Toki: Global Kids will be partnering with Treet TV, the worldโ€™s first virtual television network. Treet TV is an entertainment network that serves virtual worlds viewers and producers.
[08:59] globalkids Bixby: (took the words right outof my mouth)
[08:59] Astra Toki: Global Kids youth leaders will also meet with experts from various NYC institutions, such as the New York Hall of Science, the American Museum of Natural History, Center for Architecture, the local Farmerโ€™s Market, and more, to interview experts and learn more about their sustainability topics.
[08:59] Astra Toki: You can stay up to date on LTS through our blog: http://www.olpglobalkids.org/virtual_worlds/lts/
[08:59] Ronnie Rhode is Offline
[08:59] globalkids Bixby: (and here, as well, the Fall broadcats are an opportunity to hgelp us identify the organized youth audiences still in SL)
[09:00] Astra Toki: so that was a lot of information!
[09:00] Astra Toki: are there any questions so far?
[09:00] RedGoddess (talkwithmarie): wow! Thank you. exciting project
[09:00] Hydra Shaftoe: sounds cool ๐Ÿ™‚
[09:00] Gentle Heron: How are you connected with the other sustainability and “green” projects going on in SL?
[09:00] Astra Toki: From the audience, we would love if you could spread the word about our fall shows when they come around and you can stay on top of when those will take place at http://www.olpglobalkids.org/virtual_worlds/lts/.
[09:00] globalkids Bixby: We hope to do somethign that takes picees of things done before, but, liek the movie the Matrix, have nev been combined in JUSt this way
[09:00] RedGoddess (talkwithmarie): when will the summer program officially start? is it only open to NYC?
[09:00] Astra Toki: it starts july 11th
[09:01] Ronnie Rhode is Online
[09:01] globalkids Bixby: Yes, the summer program is in person, in NYC
[09:01] Astra Toki: It’s open to NYC high school aged youth
[09:01] RedGoddess (talkwithmarie): thx
[09:01] Buffy Beale: Question: Where in Second Life will you be hosting the show?
[09:01] Mimi Muircastle: will there ever be a west coast project?
[09:01] globalkids Bixby: Things we would really love from you woudl be advice about whay organized youth groups there are – e.g. schools, after school, museums, etc
[09:01] globalkids Bixby: If we can expand the program, we would lvoe to have a west coast component – but first thigns first
[09:01] Astra Toki: also, if you know of STEM professionals to connect our youth with
[09:02] Mimi Muircastle: ty
[09:02] globalkids Bixby: we are still workign with Treet on the exact location. Just the listserv to find out more when we do, please.
[09:02] Astra Toki: If you want to receive updated news and announcements about Letโ€™s Talk Sustainability, you can sign up on the document here: http://tinyurl.com/3jqvk3o
[09:02] Alain Delpiaz is Online
[09:02] Buffy Beale: o, ty glbal
[09:02] Buffy Beale: *global
[09:02] globalkids Bixby: Also, if you think we are outof our minds, or overreaching, please certainly let us know now
[09:02] Gentle Heron: Question: How are you connected with the other sustainability and “green” projects going on in SL? How are you identifying SL contacts?
[09:03] globalkids Bixby: gentle, great question – we are just starting that. Are you someone who can be a resource for us and introduce us to that community?
[09:03] Gentle Heron: I know much more about disability communities in SL, sorry.
[09:03] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): the NPC has a whole island of tenants who could be resources
[09:04] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): on the ECO Commons
[09:04] Astra Toki: thanks rik
[09:04] globalkids Bixby: Rik, could NPC help set up a meeting with them and us at some point?
[09:04] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): sure lets set up a strategy meeting and we can line up the relevant groups to be there
[09:04] CarynTopia Silvercloud: we are a green org that would love to connect – Topia Arts Center
[09:04] Buffy Beale: Yes, was going to say, we set aside some space for a teen sandbox on Eco, and started a group but it got stalled on trying to deteremine the criteria for inviting teens
[09:04] globalkids Bixby: Thank you Rik. Thant would be great.
[09:05] InKenzo at Amoration (in.kenzo): awesome progress!
[09:05] globalkids Bixby: CarynTopi a- Sweet – how can we learn more about you. Please respond in IM
[09:05] globalkids Bixby: Well, thank you all so much for the time today
[09:05] Lotta Flux: Just a great project!
[09:05] globalkids Bixby: Perhaps we can come back when the broadcasts are ready, if you like to hear more about how this all turns out
[09:05] Petlove Petshop is Offline
[09:05] Mimi Muircastle: I would!
[09:05] globalkids Bixby: Until then, as always, we look to you, the NP community in SL, to help us make sure we do this right
[09:06] Astra Toki: i second that
[09:06] Alliez Mysterio is Online
[09:06] Buffy Beale: for sure, and also, I’m not sure if Global Kids still are, but I really appreciated the space on your Aloft sim you dontated to the NPC
[09:06] globalkids Bixby: The work you do is all so important and we are excited to be taking part again to bring positive attention to our field
[09:06] Mimi Muircastle: wil you have your own sim in SL?
[09:06] Mimi Muircastle: *will
[09:06] globalkids Bixby: Oh, we alreadt do
[09:06] globalkids Bixby: We forgot to mention
[09:06] globalkids Bixby: Our TSl island is NOW in the main grid
[09:07] Buffy Beale: yay!
[09:07] Mimi Muircastle: ty – good to know
[09:07] RedGoddess (talkwithmarie): awesome!
[09:07] globalkids Bixby: PLEASE go check out the volcano -= every four hours youth programmed it to erupt – pretty awesome
[09:07] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): woot
[09:07] Gentle Heron: Can you give a SLURL please?
[09:07] WAHMsWIN.com (tuty.inkpen): yes slurl please
[09:07] Lotta Flux: yes, please!
[09:07] Gentle Heron: I assume this is a teen-safe environment.
[09:07] Lotta Flux: or LM
[09:07] WAHMsWIN.com (tuty.inkpen): promise not to get too excited and leave now … lol
[09:07] Buffy Beale: lol Tuty
[09:08] WAHMsWIN.com (tuty.inkpen): ๐Ÿ™‚
[09:08] Oronoque Westland: how are participants chosen for the summer program?
[09:08] globalkids Bixby: Yes, don’t go yet! But later go to http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Global%20Kids/50/50/50
[09:08] Astra Toki: we’ve first reached out to many of the youth global kids works with
[09:08] Mimi Muircastle: had the same question Oro:)
[09:08] globalkids Bixby: If that doesnt’ work, then please IM me (and friend me)
[09:08] Astra Toki: from the nyc public schools we have a presence in
[09:08] Astra Toki: students need to fill out an application, but it isn’t exclusively for Global Kids youth, and we still have spots left
[09:09] Oronoque Westland: I am not finding a link to apply via the website
[09:09] Astra Toki: it’s not there on the website, but i can email it to you!
[09:10] globalkids Bixby: I know there are others speaking today, so we shoudl probably return the stage to Rik
[09:10] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): this is awesome guys
[09:10] Pix (pixie.tungl) is Offline
[09:10] Astra Toki: Thanks for your time, everyone
[09:10] globalkids Bixby: Thank you all once again for lettign us spend this time with ypu this morning/afternoon/evening
[09:10] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I personally can’t wait for this !
[09:10] Mimi Muircastle: great program – good for kids and good for the world:)
[09:11] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): such a great way to leverage Second Life to bring together youth, global issues and a global audience
[09:11] RedGoddess (talkwithmarie): Hi Trill! Welcome to NPC!
[09:11] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): let’s give Global Kids a hand
[09:11] Hydra Shaftoe wishes the teen grid was still around.
[09:11] Wendolynn Schumann: *โ€ข.ยธ’*โ€ข.ยธ ? ยธ.โ€ข*ยดยธ.โ€ข*
[09:11] Wendolynn Schumann: .โ€ข*?ยจ`โ€ข BRAVO!!!! โ€ขยจ`?*โ€ข.
[09:11] Wendolynn Schumann: ยธ.โ€ข*`ยธ.โ€ข*ยด ? `*โ€ข.ยธ`*โ€ข.ยธ
[09:11] RedGoddess (talkwithmarie): applause
[09:11] Buffy Beale: applauds!!!
[09:11] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): And also welcome Trill Zapatero to the stage
[09:11] Astra Toki: ty ty
[09:11] Gentle Heron is glad to hear from Global Kids.
[09:12] WAHMsWIN.com (tuty.inkpen): thank you!
[09:12] Buffy Beale: hiiii Tirll!
[09:12] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): we are happy to have Trill show up and give us just a few words about the couple of foundraisers coming up for a very worthwhile cause
[09:12] RedGoddess (talkwithmarie): Welcome trill!
[09:12] Trill Zapatero: Hallo!
[09:12] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): thanks for joining us this mornign, trill
[09:12] RedGoddess (talkwithmarie): YAY RAWA!
[09:12] Buffy Beale: Cheers for RAWA and Trill!
[09:13] RedGoddess (talkwithmarie): woot! woot!!!
[09:13] Trill Zapatero: Hi RED
[09:13] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Trill can you tell us a bit about who you are with first?
[09:13] Trill Zapatero: hey Buffy, Gentle
[09:13] Trill Zapatero: people
[09:13] Buffy Beale: hugs
[09:13] Trill Zapatero: well ok then
[09:13] Trill Zapatero: Does everyone here know about RAWA?
[09:13] WAHMsWIN.com (tuty.inkpen): no
[09:13] Mimi Muircastle: no, but curious:)
[09:14] Trill Zapatero: the revolutionary association of the women of afghanistan
[09:14] Sarvana Haalan: nope
[09:14] Trill Zapatero: just a second I have something for Rik to rez
[09:14] Trill Zapatero: it has notecards and LMs and a slide show
[09:14] Trill Zapatero: or two
[09:14] Trill Zapatero: just a second
[09:14] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): coll thanks
[09:14] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): http://www.rawa.org
[09:15] Trill Zapatero: you can rez that and make it really big
[09:15] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): there ya go
[09:16] Trill Zapatero: k first of all RAWA is a group of volunteer women in Afghanistan and refugee camps in Pakistan that organize for social justice and human rights in Afghanistan
[09:16] Trill Zapatero: they have schools, clinics hospitals
[09:16] Trill Zapatero: they are an amazing organization
[09:16] Trill Zapatero: local Afghan women,
[09:16] WAHMsWIN.com (tuty.inkpen): Wonderful org. I’m all about helping women.
[09:16] Trill Zapatero: they’ve been around since the late seventies
[09:17] Trill Zapatero: they’ve preservered through the soviet occupation, the civil war, the taliban and now during the occupation and corrupt government
[09:17] Trill Zapatero: Their stories read like adventure spy novels
[09:17] Trill Zapatero: they run clandestine clinics and schools
[09:18] Trill Zapatero: they’re the ones who took the images and made the west aware of the plight of Afghan women during the time of the Taliban
[09:18] Trill Zapatero: there’s an exhibit I put together of RAWA at my sim
[09:18] Hydra Shaftoe: That’s a sorely needed thing. the Taliban treat women like animals
[09:18] Trill Zapatero: the AFghanistan virtual museum
[09:19] WAHMsWIN.com (tuty.inkpen): I think I visited before, but never met you before. This is great.
[09:19] Trill Zapatero: yes, well all fundamentalists there, whether they are mujahadeen warlords or taliban
[09:19] Trill Zapatero: it isn’t any better today
[09:19] Trill Zapatero: wow there are so many people here, I’m awesomely impressed
[09:20] Trill Zapatero: ?? YAYYYYY!!! ??
[09:20] Mimi Muircastle: (we need to have NPC field trips again as part of these presentations:)
[09:20] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel) agrees
[09:20] Mimi Muircastle: ๐Ÿ™‚
[09:20] Trill Zapatero: well, you can get the information from the thing behind me
[09:21] Trill Zapatero: so my activism has two parts
[09:21] Trill Zapatero: one is creating awareness about afghanistan as a country
[09:21] Trill Zapatero: that’s my own personal research project because before I started raising funds for RAWA I knew very little about Afghanistan
[09:21] Trill Zapatero: so I have a sim that I’m building
[09:22] Alan Neurocam is Offline
[09:22] Trill Zapatero: then, there’s the second part, which is fundraising
[09:22] Wendolynn Schumann: just remember Nato pplans are for a withdrawal Starting Ocober 2011
[09:22] Trill Zapatero: and what I’ve done for that is participated in concerts
[09:22] Wendolynn Schumann: plans/
[09:22] Trill Zapatero: plus my shop
[09:22] Trill Zapatero: BoHo HoBo all the proceeds go to rAWA
[09:22] Trill Zapatero: I pay rent out of pocket
[09:22] Trill Zapatero: for the sim
[09:23] Trill Zapatero: and at the moment I’m organizing a yard sale at four bridges
[09:23] Lotta Flux: ooh, loves boho hobo, will now shop more ๐Ÿ™‚
[09:23] Mimi Muircastle: is RAWA a nonprofit org. ?
[09:23] Trill Zapatero: an NGO?
[09:23] Mimi Muircastle: yes,
[09:23] Trill Zapatero: oh they are totally non profit
[09:23] Mimi Muircastle: ty:)
[09:24] Trill Zapatero: the women are local afghan women, they live no differently than the other Afghans in the refugee camps
[09:24] Trill Zapatero: they’re not even a recognized charity
[09:24] Mimi Muircastle: is there a RAWA office here on NPC?
[09:24] Trill Zapatero: nope
[09:24] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): they are on Four Bridges
[09:24] Mimi Muircastle: ty
[09:24] Trill Zapatero: I have my own sim, so there’s the exhibit and the info centre there
[09:24] Trill Zapatero: as well as my shop
[09:24] Trill Zapatero: and the museum
[09:24] Widget Whiteberry is Online
[09:24] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): what is the SLURL for the record?
[09:24] Hydra Shaftoe: how do you get in touch with them? I wouldn’t think internet access is easy for most Afghani women to come by
[09:25] Trill Zapatero: the slurl
[09:25] Trill Zapatero: the LM is in the LM giver behind me
[09:25] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): ok let me pull it
[09:25] Trill Zapatero: my website is
[09:25] Oronoque Westland: just to be clear, is RAWA on Four Bridges or a build to publicize RAWA’s work but independent of RAWA?
[09:25] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): we publish our text chat to email for later
[09:25] Trill Zapatero: http://afghanistanvirtualmuseum.com/
[09:25] Aryte Vesperia is Online
[09:25] Trill Zapatero: and the yard sale I’m organizing atm
[09:26] Trill Zapatero: at 4B
[09:26] Trill Zapatero: the idea with that is you get stuff from yourinventory that is transferrable
[09:26] Trill Zapatero: or modify/transfer
[09:26] Trill Zapatero: and you put it in the drop box at 4B
[09:26] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): here is the SLURL for the record http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Four%20Bridges%20Exhibit/245/210/25
[09:26] Lotta Flux: ooh, great way to clean out inventory and help a good cause!!
[09:27] Trill Zapatero: can you rez that, I’m not sure if it’s the right version
[09:27] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): done
[09:27] Trill Zapatero: oh yeah that’s it
[09:27] Trill Zapatero: the information is all in there
[09:27] WAHMsWIN.com (tuty.inkpen): awesome. ty!
[09:28] Trill Zapatero: and there are some really great deals there too
[09:28] Trill Zapatero: this is meant to go on all summer
[09:28] Trill Zapatero: or longer even if it works well
[09:28] Aryte Vesperia is Offline
[09:28] Buffy Beale: nice going Trill
[09:28] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): tha’ts great . I need to do some shopping.
[09:28] Lotta Flux: excellent fundraising idea for SL!!
[09:28] RedGoddess (talkwithmarie): Thanks, Trill!
[09:28] RedGoddess (talkwithmarie): *โ€ข.ยธ(‘*โ€ข.ยธ ? ยธ.โ€ข*ยด)ยธ.โ€ข*
[09:28] RedGoddess (talkwithmarie): .โ€ข*?ยดยจ`โ€ข AWESOME! โ€ขยดยจ`?*โ€ข.
[09:28] RedGoddess (talkwithmarie): ยธ.โ€ข*(ยธ.โ€ข*ยด ? `*โ€ข.ยธ)`*โ€ข.ยธ
[09:29] Hydra Shaftoe: Thanks Trill
[09:29] Mimi Muircastle: it is a great idea and an important cause – ty Trill
[09:29] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): so we should wrap up.
[09:29] Trill Zapatero: k
[09:29] Trill Zapatero: well thanks for having me over
[09:29] Lotta Flux: yeah!
[09:29] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): But let’s thank Trill for taking time to be with us today!
[09:29] Oronoque Westland: I have been to the exhibit and it is very powerful, but just to be clear, is RAWA on Four Bridges or a build to publicize RAWA’s work but independent of RAWA?
[09:29] Negro Drama (wanderson.short) is Online
[09:29] Lotta Flux claps madly!!!
[09:29] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): woot
[09:29] Trill Zapatero: oh only Afghan women can be members of RAWA
[09:29] Trill Zapatero: all others are considered RAWA supporters
[09:30] Trill Zapatero: it’s a totally indigenous, homegrown local org
[09:30] Loretta McGinnis is Offline
[09:30] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): that’s tremendous. feel free to come back any time with more news from RAWA or Four Bridges
[09:30] Buffy Beale: cheers madly, thanks Trill
[09:31] Trill Zapatero: thankyou
[09:31] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): so now we are at that time when we do announcements / open mic.
[09:31] Trill Zapatero: where does one join the group here
[09:31] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): trill, search for “techsoup” or “nonprofit commons” groups
[09:31] Gentle Heron: The Afghanistan Museum is an excellent educational venue.
[09:31] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): here’s all the ways you can be involved in the NPC on the web
[09:31] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Here are the many ways to can get involved with Nonprofit Commons in Second Life:
Nonprofit Commons blog: nonprofitcommons.org
Wiki: npsl.wikispaces.com

Google Group: http://groups.google.com/group/TechSoup-Second-Life

NPC Video http://bit.ly/draxtorNPCvid



Weekly Networking Event: Wharf Ratz, Aloft, Tuesdays, 8pm SLT

Monthly Networking Event (1st Thursday):
Common Ground, Plush, 5PM-7PM SLT

Calendar: http://bit.ly/2tMEYh
[09:31] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): Who else has announcements for today?
[09:32] WAHMsWIN.com (tuty.inkpen): me
[09:32] Hydra Shaftoe: Well I should have one this afternoon, but not yet. ๐Ÿ™‚
[09:32] Juan GKid (juangkids): bye everyone…. thanks
[09:32] RedGoddess (talkwithmarie): thanks, juan.
[09:32] Buffy Beale: bye JuanG!
[09:32] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): just tuty?
[09:32] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): ok then. go for it, tuty
[09:33] Buffy Beale: ok me
[09:33] Mimi Muircastle: Mentors??
[09:33] WAHMsWIN.com (tuty.inkpen): Donna Johnson aka Tuty Inkpen
twitter: @TudyD011
wahms = work at home moms
win = women intentionally networking
Site: http://HelpWAHMsWIN.com
Video Channel: http://youtube.com/WAHMsWIN

Thank you to those of you who came out to our launch events June 1st – 3rd. The one I saw there was RedGoddess (@TalkWithMarie) <<< Yeah!!

WAHMs WINโ„ข – Goal: Give the advantage to disadvantaged mom entrepreneurs via training and mentorship and bridge digital divide locally and globally.
(South Atlanta Metro, GA and Springfield, Massachussetts and growing)

Events Have Been Updated/Changed Recently:
See event listing on WAHMsWIN.com event tab.

The Purpose of WAHMs WINโ„ข
is to foster, encourage and support

W omen
I ntentionally
N etworkingโ„ข

We know universal wisdom says:
Together Everyone Achieves More.
Together WAHMs WINโ„ข

Our Goal

Our goal is to bridge the digital divide in our local communities by bringing together our collective exper
[09:33] WAHMsWIN.com (tuty.inkpen): ty!
[09:33] Zinnia Zauber: Great!
[09:33] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): great. Buffy?
[09:33] Buffy Beale: Mine is the mentors will be meeting right after a short break as normal
[09:33] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): three cheers for the Mentors!
[09:34] WAHMsWIN.com (tuty.inkpen): ok got my hat on and ready buffy
[09:34] Buffy Beale: so if anyone has any questions or needs any help please stay and we’d be happy to help you out
[09:34] Buffy Beale: ๐Ÿ™‚
[09:34] Buffy Beale: ohhh forgot my hat
[09:34] Buffy Beale: awk
[09:34] WAHMsWIN.com (tuty.inkpen): yeah mentors
[09:34] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): huzzah huzzah huzzah
[09:34] RedGoddess (talkwithmarie): yay!
[09:34] Sarvana Haalan: Sorry, didn’t log in…Sally Cherry, Protect Yourself 1, Baltimore, MD PY1office@gmail.com
[09:34] Buffy Beale: that’s it thanks
[09:34] Hydra Shaftoe raises hand
[09:34] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): great. any other items before I let you go?
[09:34] Sarvana Haalan: Had a great time at Common grounds last night…
[09:34] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): ok hydra
[09:34] WAHMsWIN.com (tuty.inkpen): oh btw if youneed help come see mentors in a few
[09:34] Sarvana Haalan: *Grounds
[09:34] WAHMsWIN.com (tuty.inkpen): if you need help
[09:34] WAHMsWIN.com (tuty.inkpen): oops
[09:34] RedGoddess (talkwithmarie): Yay Zinnia and the team!!!
[09:35] RedGoddess (talkwithmarie): Thanks to everyone for coming out!
[09:35] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you all that came!
[09:35] Mimi Muircastle: gorgeous decorations, Zinnia!
[09:35] RedGoddess (talkwithmarie): thanks Brena!
[09:35] Zinnia Zauber: Great team in creating it!
[09:35] Wendolynn Schumann: did not introduce myself, Lt Commander Wendolynn Ross Saunders, MD, USN
[09:35] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you!
[09:35] Sarvana Haalan: Zinnis, Brena, Par, and the Common Grounds Team rocks!!!!!
[09:35] Buffy Beale: welcome Wendolynn!
[09:35] Sarvana Haalan: *Zinnia
[09:35] Brena Benoir: ? Thank Youuuuuuuuuu!! ?
[09:35] Hydra Shaftoe: Actually cancel that. I need to confirm one detail with Rhiannon before I say anything. At any rate though, We’ll be having a community track at SLCC in san francisco in august
[09:35] WAHMsWIN.com (tuty.inkpen): Welcome Lt Commander!
[09:35] RedGoddess (talkwithmarie): Good times!
[09:35] Wendolynn Schumann: Thank You Buffy
[09:36] Buffy Beale: yay Hydra! just in case
[09:36] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): ah ok we look forward to hearing about that
[09:36] Mimi Muircastle: is it in SF or Oakland, Hydra
[09:36] Hydra Shaftoe: So I can say that much, and would love for you guys to be there and possibly speak for it ๐Ÿ™‚
[09:36] Wendolynn Schumann: Wendym, Please, this is SL
[09:36] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): SLCC is in Okaland this year
[09:36] Hydra Shaftoe: oakland
[09:36] Zinnia Zauber: I am looking forward to doing some workshops at SLCC!
[09:36] RedGoddess (talkwithmarie): Welcome Wendym!
[09:36] Wendolynn Schumann: wendy/
[09:36] Sarvana Haalan: live streaming in world for East Coast folks ?
[09:36] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): well then, I release you all to go out and do good works in the world, real and virtual
[09:36] WAHMsWIN.com (tuty.inkpen): Will do Wendy!
[09:36] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): thanks so much for coming today.
[09:36] WAHMsWIN.com (tuty.inkpen): Thanks Rik!
[09:36] Buffy Beale: thanks Rik, a great line-up agenda today
[09:36] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): And thanks in particular to Trill, GlobalKids bixby and Astra for speaking today
[09:37] Buffy Beale: nice job
[09:37] WAHMsWIN.com (tuty.inkpen): afk brb
[09:37] Buffy Beale: hurray!
[09:37] RedGoddess (talkwithmarie): awesome!
[09:37] Hydra Shaftoe: We’ll do SLCC on the east coast next year. we rotate it
[09:37] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): my apologies for my lateness.
[09:37] RedGoddess (talkwithmarie): Thanks, Rik!
[09:37] Buffy Beale: if anyone wants a mentor hat please let me know
[09:37] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I’m so happy that you guys are able to step up and get things going with out me
[09:37] RedGoddess (talkwithmarie): ๐Ÿ™‚
[09:37] Hydra Shaftoe: Buffy I want a mentor collar
[09:37] Buffy Beale: ha Hydra, I’d just drag you around
[09:37] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): hydra, that would be awesome
[09:37] Hydra Shaftoe: Exactly
[09:38] Sarvana Haalan: lol, lol
[09:38] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): can someone post the chat log to the email?
[09:38] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): I missed the opening of this meeting
[09:38] Hydra Shaftoe: Im not sure if I’m running the community or marketing track for slcc this year, so I cant say to send me inquiries about speaking just yet ๐Ÿ™‚
[09:38] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): or just get me the first 10 minutes?
[09:38] Mimi Muircastle: Mimi has lost her mentor hat in her unorganized inventory:(
[09:38] Hydra Shaftoe: But I asked for communities
[09:38] Buffy Beale gave you NPC MENTOR Hat.
[09:38] Buffy Beale: Mimi you can just search for ‘mentor’
[09:38] Zinnia Zauber: Thank you Hydra for working on it!
[09:39] Sarvana Haalan: must clean out my Inventory too
[09:39] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): excuse the chat spam
[09:39] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): say list
[09:39] Visitor Counter whispers: Visitor List:
[09:39] Visitor Counter: Zinnia Zauber
[09:39] Visitor Counter: Ozma Malibu
[09:39] Visitor Counter: Brena Benoir
[09:39] Visitor Counter: Ethelred Weatherwax
[09:39] Visitor Counter: Hydra Shaftoe
[09:39] Visitor Counter: DJ Earnshaw
[09:39] Visitor Counter: Buffy Beale
[09:39] Visitor Counter: Tuty Inkpen
[09:39] Visitor Counter: Chayenn Resident
[09:39] Visitor Counter: Gentle Heron
[09:39] Visitor Counter: CarynTopia Silvercloud
[09:39] Visitor Counter: In Kenzo
[09:39] Visitor Counter: Suza Falta
[09:39] Visitor Counter: HB Eternal
[09:39] Visitor Counter: talkwithmarie Resident
[09:39] Visitor Counter: globalkids Bixby
[09:39] Visitor Counter: Astra Toki
[09:39] Visitor Counter: Wendolynn Schumann
[09:39] Visitor Counter: Sarvana Haalan
[09:39] Visitor Counter: Curtis Rhosar
[09:39] Visitor Counter: Dancers Yao
[09:39] Visitor Counter: Trill Zapatero
[09:39] Visitor Counter: bulaklak Resident
[09:39] Visitor Counter: Total = 23
[09:39] Hydra Shaftoe: ok im collecting the chatlog now for the summary
[09:39] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): oo that is so not accurate
[09:39] Mimi Muircastle: kk will try again:) nope, nada – just notes
[09:39] Buffy Beale: was going to say Rik, missed a few
[09:39] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): might be because I rset it late
[09:40] Rik Panganiban (rik.riel): my bad
[09:40] Chayenn: monique richert , protect yourself 1, inc , baltimore , MD protectyourself1.org, twitter.com/py1us
[09:40] Mimi Muircastle: brb

Written by: HydraShaftoe

Global Kids’ Presentation on New “Let’s Talk Sustainability” Virtual Talk Show

Barry and Daria at NPC june 10 2011

Here is the edited chatlog of the presentation by Barry Joseph and Daria Ng of Global Kids on their new virtual education project: Let’s Talk Sustainability.” They spoke at the June 10, 2011 meeting of the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life.  Sounds like a very exciting youth-led project on environmental issues. Here’s are few choice quotes below.

Why Global Kids came back to Second Life:

Barry: We were very sad to see TSL [Teen Second Life] close – it was a very special place… Then last Fall, the detail all became clear TSL was not closing. Rather, it was being merged with SL – we would finally have a mixed-age grid. For the first time we began to think about what sort of programs could be done, for the FIRST TIME, that leveraged that. Sure, adults could always come into TSL but only after paying for a background check and waiting weeks, at best.There was no way to do casual interaction.

When we heard the American Honda Foundation was looking for new ideas, we used that opportunity to come up with Let’s Talk Sustainability. Last January we received the funds, to our delight. So in many ways, today, this marks the return of GK youth-facing programs to Second Life.

 About Letโ€™s Talk Sustainability :

Daria: Letโ€™s Talk Sustainability is an intensive youth development program that will support high school youth to develop expertise regarding sustainability, online broadcasting, and virtual world construction. Global Kids youth in New York City will combine this expertise to produce a talk show, featuring live interviews with scientists and other STEM-related professionals, pre-produced videos, and game show like activities. This will be a virtual talk show, filmed before a live studio audience within the virtual world Second Life, and will be later archived with downloadable materials that will be made available for a broader audience and classrooms around the world.

If you want to receive updated news and announcements about Letโ€™s Talk Sustainability, you can sign up on the document here: http://tinyurl.com/3jqvk3o. You can follow progress on this project at http://www.olpglobalkids.org/virtual_worlds/lts/.

The full , edited chatlog follows Note that Barry Joseph is “globalkids Bixby” in Second Life and Daria Ng is “Astra Toki.” Read on….



Full Chatlog

Audience at NPC june 10 2011[8:43]  Rik Riel: So we are joined today by Astra and globalkids bixby of Global Kids

[8:43]  Rik Riel: let’s give them a warm welcome

[8:43]  Buffy Beale: cheering madly

[8:44]  globalkids Bixby: Such a pleasure to be back.

[8:44]  Gentle Heron: YAY Global Kids.

[8:44]  Lotta Flux claps warmly and smiles

[8:44]  Hydra Shaftoe: welcome aboard

[8:44]  Astra Toki: thanks for having us

[8:44]  globalkids Bixby: Rik, do you want us just to take it away?

[8:44]  Rik Riel: they are here to talk to us about a very special project launching soon called Talking Sustainability.

[8:44]  Rik Riel: I’m sure you are all going to be very excited about it.

[8:45]  Rik Riel: Go ahead globalkids and astra

[8:45]  globalkids Bixby: Even better: Let’s Talk Sustainability

[8:45]  globalkids Bixby: Thanks Rik!

[8:45]  Rik Riel: oh yeah!

[8:45]  talkwithmarie Resident: welcome

[8:45]  globalkids Bixby: It’s exciting to be back here at the NPC

[8:45]  Rik Riel smacks forehead

[8:45]  globalkids Bixby: because in many ways it signals a return of sorts for Global Kids (not that we ever left)

[8:45]  globalkids Bixby: before we start klet me first please ask who here is familiar with GK’s work in Sl

[8:45]  globalkids Bixby: If so, plese give a Woot. If not, please give a… “not”

[8:45]  Mimi Muircastle: woot:)

[8:45]  Buffy Beale: woot

[8:45]  Lotta Flux: woot woot!!

[8:46]  Gentle Heron: yes for the former Teen SL

[8:46]  CarynTopia Silvercloud: woot

[8:46]  globalkids Bixby: 5 years ago, Gk began its regular work in SL primarily , but not exclusively, in TSL

[8:46]  Tuty Inkpen: woot

[8:46]  globalkids Bixby: You can learn all about our work at olp.globalkids.org in the virtual worlds section

[8:47]  globalkids Bixby: We were very sad to see TSL close – it was a very special place – and we spoke of this recently in SL : http://www.olpglobalkids.org/2011/03/a_funeral_for_teen_second_life.html

[8:47]  Hydra Shaftoe: globalkids has done some good work

[8:47]  globalkids Bixby: However, the biggest challenge for workign with youth these past years was jut KNIOWING TSl woudl close, but never knowing whem

[8:47]  globalkids Bixby: So for a long time we stopped launchign new SL-based youth programming

[8:47]  Lotta Flux wipes a small tear away for TSL

[8:47]  globalkids Bixby: Then. last fall, the detail all became clear

[8:47]  Buffy Beale: same Lotta

[8:47]  globalkids Bixby: TSL was not closing. Rather, it was being merged with SL – we would finally have a mixed-age grid

[8:48]  globalkids Bixby: For the first time we began to think about what sort o programs could be done, for th FIRST TIME, that leveraged that

[8:48]  globalkids Bixby: sure, adults could always come into TSL

[8:48]  globalkids Bixby: but only after paying for a background check and waiting weeks, at best.

[8:48]  globalkids Bixby: There was no way to do casual interaction.

[8:48]  globalkids Bixby: When we heard the American Honda Foundation was looking for new ideas, we used that opportunity to come up with Let’s Talk Sustainability.

[8:49]  globalkids Bixby: Last January we received the funds, to our delight

[8:49]  globalkids Bixby: So in many ways, today, this marks the return of GK youth-facing programs to Second Life.

[8:49]  globalkids Bixby: wand on

[8:49]  globalkids Bixby: balloons

[8:49]  globalkids Bixby: So I’d like to now turn things over to Astra (Daria) who will full you in on all fo the exciting details and hten if there is time, ask you your advice about some key details we are trying to figure out

[8:50]  globalkids Bixby: Astra?

[8:50]  Astra Toki: thanks globalkids Bixby

[8:50]  Astra Toki: Letโ€™s Talk Sustainability is an intensive youth development program that will support high school youth to develop expertise regarding sustainability, online broadcasting, and virtual world construction.

[8:50]  Astra Toki: Global Kids youth in New York City will combine this expertise to produce a talk show, featuring live interviews with scientists and other STEM-related professionals, pre-produced videos, and game show like activities.

[8:51]  Oronoque Westland: my univ students wish GK would expand so they can join

[8:51]  Astra Toki: This will be a virtual talk show, filmed before a live studio audience within the virtual world Second Life, and will be later archived with downloadable materials that will be made available for a broader audience and classrooms around the world.

[8:51]  globalkids Bixby: (As Astra describes the project, please keep in mind any opportunities you see to connect youth – high school perferred, but college as well, with the program. We will ask for details towards the end)

[8:52]  globalkids Bixby: (also, link to the new blog section for the program can be found here: http://www.olpglobalkids.org/virtual_worlds/lts/)

[8:52]  Astra Toki: Our youth will be introduced to a broad range of concepts related to the topic of sustainability including energy, urbanization, pollution, biodiversity, global warming, and global health.

[8:52]  Astra Toki: The youth will select 3 subtopics and produce an hour-long talk show about each one.

[8:53]  Astra Toki: Each show will be designed to introduce their youth audience to what professionals are doing in these fields and showcase what youth can do today to live in a more sustainable world.

[8:53]  Astra Toki: Summer will be an intensive 5 week long, summer bootcamp, in which the Global Kids Youth Leaders will come together to learn about sustainability, research their related subtopics, and develop the required technical competencies for the program.

[8:54]  Astra Toki: Youth Leaders will meet with content experts at STEM-related institutions to learn more about the topics and gain confidence speaking with adults about sustainability.

[8:54]  globalkids Bixby: (I wish I could type that fst with such litle typos)

[8:54]  Astra Toki: (lol)

[8:54]  Astra Toki: Youth will then select the sub-topics for the three broadcasts and break into teams to develop materials for each episode.

[8:54]  Astra Toki: They will work with staff to identify experts who can be interviewed to provide content for the broadcasts and to be interviewed live as well.

[8:55]  Astra Toki: Youth will also develop topic-related quiz questions for quiz-like games that they will use to engage the live audience members, and they will construct the sets and costumes to be used within Second Life.

[8:55]  Astra Toki: So, what might the activities that youth do look like?

[8:56]  Astra Toki: They will Participate in interactive, experiential workshops that teach skills related to understanding the science of sustainability.

[8:56]  Astra Toki: They will learn how to effectively communicate content on sustainability to a peer audience in an engaging manner.

[8:56]  Astra Toki: They will become proficient in the use of the virtual world Second Life (e.g. designing their avatar, learning to walk and communicate, designing structures, etc.)

[8:57]  Astra Toki: They will meet with experts from various organizations to learn more about their topic and practice their interviewing skills.

[8:57]  Astra Toki: They will develop video broadcast and production skills relevant within a virtual world setting.

[8:57]  Astra Toki: By the end of the summer, the youth will have produced material for the three shows, including pre-recorded material, interview questions for the quest experts, and activities to do with the audience.

[8:58]  Astra Toki: Before the start of the school year, Global Kids staff will reach out to its existing educational partners to have them bring their classes to the broadcasts.

[8:58]  Astra Toki: During the Fall and early Winter, each of the three shows will be held within Second Life, with an audience composed of middle school and high school youth from educational institutions around the country and the world currently active in that space.

[8:58]  globalkids Bixby: (the experts Astra referenced that will be interviewed by the youth, of course, are STEM-related professionals already within Second Life)

[8:58]  globalkids Bixby: …This is where Treet TV comes in…

[8:58]  Astra Toki: Global Kids will be partnering with Treet TV, the worldโ€™s first virtual television network. Treet TV is an entertainment network that serves virtual worlds viewers and producers.

[8:59]  globalkids Bixby: (took the words right outof my mouth)

[8:59]  Astra Toki: Global Kids youth leaders will also meet with experts from various NYC institutions, such as the New York Hall of Science, the American Museum of Natural History, Center for Architecture, the local Farmerโ€™s Market, and more, to interview experts and learn more about their sustainability topics.

[8:59]  Astra Toki: You can stay up to date on LTS through our blog: http://www.olpglobalkids.org/virtual_worlds/lts/

[8:59]  globalkids Bixby: (and here, as well, the Fall broadcasts are an opportunity to help us identify the organized youth audiences still in SL)

[9:00]  Astra Toki: so that was a lot of information!

[9:00]  Astra Toki: are there any questions so far?

[9:00]  talkwithmarie Resident: wow! Thank you. exciting project

[9:00]  Hydra Shaftoe: sounds cool ๐Ÿ™‚

[9:00]  Gentle Heron: How are you connected with the other sustainability and “green” projects going on in SL?

[9:00]  Astra Toki: From the audience, we would love if you could spread the word about our fall shows when they come around and you can stay on top of when those will take place at http://www.olpglobalkids.org/virtual_worlds/lts/.

[9:00]  globalkids Bixby: We hope to do somethign that takes picees of things done before, but, liek the movie the Matrix, have nev been combined in JUSt this way

[9:00]  talkwithmarie Resident: when will the summer program officially start? is it only open to NYC?

[9:01]  Astra Toki: it starts july 11th

[9:01]  globalkids Bixby: Yes, the summer program is in person, in NYC

[9:01]  Astra Toki: It’s open to NYC high school aged youth

[9:01]  talkwithmarie Resident: thx

[9:01]  Buffy Beale: Question: Where in Second Life will you be hosting the show?

[9:01]  Mimi Muircastle: will there ever be a west coast project?

[9:01]  globalkids Bixby: Things we would really love from you woudl be advice about whay organized youth groups there are – e.g. schools, after school, museums, etc

[9:01]  globalkids Bixby: If we can expand the program, we would love to have a west coast component – but first things first

[9:01]  Astra Toki: also, if you know of STEM professionals to connect our youth with

[9:02]  Mimi Muircastle: ty

[9:02]  globalkids Bixby: we are still workign with Treet on the exact location. Just the listserv to find out more when we do, please.

[9:02]  Astra Toki: If you want to receive updated news and announcements about Letโ€™s Talk Sustainability, you can sign up on the document here: http://tinyurl.com/3jqvk3o

[9:02]  Buffy Beale: o, ty global

[9:02]  globalkids Bixby: Also, if you think we are out of our minds, or overreaching, please certainly let us know now

[9:02]  Gentle Heron: Question: How are you connected with the other sustainability and “green” projects going on in SL? How are you identifying SL contacts?

[9:03]  globalkids Bixby: gentle, great question – we are just starting that. Are you someone who can be a resource for us and introduce us to that community?

[9:03]  Gentle Heron: I know much more about disability communities in SL, sorry.

[9:03]  Rik Riel: the NPC has a whole island of tenants who could be resources on the ECO Commons

[9:04]  Astra Toki: thanks rik

[9:04]  globalkids Bixby: Rik, could NPC help set up a meeting with them and us at some point?

[9:04]  Rik Riel: sure lets set up a strategy meeting and we can line up the relevant groups to be there

[9:04]  CarynTopia Silvercloud: we are a green org that would love to connect – Topia Arts Center

[9:04]  Buffy Beale: Yes, was going to say, we set aside some space for a teen sandbox on Eco, and started a group but it got stalled on trying to deteremine the criteria for inviting teens

[9:04]  globalkids Bixby: Thank you Rik. Thant would be great.

[9:05]  In Kenzo: awesome progress!

[9:05]  globalkids Bixby: CarynTopi a- Sweet – how can we learn more about you. Please respond in IM

[9:05]  globalkids Bixby: Well, thank you all so much for the time today

[9:05]  Lotta Flux: Just a great project!

[9:05]  globalkids Bixby: Perhaps we can come back when the broadcasts are ready, if you like to hear more about how this all turns out

[9:05]  Mimi Muircastle: I would!

[9:05]  globalkids Bixby: Until then, as always, we look to you, the NP community in SL, to help us make sure we do this right

[9:06]  Astra Toki: i second that

[9:06]  Buffy Beale: for sure, and also, I’m not sure if Global Kids still are, but I really appreciated the space on your Aloft sim you donated to the NPC

[9:06]  globalkids Bixby: The work you do is all so important and we are excited to be taking part again to bring positive attention to our field

[9:06]  Mimi Muircastle: will you have your own sim in SL?

[9:06]  globalkids Bixby: Oh, we alreadt do

[9:06]  globalkids Bixby: We forgot to mention

[9:06]  globalkids Bixby: Our TSl island is NOW in the main grid

[9:07]  Buffy Beale: yay!

[9:07]  Mimi Muircastle: ty – good to know

[9:07]  talkwithmarie Resident: awesome!

[9:07]  globalkids Bixby: PLEASE go check out the volcano -= every four hours youth programmed it to erupt – pretty awesome

[9:07]  Rik Riel: woot

[9:07]  Gentle Heron: Can you give a SLURL please?

[9:07]  Tuty Inkpen: yes slurl please

[9:07]  Lotta Flux: yes, please!

[9:07]  Gentle Heron: I assume this is a teen-safe environment.

[9:07]  Lotta Flux: or LM

[9:07]  Tuty Inkpen: promise not to get too excited and leave now … lol

[9:07]  Buffy Beale: lol Tuty

[9:08]  Tuty Inkpen: ๐Ÿ™‚

[9:08]  Oronoque Westland: how are participants chosen for the summer program?

[9:08]  globalkids Bixby: Yes, don’t go yet! But later go to http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Global%20Kids/50/50/50

[9:08]  Astra Toki: we’ve first reached out to many of the youth global kids works with

[9:08]  Mimi Muircastle: had the same question Oro:)

[9:08]  globalkids Bixby: If that doesnt’ work, then please IM me (and friend me)

[9:08]  Astra Toki: from the nyc public schools we have a presence in

[9:08]  Astra Toki: students need to fill out an application, but it isn’t exclusively for Global Kids youth, and we still have spots left

[9:09]  Oronoque Westland: I am not finding a link to apply via the website

[9:09]  Astra Toki: it’s not there on the website, but i can email it to you!

[9:10]  globalkids Bixby: I know there are others speaking today, so we shouldd probably return the stage to Rik

[9:10]  Rik Riel: this is awesome guys

[9:10]  Astra Toki: Thanks for your time, everyone

[9:10]  globalkids Bixby: Thank you all once again for lettign us spend this time with ypu this morning/afternoon/evening

[9:10]  Rik Riel: I personally can’t wait for this !

[9:10]  Mimi Muircastle: great program – good for kids and good for the world:)

[9:11]  Rik Riel: such a great way to leverage Second Life to bring together youth, global issues and a global audience

[9:11]  talkwithmarie Resident: Hi Trill! Welcome to NPC!

[9:11]  Rik Riel: let’s give Global Kids a hand

[9:11]  Hydra Shaftoe wishes the teen grid was still around.

[9:11]  Wendolynn Schumann:                        *โ€ข.ยธ’*โ€ข.ยธ โ™ฅ ยธ.โ€ข*ยดยธ.โ€ข*

[9:11]  Wendolynn Schumann:                   .โ€ข*โ™ฅยจ`โ€ข  BRAVO!!!!  โ€ขยจ`โ™ฅ*โ€ข.

[9:11]  Wendolynn Schumann:                     ยธ.โ€ข*`ยธ.โ€ข*ยด  โ™ฅ  `*โ€ข.ยธ`*โ€ข.ยธ

[9:11]  talkwithmarie Resident: applause

[9:11]  Buffy Beale: applauds!!!

Written by: rikomatic

Submit Your Ideas for Improving the NPC Online!

Morris Cox / Hour Destiny has created for us an online tool that will enable anyone to make suggestions for how to improve the Nonprofit Commons,  to support other ideas that are submitted by others, and track the progress of implementing ideas that have broadbased support.  We think that this might be a more effective way to capture good ideas that bubble up from our weekly meetings, email exchanges, Twitter chats, and anywhere else.  Otherwise, these great ideas might get lost and never implemented.

The system Morris has put in place is on the IdeaScale platform, which has been used by everyone from the White House to major corporations.  So we think it might also work for our community at the NPC.  Read more about the IdeaScale system in Morris’ blog post.

Give it a look here: http://nonprofitcommons.ideascale.com.  And make a suggestion while you are there!

Our thanks to Morris / Hour for his work on this.

Written by: rikomatic

Summary of 5/27/2011 NPSL meeting

Nonny Writer / Nonny de la Peรฑa

* Nonny is a maker of SL virtual awareness projects. Virtual Gitmo is one of her works.

* Discussion about Gitmo

* First built in spring of 2007 to highlight Guantanamo facility.

* Real facility is inaccessible to journalists.

* Second SL sim was about Cap and trade – carbon emissions controls and trading. Sim outlined methods of carbon footprint reduction, carbon emissions trading, and carbon credits.

* Ways to recycle and re-use carbon waste such as hog manure.

* Now working on a sim about hunger in California.

Thomas Jรคger

* Spoke about several school violence issues, mostly bullying.

* Ways to combat school bullying.

* Virtual anti-violence campus designed to show people ways to get around bullying.

* Physical bullying and cyber-bullying.

* Discussion of cyber-bullying.

* Guided tours available, just ask Jaeger

Written by: HydraShaftoe

PTSD Support and Second Life Globe Theater in Jeopardy

Sad news from both Fearless Nation PTDS Support and the Shakespearean Globe Theater in Second Life. Both of these institutions are facing imminent closure if funds for their sim rental costs do not materialize soon.

Fearless Nation is an online community for trauma sufferers, offering education, information, support and advocacy to bust stigma and misinformation about post traumatic stress.  According to their recent email, if they do not receive substantial donations soon, they will be closing their doors at the end of June.

To support Fearless Nation, head to this web page.

SL Shakespeare 350 Meanwhile, Ina Centaur, creator of the Shakespearean Globe Theater in Second Life, reports that her avatar account has been frozen because she owes several thousands of dollars to Linden Lab for tier (rental) costs for her four sims.  Apparently it is “due for deletion” on June 3 unless she can pay the fees. Which effectively means that she will no longer have access to all of her builds in Second Life.

See her blog post for more info.

Written by: rikomatic

Idea submission system for getting ideas

People have a lot of ideas, but many fall through the cracks. Also, some ideas are not really feasible or not thought out well enough. IdeaScale has a free package where people can create a community where people can submit ideas that others can vote/comment on. You can upgrade for more features if desired. There are other sites and software. However, I picked IdeaScale as it has a good implementation and is used by some organizations that can be demanding of needs. http://ideascale.com/ is the website. http://ideascale.com/a/createUser.do?application=IdeaScale
is where you signup.

The White House uses IdeaScale. Wired Magazine, Reuters, the Boy Scouts, and Mozilla (makers of Firefox) also use IdeaScale. There is widget code allows you to get ideas via a blog or website by including the widget code in your blog or website. There is a free “Civic Engagement License” for government agencies. http://ideascale.com/opengov There are no free licenses to non-profit entities (other than the standard free package). Hopefully, we might be able to convince them to change their mind. ๐Ÿ™‚

IdeaScale has 508 government compliance, restricted access, curse filtering, and SSL security (if
you upgrade). There are iPhone and Facebook Apps available and you can link to Twitter and Facebook, so new ideas get posted on Twitter and your Facebook page. There is a Terms of Use section. Having an idea submission system makes it easier to find those with great ideas. Might find a great volunteer or new staff member. Users can flag improper posts (if enabled). When a predefined threshold is reached, the comment is hidden and the moderator is notified. If approved, the comment will
reappear and not be flaggable.

Creating an account requires an email address and passing the CAPTCHA. You can login with Google
Account, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo!, AOL, and OpenID. Can customize Call-to-action and pick one of two voting systems. Up/Down ala Digg, or Poker style where an user gets a predefined number of votes that they can use (some or all) on ideas that they think are most important. I recommend Up/Down. Changing voting system removes current votes. The different status’ that an idea can have are: Inbound (if not signed in), Active (if signed in), Under Review, In Progress, Complete, Closed (hides it), Off-Topic.

You can edit the webpage code for headers, footers, Home Page, Terms of Use, and Contact info. You can customize name and email address that notifications are sent from, as well as the invitation emails. You can specify a daily or weekly digest, or none. You get 5 free categories (you can do more if you specify more than 5 at the beginning). You can also specify an end date for a category. You can also export ideas (except for custom fields in CSV) and member data. You can get a report on: total users; unsubscribed, bounced, new, and verified users; email domains.

Take a look at (and submit ideas at) http://nonprofitcommons.ideascale.com/

Written by: morriscox

Summary of 5/20/2011 NPSL meeting.

Speaker – David Burden, developer with Daden Ltd, an innovative cross-platform virtual world development company.


*There is a lot of variety and choice between virtual worlds and their capabilities. There was a need for a centralized virtual world finder that makes it possible to see what you can do with each of them. Every world has its pros and cons (I.E. – Eve Online allows things that Gaia does not, and vice versa).

*A simple web app has been developed that allows people to weigh pros and cons, capabilities.

*Buffy can’t wear enough hats!

*Depending on whether you come from a marketing, scientific, or entertainment stance, the rankings from the web app would be very different.

*Most important function is that it flags what a world does NOT do. Far more important than what it can do as far as choosing the right platform.

*Discussion of capabilities of various worlds – holding a meeting in WoW is next to impossible, sl and opensim meeting abilities.

*Nonprofits congregate in opensim/SL because of interactivity and open feel.

*Best overall for nonprofits are sl, opensim, hypergrid for business

*Vastpark is a world for real business work and people want AVs to look lime themselves.

*SL is best for public visibility.

*Many account creation websites for VWs are confusing – people dont show up for events.

*Browser vs client based VW discussion.

*Possibility of ranking VWs according to assisted living or handicapped-accessibility.

*Work towards creating a completely neutral interface for finding proper VWs for projects.

Written by: HydraShaftoe

Daden, Ltd Talks about their “Virtual World Finder” Tomorrow, May 20 at NPC

Come to the Nonprofit Commons tomorrow, Friday May 20, to chat with David Burden, head of the virtual world development company Daden, Ltdabout their new “Virtual World Finder” they have just released.  The Virtual World Finder is a web tool designed to help any company or organization decide on which virtual world platform is the right one for their particular needs. The finder is the product of Daden’s many years of experience creating various products in different virtual worlds.

Come to the Plush Nonprofit Commons on Friday May 20, starting at 8:30am PST, to find out more and talk with Burden about the Virtual World Finder.  Should be a really interesting discussion.  The meeting will take place at this teleport link in Second Life.

Written by: rikomatic