Building Reputation Systems Online: Live-blogging from SF Online Community MeetUp

[cross-posted on TechSoup blog]

Guest blogger, Lauren Friedman (@lauren_hannah on Twitter) is a Community Manager, writer, blogger and photographer.

Randy Farmer photoThis month’s Online Community MeetUp featured facilitator, Bill Johnston, Online Community Manager for Dell and longtime online community expert, Randy Farmer, speaking about online reputation systems.

Online Reputations and the Misconceptions to Avoid: With the emergence of social media and the increase in brand participation on such mediums, reputation is just as (if not more) important than ever. While reputation is absolutely important to maintain and should be a focus when determining social media plans, there are several misconceptions of what a “reputation” really is.

1. It’s the People, Dummy: Reputation surrounds us. In everything we do, everything we see, every action we take, we’re surrounded by reputations. And our biggest question: Can we trust them? So, what is reputation? According to Randall Farmer, “Reputation is information used to make a value judgment about an object or a person.” It’s not just about “what is reputation;” we want to put that definition in a structure that we can apply to more than one situation. The structure: A source makes a claim about a topic — making a value judgment about an object or a person, and that value judgment is transferred and influences decisions made by others. Reputation isn’t just about people, it’s any information used to make a value judgment. Determining reputation is not just up to us. We can’t make all of these judgments by ourselves. We have to trust others, trust what they’re saying and how they feel about something in order to assist our decision-making. We just don’t have the time to make verifications of everything every day.

2. One Reputation to Rule Them All: For many users, social media priority number one is to be the best and to build the best reputation possible. There is no universal reputation. So how do you build yours? The ways we instinctually think of objects or brands are actually not quite as reliable on social media. Recommendations are proving to be risky, and FICO scores are not necessarily related to productivity. It takes time, patience, and perseverance to create a positive reputation. It’s more complex than “good guy, bad guy.” It’s even more complex than giving the Internet a “credit score.” All reputation is in context, the narrower the better — each “score” is applicable to only one context.

3. All I Need is Five Stars: Possibly the most common misconception on reputation and social media is that all you need is “likes.” Everything on the Internet has a “like/dislike” or a “thumbs up/thumbs down” creating ample opportunities to allow users to build your reputation for you. While the majority of interactions form a J-curve (starts low and slowly builds up forming a graph that looks like the letter “J”), the most beneficial graph actually looks like the letter “W”. Why? Because it’s the most consistent. When the community evaluates its own content, you can consistently track the negative feedback, add up the positive, and develop a steady rating. We should be making these inferences and only asking the community for what we really need — do we really need a thumbs down button or can you infer that information elsewhere? If no one is saying no, don’t ask them to. By providing the users with the ability to express what kinds of content they’d like to see more or less of, you’re inconspicuously creating incentive for the community to interact and help you build your reputation. And it all goes back to the fact that you can’t make all these inferences on your own.

4. Competition is Always Good: With the new and emerging social media and gaming industries, point systems and leader boards have taken precedence over many other tactics to garner participation. Why? Because competition drives a lot of behavior. In general, we trust high scores and we don’t trust low scores. Therefore, the objective is (obviously) to do whatever you can to raise your score. There are different levels of competition ranging from caring, to collaborative, to cordial, to competitive, to combative. The last thing you want are leader boards and competition between them. Competition is fine, if the context calls for it — World of Warcraft? Competition. But don’t assume there’s competition when there’s none. When Karma is involved, user reputation, it escalates the fastest. These different levels determine the general user experience and affect your overall reputation. But you’re not the only one with a reputation here.

5. “Negative Karma Will Kill Out the Bad Guys”: Assigning a public score to a user that says how good they are in some context is one way to manage and build up your reputation. By giving the users responsibility, you’re increasing interactions and the opportunity to only keep good content on your site. However, this provides some real challenges. There are two sides of this spectrum: we have the “good guys” who do positive things and the “bad guys” who do negative things. And it’s best to keep the tracking of these “good guys” and “bad guys” incognito. Avoid public karma. If you really want to know who your bad guys are, keep them private.

Yahoo! Answers Case Study User content moderation model: People would report a content item, and Yahoo! would hide the answers if enough people said it was bad. The simplest form of this model is a “three strikes, you’re out” mentality. If three users flag content as negative, it would be hidden. Of course, it became more complex than that as Yahoo! wanted the content to be removed within an hour of its publication. It ultimately evolved into a detailed, super-user, system. Yahoo! would track the people who accurately reported the most negative content and they would become “good reporters.” If a “good reporter” flagged content, it could potentially be removed immediately. This content moderation system feeds off the “Broken WIndows Hypothesis” — the community (or community managers” clean up the space, and the trolls leave. And as these trolls leave, your reputation increases.

You can find out more in Randy’s book: Building Web Reputation Systems and hear about upcoming online community speakers at the MeetUp group.

Written by: penguin kuhn

Faces of the TechSoup Community

TechSoup’s Youtube channel has now grown to several playlists, which features our members that we meet at the various conferences we attend. Here are TechSoup members HollabackDC talking about Flip video cameras that they bought from TechSoup Stock.

It also features stories of the real world impact of our Second Life community members who participate in the Nonprofit Commons. Here is an excellent video featuring the National Service Inclusion Project‘s Chad Gobert discussing the impact of their partnership with TechSoup.

We also have the fantastic collection of entries into our TechSoup Digital Storytelling Event. The 1st Place winner of a Flip Video Ultra U1120 Camera was a video called Kramden in 60 sec by the Kramden Institute

You can see more of the TechSoup Videos here:

Written by: Layal

Weekly Update from Nonprofit Commons

Events this week:
Free Webinar on Tuesday 9/21 at 11AM PST:
Social Media Decision Making

Online Community MeetUp Wednesday night 9/22, 7PM PST in San Francisco
Hope you can join us in person, online or via Second Life inworld at the Plush Nonprofit Commons:

8:30AM PST Friday meeting at the Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheatre
Join us this FRIDAY AM for Meet Your Neighbor and other nonprofit technology leaders at

Last week at the NPC:

* Ana Farber, a PhD down at University of Texas, Austin has invited us to participate in the SLActions Conference, abstracts are due by September 30th at with chapters all over the world.

* Jenelle Levenque shared the Transgender American Veterans Association: educates government agencies on the needs of their transgendered constituents. Scheduled office hours inworld are Fridays from 0730 to 0830 and Murray or Alana Haefnir are also inworld to take your questions.

* Penguin (Megan at TechSoup Global) shared the FORUMS and here’s a full list of topics: All are invited to participate online and share their knowledge! Ninlil (Layal) also made a video tutorial on how to do this at

TechSoup Technology Help Desk Office Hours
TechSoup has answered the community’s technology questions via telephone, email, and on TechSoup’s forums. This has also begun to occur on TechSoup’s social media sites such as LinkedIn and Facebook groups. In keeping with this tradition, we have decided to experiment with TechSoup Technology Help Desk Office Hours inside Second Life to include all sorts of social media & technology questions.

Times are Tue 4-5pm, Wed 4-5pm, Thu 5-6pm, all times are Pacific.
We are also open to your recommendations, please read more information about:

Reminder: Submit your Projects to the FACT Social Justice Challenge at NetSquared
The French American Charitable Trust (FACT) and NetSquared are pleased to announce the second annual FACT Social Justice Awards. Submissions are now open for your innovative Projects that leverage web and/or mobile technologies to foster collaboration around social justice issues. Learn more about the Challenge and how to participate here:

From Laura at Horsenet in MD: Our rescue is taking part in the Petfinder Shelter Challenge. Shelters with the most votes are eligible for grants. Please help us win by voting daily from today through 12/19. Go to and search “HorseNet Horse Rescue” in Mount Airy, MD to vote.

An Easy Inworld Tip:
There are tons of classes on building, scripting, machinima production, even working with the new meshes that Second Life is now releasing for fully sculpted objects that look more real than ever before. For more detail on Linden Lab’s progress on MESH SUPPORT that will allow imports from 3D design programs, see this blog post:…

Every week inworld we share these links to our community sites:
Nonprofit Commons blog & wiki
Google Group:
Weekly Networking Event: Wharf Ratz, Aloft every Tues., 8PM SLT
Monthly Networking Event: The first Thurs. of every month, at Common Ground, Plush, 5 -7PM SLT
Avatars United:

Thank you for your contributions to the Nonprofit Commons! Stay in touch:

Written by: InKenzo

Nonprofit Commons Weekly Update for September 13, 2010

Weekly Update from the Nonprofit Commons

Events this week:
The new and improved site is live!
Check it out and let us know any feedback you have.

8:30AM Friday meeting at Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheatre
Join us this FRIDAY AM

Weekly Networking Event:
Wharf Ratz, Aloft every Tues., 8PM SLT

The next Online Community Managers Meetup in San Francisco will also be available in Second Life!
Don’t miss guest speaker, Randy Farmer, creator of the first virtual world, speaking on reputation systems.
Join us live September 22 at 7PM

Last week at the NPC:
Ellie Brewster came to share the Women’s Virtual Community Project:
Events for 2010-2011 will be announced on 9/15 for inworld classes and events.

In the meeting we discussed Heat Maps, metrics and visits to NPC, how we can look at engagement on our sims and where people flow through and stay involved.

NPC  Heat Map

This is one example of a heat map at NPC from the Summer of 2010. We can get a good glimpse of the walkways and main traffic patterns (typically walking along designated paths around event/common areas) and see what offices are most popular for visits.

We discussed where people leave from and arrive to (typically advertised spaces and event spaces) and also looked at the demographics of our visitors by country – 22 countries involved in NPC this summer.

We have a handful of tenants and guests who have been to the commons hundreds of times, most come for a visit every 1-7 days. We will contact tenants who have not been back in the last few months to encourage return visits and online organizing at NPC. Evonne (In Kenzo) will work with Parhelion Parou, Buffy Beale, Brena Benoir, Ninlil, Kali & YOU to make sure that pathways and public spaces are easy to navigate as we find interesting ways to spotlight NPC. Ideas are welcome.

Ninlil Xentiltat followed up brainstorming about how to better provide services in this community. Do you have a suggestion to add? Email or start a conversation online. If you want to volunteer or find a volunteer to help you with a specific endeavor, visit our wiki page: and find Ninlil inworld.

More on Statistics, Insights & Engagement

We are processing the insights on our primary social media sites: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Second Life & Google. We are finding that there are over 300 of you who are active here with 339 “likes” on Facebook. On average 50+ of you are actively engaging with us on Facebook. On Twitter we have 780 followers! In 2010 the TechSoupVideo YouTube pages are getting the highest traffic on our Second Life-related videos and machinima.

Here’s our Facebook page demographics for age and country/languages:

Facebook page demographics

Reminder: Submit your Projects to the FACT Social Justice Challenge at NetSquared
The French American Charitable Trust (FACT) and NetSquared are pleased to announce the second annual FACT Social Justice Awards. Submissions are now open for your innovative Projects that leverage web and/or mobile technologies to foster collaboration around social justice issues. Learn more about the Challenge and how to participate here:

TechSoup Talks! Webinars take place on September 21 and 30.

Inworld we share these links to our community sites:
Nonprofit Commons blog

Thank you for your contributions to the Nonprofit Commons! Stay in touch:

~In Kenzo, Nonprofit Commons Scribe~

Written by: InKenzo

Weekly Update: September 7th at NPC

Events this week

8:30AM Friday meeting at the Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater
Join us this FRIDAY AM for fun sharing on the web and with heat maps as we connect great organizations at

Last week at the NPC:
Nonprofit Commons

Laura24 Kiranov (Laura Jones at HorseNet Horse Rescue in Mt. Airy, MD) shared with us her horse adoption program based between Baltimore and Washington, DC. Laura is a valuable addition to the NPC and HorseNet is featured now on EcoCommons and on the web at

MacZ Urbanwicz (Mackenzie Glander) shared her work with Global Plan-It, a nonprofit bridging gaps in Mali where Mackenzie grew up. MacZ has been helping build out a number of spaces on the Nonprofit Commons islands behind the scenes. Find out more about their work at

Megan, Susan, Evonne and Jessica spoke last week at CALCASA’s National Sexual Assault Conference in Hollywood. Megan’s blog post including video testimonials and Slideshare presentations on Listening Online and Multimedia campaigns can be found at

Layal shared great video tutorials for working on the wiki: and

LilTank Thibedeau is gathering people interested in World Aids Day events inworld, first meeting was this weekend.

ShaunG Lynch is teaching a graduate course in fundraising at McGill University in Montreal and he has 7 student groups looking for organizations to work with, please IM him for details.

RevCheryl is presenting at Sessions will occur at CESL in Second Life (SLURL Marina Del Rey 102, 70, 27). RevCheryl speaks on Sept 16 at 11am EDT.

HB Eternal announced launch of weekly meditations each Sunday at 10am SLT: The Love Foundation is located on Plush NPC.

Note the FACT Social Justice Challenge below is open through October 4th.

Reminder: Submit your Projects to the FACT Social Justice Challenge at NetSquared

The French American Charitable Trust (FACT) and NetSquared are pleased to announce the second annual FACT Social Justice Awards. Submissions are now open for your innovative Projects that leverage web and/or mobile technologies to foster collaboration around social justice issues. Learn more about the Challenge and how to participate here:

TechSoup Talks! Webinars will resume September 21 and 30.

An Easy Inworld Tip:
If you need help inworld click on a mailbox to send a one line message to, our mentors helpdesk – or just drop us a line anytime.

Every week inworld we share these links to our community sites:

Nonprofit Commons blog:


Twitter: @npsl

Google Group:


Here are more ways to get involved with Nonprofit Commons in Second Life:



Weekly Networking Event: Wharf Ratz, Aloft every Tuesday 8PM SLT

Monthly Networking Event: The first Thurs. of every month, at Common Ground, Plush, 5 -7PM SLT

Avatars United:

Thank you for your contributions to the Nonprofit Commons! Stay in touch:

Written by: InKenzo

In the Social Media Kitchen with TechSoup Chefs at NSAC 2010

[cross-posted to TechSoup Blog]

As we mentioned on the blog, TechSoup’s online community staffers along with expert consultants presented at the NSAC (National Sexual Assault Conference) hosted by CALCASA (California Coalition Against Sexual Assault). The five of us social media “chefs” set up our TechSoup social media kitchen at the conference lounge, where folks could drop-in during the conference and get one-on-one help with their social media questions.

We kicked off our tech kitchen with a presentation Social Media: Listen First. Janet Fouts, Susan Tenby, and I discussed the most important part of any social media strategy: listening. Social media is all about joining in the conversation and just like a face-to-face conversation, you want to be an attentive listener for your supporters. Our resource list from the presentation has more information. In addition, Janet’s website has a terrific list of listening tools, as does Beth Kanter’s wiki.

Day 2 was a presentation from Jessica Dally, Evonne Heyning, Susan Tenby, and I on Multimedia Storytelling and Events where we explored the importance of telling your story in a compelling way to engage users with your cause. Evonne gave several examples of anti-violence groups, such as The Girl Effect and We End Violence that have effectively used video to tell their story in a compelling way. Many conference-goers noted the terrific posters on display from We End Violence that took a direct approach, with a touch of humor to bring attention to an important issue.

Helping out in the TechSoup kitchen was a terrific opportunity for us to meet with nonprofit workers in person and really get a sense of the kinds of issues that they are dealing with in their every day work. We addressed a range of questions from, “How do I get Twitter and Facebook to connect with one another?” to “Should you have a public Facebook page when privacy and confidentiality are big concerns?” to “What’s the best way to collaborate online with a group of people?” I also let folks know about a free resource they might not know about, the TechSoup forums, which is open to anyone to post technology questions anytime and get expert answers.

We also met some amazing, inspirational folks doing important work on sexual violence issues. Among them were Chai and Shannon of Hollaback DC, Ann Turner from National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life (NCALL), and Shamra Goy of Family Support Center in Washington. You can view all of their video profiles here.

A big thanks to CALCASA for having us again this year!

What’s your biggest social media question? Post it here in the Emerging Technology forum and get expert answers.

Written by: penguin kuhn

A fun night at Common Grounds

Had a great time at the Common Grounds tonight, dancing and networking with other NPSL tenants. The theme was “Stripes”; and everyone showed up looking their stripingly best!

Zinnia brought up a great question: how can we best share our successes in SL with each other? Of course parties like Common Grounds are always good, but we need to think of more ways to include our peers in other countries and vastly different time zones. Some ideas thrown out there were more community events at various times to accommodate the different times zones, weekly meditation, yoga or tai chi gatherings. We can also use the written word to share our news – post it on the NPSL facebook page ( or write about it on this blog. And how about a Linked In group? All great ideas! If you can think of anything else, bring it up during open mic at a Friday meeting.

We also learned about Ronnie Rhode’s fantastic article on the closing of Teen SL. You can read it here: Congrats Ronnie…great article!

Next month’s Common Grounds theme is Halloween…hope to see you all there again!

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Written by: emellsmere

TechSoup Technology Help Desk Office Hours

TechSoup’s Nonprofit Commons in Second Life have been great at bringing people together to network, share, and learn about technology and how it can enhance their nonprofit work.

TechSoup has answered the community’s technology questions via telephone, email, and on TechSoup’s forums. This has also begun to occur on TechSoup’s social media sites such as their Linked In and Facebook group.

In keeping with this tradition, we have decided to experiment with having TechSoup Technology Help Desk Office Hours inside Second Life.

Basically, this is Tech Support not just for Second Life related questions, but for any technology involving TechSoup members and the TechSoup community. This can include basic help with social media as well.

I have been holding these office hours regularly for a couple of weeks and it appears that between 4-6pm Pacific Time has been ideal so far. But, suggestions will be taken into consideration on when this should be happening.

So, feel free to stop by and ask questions about the technology that serves your organization’s needs today. I

f we don’t know the answer, we will make sure to get you to someone who does. You can help us get the word out to other organizations about the availability of this service.

Examples of questions you can ask us:

How do I find information about building a good Website for my organization?

Are there any good calendar solutions available for free out there?

How can I get in touch with someone that will help me figure out how to install MS Office that I bought from TechSoup?

To see a list of topics that you can discuss on TechSoup’s forums, click here.

TechSoup’s Office inside Second Life:

New to Second Life? Sign up instructions are here:

Nonprofit Commons Event Calendar where the office hours are posted:

Tweet: @TechSoup has a Technology Help Desk @npsl in Second Life, find out more:

Written by: Layal

Techsoup @CALCASA National Sexual Assault Conference

This week the @NPSL leaders are speaking at the National Sexual Assault Conference hosted by @CALCASA in Hollywood, CA. Susan Tenby and Megan Keane are on a panel with Janet Fouts today on LISTENING online, engaging through finding, hearing and connecting with your greater audience.

Listen NSAC

There are presenters and exhibitors here from state and government agencies, nonprofits and technology service providers assisting the domestic violence and sexual assault agencies around the United States. Some use very unusual methods to get their stories across.

Tomorrow Jessica Dally, Megan Keane, Susan Tenby and Evonne Heyning will be leading a panel at 8:30AM Thursday on storytelling across many media channels online. We look forward to sharing tools and tips with this audience and sharing them with you! We are doing a mixed reality tour today at 2PM with Buffy Beale inworld if you’d like to join us here #NSAC.

Written by: InKenzo

Weekly Update from the Nonprofit Commons: August 30, 2010

Weekly Update from the Nonprofit Commons

Events this week:
Mixed Reality Tour led by Buffy Beale!
Wednesday September 1st at 2PM PST from 2010 National Sexual Assault Conference (NSAC)
 in Hollywood CA. Follow @calcasa and the #nsac hashtag on Twitter

8:30AM Friday meeting at the Plush Nonprofit Commons Amphitheatre
Join us this FRIDAY AM for Meet Your Neighbor with new tenants Laura24 Kiranov of HorseNet and MacZ Urbanowicz with Global PlanIt, along with a recap from the NSAC Conference and more on the NPC Wiki as we build it together at

Last week at the NPC:
Rik from Global Kids (Rik Riel inSL) shared approaches to transitioning 16 & 17 year olds into the adult grid, use of PG sims for youth-friendly zones and combining sims with allied organizations. There was consensus that we want to invite youth to participate at NPC and create some sort of portal space for new teen tenants.
 Denise Harrison at NPC wrote a great article on this shift for teen educational programming:…

Sandra Andrews spoke about Amy Sample Ward and Netsquared’s work with the Community Organizers Handbook (Ozma Malibu inSL), now available on the web at

Community Organizers Handbook

Layal (Ninlil Xentiltat inSL) spoke to the desire of many organizations to create office hours, and Tina Walker has been working with her on the wiki to track office hours and avatars available.

Penguin and the web team have been hard at work bringing on new bloggers and helping to train, with help from Ninlil on Flickr and In Kenzo on the content. New bloggers are welcome to add pieces on upcoming events, opportunities of interest, inworld meetups relevant to our work at NPC.

Penguin, Glitteractica, Kali and In Kenzo will be at the NSAC Conference with @CALCASA sharing social media secrets for nonprofit organizations along with mixed reality tours on September 1st.

Note the FACT Social Justice Challenge below is open through October 4th.

Reminder: Submit your Projects to the FACT Social Justice Challenge at NetSquared
The French American Charitable Trust (FACT) and NetSquared are pleased to announce the second annual FACT Social Justice Awards. Submissions are now open for your innovative Projects that leverage web and/or mobile technologies to foster collaboration around social justice issues. Learn more about the Challenge and how to participate here:

4:00 AM SLT
Instructor: Ishtar Roussel
Builders Brewery, Dockside

In class one we will make a group of wild roses or similar type flower. You will learn how to choose quality textures for your plant making, how to use cam controls to help with plant making, how to apply textures to the faces of the prims, how to make your flowers flexible, how to arrange the prims to form the plant shape, and how to add wind to make the flowers move slightly in the breeze.

This class is suitable for people who are new to building, and we will move at a gentle pace. It is not suitable for anyone who is not yet familiar with the controls in their viewer.

An Easy Inworld Tip:
Snapshots from inworld events can be sent directly to your favorite photo service via email address – send to email when taking a snapshot by grabbing the custom URL from Flickr or your photo host. Don’t forget to tag your photos #NPSL so we can find them.

Thank you for your contributions to the Nonprofit Commons! Stay in touch:

Written by: InKenzo